
SCI 209 Week 5 The Flow of Energy

Oct 27th, 2014
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  3. This pack contains SCI 209 Week 5 NOAA Activity Final Section Marine Adaptations
  5. Geography - General Geography
  6. SCI 209 Week 5
  8. SCI 209 Week 5 Individual Assignment The Flow of Energy
  10. Create a diagram, chart, or illustration in which you depict the flow of energy in marine ecosystems. You may use either a web format in which food chains are included or a biomass pyramid format. The assignment should include the following:
  12. Title Page
  13. Diagram, chart, or illustration of a web format or biomass pyramid
  14. Description of primary productivity
  15. Description of a method used to measure the amount of primary productivity
  16. Description of how primary productivity affects the color of the ocean
  17. List of the factors that cause regional primary productivity to vary among polar, tropical, and temperate oceans
  19. Description of how the selected web or biomass is affected by overfishing
  21. SCI 209 Week 5 Learning  Team Assignment NOAA Activity Final Section Marine Adaptations
  23. Review the Week Three team assignment, NOAA Activity Part Two: Marine Pollution. Please use the same ocean explorative mission you used in the Week Three assignment.
  25. Prepare 20-25 slides (please add the 10-12 slides from the Week Three assignment to this PowerPoint® presentation to reach the 20-25 slide requirement).
  27. Include the following information and address the following questions in your final presentation:
  29. Include detailed presenter notes.
  31. What life exists in your chosen region? List the top 10 prevalent marine organisms from your chosen region.
  33. Select a marine organism from the region and discuss its adaptation to the environment due to natural circumstances or pollution.
  35. Discuss its relationship to the other organisms that live in the same food chain.
  37. Include future adaptations
  39. Select the same animal as you did earlier in this assignment or another animal from the same region and hypothesize how it may need to adapt in the future due to natural circumstances or pollution.
  41. How do the currents and tides affect your selected animal?
  43. What are the geological features of the selected region where your organism dwells?
  45. There are several properties unique to water. Viscosity is the internal resistance to flow. As discussed in Chapter 12 (Trujilo and Thurman, 2008), viscosity changes as temperature and salinity change. Organisms must have extensions or other appendages in order to stay afloat. This is even more important when viscosity is lower in warmer waters. Another adaptation to overcome velocity is streamlining. This is when organisms have a smaller front and tapered back section to move more freely through water. An example of this is the dolphin.  Another properly of water is transparency. It's what allows sunlight to penetrate very deep. This is especially true in the tropics where the water is more nutrient poor. The fewer dissolved nutrients in the water, the deeper light can penetrate. This presents a problem for the organisms which live in sunlit waters. They have to avoid being eaten by predators and want to be able to stalk their prey without being detected. In this discussion, you will describe ways in which they do that. Be sure to review Chapter 12 and Chapter 14 prior to discussing these adaptations.
  47. Option 1
  49. Water has a high transparency. What are at least two methods organisms use to hide from predators in the transparent ocean environment?
  51. Option
  53. Follow the link Now for full guide -
  55. Talk to your professors. Things are a little different when you get to college. Your teachers are more approachable, and you can talk to them during their office hours. This gives you more time to ask questions, but you can also learn more about what drives them. They can help you with ideas for your career after you are done with college as well.
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