Guest User


a guest
Oct 20th, 2016
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  1. confirm:
  2. failed_confirm: $2У вас нет ожидающих приглащений, чтобы принять их!
  3. requires_confirm: '$2Вы точно хотите выполнить это: $1%s$2?&-$2Это нельзя отменить! Если вы уверены: $1/plot confirm'
  4. move:
  5. move_success: $4Плот успешно перемещен.
  6. copy_success: $4Плот успешно скопирован.
  7. requires_unowned: $2Данное место уже занято.
  8. set:
  9. set_attribute: $4Successfully set %s0 set to %s1
  10. web:
  11. generating_link: $1Processing plot...
  12. generating_link_failed: $2Failed to generate download link!
  13. save_failed: $2Failed to save
  14. load_null: $2Please use $4/plot load $2to get a list of schematics
  15. load_failed: $2Failed to load schematic
  16. load_list: '$2To load a schematic, use $1/plot load #'
  17. save_success: $1Successfully saved!
  18. compass:
  19. compass_target: $4Успешно выбрали плот компасом
  20. cluster:
  21. cluster_available_args: '$1Доступны следующие команды: $4list$2, $4create$2,
  22. $4delete$2, $4resize$2, $4invite$2, $4kick$2, $4leave$2, $4members$2, $4info$2,
  23. $4tp$2, $4sethome'
  24. cluster_list_heading: $2There are $1%s$2 clusters in this world
  25. cluster_list_element: $2 - $1%s&-
  26. cluster_intersection: '$2The proposed area overlaps with: %s0'
  27. cluster_outside: '$2The proposed area is outside the plot area: %s0'
  28. cluster_added: $4Successfully created the cluster.
  29. cluster_deleted: $4Successfully deleted the cluster.
  30. cluster_resized: $4Successfully resized the cluster.
  31. cluster_added_user: $4Successfully added user to the cluster.
  32. cannot_kick_player: $2You cannot kick that player
  33. cluster_invited: '$1You have been invited to the following cluster: $2%s'
  34. cluster_removed: '$1You have been removed from cluster: $2%s'
  35. cluster_kicked_user: $4Successfully kicked the user
  36. invalid_cluster: '$1Invalid cluster name: $2%s'
  37. cluster_not_added: $2That player was not added to the plot cluster
  38. cluster_cannot_leave: $1You must delete or transfer ownership before leaving
  39. cluster_added_helper: $4Successfully added a helper to the cluster
  40. cluster_removed_helper: $4Successfully removed a helper from the cluster
  41. cluster_regenerated: $4Successfully started cluster regeneration
  42. cluster_teleporting: $4Teleporting...
  43. cluster_info: '$1Current cluster: $2%id%&-$1Name: $2%name%&-$1Owner: $2%owner%&-$1Size:
  44. $2%size%&-$1Rights: $2%rights%'
  45. border:
  46. border: $2Вы находитесь за пределами границ карты
  47. unclaim:
  48. unclaim_success: $4Вы успешно освободили плот.
  49. unclaim_failed: $2Не удалось освободить плот
  50. worldedit masks:
  51. worldedit_delayed: $2Пожалуйста, подождите, пока обрабатываются ваши действия с WorldEdit...
  52. worldedit_run: '$2Приношу извинения за задержку. Теперь выполняем: %s'
  53. require_selection_in_mask: $2%s ваш выбор находится за пределами вашего участка. Вы можете вносить изменения только на своем участке.
  54. worldedit_volume: $2Достигнуто максимальное количество блоков: %current%.
  55. worldedit_iterations: $2You cannot iterate %current% times. The maximum number of iterations allowed is %max%.
  56. worldedit_unsafe: $2Доступ к этой команде заблокирован
  57. worldedit_bypass: $2&oЧтобы обойти ограничения, используйте: $4/plot wea
  58. worldedit_bypassed: $2В данный момент идет обход ограничений WorldEdit.
  59. worldedit_unmasked: $1Ваши действия с WorldEdit не ограничены.
  60. worldedit_restricted: $1Ваши действия с WorldEdit ограничены.
  61. gamemode:
  62. gamemode_was_bypassed: $1You bypassed the GameMode ($2{gamemode}$1) $1set for $2{plot}
  63. height limit:
  64. height_limit: $1Этот плот имеет предел высоты: $2{limit}
  65. records:
  66. record_play: $2%player $2started playing record $1%name
  67. notify_enter: $2%player $2entered your plot ($1%plot$2)
  68. notify_leave: $2%player $2left your plot ($1%plot$2)
  69. swap:
  70. swap_overlap: $2The proposed areas are not allowed to overlap
  71. swap_dimensions: $2The proposed areas must have comparable dimensions
  72. swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <id>
  73. swap_success: $4Successfully swapped plots
  74. started_swap: $2Started plot swap task. You will be notified when it finishes
  75. comment:
  76. inbox_notification: '%s непрочитанных сообщений. Используйте /plot inbox'
  77. not_valid_inbox_index: $2Нет сообщений %s
  78. inbox_item: $2 - $4%s
  79. comment_syntax: $2Используйте: /plot comment [X;Z] <%s> <комментарий>
  80. invalid_inbox: '$2That is not a valid inbox.&-$1Accepted values: %s'
  81. no_perm_inbox: $2You do not have permission for that inbox
  82. no_perm_inbox_modify: $2You do not have permission to modify that inbox
  83. no_plot_inbox: $2You must stand in or supply a plot argument
  84. comment_removed: $4Successfully deleted comment/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2'
  85. comment_added: $4A comment has been left
  86. comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1Comments $2&m---------&r
  87. inbox_empty: $2No comments
  88. console:
  89. not_console: $2Эта команда может быть выполнена только консолью.
  90. is_console: $2Эта команда может быть выполнена только игроком.
  91. inventory:
  92. inventory_usage: '&cПрименение: &6{usage}'
  93. inventory_desc: '&cОписание: &6{desc}'
  94. inventory_category: '&cКатегория: &6{category}'
  95. clipboard:
  96. clipboard_set: $2The current plot is now copied to your clipboard, use $1/plot paste$2 to paste it
  97. pasted: $4The plot selection was successfully pasted. It has been cleared from your clipboard.
  98. paste_failed: '$2Failed to paste the selection. Reason: $2%s'
  99. no_clipboard: $2You don't have a selection in your clipboard
  100. clipboard_info: '$2Current Selection - Plot ID: $1%id$2, Width: $1%width$2, Total
  101. Blocks: $1%total$2'
  102. toggle:
  103. toggle_enabled: '$2Enabled setting: %s'
  104. toggle_disabled: '$2Disabled setting: %s'
  105. blocked command:
  106. command_blocked: $2Эта команда не разрешена на этом участке
  107. done:
  108. done_already_done: $2This plot is already marked as done
  109. done_not_done: $2This plot is not marked as done.
  110. done_insufficient_complexity: $2This plot is too simple. Please add more detail before using this command.
  111. done_success: $1Successfully marked this plot as done.
  112. done_removed: $1You may now continue building in this plot.
  113. ratings:
  114. rating_not_valid: $2Необходимо указать число от 1 до 10
  115. rating_already_exists: $2Вы уже оценили плот $2%s
  116. rating_applied: $4Вы успешно оценили плот $2%s
  117. rating_not_your_own: $2Вы не можете оценить свой плот
  118. rating_not_done: $2Вы можете оценить только законченный плот
  119. rating_not_owned: $2You cannot rate a plot that is not claimed by anyone
  120. tutorial:
  121. rate_this: $2Оцените этот участок!
  122. comment_this: '$2Leave some feedback on this plot: %s'
  123. economy:
  124. econ_disabled: $2Economy is not enabled
  125. cannot_afford_plot: $2You cannot afford to buy this plot. It costs $1%s
  126. not_for_sale: $2This plot is not for sale
  127. cannot_buy_own: $2You cannot buy your own plot
  128. plot_sold: $4Your plot; $1%s0$4, has been sold to $1%s1$4 for $1$%s2
  129. cannot_afford_merge: $2You cannot afford to merge the plots. It costs $1%s
  130. added_balance: $1%s $2has been added to your balance
  131. removed_balance: $1%s $2has been taken from your balance
  132. removed_granted_plot: $2You used %s plot grant(s), you've got $1%s $2left
  133. setup:
  134. setup_init: '$1Usage: $2/plot setup <value>'
  135. setup_step: '$3[$1Step %s0$3] $1%s1 $2- $1Expecting: $2%s2 $1Default: $2%s3'
  136. setup_invalid_arg: '$2%s0 is not a valid argument for step %s1. To cancel setup
  137. use: $1/plot setup cancel'
  138. setup_valid_arg: $2Value $1%s0 $2set to %s1
  139. setup_finished: $4You should have been teleported to the created world. Otherwise you will need to set the generator manually using the bukkit.yml or your chosen world management plugin.
  140. setup_world_taken: $2%s is already a world
  141. setup_missing_world: $2You need to specify a world name ($1/plot setup &l<world>$1 <generator>$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
  142. setup_missing_generator: $2You need to specify a generator ($1/plot setup <world> &l<generator>&r$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
  143. setup_invalid_generator: '$2Invalid generator. Possible options: %s'
  144. schematics:
  145. schematic_too_large: $2The plot is too large for this action!
  146. schematic_missing_arg: '$2You need to specify an argument. Possible values: $1test
  147. <name>$2 , $1save$2 , $1paste $2, $1exportall'
  148. schematic_invalid: '$2That is not a valid schematic. Reason: $2%s'
  149. schematic_valid: $2That is a valid schematic
  150. schematic_paste_failed: $2Failed to paste the schematic
  151. schematic_paste_success: $4The schematic pasted successfully
  152. titles:
  153. title_entered_plot: '$1Плот: %world%;%x%;%z%'
  154. title_entered_plot_sub: $4Принадлежит %s
  155. prefix_greeting: '$1%id%$2> '
  156. prefix_farewell: '$1%id%$2> '
  157. core:
  158. task_start: Запуск задачи...
  159. prefix: $3[$1P2$3] $2
  160. enabled: $1%s0 не включен
  161. reload:
  162. reloaded_configs: $1Настройки перевода и мира перезагружены
  163. reload_failed: $2Ошибка перезагрузки файла конфигурации
  164. desc:
  165. desc_set: $2Описание плота установлено
  166. desc_unset: $2Описание плота убрано
  167. missing_desc: $2Необходимо указать описание
  168. alias:
  169. alias_set_to: $2Plot alias set to $1%alias%
  170. missing_alias: $2You need to specify an alias
  171. alias_too_long: $2The alias must be < 50 characters in length
  172. alias_is_taken: $2That alias is already taken
  173. position:
  174. missing_position: '$2You need to specify a position. Possible values: $1none'
  175. position_set: $1Home position set to your current location
  176. position_unset: $1Home position reset to the default location
  177. home_argument: $2Используйте /plot set home [none]
  178. invalid_position: $2Не является допустимым значением позиции
  179. cap:
  180. entity_cap: $2Вам не разрешено спавнить много мобов
  181. time:
  182. time_format: $1%hours%, %min%, %sec%
  183. permission:
  184. no_schematic_permission: $2У вас нет разрешения на использование схематиков $1%s
  185. no_permission: '$2You are lacking the permission node: $1%s'
  186. no_permission_event: '$2You are lacking the permission node: $1%s'
  187. no_plot_perms: $2Вы должны быть владельцем участка, чтобы выполнить это действие
  188. cant_claim_more_plots: $2Вы не можете иметь больше участков.
  189. cant_claim_more_clusters: $2You can't claim more clusters.
  190. cant_transfer_more_plots: $2Вы не можете отправить больше участков этому игроку
  191. cant_claim_more_plots_num: $2Вы не можете иметь сразу больше $1%s $2плотов
  192. you_be_denied: $2Вы не можете войти на этот участок
  193. merge_request_confirm: Merge request from %s
  194. merge:
  195. merge_not_valid: $2This merge request is no longer valid.
  196. merge_accepted: $2The merge request has been accepted
  197. success_merge: $2Plots have been merged!
  198. merge_requested: $2Successfully sent a merge request
  199. no_perm_merge: '$2You are not the owner of the plot: $1%plot%'
  200. no_available_automerge: $2You do not own any adjacent plots in the specified direction or are not allowed to merge to the required size.
  201. unlink_required: $2An unlink is required to do this.
  202. unlink_impossible: $2You can only unlink a mega-plot
  203. unlink_success: $2Successfully unlinked plots.
  204. commandconfig:
  205. not_valid_subcommand: $2That is not a valid subcommand
  206. did_you_mean: '$2Did you mean: $1%s'
  207. name_little: $2%s0 name is too short, $1%s1$2<$1%s3
  208. no_commands: $2I'm sorry, but you're not permitted to use any subcommands.
  209. subcommand_set_options_header: '$2Possible Values: '
  210. command_syntax: '$1Usage: $2%s'
  211. flag_tutorial_usage: '$1Have an admin set the flag: $2%s'
  212. errors:
  213. invalid_player_wait: '$2Игрок не найден: $1%s$2, извлекаем. Повторите чуть позже.'
  214. invalid_player: '$2Игрок не найден: $1%s$2.'
  215. invalid_player_offline: '$2Игрок должен быть онлайн: $1%s.'
  216. error: '$2Произошла ошибка: %s'
  217. command_went_wrong: $2При выполнении этой команды что-то пошло не так...
  218. no_free_plots: $2Нет свободных участков
  219. not_in_plot: $2You're not in a plot
  220. not_in_cluster: $2You must be within a plot cluster to perform that action
  221. not_in_plot_world: $2Вы не в зоне плота
  222. plotworld_incompatible: $2The two worlds must be compatible
  223. not_valid_world: $2That is not a valid world (case sensitive)
  224. not_valid_plot_world: $2Это не действительная площадь плота
  225. no_plots: $2У вас нет плотов
  226. wait_for_timer: $2Дождитесь завершения текущей задачи
  227. paste:
  228. debug_report_created: '$1Uploaded a full debug to: $1%url%'
  229. purge:
  230. purge_success: $4Плот успещно очищен
  231. trim:
  232. trim_in_progress: A world trim task is already in progress!
  233. not_valid_hybrid_plot_world: The hybrid plot manager is required to perform this action
  234. block list:
  235. block_list_separater: '$1,$2 '
  236. biome:
  237. need_biome: $2Необходимо указать существующий биом.
  238. biome_set_to: $2Биом на участке установлен на $2
  239. teleport:
  240. teleported_to_plot: $1Вы были телепортированы
  241. teleported_to_road: $2Вы телепортировались к дороге
  242. teleport_in_seconds: $1Телепортация через %s секунд. Не двигайтесь...
  243. teleport_failed: $2Телепортация отменена из-за движения
  244. set block:
  245. set_block_action_finished: $1The last setblock action is now finished.
  246. unsafe:
  247. debugallowunsafe_on: $2Unsafe actions allowed
  248. debugallowunsafe_off: $2Unsafe actions disabled
  249. debug:
  250. debug_header: $1Debug Information&-
  251. debug_section: $2>> $1&l%val%
  252. debug_line: $2>> $1%var%$2:$1 %val%&-
  253. invalid:
  254. not_valid_data: $2Неизвестный ид предмета.
  255. not_valid_block: '$2Это неизвестный блок: %s'
  256. not_allowed_block: '$2Этот блок запрещен: %s'
  257. not_valid_number: '$2Число не является допустимым в пределах диапазона: %s'
  258. not_valid_plot_id: $2Ид плота не действительный.
  259. plot_id_form: '$2Ид участка должен быть по форме: $1X;Y $2например, $1-5;7'
  260. not_your_plot: $2Это не ваш участок.
  261. no_such_plot: $2Такого участка нет
  262. player_has_not_been_on: $2Этот игрок не был в мире plotworld
  263. found_no_plots: $2Плот не найден
  264. camera:
  265. camera_started: $2You have entered camera mode for plot $1%s
  266. camera_stopped: $2You are no longer in camera mode
  267. need:
  268. need_plot_number: $2You've got to specify a plot number or alias
  269. need_block: $2You've got to specify a block
  270. need_plot_id: $2You've got to specify a plot id.
  271. need_plot_world: $2You've got to specify a plot area.
  272. need_user: $2You need to specify a username
  273. near:
  274. plot_near: '$1Игроки: %s0'
  275. info:
  276. none: Никто
  277. now: Теперь
  278. never: Никогда
  279. unknown: Неизвестный
  280. everyone: Все
  281. plot_unowned: $2Для выполнения этого действия, плот должен иметь владельца
  282. plot_info_unclaimed: $2Плот $1%s$2 еще не зарегистрирован
  283. plot_info_header: $3&m---------&r $1Информация $3&m---------
  284. plot_info: '$1ID: $2%id%$1&-$1Alias: $2%alias%$1&-$1Owner: $2%owner%$1&-$1Biome:
  285. $2%biome%$1&-$1Can Build: $2%build%$1&-$1Rating: $2%rating%&-$1Seen: $2%seen%&-$1Trusted:
  286. $2%trusted%$1&-$1Members: $2%members%$1&-$1Denied: $2%denied%$1&-$1Flags: $2%flags%'
  287. plot_info_footer: $3&m---------&r $1Информация $3&m---------
  288. plot_info_trusted: $1Trusted:$2 %trusted%
  289. plot_info_members: $1Members:$2 %members%
  290. plot_info_denied: $1Denied:$2 %denied%
  291. plot_info_flags: $1Flags:$2 %flags%
  292. plot_info_biome: $1Biome:$2 %biome%
  293. plot_info_rating: $1Rating:$2 %rating%
  294. plot_info_owner: $1Owner:$2 %owner%
  295. plot_info_id: $1ID:$2 %id%
  296. plot_info_alias: $1Alias:$2 %alias%
  297. plot_info_size: $1Size:$2 %size%
  298. plot_info_seen: $1Seen:$2 %seen%
  299. plot_user_list: ' $1%user%$2,'
  300. plot_flag_list: $1%s0:%s1$2
  301. info_syntax_console: $2/plot info X;Y
  302. working:
  303. generating_component: $1Started generating component from your settings
  304. clearing_plot: $2Clearing plot async.
  305. clearing_done: $4Clear completed! Took %sms.
  306. plot_not_claimed: $2Plot not claimed
  307. plot_is_claimed: $2This plot is already claimed
  308. claimed: $4You successfully claimed the plot
  309. list:
  310. comment_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% comments
  311. clickable: ' (interactive)'
  312. area_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% areas
  313. plot_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% plots
  314. plot_list_header: $1List of %word% plots
  315. plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
  316. plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
  317. plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% a total of $2%num% $1claimed %plot%.
  318. left:
  319. left_plot: $2Вы покинули плот
  320. chat:
  321. plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
  322. plot_chat_forced: $2This world forces everyone to use plot chat.
  323. plot_chat_on: $4Plot chat enabled.
  324. plot_chat_off: $4Plot chat disabled.
  325. deny:
  326. denied_removed: $4Вы успешно удалили игрока с плота
  327. denied_added: $4Вы успешно отказали игроку
  328. denied_need_argument: $2Аргументы отсутствуют. $1/plot denied add <name> $2or $1/plot denied remove <name>
  329. was_not_denied: $2Этот игрок не был забанен на данном плоте
  330. you_got_denied: $4You are denied from the plot you were previously on, and got teleported to spawn
  331. kick:
  332. you_got_kicked: $4Вы были кикнуты!
  333. rain:
  334. need_on_off: '$2You need to specify a value. Possible values: $1on$2, $1off'
  335. setting_updated: $4You successfully updated the setting
  336. flag:
  337. flag_key: '$2Key: %s'
  338. flag_type: '$2Type: %s'
  339. flag_desc: '$2Desc: %s'
  340. not_valid_flag: $2That is not a valid flag
  341. not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2That is not a valid flag. Did you mean: $1%s'
  342. not_valid_value: $2Flag values must be alphanumerical
  343. flag_not_in_plot: $2The plot does not have that flag
  344. flag_not_removed: $2The flag could not be removed
  345. flag_not_added: $2The flag could not be added
  346. flag_removed: $4Successfully removed flag
  347. flag_added: $4Successfully added flag
  348. trusted:
  349. trusted_added: $4Вы успешно добавили игрока на плот
  350. trusted_removed: $4Вы успешно удалили игрока с плота
  351. was_not_added: $2Игрок не добавлен на плот
  352. plot_removed_user: $1Плот %s в который вы были добавлены, был удален из-за бездействия владельца
  353. member:
  354. removed_players: $2Удалено %s игроков с этого плота.
  355. already_owner: '$2Этот игрок уже является владельцем плота: %s0'
  356. already_added: '$2Этот игрок уже состоит в данной категории : %s0'
  357. member_added: $4Этот игрок может строить, в то время как владелец онлайн
  358. member_removed: $1Вы успешно удалили игрока с плота
  359. member_was_not_added: $2Этот игрок не был добавлен
  360. plot_max_members: $2Вы не можете добавить больше игроков на ваш плот
  361. owner:
  362. set_owner: $4Вы успешно задали владельца плота
  363. now_owner: $4Теперь вы владелец плота %s
  364. signs:
  365. owner_sign_line_1: '$1ID: $1%id%'
  366. owner_sign_line_2: '$1Owner:'
  367. owner_sign_line_3: $2%plr%
  368. owner_sign_line_4: $3Claimed
  369. help:
  370. help_header: $3&m---------&r $1Plot² Help $3&m---------
  371. help_page_header: '$1Category: $2%category%$2,$1 Page: $2%current%$3/$2%max%$2'
  372. help_footer: $3&m---------&r $1Plot² Help $3&m---------
  373. help_info_item: $1/plot help %category% $3- $2%category_desc%
  374. help_item: $1%usage% [%alias%]&- $3- $2%desc%&-
  375. direction: '$1Current direction: %dir%'
  376. grants:
  377. granted_plots: '$1Result: $2%s $1grants left'
  378. granted_plot: $1You granted %s0 plot to $2%s1
  379. granted_plot_failed: '$1Grant failed: $2%s'
  380. '-':
  381. custom_string: '-'
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