
Hi, Matt.

Mar 7th, 2016
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  1. [8:50:53 PM] Fox Matt: i dunno, it's exploring 3D elements with 2 D characters, it's got an interesting concept, it's presenting the same sort of world construction that Kirby's Yarn adventure and Yoshi's wooly world presented (both of those games fit into a theming group) so... I dunno
  2. [8:51:11 PM] Fox Matt: i feel it'd be better to honestly play the game for yourself and develop an opinion before banishing it to damnation
  3. [8:51:30 PM] Zwataketa, The Aspy Gamer: ^
  4. [8:52:11 PM] Josuke Higashikata: The concept is why I got interested in Color Splash's potential despite it being another Sticker Star. Of course we wouldn't get any better opinions without playing the game ourselves. I have Sonic 06 from several years ago and still beaten it before wiping off the save data
  5. [8:52:41 PM | Edited 8:52:45 PM] Josuke Higashikata: Well, it is interesting to have a very inventive world because the fantasy setting really makes it easier
  6. [8:52:52 PM] Josuke Higashikata: Or so I figured
  7. [8:53:13 PM] Josuke Higashikata: We may watch good and/or bad stories to learn what makes things good and learn from anyone's mistakes, but
  8. [8:53:17 PM] Fox Matt: if you want to analyze games and how they could be good or bad
  9. [8:53:28 PM] Fox Matt: compare what we're seeing here for Paper Mario Color Splash
  10. [8:53:29 PM] Fox Matt: to
  11. [8:53:31 PM] Fox Matt: Sonic Boom
  12. [8:53:36 PM] Fox Matt: on any console
  13. [8:53:53 PM] Fox Matt: because sonic boom is an example of how even if you have a concept with potential interesting development
  14. [8:54:00 PM] Fox Matt: shoddy game construction can destroy it
  15. [8:54:26 PM] Fox Matt: or another example is
  16. [8:54:34 PM] Fox Matt: let's look at Freedom Planet vs Freedom Planet 2
  17. [8:54:43 PM] Fox Matt: the developer is completely changing one of the characters
  18. [8:54:46 PM] Fox Matt: the art style is different
  19. [8:54:51 PM] Fox Matt: the graphics look downplayed
  20. [8:54:57 PM] Fox Matt: and the villain seems overhyped
  21. [8:55:07 PM] InhWindfist: ehmmm...
  22. [8:55:10 PM] Fox Matt: so naturally anticipation over the game is mixed
  23. [8:55:17 PM] InhWindfist: strifeisheresoidunno
  24. [8:55:37 PM] Josuke Higashikata: Completely changing one of the charcters? Lilac? Or who? How did you even know how the rest of the graphics would be besides the sprites?
  25. [8:55:37 PM] InhWindfist: imscaredplsdon'tusefp2asanexample
  26. [8:55:50 PM] Josuke Higashikata: ' . '
  27. [8:56:03 PM] Josuke Higashikata: Oooooh ehhhh
  28. [8:56:05 PM] Fox Matt: they showed a screen cap of Lilac in a museum
  29. [8:56:59 PM] Josuke Higashikata: Mm
  30. [8:57:03 PM] Josuke Higashikata: Okay
  31. [8:57:26 PM] Josuke Higashikata: I never really saw it
  32. [8:57:27 PM] Josuke Higashikata: But
  33. [8:59:17 PM] Josuke Higashikata: It's hard to think about Freedom Planet nowadays. Sometimes it comes up. Sure, I can have fun with it other than speedrunning, since it wasn't what I got into Freedom Planet for in the first place. But it won't mean that I dislike speedrunning either.
  34. [9:00:26 PM] Josuke Higashikata: There's not much I really expect from Freedom Planet yet rather than...Well, wild creativity if it's okay enough.
  35. [9:00:32 PM] Josuke Higashikata: Didn't have to be there, but
  36. [9:00:55 PM] Josuke Higashikata: When did you get introduced to Freedom Planet and its fandom?
  37. [9:01:56 PM] Fox Matt: a few months ago
  38. [9:03:00 PM] Josuke Higashikata: Oh
  39. [9:03:31 PM] Josuke Higashikata: I'm sorry for having such a limited vocabulary...So I don't know anything else to say than "oh" to almost every question that's been answered
  40. [9:04:56 PM] Fox Matt:
  41. [9:05:28 PM] Fox Matt:
  42. [9:05:50 PM] Fox Matt: just so you can compare the game graphics for FP1 to FP2
  43. [9:06:43 PM] Josuke Higashikata: Looks the same style which is okay...FP2's graphics...If I can tell, looks omore updated
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