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a guest
Nov 3rd, 2018
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  1. "Agda" = callPackage
  2. ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, async, base, binary, blaze-html
  3. , boxes, bytestring, Cabal, containers, cpphs, data-hash, deepseq
  4. , directory, EdisonCore, edit-distance, emacs, equivalence
  5. , filemanip, filepath, geniplate-mirror, gitrev, happy, hashable
  6. , hashtables, haskeline, ieee754, mtl, murmur-hash, pretty, process
  7. , regex-tdfa, stm, strict, template-haskell, text, time
  8. , transformers, unordered-containers, uri-encode, zlib
  9. }:
  10. mkDerivation {
  11. pname = "Agda";
  12. version = "";
  13. sha256 = "0bxpibsk98n9xp42d92ma5vj2fam8rsnl61fbhr3askfjdvalnbp";
  14. isLibrary = true;
  15. isExecutable = true;
  16. enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
  17. setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal filemanip filepath process ];
  18. libraryHaskellDepends = [
  19. array async base binary blaze-html boxes bytestring containers
  20. data-hash deepseq directory EdisonCore edit-distance equivalence
  21. filepath geniplate-mirror gitrev hashable hashtables haskeline
  22. ieee754 mtl murmur-hash pretty process regex-tdfa stm strict
  23. template-haskell text time transformers unordered-containers
  24. uri-encode zlib
  25. ];
  26. libraryToolDepends = [ alex cpphs happy ];
  27. executableHaskellDepends = [ base directory filepath process ];
  28. executableToolDepends = [ emacs ];
  29. postInstall = ''
  30. files=("$data/share/ghc-"*"/"*"-ghc-"*"/Agda-"*"/lib/prim/Agda/"{Primitive.agda,Builtin"/"*.agda})
  31. for f in "''${files[@]}" ; do
  32. $out/bin/agda $f
  33. done
  34. for f in "''${files[@]}" ; do
  35. $out/bin/agda -c --no-main $f
  36. done
  37. $out/bin/agda-mode compile
  38. '';
  39. description = "A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant";
  40. license = "unknown";
  41. maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ abbradar ];
  42. }) {inherit (pkgs) emacs;};
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