

Mar 23rd, 2014
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  1. -[X] 2 Continue chatting with Jun about the kind of boy's you like... namely cute guys who look good in a dress. Take control of the conversation and tease Jun mercilessly. Assert yourself and flirt like you've got no shame at all. Cause you don't... Sit him in your lap if he doesn't resist and treat him with authority... in short be your usual pushy Manager self.: (Xicree, CrossyCross)
  2. -[X] 2 Continue to ignore her, unless she gets annoying about it. If she does introduce her to Jun as someone who was paid to be a cheap distraction... which she's continuing to be right now.: (Xicree, CrossyCross)
  3. -[X] 2 Don't take too long about it, or you'll make your date sad.: (a2znut, Winged One)
  4. -[X] 2 Ignore her. Its the professional thing to do. After all Jun is much more important and Silver and Kristal are out to play.: (Xicree, CrossyCross)
  5. -[X] 2 Inquire about those pokeball things and if versions exist for beasts that can't naturally fit into tiny spaces.: (a2znut, Winged One)
  6. -[X] 2 Never ever trust her.: (a2znut, Winged One)
  7. [X] 4 Well... she did distract you for that one pile of goo, but she also gave some good advice, so you don't hate her or anything.: (a2znut, Xicree, CrossyCross, Winged One)
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