
startup log

Jun 4th, 2014
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  2. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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  6. \deftab720
  8. \itap1\trowd \taflags0 \trgaph108\trleft-108 \trbrdrt\brdrnil \trbrdrl\brdrnil \trbrdrt\brdrnil \trbrdrr\brdrnil
  9. \clvertalc \clshdrawnil \clwWidth17520\clftsWidth3 \clmart10 \clmarl10 \clmarb10 \clmarr10 \clbrdrt\brdrnil \clbrdrl\brdrnil \clbrdrb\brdrnil \clbrdrr\brdrnil \clpadt40 \clpadl40 \clpadb40 \clpadr40 \gaph\cellx8640
  10. \pard\intbl\itap1\pardeftab720\sl360\partightenfactor0
  12. \f0\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
  13. \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 04.06 18:28:22 [Server] WARN \'a7a[Punishmental] Lag cheker running\
  14. 04.06 18:28:22 [Server] WARN \'a7a[Punishmental] Starting lag checker\
  15. 04.06 18:28:22 [Server] WARN \'a7c[Punishmental] If the server was running fine when this happened, please consider deactivating or raising the failsafe value in the Punishmental Config Settings\
  16. 04.06 18:28:22 [Server] WARN \'a7c[Punishmental] Failsafe Activated to prevent server lock-up\
  17. 04.06 18:28:22 [Server] INFO Updater terminated!\
  18. 04.06 18:28:07 [Server] INFO Plugin updater started!\
  19. 04.06 18:28:07 [Server] INFO Starting plugin updater...\
  20. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Plugin is up to date!\
  21. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO check loop complete, no different found. Checking lengths...\
  22. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Comparing 5 to 5\
  23. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Comparing 4 to 4\
  24. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Comparing 1 to 1\
  25. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Running check loop...\
  26. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO New version: 1.4.5\
  27. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Original version: 1.4.5\
  28. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Loaded 5 package(s) into the cache.\
  29. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Loading default resource pack\
  30. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] WARN \'a7a[Punishmental] Lag cheker running\
  31. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] WARN \'a7a[Punishmental] Starting lag checker\
  32. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] WARN \'a7c[Punishmental] If the server was running fine when this happened, please consider deactivating or raising the failsafe value in the Punishmental Config Settings\
  33. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] WARN \'a7c[Punishmental] Failsafe Activated to prevent server lock-up\
  34. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO No update was found.\
  35. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Took 23ms to get 48 offline players.\
  36. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Post-enable finished.\
  37. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO We didn't find an update!\
  38. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Loaded 0 queued votes\
  39. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Loading queued votes\
  40. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Post-enable running...\
  41. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO [SQLite] Connection established!\
  42. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO\
  43. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Download it on Bukkit Dev:\
  44. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Found a new version available: v1.8.2\
  45. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Plugin is now ready to be used.\
  46. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Authenticated with the specified Secret key.\
  47. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Files already converted to UUID.\
  48. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Metrics started:\
  49. 04.06 18:28:06 [Server] INFO Accepted EditSessionFactory of type net.coreprotect.worldedit.CoreProtectEditSessionFactory from net.coreprotect.worldedit\
  50. 04.06 18:28:05 [Server] Startup Done (12.538s)! For help, type "help" or "?"\
  51. 04.06 18:28:05 [Server] INFO Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it\
  52. 04.06 18:28:05 [Server] INFO uCarsRace v4 has been enabled!\
  53. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] WARN Disabling reward system...\
  54. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] WARN Attempted to enable rewards but Vault/Economy NOT found. Please install vault to use this feature!\
  55. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Loading information!\
  56. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Loading tracks...\
  57. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Config loaded!\
  58. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Successfully hooked into by: uCarsRace\
  59. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Reading config...\
  60. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Enabling uCarsRace v4\
  61. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO v1.2.1 enabled!\
  62. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Loaded Paintball arenas: a\
  63. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Enabling ArenaPaintball v1.2.1\
  64. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsAntiBuild v2.13.1\
  65. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO v1.5.1 enabled!\
  66. 04.06 18:28:04 [Server] INFO Loaded Spleef arenas: b\
  67. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Enabling ArenaSpleef v1.5.1\
  68. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.13.1\
  69. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.13.1\
  70. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO v3.9.7.8 enabled!\
  71. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO registering classes: gladiator, archer, monk\
  72. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO no additional Arena modules\
  73. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO WorldGuard detected. WorldGuard regions can now be used\
  74. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO WorldEdit detected.\
  75. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Multiverse-Inventories detected. Implementing teleport/gamemode workarounds\
  76. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Multiverse-Core detected. Implementing teleport/gamemode workarounds\
  77. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO LibsDisguises detected. Implementing disguises\
  78. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Essentials detected. God mode handling activated\
  79. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO BattleTracker not detected, not tracking wins\
  80. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO v3.9.7.8 enabling!\
  81. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Enabling BattleArena v3.9.7.8\
  82. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsChat v2.13.1\
  83. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Register loaded! Found an economy plugin!\
  84. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Enabling ChestShop v3.7.8\
  85. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO CraftBook v3.8.9 is the latest version available, and the updatability of it is: NO_UPDATE. You currently have version CraftBook v3.8.9 installed.\
  86. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO 3824 chunk(s) for 6 world(s) processed (191ms elapsed)\
  87. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Using external NmsBlock for this version: CBXNmsBlock_175_5xcompat\
  88. 04.06 18:28:03 [Server] INFO Enumerating chunks for self-triggered components...\
  89. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Registered 3 custom recipes!\
  90. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Loading persistent data from YAML!\
  91. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Enabling CraftBook v3.8-SNAPSHOT:3803-e037f90,master\
  92. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO 22 Destinations loaded!\
  93. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO 12 Portals loaded!\
  94. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Enabling WarpPortals v5.6.3\
  95. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO uCars has been enabled!\
  96. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Enabling uCars v18\
  97. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO 29 - Portals(s) loaded\
  98. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] WARN Portal 'j' not loaded due to invalid location!\
  99. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] WARN Portal j has an invalid LOCATION!\
  100. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] WARN Failed Parsing World for: j (World Error, World did not exist or was not imported into Multiverse-Core!)\
  101. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] WARN Portal 'BackHome' not loaded due to invalid location!\
  102. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] WARN Portal BackHome has an invalid LOCATION!\
  103. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] WARN Failed Parsing Location for: BackHome (Format Error, was expecting: `X,Y,Z:X,Y,Z`, but got: ``)\
  104. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO - Version 2.5-b699 Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret\
  105. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Enabling Multiverse-Portals v2.5-b699\
  106. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Enabling LibsDisguises v8.2.0\
  107. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO For reference, the main world's spawn location is at X: -2240.0 Y: 238.0 Z: 1330.0\
  108. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO [CONFIG] Successfully hooked into DynMap for the ability to display borders.\
  109. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO [CONFIG] Border-checking timed task started.\
  110. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO [CONFIG] Using elliptic/round border, knockback of 3.0 blocks, and timer delay of 5.\
  111. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Enabling WorldBorder v1.8.0\
  112. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Payment method found (iConomy version: 6)\
  113. 04.06 18:28:02 [Server] INFO Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions.\
  114. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Enabling Essentials v2.13.1\
  115. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO UltimatePluginUpdater v4 has been enabled!\
  116. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Multiverse-Core!\
  117. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable EasyFall!\
  118. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable uCars!\
  119. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable NPCWarehouse!\
  120. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable ColoredSigns!\
  121. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable ArenaSpleef!\
  122. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Citizens!\
  123. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable LogBlock!\
  124. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable TrollCommands!\
  125. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable ColorShuffle!\
  126. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable PlayerVaults!\
  127. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable BasicVanish!\
  128. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Playtime!\
  129. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable iControlU!\
  130. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable WorldEdit!\
  131. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable AutoBroadcaster!\
  132. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable MobBountyReloaded!\
  133. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable PlayerStatusSigns!\
  134. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable NoCheatPlus!\
  135. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable BouncySponge!\
  136. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable AdvancedWarp!\
  137. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable PermissionsEx!\
  138. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Chairs!\
  139. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Nyan!\
  140. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable BouncyBeds!\
  141. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable VoxelSniper!\
  142. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable AdminColorChat!\
  143. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable dynmap!\
  144. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable LoginSecurity!\
  145. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Bleed!\
  146. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable CleanroomGenerator!\
  147. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable RandomLocationTeleporter!\
  148. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Skillz!\
  149. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Prankster!\
  150. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable DeathHeads!\
  151. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable WorldBorder!\
  152. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Vitals!\
  153. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Multiverse-Inventories!\
  154. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Votifier!\
  155. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Multiverse-Portals!\
  156. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable CommandBook!\
  157. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable IslandWorld!\
  158. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable BattleArena!\
  159. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable iConomy!\
  160. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable CoreProtect!\
  161. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Slap!\
  162. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable MineReset!\
  163. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable EditServerMessage!\
  164. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable CrackShot!\
  165. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Carz!\
  166. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable LinksOnSigns!\
  167. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable NoobResponse!\
  168. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Exams!\
  169. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable UltimatePluginUpdater!\
  170. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable AreaProtect!\
  171. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable StarGates!\
  172. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Essentials!\
  173. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable ArenaPaintball!\
  174. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable MailBox!\
  175. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable DrugMeUp!\
  176. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable PrivateWarps!\
  177. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable PlugMan!\
  178. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable BlockBounce!\
  179. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable StatusSign!\
  180. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Vault!\
  181. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable mcMMO!\
  182. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable MyWarp!\
  183. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Orebfuscator!\
  184. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable CraftBook!\
  185. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Parachute!\
  186. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable NoFallDamage!\
  187. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable FirstJoinPlus!\
  188. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable WorldGuard!\
  189. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable BattleKits!\
  190. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable AnimalShop!\
  191. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Punishmental!\
  192. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable KingKits!\
  193. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable ChestShop!\
  194. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable Buycraft!\
  195. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded updateable ProtocolLib!\
  196. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Config loaded!\
  197. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Enabling UltimatePluginUpdater v4\
  198. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  199. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  200. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R3.DedicatedServer.init( [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  201. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R3.MinecraftServer.a( [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  202. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R3.MinecraftServer.g( [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  203. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R3.MinecraftServer.n( [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  204. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  205. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugin( [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  206. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  207. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  208. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at ~[craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  209. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at me.frodenkvist.stargate.StarGate.onEnable( ~[?:?]\
  210. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at me.frodenkvist.stargate.StarGate.loadGates( ~[?:?]\
  211. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO at me.frodenkvist.stargate.SG.<init>( ~[?:?]\
  212. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.material.MaterialData cannot be cast to org.bukkit.material.Button\
  213. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] ERROR Error occurred while enabling StarGates v1.1 (Is it up to date?)\
  214. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Enabling StarGates v1.1\
  215. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO customsnakeexample1\
  216. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Enabling SuperMobsX v1.3.0\
  217. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO +---------------------------------------+\
  218. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO | EditServerMessage 4.0 - Enabled |\
  219. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO +---------------------------------------+\
  220. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Enabling EditServerMessage v4.0\
  221. 04.06 18:28:01 [Server] INFO Enabling Skillz vjenkins-Skillz2-26\
  222. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO To change Debug Message granularity, edit the "GriefPrevention.DebugLevel" Setting in config.yml.\
  223. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Debug Message Granularity set to None\
  224. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Reading dataconfiguration from plugins/GriefPrevention/dataconfig.yml\
  225. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Grief Prevention Running for Minecraft 1.7.x\
  226. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Grief Prevention enabled.\
  227. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Enabling GriefPrevention v7.8\
  228. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO No updates found!\
  229. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Enabling FirstJoinPlus v2.1\
  230. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Clearlag is now enabled!\
  231. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Searching for updates..\
  232. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Modules have been loaded!\
  233. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO No config updates found...\
  234. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Loading modules...\
  235. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Enabling ClearLag v2.7.1\
  236. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Gun-mode activated. Boop!\
  237. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Enabling CrackShot v0.97.11\
  238. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Marriage Master has been enabled!\
  239. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO No Permission Plugin found, using default permissions.\
  240. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Enabling MarriageMaster v1.9\
  241. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Using SQLite for data storage.\
  242. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO CoreProtect version 2.0.9 is enabled!\
  243. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Enabling CoreProtect v2.0.9\
  244. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO This error probably occured because it's already registered.\
  245. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Couldn't register the permission node: kingkits.kits.flamethrower\
  246. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO This error probably occured because it's already registered.\
  247. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Couldn't register the permission node: kingkits.kits.flamethrower\
  248. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO This error probably occured because it's already registered.\
  249. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Couldn't register the permission node: kingkits.kits.flamethrower\
  250. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO This error probably occured because it's already registered.\
  251. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Couldn't register the permission node: kingkits.kits.flamethrower\
  252. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO This error probably occured because it's already registered.\
  253. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Couldn't register the permission node: kingkits.kits.flamethrower\
  254. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO This error probably occured because it's already registered.\
  255. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Couldn't register the permission node: kingkits.kits.god\
  256. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO This error probably occured because it's already registered.\
  257. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Couldn't register the permission node: kingkits.kits.god\
  258. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO This error probably occured because it's already registered.\
  259. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Couldn't register the permission node: kingkits.kits.flamethrower\
  260. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO KingKits v2.0.8 by KingFaris10 is now enabled.\
  261. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Enabling KingKits v2.0.8\
  262. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Purged accounts with default balance.\
  263. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Hello, I'm Nijikokun. Yes, this is an April Fools joke, but '/money top' was fixed! Enjoy :) - Rare Version!\
  264. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Enabled (14 ms)\
  265. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO Enabling iConomy v7.0\
  266. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO [Punishmental]: Commands READY\
  267. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO [Punishmental]: WorldEdit found and loaded, loading punishable areas\
  268. 04.06 18:28:00 [Server] INFO [Punishmental]: Connecting to WorldEdit\
  269. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] WARN \'a7a[Punishmental] Lag cheker running\
  270. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] WARN \'a7a[Punishmental] Starting lag checker\
  271. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Enabling Punishmental v5.0\
  272. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO 20 regions loaded for 'MiniGames'\
  273. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO 6 regions loaded for 'KitPVP'\
  274. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO 0 regions loaded for 'spawn'\
  275. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO 2 regions loaded for 'SurvivalWorld'\
  276. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO 0 regions loaded for 'BubbleCraft_the_end'\
  277. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO 23 regions loaded for 'BubbleCraft'\
  278. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Loaded configuration for world 'MiniGames'\
  279. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (MiniGames) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.\
  280. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (MiniGames) Lava fire is blocked.\
  281. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (MiniGames) Lighters are PERMITTED.\
  282. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (MiniGames) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.\
  283. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Loaded configuration for world 'KitPVP'\
  284. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (KitPVP) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.\
  285. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (KitPVP) Lava fire is blocked.\
  286. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (KitPVP) Lighters are PERMITTED.\
  287. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (KitPVP) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.\
  288. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Loaded configuration for world 'spawn'\
  289. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (spawn) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.\
  290. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (spawn) Lava fire is blocked.\
  291. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (spawn) Lighters are PERMITTED.\
  292. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (spawn) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.\
  293. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Loaded configuration for world 'SurvivalWorld'\
  294. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (SurvivalWorld) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.\
  295. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (SurvivalWorld) Lava fire is blocked.\
  296. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (SurvivalWorld) Lighters are PERMITTED.\
  297. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (SurvivalWorld) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.\
  298. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Loaded configuration for world 'BubbleCraft_the_end'\
  299. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (BubbleCraft_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.\
  300. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (BubbleCraft_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.\
  301. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (BubbleCraft_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.\
  302. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (BubbleCraft_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.\
  303. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Loaded configuration for world 'BubbleCraft'\
  304. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (BubbleCraft) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.\
  305. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (BubbleCraft) Lava fire is blocked.\
  306. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (BubbleCraft) Lighters are PERMITTED.\
  307. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO (BubbleCraft) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.\
  308. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Enabling WorldGuard v5.9\
  309. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Enabling HealthBar v1.8.2\
  310. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Unable to connect to the update server!\
  311. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO 0 mine(s) and 0 signs found\
  312. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO MineReset started\
  313. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Loaded generator: RandomGenerator\
  314. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Language file used: english.yml\
  315. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO WorldEdit found, using it for region selection\
  316. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO MineReset is starting up\
  317. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Enabling MineReset v2.0.3\
  318. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO AdminColorChat V.1.1 Has Been Enabled\
  319. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Enabling AdminColorChat v1.1\
  320. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Starting services.. loading file and library's.\
  321. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] WARN PermissionsEx support is disabled.\
  322. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO ColoredSigns enabling.\
  323. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Enabling ColoredSigns v2.0\
  324. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO DeathHeads v1.4 is now enabled.\
  325. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Enabling DeathHeads v1.4\
  326. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO enabled.\
  327. 04.06 18:27:59 [Server] INFO Enabling Multiverse-Inventories v2.5-b335\
  328. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Version 3.10.12-RC-sMD5NET-b700 is enabled.\
  329. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Some settings could have changed, you should regenerate it!\
  330. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] WARN Your configuration might be outdated.\
  331. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Inventory checks: FastConsume is available, disabled InstantEat.\
  332. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Added block-info for Minecraft 1.7.2 blocks.\
  333. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Added block-info for Minecraft 1.6.1 blocks.\
  334. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Added block-info for Minecraft 1.5 blocks.\
  335. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO McAccess set to: 1.7.8|1.7.9 / CB3043-DEV\
  336. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling NoCheatPlus v3.10.12-RC-sMD5NET-b700\
  337. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.\
  338. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling WorldEdit v5.6.2\
  339. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Version 1.4.1 by PogoStick29 has loaded successfully!\
  340. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Version 1.4.1 by PogoStick29 is loading...\
  341. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling Prankster v1.4.1\
  342. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO [LinksOnSigns][LinksOnSigns] loading LinksOnSigns v1.9\
  343. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling LinksOnSigns v1.9\
  344. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Unused enchantments: LURE(62) LUCK(61) \
  345. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling TimTheEnchanter v3.0\
  346. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO GAListener v1.2.1 Enabled\
  347. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling GAListener v1.2.1\
  348. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Votifier enabled.\
  349. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO DEBUG mode enabled!\
  350. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling Votifier v1.9\
  351. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Loaded animation 'example.txt', speed 20.\
  352. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Found ProtocolLib, adding support for player relative variables.\
  353. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling HolographicDisplays v1.8\
  354. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling PlayerVaults v3.5.0\
  355. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling LoginSecurity v2.0.9\
  356. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO PlayerStatusSigns version 0.6 loaded.\
  357. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling PlayerStatusSigns v0.6\
  358. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO StatusSign by Boris\
  359. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Enabling StatusSign v1.0\
  360. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO ... 13 more\
  361. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:1.7.0_40]\
  362. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:1.7.0_40]\
  363. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at ~[craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  364. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at ~[craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  365. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at ~[?:1.7.0_40]\
  366. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at Method) ~[?:1.7.0_40]\
  367. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at$ ~[?:1.7.0_40]\
  368. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at$ ~[?:1.7.0_40]\
  369. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission\
  370. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  371. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\
  372. 04.06 18:27:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R3.DedicatedServer.init( [craftbukkit_dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.1-6-g4d832c3-b3090jnks]\cell \lastrow\row
  373. }
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