

Aug 24th, 2017
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  1. '''Once we've defined what MsCanvas is, we need to identify in mathematical way,
  2. where will startpoint and endpoint of segment between two mscanvases be located.
  3. Let's write a function named find_connect_bb to find these locations'''
  4. #hexcode:
  5. #print '#'+''.join([['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'][k] for k in [18/16, 18%16, 33/16, 33%16, 8/16, 8%16]])
  6. from Tkinter import*
  7. from subprocess import call
  8. from random import randint
  9. from PIL import Image, ImageTk, ImageColor
  10. from types import*
  11. from time import*
  12. from re import finditer
  13. root = Tk()
  14. jo=10
  15. array_of_positions=[(randint(0, 200-1), randint(0, 200-1)) for i in range(jo)]
  16. # this file demonstrates the movement of a single canvas item under mouse control
  18. class SCanvas(Canvas, object):
  19. '''
  20. Implementation of de button equivalent via Canvas
  21. It can create text, image and rectangle and use options of any of them.
  22. Options: the same as create_text, create_rectangle except {fill} + {command(buggy) + bg, fg, image}
  23. Author: Night Simon
  24. Date: 07.16.2017
  25. '''
  26. numOfButtons = 0
  27. rectangle_fill, text_fill = '', 'black'
  28. image=''
  30. def __init__(self, root, *args, **kwargs):
  31. Canvas.__init__(self, root, *args, **kwargs)
  33. def click(self,event,Id,config):
  34. '''only ids but not tags!old version of itemconfig'''
  35. super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(Id, config)
  37. def find_withbuttontag(self,tag):
  38. #X in button family or X='buttonX' |-> 3 numbers that represents button family
  39. #print 'find_withbuttontag of tag =',tag,'which has',type(tag)
  40. if type(tag) is str and 'button' in tag:
  41. return self.find_withtag(tag) #case1: input is buttonX
  42. else:
  43. button_tags=self.gettags(tag) #case2: input is a number
  44. if 'button' in button_tags: return self.find_withtag(button_tags[0])#case2_1: input is a number of buttonFamily
  45. else: raise TclError('tag = '+str(tag)+' is not a button') #case2_2: input is not a number of buttonFamily
  47. def type(self,tag):
  48. #if X is in buttonFamily or X=='buttonX', return 'button'
  49. #print 'type of tag =', tag, 'which has',type(tag)
  50. if type(tag) is str: #case1: input is buttonX or edgeX
  51. if 'button' in tag: return 'button'
  52. elif 'edge' in tag: return 'edge'
  53. else: #case2: input is a number
  54. tags=self.gettags(tag)
  55. if 'button' in tags: return 'button' #case2_1: input is a number of buttonFamily or edge
  56. elif 'edge' in tags: return 'edge'
  57. else: return super(SCanvas,self).type(tag)
  58. #raise TypeError('scanvas.type of tag =',tag,' is unidentified') #case2_2: input is not a number of buttonFamily
  60. def mixcolor(self, string_obj):
  61. """Internal function that converts '.tex-color' to hex-color"""
  62. print 'args of self.mixcolor:', string_obj
  63. color_array=string_obj.split('!')
  64. if len(color_array) == 1:
  65. c=ImageColor.getrgb(color_array[0])
  66. print 'result of self.mix_color(',string_obj,'):', '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple([int(c[i]) for i in [0,1,2]])
  67. return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple([int(c[i]) for i in [0,1,2]])
  68. elif len(color_array) == 2: color_array.append('white')
  69. c1=ImageColor.getrgb(color_array[0])
  70. c2=ImageColor.getrgb(color_array[2])
  71. print c1
  72. print c2
  73. m1=int(color_array[1])/100.
  74. m2=1-m1
  75. print tuple([int(m1*c1[i]+m2*c2[i]) for i in [0,1,2]])
  76. print 'result of self.mix_color(',string_obj,'):','#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple([int(m1*c1[i]+m2*c2[i]) for i in [0,1,2]])
  77. return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple([int(m1*c1[i]+m2*c2[i]) for i in [0,1,2]])
  79. def replace_color(self, img, color):
  80. """Internal function that converts black&white PIL.Image to PIL.Image with white pixels replaced with given color;
  81. color type is stringType (.tex-color, hex-color or named-color)"""
  82. image=img.copy()
  83. pixels=image.load()
  84. #pixals=pixels[for x in range(img.size[0])
  85. c=self.getrgb(color)
  86. for x in range(image.size[0]):
  87. for y in range(image.size[1]):
  88. px = (pixels[x,y][0]+pixels[x,y][1]+pixels[x,y][2])/3
  89. pixels[x,y] = (int(px*c[0]/255.), int(px*c[1]/255.), int(px*c[2]/255.))
  91. return image
  93. def getrgb(self, string_obj):
  94. """Internal function that converts hex-color to rgb-tuple"""
  95. print 'args of self.getrgb:', string_obj
  96. It=[['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'].index(n) for n in string_obj[1:]]
  97. print 'result of self.getrgb(',string_obj,'):',(It[0]*16+It[1], It[2]*16+It[3], It[4]*16+It[5])
  98. return (It[0]*16+It[1], It[2]*16+It[3], It[4]*16+It[5])
  100. def itemconfig(self, tag, **kwargs):
  101. #overriding itemconfig to accept tags such as 'buttonX', X in button family or 'edgeX'
  102. #text ['justify', 'text', 'font', 'underline', 'anchor']
  103. #rectangle ['disabledoutlinestipple', 'dash', 'disabledwidth', 'activeoutlinestipple', 'dashoffset', 'activewidth', 'disabledoutline', 'disableddash', 'outlinestipple', 'activedash', 'activeoutline', 'outlineoffset', 'outline']
  104. #image ['image', 'disabledimage', 'anchor', 'activeimage']
  105. if self.type(tag)=='button':
  106. tags_of_button=self.find_withbuttontag(tag)
  107. if kwargs:
  108. for n in kwargs.keys():
  109. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. if n=='fill': raise TclError('fill can be whether text or rectangle fill; use bg for background and fg for textcolor')
  111. elif n=='bg': #allowed in mscanvas class only; used in mscanvas.create_button only
  112. if super(SCanvas,self).type(tags_of_button[1])=='image':
  113. buttonX=self.gettags(tags_of_button[1])[0]
  114. super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[0], fill=self.register[buttonX].color)
  115. for it in tags_of_button:
  116. self.tag_bind(it,"<Enter>", lambda event, tag=tags_of_button[1], config={'image':self.register[buttonX].photo_active}:,tag,config))
  117. self.tag_bind(it,"<Leave>", lambda event, tag=tags_of_button[1], config={'image':self.register[buttonX].photo}:,tag,config))
  118. #super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[0], fill=self.mixcolor(kwargs['bg']+'!60'))
  119. #self.tag_bind(it,"<Enter>", lambda event, tag=tags_of_button[0], config={'fill':self.mixcolor(kwargs['bg'])}:,tag,config))
  120. else:
  121. print 'other case'
  122. elif n=='fg':
  123. super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[1], fill=self.mixcolor(kwargs['fg']))
  124. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. elif n=='width': raise TclError('width can be whether text or rectangle fill; use textwidth or borderwidth')
  126. elif n=='textwidth': super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[1], width=kwargs['textwidth'])
  127. elif n=='borderwidth': super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[0], width=kwargs['borderwidth'])
  128. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. elif n=='image':
  130. print '------------------'
  131. for x in tags_of_button:
  132. print super(SCanvas,self).type(x)
  133. print '------------------'
  134. if super(SCanvas,self).type(tags_of_button[1]) <> 'image':
  135. print 'fixing the subtype:', super(SCanvas,self).type(tags_of_button[1])
  136. print 'getting coords:', self.coords(tags_of_button[1])
  137. coords_of_image=self.coords(tags_of_button[1])
  138. self.delete(tags_of_button[1])
  139. print 'deleting subtype'
  140. tags_of_button[0] = self.create_image(*coords_of_image, image=kwargs['image'])
  141. print 'placed a new image at', coords_of_image
  142. self.coords(tags_of_button[0], self.bbox(tags_of_button[0]))
  143. print 'creating a bounding box at', self.bbox(tags_of_button[0])
  144. else:
  145. super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[1],{'image':kwargs['image']})
  146. self.coords(tags_of_button[0], self.bbox(tags_of_button[1]))
  147. print 'rebox', self.bbox(tags_of_button[1])
  148. elif n in super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[0]).keys(): super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[0],{n:kwargs[n]})
  149. elif n in super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[1]).keys(): super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[1],{n:kwargs[n]})
  150. #elif n in super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[2]).keys(): super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[2],{n:kwargs[n]})
  151. elif n in ['disabledstipple', 'stipple', 'active_stiple', 'activefill', 'disabledfill', 'offset', 'width', 'tags', 'state']:
  152. raise TclError(n+' is ill-defined argument')
  153. else: raise TclError('unrecognised argument', n, 'in itemconfig')
  154. else:
  155. cnf=super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[0])
  156. cnf.update(super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[1]))
  157. cnf.update(super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tags_of_button[2]))
  158. return cnf
  160. else: return super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tag, **kwargs)
  162. '''def bbox(self, tag):
  163. """Internal"""
  164. bb=super(SCanvas,self).bbox(tag)
  165. print bb
  166. return (bb[0]-2, bb[1]-2, bb[2]+2, bb[3]+2)'''
  168. def create_button(self,*args,**kwargs):
  169. self.numOfButtons+=1
  170. sticker="button"+str(self.numOfButtons)
  171. #['disabledstipple', 'stipple', 'active_stiple', 'activefill', 'disabledfill', 'offset'] are both ill-defined arguments of create_text and create_rectangle
  172. #'tags', 'state' is an argument for all of them
  173. subtype=''
  174. for n in kwargs.keys():
  175. if n in ['justify', 'text', 'font', 'underline', 'anchor']:
  176. if subtype=='':
  177. tag1=self.create_text(args)
  178. subtype='text'
  179. super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tag1,{n:kwargs[n]})
  180. kwargs.pop(n)
  181. if n in ['image', 'disabledimage', 'anchor', 'activeimage']:
  182. if subtype=='text': raise TclError('can''t identify subtype: there are arguments of both subtypes')
  183. else:
  184. if subtype=='':
  185. tag1=self.create_image(args)
  186. subtype='image'
  187. #if n=='image': bu=ImageTk.PhotoImage(kwargs[n])
  188. super(SCanvas,self).itemconfig(tag1,{n:kwargs[n]})
  189. kwargs.pop(n)
  190. if subtype=='': raise TclError('no subtype identified')
  191. tag2=self.create_rectangle(self.bbox(tag1))
  192. print tag2, 'is created at', self.bbox(tag1), 'of type', subtype
  193. self.tag_lower(tag2, tag1)
  194. #adding tag 'buttonX' to all of the 3 items
  195. for it in [tag1, tag2]:
  196. super(SCanvas, self).itemconfig(it, {'tags':sticker})
  197. self.addtag_withtag("button", sticker)
  198. if kwargs<>{}: self.itemconfig('button'+str(self.numOfButtons), **kwargs)
  199. #if 'bg' not in kwargs: kwargs.update({'bg':self.rectangle_fill})
  200. return sticker
  202. class MsCanvas(SCanvas, object):
  203. '''
  204. Taken from google search of ""
  205. Extension of de scanvas with ability to move
  206. It can create text, image and rectangle and use options of any of them.
  207. Options of scanvas: the same as create_text, create_rectangle except {fill} + {command(buggy), bg, fg, image}
  208. Additional options: motion
  209. Author: Night Simon
  210. Date: 07.19.2017
  211. '''
  212. register={} #a dictionary of all clickables whose values are corresponding objects of button or edge class
  213. clickables={}
  214. numOfEdges=0
  215. button_color='orange' #please use pythonistic color format
  216. edge_color='green'
  217. select_color='blue'
  219. def print_clickables(self, event, tag): print 'CLICKABLES:', mscanvas.clickables
  220. def print_register(self, event, tag): print 'REGISTER:', mscanvas.register
  222. def button_menu_delete(self):
  223. print 'button_menu_delete'
  224. self.erase_button(True, self.find_withtag('popup')[0])
  225. self.dtag('popup')
  227. def edge_menu_delete(self):
  228. print 'edge_menu_delete', self.find_withtag('popup')[0]
  229. self.erase_edge(True, self.find_withtag('popup')[0])
  230. self.dtag('popup')
  232. def button_menu_color(self):
  233. buttonX=self.gettags(self.find_withtag('popup')[0])[0]
  234. self.register[buttonX].photo_active = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.replace_color(self.register[buttonX].image_snap, self.mixcolor(self.button_color)))
  235. self.register[buttonX].photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.replace_color(self.register[buttonX].image_snap, self.mixcolor(self.button_color+'!60')))
  236. self.itemconfig(buttonX, bg='its important to stay awake', outline=self.button_color, image=self.register[buttonX].photo)
  237. self.dtag('popup')
  239. def edge_menu_color(self):
  240. edgeX=self.gettags(self.find_withtag('popup')[0])[0]
  241. self.itemconfig(edgeX, fill=self.button_color)
  242. self.dtag('popup')
  244. def button_menu_open(self):
  245. buttonX=self.gettags(self.find_withtag('popup')[0])[0]
  246. #if 'link' in self.register[buttonX].__dict__.keys(): print 'assume I opened', self.register[buttonX].link
  247. print 'opening',self.register[buttonX].link,':'
  248. not(call(['C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mscanvas\\'+self.register[buttonX].link], shell=True))
  249. self.dtag('popup')
  251. def button_menu_mathinput(self):
  252. formula=self.mathinput.get("1.0",'end-1c').encode('utf-8')
  253. self.temporary_formula=formula
  254. link=''
  255. self.templink=False
  256. #capturing commands used and formula
  257. normalsize, defaultstyle = False, False
  258. splitted=[m.start() for m in finditer('--', formula)]
  259. if len(splitted)<>0:
  260. commands=[formula[n+2:n+formula[n:].index(' ')] for n in splitted]
  261. formula=formula[splitted[-1]+formula[splitted[-1]:].index(' ')+1:]
  262. for x in commands:
  263. if '.' in x: #assuming it is linked content
  264. link=x
  265. self.templink=True
  266. if x=='ns': normalsize=True
  267. if x=='d': defaultstyle=True
  269. if not(defaultstyle): formula=r"$\text{"+formula+"}$"
  270. if not(normalsize): formula=r"\Huge "+formula
  272. if len(splitted)<>0:
  273. print 'external commands:', commands
  274. print 'external commands:', formula
  275. #formula=r"$\colorbox{"+"green"+r"}{\text{$"+formula+r"$}}$"
  277. #formula=r"$"+formula+r"$"
  278. #formula=r"$\colorbox{"+color+r"}{\text{"+formula+r"}}$"#case when it text mode
  279. TEX = ( # use raw strings for backslash
  280. unicode("\documentclass{article}"),
  281. unicode("\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}"),
  282. unicode("\usepackage[L7x]{fontenc}"),
  283. unicode("\usepackage[lithuanian]{babel}"),
  284. unicode("\usepackage{lmodern}"),
  285. unicode("\usepackage{amsmath}"),
  286. unicode("\usepackage{amsthm}"),
  287. unicode("\usepackage{amssymb}"),
  288. unicode("\usepackage{bm}"),
  289. unicode("\usepackage{xcolor}"),
  290. unicode("\usepackage{tikz}"),
  291. unicode("\usepackage[active,displaymath,textmath,tightpage]{preview}"),
  292. unicode("\pagestyle{empty}"),
  293. r"\begin{document}",
  294. #'$'+formula+'$',
  295. #$\colorbox{green!50!yellow}{\text{$\sqrt{841}$}}$
  296. formula,
  297. r"\end{document}")
  298. with open(r"C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mscanvas\temptex.tex",'w') as out_snap:
  299. for T in TEX: out_snap.write("%s\n" % T)
  300. #print 'AFTER writing a file:', time()-t
  301. print 'temp file compiled succesfully:', not(call(['latex','--interaction', 'nonstopmode', r"C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mscanvas\temptex.tex"]))
  302. print '.dvi converted to .png succesfully:', not(call(['dvipng','--interaction', 'nonstopmode', 'temptex.dvi','-o',r"C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mscanvas\temptex.png"]))
  303. #latex --interaction nonstopmode C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mintedex.tex
  304. #dvipng --interaction nonstopmode mintedex.dvi -o C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mintedex.png
  305. popupids=self.find_withtag('popup')
  306. if popupids:
  307. buttonX=self.gettags(popupids[0])[0]
  309. self.temporary_photo=ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
  310. self.register[buttonX].formula=formula
  311. self.update_formula(buttonX)
  312. self.itemconfig(buttonX, bg='its important to stay awake')
  313. self.dtag('popup')
  314. else:
  315. x,y=randint(400, 700-1), randint(100, 400-1)
  317. self.temporary_photo=ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
  318. buttonX=self.create_button(x,y, borderwidth=5, outline=self.button_color, image = self.temporary_photo)
  320. if link: self.register[buttonX].link=link #adding linked content
  321. elif 'link' in self.register[buttonX].__dict__.keys():
  322. del self.register[buttonX].link
  323. print 'to delete'
  324. self.templink=False
  325. self.itemconfig(buttonX, image = self.register[buttonX].photo)
  326. print 'temp file removed succesfully:', not(call(['del','--interaction', 'nonstopmode', r"C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mscanvas\temptex.png"], shell=True))
  328. #else:
  330. #pixels=image.load()
  331. #print pixels
  332. #photo=ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
  333. #self.register[buttonX].image=ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mintedex.png")
  334. #x,y=randint(250, 1200-1), randint(50, 530-1)
  335. #buttonX=self.create_button(x,y, borderwidth=5, outline=self.button_color, image=ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mintedex.png"))
  336. #self.register[buttonX].image=image
  337. #self.register[buttonX].image_replace=self.replace_color(image)
  338. #self.register[buttonX].formula=formula
  340. #self.itemconfig(buttonX, image=photo)
  342. def main_menu_save(self): pass
  343. def main_menu_painton(self): pass
  344. def main_menu_paintoff(self): pass
  346. def __init__(self, root, **kwargs):
  347. SCanvas.__init__(self, root, kwargs)
  349. #self.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event:
  350. #self.bind("<Double-Button-1>", lambda event: self.info_detailed(event))
  351. #self.bind("<B1-ButtonRelease>", lambda event: self.record(event)) #self.mouseDown is inside!
  352. self.bind("<Button-3>", lambda event: self.popup_main(event))
  355. self.main_menu=Menu(self, tearoff=0)
  356. self.main_menu.add_command(label='save scripts', command = self.main_menu_save)
  357. self.main_menu.add_command(label='begin paint', command = self.main_menu_painton)
  358. self.main_menu.add_command(label='end paint', command = self.main_menu_paintoff)
  360. #rightclicks of buttons
  361. self.button_menu=Menu(self, tearoff=0)
  362. self.button_menu.add_command(label='delete button', command = self.button_menu_delete)
  363. self.button_menu.add_command(label='change color', command = self.button_menu_color)
  364. self.button_menu.add_command(label='edit formula', command = self.button_menu_mathinput)
  365. '''
  366. recttag=self.create_rectangle(0, 0, 40, 40, fill='yellow')
  367. self.tag_bind(recttag,"<Button-1>", lambda event, i=recttag: CLICK2(event, i))
  369. clickables=self.create_text(70, 20, text='clickables')
  370. box=self.create_rectangle(self.bbox(clickables), fill="orange", tags='info')
  371. self.tag_lower(box, clickables)
  372. self.tag_bind(clickables,"<Button-1>", lambda event, i = clickables: self.print_clickables(event, i))
  374. register=self.create_text(132, 20, text='register')
  375. box=self.create_rectangle(self.bbox(register), fill="orange", tags='info')
  376. self.tag_lower(box, register)
  377. self.tag_bind(register,"<Button-1>", lambda event, i=register: self.print_register(event, i))'''
  379. for i in range(10):
  380. color=self.create_rectangle(0+20*i, 10, 0+20*(i+1), 30, fill=['blue', 'sienna', 'grey', 'magenta','maroon','red', 'orange','purple','darkgreen','firebrick'][i])
  381. self.tag_bind(color, "<Button-1>", lambda event, i=color: self.set_color(event, i))
  382. self.itemconfig(color, outline='white')
  384. self.edge_menu=Menu(self, tearoff=0)
  385. self.edge_menu.add_command(label='delete edge', command = self.edge_menu_delete)
  386. self.edge_menu.add_command(label='change color', command = self.edge_menu_color)
  387. #leftpanel
  388. Button(root, text='formula', bg='#00ff00', command=lambda: self.button_menu_mathinput()).place(x=0, y=0, width=250, height=20)
  389. self.mathinput=Text(root)
  390., y=20, width=250, height=200)
  392. def set_color(self, event, tag):
  393. self.button_color = self.itemconfig(tag)["fill"][-1]
  394. self.edge_color = self.button_color
  395. self.itemconfig(tag, outline=self.select_color, width=3)
  396. self.tag_raise(tag)
  397. for n in self.find_withtag('activecolor'): self.itemconfig(n, outline='white', width=1)
  398. self.dtag('activecolor')
  399. self.addtag_withtag('activecolor', tag)
  401. def update_formula(self, buttonX):
  402. if self.templink:
  405. x=int(im2.size[0]*im1.size[1]/(1.*im2.size[1]))
  406. pic ="RGBA", (im1.size[0]+x, im1.size[1]))
  407. pic.paste(im1, (0, 0))
  408. pic.paste(im2.resize((x,im1.size[1])), (im1.size[0], 0))
  409. self.register[buttonX].image_snap=pic
  410. else: self.register[buttonX]"C:\Users\Vartotojas\Desktop\mscanvas\temptex.png")
  411. self.register[buttonX].formula=self.temporary_formula
  412. #its is opened in button_menu_mathinput but we need reassign because we dont have button tag yet
  413. #self.replace_color(self.register[buttonX].image_snap, self.mixcolor(self.register[buttonX].color))
  414. self.register[buttonX].photo_active = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.replace_color(self.register[buttonX].image_snap, self.mixcolor(self.register[buttonX].color)))
  415. self.register[buttonX].photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.replace_color(self.register[buttonX].image_snap, self.mixcolor(self.register[buttonX].color+'!60')))
  417. def popup(self, event, tag):
  418. self.addtag_withtag('popup', tag)
  419. print self.type(tag)
  420. if self.type(tag)=='button':
  421. buttonX=self.gettags(tag)[0]
  422. if 'link' in self.register[buttonX].__dict__.keys():
  423. try: self.button_menu.delete('open...')
  424. except TclError: pass
  425. self.button_menu.add_command(label='open...', command = self.button_menu_open)
  426. else:
  427. try: self.button_menu.delete('open...')
  428. except TclError: pass
  429. self.button_menu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0)
  430. elif self.type(tag)=='edge':
  431. edgeX=self.gettags(tag)[0]
  432. self.edge_menu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0)
  434. def popup_main(self, event):
  435. self.main_menu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0)
  437. def record(self, event):
  438. if self.find_withtag(CURRENT)==(): #make sure the rightclick
  439. print 'dont know how to save you'
  440. for n in self.find_withtag('displayed'): self.delete(n)
  442. def _boxify(self, tag, text):
  443. """Internal function that shows text over the tag"""
  444. C=self.coords(tag)
  445. temp=self.create_text((C[0]+C[2])/2, (C[1]+C[3])/2, text=text, tags='displayed')
  446. tempbox=self.create_rectangle(self.bbox(temp), fill="yellow", tags='displayed')
  447. self.tag_lower(tempbox, temp)
  449. def info(self, event):
  450. if self.find_withtag(CURRENT)==(): #make sure no edgebutton is rightclicked
  451. for n in self.register.keys():
  452. txt=n
  453. if self.type(n)=='button': self._boxify(self.find_withbuttontag(n)[1],txt)
  454. elif self.type(n)=='edge': self._boxify(self.find_withtag(n),txt)
  456. def info_detailed(self, event):
  457. if self.find_withtag(CURRENT)==():
  458. for n in self.register.keys():
  459. txt=n
  460. if n in self.clickables.keys(): txt+=';\n'+'self.clickables['+n+'] = '+str(self.clickables[n])
  461. else: txt+=';\nnot found in self.clickables'
  462. if type(self.register[n]) is StringType:
  463. txt+='\n'+'self.register['+n+'] = '+str(self.register[n])
  464. print 'IT SHOULDNT BE'
  466. else:
  467. txt+='\n'+'self.register['+n+'] = {'
  468. for it in self.register[n].__dict__.keys():
  469. txt+='\n'+str(it)+': '+str(self.register[n].__dict__[it])
  470. txt+='}'
  471. if self.type(n)=='button': self._boxify(self.find_withbuttontag(n)[1],txt)
  472. elif self.type(n)=='edge': self._boxify(self.find_withtag(n),txt)
  474. def _redraw(self, edgeX):
  475. """Internal function of self.redraw that uses recursion"""
  476. for m in self.clickables[edgeX]:
  477. coords=self.connect_bp(self.register[m].begin, edgeX)
  478. self.coords(self.register[m].id, coords)
  479. self._redraw(m)
  481. def redraw(self, buttonX):
  482. """Internal function that redraws edge that relates buttonX"""
  483. for n in self.clickables[buttonX]:
  484. if self.register[n].begin==buttonX:
  485. if self.type(self.register[n].end)=='button': #edit edge between two buttons (forward direction)
  486. coords=self.connect_bb(self.register[n].begin, self.register[n].end)
  487. elif self.type(self.register[n].end)=='edge':
  488. coords=self.connect_bp(self.register[n].begin, self.register[n].end) #edit edge that ends up with another edge
  489. self.coords(self.register[n].id, coords)
  490. if self.register[n].end==buttonX: #edit edge between two buttons (backward direction)
  491. self.coords(self.register[n].id, self.connect_bb(self.register[n].begin, self.register[n].end))
  492. self._redraw(n)
  494. def mouseDown(self, event, tag):
  495. # remember where the mouse went down
  496. self.lastx = event.x
  497. self.lasty = event.y
  499. def mouseMove(self, event, tag):
  500. # if the mouse is over scanvas button tagged as CURRENT we move some objects:
  501. #1) motion of buttonFamily
  502. movetag=self.find_withbuttontag(tag)
  503. for n in movetag:
  504. self.move(n, event.x - self.lastx, event.y - self.lasty)
  505. #2) motion of corresponding edges
  506. buttonX=self.gettags(tag)[0]
  507. if self.type(buttonX)=='button':
  508. self.redraw(buttonX)
  510. #3) motion of edges that are connected to midpoints of these corresponding edges:
  511. #elif self.type(edgebuttonX)=='edge':
  512. self.lastx = event.x
  513. self.lasty = event.y
  515. def mouseSelectButton(self, event, buttonX):
  516. #OLD VERSION of mouseSelectButton(self, event, buttonX)
  517. if 'dangerous' not in self.gettags(self.find_withtag(CURRENT)):
  518. self.itemconfig(buttonX, outline=self.select_color)
  519. selected=self.gettags(self.find_withtag('selected_button')[0])[0]
  520. selection_edge=self.create_line(*self.connect_bb(selected, buttonX), arrow=LAST)
  521. self.itemconfig(selection_edge, fill=self.select_color, tags='selected_edge')
  522. #NEW VERSION of mouseSelectButton(self, event)
  523. '''print 'mscurrent:',self.find_withtag(CURRENT),
  524. buttonX=self.gettags(self.find_withtag(CURRENT))[0]
  525. print 'ms',buttonX
  526. if buttonX<>self.selection_button: #current selection differs from stored selection
  527. self.itemconfig(buttonX, outline='green')
  528. self.selection_edge=self.connect_bb(self.selection_button,buttonX)
  529. self.itemconfig(self.selection_edge, fill='green')
  530. print self.selection_edge'''
  532. def mouseUnselectButton(self, event, buttonX):
  533. #OLD VERSION of mouseUnselectButton(self, event, buttonX)
  534. self.addtag_withtag('dangerous', CURRENT)
  535. self.itemconfig(buttonX, outline=self.register[buttonX].color)
  536. self.delete('selected_edge')
  537. #NEW VERSION of mouseUnselectButton(self, event)
  538. '''print 'mucurrent:',self.find_withtag(CURRENT),
  539. buttonX=self.gettags(self.find_withtag(CURRENT))[0]
  540. print 'mu',buttonX
  541. if buttonX<>self.selection_button:
  542. self.itemconfig(buttonX, outline='darkgreen')
  543. self.delete(self.selection_edge)
  544. self.update_idletasks()'''
  546. def mouseSelectEdge(self, event, edgeX):
  547. #edgeX is id of edge object
  548. if 'dangerous' not in self.gettags(self.find_withtag(CURRENT)):
  549. self.itemconfig(edgeX, fill=self.select_color)
  550. selected=self.gettags(self.find_withtag('selected_button')[0])[0]
  551. selection_edge=self.create_line(*self.connect_bp(selected, edgeX), arrow=LAST)
  552. self.itemconfig(selection_edge, fill=self.select_color, tags='selected_edge')
  554. def mouseUnselectEdge(self, event, tag):
  555. #tag is id of edge object
  556. self.addtag_withtag('dangerous', CURRENT)
  557. self.itemconfig(tag, fill=self.edge_color)
  558. self.delete('selected_edge')
  560. def double_click(self, event, tag):
  561. #tag is any number that is catched
  562. #puts border on the button if double clicked and bind Select-Unselect construction to every button
  564. if not self.find_withtag('selected_button'):
  565. buttonZ=self.gettags(tag)[0]
  566. self.addtag_withtag('selected_button', buttonZ)
  567. for n in self.find_withtag('button'):
  568. buttonX=self.gettags(n)[0]
  569. if buttonX<>self.gettags(tag)[0]:
  570. self.tag_bind(n,"<Enter>", lambda event, i=buttonX: self.mouseSelectButton(event, i))
  571. self.tag_bind(n,"<Leave>", lambda event, i=buttonX: self.mouseUnselectButton(event, i))
  572. for n in self.find_withtag('edge'):
  573. self.tag_bind(n,"<Enter>", lambda event,i=n: self.mouseSelectEdge(event, i))
  574. self.tag_bind(n,"<Leave>", lambda event,i=n: self.mouseUnselectEdge(event, i))
  575. self.itemconfig(buttonZ, bg='its important to stay awake')
  576. self.itemconfig(tag, outline=self.select_color)
  578. '''if self.selection_button==None:
  579. self.selection_button=self.gettags(tag)[0]#of the form buttonX
  580. self.tag_bind('button',"<Any-Enter>", lambda event: self.mouseSelectButton(event))
  581. self.tag_bind('button',"<Any-Leave>", lambda event: self.mouseUnselectButton(event))
  582. self.itemconfig(tag, bg='red')
  583. self.itemconfig(tag, outline='green')'''
  585. def join(self, event, tag):
  586. #constructs a new edge and configures shapes back
  587. if self.find_withtag('selected_button'):
  588. #adding an edge
  589. buttonX=self.gettags(self.find_withtag('selected_button')[0])[0]
  590. edgebuttonY=self.gettags(tag)[0] #EdgeY or ButtonY
  591. self.create_edge(buttonX, edgebuttonY)
  592. #reconfiguring connected objects back to previous settings
  593. self.itemconfig(buttonX, outline=self.register[buttonX].color) #configuring back to previous color
  594. if self.type(edgebuttonY)=='button': self.itemconfig(edgebuttonY, outline=self.register[edgebuttonY].color)
  595. elif self.type(edgebuttonY)=='edge': self.itemconfig(edgebuttonY, fill=self.edge_color)
  596. self.delete('selected_edge') #deleting selection_edge
  597. self.dtag('selected_button')#deleting tag
  598. self.dtag('selected_edge')#deleting tag
  599. #cleaning tag binds for button and edge selects/unselects
  600. for n in self.find_withtag('button'):
  601. #associated_tags=self.find_withbuttontag(n)
  602. buttonZ=self.gettags(n)[0]
  603. '''for m in associated_tags:
  604. print m, 'in', associated_tags, 'of'
  605. print self.register[buttonZ].photo_active
  606. print self.register[buttonZ].photo
  607. print self.mixcolor(self.register[buttonZ].color)
  608. self.tag_bind(m,"<Enter>", lambda event, i=associated_tags[1], config={'image':self.register[buttonZ].photo_active}:,i,config))
  609. self.tag_bind(m,"<Leave>", lambda event, i=associated_tags[1], config={'image':self.register[buttonZ].photo}:,i,config))
  610. self.tag_bind(m,"<Enter>", lambda event, i=associated_tags[0], config={'fill':self.mixcolor(self.register[buttonZ].color)}:,i,config))
  611. self.tag_bind(m,"<Leave>", lambda event, i=associated_tags[0], config={'fill':self.mixcolor(self.register[buttonZ].color+'!60')}:,i,config))'''
  612. self.itemconfig(buttonZ, bg='its important to stay awake')
  613. for n in self.find_withtag('edge'):
  614. self.tag_unbind(n, "<Enter>")
  615. self.tag_unbind(n, "<Leave>")
  616. #self.tag_unbind('edge',"<Enter>")
  617. #self.tag_unbind('edge',"<Leave>")
  618. else:
  619. #replace mathinput text after simple click (no double click selection done before)
  620. self.mouseDown(event, tag)
  621. buttonX=self.gettags(tag)[0]
  622. self.mathinput.delete('1.0', END)
  623. self.mathinput.insert(INSERT, self.register[buttonX].formula)
  625. def _erase(self, erasable):
  626. """Internal function that removes edgeX and its connectives from CLICKABLES"""
  627. removed=self.clickables.pop(erasable) #removing edgeX from CLICKABLES
  628. for n in removed: self._erase(n)
  629. BEGIN=self.register[erasable].begin
  630. if self.type(BEGIN)=='button': self.clickables[BEGIN].remove(erasable) #removing edgeX from beginners of edgebuttonX
  631. END=self.register[erasable].end
  632. if self.type(END)=='button': self.clickables[END].remove(erasable) #removing edgeX from enders of edgebuttonX
  633. self.delete(self.register[erasable].id)
  634. self.register.pop(erasable) #removing edgeX from REGISTER
  636. def erase_edge(self, event, tag):
  637. #obj is any object of edge class #WHAT IF POINTS?
  638. erasable=self.gettags(tag)[0] #edgeX
  639. self._erase(erasable)
  640. print 'after erase edge', self.clickables
  642. def erase_button(self, event, tag):
  643. #tag is any number that is catched
  644. erasable=self.gettags(tag)[0]
  645. relatives=[n for n in self.clickables[erasable]]
  646. for n in relatives: self._erase(n)
  647. for n in self.find_withbuttontag(erasable): self.delete(n)
  648. #connected_to=self.clickables.pop(erasable)
  649. print 'after erase button', self.clickables
  651. def create_edge(self, buttonX, edgebuttonY):
  652. #create edge between buttonX and (buttonY or tag of line) and return a new object of a class "edge"
  653. self.numOfEdges+=1
  654. sticker="edge"+str(self.numOfEdges)
  655. if self.type(edgebuttonY)=='button':
  656. new_edge = edge(self.create_line(*self.connect_bb(buttonX, edgebuttonY), arrow=LAST), buttonX, edgebuttonY)
  657. elif self.type(edgebuttonY)=='edge':
  658. new_edge = edge(self.create_line(*self.connect_bp(buttonX, edgebuttonY), arrow=LAST), buttonX, edgebuttonY)
  659. self.itemconfig(, tags=sticker, fill=self.edge_color, width=5)
  660. self.addtag_withtag("edge", sticker)
  661. self.tag_lower(
  662. self.tag_bind(,"<Button-3>",lambda event, self.popup(event,i))
  663. self.tag_bind(,"<Button-1>",lambda event, self.join(event,i))
  664. #storing info: including a new edge to the keys (of clickables)
  665. self.register.update({sticker: new_edge})
  666. self.clickables.update({sticker: []})
  667. self.clickables[new_edge.begin].append(sticker)
  668. self.clickables[new_edge.end].append(sticker)
  669. return sticker
  671. def create_button(self,*args,**kwargs):
  672. buttonX=super(MsCanvas,self).create_button(*args,**kwargs)
  673. self.register.update({buttonX: button(buttonX)})
  674. self.register[buttonX].color=self.button_color
  675. if 'image' in kwargs:
  676. self.update_formula(buttonX)
  677. self.clickables.update({buttonX:[]})
  678. self.itemconfig(buttonX, bg=self.button_color)
  679. button_tags=self.find_withbuttontag(buttonX)
  680. for n in button_tags:
  681. self.tag_bind(n,"<Button-1>",lambda event, i=n: self.join(event,i)) #self.mouseDown is inside!
  682. self.tag_bind(n,"<B1-Motion>",lambda event, i=n: self.mouseMove(event, i))
  683. self.tag_bind(n,"<Double-Button-1>",lambda event, i=n: self.double_click(event,i))
  684. self.tag_bind(n,"<Button-3>",lambda event, i=n: self.popup(event,i))
  685. #print 'after create button', self.clickables
  686. return buttonX
  688. def connect_bb(self, button1, button2):
  689. #we use a math to get intersection points of edge between two buttons
  690. #B1,B2 are quadruples of cordinates of these buttons provided as (x1, y1, x2, y2)
  691. #segment that joins centers (a,b) and (c,d) is given as y-b=(x-a)*(d-b)/(c-a) with limitation {x in [a,c]}
  693. #segments 1,2,5,6 are involved in a first button; if these are hit, we assign a hitpoint to finalSTART
  694. #segments 3,4,7,8 are involved in a second button; if these are hit, we assign a hitpoint to finalEND
  695. #print 'connect_bbing', button1, 'and', button2
  696. rectangle1, rectangle2 = self.find_withbuttontag(button1)[0], self.find_withbuttontag(button2)[0]
  697. if rectangle1 not in self.find_overlapping(*self.coords(rectangle2)):
  698. B1,B2=self.coords(rectangle1), self.coords(rectangle2)
  699. C1 = ((B1[0]+B1[2])/2, (B1[1]+B1[3])/2) #center of button1
  700. C2 = ((B2[0]+B2[2])/2, (B2[1]+B2[3])/2) #center of button2
  702. if C2[1]==C1[1]:
  703. if C1[0]<C2[0]: return (B1[2], C1[1], B2[0], C2[1])#edge from right center of 1 to left center of 2
  704. else: return (B2[2], C1[1], B1[0],C2[1])#reverse
  706. if C2[0]==C1[0]:
  707. if C1[1]<C2[1]: return (C1[0], B1[3], C2[0], B2[1])#edge from bottom center of 1 to top center of 2
  708. else: return (C1[0], B2[3], C2[0], B1[1])#reverse
  710. START,END=min(C1[0],C2[0]),max(C1[0],C2[0]) #these are x coordinates of both buttons such that START<END
  712. def get_y(x):
  713. #given x coordinate in an edge that joins centers of button1 and button2, return y coordinate
  714. return C1[1]+(x-C1[0])*(C2[1]-C1[1])/(C2[0]-C1[0])
  715. def get_x(y):
  716. #given y coordinate in an edge that joins centers of button1 and button2, return x coordinate
  717. return C1[0]+(y-C1[1])*(C2[0]-C1[0])/(C2[1]-C1[1])
  719. x,y=B1[0], get_y(B1[0])
  720. if B1[1]-0.001<y<B1[3]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalSTART=(x,y)
  721. ##print 'edge1: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: y is between',B1[1],'and',B1[3],'is',B1[1]<y<B1[3], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  722. x,y=B1[2], get_y(B1[2])
  723. if B1[1]-0.001<y<B1[3]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalSTART=(x,y)
  724. ##print 'edge2: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: y is between',B1[1],'and',B1[3],'is',B1[1]<y<B1[3], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  725. x,y=B2[0], get_y(B2[0])
  726. if B2[1]-0.001<y<B2[3]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalEND=(x,y)
  727. ##print 'edge3: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: y is between',B2[1],'and',B2[3],'is',B2[1]<y<B2[3], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  728. x,y=B2[2], get_y(B2[2])
  729. if B2[1]-0.001<y<B2[3]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalEND=(x,y)
  730. ##print 'edge4: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: y is between',B2[1],'and',B2[3],'is',B2[1]<y<B2[3], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  731. x,y=get_x(B1[1]), B1[1]
  732. if B1[0]-0.001<x<B1[2]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalSTART=(x,y)
  733. ##print 'edge5: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: x is between',B1[0],'and',B1[2],'is',B1[0]<x<B1[2], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  734. x,y=get_x(B1[3]), B1[3]
  735. if B1[0]-0.001<x<B1[2]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalSTART=(x,y)
  736. ##print 'edge6: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: x is between',B1[0],'and',B1[2],'is',B1[0]<x<B1[2], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  737. x,y=get_x(B2[1]), B2[1]
  738. if B2[0]-0.001<x<B2[2]+0.001 and START<=x<=END: finalEND=(x,y)
  739. ##print 'edge7: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: y is between',B2[0],'and',B2[2],'is',B2[0]<x<B2[2], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  740. x,y=get_x(B2[3]), B2[3]
  741. if B2[0]-0.001<x<B2[2]+0.001 and START<=x<END: finalEND=(x,y)
  742. ##print 'edge8: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: y is between',B2[0],'and',B2[2],'is',B2[0]<x<B2[2], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  743. return finalSTART+finalEND
  745. def connect_bp(self, button, edge):
  746. #copied from connect_bb assuming B=B1 and C=C1 and P=(B2[0],B2[1])=(C2[0],C2[1]) where B2[0]=B2[2] and B2[1]=B2[3]
  747. rectangle = self.find_withbuttontag(button)[0]
  748. #if rectangle1 not in self.find_overlapping(*self.coords(rectangle2)):
  749. pos=self.coords(edge)
  750. midpoint_of_edge=((pos[0]+pos[2])/2, (pos[1]+pos[3])/2)
  751. B, P = self.coords(rectangle), midpoint_of_edge
  752. C = ((B[0]+B[2])/2, (B[1]+B[3])/2) #center of button
  754. if P[1]==C[1]:
  755. if C[0]<P[0]: return (B[2], C[1], P[0], P[1])#edge from right center of 1 to left center of 2
  756. else: return (P[0], C[1], B[0], P[1])#reverse
  758. if P[0]==C[0]:
  759. if C[1]<P[1]: return (C[0], B[3], P[0], P[1])#edge from bottom center of 1 to top center of 2
  760. else: return (C[0], P[1], P[0], B[1])#reverse
  762. START,END=min(C[0],P[0]),max(C[0],P[0]) #these are x coordinates of both buttons such that START<END
  764. def get_y(x): return C[1]+(x-C[0])*(P[1]-C[1])/(P[0]-C[0])
  765. def get_x(y): return C[0]+(y-C[1])*(P[0]-C[0])/(P[1]-C[1])
  767. x,y=B[0], get_y(B[0])
  768. if B[1]-0.001<y<B[3]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalSTART=(x,y)
  769. ##print 'edge1: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: y is between',B1[1],'and',B1[3],'is',B1[1]<y<B1[3], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  770. x,y=B[2], get_y(B[2])
  771. if B[1]-0.001<y<B[3]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalSTART=(x,y)
  772. ##print 'edge2: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: y is between',B1[1],'and',B1[3],'is',B1[1]<y<B1[3], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  773. x,y=get_x(B[1]), B[1]
  774. if B[0]-0.001<x<B[2]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalSTART=(x,y)
  775. ##print 'edge5: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: x is between',B1[0],'and',B1[2],'is',B1[0]<x<B1[2], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  776. x,y=get_x(B[3]), B[3]
  777. if B[0]-0.001<x<B[2]+0.001 and START<x<END: finalSTART=(x,y)
  778. ##print 'edge6: x =',x,'y =',y,'\n cond1: x is between',B1[0],'and',B1[2],'is',B1[0]<x<B1[2], '\n cond2: x is between',START,'and',END,'is',START<x<END
  779. return finalSTART+P
  781. class edge():
  782. def __init__(self, id, begin, end):
  783. = id
  784. self.begin = begin
  785. self.end = end
  787. class button():
  788. def __init__(self, tag):
  789. self.tag = tag
  791. def click(event, tag):
  792. print 'tag is:', tag
  794. def CLICK1(event, tag):
  795. x,y=randint(20, 680-1), randint(20, 180-1)
  796. scanvas.create_button(x, y, bg='red',fg='grey',text='HH', font="Helvetica 8 bold", outline='darkgreen')
  798. def CLICK2(event, tag):
  799. x,y=randint(300, 600-1), randint(200, 400-1)
  800. mscanvas.create_button(x, y, borderwidth=5, outline='red', bg='red', image=xc)#activeimage=xd
  801. #this case command=click doesnt work cus event = <Button-1> of each button is rebbinded
  804. xc=ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='docu.png')
  806. #scanvas = SCanvas(root, width="7i", height="2i", bg='lightblue')
  807. #scanvas.pack()
  808. mscanvas = MsCanvas(root, width="14i", height="6i", bg='#122108')
  809. = 250, y = 0, width=1000, height=600)
  810. #RECIPE2
  811. '''
  812. for i in range(1,jo):
  813. x, y = array_of_positions[i][0],array_of_positions[i][1]
  814. scanvas.create_button(x, y, bg='red',fg='grey',text='HH',font="Helvetica 5 bold", width=2, outline='darkgreen', image=xc, command=click)
  815. for i in range(1,jo):
  816. x, y = array_of_positions[i][0],array_of_positions[i][1]
  817. mscanvas.create_button(x, y, bg='red',fg='grey',text='HH',font="Helvetica 5 bold", width=2, outline='darkgreen', image=xc, command=click)'''
  820. root.mainloop()
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