Guest User


a guest
Feb 17th, 2020
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  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name 眼不见心不烦(新浪微博)
  3. // @namespace
  4. // @license MIT License
  5. // @description 新浪微博(非官方功能增强脚本,具有屏蔽关键词、用户、来源、链接,改造版面等功能
  6. // @features 修正直接查看大图功能失效的问题;修正紧凑版式下部分内容显示错位的问题
  7. // @version 2.6.1
  8. // @revision 111
  9. // @author @富平侯
  10. // @committers @牛肉火箭, @JoyerHuang_悦, @tsh90
  11. // @grant GM_getValue
  12. // @grant GM_setValue
  13. // @include*
  14. // @include*
  15. // @include*
  16. // @include*
  17. // @include*
  18. // @include*
  19. // @updateURL
  20. // @downloadURL
  21. // ==/UserScript==
  23. // 借助自定义事件实现page script(注入页面的主程序)与content script(运行在沙箱中)
  24. // 之间的异步通讯,使前者可以间接调用chrome.* API和GM_* API
  25. document.addEventListener('wbpGet', function (event) {
  26. event.stopPropagation();
  27. var name =;
  28. var post = function (value) {
  29. // 注意:不能在此处直接调用callback,否则回调函数将在本程序所在的沙箱环境中运行,在Chrome 27及更高版本下会出错
  30. // 在Greasemonkey(Firefox扩展)环境下也不能通过detail直接传对象,只能送string或array
  31. // 详见
  32. document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('wbpPost', { detail: + '=' + (value || '') }));
  33. };
  34. post(GM_getValue(name, event.detail.defVal));
  35. });
  36. document.addEventListener('wbpSet', function (event) {
  37. event.stopPropagation();
  38. var data = {}, name =, value = event.detail.value;
  39. data[name] = value;
  40. GM_setValue(name, value);
  41. });
  42. // 将脚本注入页面环境
  43. (function (source) {
  44. var script = document.createElement('script');
  45. script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
  46. script.textContent = '(' + source + ')();';
  47. document.head.appendChild(script);
  48. document.head.removeChild(script);
  49. })(function () {
  50. // 工具函数
  51. var $ = (function () {
  52. // 按id选择元素(默认操作)
  53. var $ = function (id) {
  54. return document.getElementById(id);
  55. };
  56. $.version = Number('111');
  57. // 按CSS选择元素
  58. $.select = function (css) {
  59. return document.querySelector(css);
  60. };
  61. var CHROME_KEY_ROOT = 'weiboPlus.';
  62. if ( {
  63. if (localStorage.getItem(CHROME_KEY_ROOT + 'chromeExtInstalled')) {
  64. console.warn('已安装插件版本,脚本停止运行!');
  65. return undefined; // 如果已经(曾经)安装过插件则不再继续运行脚本
  66. }
  67. }
  68. $.window = window;
  69. $.config = $.window.$CONFIG;
  70. if (!$.config) {
  71. return undefined;
  72. }
  73. $.uid = $.config.uid;
  74. if (!$.uid) {
  75. return undefined;
  76. }
  77. $.oid = $.config.oid; // 页面uid(个人主页或单条微博的uid)
  78. var callbacks = {};
  79. document.addEventListener('wbpPost', function (event) {
  80. event.stopPropagation();
  81. var pos = event.detail.indexOf('=');
  82. var id = event.detail.slice(0, pos), value = event.detail.slice(pos+1);
  83. callbacks[id](value);
  84. delete callbacks[id];
  85. });
  86. $.get = function (name, defVal, callback, sync) {
  87. var messageID = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); // 生成随机ID
  88. callbacks[messageID] = callback;
  89. document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('wbpGet', { detail: {
  90. name : name,
  91. defVal : defVal,
  92. id : messageID,
  93. sync : sync
  94. }}));
  95. };
  96. $.set = function (name, value, sync) {
  97. document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('wbpSet', { detail: {
  98. name : name,
  99. value : value,
  100. sync : sync
  101. }}));
  102. };
  103. // 删除节点
  104. $.remove = function (el) {
  105. if (el) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); }
  106. };
  107. // 绑定click事件
  108. $.click = function (el, handler) {
  109. if (el) { el.addEventListener('click', handler, false); }
  110. };
  111. // 返回当前页面的位置
  112. $.scope = function () {
  113. return document.body.classList.contains('FRAME_main') ? 1 : document.body.classList.contains('FRAME_page') ? (document.domain === '' ? 3 : 2) : 0;
  114. };
  115. return $;
  116. })();
  118. if (!$) { return false; }
  120. function Options () {
  121. // 各类型默认值
  122. var typeDefault = {
  123. keyword : [],
  124. string : '',
  125. bool : false,
  126. radio : '',
  127. array : [],
  128. object : {},
  129. internal : null
  130. };
  131. for (var option in this.items) {
  132. if (this.items[option].length > 1) {
  133. // 使用属性默认值
  134. this[option] = this.items[option][1];
  135. } else {
  136. // 使用类型默认值
  137. this[option] = typeDefault[this.items[option][0]];
  138. }
  139. }
  140. }
  142. Options.prototype = {
  143. // 选项类型与默认值
  144. items : {
  145. version : ['internal', 0], // 内部变量:不在设置界面出现,不随设置导出
  146. whiteKeywords : ['keyword'],
  147. blackKeywords : ['keyword'],
  148. grayKeywords : ['keyword'],
  149. sourceKeywords : ['keyword'],
  150. sourceGrayKeywords : ['keyword'],
  151. userBlacklist : ['array'],
  152. tipBackColor : ['string', '#FFD0D0'],
  153. tipTextColor : ['string', '#FF8080'],
  154. readerModeIndex : ['bool'],
  155. readerModeProfile : ['bool'],
  156. readerModeTip : ['internal', false], // 内部变量:不在设置界面出现,不随设置导出
  157. readerModeWidth : ['string', 750],
  158. smallImgLayout : ['bool'],
  159. customImgSize : ['string', 80],
  160. customTotalWidth : ['string', 250],
  161. customVideoSize : ['string', 120],
  162. squareAvatar : ['bool'],
  163. moveSrcToBtm : ['bool'],
  164. unwrapText : ['bool'],
  165. compactFeedToolbar : ['bool'],
  166. noHomeRightBar : ['bool'],
  167. noHomeMargins : ['bool'],
  168. noHotYellowTags : ['bool'],
  169. directBigImg : ['bool'],
  170. directAllFeeds : ['bool'],
  171. showAllArticleText : ['bool'],
  172. showAllText : ['bool'],
  173. showAllGroups : ['bool'],
  174. showAllMsgNav : ['bool'],
  175. showAllSonFeeds : ['bool'],
  176. noDefaultGroupPub : ['bool'],
  177. clearDefTopic : ['bool'],
  178. overrideMyBack : ['bool'],
  179. overrideOtherBack : ['bool'],
  180. backColor : ['string', 'rgba(100%,100%,100%,0.2)'],
  181. overrideMySkin : ['bool'],
  182. overrideOtherSkin : ['bool'],
  183. skinID : ['string', 'skinvip001'],
  184. filterOthersOnly : ['bool'],
  185. filterPaused : ['bool'],
  186. filterSmiley : ['bool'],
  187. filterName : ['bool', true],
  188. filterPromotions : ['bool'],
  189. filterHot : ['bool'],
  190. filterLiked : ['bool'],
  191. filterTopic : ['bool'],
  192. filterDeleted : ['bool'],
  193. filterTaobao : ['bool'],
  194. filterFlood : ['bool'],
  195. maxFlood : ['string', 5],
  196. updateNotify : ['bool', true],
  197. useCustomStyles : ['bool', true],
  198. customStyles : ['string'],
  199. hideMods : ['array']
  200. },
  201. // 去除内部变量并转换为字符串
  202. strip : function () {
  203. var stripped = {};
  204. for (var option in this.items) {
  205. if (this.items[option][0] !== 'internal') {
  206. stripped[option] = this[option];
  207. }
  208. }
  209. return JSON.stringify(stripped);
  210. },
  211. // 保存设置
  212. save : function (noSync) {
  213. this.version = $.version;
  214. $.set($.uid.toString(), JSON.stringify(this));
  215. },
  216. // 载入/导入设置,输入的str为undefined(首次使用时)或string(非首次使用和导入设置时)
  217. load : function (str) {
  218. var parsed = {};
  219. if (str) {
  220. try {
  221. parsed = JSON.parse(str.replace(/\n/g, ''));
  222. if (typeof parsed !== 'object') { throw 0; }
  223. } catch (e) {
  224. parsed = {};
  225. str = null; // 出错,最后返回false
  226. }
  227. }
  228. // 填充选项
  229. for (var option in this.items) {
  230. if (option in parsed) {
  231. this[option] = parsed[option];
  232. }
  233. }
  234. // == LEGACY CODE START ==
  235. // 自动转换“大家正在热搜”选项
  236. if (parsed.clearHotSearch) {
  237. this.hideMods.push("HotSearch");
  238. }
  239. // 采用“紧凑型工具栏”或“微博作者后不折行”时自动将微博来源置于底部
  240. if (parsed.unwrapText || parsed.compactFeedToolbar) {
  241. this.moveSrcToBtm = true;
  242. }
  243. // == LEGACY CODE END
  244. return (str !== null);
  245. }
  246. };
  248. var $options = new Options();
  250. var $dialog = (function () {
  251. var shown = false, dialog, content, STK;
  252. var getDom = function (node) {
  253. // 首页与主页API不一致
  254. return content ? content.getDom(node) : dialog.getDomList()[node];
  255. };
  256. var bind = function (node, func, event) {
  257. STK.core.evt.addEvent(getDom(node), event || 'click', func);
  258. };
  259. // 从显示列表建立关键词数组
  260. var getKeywords = function (id, attr) {
  261. return, function (keyword) {
  262. return attr ? keyword.getAttribute(attr) : keyword.textContent;
  263. });
  264. };
  265. // 将关键词添加到显示列表
  266. var addKeywords = function (id, list, attr) {
  267. var keywords;
  268. if (list instanceof Array) {
  269. keywords = list;
  270. } else {
  271. keywords = [];
  272. var str = ' ' + getDom(list).value + ' ', regex = new RegExp('(\\s"([^"]+)"\\s|\\s([^\\s]+)\\s)', 'g'), result;
  273. while ((result = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
  274. keywords.push(result[2] || result[3]); // 提取关键词
  275. --regex.lastIndex;
  276. }
  277. }
  278. var illegalRegex = keywords.filter(function (keyword) {
  279. if (!keyword || getKeywords(id, attr).indexOf(keyword) !== -1) { return false; }
  280. var keywordLink = document.createElement('a');
  281. // 关键词是正则表达式?
  282. if (keyword.length > 2 && keyword.charAt(0) === '/' && keyword.charAt(keyword.length - 1) === '/') {
  283. try {
  284. // 尝试创建正则表达式,检验正则表达式的有效性
  285. // 调用test()是必须的,否则浏览器可能跳过该语句
  286. RegExp(keyword.slice(1, -1)).test('');
  287. } catch (e) {
  288. return true;
  289. }
  290. keywordLink.className = 'regex';
  291. }
  292. keywordLink.title = '点击删除';
  293. keywordLink.setAttribute('action-type', 'remove');
  294. if (attr) { keywordLink.setAttribute(attr, keyword); }
  295. keywordLink.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
  296. keywordLink.textContent = keyword;
  297. getDom(id).appendChild(keywordLink);
  298. return false;
  299. });
  300. if (!(list instanceof Array)) {
  301. // 在文本框中显示无效的正则表达式并闪烁提示
  302. getDom(list).value = illegalRegex.join(' ');
  303. if (illegalRegex.length) {
  304. // 首页与主页API不一致
  305. (STK.common.extra ? STK.common.extra.shine : STK.kit.extra.shine)(getDom(list));
  306. }
  307. }
  308. };
  309. var usercardLoaded = false;
  310. // 将用户添加到屏蔽用户列表
  311. var addUsers = function (id, list) {
  312. var updateOnly = !list, div = getDom(id);
  313. // 整个列表只载入一次
  314. if (updateOnly && usercardLoaded) { return; }
  315. var users = updateOnly ? getKeywords(id, 'uid') : getDom(list).value.split(' '),
  316. unprocessed = users.length, unfound = [];
  317. users.forEach(function (user) {
  318. var request = { type : 1 };
  319. if (updateOnly) {
  320. = user;
  321. } else {
  322. = user;
  323. }
  324. STK.jsonp({
  325. url : '/aj/v6/user/newcard?ajwvr=6',
  326. args : request,
  327. method : 'get',
  328. responseType : 'json',
  329. varkey : 'callback',
  330. timeout : 3e4,
  331. onComplete : function (result) {
  332. var link;
  333. if (updateOnly) {
  334. link = div.querySelector('a[uid="' + + '"]');
  335. } else {
  336. link = document.createElement('a');
  337. }
  338. if (result.code === '100000') { // 成功
  339. var img =<img[^>]+>/)[0];
  340. if (!updateOnly) { = img.match(/uid="([^"]+)"/)[1]; }
  341. // 防止重复添加
  342. if (updateOnly || getKeywords(id, 'uid').indexOf( === -1) {
  343. link.innerHTML = '<img width="50" height="50" ' + img.match(/src="[^"]+"/)[0] + ' /><br />' + img.match(/title="([^"]+)"/)[1];
  344. if (!updateOnly) {
  345. // 添加新的用户
  346. link.title = '点击删除';
  347. link.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
  348. link.setAttribute('uid',;
  349. link.setAttribute('action-type', 'remove');
  350. div.appendChild(link);
  351. }
  352. }
  353. } else if (updateOnly) {
  354. link.innerHTML += '<br />(未找到)';
  355. } else {
  356. unfound.push(;
  357. }
  358. if (--unprocessed === 0) {
  359. // 全部处理完成,在文本框中显示未被添加的用户并闪烁提示
  360. getDom(list).value = unfound.join(' ');
  361. if (unfound.length) {
  362. // 首页与主页API不一致
  363. (STK.common.extra ? STK.common.extra.shine : STK.kit.extra.shine)(getDom(list));
  364. }
  365. }
  366. },
  367. onTraning : STK.funcEmpty,
  368. onFail : STK.funcEmpty,
  369. isEncode : true
  370. });
  371. });
  372. usercardLoaded = true;
  373. };
  374. // 返回当前设置(可能未保存)
  375. var exportSettings = function () {
  376. var options = new Options(), radio;
  377. for (var option in options.items) {
  378. switch (options.items[option][0]) {
  379. case 'keyword':
  380. options[option] = getKeywords(option + 'List');
  381. break;
  382. case 'string':
  383. options[option] = getDom(option).value;
  384. break;
  385. case 'bool':
  386. options[option] = getDom(option).checked;
  387. break;
  388. case 'radio':
  389. radio = getDom('tabs').querySelector('input[type="radio"][name="' + option + '"]:checked');
  390. options[option] = radio ? radio.value : '';
  391. break;
  392. case 'array':
  393. options[option] = [];
  394. break;
  395. case 'object':
  396. options[option] = {};
  397. break;
  398. case 'internal':
  399. // 内部变量保持不变
  400. // WARNING: 内部变量如果是数组或对象,以下的浅拷贝方式可能导致设置的意外改变
  401. options[option] = $options[option];
  402. break;
  403. }
  404. }
  405. options.userBlacklist = getKeywords('userBlacklist', 'uid');
  406. for (var module in $page.modules) {
  407. if (getDom('hide' + module).checked) {
  408. options.hideMods.push(module);
  409. }
  410. }
  411. getDom('settingsString').value = options.strip();
  412. return options;
  413. };
  414. // 更新设置窗口内容,exportSettings()的反过程
  415. var importSettings = function (options) {
  416. var radio;
  417. for (var option in options.items) {
  418. switch (options.items[option][0]) {
  419. case 'keyword':
  420. getDom(option).value = '';
  421. getDom(option + 'List').innerHTML = '';
  422. addKeywords(option + 'List', options[option]);
  423. break;
  424. case 'string':
  425. getDom(option).value = options[option];
  426. break;
  427. case 'bool':
  428. getDom(option).checked = options[option];
  429. break;
  430. case 'radio':
  431. radio = getDom('tabs').querySelector('input[type="radio"][name="' + option + '"][value="' + options[option] + '"]');
  432. if (radio) { radio.checked = true; }
  433. break;
  434. }
  435. }
  436. getDom('userBlacklistNew').value = '';
  437. getDom('userBlacklist').innerHTML = '';
  438. addKeywords('userBlacklist', options.userBlacklist, 'uid');
  439. usercardLoaded = false;
  440. var tipBackColor = getDom('tipBackColor').value,
  441. tipTextColor = getDom('tipTextColor').value,
  442. tipSample = getDom('tipSample');
  443. = tipBackColor;
  444. = tipTextColor;
  445. = tipTextColor;
  446. for (var module in $page.modules) {
  447. getDom('hide' + module).checked = (options.hideMods.indexOf(module) !== -1);
  448. }
  449. getDom('settingsString').value = options.strip();
  450. };
  451. // 创建设置窗口
  452. var createDialog = function () {
  453. // 由于操作是异步进行的,脚本载入时STK可能尚未载入,尤其是在Firefox中
  454. // 鉴于只有$dialog使用STK,将其设置为内部变量,仅在打开设置窗口时载入
  455. STK = $.window.STK;
  456. if (!STK) {
  457. console.warn('页面尚未载入完成,无法打开设置页面!');
  458. return false;
  459. }
  460. var HTML = '<div node-type="outer" class="detail wbpSettings" style="padding: 0 20px 20px"><div class="clearfix"><div style="float: left">新浪微博<span style="color: red">非官方</span>功能增强脚本。</div><div style="float: right; display: inline; position: relative"><a href="" target="_blank">插件主页</a><em class="W_vline"></em><a href="" title="遇到问题请先阅读FAQ" target="_blank">常见问题</a><em class="W_vline"></em><a href="/salviati" title="欢迎私信、评论或@作者提出建议" target="_blank">联系作者</a></div></div><div class="clearfix"><div node-type="tabHeaders" class="wbpTabHeaders"><a tab="tabKeywords" href="javascript:void(0);" class="current">关键词</a><a node-type="tabHeaderUser" tab="tabUser" href="javascript:void(0);">用户</a><a tab="tabSource" href="javascript:void(0);">来源</a><a tab="tabAdvanced" href="javascript:void(0);">高级</a><a tab="tabModules" href="javascript:void(0);">模块</a><a tab="tabModify" href="javascript:void(0);">改造版面</a><a node-type="tabHeaderSettings" tab="tabSettings" href="javascript:void(0);">设置</a></div><div node-type="tabs" style="float: right; width: 440px"><div node-type="tabKeywords"><div class="clearfix"><div style="float: left"><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterSmiley"><label title="如果选中,[呵呵]等表情也可以作为关键词被屏蔽">允许表情关键词</label><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterName" style="margin-left: 10px"><label title="如果选中,@富平侯 等用户名也可以作为关键词被屏蔽">在用户名中搜索关键词</label></div><div style="float: right; display: inline; position: relative"><span class="link"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="cursor: help">关键词设置帮助<span><ul><li>如果要添加的关键词中有空格,可将其置于一对<span style="color: blue">半角双引号</span>内,如<span style="color: green">"I love you"</span></li><li>使用<span style="color: blue">加号</span>分隔需要同时出现的关键词,如<span style="color: green">A+B+C</span>代表A、B、C三个词必须同时出现</li><li>使用<span style="color: blue">斜杠</span>设置正则表达式关键词,如<span style="color: green">/转发并@.{2,3}好友/</span></li></ul></span></a></span></div></div><div class="wbpKeywordBlock"><em>白名单</em>包含下列关键词的微博不会被屏蔽<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><div class="wbpInput"><input type="text" node-type="whiteKeywords" class="input" placeholder="多个关键词用空格隔开;不区分大小写;区分简繁体"></div></td><td class="wbpToolBtns"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="add" action-data="list=whiteKeywordsList&text=whiteKeywords"><span>添加</span></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="clear" action-data="list=whiteKeywordsList"><span>清空</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="wbpListWrapper"><div node-type="whiteKeywordsList" class="wbpKeywordsList wbpWhiteKeywordsList"></div></div></div><div class="wbpKeywordBlock"><em>黑名单</em>包含下列关键词的微博将被屏蔽<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><div class="wbpInput"><input type="text" node-type="blackKeywords" class="input" placeholder="多个关键词用空格隔开;不区分大小写;区分简繁体"></div></td><td class="wbpToolBtns"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="add" action-data="list=blackKeywordsList&text=blackKeywords"><span>添加</span></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="clear" action-data="list=blackKeywordsList"><span>清空</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="wbpListWrapper"><div node-type="blackKeywordsList" class="wbpKeywordsList wbpBlackKeywordsList"></div></div></div><div class="wbpKeywordBlock"><em>灰名单</em>包含下列关键词的微博将被屏蔽<span style="color: red">并提示</span><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><div class="wbpInput"><input type="text" node-type="grayKeywords" class="input" placeholder="多个关键词用空格隔开;不区分大小写;区分简繁体"></div></td><td class="wbpToolBtns"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="add" action-data="list=grayKeywordsList&text=grayKeywords"><span>添加</span></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="clear" action-data="list=grayKeywordsList"><span>清空</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="wbpListWrapper"><div node-type="grayKeywordsList" class="wbpKeywordsList wbpGrayKeywordsList"></div></div><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top: 0px"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 110px">屏蔽提示背景颜色:</td><td><div class="wbpInput"><input type="text" node-type="tipBackColor" class="input"></div></td><td style="width: 15px"></td><td style="width: 110px">屏蔽提示文字颜色:</td><td><div class="wbpInput"><input type="text" node-type="tipTextColor" class="input"></div></td></tr></tbody></table><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 40px">示例:</td><td><div node-type="tipSample" class="wbpTip" style="margin-bottom: 10px">本条来自<a href="javascript:void(0);">@某人</a>的微博因包含关键词“<a href="javascript:void(0);">XXXX</a>”而被隐藏,点击显示</div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div node-type="tabUser" style="display: none"><p>如果一条微博的发布者或转发原文的作者为下列用户之一,微博将被屏蔽。除了在此处添加屏蔽用户,您还可以将鼠标悬停在用户链接上,在弹出的信息气球上点击“屏蔽”。</p><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><div class="wbpInput"><input type="text" node-type="userBlacklistNew" class="input" placeholder="多个用户名用空格隔开;不要加上前面的@;不区分大小写"></div></td><td class="wbpToolBtns"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="addUser" action-data="list=userBlacklist&text=userBlacklistNew"><span>添加</span></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="clear" action-data="list=userBlacklist"><span>清空</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="wbpListWrapper" style="max-height: 230px"><div node-type="userBlacklist" class="wbpUserList wbpBlackKeywordsList"></div></div></div><div node-type="tabSource" style="display: none"><p>如果一条微博的来源(包括转发原文的来源)名称中包含指定关键词,微博将被屏蔽。如将“时光机”设为关键词可屏蔽所有来自<a href="" target="_blank">时光机</a>或<a href="" target="_blank">皮皮时光机</a>等应用的微博。</p><div class="wbpKeywordBlock"><em>黑名单</em>来源名称包含下列关键词的微博将被屏蔽<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><div class="wbpInput"><input type="text" node-type="sourceKeywords" class="input" placeholder="多个关键词用空格隔开;不区分大小写;区分简繁体"></div></td><td class="wbpToolBtns"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="add" action-data="list=sourceKeywordsList&text=sourceKeywords"><span>添加</span></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="clear" action-data="list=sourceKeywordsList"><span>清空</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="wbpListWrapper"><div node-type="sourceKeywordsList" class="wbpKeywordsList wbpBlackKeywordsList"></div></div></div><div class="wbpKeywordBlock"><em>灰名单</em>来源名称包含下列关键词的微博将被屏蔽<span style="color: red">并提示</span><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><div class="wbpInput"><input type="text" node-type="sourceGrayKeywords" class="input" placeholder="多个关键词用空格隔开;不区分大小写;区分简繁体"></div></td><td class="wbpToolBtns"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="add" action-data="list=sourceGrayKeywordsList&text=sourceGrayKeywords"><span>添加</span></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" action-type="clear" action-data="list=sourceGrayKeywordsList"><span>清空</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="wbpListWrapper"><div node-type="sourceGrayKeywordsList" class="wbpKeywordsList wbpGrayKeywordsList"></div></div></div></div><div node-type="tabAdvanced" style="display: none"><p>注意:对于所有屏蔽微博的功能,白名单具有最高优先级;如果一条微博包含白名单中的关键词,则<span style="color: red">一定不会</span>被屏蔽。</p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterOthersOnly"><label>不要屏蔽我自己发布的微博</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterPaused"><label><span style="color: red">暂停屏蔽</span>:选中时暂时停止屏蔽微博</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterPromotions"><label>屏蔽推广微博</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterHot"><label>屏蔽热门微博(粉丝头条)</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterLiked"><label>屏蔽好友赞过的微博</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterTopic"><label>屏蔽关注话题推荐的微博</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterDeleted"><label>屏蔽已删除微博的转发</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterTaobao"><label class="WB_text">屏蔽带有 <a class="W_btn_b W_btn_cardlink btn_22px"><span class="ico_spe"><i class="W_icon icon_cd_tb"></i></span><span class="W_autocut">淘宝商品</span></a> 或 <a class="W_btn_b W_btn_cardlink btn_22px"><span class="ico_spe"><i class="W_icon icon_cd_tmall"></i></span><span class="W_autocut">天猫商品</span></a> 的微博</label></p><div style="margin-top: 5px"><input type="checkbox" node-type="filterFlood"><label>反刷屏:来自同一用户的微博最多显示</label><div class="wbpInput wbpInlineInput"><input type="text" node-type="maxFlood" class="input"></div>条</div></div><div node-type="tabModules" class="wbpTabModules" style="display: none"><p>请选择要屏蔽的版面内容。</p><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="line-height: 24px; margin-top: 15px"><tbody><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideAds"><label>版面广告及嵌入式广告</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideHotSearch"><label>大家正在热搜(搜索栏)</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideFooter"><label>页底链接模块</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideRecommendedTopic"><label>热点微话题(发布框右上)</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideIMNews"><label>右下角新闻快讯</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideCommentTip"><label>评论栏顶端横幅</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideMusicPlayer"><label>微音乐播放器(左下角)</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideMemberTip"><label>微博会员推广横幅(页底)</label></td></tr><tr class="wbpRowSpacing"><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideRecomFeed"><label>精彩微博推荐(首页时间线)</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideTimelineMods"><label>时间线嵌入模块(好友关注等)</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideTopicCard"><label>微博话题卡片</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideLocationCard"><label>微博位置卡片</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideAppCard"><label>微博应用卡片</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideMemberCover"><label>会员微博背景</label></td></tr><tr class="wbpRowSpacing"><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideFriends"><label>好友圈</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideToMe"><label>群微博</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideHotWeibo"><label>热门微博</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideHongbao"><label>让红包飞(右边栏)</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideStats"><label>关注/粉丝/微博数</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideLevel"><label>用户等级</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideTopic"><label>热门话题</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideAttFeed"><label>好友关注动态</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideMusicRecom"><label>亚洲新歌榜/好书榜</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideMovieRecom"><label>电影热议榜</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideMember"><label>会员专区</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideNotice"><label>公告栏</label></td></tr><tr class="wbpRowSpacing"><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideVerifyIcon"><label>个人/机构认证标识</label><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="W_icon icon_approve"></i><i class="W_icon icon_approve_gold"></i><i class="W_icon icon_approve_co"></i></a></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideDarenIcon"><label>微博达人标识</label><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="W_icon icon_club"></i></a></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideMemberIcon"><label>微博会员标识</label><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="W_icon icon_member"></i></a></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideVgirlIcon"><label>微博女郎标识</label><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="W_icon icon_vlady"></i></a></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideTaobaoIcon"><label>淘宝商户</label><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="W_icon icon_taobao"></i><i class="W_icon icon_tmall"></i></a></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideGongyiIcon"><label>微公益</label><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="W_icon icon_gongyi"></i></a></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideHongbaoIcon"><label>让红包飞</label><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="W_icon icon_redpack"></i><i class="W_icon icon_wealth"></i></a></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hidePaiIcon"><label>随手拍2017</label><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="W_icon icon_suishoupai2014"></i></a></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideTravelIcon"><label>带着微博去旅行</label><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="W_icon icon_airball"></i></a></td></tr><tr class="wbpRowSpacing"><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideProfCover"><label>封面图(个人主页)</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideProfStats"><label>关注/粉丝/微博数(个人主页)</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideRelation"><label>关注/粉丝/微关系(个人主页)</label></td><td><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideAlbum"><label>微相册(个人主页)</label></td></tr><tr class="wbpRowSpacing"><td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" node-type="hideFeedRecom"><label>相关推荐:单条微博右边栏</label></td></tr></tbody></table><p style="margin-top: 15px"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" node-type="hideAll"><span>全选</span></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" node-type="hideInvert" style="margin-left: 5px"><span>反选</span></a></p></div><div node-type="tabModify" style="display: none"><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="squareAvatar"><label>使用方形头像</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="moveSrcToBtm"><label>微博来源移动至微博底部</label></p><p style="margin-left: 20px"><input type="checkbox" node-type="unwrapText"><label>微博作者与正文间不折行</label></p><p style="margin-left: 20px"><input type="checkbox" node-type="compactFeedToolbar"><label>使用紧凑型(V5样式)微博工具栏(收藏 | 转发 | 评论 | 赞)</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="noHomeRightBar"><label>去除首页右边栏</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="noHomeMargins"><label>在首页使用紧凑版式(去除卡片间空隙)</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="noHotYellowTags"><label>禁止弹出“有新的热门微博”等提示</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="showAllArticleText"><label>显示未关注作者的长微博全文</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="showAllText"><label>展开字数超长的微博内容</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="showAllGroups"><label>展开分组栏中的所有分组</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="showAllMsgNav"><label>在左边栏增加消息导航(“评论”、“私信”等)</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="showAllSonFeeds"><label>展开所有子微博(“还有?条对原微博的转发”)</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="directBigImg"><label>点击“查看大图”或“查看图片”直接打开大图</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="directAllFeeds"><label>进入未关注人主页时默认查看全部微博</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="noDefaultGroupPub"><label>禁止在浏览分组时默认发布新微博到该分组</label></p><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="clearDefTopic"><label title="关闭此选项后需要刷新页面生效">清除微博发布框中的默认话题</label></p><div style="margin-top: 15px"><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="smallImgLayout"><label>启用小图版式(自定义微博配图尺寸)</label></p><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top: 3px"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 60px; padding-left: 19px">插图尺寸:</td><td><div class="wbpInput" style="width: 40px"><input type="text" node-type="customImgSize" class="input"></div></td><td style="width: 50px">总宽度:</td><td><div class="wbpInput" style="width: 40px"><input type="text" node-type="customTotalWidth" class="input"></div></td><td style="width: 100px">视频缩略图尺寸:</td><td><div class="wbpInput" style="width: 40px"><input type="text" node-type="customVideoSize" class="input"></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div style="margin-top: 10px">在<input type="checkbox" node-type="readerModeIndex" style="margin: 0 2px 0 8px"><label>我的首页</label><input type="checkbox" node-type="readerModeProfile" style="margin: 0 2px 0 8px"><label style="margin-right: 8px">个人主页</label>启用极简阅读模式<span style="color: red">(可按F8切换)</span><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top: 3px"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 85px; padding-left: 19px">宽度(像素):</td><td><div class="wbpInput" style="width: 40px"><input type="text" node-type="readerModeWidth" class="input"></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div style="margin-top: 10px">设置<input type="checkbox" node-type="overrideMyBack" style="margin: 0 2px 0 8px"><label>我的首页</label><input type="checkbox" node-type="overrideOtherBack" style="margin: 0 2px 0 8px"><label style="margin-right: 8px">个人主页</label>透明背景色<div class="wbpInput wbpInlineInput" style="width: 190px" title="最后一个参数为透明度,0为全透明,1为不透明"><input type="text" node-type="backColor" class="input"></div></div><div style="margin-top: 10px">覆盖<input type="checkbox" node-type="overrideMySkin" style="margin: 0 2px 0 8px"><label>我的首页</label><input type="checkbox" node-type="overrideOtherSkin" style="margin: 0 2px 0 8px"><label style="margin-right: 8px">个人主页</label>模板设置为<div class="wbpInput wbpInlineInput" style="width: 80px" title="普通模板为“skin+三位数字编号”,如skin012\n会员专属模板为“skinvip+三位数字编号”,如skinvip012\n默认模板为default"><input type="text" node-type="skinID" class="input"></div>(仅自己可见)</div><p style="margin-top: 10px"><input type="checkbox" node-type="useCustomStyles"><label><span style="color: red">自定义样式</span>(CSS):可用于屏蔽模块、改造版面,</label><a href="" target="_blank">点此查看示例</a></p><textarea node-type="customStyles" rows="6" style="margin-top: 5px"></textarea></div><div node-type="tabSettings" style="display: none"><p><input type="checkbox" node-type="updateNotify"><label>更新后首次使用时显示新功能</label></p><div class="clearfix" style="margin-top: 8px"><div style="float: left; width: 375px"><p>当前账号的设置信息在以下文本框中,您可以将其复制到其它位置保存。导入设置时,请将设置信息粘贴到文本框中,然后点击“导入”。</p></div><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="W_btn_b" node-type="import" style="float: right; margin-top: 6px"><span>导入</span></a></div><textarea node-type="settingsString" rows="10"></textarea></div></div></div><p style="margin-top: 10px"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_a" node-type="OK"><span>确定</span></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="W_btn_b" node-type="cancel" style="margin-left: 10px"><span>取消</span></a></p></div>', events;
  461. dialog = STK.ui.dialog({isHold: true});
  462. dialog.setTitle('“眼不见心不烦”(v2.6.1)设置');
  463. // 首页与主页API不一致
  464. if (dialog.getDom) {
  465. content = STK.ui.mod.layer(HTML);
  466. dialog.setContent(content.getOuter());
  467. events = STK.core.evt.delegatedEvent(content.getDom('tabs'));
  468. } else {
  469. //content = STK.ui.mod.layer({template: HTML, appendTo: null});
  470. dialog.setContent(HTML);
  471. events = STK.core.evt.delegatedEvent(dialog.getDomList(true).tabs); // true用于更新DOM缓存(只需做一次)
  472. }
  473. // 修改屏蔽提示颜色事件
  474. bind('tipBackColor', function () {
  475. getDom('tipSample').style.backgroundColor = this.value;
  476. }, 'blur');
  477. bind('tipTextColor', function () {
  478. getDom('tipSample').style.borderColor = this.value;
  479. getDom('tipSample').style.color = this.value;
  480. }, 'blur');
  481. // 添加关键词按钮点击事件
  482. events.add('add', 'click', function (action) {
  483. addKeywords(,;
  484. });
  485. // 清空关键词按钮点击事件
  486. events.add('clear', 'click', function (action) {
  487. getDom( = '';
  488. });
  489. // 删除关键词事件
  490. events.add('remove', 'click', function (action) {
  491. $.remove(action.el);
  492. });
  493. // 添加用户按钮点击事件
  494. events.add('addUser', 'click', function (action) {
  495. addUsers(,;
  496. });
  497. // 复选框标签点击事件
  498. bind('outer', function (event) {
  499. var node =;
  500. // 标签下可能有span等元素
  501. if (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.tagName === 'LABEL') {
  502. node = node.parentNode;
  503. }
  504. if (node.tagName === 'LABEL') {
  505. event.preventDefault();
  506. event.stopPropagation();
  507. if (node.getAttribute('for')) {
  508. // 有for属性则使用之
  509. getDom(node.getAttribute('for')).click();
  510. } else {
  511. // 默认目标在标签之前(同级)
  513. }
  514. }
  515. });
  516. // 标签点击事件
  517. bind('tabHeaders', function (event) {
  518. var node =;
  519. if (node && node.tagName === 'A') {
  520. node.className = 'current';
  521. getDom(node.getAttribute('tab')).style.display = '';
  522., function (child) {
  523. if (node !== child) {
  524. child.className = '';
  525. getDom(child.getAttribute('tab')).style.display = 'none';
  526. }
  527. });
  528. }
  529. });
  530. // 点击“设置导入/导出”标签时更新内容
  531. bind('tabHeaderSettings', exportSettings);
  532. // 点击“用户”标签时载入用户黑名单头像
  533. bind('tabHeaderUser', function () { addUsers('userBlacklist'); });
  534. bind('hideAll', function () {
  535. for (var module in $page.modules) {
  536. getDom('hide' + module).checked = true;
  537. }
  538. });
  539. bind('hideInvert', function () {
  540. for (var module in $page.modules) {
  541. var item = getDom('hide' + module);
  542. item.checked = !item.checked;
  543. }
  544. });
  545. // 对话框按钮点击事件
  546. bind('import', function () {
  547. var options = new Options();
  548. if (options.load(getDom('settingsString').value)) {
  549. importSettings(options);
  550. alert('设置导入成功!');
  551. } else {
  552. alert('设置导入失败!\n设置信息格式有问题。');
  553. }
  554. });
  555. bind('OK', function () {
  556. $options = exportSettings();
  557. $;
  558. $filter();
  559. $page();
  560. dialog.hide();
  561. shown = false;
  562. });
  563. bind('cancel', function () {
  564. dialog.hide();
  565. shown = false;
  566. });
  567. return true;
  568. };
  569. // 显示设置窗口
  570. var show = function () {
  571. if (!dialog && !createDialog()) {
  572. return;
  573. }
  574. shown = true;
  575. importSettings($options);
  576. if (getDom('tabHeaderUser').classList.contains('current')) {
  577. addUsers('userBlacklist');
  578. }
  580. };
  581. show.shown = function () {
  582. return shown;
  583. };
  585. return show;
  586. })();
  588. // 关键词过滤器
  589. var $filter = (function () {
  590. var forwardFeeds = {}, floodFeeds = {};
  591. // 搜索指定文本中是否包含列表中的关键词
  592. var search = function (str, key) {
  593. var text = str.toLowerCase(), keywords = $options[key];
  594. if (str === '' || keywords.length === 0) { return ''; }
  595. var matched = keywords.filter(function (keyword) {
  596. if (!keyword) { return false; }
  597. if (keyword.length > 2 && keyword.charAt(0) === '/' && keyword.charAt(keyword.length - 1) === '/') {
  598. try {
  599. // 尝试匹配正则表达式
  600. return (RegExp(keyword.slice(1, -1)).test(str));
  601. } catch (e) { }
  602. } else {
  603. return keyword.split('+').every(function (k) { return text.indexOf(k.toLowerCase()) !== -1; });
  604. }
  605. return false;
  606. });
  607. return matched.length ? matched[0] : '';
  608. };
  609. // 获取微博正文
  610. var getText = function (content) {
  611. var node = content.firstChild, text = '';
  612. // 只保留ID(如果用户要求)与话题,去掉其它链接(如淘宝链接、短链接、地点等)
  613. while (node) {
  614. if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
  615. text += node.nodeValue.trim();
  616. } else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
  617. if (node.tagName === 'A' && node.getAttribute('extra-data') === 'type=topic') { // 话题
  618. text += node.textContent;
  619. } else if ($options.filterName && node.tagName === 'A' && node.hasAttribute('usercard')) { // 用户ID
  620. text += node.textContent;
  621. } else if ($options.filterSmiley && node.tagName === 'IMG' && node.getAttribute('type') === 'face') {
  622. text += node.getAttribute('alt');
  623. }
  624. }
  625. node = node.nextSibling;
  626. }
  627. return text;
  628. };
  629. // 过滤微博来源
  630. var searchSource = function (source, keywords) {
  631. if (!source) {
  632. source = '';
  633. } else {
  634. // 过长的应用名称会被压缩,完整名称存放在title属性中
  635. source = source.title || source.textContent;
  636. }
  637. return search(source, keywords);
  638. };
  639. // 过滤单条微博
  640. var apply = function (feed) {
  641. if (feed.firstChild && feed.firstChild.className === 'wbpTip') {
  642. // 已被灰名单屏蔽过,移除屏蔽提示和分隔线
  643. feed.removeChild(feed.firstChild);
  644. }
  645. var mid = feed.getAttribute('mid');
  646. if (!mid) { return false; } // 动态没有mid
  647. var scope = $.scope(), isForward = (feed.getAttribute('isforward') === '1');
  648. var author, content, source, fwdAuthor, fwdContent, fwdSource;
  649. if (scope === 3) { scope = 1; } // 热门微博的展现形式类似主页
  650. // V6版单条微博页面与用户主页结构类似,不要屏蔽
  651. if (scope === 2 && feed.parentNode.getAttribute('node-type') === 'feedconfig') { return false; }
  652. if (scope === 1 && feed.getAttribute('feedtype') === 'subfeed') { // “还有?条对原微博的转发”
  653. author = feed.querySelector('.WB_detail>.WB_text>a[usercard]');
  654. content = feed.querySelector('.WB_detail>.WB_text>[node-type="feed_list_content"]');
  655. source = feed.querySelector('.WB_detail>.WB_func>.WB_from>a[date]+a');
  656. } else {
  657. author = (scope === 1) ? feed.querySelector('.WB_detail>.WB_info>a[usercard]') : null;
  658. // 对于字数超长微博,优先采用展开后的完整内容(如果有)
  659. content = feed.querySelector('.WB_detail>.WB_text[node-type="feed_list_content_full"]') || feed.querySelector('.WB_detail>.WB_text[node-type="feed_list_content"]');
  660. source = feed.querySelector('.WB_detail>.WB_from>a[date]+a');
  661. fwdAuthor = feed.querySelector('.WB_feed_expand .WB_info>a[usercard]');
  662. fwdContent = feed.querySelector('.WB_feed_expand .WB_text');
  663. fwdSource = feed.querySelector('.WB_feed_expand .WB_func .WB_from>a[date]+a');
  664. }
  665. var uid = author ? author.getAttribute('usercard').match(/id=(\d+)/)[1] : null,
  666. fuid = fwdAuthor ? fwdAuthor.getAttribute('usercard').match(/id=(\d+)/)[1] : null,
  667. text = '';
  669. if (!content) { return false; }
  670. if (scope === 1 && $options.filterName) { text = '@' + author.getAttribute('nick-name') + ': '; }
  671. text += getText(content);
  672. if (isForward && fwdAuthor && fwdContent) {
  673. // 转发内容
  674. text += '////' + ($options.filterName ? '@' + fwdAuthor.getAttribute('nick-name') + ': ' : '') + getText(fwdContent);
  675. }
  677. // 处理子微博
  678. if (feed.querySelector('.WB_feed_together')) {
  679. var sonFeeds = feed.querySelectorAll('.WB_feed_detail[feedtype="subfeed"]'),
  680. sonFeedsLeft = sonFeeds.length -, apply).length;
  681. if (sonFeedsLeft === 0) {
  682. feed.querySelector('.WB_feed_together').style.display = 'none'; // 隐藏整个子微博栏目
  683. } else {
  684. feed.querySelector('.WB_feed_together').style.display = '';
  685. feed.querySelector('.WB_feed_together [node-type="followNum"]').innerHTML = sonFeedsLeft;
  686. }
  687. }
  689. if ($options.filterPaused || // 暂停屏蔽
  690. ($options.filterOthersOnly && feed.querySelector('.WB_screen a[action-type="feed_list_delete"]')) || // 不要屏蔽自己的微博(判据:工具栏是否有“删除”)
  691. search(text, 'whiteKeywords')) { // 白名单条件
  692. } else if ((function () { // 黑名单条件
  693. // 屏蔽推广微博
  694. if (scope === 1 && $options.filterPromotions && feed.getAttribute('feedtype') === 'ad') {
  695. return true;
  696. }
  697. // 屏蔽热门微博
  698. if (scope === 1 && $options.filterHot && feed.getAttribute('feedtype') === 'top') {
  699. return true;
  700. }
  701. // 屏蔽好友赞过的微博(首页和个人主页)
  702. if ($options.filterLiked && (
  703. (scope === 1 && feed.querySelector('.WB_cardtitle_b [suda-uatrack*="key=insert_like"]')) ||
  704. (scope === 2 && feed.querySelector('.WB_face a[action-type="follow"]')))) {
  705. return true;
  706. }
  707. // 屏蔽关注话题推荐的微博
  708. if (scope === 1 && $options.filterTopic && feed.querySelector('.WB_cardtitle_b .main_title>a[href*="//"]')) {
  709. return true;
  710. }
  711. // 屏蔽已删除微博的转发(是转发但无转发作者)
  712. if ($options.filterDeleted && isForward && !fwdAuthor) {
  713. return true;
  714. }
  715. // 用户黑名单
  716. if ((scope === 1 && author && $options.userBlacklist.indexOf(uid) !== -1) ||
  717. (isForward && fwdAuthor && (scope === 1 || fuid !== $.oid) && $options.userBlacklist.indexOf(fuid) !== -1)) {
  718. return true;
  719. }
  720. // 屏蔽淘宝和天猫链接微博
  721. if ($options.filterTaobao && feed.querySelector('a[href*=""] i.icon_cd_tb, a[href*=""] i.icon_cd_tmall')) {
  722. return true;
  723. }
  724. // 屏蔽指定来源
  725. if (searchSource(source, 'sourceKeywords') ||
  726. (isForward && searchSource(fwdSource, 'sourceKeywords'))) {
  727. return true;
  728. }
  729. // 反刷屏(屏蔽同一用户大量发帖)
  730. if ($options.filterFlood && uid && floodFeeds[uid]) {
  731. if (floodFeeds[uid].length >= Number($options.maxFlood) && floodFeeds[uid].indexOf(mid) === -1) {
  732. return true;
  733. }
  734. }
  735. // 在微博内容中搜索屏蔽关键词
  736. if (search(text, 'blackKeywords')) {
  737. return true;
  738. }
  739. return false;
  740. })()) {
  741. = 'none'; // 直接隐藏,不显示屏蔽提示
  742. return true;
  743. } else { // 灰名单条件
  744. // 搜索来源灰名单
  745. var sourceKeyword = searchSource(source, 'sourceGrayKeywords'),
  746. keyword = search(text, 'grayKeywords');
  747. if (!sourceKeyword && isForward) {
  748. sourceKeyword = searchSource(fwdSource, 'sourceGrayKeywords');
  749. }
  750. if (keyword || sourceKeyword) {
  751. // 找到了待隐藏的微博
  752. var authorClone;
  753. if (scope === 1) {
  754. // 添加隐藏提示链接
  755. authorClone = author.cloneNode(false);
  756. authorClone.textContent = '@' + author.getAttribute('nick-name');
  757. authorClone.className = '';
  758. }
  759. var showFeedLink = document.createElement('a');
  760. showFeedLink.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
  761. showFeedLink.className = 'wbpTip';
  762. var keywordLink = document.createElement('a');
  763. keywordLink.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
  764. keywordLink.className = 'wbpTipKeyword';
  765. keywordLink.textContent = keyword || sourceKeyword;
  766. if (scope === 1) {
  767. showFeedLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('本条来自'));
  768. showFeedLink.appendChild(authorClone);
  769. showFeedLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('的微博因'));
  770. } else if (scope === 2) {
  771. showFeedLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('本条微博因'));
  772. }
  773. showFeedLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(keyword ? '内容包含“' : '来源名称包含“'));
  774. showFeedLink.appendChild(keywordLink);
  775. showFeedLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('”而被隐藏,点击显示'));
  776. feed.insertBefore(showFeedLink, feed.firstChild);
  777. return false; // 灰名单不作为屏蔽处理
  778. }
  779. }
  780. // 显示微博并记录
  781. = '';
  782. if (!$options.filterPaused) {
  783. if ($options.filterFlood && uid) {
  784. if (!floodFeeds[uid]) {
  785. floodFeeds[uid] = [];
  786. }
  787. if (floodFeeds[uid].indexOf(mid) === -1) {
  788. floodFeeds[uid].push(mid);
  789. }
  790. }
  791. }
  792. return false;
  793. };
  794. // 过滤所有微博
  795. var applyToAll = function () {
  796. // 过滤所有微博
  797. if ($.scope()) {
  798. forwardFeeds = {}; floodFeeds = {};
  799.'.WB_feed_type'), apply);
  800. }
  801. };
  802. // 屏蔽提示相关事件的冒泡处理
  803. var bindTipOnClick = function (node) {
  804. if (!node) { return; }
  805. $.click(node, function (event) {
  806. var node =;
  807. if (node && node.tagName === 'A') {
  808. if (node.className === 'wbpTipKeyword') {
  809. $dialog();
  810. event.stopPropagation(); // 防止事件冒泡触发屏蔽提示的onclick事件
  811. } else if (node.className === 'wbpTip') {
  812. $.remove(node);
  813. }
  814. }
  815. });
  816. };
  818. // 处理动态载入的微博
  819. if ($.scope()) {
  820. bindTipOnClick($.select('.WB_feed'));
  821. }
  822. // 点击“查看大图”事件拦截处理
  823. document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
  824. if (!$options.directBigImg || ! { return true; }
  825. var actionType ='action-type'), actionData ='action-data'), actionDataList = {};
  826. if (actionType !== 'widget_commentPhotoView' && actionType !== 'images_view_tobig' && actionType !== 'widget_photoview') { return true; }
  827. if (actionData) {
  828. actionData.split("&").forEach(function (item) {
  829. actionDataList[item.split('=')[0]] = unescape(item.split('=')[1]);
  830. });
  831. }
  832. if (actionType === 'widget_commentPhotoView' && {
  833. // 评论图片
  834.'' + + '.jpg', '_blank');
  835. event.stopPropagation();
  836. } else if ((actionType === 'images_view_tobig' || actionType === 'widget_photoview') &&
  837. && actionDataList.mid && actionDataList.uid) {
  838. // 微博配图
  839.'' + actionDataList.uid +
  840. '/wbphotos/large/mid/' + actionDataList.mid +
  841. '/pid/' +, '_blank');
  842. event.stopPropagation();
  843. } else if (actionType === 'widget_photoview' &&'alt')) {
  844. // 图片链接
  846. event.stopPropagation();
  847. }
  848. }, true);
  849. // 使用事件捕捉以尽早触发事件,避免与新浪自带事件撞车
  850. document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function (event) {
  851. var node =;
  852. if ($.scope() === 0 || node.tagName !== 'DIV') { return; }
  853. if (node.classList.contains('WB_feed_type')) {
  854. // 处理动态载入的微博
  855. apply(node);
  856. } else if (node.classList.contains('W_loading')) {
  857. var requestType = node.getAttribute('requesttype');
  858. // 仅在搜索和翻页时需要初始化反刷屏/反版聊记录
  859. // 其它情况(新微博:newFeed,同页接续:lazyload)下不需要
  860. if (requestType === 'search' || requestType === 'page') {
  861. forwardFeeds = {}; floodFeeds = {};
  862. }
  863. } else if (node.classList.contains('WB_feed') || node.querySelector('.WB_feed')) {
  864. // 微博列表作为pagelet被一次性载入
  865. bindTipOnClick(node);
  866. applyToAll();
  867. } else if (node.classList.contains('WB_text') && node.getAttribute('node-type') === 'feed_list_content_full') {
  868. // 字数超长微博的完整部分展开时才会载入,需重新处理
  869. do { node = node.parentNode; } while (!node.classList.contains('WB_feed_type'));
  870. apply(node);
  871. }
  872. }, false);
  874. return function (feed) {
  875. if (feed) {
  876. apply(feed);
  877. } else {
  878. applyToAll();
  879. }
  880. };
  881. })();
  883. // 修改页面
  884. var $page = (function () {
  885. // 模块屏蔽设置
  886. var modules = {
  887. Ads : '#plc_main [id^="v6_pl_rightmod_ads"], div[ad-data], #v6_pl_ad_bottomtip, .WB_ad_tm2015',
  888. Stats : '#v6_pl_rightmod_myinfo .W_person_info { height: auto !important } #v6_pl_rightmod_myinfo .user_atten',
  889. Level : '.W_icon_level',
  890. HotSearch : '.WB_global_nav .gn_search_v2 > .placeholder',
  891. ToMe : '#v6_pl_leftnav_group .lev > a[groupnm="page_group_to_me"]',
  892. HotWeibo : '#v6_pl_leftnav_group .lev_line_v2, #v6_pl_leftnav_group .lev_line_v2 + .lev_Box',
  893. Hongbao : '#v6_pl_rightmod_hongbao',
  894. Friends : '#v6_pl_leftnav_group .lev > a[isfriends]',
  895. Topic : '#trustPagelet_zt_hottopic', // 动态右边栏
  896. Member : '#v6_trustPagelet_recom_member',
  897. MusicRecom : '#v6_pl_rightmod_rank',
  898. MovieRecom : '#trustPagelet_recom_movie', // 动态右边栏
  899. AttFeed : '#v6_pl_rightmod_attfeed',
  900. Notice : '#v6_pl_rightmod_noticeboard',
  901. Footer : '#plc_bot .WB_footer',
  902. MusicPlayer : '.PCD_mplayer',
  903. RecommendedTopic : '#v6_pl_content_publishertop div[node-type="recommendTopic"]',
  904. CommentTip : 'div[node-type="feed_privateset_tip"]',
  905. MemberTip : 'div[node-type="feed_list_shieldKeyword"]',
  906. MemberCover : '.WB_feed_vipcover .WB_feed_detail { background-image: none !important } .WB_feed_vipcover .WB_feed_detail { padding-top: 10px !important } .WB_feed_vipcover .WB_vipcover',
  907. TimelineMods : '.FRAME_main .WB_feed .WB_feed_type:not([mid]), .FRAME_page .WB_feed .WB_feed_type:not([mid])',
  908. TopicCard : '.WB_feed_spec[action-data*=""]',
  909. LocationCard : '.WB_feed_spec[exp-data*="value=1022-place"]',
  910. AppCard : '.WB_feed_spec[exp-data*="value=1022-app"]',
  911. IMNews : '.webim_news',
  912. RecomFeed : 'div[node-type="feed_list_recommend"], div[node-type="recommfeed"]',
  913. ProfCover : '#Pl_Official_Headerv6__1 .PCD_header .S_shadow { background: transparent !important } #Pl_Official_Headerv6__1 .cover_wrap',
  914. ProfStats : '.WB_frame_b .PCD_counter',
  915. Relation : '.WB_frame_b .PCD_user_a',
  916. Album : '.WB_frame_b .PCD_photolist',
  917. FeedRecom : '.WB_frame_b > div[id^="Pl_Core_RecommendFeed"]',
  918. MemberIcon : '.W_icon[class*="icon_member"], .icon_member_dis, .W_icon_vipstyle',
  919. VerifyIcon : '.icon_approve, .icon_approve_gold, .icon_approve_co',
  920. DarenIcon : '.icon_club',
  921. VgirlIcon : '.icon_vlady',
  922. TaobaoIcon : '.icon_taobao, .icon_tmall',
  923. GongyiIcon : '.W_icon[class*="icon_gongyi"]',
  924. HongbaoIcon : '.icon_redpack, .icon_wealth',
  925. PaiIcon : '.icon_suishoupai2014',
  926. TravelIcon : '.icon_airball',
  927. };
  928. // 显示设置链接
  929. var showSettingsBtn = function (node) {
  930. if (!$('wbpShowSettings')) {
  931. if (!node) {
  932. node = $.select('.WB_global_nav .gn_topmenulist_set[node-type="accountLayer"] > ul');
  933. if (!node) { return false; }
  934. }
  935. var tab = document.createElement('li');
  936. = 'wbpShowSettings';
  937. tab.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" style="color: blue">眼不见心不烦</a>';
  938. $.click(tab, $dialog);
  939. node.insertBefore(tab, node.firstChild);
  940. = 'auto';
  941. }
  942. return true;
  943. };
  944. // 极简阅读模式(仅在个人首页生效)
  945. var toggleReaderMode = function () {
  946. var readerModeStyles = $('wbpReaderModeStyles');
  947. if ($options.readerModeIndex || $options.readerModeProfile) {
  948. if (!readerModeStyles) {
  949. readerModeStyles = document.createElement('style');
  950. readerModeStyles.type = 'text/css';
  951. = 'wbpReaderModeStyles';
  952. document.head.appendChild(readerModeStyles);
  953. }
  954. var width = Number($options.readerModeWidth);
  955. readerModeStyles.innerHTML = '';
  956. if ($options.readerModeIndex) {
  957. readerModeStyles.innerHTML += '.FRAME_main #plc_top, .FRAME_main .WB_main_l, .FRAME_main .WB_main_r, .FRAME_main .WB_main_c>div:not(#v6_pl_content_homefeed), .FRAME_main #v6_pl_content_homefeed .WB_tab_a, .FRAME_main #plc_bot .WB_footer { display: none }\n' +
  958. '.FRAME_main .WB_frame { background-color: transparent !important; width: ' + width + 'px !important }\n' +
  959. '.FRAME_main #plc_main, .FRAME_main .WB_main_c { width: 100% !important; margin-right: 0 !important }\n' +
  960. '.FRAME_main #base_scrollToTop { margin-left: ' + (width/2) + 'px !important }\n';
  961. }
  962. if ($options.readerModeProfile) { // 个人主页
  963. if ($.config.location.slice(-4) === 'home') { // 排除单条微博页面
  964. readerModeStyles.innerHTML += '.FRAME_page.B_page #pl_common_top, .FRAME_page.B_page .WB_frame_a, .FRAME_page.B_page .WB_frame_b, .FRAME_page.B_page .WB_frame_c>div:not([id^="Pl_Official_MyProfileFeed"]):not([id^="Pl_Official_TimeBase"]), .FRAME_main #v6_pl_content_homefeed .WB_tab_a, .FRAME_page.B_page #pl_common_footer>:not(#base_scrollToTop) { display: none }\n' +
  965. '.FRAME_page.B_page .WB_frame { width: ' + width + 'px !important; padding-top: 0 !important }\n' +
  966. '.FRAME_page.B_page #plc_main, .FRAME_page.B_page .WB_frame_c { width: 100% !important; margin-right: 0 !important }\n' +
  967. '.FRAME_page.B_page .WB_timeline, .FRAME_page.B_page #base_scrollToTop { margin-left: ' + (width/2) + 'px !important }';
  968. }
  969. }
  970. if (!$options.readerModeTip && (
  971. ($.scope() === 1 && $options.readerModeIndex) ||
  972. ($.scope() === 2 && $options.readerModeProfile))) { // TODO: 新版微博单条页面不弹出提示
  973. alert('欢迎进入极简阅读模式!\n\n您可以按【F8】键快速开关本模式,也可以在“眼不见心不烦”插件设置“改造版面”页进行选择。');
  974. $options.readerModeTip = true;
  975. $;
  976. }
  977. } else if (readerModeStyles) {
  978. $.remove(readerModeStyles);
  979. }
  980. };
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  982. var overrideSkin = function () {
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  984. skinCSS = $('wbpOverrideSkin');
  985. if (!formerStyle) { return; }
  986. if (($.uid === $.config.oid && $options.overrideMySkin) ||
  987. ($.uid !== $.config.oid && $options.overrideOtherSkin)) {
  988. if (!skinCSS) {
  989. skinCSS = document.createElement('link');
  990. = 'wbpOverrideSkin';
  991. skinCSS.type = 'text/css';
  992. skinCSS.rel = 'stylesheet';
  993. skinCSS.charset = 'utf-8';
  994. document.head.insertBefore(skinCSS, formerStyle);
  995. }
  996. skinCSS.href = $.config.cssPath + 'skin/' + $options.skinID + '/skin.css?version=' + $.config.version;
  997. formerStyle.disabled = true;
  998. } else if (skinCSS) {
  999. $.remove(skinCSS);
  1000. formerStyle.disabled = false;
  1001. }
  1002. };
  1003. // 2013年6月起右边栏模块不再有固定ID,为其打上ID
  1004. var tagRightbarMods = function (rightBar) {
  1005. if (!rightBar) { return; }
  1006. var identifiers = {
  1007. '[change-data*="hottopic_r2"]' : 'Topic',
  1008. '.WB_cardmore[href*=""], .main_title>a[href*=""]' : 'MovieRecom'
  1009. }, mods = rightBar.querySelectorAll('.WB_cardwrap');
  1010. for (var i = 0; i < mods.length; ++i) {
  1011. for (var id in identifiers) {
  1012. if (mods[i].querySelector(id)) {
  1013. mods[i].id = modules[identifiers[id]].slice(1);
  1014. break;
  1015. }
  1016. }
  1017. }
  1018. };
  1019. // 屏蔽模块
  1020. var hideModules = function () {
  1021. var cssText = '';
  1022. $options.hideMods.forEach(function (module) {
  1023. if (modules[module]) {
  1024. cssText += modules[module] + ' { display: none !important }\n';
  1025. }
  1026. });
  1027. if ($options.hideMods.indexOf('ProfCover') !== -1) { // 屏蔽封面时的特别处理
  1028. cssText += '.profile_top { min-height: ' + ($options.hideMods.indexOf('ProfStats') === -1 ? 250 : 200) + 'px }\n';
  1029. }
  1030. // 屏蔽提示相关CSS
  1031. var tipBackColor = $options.tipBackColor, tipTextColor = $options.tipTextColor;
  1032. cssText += '.wbpTip:not(:hover) { background-color: ' + tipBackColor + '; border-color: ' + tipTextColor + '; color: ' + tipTextColor + '; }';
  1033. // 更新CSS
  1034. var styles = $('wbpModuleStyles');
  1035. if (!styles) {
  1036. styles = document.createElement('style');
  1037. styles.type = 'text/css';
  1038. = 'wbpModuleStyles';
  1039. document.head.appendChild(styles);
  1040. }
  1041. styles.innerHTML = cssText + '\n';
  1042. // 单独处理“为你推荐”弹窗
  1043. if ($options.hideMods.indexOf('FollowGuide') !== -1) {
  1044. // 载入页面时,如果DOM中包含#pl_guide_homeguide > div[node-type="follow_dialog"]则会弹出
  1045. // 如果能抢在之前去除,可以避免弹窗出现
  1046. $.remove($.select('#pl_guide_homeguide > div[node-type="follow_dialog"]'));
  1047. // 如果弹窗已经显示,则关闭之
  1048. //var closeBtn = $.select('.layer_userguide_brief .W_close');
  1049. //if (closeBtn) {; }
  1050. // 模拟点击关闭按钮会导致页面刷新,改为去除弹窗DOM及其下的overlay
  1051. var followGuide = $.select('.layer_userguide_brief');
  1052. if (followGuide) {
  1053. while (!followGuide.classList.contains('W_layer')) { followGuide = followGuide.parentNode; }
  1054. if ( === {
  1055. $.remove(followGuide.previousSibling); // 覆盖层
  1056. }
  1057. $.remove(followGuide);
  1058. }
  1059. }
  1060. };
  1061. // 禁止默认发布新微博到当前浏览的分组
  1062. var disableDefaultGroupPub = function (node) {
  1063. if (!$options.noDefaultGroupPub) { return; }
  1064. var groupLink = node.querySelector('.limits a[node-type="showPublishTo"]');
  1065. if (groupLink) {
  1066. groupLink.firstChild.innerHTML = '公开';
  1067. groupLink.setAttribute('action-data', 'rank=0');
  1068. }
  1069. };
  1070. // 清除发布框中的默认话题
  1071. var clearDefTopic = function () {
  1072. if ($options.clearDefTopic && $.scope() === 1) {
  1073. var inputBox = $.select('#v6_pl_content_publishertop .send_weibo .input textarea');
  1074. if (inputBox && inputBox.hasAttribute('hottopic')) {
  1075. // IFRAME载入方式,hotTopic可能尚未启动,直接清除相关属性即可
  1076. inputBox.removeAttribute('hottopic');
  1077. inputBox.removeAttribute('hottopicid');
  1078. // 在发布框中模拟输入,欺骗STK.common.editor.plugin.hotTopic
  1079. inputBox.value = 'DUMMY';
  1080. inputBox.focus();
  1081. inputBox.value = '';
  1082. inputBox.blur();
  1083. }
  1084. }
  1085. };
  1086. // V6版首页没有消息导航条,人工创建一个
  1087. var addMessageNav = function () {
  1088. if ($.scope() === 1) {
  1089. var groupList = $.select('#v6_pl_leftnav_group .WB_left_nav[node-type="groupList"]');
  1090. if (!groupList) { return; }
  1091. var msgNavBox = groupList.querySelector('.wbpMessageNav');
  1092. if ($options.showAllMsgNav) {
  1093. if (!msgNavBox) {
  1094. msgNavBox = document.createElement('div');
  1095. msgNavBox.className = 'lev_Box lev_Box_noborder wbpMessageNav';
  1096. msgNavBox.innerHTML = '<h3 class="lev"><a href="/at/weibo?leftnav=1&amp;wvr=6" class="S_txt1"><span class="levtxt">消息</span></a></h3>\n' +
  1097. '<div class="lev"><a href="/comment/inbox?leftnav=1&amp;wvr=6" class="S_txt1"><span class="ico_block"><em class="W_ficon ficon_dot S_ficon">D</em></span><span class="levtxt">评论</span></a></div>\n' +
  1098. '<div class="lev"><a href="/messages?leftnav=1&amp;wvr=6" class="S_txt1"><span class="ico_block"><em class="W_ficon ficon_dot S_ficon">D</em></span><span class="levtxt">私信</span></a></div>\n' +
  1099. '<div class="lev"><a href="/notesboard?leftnav=1&amp;wvr=6" class="S_txt1"><span class="ico_block"><em class="W_ficon ficon_dot S_ficon">D</em></span><span class="levtxt">未关注人私信</span></a></div>\n';
  1100. groupList.insertBefore(msgNavBox, groupList.children[1]);
  1101. }
  1102. = '';
  1103. } else if (!$options.showAllMsgNav && msgNavBox) {
  1104. = 'none';
  1105. }
  1106. }
  1107. };
  1108. // 首次进入用户主页时显示全部微博
  1109. var redirectToAllFeeds = function () {
  1110. if (!$options.directAllFeeds || $.scope() !== 2) { return; }
  1111. (function () {
  1112. if (location.href.indexOf('is_') === -1) {
  1113. // 尚未出现过滤条件则强制跳转至全部微博
  1114. var allFeedsBtn = $.select('li[node-type="tab_all"]');
  1115. if (allFeedsBtn) {
  1117. return;
  1118. } else {
  1119. // 跳转标签尚未出现,继续等待
  1120. setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100);
  1121. }
  1122. }
  1123. })();
  1124. };
  1125. // 展开字数超长微博
  1126. var expandLongFeeds = function (node) {
  1127. if ($options.showAllText && $.scope()) {
  1128. var expanders = node.querySelectorAll('.WB_detail>.WB_text[node-type="feed_list_content"]>.WB_text_opt, .WB_expand>.WB_text>.WB_text_opt'),
  1129. expand = function (expander) {
  1130. STK.ajax({
  1131. url: '/p/aj/mblog/getlongtext',
  1132. args: STK.queryToJson(expander.getAttribute('action-data')),
  1133. method: 'get',
  1134. responseType: 'json',
  1135. onComplete: function (result) {
  1136. if (result.code !== '100000') return;
  1137. var feed = expander;
  1138. do { feed = feed.parentNode; } while (!feed.classList.contains('WB_feed_type'));
  1139. expander.parentNode.innerHTML =;
  1140. $filter(feed);
  1141. },
  1142. });
  1143. };
  1144. for (var i = 0; i < expanders.length; ++i) { expand(expanders[i]); }
  1145. }
  1146. };
  1147. // 显示未关注作者的长微博全文
  1148. var showAllArticleText = function (iframe) {
  1149. if ($options.showAllArticleText && iframe && iframe.tagName === 'IFRAME' &&,12) === 'articleLayer') {
  1150. // 采用以下方法将CSS写入DOM载入完成后的长微博iframe:
  1151. //
  1152. var timer, fired = false, doc;
  1153. var ready = function () {
  1154. if (!fired) {
  1155. fired = true;
  1156. clearTimeout(timer);
  1157. var styles = doc.createElement('style');
  1158. styles.type = 'text/css';
  1159. styles.innerHTML = '.WB_artical .WB_editor_iframe { height: auto !important } .WB_artical .artical_add_box { display: none !important }\n';
  1160. doc.head.appendChild(styles);
  1161. }
  1162. };
  1163. var readyState = function () {
  1164. if (this.readyState === 'complete') {
  1165. ready();
  1166. }
  1167. };
  1168. iframe.addEventListener('load', function () {
  1169. doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
  1170. ready();
  1171. });
  1172. var checkLoaded = function () {
  1173. doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
  1174. if (doc.URL.indexOf('about:') !== 0) {
  1175. if (doc.readyState === 'complete') {
  1176. ready();
  1177. } else {
  1178. doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ready);
  1179. doc.addEventListener('readystatechange', readyState);
  1180. }
  1181. } else {
  1182. timer = setTimeout(checkLoaded, 10);
  1183. }
  1184. };
  1185. checkLoaded();
  1186. }
  1187. };
  1188. // 将微博来源移动至底部
  1189. var moveSourceToBottom = function (node) {
  1190. if ($options.moveSrcToBtm) {
  1191. var sources = node.querySelectorAll('.WB_detail>.WB_info+.WB_from');
  1192. for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; ++i) { sources[i].parentNode.appendChild(sources[i]); }
  1193. }
  1194. };
  1195. // 禁止弹出“有新的热门微博”等提示
  1196. var noHotYellowTags = function (tags) {
  1197. if ($options.noHotYellowTags) {
  1198. if (!tags) { tags = $('.gn_topmenulist_tips>ul'); if (!tags) { return; } }
  1199. var hotTags = tags.querySelectorAll('li>a[suda-data*="value=hot_video_remind"], li>a[suda-data*="value=hot_weibo_remind"]');
  1200. for (var i = 0; i < hotTags.length; ++i) {
  1201. hotTags[i] = 'none';
  1202. }
  1203. if (hotTags.length > 0 && hotTags.length === tags.childNodes.length) {
  1204. // 黄标签中都是推荐内容则全部隐藏
  1205. = 'none';
  1206. }
  1207. }
  1208. };
  1209. // 用户自定义样式及程序附加样式
  1210. var customStyles = function () {
  1211. var cssText = '', styles = $('wbpCustomStyles');
  1212. if (!styles) {
  1213. styles = document.createElement('style');
  1214. styles.type = 'text/css';
  1215. = 'wbpCustomStyles';
  1216. document.head.appendChild(styles);
  1217. }
  1218. if ($options.squareAvatar) {
  1219. cssText += '.WB_face .face img { border-radius: 0 !important }\n';
  1220. }
  1221. if ($options.moveSrcToBtm) {
  1222. cssText += '.WB_feed_v3 .WB_detail>.WB_feed_expand { margin-bottom: 10px } .WB_detail>.WB_from { padding-top: 5px }';
  1223. if ($options.unwrapText) {
  1224. cssText += '.WB_detail .WB_info, .WB_detail .WB_text { display: inline } .WB_detail .WB_info:after { content: ": " }\n' +
  1225. '.WB_screen .screen_box .W_ficon { width: 16px !important } .WB_screen .screen_box { margin-left: -6px !important }\n' +
  1226. '.WB_feed_v3 .WB_face .opt { position: relative !important; right: 0px !important }\n';
  1227. }
  1228. if ($options.compactFeedToolbar) {
  1229. cssText += '.WB_feed_detail { position: static !important }\n' + // 修正紧凑型工具栏无法点击的问题
  1230. '.WB_feed_handle { margin-top: -32px } .WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_handle { margin-top: -30px; margin-bottom: -5px } .WB_feed_handle>.WB_handle { margin-right: 6px } .WB_feed_handle>.WB_handle>ul { border-top: none; text-align: right; margin-right: -1px } .WB_feed_handle>.WB_handle>ul>li { width: auto; display: inline-block; float: none } .WB_feed_handle>.WB_handle>ul>li .line { margin-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; border-left: none; border-right: 1px solid; line-height: normal; height: auto } .WB_feed_handle>.WB_handle>ul>li .line>[node-type="like_status"]>.W_icon { margin-top: 0 }\n';
  1231. }
  1232. }
  1233. if ($options.showAllArticleText) {
  1234. cssText += '.WB_artical .WB_editor_iframe { height: auto !important } .WB_artical .artical_add_box { display: none !important }\n';
  1235. }
  1236. if ($options.showAllGroups) {
  1237. cssText += '#v6_pl_leftnav_group div[node-type="moreList"] { display: block !important } #v6_pl_leftnav_group .levmore { display: none }\n';
  1238. }
  1239. if ($options.showAllSonFeeds) {
  1240. cssText += '.WB_feed_together [node-type="feed_list_wrapForward"] { display: block !important } .WB_feed_together>a[action-type="feed_list_seeAll"], .WB_feed_together>a[action-type="feed_list_foldForward"] { display: none }\n';
  1241. }
  1242. if ($options.noHomeRightBar) {
  1243. cssText += '.FRAME_main .WB_frame .WB_main_r { display: none }\n';
  1244. }
  1245. if ($options.noHomeMargins) {
  1246. cssText += '.FRAME_main .send_weibo, .FRAME_main .WB_tab_a, .FRAME_main .WB_frame .WB_cardwrap { margin-bottom: 0; border-radius: 0 } .FRAME_main .WB_frame .WB_cardwrap.WB_notes[requesttype="newFeed"] { padding-top: 18px } .FRAME_main #home_new_feed_tip { margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0 } .FRAME_main .WB_main_c, .FRAME_main .WB_main_r { margin-right: 0 } .FRAME_main .WB_tab_a .tab li:nth-child(2) .b .b1 em.l i, .FRAME_main .WB_tab_a .tab li:nth-child(2) .t, .FRAME_main .WB_tab_a .tab_box .fr_box { border-radius: 0 } \n';
  1247. }
  1248. if ($options.noHomeRightBar || $options.noHomeMargins) {
  1249. // 右栏宽度230+10;卡片间隙宽度10+10
  1250. var reducedWidth = 10 + 230*$options.noHomeRightBar + 10*$options.noHomeMargins;
  1251. cssText += '.FRAME_main .WB_frame { width: ' + (1000 - reducedWidth) + 'px } .FRAME_main .WB_frame #plc_main { width: ' + (850 - reducedWidth) + 'px } .FRAME_main .W_gotop { margin-left: ' + (1000 - reducedWidth)/2 + 'px }\n';
  1252. }
  1253. if ($options.overrideMyBack) {
  1254. cssText += '.FRAME_main .S_bg1, .FRAME_main .S_bg2 { background-color: ' + $options.backColor + ' } .FRAME_main .WB_feed_handle .WB_row_line { border-top: none }\n';
  1255. }
  1256. if ($options.overrideOtherBack) {
  1257. cssText += '.FRAME_page .S_bg1, .FRAME_page .S_bg2 { background-color: ' + $options.backColor + ' } .FRAME_page .WB_feed_handle .WB_row_line { border-top: none }\n';
  1258. }
  1259. if ($options.smallImgLayout) {
  1260. if (Number($options.customImgSize) > 0) {
  1261. cssText += '.WB_feed_v3 ul.WB_media_a > li.WB_pic { width: ' + $options.customImgSize + 'px !important; height: ' + $options.customImgSize + 'px !important }\n' +
  1262. '.WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_repeat ul.WB_media_a > li.WB_pic > img { width: ' + $options.customImgSize + 'px !important; height: ' + $options.customImgSize + 'px !important }\n';
  1263. }
  1264. if (Number($options.customTotalWidth) > 0) {
  1265. cssText += '.WB_feed_v3 ul.WB_media_a[node-type="fl_pic_list"] { width: ' + $options.customTotalWidth + 'px !important }\n';
  1266. }
  1267. if (Number($options.customVideoSize) > 0) {
  1268. cssText += '.WB_feed_v3 ul.WB_media_a > li.WB_video .WB_h5video { width: ' + $options.customVideoSize + 'px; height: ' + Math.round(Number($options.customVideoSize)*0.564) + 'px }\n' +
  1269. '.WB_feed_v3 ul.WB_media_a > li.WB_video .WB_h5video video { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important }\n';
  1270. }
  1271. cssText += '.WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_b .spec_box > .WB_feed_spec_pic, .WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_c .spec_box > .WB_feed_spec_pic { display: inline-block; width: 150px; height: 90px }\n' +
  1272. '.WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_c .WB_feed_spec_pic > .WB_feed_spec_clearfix, .WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_c .WB_feed_spec_pic > .W_icon_tag_artical { display: none }\n' +
  1273. '.WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_b .spec_box > .WB_feed_spec_pic img, .WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_c .spec_box > .WB_feed_spec_pic img { width: 150px; min-height: initial }\n' +
  1274. '.WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_b .spec_box > .WB_feed_spec_pic + .WB_feed_spec_info, .WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_c .spec_box > .WB_feed_spec_info { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 310px }\n' +
  1275. '.WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_b .spec_box > .WB_feed_spec_info .WB_feed_spec_tit, .WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_c .spec_box > .WB_feed_spec_info .WB_feed_spec_tit { font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 0px }\n' +
  1276. '.WB_feed_v3 .WB_feed_spec_b .spec_box > .WB_feed_spec_info { font-size: 12px }\n';
  1277. }
  1278. if ($options.useCustomStyles) {
  1279. cssText += $options.customStyles;
  1280. }
  1281. styles.innerHTML = cssText + '\n';
  1282. };
  1283. // 在用户信息气球或用户主页上添加屏蔽链接
  1284. var showUserFilterBtn = function (node) {
  1285. if (!node) { node = document.body; }
  1286. var balloon = (node.classList.contains('layer_personcard') || node.querySelector('.layer_personcard')), userData, toolbar, uid;
  1287. if (balloon) {
  1288. // 获得关注链接
  1289. userData = node.querySelector('.name a[uid]');
  1290. if (!userData || node.querySelector('#wbpUserFilter')) { return false; }
  1291. uid = userData.getAttribute('uid');
  1292. toolbar = node.querySelector('.c_btnbox');
  1293. } else if ($.scope() === 2) {
  1294. if (userData = $('wbpUserFilter')) {
  1295. // 按钮已存在时只更新状态
  1296. userData.update();
  1297. return false;
  1298. }
  1299. uid = $.oid;
  1300. toolbar = node.querySelector('.pf_opt .opt_box');
  1301. }
  1302. if (!toolbar || uid === $.uid) { return false; }
  1303. // 创建分隔符
  1304. var button = document.createElement('div');
  1305. if (balloon) {
  1306. = 'inline-block';
  1307. } else {
  1308. button.className = 'btn_bed W_fl';
  1309. }
  1310. = 'wbpUserFilter';
  1311. // 创建操作链接
  1312. var link = document.createElement('a');
  1313. button.appendChild(link);
  1314. link.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
  1315. (button.update = function () {
  1316. link.className = balloon ? 'W_btn_b' : 'W_btn_d btn_34px';
  1317. if ($options.userBlacklist.indexOf(uid) === -1) {
  1318. link.innerHTML = '<span>屏蔽</span>';
  1319. } else {
  1320. link.innerHTML = '<span><em class="W_ficon ficon_right">Y</em>已屏蔽</span>';
  1321. }
  1322. })();
  1323. $.click(link, function () {
  1324. // 切换屏蔽状态
  1325. var i = $options.userBlacklist.indexOf(uid);
  1326. if (i === -1) {
  1327. $options.userBlacklist.push(uid);
  1328. } else {
  1329. $options.userBlacklist.splice(i, 1);
  1330. }
  1331. $;
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  1335. while (!node.classList.contains('W_layer')) {
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  1337. }
  1338. $.remove(node);
  1339. // = 'none';
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  1341. if (i = $('wbpUserFilter')) { i.update(); }
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  1346. var apply = function (init) {
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  1351. // 屏蔽用户按钮
  1352. showUserFilterBtn();
  1353. // 屏蔽版面模块
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  1355. // 清除发布框中的默认话题
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  1369. // 禁止弹出“有新的热门微博”等提示
  1370. noHotYellowTags();
  1371. // 首次进入用户主页时显示全部微博
  1372. if (init) {
  1373. redirectToAllFeeds();
  1374. }
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  1410. showUserFilterBtn(node);
  1411. } else if (node.classList.contains('WB_left_nav')) {
  1412. // V6版需要人工添加消息导航栏
  1413. addMessageNav();
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  1418. clearDefTopic();
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  1421. tagRightbarMods(node.parentNode);
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  1434. $;
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  1443. // 先读取本地设置
  1444. $.get($.uid.toString(), undefined, function (options) {
  1445. var init = function () {
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  1447. // 否则交由$filter中注册的DOMNodeInserted事件处理
  1448. if ($.scope()) { $filter(); }
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  1450. // 与IFRAME相关的处理由$page中注册的DOMNodeInserted事件完成
  1451. $page(true);
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  1453. if (!$options.load(options)) {
  1454. console.warn('“眼不见心不烦”设置读取失败!\n设置信息格式有问题。');
  1455. } else if (options && $options.version < $.version) {
  1456. $; // 更新版本信息
  1457. if ($options.updateNotify) {
  1458. alert('您已更新到“眼不见心不烦”v2.6.1:\n\n- ' + '修正直接查看大图功能失效的问题;修正紧凑版式下部分内容显示错位的问题'.split(';').join('\n- '));
  1459. }
  1460. }
  1461. init();
  1462. });
  1463. });
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