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- # Configuration file
- # Generated on 1/27/13 12:38 AM
- ####################
- # 1_third_party_configs
- #===================
- # Third-Party config entries tell TreeCapitator how to find the block IDs from
- # other mods' config files. These values are case-sensitive!
- #
- # Format:
- # <section_name> {
- # S:modName=<modID from>
- # S:configPath=<path to config file relative to .minecraft/config/>
- # S:blockValues=<block config section>:<config property name>; <mod config section>:<config property name>
- # S:itemValues=<item config section>:<property name>; <item config section>:<property name>
- # B:useShiftedItemID=<whether or not to use the +256 shifted item ID> (true/false)
- # }
- #
- # Example:
- # extrabiomesxl {
- # S:modName=ExtrabiomesXL
- # S:configPath=extrabiomes/extrabiomes.cfg
- #;;;;;;
- #;;
- # B:useShiftedItemID=true
- # }
- #
- # Once your third-party config entries are setup, you can use replacement
- # tags in your block, axe, and shears ID configs. Replacement tags are structured like this:
- # <ModName.ConfigPropName>
- ####################
- 1_third_party_configs {
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty
- ####################
- biomesoplenty {
- S:blockValues=block:Acacia Leaves ID; block:Acacia Log ID; block:Apple Leaves ID; block:Fruitless Apple Leaves ID; block:Bamboo ID; block:Bamboo Leaves ID; block:Cherry Log ID; block:Dark Leaves ID; block:Dark Log ID; block:Dying Leaves ID; block:Dead Log ID; block:Fir Leaves ID; block:Fir Log ID; block:Magic Log ID; block:Magic Leaves ID; block:Mangrove Leaves ID; block:Mangrove Log ID; block:Maple Leaves ID; block:Orange Autumn Leaves ID; block:Origin Leaves ID; block:Palm Leaves ID; block:Palm Log ID; block:Pink Cherry Leaves ID; block:Redwood Leaves ID; block:Redwood Log ID; block:White Cherry Leaves ID; block:Willow Leaves ID; block:Willow Log ID; block:Yellow Autumn Leaves ID
- S:configPath=BiomesOPlenty.cfg
- S:itemValues=item:Muddy Axe ID
- S:modID=BiomesOPlenty
- S:useShiftedItemID=true
- }
- ####################
- # thaumcraft
- ####################
- thaumcraft {
- S:blockValues=block:BlockMagicalLog; block:BlockMagicalLeaves
- S:configPath=Thaumcraft.cfg
- S:itemValues=item:Thaumaxe
- S:modID=Thaumcraft
- S:useShiftedItemID=true
- }
- ####################
- # mfreloaded
- ####################
- mfreloaded {
- S:blockValues=block:ID.RubberWood; block:ID.RubberLeaves; block:ID.RubberSapling
- S:configPath=MFReloaded.cfg
- S:modID=MFReloaded
- }
- ####################
- # divinerpg
- ####################
- divinerpg {
- S:blockValues=block:eucalyptus
- S:configPath=DivineRPG.cfg
- S:itemValues=item:Bedrock Axe; item:Crystal Axe; item:Realmite Axe; item:azuriteaxe; item:corruptedaxe; item:denseaxe; item:divineaxe; item:donatoraxe; item:energyaxe; item:mythrilaxe; item:plasmaaxe; item:serenityaxe; item:twilightaxe
- S:modID=DivineRPG
- S:useShiftedItemID=true
- }
- ####################
- # twilightforest
- ####################
- twilightforest {
- S:blockValues=block:Log; block:MagicLog; block:MagicLogSpecial; block:Leaves; block:MagicLeaves; block:Hedge
- S:configPath=TwilightForest.cfg
- S:itemValues=item:IronwoodAxe; item:SteeleafAxe; item:MinotaurAxe
- S:modID=TwilightForest
- S:useShiftedItemID=true
- }
- ####################
- # inficraft
- ####################
- inficraft {
- S:blockValues=block:Bloodwood Block; block:Flora Leaves; block:Redwood Block; block:Sakura Leaves; block:Wood Block
- S:configPath=InfiCraft/FloraSoma.txt
- S:modID=Flora Trees
- }
- ####################
- # zapapples
- ####################
- zapapples {
- S:blockValues=block:zapAppleLogID; block:zapAppleLeavesID; block:zapAppleFlowersID
- S:configPath=ZapApples.cfg
- S:modID=ZapApples
- }
- ####################
- # ic2
- ####################
- ic2 {
- S:blockValues=block:blockRubWood; block:blockRubLeaves
- S:configPath=IC2.cfg
- S:itemValues=item:itemToolBronzeAxe; item:itemToolChainsaw
- S:modID=IC2
- S:useShiftedItemID=true
- }
- ####################
- # extrabiomesxl
- ####################
- extrabiomesxl {
- S:configPath=extrabiomes/extrabiomes.cfg
- S:modID=ExtrabiomesXL
- }
- ####################
- # forestry
- ####################
- forestry {
- S:blockValues=block:log1; block:log2; block:log3; block:log4; block:leaves
- S:configPath=forestry/base.conf
- S:modID=Forestry
- }
- ####################
- # redpower
- ####################
- redpower {
- S:configPath=redpower/redpower.cfg
- S:modID=RedPowerWorld
- S:useShiftedItemID=true
- }
- }
- ####################
- # 2_tree_definitions
- #===================
- # Add the log and leaf block IDs for all trees you want to be able to chop down.
- # Each section below represents a type of tree. Each list may contain block IDs
- # and/or third-party config replacement tags. You can change it to be more or
- # less granular as long as all sections follow the basic structure. Do not use
- # spaces or periods in your section names. Otherwise you can call them anything
- # you like.
- #
- #
- # NOTE: Some mod trees use vanilla log blocks as well as custom blocks. If a tree
- # contains more than 1 type of log, all logs must be included in the same section.
- # Examples of this are the default entries for vanilla_ebxl_oaks and vanilla_ebxl_spruces.
- #
- # Simple Example (all logs and leaves are grouped in one section, no metadata is specified):
- # trees {
- # S:leaves=18; <Forestry.leaves>; <>; <>
- # S:logs=17; <Forestry.log1>; <Forestry.log2>; <Forestry.log3>; <Forestry.log4>; <>; <>; <>; <>;<>
- # }
- #
- # Advanced Example (each mod tree has its own section, metadata is included):
- # vanilla_ebxl_oaks {
- # S:leaves=18,0
- # S:logs=17,0; 17,4; 17,8; <>,2; <>,2; <>,2;<>,2;
- # }
- #
- # birches {
- # S:leaves=18,2
- # S:logs=17,2; 17,6; 17,10
- # }
- #
- # vanilla_ebxl_spruces {
- # S:leaves=18,1; <>
- # S:logs=17,1; 17,5; 17,9
- # }
- #
- # jungle_trees {
- # S:leaves=18,3
- # S:logs=17,3; 17,7; 17,11
- # }
- #
- # ic2_rubber {
- # S:leaves=<IC2.blockRubLeaves>
- # S:logs=<IC2.blockRubWood>
- # }
- #
- # ebxl_acacia {
- # S:leaves=<>,2
- # S:logs=<>,1
- # }
- #
- # ebxl_firs {
- # S:leaves=<>,0
- # S:logs=<>,0; <>,1; <>,1; <>,1; <>,1
- # }
- #
- # ebxl_redwoods {
- # S:leaves=<>,1
- # S:logs=<>,0; <>,0; <>,0; <>,0
- # }
- ####################
- 2_tree_definitions {
- ####################
- # inficraft_sakura
- ####################
- inficraft_sakura {
- S:leaves=<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,0
- S:logs=<Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 1; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 5; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 9
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_wenge
- ####################
- forestry_wenge {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log2>,1; <Forestry.log2>,5; <Forestry.log2>,9
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_bamboo
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_bamboo {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo ID>
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_cherry
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_cherry {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Pink Cherry Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Cherry Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_kapok
- ####################
- forestry_kapok {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log3>,0; <Forestry.log3>,4; <Forestry.log3>,8
- }
- ####################
- # thaum_silverwood
- ####################
- thaum_silverwood {
- S:leaves=<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,1
- S:logs=<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,1; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,5; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,9
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_willow
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_willow {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Willow Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Willow Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_magic
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_magic {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Magic Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Magic Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_palm
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_palm {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Palm Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Palm Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_teak
- ####################
- forestry_teak {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log1>,1; <Forestry.log1>,5; <Forestry.log1>,9
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_larch
- ####################
- forestry_larch {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log1>,0; <Forestry.log1>,4; <Forestry.log1>,8
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_mahogany
- ####################
- forestry_mahogany {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log3>,2; <Forestry.log3>,6; <Forestry.log3>,10
- }
- ####################
- # ebxl_acacia
- ####################
- ebxl_acacia {
- S:leaves=<>,2
- S:logs=<>,1
- }
- ####################
- # ic2_rubber
- ####################
- ic2_rubber {
- S:leaves=<IC2.blockRubLeaves>
- S:logs=<IC2.blockRubWood>
- }
- ####################
- # mfr_rubber
- ####################
- mfr_rubber {
- S:leaves=<MFReloaded.ID.RubberLeaves>
- S:logs=<MFReloaded.ID.RubberWood>
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_cherry
- ####################
- forestry_cherry {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log4>,3; <Forestry.log4>,7; <Forestry.log4>,11
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_ebony
- ####################
- forestry_ebony {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log3>,1; <Forestry.log3>,5; <Forestry.log3>,9
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_redwood
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_redwood {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_acacia
- ####################
- forestry_acacia {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log1>,2; <Forestry.log1>,6; <Forestry.log1>,10
- }
- ####################
- # twilight_mangrove
- ####################
- twilight_mangrove {
- S:leaves=<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9
- S:logs=<TwilightForest.Log>,2; <TwilightForest.Log>,6; <TwilightForest.Log>,10; <TwilightForest.Log>,14
- }
- ####################
- # zapapple
- ####################
- zapapple {
- S:leaves=<ZapApples.zapAppleLeavesID>; <ZapApples.zapAppleFlowersID>
- S:logs=<ZapApples.zapAppleLogID>
- }
- ####################
- # huge_red_mushrooms
- ####################
- huge_red_mushrooms {
- S:leaves=100,1; 100,2; 100,3; 100,4; 100,5; 100,6; 100,7; 100,8; 100,9; 100,14
- S:logs=100,10; 100,15
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_balsa
- ####################
- forestry_balsa {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log3>,3; <Forestry.log3>,7; <Forestry.log3>,11
- }
- ####################
- # huge_brown_mushrooms
- ####################
- huge_brown_mushrooms {
- S:leaves=99,1; 99,2; 99,3; 99,4; 99,5; 99,6; 99,7; 99,8; 99,9; 99,14
- S:logs=99,10; 99,15
- }
- ####################
- # twilight_time
- ####################
- twilight_time {
- S:leaves=<TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,0; <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,8
- S:logs=<TwilightForest.MagicLog>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,12
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_dead
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_dead {
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Dead Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # vanilla_ebxl_spruces
- ####################
- vanilla_ebxl_spruces {
- S:leaves=18,1; <>
- S:logs=17,1; 17,5; 17,9
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_acacia
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_acacia {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # divinerpg_eucalyptus
- ####################
- divinerpg_eucalyptus {
- S:leaves=18
- S:logs=<DivineRPG.eucalyptus>
- }
- ####################
- # twilight_canopy
- ####################
- twilight_canopy {
- S:leaves=<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9
- S:logs=<TwilightForest.Log>,1; <TwilightForest.Log>,5; <TwilightForest.Log>,9; <TwilightForest.Log>,13
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_boojum
- ####################
- forestry_boojum {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log4>,2; <Forestry.log4>,6; <Forestry.log4>,10
- }
- ####################
- # vanilla_bop_birches
- ####################
- vanilla_bop_birches {
- S:leaves=18,2; <BiomesOPlenty.Yellow Autumn Leaves ID>
- S:logs=17,2; 17,6; 17,10
- }
- ####################
- # ebxl_redwoods
- ####################
- ebxl_redwoods {
- S:leaves=<>,1
- S:logs=<>,0; <>,0; <>,0; <>,0
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_sequoia
- ####################
- forestry_sequoia {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log2>,3; <Forestry.log2>,7; <Forestry.log2>,11
- }
- ####################
- # twilight_oaks
- ####################
- twilight_oaks {
- S:leaves=<TwilightForest.Leaves>,0; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,3; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,8; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,11
- S:logs=<TwilightForest.Log>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.Log>,12
- }
- ####################
- # vanilla_ebxl_bop_oaks
- ####################
- vanilla_ebxl_bop_oaks {
- S:leaves=18,0; <>; <BiomesOPlenty.Dying Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Origin Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Fruitless Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Orange Autumn Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Maple Leaves ID>
- S:logs=17,0; 17,4; 17,8; <>,2; <>,2; <>,2; <>,2;
- }
- ####################
- # jungle_trees
- ####################
- jungle_trees {
- S:leaves=18,3
- S:logs=17,3; 17,7; 17,11
- }
- ####################
- # inficraft_hopseed
- ####################
- inficraft_hopseed {
- S:leaves=<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,2
- S:logs=<Flora Trees.Wood Block>,3; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 7; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 11
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_mangrove
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_mangrove {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_lime
- ####################
- forestry_lime {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log1>,3; <Forestry.log1>,7; <Forestry.log1>,11
- }
- ####################
- # ebxl_firs
- ####################
- ebxl_firs {
- S:leaves=<>,0
- S:logs=<>,0; <>,1; <>,1; <>,1; <>,1
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_chestnut
- ####################
- forestry_chestnut {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log2>,0; <Forestry.log2>,4; <Forestry.log2>,8
- }
- ####################
- # inficraft_redwood
- ####################
- inficraft_redwood {
- S:leaves=<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,0
- S:logs=<Flora Trees.Redwood Block>
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_baobab
- ####################
- forestry_baobab {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log2>,2; <Forestry.log2>,6; <Forestry.log2>,10
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_walnut
- ####################
- forestry_walnut {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log4>,1; <Forestry.log4>,5; <Forestry.log4>,9
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_darkwood
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_darkwood {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Dark Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Dark Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # biomesoplenty_fir
- ####################
- biomesoplenty_fir {
- S:leaves=<BiomesOPlenty.Fir Leaves ID>
- S:logs=<BiomesOPlenty.Fir Log ID>
- }
- ####################
- # thaum_greatwood
- ####################
- thaum_greatwood {
- S:leaves=<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,8
- S:logs=<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,4; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,8
- }
- ####################
- # inficraft_bloodwood
- ####################
- inficraft_bloodwood {
- S:leaves=<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,2
- S:logs=<Flora Trees.Bloodwood Block>
- }
- ####################
- # forestry_willow
- ####################
- forestry_willow {
- S:leaves=<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8
- S:logs=<Forestry.log4>,0; <Forestry.log4>,4; <Forestry.log4>,8
- }
- ####################
- # twilight_darkwood
- ####################
- twilight_darkwood {
- S:leaves=<TwilightForest.Hedge>,1
- S:logs=<TwilightForest.Log>,3; <TwilightForest.Log>,7; <TwilightForest.Log>,11; <TwilightForest.Log>,15
- }
- ####################
- # rp2_rubber
- ####################
- rp2_rubber {
- S:leaves=<>
- S:logs=<>
- }
- ####################
- # inficraft_ghostwood
- ####################
- inficraft_ghostwood {
- S:leaves=<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,1
- S:logs=<Flora Trees.Wood Block>,2; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 6; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 10
- }
- ####################
- # inficraft_eucalyptus
- ####################
- inficraft_eucalyptus {
- S:leaves=<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,1
- S:logs=<Flora Trees.Wood Block>,0; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,4; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,8
- }
- }
- ####################
- # block_settings
- ####################
- block_settings {
- # Set to true to allow TreeCapitator to retrieve the remote block ID list, false to disable. [default: false]
- B:allowGetRemoteTreeConfig=false
- # Automatically generated:
- S:localTreeConfig=<Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 1; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 5; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 9|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,0 ! <Forestry.log2>,1; <Forestry.log2>,5; <Forestry.log2>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Bamboo Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Cherry Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Pink Cherry Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log3>,0; <Forestry.log3>,4; <Forestry.log3>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,1; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,5; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,9|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,1 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Willow Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Willow Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Magic Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Magic Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Palm Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Palm Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log1>,1; <Forestry.log1>,5; <Forestry.log1>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log1>,0; <Forestry.log1>,4; <Forestry.log1>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log3>,2; <Forestry.log3>,6; <Forestry.log3>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <>,1|<>,2 ! <IC2.blockRubWood>|<IC2.blockRubLeaves> ! <MFReloaded.ID.RubberWood>|<MFReloaded.ID.RubberLeaves> ! <Forestry.log4>,3; <Forestry.log4>,7; <Forestry.log4>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log3>,1; <Forestry.log3>,5; <Forestry.log3>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Redwood Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log1>,2; <Forestry.log1>,6; <Forestry.log1>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,2; <TwilightForest.Log>,6; <TwilightForest.Log>,10; <TwilightForest.Log>,14|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9 ! <ZapApples.zapAppleLogID>|<ZapApples.zapAppleLeavesID>; <ZapApples.zapAppleFlowersID> ! 100,10; 100,15|100,1; 100,2; 100,3; 100,4; 100,5; 100,6; 100,7; 100,8; 100,9; 100,14 ! <Forestry.log3>,3; <Forestry.log3>,7; <Forestry.log3>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 99,10; 99,15|99,1; 99,2; 99,3; 99,4; 99,5; 99,6; 99,7; 99,8; 99,9; 99,14 ! <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.MagicLog>,12|<TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,0; <TwilightForest.MagicLeaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Dead Log ID> ! 17,1; 17,5; 17,9|18,1; <> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Acacia Leaves ID> ! <DivineRPG.eucalyptus>|18 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,1; <TwilightForest.Log>,5; <TwilightForest.Log>,9; <TwilightForest.Log>,13|<TwilightForest.Leaves>, 1; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,9 ! <Forestry.log4>,2; <Forestry.log4>,6; <Forestry.log4>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! 17,2; 17,6; 17,10|18,2; <BiomesOPlenty.Yellow Autumn Leaves ID> ! <>,0; <>,0; <>,0; <>,0|<>,1 ! <Forestry.log2>,3; <Forestry.log2>,7; <Forestry.log2>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,0; <TwilightForest.Log>,4; <TwilightForest.Log>,8; <TwilightForest.Log>,12|<TwilightForest.Leaves>,0; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,3; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,8; <TwilightForest.Leaves>,11 ! 17,0; 17,4; 17,8; <>,2; <>,2; <>,2; <>,2;|18,0; <>; <BiomesOPlenty.Dying Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Origin Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Fruitless Apple Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Orange Autumn Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.Maple Leaves ID> ! 17,3; 17,7; 17,11|18,3 ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,3; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 7; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 11|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,2 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Mangrove Leaves ID> ! <Forestry.log1>,3; <Forestry.log1>,7; <Forestry.log1>,11|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <>,0; <>,1; <>,1; <>,1; <>,1|<>,0 ! <Forestry.log2>,0; <Forestry.log2>,4; <Forestry.log2>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Flora Trees.Redwood Block>|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,0 ! <Forestry.log2>,2; <Forestry.log2>,6; <Forestry.log2>,10|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <Forestry.log4>,1; <Forestry.log4>,5; <Forestry.log4>,9|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <BiomesOPlenty.Dark Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Dark Leaves ID>; <BiomesOPlenty.White Cherry Leaves ID> ! <BiomesOPlenty.Fir Log ID>|<BiomesOPlenty.Fir Leaves ID> ! <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,4; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLog>,8|<Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,0; <Thaumcraft.BlockMagicalLeaves>,8 ! <Flora Trees.Bloodwood Block>|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,2 ! <Forestry.log4>,0; <Forestry.log4>,4; <Forestry.log4>,8|<Forestry.leaves>,0; <Forestry.leaves>,8 ! <TwilightForest.Log>,3; <TwilightForest.Log>,7; <TwilightForest.Log>,11; <TwilightForest.Log>,15|<TwilightForest.Hedge>,1 ! <>|<> ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,2; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 6; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>, 10|<Flora Trees.Sakura Leaves>,1 ! <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,0; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,4; <Flora Trees.Wood Block>,8|<Flora Trees.Flora Leaves>,1
- # The hardness of logs for when you are using items that can chop down trees. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 4.0]
- S:logHardnessModified=4.0
- # The hardness of logs for when you are using items that won't chop down the trees. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0]
- S:logHardnessNormal=2.0
- # Leave this URL as is to get the latest tree definitions from my master list.
- # Feel free to start your own remote list to share with your friends or send your suggestions to me for the master list! [default:]
- S:remoteTreeConfigURL=
- # Set to true to use the remote block ID list (must also set allowGetOnlineTreeConfig to true), false to use local config. [default: false]
- B:useRemoteTreeConfig=false
- # Set to true if you want only the leaf blocks listed with each log in blockIDList
- # to break when that log type is chopped. When set to false it will break
- # any leaf type within range of the tree, not just the type for that tree. [default: false]
- B:useStrictBlockPairing=false
- }
- ####################
- # id_resolver_settings
- #===================
- # If you are not using ID Resolver, you can safely ignore this section.
- # If you ARE using ID Resolver and your log file does not show any warnings
- # pertaining to ID Resolver, you can still ignore this section. In fact, the
- # only reason you should mess with this section if ShaRose decides to change
- # the Mod ID for ID Resolver.
- ####################
- id_resolver_settings {
- # The mod ID value for ID Resolver. [default: IDResolver]
- S:idResolverModID=IDResolver
- }
- ####################
- # item_settings
- ####################
- item_settings {
- # Enable to cause item damage based on number of blocks destroyed [default: true]
- B:allowItemDamage=true
- # Enable to allow chopping down the entire tree even if your item does not have enough damage remaining to cover the number of blocks. [default: false]
- B:allowMoreBlocksThanDamage=false
- # IDs of items that can chop down trees. Use ',' to split item id from metadata and ';' to split items. [default: 271; 275; 258; 286; 279; <BiomesOPlenty.Muddy Axe ID>; <IC2.itemToolBronzeAxe>; <IC2.itemToolChainsaw>; <>; <>; <>; <Thaumcraft.Thaumaxe>; <TwilightForest.IronwoodAxe>; <TwilightForest.SteeleafAxe>; <TwilightForest.MinotaurAxe>; <DivineRPG.Bedrock Axe>; <DivineRPG.Crystal Axe>; <DivineRPG.Realmite Axe>; <DivineRPG.azuriteaxe>; <DivineRPG.corruptedaxe>; <DivineRPG.denseaxe>; <DivineRPG.divineaxe>; <DivineRPG.donatoraxe>; <DivineRPG.energyaxe>; <DivineRPG.mythrilaxe>; <DivineRPG.plasmaaxe>; <DivineRPG.serenityaxe>; <DivineRPG.twilightaxe>]
- S:axeIDList=271; 275; 258; 286; 279; <BiomesOPlenty.Muddy Axe ID>; <IC2.itemToolBronzeAxe>; <IC2.itemToolChainsaw>; <>; <>; <>; <Thaumcraft.Thaumaxe>; <TwilightForest.IronwoodAxe>; <TwilightForest.SteeleafAxe>; <TwilightForest.MinotaurAxe>; <DivineRPG.Bedrock Axe>; <DivineRPG.Crystal Axe>; <DivineRPG.Realmite Axe>; <DivineRPG.azuriteaxe>; <DivineRPG.corruptedaxe>; <DivineRPG.denseaxe>; <DivineRPG.divineaxe>; <DivineRPG.donatoraxe>; <DivineRPG.energyaxe>; <DivineRPG.mythrilaxe>; <DivineRPG.plasmaaxe>; <DivineRPG.serenityaxe>; <DivineRPG.twilightaxe>
- # When useIncreasingItemDamage=true the damage applied per block broken will increase by this amount every increaseDamageEveryXBlocks blocks broken in a tree. [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0]
- S:damageIncreaseAmount=1.0
- # Axes and shears will take damage this many times for each log broken.
- # Remaining damage is rounded and applied to tools when a tree is finished. [range: 0.1 ~ 50.0, default: 1.0]
- S:damageMultiplier=1.0
- # When useIncreasingItemDamage=true the damage applied per block broken will increase each time this many blocks are broken in a tree. [range: 1 ~ 500, default: 15]
- I:increaseDamageEveryXBlocks=15
- # Whether you need an item from the axeIDList to chop down a tree. Disabling will let you chop trees with any item. [default: true]
- B:needItem=true
- # IDs of items that when placed in the hotbar will allow leaves to be sheared when shearLeaves is true.
- # Use ',' to split item id from metadata and ';' to split items. [default: 359]
- S:shearIDList=359
- # Set to true to have the per-block item damage amount increase after every increaseDamageEveryXBlocks blocks are broken. [default: false]
- B:useIncreasingItemDamage=false
- }
- ####################
- # leaf_and_vine_settings
- ####################
- leaf_and_vine_settings {
- # Enabling this will make leaves be destroyed when trees are chopped. [default: true]
- B:destroyLeaves=true
- # When true TreeCapitator will only instantly decay leaves that have actually been marked for decay.
- # Set to false if you want leaves to be destroyed regardless of their decay status (hint: or for "leaf" blocks that are not really leaves). [default: true]
- B:requireLeafDecayCheck=true
- # Enabling this will cause destroyed leaves to be sheared when a shearing item is in the hotbar (ignored if destroyLeaves is false). [default: false]
- B:shearLeaves=false
- # Enabling this will shear /some/ of the vines on a tree when a shearing item is in the hotbar (ignored if destroyLeaves is false). [default: false]
- B:shearVines=false
- }
- ####################
- # miscellaneous_settings
- ####################
- miscellaneous_settings {
- # Set to true if you want TreeCapitator to log info about what it's doing, false to disable [default: true]
- B:allowDebugLogging=true
- # Set to true if you want TreeCapitator to tell you what kind of block you have clicked when sneaking, false to disable. [default: false]
- B:allowDebugOutput=false
- # Set to false to disable TreeCapitator Smart Tree Detection.
- # Smart Tree Detection counts the number of leaf blocks that are adjacent to the
- # top-most connected log block at the x, z location of a log you've broken. If
- # there are at least minLeavesToID leaf blocks within maxLeafIDDist blocks then
- # TreeCapitator considers it a tree and allows chopping.
- # WARNING: Disabling Smart Tree Detection will remove the only safeguard against
- # accidentally destroying a log structure. Make sure you know what you're doing! [default: true]
- B:allowSmartTreeDetection=true
- # Set to true to allow checking for mod updates, false to disable [default: true]
- B:allowUpdateCheck=true
- # Flag to disable drops in Creative mode [default: false]
- B:disableCreativeDrops=false
- # Flag to disable tree chopping in Creative mode [default: false]
- B:disableInCreative=false
- # The maximum horizontal distance that the log breaking effect will travel (use -1 for no limit). [range: -1 ~ 100, default: 16]
- I:maxBreakDistance=16
- # If a tree's top log is not close enough to leaf blocks, the tree will not be chopped.
- # Increasing this value will search further. I would try to keep it below 3. [range: 1 ~ 8, default: 1]
- I:maxLeafIDDist=1
- # The minimum number of leaves within maxLeafIDDist of the top log block required to identify a tree. [range: 0 ~ 8, default: 3]
- I:minLeavesToID=3
- # Setting this to false will allow the chopping to move downward as well as upward (and blocks below the one you break will be chopped) [default: true]
- B:onlyDestroyUpwards=true
- # Set sneakAction = "disable" to disable tree chopping while sneaking,
- # set sneakAction = "enable" to only enable tree chopping while sneaking,
- # set sneakAction = "none" to have tree chopping enabled regardless of sneaking. [default: disable]
- S:sneakAction=disable
- }
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