
Dry Bowser Vs. His Giant Copy

Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. Dry Bowser was racing against himself in the volcanic racecourse that was the Grumble Volcano, only for a giant clone of him to grab him, shaking the skeletal reptile off his Bone Rattler bike.
  3. "Hey! What gives?" Dry Bowser asked his giant copy as he was quite enraged. "I was trying to race here!"
  5. The giant Dry Bowser bellowed loudly as he fired giant red fireballs into the molten sky, crushing the smaller original Dry Bowser and dropping the crumbled bones of him into the boiling sea of lava. Dry Bowser's skull emerged from the red hot magma waves, his bright red hair singed off by the heat as he watched the giant Dry Bowser cause havoc across the Grumble Volcano's fiery landmass.
  7. Dry Bowser: (grumbles) If he thinks he can just leave me to burn out like that... (chuckles) Then he has another thing coming...
  9. Using his dark magic to gather up a mass of new bones from his separated charcoal shell that was broken apart, Dry Bowser reformed himself, the reptilian skeleton proceeding to swim through the lava as he got onto the hardened magma ground, chucking one of his duller bones at the big Dry Bowser tearing apart the volcanoes, turning around to see his smaller original. The Dry Bowser that was racing with the main Dry Bowser before stopped in his pipe framed grey kart, proceeding to simply take a dive into the magma as he didn't want to deal with what would happen. The enormous Dry Bowser breathed blue fire down on Dry Bowser, who took it like it was nothing, marching right up to his gigantic counterpart as he then spun into his charcoal shell and rammed right into the leg bones of his giant version, causing the large Dry Bowser to be reduced to a pile of bones as Dry Bowser emerged from his shell, folding his bony arms together as he smirked with pride, having managed to foil his monstrous copycat.
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