

Feb 24th, 2013
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  1. Void is clear
  2. obvious and undoubtable
  3. There will be no problems
  4. People will eventually forget how to fight
  5. Peace should be indispensable
  6. Some people said
  7. wars made technology progress
  8. no collission, no progress
  9. I don't wanna believe it!
  10. We can make the wish come true
  11. if there is enough effort
  12. However
  13. I have had no luck
  14. to know the meaning of effort
  15. The ring of möbius
  16. gave me a recurring function
  17. resulting into infinite delay to start
  18. I already forgot where to begin
  19. I finally have nothing
  20. I like φ as the symbol
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