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Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true)
  3. local MAP = "@7136237";
  4. local MAX_SCORE = 20;
  5. local WELCOME_MESSAGE = "<J>Welcome! This is a football game for testing modules. Write <N>!help<J> for more information. Please report any issues to Makinit.";
  6. local keys = {space = 32, left = 37, right = 39, a = 65, d = 68, q = 81, x = 88};
  7. local team1 = {id = 1, score = 1, colour = "0x0000FF", colour2 = "0x8888FF", tag = "<BV>", name = "the blue team", players = {}};
  8. local team2 = {id = 2, score = 1, colour = "0xFF0000", colour2 = "0xFF8888", tag = "<R>", name = "the red team", players = {}};
  9. local ball = {player = nil, object = 0, t = 0, x = 0, y = 0, vx = 0, vy = 0, ax = 0, ay = 0, takeTime = 0, shootTime = 0};
  10. local tasks = {};
  12. local addShamanObject = function(...)
  13. local object, x, y, r, vx, vy = ...
  14. print(object .. "," .. x .. "," .. y .. "," .. r .. "," .. vx .. "," .. vy)
  15. return tfm.exec.addShamanObject(...)
  16. end
  18. local players = {};
  19. local spectators = {Matiasgim};
  21. function table.copy(t)
  22. local t2 = {}
  23. for k,v in pairs(t) do
  24. t2[k] = v
  25. end
  26. return t2
  27. end
  29. function printInfo(name, value, tabs)
  30. tabs = tabs or "";
  31. local t = type(value);
  32. print(tabs .. t .. " " .. tostring(name) .. " = " .. tostring(value));
  33. if t == "table" then
  34. for n, v in pairs(value) do
  35. if v == value then
  36. print(tabs .. "\tself " .. n);
  37. else
  38. printInfo(n, v, tabs .. "\t");
  39. end
  40. end
  41. end
  42. end
  44. -------------------------
  45. -- Fonction principale --
  46. -------------------------
  48. function main()
  49. command.addHandler("debug", doDebug);
  50. command.addHandler("cheese", doCheese);
  51. command.addHandler("help", doHelp);
  52. command.addHandler("arrow", doArrow);
  53. --command.addHandler("t", doTeamChat);
  55. debug.disableEventLog(debugOff);
  56. tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true);
  57. tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true);
  58. tfm.exec.setGameTime(0, true);
  59. --tfm.exec.chatMessage(WELCOME_MESSAGE);
  60. tfm.exec.newGame(MAP);
  61. end
  63. ------------------------
  64. -- Fonction newGame ----
  65. ------------------------
  67. function eventNewGame()
  68. team1.players = {};
  69. team2.players = {};
  70. team1.score = 1;
  71. team2.score = 1;
  72. gameOver = false;
  73. arrows = false;
  74. clearTextArea = false;
  75. for name, player in pairs( do
  76. if player.isShaman then
  77. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name);
  78. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name);
  79. shaman = name;
  80. end
  81. initPlayer(name);
  82. end
  84. for name, player in pairs( do
  85. if player.isShaman then
  86. tfm.exec.killPlayer(name);
  87. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name);
  88. shaman = name;
  89. end
  90. returnPlayer(name);
  91. end
  92. ball.object = nil;
  93. if #team1.players > 0 and math.random() > 0.5 then
  94. tasks[os.time() + 5000] = function() giveBall(team1.players[math.random(#team1.players)]) tp123 == true; end;
  95. elseif #team2.players > 0 then
  96. tasks[os.time() + 5000] = function() giveBall(team2.players[math.random(#team2.players)]) tp123 == true; end;
  97. end
  98. end
  100. ------------------------------
  101. -- Fonction PlayerGetCheese --
  102. ------------------------------
  103. function eventPlayerGetCheese(player)
  104. ball.player = player;
  105. tp123 == true;
  106. end
  108. ------------------------
  109. -- Fonction eventLoop --
  110. ------------------------
  112. function doArrow(player)
  113. if arrows then
  114. arrows = false
  115. else
  116. arrows = true
  117. end
  118. end
  120. function eventLoop()
  121. --[[if clearTextArea then
  122. ui.removeTextArea(0, player)
  123. clearTextArea = false
  124. end]]
  125. --local done = {}
  126. local now = os.time();
  128. -- task handler
  129. for when, task in pairs(table.copy(tasks)) do
  130. if when <= now then
  131. tasks[when] = nil;
  132. task();
  133. end
  134. end
  135. if not gameOver then
  136. tfm.exec.setGameTime(60 * team1.score + team2.score + 1, true);
  137. if arrows then
  138. local object = ball.object;
  139. local player = ball.player;
  140. if object then
  141. local x, y = getBallLocation();
  142. addShamanObject(0, x, y - 25, 0, 0, 0, true);
  143. elseif player then
  144. local ballPlayer = players[player];
  145. if false or ballPlayer then
  146. addShamanObject(0, ballPlayer.x, ballPlayer.y - 50, 0, 0, 0, true);
  147. end
  148. local tfmPlayer =[player];
  149. if tfmPlayer then
  150. addShamanObject(0, tfmPlayer.x, tfmPlayer.y - 50, 0, 0, 0, true);
  151. end
  152. end
  153. end
  154. -- Flèches
  156. --[[local object = ball.object;
  157. local player = ball.player;
  158. if object then
  159. local x, y = getBallLocation();
  160. addShamanObject(0, x, y - 25, 0, 0, 0, true);
  161. elseif player then
  162. local ballPlayer = players[player];
  163. if false or ballPlayer then
  164. addShamanObject(0, ballPlayer.x, ballPlayer.y - 50, 0, 0, 0, true);
  165. end
  166. local tfmPlayer =[player];
  167. if tfmPlayer then
  168. addShamanObject(0, tfmPlayer.x, tfmPlayer.y - 50, 0, 0, 0, true);
  169. end
  170. end]]
  171. else
  172. local left =50;
  173. local right = 1550;
  174. if team1.score > team2.score then
  175. right = 800;
  176. elseif team2.score > team1.score then
  177. left = 800;
  178. end
  179. addShamanObject(28, math.random(left, right), 350, 0, 0, 0, false);
  180. end
  181. end
  183. -----------------------
  184. -- Fonction keyboard --
  185. -----------------------
  187. function eventKeyboard(player, key, down, x, y)
  188. if down and players[player] then
  189. if key == keys.left or key == keys.a or key == keys.q then
  190. players[player].direction = -1;
  191. elseif key == keys.right or key == keys.d then
  192. players[player].direction = 1;
  193. end
  194. end
  195. if key == then
  196. local now = os.time();
  197. local x2, y2 = getBallLocation(now);
  198. if player == ball.player then
  199. if down then
  200. = now;
  201. elseif then
  202. local force = (now - / 100;
  203. if force > 8 then
  204. force = 8;
  205. end
  206. = nil;
  207. shootBall(x, y, 5, -6 - force);
  208. players[player].shootTime = now;
  209. ball.takeTime = 0;
  210. ball.shooter = player;
  211. end
  212. elseif ball.object then
  213. local shootTime = players[player].shootTime or 0;
  214. if now > shootTime + 1000 and isClose(x, y - 25, getBallLocation(now)) then
  215. removeBall();
  216. ball.takeTime = now;
  217. giveBall(player);
  218. = nil;
  219. ball.passer = ball.shooter;
  220. end
  221. elseif ball.player and players[ball.player] and players[ball.player] ~= players[player] and now > ball.takeTime + 1000 then
  222. local ballPlayer =[ball.player];
  223. local tfmPlayer =[player];
  224. if isClose(x, y, ballPlayer.x, ballPlayer.y) or isClose(tfmPlayer.x, tfmPlayer.y, ballPlayer.x, ballPlayer.y) then
  225. takeBall(ballPlayer.x, ballPlayer.y);
  226. ball.takeTime = now;
  227. giveBall(player);
  228. = nil;
  229. ball.passer = nil;
  230. end
  231. end
  232. end
  233. --players[player].x = x;
  234. --players[player].y = y;
  235. end
  237. ----------------------
  238. -- Fonction isClose --
  239. ----------------------
  241. function isClose(x, y, x2, y2)
  242. local d = 25;
  243. return x < x2+d and x > x2-d and y < y2+d and y > y2-d;
  244. end
  246. -------------------------
  247. -- Fonction removeBall --
  248. -------------------------
  250. function removeBall()
  251. tfm.exec.removeObject(ball.object);
  252. ball.object = nil;
  253. if ball.floorTimer then
  254. system.removeTimer(ball.floorTimer);
  255. end
  256. ball.floorTimer = nil;
  257. if ball.goalTimer then
  258. tasks[ball.goalTimer] = nil;
  259. end
  260. ball.goalTimer = nil;
  261. end
  263. ------------------------
  264. -- Fonction shootBall --
  265. ------------------------
  267. function shootBall(x, y, vx, vy)
  268. ball.x = x;
  269. ball.y = y;
  270. ball.vx = players[ball.player].direction * (vx or 5);
  271. ball.vy = (vy or -6);
  272. = 0;
  273. ball.ay = 5;
  274. if ball.object then
  275. tfm.exec.removeObject(ball.object);
  276. end
  277. ball.t = os.time();
  278. --ball.object = addShamanObject(tfm.enum.shamanObject.littleBox, x, y, 0, ball.vx, ball.vy, true);
  279. ball.object = addShamanObject(17, x, y, 0, 0, 0, true);
  280. tfm.exec.moveObject(ball.object, x, y, false, ball.vx*10, ball.vy*10, false);
  281. if not gameOver then
  282. local yf = 330; --floor
  283. setFloorTimer(yf);
  284. if ball.vx < 0 then
  285. setGoalTimer(0);
  286. elseif ball.vx > 0 then
  287. setGoalTimer(800);
  288. end
  289. end
  290. takeBall(x, y);
  291. end
  293. ----------------------------
  294. -- Fonction setFloorTimer --
  295. ----------------------------
  297. function setFloorTimer(yf)
  298. if ball.floorTimer then
  299. system.removeTimer(ball.floorTimer);
  300. end
  301. if yf then
  302. local tf;
  303. if (ball.ay == 0) then
  304. tf = (yf - ball.y) / (30*ball.vy);
  305. else
  306. tf = (-(30*ball.vy) + math.sqrt((30*ball.vy)*(30*ball.vy) - 4*(30*ball.ay)*(ball.y-yf))) / (2*(30*ball.ay));
  307. if tf < 0 then
  308. --print"-");
  309. tf = (-(30*ball.vy) - math.sqrt((30*ball.vy)*(30*ball.vy) - 4*(30*ball.ay)*(ball.y-yf)))/(2*(30*ball.ay));
  310. end
  311. end
  312. if tf < 1 then
  313. tf = 1;
  314. end
  315. --ball.floorTimer = system.newTimer(hitFloor, tf * 1000, false, tf);
  316. end
  317. end
  319. -----------------------
  320. -- Fonction hitFloor --
  321. -----------------------
  323. function hitFloor(timer, tf)
  324. local now = os.time();
  325. local x, y = getBallLocation(now);
  326. ball.x = x;
  327. ball.y = 330;
  328. ball.vy = 0;
  329. = 0;
  330. ball.ay = 0;
  331. ball.t = now;
  332. tfm.exec.moveObject(ball.object, ball.x, ball.y, false, 0, ball.vy, false);
  333. --print"hit!");
  334. --printtf .. "," .. x .. "," .. y);
  335. end
  337. ---------------------------
  338. -- Fonction setGoalTimer --
  339. ---------------------------
  341. function setGoalTimer(xg)
  342. if ball.goalTimer then
  343. tasks[ball.goalTimer] = nil;
  344. end
  345. if xg then
  346. local tg;
  347. if ( == 0) then
  348. tg = (xg - ball.x) / (30*ball.vx);
  349. else
  350. tg = (-(30*ball.vx) + math.sqrt((30*ball.vx)*(30*ball.vx) - 4*(30**(ball.x-xg))) / (2*(30*;
  351. if tg < 0 then
  352. --print"-");
  353. tg = (-30*ball.vx - math.sqrt(900*ball.vx*ball.vx - 480**(ball.x-xg))) / (60*;
  354. end
  355. end
  356. local _, hit = getBallLocation(os.time() + tg * 1000);
  357. local height = 275;
  358. ball.scored = hit > height;
  360. if tg < 1 then
  361. tg = 1;
  362. end
  363. ball.goalTimer = os.time() + tg * 1000;
  364. tasks[ball.goalTimer] = hitGoal;
  365. end
  366. end
  368. ----------------------
  369. -- Fonction hitgoal --
  370. ----------------------
  372. add = ui.addTextArea
  373. font = "<p align='center'><font size='11'><face='verdana'>"
  375. function hitGoal()
  376. local winner;
  377. local loser;
  378. local loser;
  379. if ball.vx > 0 then
  380. winner = team1;
  381. loser = team2;
  382. elseif ball.vx < 0 then
  383. winner = team2;
  384. loser = team1;
  385. end
  386. if ball.scored then
  387. winner.score = winner.score + 1;
  388. if players[ball.shooter].team == winner then
  389. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(ball.shooter, 10, true);
  390. local pass = "";
  391. if ball.passer and players[ball.passer] and players[ball.passer].team == winner then
  392. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(ball.passer, 5, true);
  393. pass = " after a pass from " .. winner.tag .. ball.passer .. "<BL>";
  394. end
  395. add(0, font .. winner.tag .. ball.shooter .. "<BL> scored" .. pass .. "!\n" .. team1.tag .. .. " <V>" .. team1.score .. "<BL> - <V>" .. team2.score .. team2.tag .. " " .., nil, 300, 50, 200, height, 0x324752, 0x382020, 0.9, false);
  396. else
  397. tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(ball.shooter, -10, true);
  398. add(0, font .. loser.tag .. ball.shooter .. "<BL> scored an own goal!\n" .. team1.tag .. .. " <V>" .. team1.score .. "<BL> - <V>" .. team2.score .. team2.tag .. " " .., nil, 300, 50, 200, height, 0x324752, 0x382020, 0.9, false);
  399. end
  400. --add(1,team1.tag .. .. " <V>" .. team1.score .. "<BL> - <V>" .. team2.score .. team2.tag .. " " .., nil, 300, 50, 200, height, 0x324752, 0x382020, 0.9, false);
  401. if winner.score == MAX_SCORE then
  402. add(0, font .. "<J>Well done, players of " .. winner.tag .. .. "<J>, you win!", nil, 300, 50, 200, height, 0x324752, 0x382020, 0.9, false);
  403. gameOver = true;
  404. tfm.exec.setGameTime(20, true);
  405. system.newTimer(function() tfm.exec.newGame(MAP) end, 20000, false);
  406. end
  407. else
  408. add(0, font .. players[ball.shooter].team.tag .. ball.shooter .. "<BL> missed!", nil, 300, 50, 200, height, 0x324752, 0x382020, 0.9, false);
  409. end
  410. removeBall();
  411. ball.shooter = nil;
  412. ball.passer = nil;
  414. for name, player in pairs(players) do
  415. returnPlayer(name);
  416. end
  417. if #loser.players > 0 then
  418. giveBall(loser.players[math.random(#loser.players)]);
  419. else
  420. giveBall(winner.players[math.random(#winner.players)]);
  421. end
  422. end
  424. -----------------------
  425. -- Fonction takeBall --
  426. -----------------------
  428. function takeBall(x, y)
  429. tfm.exec.killPlayer(ball.player);
  430. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(ball.player);
  431. if x and y then
  432. tfm.exec.movePlayer(ball.player, x, y);
  433. end
  434. ball.player = nil;
  435. end
  437. function giveBall(player)
  438. tfm.exec.giveCheese(player);
  439. ball.player = player;
  440. end
  442. function getBallLocation(t)
  443. t = t or os.time();
  444. local dt = os.difftime(t, ball.t) / 1000;
  445. local x = ball.x + dt*(ball.vx +*dt) * 30;
  446. --local y = ball.y + dt*(ball.vy + ball.ay*dt) * 30;
  447. -- FIXED GROUND
  448. local y = math.min(ball.y + dt*(ball.vy + ball.ay*dt) * 30, 330);
  449. return x, y;
  450. end
  452. ------------------------
  453. -- Fonction newPlayer --
  454. ------------------------
  456. function eventNewPlayer(player)
  457. --tfm.exec.chatMessage(WELCOME_MESSAGE, player);
  458. initPlayer(player);
  459. tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(player);
  460. returnPlayer(player);
  461. end
  463. -------------------------
  464. -- Fonction initPlayer --
  465. -------------------------
  467. function initPlayer(player)
  468. players[player] = {direction = 1, x = 0, y = 0};
  469. for key, code in pairs(keys) do
  470. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(player, code, true, true);
  471. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(player, code, false, true);
  472. end
  473. local team;
  474. if #team1.players < #team2.players then
  475. team = team1;
  476. elseif #team1.players > #team2.players then
  477. team = team2;
  478. elseif math.random() < 0.5 then
  479. team = team1;
  480. else
  481. team = team2;
  482. end
  483. table.insert(team.players, player);
  484. players[player].team = team;
  486. --tfm.exec.chatMessage("<N>Press the <VP>space bar<N> to take or shoot the ball.", player);
  487. --tfm.exec.chatMessage("<J>You joined " .. team.tag .. .. "<J>!", player);
  488. end
  490. ---------------------------
  491. -- Fonction returnPlayer --
  492. ---------------------------
  494. function returnPlayer(player)
  495. if not players[player] then
  496. initPlayer(player)
  497. end
  498. local team = players[player].team;
  499. tfm.exec.setNameColor(player, team.colour);
  500. if team == team1 then
  501. tfm.exec.movePlayer(player, math.random(50, 400), 350);
  502. elseif team == team2 then
  503. tfm.exec.movePlayer(player, math.random(400, 750), 350);
  504. end
  505. end
  507. -------------------------
  508. -- Fonction playerLeft --
  509. -------------------------
  511. function eventPlayerLeft(player)
  512. local team = players[player].team;
  513. local index;
  514. for i, name in ipairs(team.players) do
  515. if name == player then
  516. index = i;
  517. end
  518. end
  519. table.remove(team.players, index);
  520. if ball.player == player then
  521. if #team.players == 0 and team == team1 then
  522. team = team2;
  523. elseif #team.players == 0 and team == team2 then
  524. team = team1
  525. end
  526. giveBall(team.players[math.random(#team.players)]);
  527. end
  529. for key, code in pairs(keys) do
  530. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(player, code, true, false);
  531. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(player, code, false, false);
  532. end
  533. end
  535. ----------------------
  536. -- Fonction doDebug --
  537. ----------------------
  539. local debugOff = true;
  540. function doDebug(player)
  541. if player == "Makinit" then
  542. debugOff = not debugOff;
  543. debug.disableEventLog(debugOff);
  544. end
  545. end
  547. -----------------------
  548. -- Fonction doCheese --
  549. -----------------------
  551. function doCheese(player)
  552. if player == "Masterrony" then
  553. tfm.exec.giveCheese("Masterrony");
  554. end
  555. end
  557. -- Test --
  559. ---------------------
  560. -- Fonction doHelp --
  561. ---------------------
  563. function doHelp(player)
  564. local message = [[<J>You are a team player and you have to cooperate to score!
  565. Press the <VP>space bar<J> to take the ball, shoot the ball or tackle an opponent. When you hold it longer you will shoot harder.
  566. The first team to reach ]] .. MAX_SCORE .. [[ points will win!
  567. Commands:
  568. <N>!help<J> - displays this message
  569. <N>!t message<J> - team chat]];
  570. ui.addPopup(0, 0, message, player, 250, yPos, 300, true);
  571. end
  573. --------------------------
  574. -- Fonctions doTeamChat --
  575. --------------------------
  577. --[[function doTeamChat(player, ...)
  578. local arg = {...}
  579. local team = players[player].team;
  580. local text = string.gsub(string.gsub(table.concat(arg, " "), "<", "&lt;"), ">", "&gt;");
  581. if team and text and text ~= "" then
  582. local message = team.tag .. "[" .. player .. "]<N> " .. text;
  583. for i, name in ipairs(team.players) do
  584., name);
  585. end-
  586. end
  587. end]]
  589. -- command handling
  591. function eventChatCommand(player, message)
  592. local args = split(message, "%s");
  593. local text = table.remove(args, 1);
  595. command.handle(string.lower(text), player, args);
  596. end
  598. command = {handlers = {}};
  600. function command.addHandler(text, handler)
  601. if command.handlers[text] == nil then
  602. command.handlers[text] = {};
  603. system.disableChatCommandDisplay(text, true);
  604. end
  605. table.insert(command.handlers[text], handler);
  606. end
  608. function command.removeHandler(text, handler)
  609. if command.handlers[text] ~= nil then
  610. local index
  611. for i, h in ipairs(command.handlers[text]) do
  612. if handler == h then
  613. index = i;
  614. end
  615. end
  616. if index ~= nil then
  617. table.remove(command.handlers[text], index)
  618. if #command.handlers[text] == 0 then
  619. command.handlers[text] = nil;
  620. --system.disableChatCommandDisplay(text, false);
  621. end
  622. end
  623. end
  624. end
  626. function command.handle(text, player, args)
  627. if command.handlers[text] ~= nil then
  628. for i, handler in ipairs(command.handlers[text]) do
  629. handler(player, unpack(args));
  630. end
  631. end
  632. end
  634. function split(input, seperator)
  635. local res = {};
  636. for part in string.gmatch(input, "[^" .. seperator .. "]+") do
  637. table.insert(res, part);
  638. end
  639. return res;
  640. end
  642. -- system unpack is unavailable
  643. function unpack(t, i)
  644. i = i or 1;
  645. if t[i] ~= nil then
  646. return t[i], unpack(t, i + 1);
  647. end
  648. end
  650. main();
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