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Jun 30th, 2017
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  1. ChilkatLog:
  2. SendEmail:
  3. DllDate: Jul 10 2013
  4. ChilkatVersion:
  5. UnlockPrefix: JONASSMAILQ
  6. Username: CADDYMASTER:pos
  7. Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit
  8. Language: ActiveX
  9. VerboseLogging: 0
  10. recipients:
  12. totalCount: 1
  13. --recipients
  14. renderToMime:
  15. createEmailForSending:
  16. xSigningAlg: sha1
  17. Auto-generating Message-ID
  18. --createEmailForSending
  19. renderToMime: Elapsed time: 0 millisec
  20. --renderToMime
  21. progressTotal: 4218
  22. SmtpConnect:
  23. SmtpHost:
  24. SmtpPort: 587
  25. SmtpUsername:
  26. SmtpSsl: 0
  27. StartTLS: 1
  28. Need new SMTP connection
  29. checkForExistingConnection: Elapsed time: 0 millisec
  30. SMTP_Connect:
  31. Connecting to SMTP server
  32. smtp_host:
  33. smtp_port: 587
  34. smtp_user:
  35. ConnectTimeoutMs_1: 30000
  36. calling ConnectSocket2
  37. IPV6 enabled connect with NO heartbeat.
  38. connectingTo:
  39. resolveHostname1:
  40. Resolving domain name (IPV4) via gethostbyname
  41. --resolveHostname1
  42. GetHostByNameHB_ipv4: Elapsed time: 16 millisec
  43. myIP_1:
  44. myPort_1: 55921
  45. connect successful (1)
  46. Turning on TCP_NODELAY.
  47. socketOptions:
  48. SO_SNDBUF: 8192
  49. SO_RCVBUF: 8192
  50. TCP_NODELAY: 1
  51. --socketOptions
  52. socketConnect: Elapsed time: 109 millisec
  53. SmtpCmdResp: 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Fri, 30 Jun 2017 16:48:36 +0000
  54. initialResponse: Elapsed time: 94 millisec
  55. ehloCommand: EHLO CaddyMaster
  56. Will be using STARTTLS...
  57. SmtpCmdSent: EHLO CaddyMaster<CRLF>
  58. SmtpCmdResp: Hello []
  59. SmtpCmdResp: 250-SIZE 157286400
  60. SmtpCmdResp: 250-PIPELINING
  61. SmtpCmdResp: 250-DSN
  63. SmtpCmdResp: 250-STARTTLS
  64. SmtpCmdResp: 250-8BITMIME
  65. SmtpCmdResp: 250-BINARYMIME
  66. SmtpCmdResp: 250 CHUNKING
  67. ehloResponse: Hello []
  68. 250-SIZE 157286400
  69. 250-PIPELINING
  70. 250-DSN
  72. 250-STARTTLS
  73. 250-8BITMIME
  74. 250-BINARYMIME
  75. 250 CHUNKING
  76. SmtpCmdSent: STARTTLS<CRLF>
  77. SmtpCmdResp: 220 2.0.0 SMTP server ready
  78. clientHandshake:
  79. clientHelloMajorMinorVersion: 3.1
  80. buildClientHello:
  81. majorVersion: 3
  82. minorVersion: 1
  83. numRandomBytes: 32
  84. sessionIdSize: 0
  85. numCipherSuites: 10
  86. numCompressionMethods: 1
  87. --buildClientHello
  88. readIncomingTls_serverHello:
  89. processTlsRecord:
  90. processHandshake:
  91. handshakeMessageType: ServerHello
  92. handshakeMessageLen: 0x46
  93. processHandshakeMessage:
  94. MessageType: ServerHello
  95. Processing ServerHello...
  96. ServerHello:
  97. MajorVersion: 3
  98. MinorVersion: 1
  99. SessionIdLen: 32
  100. CipherSuite: RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
  101. CipherSuite: 00,35
  102. CompressionMethod: 0
  103. Queueing ServerHello message.
  104. ServerHello is OK.
  105. --ServerHello
  106. --processHandshakeMessage
  107. handshakeMessageType: Certificate
  108. handshakeMessageLen: 0xb89
  109. processHandshakeMessage:
  110. MessageType: Certificate
  111. ProcessCertificates:
  112. Certificate:
  113. derSize: 1770
  114. certSubjectCN:
  115. certSerial: 084935410975E413EBF074BB740CE942
  116. certIssuerCN: DigiCert Cloud Services CA-1
  117. --Certificate
  118. Certificate:
  119. derSize: 1174
  120. certSubjectCN: DigiCert Cloud Services CA-1
  121. certSerial: 019EC1C6BD3F597BB20C3338E551D877
  122. certIssuerCN: DigiCert Global Root CA
  123. --Certificate
  124. NumCertificates: 2
  125. Queueing Certificates message...
  126. --ProcessCertificates
  127. --processHandshakeMessage
  128. handshakeMessageType: CertificateRequest
  129. handshakeMessageLen: 0x6
  130. processHandshakeMessage:
  131. MessageType: CertificateRequest
  132. CertificateRequest:
  133. NumCertificateTypes: 3
  134. Certificate Type: RSA Sign
  135. Certificate Type: DSS Sign
  136. OtherCertificateType: 64
  137. totalLen: 0
  138. NumDistinguishedNames: 0
  139. CertificateRequest message is OK.
  140. Queueing CertificateRequest message.
  141. --CertificateRequest
  142. --processHandshakeMessage
  143. handshakeMessageType: ServerHelloDone
  144. handshakeMessageLen: 0x0
  145. processHandshakeMessage:
  146. MessageType: ServerHelloDone
  147. Queueing HelloDone message.
  148. --processHandshakeMessage
  149. --processHandshake
  150. --processTlsRecord
  151. --readIncomingTls_serverHello
  152. HandshakeQueue:
  153. MessageType: ServerHello
  154. MessageType: Certificate
  155. MessageType: CertificateRequest
  156. MessageType: ServerHelloDone
  157. --HandshakeQueue
  158. Dequeued ServerHello message.
  159. Dequeued Certificate message.
  160. Dequeued CertificateRequest message.
  161. DequeuedMessageType: ServerHelloDone
  162. OK to ServerHelloDone!
  163. Sending 0-length certificate (this is normal).
  164. CertificatesMessage:
  165. numCerts: 0
  166. CertificateSize: 0x3
  167. --CertificatesMessage
  168. Encrypted pre-master secret with server certificate RSA public key is OK.
  169. Sending ClientKeyExchange...
  170. Sent ClientKeyExchange message.
  171. Sending ChangeCipherSpec...
  172. Sent ChangeCipherSpec message.
  173. Derived keys.
  174. Installed new outgoing security params.
  175. Sending FINISHED message..
  176. algorithm: aes
  177. keyLength: 256
  178. Sent FINISHED message..
  179. readIncomingTls_changeCipherSpec2:
  180. processTlsRecord:
  181. processChangeCipherSpec:
  182. ccsProtocolType: 1
  183. --processChangeCipherSpec
  184. --processTlsRecord
  185. --readIncomingTls_changeCipherSpec2
  186. readIncomingTls_handshakeFinished2:
  187. processTlsRecord:
  188. processHandshake:
  189. handshakeMessageType: HandshakeFinished
  190. handshakeMessageLen: 0xc
  191. processHandshakeMessage:
  192. MessageType: HandshakeFinished
  193. FinishedMsgLen: 12
  194. Queueing Finished message.
  195. --processHandshakeMessage
  196. --processHandshake
  197. --processTlsRecord
  198. --readIncomingTls_handshakeFinished2
  199. Dequeue the FINISHED message...
  200. Dequeued Finished message.
  201. Handshake completed successfully.
  202. --clientHandshake
  203. Secure Channel Established.
  204. TLS connection established.
  205. SmtpCmdSent: EHLO CaddyMaster<CRLF>
  206. sendEhlo: Elapsed time: 359 millisec
  207. SmtpCmdResp: Hello []
  208. SmtpCmdResp: 250-SIZE 157286400
  209. SmtpCmdResp: 250-PIPELINING
  210. SmtpCmdResp: 250-DSN
  212. SmtpCmdResp: 250-AUTH LOGIN XOAUTH2
  213. SmtpCmdResp: 250-8BITMIME
  214. SmtpCmdResp: 250-BINARYMIME
  215. SmtpCmdResp: 250 CHUNKING
  216. ehloResponse: Hello []
  217. 250-SIZE 157286400
  218. 250-PIPELINING
  219. 250-DSN
  222. 250-8BITMIME
  223. 250-BINARYMIME
  224. 250 CHUNKING
  225. login_method: LOGIN
  226. auth_login_1:
  227. SmtpCmdSent: AUTH LOGIN<CRLF>
  228. SmtpCmdResp: 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
  229. SmtpCmdSent: bWFuYWdlckBrbm9sbHdvb2RjYy5jb20=<CRLF>
  230. SmtpCmdResp: 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
  231. SmtpCmdSent: <password><CRLF>
  232. SmtpCmdResp: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful []
  233. 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful []
  234. Failed to get response to login password
  235. --auth_login_1
  236. Failed to login using LOGIN method
  237. --SMTP_Connect
  238. checkOrMakeSmtpConnection: Elapsed time: 7098 millisec
  239. --SmtpConnect
  240. Failed.
  241. --SendEmail
  242. --ChilkatLog
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