
Helpful Fairy

Feb 8th, 2019
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  1. It always amazes me how the wandering scholar doesn’t get raped into next week by a non married girl. He must have a mana marker he doesn’t realize exist or someone has already left her scent on him when he didn’t notice.
  3. The Leanan Sidhe with him probably helps protect him.
  5. How does a meek little fairy stop a horny monster?
  7. It's pretty cute imaging the two trying to make their way through difficult terrain like a muddy swamp, or her struggling against a horny monster and not really doing much but being a distraction but managing to give the WS time to escape. She always does her best!
  9. I think it’s cute to imagine all the passes she makes at him only to have circumstances interrupt her, but she still keeps her chin up.
  10. >”Look scholar, a rare fruit that induces lust! They say even sniffing its aroma can drive a single man wild with desire~”
  11. >”Fantastic find, Sidhe! I’ll be sure to affix my protective gas mask as we enter this forest!”
  12. >”Uwaaaaah...”
  14. >They come across a chuuni Dark Mage hermit
  15. >”Ufufu, my my. What are you two doing lost in my deep dark swamp?”
  16. >”We are looking for magical items and spells to record!”
  17. >”Ohoho, is that so? Well, my mystic eye of Shoreynga can detect the unrequited lust of a being when activated. Shall I demonstrate~?”
  18. >”Oh yes please!”
  19. >”S-scholar, perhaps we should move on-“
  20. >”Silence, fae! Behold, the power of my dark eyyyAAAAAAAAIIIIIIII!!!”
  21. >”Ma’am?! What’s wrong?!”
  22. >”Blinding, it’s so blinding! Oh sweet mercy, it’s like a sun shining right in front of me!”
  23. >Sidhe has a puzzled smile outwardly, but cold, sighing eyes while saying ‘I know’ internally
  25. Too adorable. She'll get him someday if she keeps her spirits up!
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