
Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-06 1435 +HerstalP90

Jan 5th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-06 1435 +HerstalP90
  4. __
  7. +HerstalP90 __ Uh, dummy - garbage in - garbage out. *You are writing RUBBISH so why would you expect anything different?* What the f_kc are you talking about "no valid arguments"? My argument(s) - _which are both sound and valid_ - is that *there is no footage of genuine zero gravity that is free from clever cuts, sneaky edits and misdirecting pans.*
  9. *If this message does not display in full search for:* +"Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-06 1435"
  11. Upon scrutiny we can find all kinds of problems and defects. My argument(s) - _which are both sound and valid_ - is that you won't find genuine examples of alleged "astronauts" swallowing. There will ALWAYS be some kind of sneaky edit IF NOT a complete obscuring of the alleged "swallowing" process. You are NOT paying attention. You are watching only CASUALLY. You are watching on the BELIEF it's all real and so you are missing all the obvious TELLS.
  13. *There is more cheating when it comes to alleged "astronauts" swallowing than you will find in p0rn movies.* What the f_kc is wrong with you? You were asked a question and you have relentlessly avoided it. You are avoiding it because you are retarded.
  17. The answer - _of course_ - is because you simply BELIEVE there is one and because you TRUST the people who are telling you it is real even though they are representatives of the same groups of people you believe drop bombs on innocent children. You SUCKER. You trust that con-artists would not EVER dare lie to you. _You SUCKER._
  19. You are not that clever and you have NOT thought this through. Besides, if the alleged "ISS" were real do you really think it would be POSSIBLE to so easily doubt it? *Do you see anyone on YouTube OR the Internet alleging that last year's Wimbledon men's tennis final was a f_kcing hologram or CGI or any kind of *MADNESS* like that?* Of course not. To do any of those things WOULD be madness. We are not as "insane" or as "crazy" as you need us to be. You need to believe we are "insane" and "crazy" so that you can remain comfortable in denial. If you are wrong about the "ISS" then your world is turned upside-down.
  21. Pay attention you twit: *REAL and GENUINE things are almost always *DIFFICULT* to doubt whereas FAKE and FABRICATED things are almost always *EASY* to doubt.*
  23. *The reason you are not able to see the myriad of flaws is because you are belief controlled.* They are ALWAYS present (in EVERY "NASA"/"ISS" video) but you are unconsciously filtering them out (you don't even see/notice them because you are belief controlled).
  25. You simply *believe it is all real and therefore every single oddity and anomaly MUST have a logical and natural explanation.* But you have NEVER examined this issue. You have just ASSUMED. You have ASSUMED we MUST be wrong. Because why would those nice people who drop atomic bombs on children ever lie? Kill large numbers of innocent men, women and children? Oh, sure! That's no problem! You can believe they do that! But lie to large numbers of innocent men, women and children? Oh no! No way! NEVER! Killing is okay. Lying is taboo. You CANNOT believe that the same groups of people who KILL large numbers of innocent people would EVER lie to people! _No way!_
  27. _*Good grief you are a STUPID FOOL.*_
  29. I know that you haven't examined this issue because it's not possible to scrutinise the alleged "ISS" *and continue* to believe it MUST be real. There are just too many things WRONG with the claim. The "ISS" is what PROVES we are living in a lie system. The lie system forces entire populations to BELIEVE simply by withholding sufficient proof and forcing each person (like yourself) to use your imagination to fill in the blanks. *You have NEVER seen sufficient proof.* You have only ever seen proof's APPEARANCES. All of this is LOST on you.
  31. The instant you examine the alleged "ISS" in terms of a MAGIC TRICK you can instantly see how it's done. It's really not that difficult. The MAGIC is in the BELIEF. When you believe it is real you become fascinated by the "zero gravity". You are taken INTO the experience. And that's when the MESSAGES of the "astronauts" can be slipped into your head. Hey dummy, have you ever seen a magic show? Do you understand the magician isn't really making any bunny rabbits appear or disappear? Do you understand the magician isn't really cutting his assistant in half? Do you understand that? I don't think you do. I think you are one of those people who think "magic shows" are just something for "stage magicians" like "David Copperfield" and "Derren Brown". You think that illusionists ONLY perform on stages to audiences who know they are watching a magic show. You have not grown up yet. You have NOT realised how the world "works". You think there is a "duty of care" to INFORM YOU when something is real and not real. *GOOD GRIEF.*
  33. You have NEVER thought about this. Who the f_kc do the "ISS" spend most of their time talking to? *Why it's innocent CHILDREN you spastic.* What is it they tell those children? Why it's all of those *inspirational messages* about PEACE, UNITY, WORK ETHIC and ENVIRONMENTALISM. You idiot. You are a grown man and haven't even figured out that an "astronaut" is an *INVENTED profession* (do you think anyone could have become one?!) to pass on these "inspirational messages" to CHILDREN. You don't see the "astronauts" doing their "interviews" with universities do you? You don't see them talking to groups of ENGINEERS do you? Don't you think "astronauts" would also be doing talks with ADULTS who are interested in learning about the zero gravity environment?
  35. No. It's just CHILDREN you SPASTIC. It's ALWAYS to CHILDREN. Oh my, you *CLUELESS SPASTIC.* Hey everyone! He hasn't figured out yet that the "astronauts" only ever TALK TO CHILDREN so as to pass on their inspirational LIE SYSTEM messages.
  37. There are shenanigans and you are demonstrating RETARDATION with every message you write. So until YOU change your approach you are going to continue to receive the same kind of messages.
  39. In this reply I have stated MANY things for you to respond to. If your pitiful IQ of "132" is genuine (which I do not believe for a second) then you will formulate something intelligent to say in reply to this so as invalidate ANY of the things I have mentioned. *Will you do that?* _It's unlikely._ You will need a genuine IQ over 100 (105+ would be wonderful) to talk about these things.
  41. *You repeatedly resort to ridicule and abuse but they are not ever arguments.* So far you have addressed exactly NOTHING. Ridicule and abuse are the first and last clutch of low IQ losers like yourself. *You have NOT looked into this.* You are writing to me from a position of total ignorance. *You have only looked at bits and pieces so as to support your belief it is real.* You have looked at the most convincing footage and thought: _"Wow - that was impressive - it must all be real!"_ - If a magician does a convincing trick does that mean it wasn't a trick? Does that mean all of his other- _lesser_ - tricks are not tricks, either? *You are STUPID.* But you don't HAVE to be. *Snap out of it.* Start writing to me like a person with a reasonable intellect and you will get a completely different response.
  43. You have not genuinely examined this issue. _Start asking the right questions, okay?_
  45. Until you are prepared to revise and update your own beliefs about this (and of reality itself - the fact we were all born into a lie system is only just the beginning) you will remain STUCK where you are. Right now - _to me_ - you are indistinguishable from a worthless spastic. You may as well be a lie system representative.
  47. *Pick ANYTHING I have mentioned above and write a SENSIBLE REPLY to it if you disagree _or just go away._*
  54. __________________________________________
  55. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  58. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  61. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  64. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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