
Epilouge: Jarrad's Jam

Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. Contains: Unwilling prey, multiple preds, preparations, cooking, digestion, disposal and scat.
  5. Jarrad walked deeper into the forest; leaving Mike to his fate with the pink horse. Pocket Knife firmly in hand Jarrad looked back over his shoulder at the scowling beast, making sure she didn’t chase him down before he could get somewhere safe. When finally he couldn’t see them ; Jarrad relaxed but kept his knife at the ready, he wasn’t safe quite yet he still needed to either find camp or something equivalent.
  7. Jarrad kept his wits about him, he had not only his leather bag and Mike’s leather bag he had faith that he would survive the night. Without having to pull the weight of that fat horse Jarrad moved swiftly through Everfree Forest, the landscape becoming familiar after what felt like only a few minutes of walking. Jarrad paused, a buzzing sound filling the area, the wind shook the trees and quickly gained in speed and ferocity becoming a ghostly howl, the blue sky above became blanketed with dark clouds, lit up only briefly by bolts of lightning arcing between them. Rain began to fall and Jarrad was without shelter. Jarrad braced himself and walked in search of any shelter, while the storm raged about him when suddenly just as quickly as it came, the storm disappeared revealing a night sky above.
  9. “Oh no, no no no. What the hell happened? I didn’t pass out did I?” Jarrad said out loud, re-assessing his surroundings “Aw hell, I need to-”
  11. Jarrad stopped talking, his eye having caught the glimpse of light in the distance. Smiling widely and laughing, Jarrad raced to the glow in the distance. His smile and laughter faded, as he drew closer and closer and saw the source of the light wasn’t his camp, but a lantern in the house of the Zebra.
  13. The gargantuan tree was gnarled and age had bared its upper boughs. Lower branches spread out from the trunk at seemingly impossible angles, their growth just as twisted as the mother tree they sprouted from. From each branch hung clay pots, and glass bottles, some corked tight while others were left opened. Past visits to the Zebra had taught him to never ask questions about how or why the Zebra did what she did, unless you wanted to end up like the children she ate. Jarrad lowered his head as he approached the animal skull that overhung the entrance to the Zebra’s lair, recalling the price of requesting her help.
  15. “Sean...that’s who I’ll give to her,” Jarrad whispered before knocking on the door.
  17. Jarrad swallowed hard with what he was was about to do. When the door swung open it was not the Zebra but something that drained the color from Jarrad’s face and made him collapse in absolute fear.
  19. “P...Pega...Pegacorn,” Jarrad stammered, tears blurring his vision.
  21. Twilight Sparkle had answered the door, looking down at the human she spread her wings out and glared at him. Jarrad pointed his knife at her, his body shaking and his legs scuffing against the dirt as he tried to reign in his panic and run for his life.
  23. “Human,” Twilight said her horn lighting up.
  25. Jarrad felt his hand gripped by the wrist and screamed in terror as he was pulled off the ground by a force he could not perceive. Jarrad swung his pocket knife and kicked with wild abandon, his cries of fear echoing into the forest when the same force that had gripped his wrist seized his other limbs by their joints, leaving him immobile. Jarrad was brought face to face with Twilight Sparkle, her glare piercing and frightening.
  27. “You being here is actually quite convenient. Zecora said she had seen two humans roaming around the area where my friend Pinkie Pie wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” Twilight asked, her voice measured.
  29. Jarrad’s heart dropped to his feet when he heard the name, him and Mike had beaten and bagged one of the friends of the leaders of the Equestrian forces. Fear and adrenaline fed a plan in Jarrad’s mind, though half-baked he had to try something.
  31. “Please don’t kill me, please please please. I’ll tell you all I know, j-just let me go; I am a father of seven kids and they need me,” Jarrad said, letting his tears flow freely and shaking his head.
  33. “Yeah-huh, I bet you are,” Twilight replied, rolling her eyes “I will let you go if you tell me everything you know about where my friend and the two humans are,”
  35. “I-I came out to find food for my family,” Jarrad began “When...when I saw two men beating a pink horse with a stick. I hide at first ‘cause I thought they were...bandits,”
  37. “Bandits?” Twilight asked.
  39. “Yes ma’am. I don’t know else to describe them, but they tied your friend up and dragged her away! They were going north west towards the fork on the beaten path last I saw them,” Jarrad rambled off.
  41. Twilight held her piercing glare on Jarrad for a bit longer, using her magic to force him to eye level with her. Jarrad could feel a burning hot coal in the pit of his stomach, the longer he stared at the mare the harder it became to not come clean, when a voice called through the door, a familiar timber that Jarrad was almost overjoyed to hear.
  43. “By the princess Jarrad has been caught, yet he lies to her face without a thought,” Zecora said, stepping from her house.
  45. The rhyming mare’s gut distended underneath her frame and wobbled slightly as she took a few steps towards Jarrad, giving him a hard stare.
  47. “This is one of the louts I saw roaming about,” Zecora said
  49. “Wait. So he is one of the humans who took off with Pinkie?” Twilight asked.
  51. Zecora nodded and Twilight’s face twisted with anger. Jarrad was flung against a nearby tree by the alicorn’s magic, his breath knocked cold from his lung in a shower of bark and splinters of wood erupting from the impact.. Jarrad went limp, his sight went dark and his back felt like it had snapped in two. Jarrad’s forced air back into his lungs and was momentarily relieved that his arms worked as he raised them to try and stop anything coming his way. Twilight gripped him again, twisting his arms behind his back with these ease that a child would have manipulating a rag doll and pressed his face into the dirt before stepping over him.
  53. “I will not ask again, human,” Twilight growled “Where. Is. My. Friend.”
  55. “I don’t know! Jesus, I don’t know, please let me go, I’m sorry!” Jarrad cried out,
  57. “So you kidnapped my friend with plans to do Celestia knows what, and you left her tied up and helpless somewhere in Everfree forest?!” Twilight yelled, her magic bending his arm painfully.
  59. “Princess Sparkle, before you tear flesh and break bone, it’s important to say this one did not act alone,” Zecora said
  61. “You mean he had an accomplice?” Twilight asked.
  63. “Yes! I did! His name is Mike, he’s the one that has your friend! I’m innocent I swear, please let me-” Jarrad babbled until the same force twisting his arm pinched his lips shut.
  65. “Telling me his name doesn’t help me find her, you aren’t innocent at all and worse yet, you lied right to my face,” Twilight said before turning to Zecora “Sorry for all the trouble Zecora, I’m just really worried for Pinkie...You want to split a meal?”
  67. “There is no need for an apology,” Zecora replied, “I will do all I can to help fix this mess and alleviate your stress. Although I do not recommend eating to cure your woes but I have an idea to find out what he knows,”
  69. Jarrad understood the grim end in store for him and burst into tears, frantically flexed and tensed his muscles he tried his hardest to break the grip on his body, stories of the cruelty of the Pegacorns ran through his mind. Twilight Sparkle dedicated a little more concentration to the soon to be meal, keeping his thrashing under control and dragged him with her and Zecora into the hut, his muffled screams barely audible from outside.
  71. Candles confined within glass covers brightly lit the main room of Zecora’s hut; illuminating the names on the bottles and jars of all shapes and sizes that lined the shelves of the circular room. Tribal masks hung over head, looking down on the most eye catching piece of the room the large, black cauldron half filled with a simmering, wicked green liquid. Zecora pulled a rope and water poured from the ceiling into the pot, filling it and diluting it’s color.
  73. “He isn’t going to stay still while we do this. We could hypnotize him, or give him with a drug like an anesthetic,” Twilight said, looking Jarrad up and down.
  75. “We can do no such thing to our cuisine, his mind and body must be clear and clean. Rope and a gag will hold him tight while we feast on him tonight,” Zecora said
  77. Jarrad didn’t give up, even as physical restraints replaced magic ones. Zecora lit the fire and Twilight filled the pot with the human, the water rising right up to under his nose. Jarrad shifted and struggled but each attempt to get his feet under him failed, the smooth metal walls of the inside of the pot causing his feet to slip and dunking his head under the water level. Zecora casually collected different jars and bottles from her shelves before opening baskets and retrieving plants, both dried and fresh. Approaching the pot she peered in at Jarrad who struggled to get back to a position where he could breathe.
  79. “Consuming a human is nutritious for pony kind, delicious with possibilities of all kinds,” Zecora began, adding ingredients to the pot “Though it is the knowledge of his flesh we seek it does not mean we can’t enjoy what we eat so I will add a leek for taste, for it is important to finish this stew that we brew and let none of our human go to waste. Red are best served raw and white are much too sharp, we will chop three yellow onions into the soup to start. Carrots, mushrooms, bay leaves, a hoof full of thyme, the fire rises the meat softens and fills us at dinner time.”
  81. The water’s color began to shift, the greenish liquid changing to pink before turning back to green. Jarrad felt the water begin to stir on it’s own, spinning him as the water warmed up from the fire until it was blistering hot and each time his head went under he saw the masks above moving and looking down at him with glowing eyes chanting in time with the Zebra who spoke in tongues, her voice barely a whisper.
  83. Twilight witnessed in awe that each moment the human seemed to melt into the water, the soup thickening and pulling his head down, silencing his muffled cries until he bobbed back up, looking more and more like a wax figure left too long in the sun; until he went under and all that surfaced were his clothing and the bindings that held him.
  85. Zecora slowed her chanting and the water stopped stirring and ceased it’s prismatic show and left a hearty bowl of thick vegetable stew in its place, simmering and filling the room with a mouth watering taste.
  87. “Wow...Think maybe you could teach me that one?” Twilight asked taking a bowl offered by Zecora.
  89. “In time all can be taught, for now let’s enjoy our human and remember to waste not,” Zecora said with a smile.
  91. Twilight shivered in delight as the taste hit her tongue, the savory taste of the human was simply everywhere in the dish, and mouthful after mouthful of veggies were chewed and the broth gulped down, filling the princesses belly. Zecora partook of the soup too, her coat bristling at her own cooking skill. Bowl after bowl was dished out, the bellies of the two distending softly at first and then sagging slightly towards the floor, sloshing gently with every bowl of soup added to it and trembling with movement as both got more of the human soup. The pot was emptied over the next few hours, Twilight found moving difficult, her sloshing, soft belly spread her legs to make room for itself on the floor.
  93. Twilight rubbed her stuffed gut almost certain she felt the ghostly kick of the consumed human, her hoof squished and deformed the surface of her rotund tummy and sank down into the squishy expanse of purple immobilizing her. Zecora was in a similar situation, instead of rubbing her belly she laid down on her side as best she could looking to snooze while her gurgling gut dealt with the meal. Twilight laid back against the wall, burping slight and getting a second taste of her meal before she took Zecora’s lead and napped.
  95. Twilight saw flashes of light and saw she was on the human’s home planet Earth. Standing in line on a street while men in uniforms ushered her and others through a crudely constructed machine generating a portal before her eyes snapped open and she was back in Zecora’s hut. Twilight pieced together what was happening and went back to rubbing her sagging middle before falling fully asleep.
  97. The dreams came again, though a different scene played in her mind’s eye. This time Twilight walked through Everfree Forest with other humans, before coming upon a clearing, just beyond a wall of thick black brambles. Twilight’s belly softly shifted, her stomach working diligently to process the vast quantities of human soup the alicorn had ingested and while her belly gently gurgled away Twilight saw everything her meal had seen.
  99. Living an entire year in only hours, Twilight saw the precautions they took, she saw where they were in Everfree Forest, saw what they did and saw who they captured and dragged into the forest, never to be seen again. Finally Twilight saw Pinkie Pie, leaving Zecora’s and looking in her direction suddenly, blinking and skipping to the scene where the human digesting in her gut had beaten Pinkie Pie over the head with a rock and knocked her unconscious. Looking up she saw another human, brown haired and thin.
  101. The size of Twilight’s belly diminished over night, the meal adding to her flanks and filling them out and sticking to her belly in the form of a growing paunch and gifting her a pair of soft love handles sitting on top of her slightly more generous hips as Jarrad’s life experiences were packed into a mere sleep cycle that Twilight woke from refreshed, if a little sore from sleeping on the floor. Standing up, she felt the weight added to her figure and sighed.
  103. “They are delicious but jeez they are fattening,” Twilight muttered.
  105. Twilight sought out Zecora’s bathroom, eventually finding the outhouse a little ways outside the hut. Twilight opened the door and sat her plumper ass down on toilet seat. The trickling sound of an emptying bladder were quickly taken over by the sound of a thick hot fart erupting from her pucker. As if a forewarning of what was to come Twilight did not have to push at all before chunk after brown chunk of waste fell from the ring of her anus; the ponut stretching to accommodate what was left of Jarrad on his way out. Twilight could feel pressure in her gut subsiding and her swollen middle shrank, the flow of human excrement briefly interrupted by a single long fart before a wet coil of shit slid from between her cheeks and plops onto the the rest of last nights meal.
  107. Twilight sat there for a few moments longer, grunting and straining a little and making sure that she was truly done with that human before cleaning herself up. Walking back to Zecora’s hut Twilight smiled, replaying the dreams in her mind.
  109. “A cache of humans in Everfree Forest,” Twilight said to herself “Delicious,”
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