
Vonny n Nonny (Vinyl and Anon)

Dec 13th, 2014
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  1. >"So Nonny, what do you say?"
  2. >You sigh
  3. "Fine Vinyl, you can stay with me."
  4. >She gives you a rather affectionate hug
  5. >"Thanks Nonny, knew I could count on you!"
  6. "Don't call me Nonny."
  7. >It was too late, she was already on her way to class, moving to the rhythm of whatever her headphones were playing
  8. >Then she bumped into the principle who took her headphones
  9. >She never changes
  10. >You and Vinyl Scratch had been friends since middle school and around then you developed a crush on her
  11. >...Only to have it stepped on after learning that she stood on the other side of the road, you didn't even get to tell her how you felt
  12. >Still, the two of you were two thirds of friends and Octavia was planning to transfer in soon
  13. >Being close to Vinyl you were the first she had come to
  14. >Just recently turning 18 her parents actually kicked her out
  15. >She didn't have the best relationship with her parents and it was still kind of hard to believe, but still what were you supposed to say, no?
  17. >The school day went by as usual and you nearly forgot all of the new turns your life was taking
  18. >You weren't outside the school for five seconds when a certain Vinyl Scratch throws her arm over your shoulder
  19. >"Alright Nonny, you got a new place right? which way we headed?"
  20. "It's in that dir- would you stop with the 'Nonny' already?"
  21. >"But why Nonny? Your parents call you that all the time."
  22. >The two of you begin walking and continue the conversation
  23. "Yeah they did, when I was like 5!"
  24. >"Then I guess I'm the only one who gets to call you that."
  25. >Pinching the bridge of your nose you feel your sanity draining away
  26. "Fine, fine, call me Nonny. I give up."
  27. >She playfully punches your shoulder
  28. >"Knew you'd come around."
  29. >She shrugs
  30. >"If it helps you could call me by a nickname."
  31. "Like what?"
  32. >"I can't come up with my own nickname, that'd be lame you think of something. It's easy just try to shorten my name in some way."
  33. >Before you could even start thinking she interrupts you with another playful hit to the shoulder
  34. >"Don't think about it! Say the first thing that comes to your mind."
  35. >That's exactly what you did
  36. "Viny?"
  37. >She immediately scowled at you
  38. >"Ew no."
  39. "Vinny?"
  40. >"Better but no."
  41. "Vonny?"
  42. >She takes off her shades and gives you a deadpan stare, clearly not amused
  43. >"That sounds like a bad shipping name"
  44. >She raises an eyebrow and her sinister smirk makes a return
  45. >"Is there something you're trying to tell me?"
  46. >It took you a second to realize what she was implying
  47. "Wait what? No!"
  48. >Sliding her shades back over her eyes she punches your shoulder for a third time, you'd lose feeling in it at this rate
  49. >"You totally do."
  50. >"Oh and if you ever have kids don't name them by yourself. But don't worry, Vonny's got your back."
  51. >She fails to hold in a laugh
  52. >"Nonny."
  54. >Opening the door to the apartment you still couldn't believe how much your life had changed
  55. >You moved out of your parents only a few days ago so there are still a few boxes here and there
  56. >You'd been kind of nervous about living on your own so having Vinyl stay with you made it a bit easier to relax
  57. >"N-Nice place you got here Nonny."
  58. >You could hear the hesitation in her voice
  59. "Pretty scary your first few days out the house isn't it."
  60. >You expected her to make some remark and probably hit your shoulder once again
  61. >Instead she turned to look towards you
  62. >"Yeah... it is."
  63. >Trying to take things to a less emotional level you drape your arm over her shoulders and give her the grand tour of the small apartment
  64. >With each room you showed her you mentally kicked yourself. Even if you weren't great with emotional situations you could have at least tried to comfort her
  65. >It wasn't long until you got to what was now her room that you realized she was leaning against you
  66. >But as soon as you notice she lightly pushes off of you and walks into the room
  67. >"Think I'ma turn in early Nonny, crazy day and all."
  68. "...Night then."
  69. >As soon as the door closed behind you, you tightly balled up a fist in frustration and started walking to the living room
  70. >It was only about 5:30 pm, no one goes to sleep at five
  71. >She obviously needed you but you were such a bitch that you went and avoided it
  72. >Your stomach made its hunger known and you were in no mood to cook a meal
  73. >School lunch was hardly filling and even if it was you had it over 6 hours ago
  74. >No doubt that if you were starving Vinyl would be too. So you decide to pick something up
  75. >You needed the walk anyway
  77. >The walk was really nice for your nerves
  78. >Waiting for the food to be prepared your mind constantly wanders back to Vinyl
  79. >What was up with her?
  80. >Was she upset?
  81. >You couldn't imagine her being upset. She wasn't normally one to let things get her down
  82. >...Though it's not exactly normal to be kicked out by your parents after just turning 18
  83. >Maybe she was homesick? That couldn't be it she hardly spent time at home with the relationship she had with her parents, not to mention it hadn't even been a day
  84. >Your thoughts were interrupted when your food arrived
  85. "Thanks."
  86. >As you leave you can only hope things go back to normal tomorrow
  87. >She only had sleepwear and an extra set of clothes, tomorrow the rest of whatever her parents let her have would arrive
  90. >Knocking at what was now Vinyl's door you hold the food in your opposite hand
  91. >"Come on in."
  92. >Stepping in you reach for one of the bags
  93. >"There's no reason to knock Nonny, this is your apartment."
  94. "Well as long as you're living here it's 'our' apartment."
  95. >For the first time since walking into the room you actually look at Vinyl, whose nose is in a school book
  96. "Is that Vinyl Scratch? Studying?"
  97. >Her headphones and shades were thrown out on the nightstand and she had changed into shorts and a t-shirt
  98. >She gives you a weak smile
  99. >"Yeah, really kills time."
  100. Handing her one of the bags you let your curiosity get the better of you
  101. "Whatcha studying for anyway?"
  102. >"Nothing in particular, just killing time."
  103. >"Oh and Nonny..."
  105. [spoiler]>"Thanks..."[/spoiler]
  107. >You're awoken by something nudging your leg
  108. "You're up early, something the matter?"
  109. >"Stuff will be here in an hour."
  110. "Ah, I better get ready then. Any idea how much stuff it will be?"
  111. >"Just my cloths and music gear, not to much."
  113. >It was a Saturday and you had nothing planned so after everything was finally moved you had the rest of the day to do whatever
  114. >And what better to do than make breakfast, you decide to make something simple for Vinyl's first morning in
  115. >Bacon, eggs and why not throw some toast on
  116. >While everything's getting ready you decide to check up on Vinyl, hopefully having her gear with her would help her feel at home
  117. >But once you open the door...
  118. "Still studying? I thought that you'd be all over your music now that you have it."
  119. >She shrugs not even looking away from the textbook, shades and headphones still on the stand
  120. >You sit on the bed next to her and reload last nights question
  121. "What are you studying for anyway?"
  123. >"School."
  124. >Obviously
  125. "What class?"
  126. >"All of them."
  127. >You sigh
  128. "You're not going to make this easy are you?"
  129. >"Make what easy?"
  130. "You just got your stuff, why aren't you making music like you used to?"
  131. >"Cause it's not important."
  132. >What
  133. "What do you mean not important!? Vinyl musi-"
  134. >"Nonny..."
  135. >She finally looks at you
  136. >"As much as I hate to admit it, my parents were right."
  137. >You could see the tears forming and even if you couldn't, her voice would give away how she felt
  138. >"When I was younger my parents were all for me being a musician, though they expected something a little smaller like a violin or flute
  139. >"But as I got older they started telling me to look into a 'real job', that music wouldn't cut it,that my music wasn't even that good..."
  140. >"They told me that I should 'give up'."
  141. >With this she fell against you and there wasn't much else you could do other than wrap your arms around her
  142. >"But I didn't listen, instead of getting a part time job I made music."
  143. >"While you and Tavi were at work working hard, I was at home, hardly working."
  144. >"While you two were saving money for bigger things, I was spending money on things to help with music, and the money wasn't even really 'all' mine."
  145. >"When you two turned 18 you moved out, already ready for what life would throw at you."
  146. >"And now that I'm 18 and out the house..."
  147. >The tears were flowing now
  148. >"I have to mooch off one of my best friends just to get by."
  149. >That was it, you couldn't just sit here and let her feel bad like before
  150. >You couldn't just wuss out again when she needed you most
  151. "I'll be right back, gotta grab something."
  152. >It was heartbreaking to leave her alone even if only for a few seconds
  154. >Walking into your room you knew exactly what you were looking for and where it was
  155. >Opening the drawer next to your bed you pull out a small old greenish blue mp3 player and white ear buds before walking back to her room
  156. >Sitting back down you pull her into a tight hug
  157. "Y'know Vinyl..."
  158. >You lean back against the headboard
  159. "When I first moved in a couple days ago I was actually pretty nervous."
  160. >"Nervous? Why?"
  161. "Well I wasn't sure how everything would turn out at first. I remember my first day coming home right after my work shift, the place was dark, quiet it just really threw me off and I didn't think I'd ever get used to it."
  162. "But now your here so it's a lot easier to handle."
  163. >You pull out the mp3
  164. "Hey Vonny, remember this?"
  165. >The mp3 catches her eye immediately, she doesn't even acknowledge the use of the her amazing nickname
  166. >"No way, you still have that!?"
  167. "What, you think I'd throw it away after five years? It was a nice birthday present, I never did thank you for it."
  168. >"You still have the same five songs on here, didn't add any?"
  169. >You press play on one of the songs and hand her an ear bud
  170. "It's all I needed, it's by my favorite artist after all."
  171. >You could see the blush forming on her face
  172. >"Hehe... It's not that great."
  173. "Come on, you don't give yourself enough credit."
  174. >It was your turn to punch her in the shoulder
  176. >"You know Nonny, I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend."
  177. >You give a smirk of your own
  178. "Is there something your trying to tell me?"
  179. >This draws a chuckle out of her
  180. >"I mean your a nice guy."
  181. "Me, nice? Yeah right, try telling that to the girls at school."
  182. >She lays her head on your right shoulder before raising something in her right hand, causing you to look over
  183. >Before you even realize what was going on she snapped a picture with her phone
  184. >"Maybe I will."
  185. >You jokingly shove her
  186. "You wouldn't."
  187. >She laughs
  188. >"I think we both know that I would."
  189. >she shoves you back
  190. >You grab the phone and hold it away from her
  191. >"Hey, no fair!"
  192. "What do ya mean?"
  193. >"Your arms are longer than mine."
  194. >You raise the phone even further from her
  195. "Are they? I didn't notice."
  196. >She reaches for it and you lean back
  197. >Raising the phone with one arm and supporting yourself with the other you look back and see the nightstand
  198. >Something brushes against your inner thigh
  199. >Vinyl was trying to crawl over you, her leg brushing slowly up your thigh
  200. >You didn't realize how close you were until now
  201. >You could feel the heat of her breath on your neck as she reached even further over you
  202. >She was making it really hard to focus and according to Nonny Jr that wasn't the only thing
  203. >You stretch your arm back further
  204. >You feel her knee dragging up and over your thigh stopping next to your rib cage
  205. >Her other leg followed to the opposite side of you
  206. >You now lie on your back, arm just far enough to lay her phone on the the stand
  207. >But before you're able to she grabs it from you
  209. >Vinyl was straddling your chest
  210. >You could see her triumphant expression from here, right passed her heaving chest
  211. >"Cheating or not, I always win."
  212. >She sticks her tongue out at you while pressing something into her phone
  213. >"...and save."
  214. >She takes yet another picture of you
  215. "What was that for?"
  216. >"Just a little reminder that I always win."
  217. "Very funny. As much as I love being trapped under you, how about finally letting m-"
  218. >Her phone started ringing
  219. "It's still on?"
  220. >"This is the last month I'm with their plan."
  221. >She answers the phone, lets you up, and starts for the hallway
  222. >"Oh hey! its about time you called..."
  223. >Her voice faded as she walked into the hall
  224. >Sitting up you look around the room
  225. >Things couldn't really have turned out better than they had
  226. >You didn't have to worry about being alone now that someone was living with you, your best friend no less
  227. >It made you feel like you were less likely to screw something up
  228. >"Hey Nonny, just got a call from Tavi. She wants to know if you'd be up to go to the movies tonight."
  229. >Its been a while since you last saw her
  230. "Tonight? Sure, I don't have anything planned."
  231. >"Oh and I'm no expert on cooking but... I think the foods burning."
  232. >Fuck
  233. >Finally getting to the kitchen you see the food
  234. >It was fine
  235. >It was already on the table
  236. >Vinyl was dying of laughter
  237. >"You should of seen the look on your face! Did you really think I'd let the food burn?"
  238. >You couldn't help but laugh as well
  239. >under any other circumstance you might of felt differently
  240. >But now you knew you really didn't have to worry about messing up most things
  241. >You were less likely to screw something up
  243. >Since Octavia moved with her parents clear across town it was rare for the three of you to have a nice get together, but now that she had moved
  244. back It would be just like old times
  245. >Sadly, you don't remember to much about the old times. Now those times were just vague memories, spending time together again would be like taking a walk down memory lane
  246. >"I told you two you could always visit."
  247. >Octavia's smug showed that she knew the problem
  248. >"That trip would take ages, you live like, forever away."
  249. >The two went back and forth for a little while until you spoke up
  250. "So Tavi, you're transferring in to CHS?"
  251. >"Yeah, I'll be starting Monday."
  252. >Even after the movie started none of you were really paying attention
  253. >The three of you spent the whole time discussing the old good times
  254. >"Remember that time when..."
  255. >"Never again!"
  256. >Some things you remember as if they had just happened yesterday and others not so much, Though 'they' could go back and forth exchanging stories
  257. >You only wish you could but your memory failed to serve you
  258. >It was about three quarters through the movie when you started to pay attention to it
  259. >From what you did see it looked to be a pretty sappy romance that wasn't very well done
  260. >When it finally ended you looked over to see the two still talking
  261. "I take it you both enjoyed the movie?"
  262. >They both laugh and Vinyl speaks sarcastically
  263. >"Best movie ever, right?"
  264. "Actually, it was pretty bad."
  265. >They only continued to laugh and you couldn't help but join them
  266. >Even if you didn't find it that funny
  267. >Just like old times
  269. >The night ended on a good note, The two of you got to see an old friend, you'd be seeing even more of her now that she was going to school with you
  270. >Life was good as far as you were concerned
  271. >Though, there was one thing...
  272. >Vinyl Scratch, how long was she going to stay?
  273. >It wasn't a question you actually wanted to ask, you felt that asking it would cause her to leave even sooner than she already might
  274. >Honestly you would prefer that she stay as long as she needed...
  275. >Well more like as long as you wanted
  276. >But you knew neither were the case
  277. >It wasn't as long as she needed, not as long as you wanted...
  278. >...It was as long as she wanted, and after hearing what she said this morning you weren't to sure how long that actually was
  280. >You spent Sunday unpacking, there were still boxes seemingly everywhere but the apartment was feeling like less of an eyesore to you
  281. >Vinyl didn't seem to mind the boxes as much as you did, but you still didn't want to bring anyone else over
  282. >Going through each box with Vinyl, the two of you would occasionally find something from the old days sparking conversations and walks down memory lane
  283. >Sunday seemed to fly by and even though you weren't done unpacking you were finally getting there
  285. >You pull at the curtains with a bit more force than you intended, lucky for you they hadn't come off
  286. >The sunlight spilled into the room revealing a mass of blankets that immediately turned away
  287. "Rise and shine Vinyl. We got school today."
  288. >The mess of a bedspread sighed
  289. >"I'm not going I'm sick."
  290. "Sick?"
  291. >"Yeah, I caught the fuck school I'm not going disease."
  292. "Oh you poor thing."
  293. >"I know! Why is life so cruel?"
  294. >She fakes a cough
  295. "That's to bad, everyone at school is going to miss you."
  296. >"Sucks for them."
  297. "Let me say that again, 'everyone' at school is going to miss you."
  298. >This gets her attention
  299. >She slowly sits up, a bad case of bedhead in an over sized t-shirt
  300. >"Is there something you're trying to tell me Nonny?"
  301. >It only took one word, name rather
  302. "Octavia."
  303. >In a matter of seconds she was out of bed, running a comb through her hair [spoiler]which didn't make much of a noticeable difference[/spoiler], and began changing clothes
  304. >Wait...
  305. "Vinyl!"
  306. >She was halfway through pulling her shirt off
  307. >"What?"
  308. "I'm still here you know."
  309. >"So? Just look away or something. Unless you wanna look.
  310. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  311. >You've known Vinyl long enough to know when shes bluffing so you decide to call her out on it
  312. >You grin
  313. "Maybe I will."
  314. >She pulls her shirt the rest of the way over her head, she held the shirt over her chest and from where you stood you couldn't tell if she had been wearing anything under the shirt
  315. >"Hey Nonny. Think you could help me out here?"
  316. "What?"
  317. >She began to slowly approach you
  318. >"See, me being the amazingly smart person I am, just ruined my hair again and right now my hands are kiiiiind of tied. Think you could-"
  319. >You completely missed the last half of whatever she was saying
  320. >To be fair you've never actually seen Vinyl pretend to pout about anything
  321. >"Nonny?"
  322. >Shit, what was she talking about again?
  323. >By now she was only inches away, so you did the only thing you could think of
  324. "Oh no Vonny, I'm sure you've got it! I'll be waiting in the living room if you need me."
  325. >Closing the door behind you, you could hear Vinyl on the other side
  326. >"But it was like right behind y-, fine you win this round Nonny."
  327. >It might of seemed like you won to her but you knew you hadn't
  329. >The walk to school was much quieter than you expected
  330. >To be fair, you didn't expect Vinyl to have her headphones in
  331. >There was no mistaking what she was listening to
  332. >Memories of your birthday came rushing back to you
  334. >'H-happy birthday Nonny.'
  335. >She held the small box out to you
  336. >It's pretty poorly wrapped but that didn't matter to you, inside the mess of wrapping paper was a small mp3 with a set of mismatch white ear buds
  337. >You utter a thanks of some kind while turning it on
  338. >There's only one song on it
  339. >Ignoring the glare she was receiving from Octavia she nervously spoke
  340. >'I-I hope you like it.'
  342. >It was the only gift to actually last through all of these years
  344. >Yet another walk down memory lane
  346. >"Alright Nonny, see ya at lunch."
  347. >You and Vinyl did not actually share any class periods leaving you bored for most of the day
  348. >You expected today to be no different
  349. >That is until Teacher Cranky began making an announcement
  350. >"Morning class, I'd like to introduce you all to a new addition in the homeroom."
  351. >In walked Octavia, cello and all.
  352. >Why were you surprised
  353. >"I'm sure you'll all make her feel welcome not only to homeroom but to CHS as well. Octavia, take a seat wherever you'd like."
  355. >It wasn't much of a surprise when you found her seated right next to you
  356. >The two of you finished today's assignments rather quickly
  357. >You couldn't help but notice that she still had the cello thrown over her shoulder
  358. "I still don't get how you can carry that around all day."
  359. >"You hardly notice it after a while."
  360. "And how longs 'a while', before or after you lose feeling in your shoulder?"
  361. >"Anyway, how's Vinyl been?."
  362. "Vonn- er Vinyl's been alright, she kinda stays with me now."
  363. >"I heard that much, but what exactly happened?"
  364. >Probably better to leave out Saturdays conversation
  365. "Can't say, I only know that her parents kicked her out."
  366. >"I see."
  367. >Octavia sits back in her chair and glares at the ceiling, thinking something over
  368. >"Can't imagine how hard this has been on her pride."
  369. >You'll say
  370. >"Hey Anon, do you know how long Vinyl is going to stay with you?"
  371. >There was that question again, the one you didn't want an answer to
  372. "I'm not sure.."
  373. >Weren't you relieved when the bell rung
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