
Telekinesis Part 1

Nov 18th, 2013
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  1. >"What do you mean?"
  2. >This is the third time you've tried explaining to Twilight how you do what you do.
  3. "What I mean is I simply cease to be here-"
  4. >You cease to be by Twilight in the middle of the library, with all the magical detectors and gizmos and widgets and such.
  5. "-and start to be here."
  6. >You start to be by the door of the library.
  7. >The gadgets don't register so much as a blip of magic. Not even a thaum.
  8. >"But that makes no sense!"
  9. >You try to think of more stuff to mess with Twilight.
  10. "In fact, I bet I can hover."
  11. >Before she can splutter more about how impossible you're being, you step up and plant your foot firmly in the air.
  12. >And raise the other one to meet it, and plant that one in the air.
  13. >You are now hovering. Twilight's jaw is hanging slack, her eyes staring at you uncomfortably.
  14. >You walk back over to the middle of the room, still in mid-air, and ask her your question. The one you've been trying to get answered for days.
  15. "How do I use telekinesis?"
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