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Baron fluff

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Jan 27th, 2016
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  1. Fluff: The subject of a government super soldier project, Joseph was one of the forty seven children that survived to adulthood. His fate was decided 4 years before his birth, when a generation ship underwent a bloody coup. Since the coup, all breeding had been controlled by the Overseer. When the ship arrived to their destination, the Terran government had already colonized the planet with one of their FTL ships. The ship was kept in orbit, it's citizens never knowing that they had reached their destination 30 years ago. Joseph was taken along with a group of 200 other children at the age of six. As breeding was on the ship, each generation was born exactly 20 years after the last. None inbetween, so that the ship would not require to care for a fluctuating number of elderly or young.
  3. Genetically perfect for his role, as all of the children were, Joseph-186 was trained in all manner of military operations, as well as higher education. Eight years after the abduction, the then 14 year old prodigies were subjected to invasive medical treatments. Bones replaced with carbide ceramic through a painful process of nanites eating the natural bone and rebuilding it in a manner that would make them nearly unbreakable. A protein complex was injected into their blood stream, which would cause muscular fibers to grow more densely and reduce the production of lactic acid. The Thyroid was removed and a genetically engineered one put in it's place, to boost the growth of the skeleton and musculature. Their eyes are modified with the genes of a selection of terran fauna, allowing for increased range of eyesight on the color spectrum as well as distance. Their very brains were altered, leading to an increase in reaction speed and memory. 1 in 4 subjects survived the procedures in a state viable for military service.
  5. Surviving the process, the forty odd Squires were outfitted in cutting edge power armor. Put into use in combat in conflicted planets, the KNIGHT program served immensely valuable in the Terran-Ormakym war of Alpha Centauri. So much so, that the generation ship was put into overdrive producing more candidates for the program. With the growing number of KNIGHTs, the process was streamlined and standardized. This led to an overall decrease in quality, but with less than half the washouts. The original KNIGHTS were released from government control, in favor of the cheaper MAMLUKs. Years of backpay, 22 to be exact, left the KNIGHTs wealthy enough to buy their EXCALIBER armor, but little else. Seems highly advanced power armor is pricey. Suddenly adrift in a world new to them, the Knights Errant took to any jobs they could. A small group formed a mercenary company, twenty KNIGHTs total. Joseph-186 was not one of these, instead taking work on the Orelius as a guard. A simple research vessel, John-186 expects a calm working vacation. Might even write that novel, ships are the best places to do that after all.
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