
Mekton: Episode 7: Commit Sudoku

Dec 7th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Friday, December 06, 2013
  3. 9:01 PM - Smas: is it happening
  4. 9:01 PM - Smas: I can't believe it
  5. 9:01 PM - SDFN: If trog shows
  6. 9:01 PM - SDFN: Yes
  7. 9:01 PM - SDFN: Wait
  8. 9:02 PM - SDFN: Trogs not replying
  9. 9:02 PM - Smas: ah hells no
  10. 9:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: not big surprise
  11. 9:02 PM - Trogdor entered chat.
  12. 9:02 PM - SDFN: WAIT
  13. 9:02 PM - Smas: THERE HE IS
  14. 9:02 PM - Smas: THE MAN OF THE HOUR HIMSEL
  16. 9:02 PM - Trogdor: huh
  17. 9:02 PM - Trogdor: what
  18. 9:02 PM - Smas: shh
  19. 9:02 PM - Smas: it's ok
  20. 9:02 PM - Trogdor: no
  21. 9:02 PM - Trogdor: i'm actually a tire
  22. 9:02 PM - Smas: oh no
  23. 9:03 PM - Smas: that's not good
  24. 9:03 PM - SDFN: Okay, so, we're all up to actually play, correct?
  25. 9:03 PM - SDFN: No one leavening ten minutes in?
  26. 9:03 PM - Smas: nope
  27. 9:03 PM - Smas: not me
  28. 9:03 PM - Smas: I mena
  29. 9:03 PM - Trogdor: im not so sure aboot that
  30. 9:03 PM - Smas: I am ready
  31. 9:03 PM - Trogdor: oh
  32. 9:04 PM - Trogdor: i could i guess but i would be
  33. 9:04 PM - Trogdor: it would be dumb
  34. 9:04 PM - SDFN: What
  35. 9:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: so no different than normal for trogplay
  36. 9:05 PM - Trogdor: wow okay
  37. 9:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: ;o
  38. 9:05 PM - Trogdor: asshole o;
  39. 9:06 PM - Trogdor: its dumb that im always the one who ends up being the busy one tho like wtf
  40. 9:06 PM - Trogdor: so whatever
  41. 9:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: well, I was busy over the turkey week, more than I thought I was gona be
  42. 9:07 PM - Trogdor: we can go im just really really tired
  43. 9:07 PM - SDFN: Alright
  44. 9:07 PM - SDFN: Well then
  45. 9:07 PM - Trogdor: so was i but thats just normal for me
  46. 9:07 PM - SDFN: Shh
  47. 9:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: god damn Ryan
  48. 9:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: how did you ever survive GMing a game
  49. 9:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: with Nerts, Disco, Elowin, Trog and Wing
  50. 9:07 PM - SDFN: The party is just beginning to stir from their night in the worlds largest cardboard box.
  51. 9:07 PM - SDFN: :V
  52. 9:08 PM - SDFN: I wont lie
  53. 9:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: Ciaster was there too but he's cool and not
  54. 9:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: well
  55. 9:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: any of them
  56. 9:08 PM - SDFN: My five favorite players right there
  57. 9:08 PM - SDFN: Especially together
  58. 9:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: god help whatever universe they're in
  59. 9:08 PM - SDFN: Might pick up Fallout PNP again just to have the dream team back :V
  60. 9:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: inviting Disco? That can't end well
  61. 9:09 PM - Trogdor: i thought that game was fun even if it was just for
  62. 9:09 PM - Trogdor: being fucking brule
  63. 9:09 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): The party is just beginning to stir from their night in the worlds largest cardboard box.
  64. 9:09 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Wat do
  65. 9:10 PM - Trogdor: i thought we already woke up last game
  66. 9:10 PM - Trogdor: didn't i wake up the snake guy
  67. 9:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Perseus.
  68. 9:11 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): I thought that was in the middle of the night
  69. 9:11 PM - Perseus: nigga does it matter what time it is
  70. 9:12 PM - Perseus: we gotta go to the clockwork kingdom and get help with fighting the thing that Brick was afraid of because we'll die otherwise and likely even with their help
  71. 9:12 PM - Perseus: gonna need dem 10s
  72. 9:12 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Well, problem is
  73. 9:12 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): You've talked about this clockwork kingdom, but you have no idea where it is
  74. 9:12 PM - Trogdor: nighttime was bad
  75. 9:12 PM - Trogdor: or something
  76. 9:13 PM - Perseus: I thought she gave us a direction
  77. 9:13 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): North, in the general direction of the thing you're trying to kill
  78. 9:13 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Stumbling around isn't the best idea, maybe ask around, investigate?
  79. 9:13 PM - Perseus: so lemme get this straight
  80. 9:14 PM - Perseus: you want us to ask the people who we already asked for directions, to give us directions to the place they already gave us directions to
  81. 9:14 PM - Perseus: otherwise there isn't anything else to do but stumble around in the north until something pops up
  82. 9:14 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Yes
  83. 9:15 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): And you didn't ask for directions, you more of asked where they were, not for navigation
  84. 9:15 PM - Perseus: I figure that one would go with the other
  85. 9:15 PM - Perseus: and that if she knew she would have told us then
  86. 9:15 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Shh
  87. 9:15 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Well, decide then
  88. 9:15 PM - Cedric: "My head hurts..."
  89. 9:15 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Ask around
  90. 9:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright, enough dicking around. Look Pers, I understand that 'Not Die' is your plan, but I think we need a better one."
  91. 9:16 PM - Perseus: I think your GM blunt might be a little too big
  92. 9:16 PM - Cedric: *carefully rubs forehead*
  93. 9:16 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Or go north young morons
  94. 9:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hopefully one with a bit more structure."
  95. 9:16 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Shh it's friday and finals are coming up, I have a valid excuse
  96. 9:17 PM - Perseus: "I suppose that 'punch anything dishonorable that stands in our way' doesn't quite cut it, does it?"
  97. 9:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop shakes his head.
  98. 9:19 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): So, deciding a change of plans is in order, once again
  99. 9:19 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): wat do
  100. 9:20 PM - Perseus: punch gm in the dick
  101. 9:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop looks over to the cloaked people and waves over their leader, if she is in sight.
  102. 9:21 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): After confusing several people by seeming to flail your arms in the general direction of them, eventually the woman returns. "Is there something I can do for you?"
  103. 9:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm sorry for distracting you guys, but we have a proposition that we wish to discuss."
  104. 9:23 PM - Perseus: "Yes, actually. You mentioned the Clockwork Kingdom, where we might find help with the Mechromancer, but I feel as though a vastly incompetent higher power prevented you for some unknown reason from giving us directional assistance to its exact location."
  105. 9:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop nudges Pers; "Hey, don't go dissing God, he's alright sometimes."
  106. 9:23 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"You mean, you want to know how to locate them?"
  107. 9:24 PM - Perseus: "Correct. We do need their assistance, after all, and it would be quite bothersome to try and acquire it without actually speaking with them."
  108. 9:24 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:
  109. 9:24 PM - Perseus: and don't make her a ? you gave her a name you stoner
  110. 9:24 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"Well, there is a bit of a problem..."
  111. 9:24 PM - Perseus: like, Xycril or something
  112. 9:25 PM - Cedric: "There always is"
  113. 9:25 PM - Perseus: unless you in all your gmly lack of wisdom forgot her name too
  114. 9:26 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Shhh
  115. 9:26 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"In order to avoid being caught by her watchful eye, they don't exactly have a base of opperations, though, you said she took your ship recently?"
  116. 9:27 PM - Perseus: didn't know they knew about ships
  117. 9:27 PM - Perseus: I also don't recall telling her it took a ship
  118. 9:27 PM - Perseus: but ok
  119. 9:28 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Dan I swear to god I am one sassy comment away from calling it a night and hoping on Dwarf Fortress
  120. 9:28 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): So shut you god damn mouth 0u0
  121. 9:28 PM - Perseus: brb getting alcohol
  122. 9:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, she did. Probably with our captain on board too. We need your help to get him, and the rest of our crew back."
  123. 9:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm sure there's some way that we could repay your group if you help us."
  124. 9:30 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Well, something that large most likely triggered seismic activity in the mountains when it was brought out. If you can find this ship, I'm sure you'll find a team of surveyors"
  125. 9:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Surveyors?"
  126. 9:31 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Its a wasteland of scrap, you can find many useful things out there. If there is a crew aboard, they are most likely tending to them as well."
  127. 9:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Aren't they scared of the Mechromancer?"
  128. 9:33 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Unless you approach her heart, or provoke her in some way, she leaves them be, I'd imagine it'd be impossible to keep everyone out of that much land"
  129. 9:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Her heart? What do you mean by that?"
  130. 9:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Usually that's not something that you leave lying around."
  131. 9:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop adds on sheepishly.
  132. 9:36 PM - Perseus: "I imagine her heart is a sizeable reactor of some sort."
  133. 9:36 PM - Cedric: "Something powerful would be needed to run a machine of that size"
  134. 9:36 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Well, I don't know much about it, and very few have even gotten close. But, near the center of the wastelands, there's a compound where supposdily, she controls and monitors her land, most likely a power source, and some sort of communications as well"
  135. 9:37 PM - Perseus: "Something that powerful tends to make a bit explosion when it breaks."
  136. 9:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Do you know if she can moniter the skys, as well as the ground?"
  137. 9:37 PM - Perseus: "Surely she must have some sort of range limits. How high into the sky can reach??
  138. 9:38 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Thats not exactly something I've tested"
  139. 9:40 PM - Perseus: "And do you know what becomes of any material she takes with her?"
  140. 9:40 PM - Perseus: "Perhaps we could draw her attention, then take a ride on her... I suppose they're tentacles, to wherever it leads."
  141. 9:40 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Again, not my area of expertise, I just help move people into and out of the wastes safely."
  142. 9:41 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, if you don't know anything else about her, than I won't press it."
  143. 9:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "However, I'd like to know a bit more about your 'Kingdom of Clockwork'".
  144. 9:43 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Merely a group thats taken a strange interest in the mechromancer and her lands, what do you want to know?"
  145. 9:44 PM - Perseus: "Anything about them that you can tell us. Information is power, after all."
  146. 9:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And knowing is half the battle."
  147. 9:45 PM - Perseus: ~MEK-TON ZEEEETAAAAAA~
  148. 9:46 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"For one, they will try to kill you on sight if you draw too much attention, try to play it off. Secondly, if you're patient, a few knights should be visiting the village later today, though I don't know if you want to just speak with them, or find one of their leaders."
  149. 9:47 PM - Perseus: "I imagine that it would be best to talk with their scouts or knights first, then see if they can get us into the Kingdom proper."
  150. 9:48 PM - Cedric: "They probably know the location of the base, if its not a static place. i agree we should probably get a guide"
  151. 9:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Also, why Clockwork? Any reaon?"
  152. 9:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: *reason
  153. 9:49 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Like I said, through some method or another, they found a way to reduce their chances of being detected on scaners by replacing some electronic systems with gears."
  154. 9:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: *Cough* "Sorry, feeling a bit parched."
  155. 9:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Gears huh? That's interesting."
  156. 9:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Steam power presumably, or do you guys use giant springs and coils to keep things moving?"
  157. 9:51 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"I have never been inside one of the machines, I could not tell you personally"
  158. 9:53 PM - Bishop Hemway: "While those machines may be different, I do see that you have a fine example attached to your shoulder."
  159. 9:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop nods to her prosthetic
  160. 9:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: "If you don't mind, I'd like to take a look."
  161. 9:54 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Yes, but its unpowered compared to the larger contraptions, I don't think there are many similarities, but feel free."
  162. 9:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Unpowered? But how do you move it?"
  163. 9:55 PM - Perseus: "I imagine it works on the natural bio-electrical impulses nerves use."
  164. 9:55 PM - Cedric: "I'd be interested in the mechanics as well, i haven't really seen anything like it before"
  165. 9:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Get over here Cedric, I don't want to mess anything up."
  166. 9:56 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Please don't destroy my arm, I need it, for things"
  167. 9:56 PM - Cedric: "Then wait for me you clutz! don't be impatient its her damn arm!"
  168. 9:57 PM - Cedric: *walks over to inspect robo arm*
  169. 9:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: Can we have a team roll for science?
  170. 9:57 PM - Perseus: I vote that my 6 Education be put to use
  171. 9:57 PM - Perseus: because I'm educated
  172. 9:57 PM - Perseus: and have above a doctorates
  173. 9:57 PM - Perseus: in knowing things
  174. 9:58 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Dan, you can't just know everything
  175. 9:58 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Also, yes, lemme get in rolz
  176. 9:58 PM - Perseus: shh
  177. 9:58 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Also, you should be getting a map soon in story, but you wont get it in game till at least tomorrow, cause I have to remove all my notes and stuff from it
  178. 9:59 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots):
  179. 9:59 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): GiantRobits is the group
  180. 10:00 PM - Cedric: so what are we rollin
  181. 10:01 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Hmm, I don't know if its medical, or like repair, since its a fake arm
  182. 10:01 PM - Bishop Hemway: it's probably both
  183. 10:01 PM - Bishop Hemway: since it's a prosthetic
  184. 10:02 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Alright
  185. 10:02 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): One of you roll basic repair, one of you roll medical
  186. 10:02 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Decide who does what
  187. 10:02 PM - Bishop Hemway: i'm the doctor, don't worry
  188. 10:02 PM - Perseus: you discover that it is an arm made of synthetic materials attatched to the same general location that her original fleshy arm used to be attached to
  189. 10:02 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): One second, going to raid fridge
  190. 10:02 PM - Cedric: i got 4 repair with 10 tech so
  191. 10:02 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Roll as normal
  192. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: so, 1d0 + skill?
  193. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: or
  194. 10:03 PM - Perseus: inb4 critfail break her arm or critpass make it better
  195. 10:03 PM - Cedric: isnt it 1d10+skill+stat?
  196. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: usually
  197. 10:03 PM - Cedric: FUCK
  198. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: use ur luck u pleb
  199. 10:04 PM - Cedric: oh yea i got 10 of that
  200. 10:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: don't go mucking this up
  201. 10:04 PM - Cedric: thanks for reminding me
  202. 10:04 PM - Cedric: hmmm
  203. 10:04 PM - Cedric: use like 1 luck
  204. 10:04 PM - Cedric: or use 9 to make it a crit
  205. 10:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: i'ma wait until Ryan gets back
  206. 10:05 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Im back
  207. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: ok
  208. 10:05 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): With a bag of chicken and waffle flavored chips
  209. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: what roll?
  210. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: nice
  211. 10:05 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Medical
  212. 10:05 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): First aid
  213. 10:05 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Wait no
  214. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: and a skill?
  215. 10:05 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Medical is a skill
  216. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: wait
  217. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: I mean
  218. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: my stat?
  219. 10:05 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Technical ability
  220. 10:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: woo 8 there
  221. 10:06 PM - Cedric: so yea should i use 9 luck or just 1 luck
  222. 10:06 PM - Cedric: hmmmm
  223. 10:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: add 3 luck to that
  224. 10:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: make it
  225. 10:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: a crit
  226. 10:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: add one more
  227. 10:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: for double crit
  228. 10:07 PM - Cedric: you can do that?
  229. 10:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: you haven't been paying attention? for shame
  230. 10:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: ok
  231. 10:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: so
  232. 10:07 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Looking at the arm, you do notice no sort of motor, Instead, of the stump of her arm are several small worm gears, which seem to make the entire arm move based on the movements of the area from roughly the shoulder to the elbow
  233. 10:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: 35
  234. 10:07 PM - Cedric: and i got a 16 after 1 luck
  235. 10:07 PM - Cedric: so 51 total or something
  236. 10:08 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality
  237. 10:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "What you have there is an amazing device. Are all of your prosthetics like this?"
  238. 10:10 PM - Cedric: "Simple and yet extremely effective for what it is. amazing"
  239. 10:10 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"They are, I have been making them since I was a little girl, my father before me actually adapted some parts of his designs from earlier clockwork mecha, but I've done enough work on my own to change that significantly"
  240. 10:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, I must say that your father was a smart man, and he would be proud of the work you've done."
  241. 10:13 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Thank you, is that all you wanted to see?"
  242. 10:14 PM - Perseus: insert flirty comment
  243. 10:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: i know
  244. 10:14 PM - Perseus: but I can't cause I'm already taken
  245. 10:14 PM - Perseus: so you guys will have to do it
  246. 10:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, I'm sure the rest of you is amazing too."
  247. 10:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop says under his breath.
  248. 10:15 PM - Cedric: *facepalms*
  249. 10:15 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"I'm sorry I don't date men who I could beat in a fight"
  250. 10:16 PM - Cedric: *starts laughing*
  251. 10:16 PM - Perseus: Perseus smirks, not knowing the feeling of having been rejected because of his 10 cool
  252. 10:16 PM - Perseus: though he only ever needed to ask one chick
  253. 10:16 PM - Perseus: who he ended up getting engaged to
  254. 10:16 PM - Perseus:
  255. 10:16 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ((I was tempted to say "I dont date men with vaginas"))
  256. 10:16 PM - Cedric: "Thanks for that, and for letting us inspect your arm miss."
  257. 10:17 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"No problem you hot chunk of man"
  258. 10:17 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): -15 IP to Bishop for being terrible at life
  259. 10:17 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): -5 IP while I'm at it, for getting kicked while you're down
  260. 10:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It's fine. I'm already taken..." Bishop says half in thought.
  261. 10:18 PM - Perseus: "There there, Bishop. Someone will come along into your life before long."
  262. 10:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, thanks regardless. I'm sorry if my words offended you."
  263. 10:19 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"It was not that, just, you aren't exactly my type."
  264. 10:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop remembers that he is actually a lightbulb.
  265. 10:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop regrets everything in life.
  266. 10:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: But mostly becoming a lightbulb.
  267. 10:21 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): -5 IP for being a lightbulb
  268. 10:22 PM - Perseus: you're really illuminating his shortcomings
  269. 10:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop regrets having negative experiences and all the stupid stuff he's had to put up with
  270. 10:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: such as Pers's terrible puns
  271. 10:22 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Cheer up, you're just going through a dark time in your life
  272. 10:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: ...
  273. 10:23 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): I'm sure things will brighten up soon enough
  274. 10:23 PM - Cedric: "Well if we are going to waiting around for these knights there won't be much to do"
  275. 10:23 PM - Cedric: "hmmm..."
  276. 10:23 PM - Perseus: "I think we're going to FIND these knights, not wait for them. Were we not?"
  277. 10:23 PM - Cedric: "Why go out and get lost if they are coming here?"
  278. 10:24 PM - Perseus: "Who knows how long it could be until they need to come by here again?"
  279. 10:25 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Tonight at the latest actually, its a scheduled supply drop off"
  280. 10:25 PM - Cedric: "Anyway, if we do end up sticking around, how about you show me more of these prosthetics and how you make them, its extremely interesting to say the least"
  281. 10:25 PM - Perseus: "Well then, in that case, I suppose we could let Bishop brood more on his unfortunate shortcomings in terms of smoothtalk while we do what we can to make ourselves useful."
  282. 10:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop sighs. "Yeah, I suppose that's a smart idea. Perhaps me and Skyren can have a lovely bout of Poker."
  283. 10:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: "While I try and forget about my shortcomings."
  284. 10:28 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Hmm, let me think, there might be something for you to do"
  285. 10:32 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"No, nothing comes to mind, you have about twelve hours till delivery, just try not to impregnate anyone, destroy anything, or get arrested."
  286. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Gotcha. Do you mind if I tear up that giant cardboard box over there?"
  287. 10:33 PM - Perseus: well then I suppose I'll just faff about until then
  288. 10:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I have an idea, and I need construction material."
  289. 10:33 PM - Perseus: "Dare I ask, Bishop?"
  290. 10:33 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Why would I care what you do to your own box?"
  291. 10:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh, I suppose you are right. I did kinda forage it out of the ground." Bishop says while avoiding eye contact.
  292. 10:34 PM - Perseus: oh wait, if you're not doing anything time consuming, what's your mecha pilot and mecha fighting skills?
  293. 10:34 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Right, have fun playing in, your box I guess, as for you two, what do you plan on doing?"
  294. 10:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop runs off, and hauls Skyren behind him.
  295. 10:35 PM - Perseus: nevermind, then :v
  296. 10:36 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  297. 10:36 PM - Perseus: "Us? Well, you wouldn't happen to have any of those steam-powered mechas that your people use, would you? I could perhaps teach a number of your people some skills relating to piloting and fighting hand to hand combat in a mecha."
  298. 10:36 PM - Cedric: "Like i said, if you weren't busy and didn't mind talking about it, these prosthetics you've made are quite impressive. knowing more about them could prove useful."
  299. 10:37 PM - Cedric: "If not then i can fix stuff around here if there is anything broken."
  300. 10:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: And here I am off to teach Skyren the magic of gambling
  301. 10:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: since that is obviously the best thing to do
  302. 10:37 PM - Perseus: in a giant box
  303. 10:37 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Well, we do not have giant robots lying around, but feel free to check out the limbs I have made"
  304. 10:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: no, I'm shearing the box into this world's first set of poker cards
  305. 10:38 PM - Perseus: a mecha-sized box can make a lot of poker cards
  306. 10:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: we'll just have to play mecha poker then
  307. 10:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: make them mecha sized
  308. 10:38 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  309. 10:39 PM - Perseus: imagine a bunch of mechas just chilling around the still-smoking mechacorpse of a recently defeated enemy
  310. 10:39 PM - Perseus: playing with giant cards
  311. 10:39 PM - Perseus: and using the dead enemy mecha as a table
  312. 10:39 PM - Cedric: amazing
  313. 10:40 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Bishop Hemway: I go about and make the world's first mecha sized poker set
  314. Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  315. Bishop Hemway: and teach skyren to play
  316. Bishop Hemway: he'll be my wingman
  317. Your God (Who digs giant robots): Skyren's mecha doesn't have arms
  318. 10:40 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Genius
  319. 10:41 PM - Perseus: "Perhaps, through some miracle, we might be able to convince the Clockwork Empire to donate a mecha or two to your settlement here. I imagine it could come in useful. If you'd like, I can use my own mecha to teach some of your people the skills required for piloting one."
  320. 10:42 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Perhaps later, though for now, we are safe at the border, nothing from the outside wants to run in guns ablazing into the wastes, or she will destroy them, and she is passive to us at this range"
  321. 10:44 PM - Perseus: "Well then, I've not much else I can do to be of any use, it would seem. If you happen to concieve of any way I might be able to assist, please ask me. It's the least I can do to repay the hospalitality you've given us thus far."
  322. 10:46 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Well, how about you?~" She says in a sing song way to Cedric. "Anyway you could be, of service?"
  323. 10:47 PM - Bishop Hemway: don't do it cedric she's the devil
  324. 10:47 PM - Perseus: I give Cedric a smack on the back, saying, "I think I'll go help Bishop reinvent poker."
  325. 10:48 PM - Cedric: "Of course..."
  326. 10:50 PM - Cedric: "While you go do that i will uh"
  327. 10:50 PM - Cedric: "Show her how useful i am..."
  328. 10:50 PM - Perseus: ooo~
  329. 10:50 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Cedric goes off to bleepity bleep bleep
  330. 10:50 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Meanwhile, in boxfort kickass
  331. 10:51 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Bishop and Perseus are doing
  332. 10:51 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Box stuff
  333. 10:51 PM - Cedric: he is a boxer
  334. 10:51 PM - Perseus: it's funny because I am
  335. 10:51 PM - Perseus: so Cedric got laid
  336. 10:51 PM - Perseus: gj bruv
  337. 10:52 PM - Perseus: u go gurk
  338. 10:52 PM - Perseus: gurl
  339. 10:52 PM - Cedric: ;o
  340. 10:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ok so Skyren, you need to keep your cards hidden. No, not having arms is not an excuse."
  341. 10:52 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): +15 IP for being wingman of the decade
  342. 10:52 PM - Perseus: to me? :o
  343. 10:52 PM - Perseus: whoopwhoop
  344. 10:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: I deserve points too
  345. 10:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: T.T
  346. 10:53 PM - Bishop Hemway: I invented Mecha Poker
  347. 10:53 PM - Perseus: I vote he gets +5
  348. 10:53 PM - Bishop Hemway: that'll put me back up to -105 or so
  349. 10:53 PM - Perseus: progress~
  350. 10:54 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Fine
  351. 10:54 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): +5 IP to Bishop
  352. 10:54 PM - Perseus: you're welcome
  353. 10:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: yay
  354. 10:54 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): +25 to Cedric for getting it in
  355. 10:54 PM - Cedric: noice
  356. 10:54 PM - Perseus: inb4 he gets SSTDs
  357. 10:54 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): SSTD
  358. 10:55 PM - Perseus: otherwise known as Space STD
  359. 10:55 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Solid state transmitted diseases
  360. 10:55 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): They load insanely fast
  361. 10:55 PM - Perseus: or that
  362. 10:55 PM - Perseus: :
  363. 10:55 PM - Perseus: v
  364. 10:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: damnit cedric I told u dawg
  365. 10:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: I told u about the devil
  366. 10:55 PM - Perseus: who cares 25 ip
  367. 10:55 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Nah, she clean
  368. 10:55 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  369. 10:55 PM - Perseus: he would know
  370. 10:55 PM - Cedric: aw ye
  371. 10:55 PM - Perseus: he's a doctor
  372. 10:55 PM - Perseus: I think?
  373. 10:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: Yeah
  374. 10:55 PM - Perseus: or he's got his scanner
  375. 10:55 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  376. 10:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: no way I'm gettin near Ced's dick though
  377. 10:56 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): "Hang on babe, lemme scan yo genitalia"
  378. 10:56 PM - Cedric: no way you getting near ceds dick tho
  379. 10:56 PM - Perseus: why would you want to get near his dick
  380. 10:56 PM - Perseus: :v
  381. 10:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: that is what std doctors do
  382. 10:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: i had a friend once
  383. 10:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: and man
  384. 10:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: he almost died
  385. 10:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: not really
  386. 10:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: but he was almost a woman
  387. 10:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: is how I'm gonna put it
  388. 10:58 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  389. 10:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: ced don't put ur dick in crazy
  390. 10:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: or sand people
  391. 10:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: that you have just met
  392. 10:58 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): That was insanely racist
  393. 10:58 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  394. 10:59 PM - Cedric: its not even sand its a metal wasteland
  395. 10:59 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): They're on the edge of the desert
  396. 10:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: Oh, I assumed this was the desert
  397. 10:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: since sand dunes
  398. 10:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: and also
  399. 10:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: yeah, not racist
  400. 11:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: they live in sand
  401. 11:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: and they are people
  402. 11:00 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Anyways
  403. 11:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: so sandpeople
  404. 11:00 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Back to box things
  405. 11:00 PM - Cedric: i dunno man she talked shit to bishop she must be sane
  406. 11:00 PM - Cedric: ;o
  407. 11:00 PM - Cedric: o;
  408. 11:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Skyren, you know you coulda won like, half an hour ago. Just play your 4 aces."
  409. 11:01 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I mean, I can see them. You never flipped them over."
  410. 11:01 PM - Perseus: "You're not a very good teacher, Bishop. Or maybe he simply can't read your handwriting on these cards..."
  411. 11:01 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"I ssssstill don't get the point of this game"
  412. 11:02 PM - Perseus: "Killing time, mostly."
  413. 11:02 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It's a gambling game. You put in a certain amount of money, your opponents put in money, and then you compete for it."
  414. 11:02 PM - Perseus: "Or winning money depending on your skill and the stakes."
  415. 11:03 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"But we're a bunch of broke moronssssss"
  416. 11:03 PM - Perseus: "Doesn't mean we can't kill time."
  417. 11:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But think Skybro, we're broke morons who just made the best game ever!"
  418. 11:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You could be rich!"
  419. 11:03 PM - Perseus: "Actually, now that I think about... Bishop, what kind of poker have we even been playing, anyway?"
  420. 11:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, I thought an interesting twist would be for us to play in our mechas."
  421. 11:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: "That way, if one of us runs off with the cash, we can just shoot the bugger."
  422. 11:04 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"MINE DOESSSSNT HAVE ARMS, I KEEP TELLING YOU THIS"
  423. 11:04 PM - Perseus: "Still doesn't tell me the type of poker we're playing. Texas Hold 'Em?"
  424. 11:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I mean, these cardboard cut outs are kinda hard to write on."
  425. 11:04 PM - Perseus: "Oh, the solution was so simple! Hold on a moment."
  426. 11:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, something like that."
  427. 11:05 PM - Perseus: I walk Ken Kare over to Skyren's mecha. "Let us combine!"
  428. 11:05 PM - Perseus: "That way we both have arms. Simple."
  429. 11:05 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"Then you could see my hand"
  430. 11:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: "He's gonna help you, right Pers?"
  431. 11:06 PM - Perseus: "Not if you used the left arms, and I used the right. Then we simply cut the camera transmissions from the others' side."
  432. 11:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Or that."
  433. 11:06 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"Perhapsssss"
  434. 11:07 PM - Perseus: "Either that, or you continue to play by jabbing the cards with your legs and teeth."
  435. 11:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Legs? I thought his mecha only had a tail." Bishop looks around to the back of skyren's mecha.
  436. 11:08 PM - Perseus: I thought it had legs
  437. 11:08 PM - Perseus: like, lots of tiny leg
  438. 11:08 PM - Perseus: s
  439. 11:08 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Nope
  440. 11:08 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Its a snake
  441. 11:08 PM - Perseus: I thought it was a centipede or something
  442. 11:08 PM - Perseus: huh
  443. 11:08 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Are you serious
  444. 11:09 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): He hisses
  445. 11:09 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): And has fangs
  446. 11:09 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  447. 11:09 PM - Perseus: which is why I always thoguht the centipede mecha was weird
  448. 11:09 PM - Perseus: :v
  449. 11:09 PM - Perseus: coulda swore you described legs the first time he was introduced
  450. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Man, whatever happened to Birdgirl anyways?"
  451. 11:09 PM - Perseus: well then ignore the legs part
  452. 11:09 PM - Perseus: "Perhaps she flew recon, or something."
  453. 11:10 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"Or maybe she got tired of your sssssshit"
  454. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Jeez Skyren, way to mash it in. "
  455. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: T.T
  456. 11:11 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"Regardless, Im sure she'll back"
  457. 11:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Eh, I suppose."
  458. 11:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You know, I've been thinking of something."
  459. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "What am I supposed to do if my wings break off?"
  460. 11:13 PM - Perseus: "Glue them back on?"
  461. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh come one Pers."
  462. 11:13 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"Obey the laws of gravity?"
  463. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Exactly. If I obey the laws of gravity while going 600 mph, that's not a good thing."
  464. 11:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "So, i've been thinking."
  465. 11:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Of a backup system."
  466. 11:14 PM - Perseus: "So, more wings?"
  467. 11:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Nah, too easy to just, shoot off again."
  468. 11:14 PM - Perseus: "Do you wish to match my fists with your wings?"
  469. 11:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But that's probably the sanest solution."
  470. 11:14 PM - Perseus: "Or perhaps a large parachute."
  471. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Going too fast will just rip it apart."
  472. 11:15 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"Many parachutes?"
  473. 11:15 PM - Perseus: "So that seems to leave you the options of a large hangglider, or falling."
  474. 11:15 PM - Perseus: "Or a lot of thrusters."
  475. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I had a third option, I was thinking."
  476. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Guy's, check it."
  477. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop scoots over
  478. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: revealing the stupidest idea of all time
  479. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: drawn in the sand.
  480. 11:16 PM - Perseus: I'm trying to imagine a giant mecha scooting
  481. 11:16 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  482. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: "See look here. I'ma 'borrow' some hydrolics, high tension cable, and fashion some hooks."
  483. 11:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And basically, I'll attach these devices on my arms."
  484. 11:17 PM - Perseus: "I don't think I'm going to like where this is going..."
  485. 11:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And basically I can like, attach to things."
  486. 11:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Like that one awesome movie that involved stars and wars and things."
  487. 11:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But more practical since I won't be shooting the cables out of my ass."
  488. 11:18 PM - Perseus: "That only helps if there are things to attach the hooks TO. The most notable hook point that would be available would be another flying mecha. Otherwise you've got sand, and us."
  489. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, seeing as the scale of our enemies have been going up, I figured that I could like, latch onto them."
  490. 11:20 PM - Perseus: "That reminds me. I need more fists."
  491. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop rubs the plans out of the sand. "I guess it's a stupid idea though. I mean, who fights giant things with only hydaulic hooks?"
  492. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop scoots his mecha back over to his cards.
  493. 11:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright Sky, you ready to play Black Jack?"
  494. 11:22 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): (I Swear to god, giant robots scooting sounds cuter than it should be)
  495. 11:22 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"Fine, we have twelve hoursssss to kill"
  496. 11:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Trust me, it's a bit simpler."
  497. 11:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Pers, you in? You better not count those cards you cheater. I know what your doctorite is for."
  498. 11:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: >.>
  499. 11:23 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): (PHD in things)
  500. 11:23 PM - Perseus: I'm a professional at being professionally professional
  501. 11:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: so, an office worker?
  502. 11:23 PM - Perseus: "Of course. Not as though I've got much else to do."
  503. 11:24 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): After playing poker for 12 hours (And Cedric nailing your host for all twelve as well) you meet back in the center of the town, awaiting the large, brass mecha on the horizion to come into town
  504. 11:26 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"I told you they would arrive, just in time as well"
  505. 11:26 PM - Perseus: wow not describing her mussed hair and inside out roes 2/10
  506. 11:27 PM - Perseus: robes
  507. 11:27 PM - Perseus: *
  508. 11:27 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Is this required?
  509. 11:27 PM - Perseus: guess not :v
  510. 11:27 PM - Perseus: so giant brass mechas
  511. 11:27 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Seeming physically drained, and almost shell shocked, the woman seemed to have a giddy grin on her face, her mechanical fingers twitching slightly as she appears to be the happiest mess on the planet.
  512. 11:28 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): There, better
  513. 11:28 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Also brb snacks
  514. 11:30 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): HOLY SHIT WE HAVE A BOX OF TASTYKAKES
  515. 11:30 PM - Perseus: least Ced's seed won't be irradiating her eggs
  516. 11:30 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ALRIGHT LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD I AM A HAPPY MAN
  517. 11:30 PM - Perseus: if you leave the empty box in the pantry I will castrate you
  518. 11:30 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  519. 11:30 PM - Cedric: "Well atleast they are punctual
  520. 11:31 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Nah, Ill just demolish my krimpets and throw away the trash
  521. 11:32 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"They seemed to be pleassssed with themselves, what happened?"
  522. 11:33 PM - Perseus: "R and R."
  523. 11:33 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"But, how could they rest, they seem so, tired"
  524. 11:34 PM - Perseus: "But they are pleased, are they not? So it turned out well."
  525. 11:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Skyren, I'll tell you when you are older."
  526. 11:34 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): S:"I am confusssssed and a bit scared about that offer"
  527. 11:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: Sigh
  528. 11:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Come here Sky, you're not gonna like this."
  529. 11:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: I haul Skyren off
  530. 11:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: again
  531. 11:35 PM - Perseus: "Perhaps we should address the problem at hand. Such as finding help with an impossibly large opponent."
  532. 11:35 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Skyren is lifted and carried out of the fray
  533. 11:35 PM - Perseus: "Or that..."
  534. 11:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: And I proceed out of earshot (but withing shouting distance) to tell Skyren about the Pidgeys and the Beedrills.
  535. 11:36 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): His face can only be described as
  536. 11:36 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ಠ_ಠ
  537. 11:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And that's how Snakes are born. I hope that you got that idea of robo-storks out of your head."
  538. 11:37 PM - Perseus: "That poor soul," he mumbles to himself. You don't know who he's referring to.
  539. 11:37 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): In the mean time, you realize Cedric hasn't said a word
  540. 11:37 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Perhaps he is dead?
  541. 11:38 PM - Perseus: or he went back for another round
  542. 11:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: oh god cedric did she replace your innerds with machinery
  543. 11:38 PM - Perseus: leaving me to negotiations
  544. 11:38 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  545. 11:38 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): They're standing infront of you
  546. 11:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: also I'm back
  547. 11:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: I gave him the 2 minute version
  548. 11:38 PM - Cedric: *has been smiling the whole time*
  549. 11:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: instead of the version where you see the baby get pushed out in the end and everyone is grossed out
  550. 11:39 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  551. 11:39 PM - Cedric: (i said something earlier u dunces)
  552. 11:39 PM - Perseus: so wait are giant brass mechas ehre or what
  553. 11:40 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Arriving in town
  554. 11:40 PM - Perseus: well they're taking their sweetass time
  555. 11:41 PM - Perseus: so, anybody think of any tactful ways to get their help?
  556. 11:41 PM - Bishop Hemway: Not with my smooth talk
  557. 11:41 PM - Perseus: ("Hi. I don't know you. Help us kill the giant robot you're afraid of. Thx.")
  558. 11:41 PM - Bishop Hemway: if one of them is totally wounded I could like
  559. 11:41 PM - Bishop Hemway: save them
  560. 11:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: and have them be indebted into our service
  561. 11:42 PM - Perseus: maybe I can get on their good side and Cedric can get on their better side
  562. 11:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: das gay
  563. 11:42 PM - Cedric: nigga i don't play dat shit
  564. 11:42 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): The two mecha walk into the village, massive brass and silver machines, with steam engines and tanks on their back, they look like fine European knights from days of old
  565. 11:43 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): They shut down the engines and park, getting out and looking around, the older of the two speaks up.
  566. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: better not be that chick's husband
  567. 11:43 PM - Perseus: I totally didn't help smoothtalk the chick if that's the case
  568. 11:43 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"How has the outpost been holding up? Where is my sister"
  569. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: oh
  570. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: nice
  571. 11:43 PM - Perseus: well that's not so bad
  572. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: you get to meet the inlaws
  573. 11:43 PM - Cedric: fuck
  574. 11:44 PM - Perseus: yes
  575. 11:44 PM - Perseus: you did
  576. 11:44 PM - Perseus: and therein lies the potential problem
  577. 11:44 PM - Cedric: why did you guys say something this is totally an unplanned twist
  578. 11:44 PM - Perseus: because those are the best twists
  579. 11:44 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Your host runs up and hugs the man, ecstatic to see him. ?:"Well, I see she is alright, and who are the new residents? They're sticking out like sore thumbs"
  580. 11:44 PM - Perseus: I'm gonna need twists like these for magical girls
  581. 11:45 PM - Perseus: I assume I have not departed my mecha yet, so I do just that, opening the cockpit and hopping out in front of the group
  582. 11:45 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Youre out of the mecha
  583. 11:45 PM - Perseus: well ok then
  584. 11:45 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Unless, cedric fucked her with a mecha
  585. 11:45 PM - Perseus: there's r34 of that somewhere
  586. 11:46 PM - Perseus: better than dragons fucking cars, anyway
  587. 11:46 PM - Perseus: I know that's a thing because of facepunch
  588. 11:46 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  589. 11:46 PM - Perseus: I wish I didn't know that was a thing
  590. 11:46 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh, hey there. We're wandering traders and craftsmen, and we are in a pickle."
  591. 11:46 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Anyways
  592. 11:46 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"What is your emergency?"
  593. 11:47 PM - Perseus: "Bishop... perhaps I should?"
  594. 11:47 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Fine."
  595. 11:47 PM - Cedric: "I agree with perseus..."
  596. 11:47 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Fuck you Cedric."
  597. 11:47 PM - Cedric: "No thanks."
  598. 11:47 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ((X:"Been there done that"))
  599. 11:48 PM - Perseus: "A rather large vessel of ours was taken by the one you call Mechromancer. While ordinairly the vessel itself would not be work our lives, the problem lies in the fact that this vessel still has our people aboard it. A great number of them."
  600. 11:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop leaves to go hang out with Skyren.
  601. 11:48 PM - Perseus: oi you best not be makin a move on my soulbro
  602. 11:48 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"A sea fairing vessel? How could she have taken that?"
  603. 11:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop yells, "It flies in the air most of the time."
  604. 11:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop continues to walk off.
  605. 11:49 PM - Perseus: "I shant hold back. This was not a vessel of the sea, but of the sea, but of the stars. Whether you believe me or not is not my concern. It is the lives of the people aboard that I care for."
  606. 11:49 PM - Perseus: ignore that but of the sea
  607. 11:50 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"And you know she has this ship?"
  608. 11:50 PM - Perseus: "She took it before our eyes."
  609. 11:50 PM - Cedric: "We saw her drag it down yes"
  610. 11:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, she's a bitch."
  611. 11:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop yells
  612. 11:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: now about 100 feet away.
  613. 11:51 PM - Perseus: "Our gracious host told us we might find assistance within the Clockwork Kingdom, and so..."
  614. 11:51 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"Did you discuss the affair with my sister? Did she tell you that we are not a recovery opperation, especially for strangers that I, or for that matter, she, has no connection with"
  615. 11:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ask her again!"
  616. 11:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: bishop yells, now 150 feet away.
  617. 11:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: And closer to his mecha than the rest of the group.
  618. 11:52 PM - Cedric: "We were simply hoping for directions, if you don't want to actually aid us in the recovery. We don't want to bring her down on anyone else honestly"
  619. 11:52 PM - Perseus: "Cedric, while ordinairly I would agree, this is one fish that we can not reel in alone. We'll need help. You did see the size of her, correct?"
  620. 11:52 PM - Cedric: "And yes we did uh... Discuss this with your sister"
  621. 11:52 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"Well, while I do not know where it is, some sort of star fairing vessel has surely taken the attention of our scouts"
  622. 11:53 PM - Cedric: "well we can't MAKE them help us"
  623. 11:53 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"Discuss such important matters? Bah, she doesn't play kindly with strangers"
  624. 11:53 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Xylia is now blushing up a storm
  625. 11:53 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Have fun Cedric! I'ma gonna play Mecha Solitare!"
  626. 11:53 PM - Cedric: *smiles at her and chuckles*
  627. 11:54 PM - Perseus: "I can understand your hesitancy in the desire to help us. But, think objectively on this for a moment. There are not only numerous human lives aboard worth saving, but the possible gain you could achive from assisting persons whom have traveled in said star-traveling vessels would be enormous, would it not?"
  628. 11:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop yells at 200 feet away.
  629. 11:54 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): He tapped his chin and shrugged. "While it is not up to me to decide, I can take you to the scouts nearest forward base."
  630. 11:54 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"Also sister, you are a mess, what have you been up to?"
  631. 11:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: "She's been putting dear Cedric to use!" Bishop says faintly from being over 300 feet away.
  632. 11:55 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): No answer, just more blushing, if any more blood goes to the poor girl's head, it might explode
  633. 11:56 PM - Cedric: *Cedric starts to blush as well*
  634. 11:56 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Also, he cant hear you from that far away :V
  635. 11:56 PM - Perseus: mecha megaphone
  636. 11:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: Not yet
  637. 11:56 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  638. 11:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: that's like
  639. 11:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: 200 feet away
  640. 11:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: probably
  641. 11:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: we parked at the far lot
  642. 11:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: Also, I'ma be within listening distance
  643. 11:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: as I eat my imaginary popcorn
  644. 11:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: while wearing my imaginary 3d glasses
  645. 11:57 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  646. 11:57 PM - Perseus: pls have them duel
  647. 11:57 PM - Perseus: I'll even lend him my sword
  648. 11:57 PM - Perseus: c:
  649. 11:58 PM - Cedric: damnit dude i would lose i can't sword fight ;o
  650. 11:58 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"Right, well, there is something not being said here, would anyone like to speak up before I have to bring in an interogation squad?"
  651. 11:58 PM - Cedric: "Wha..."
  653. 11:58 PM - Cedric: "You guys have interrogation squads?!"
  654. 11:59 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"There are severally shady figures in the region, yes, now then, what did you do to my sister. Water torture? Blackmail? Brainwashing?"
  655. 11:59 PM - Perseus: "I fear that this is not my place to say. I suggest addressing the concerned parties."
  656. 11:59 PM - Cedric: "Woah woah woah calm down! nothing like that!"
  657. 11:59 PM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"What happened villianous fiend?"
  658. Saturday, December 07, 2013
  659. 12:00 AM - Cedric: "Villianous fiend?! we just met!"
  660. 12:00 AM - Perseus: Perseus steps a respectful distance back, leaving a clear path to Cedric
  661. 12:00 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"Something happened to my sister, and I believe you are the cause of it!"
  662. 12:00 AM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop decides that his friends are slightly more important than his deflated ego
  663. 12:00 AM - Perseus: inb4 you dun fuck it up more
  664. 12:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: so starts coming back
  665. 12:01 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"Poor, sweet, innocent Xylia, what did you do to her?"
  666. 12:01 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): In the robot?
  667. 12:01 AM - Perseus: I want to make a "well he probably sullied her sheets" comment but that isn't respectful
  668. 12:01 AM - Cedric: "Alright calm down you are getting a bit dramatic!"
  669. 12:02 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"Confess what you did now, and all will be forgiven"
  670. 12:02 AM - Perseus: duel for her honor duel for her honor duel for her honor
  671. 12:02 AM - Cedric: "Well uh we..."
  672. 12:02 AM - Perseus: DUEL DUEL DUEL
  673. 12:03 AM - Cedric: "You see she... and then i..."
  674. 12:03 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"You what?
  675. 12:03 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): "
  676. 12:03 AM - Cedric: "Alright there is no way i can say this without it being a bombshell so uh"
  677. 12:04 AM - Cedric: *cedric extends his hand towards the man*
  678. 12:04 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Look, Cedric's been helping her with designing new prosthetics."
  679. 12:04 AM - Perseus: "Oh for the gods' sake..." Perseus mumbles.
  680. 12:04 AM - Cedric: "Hello my name is cedric, i slept with your sister, nice to meet you, whats your name?"
  681. 12:04 AM - Perseus: "Much better."
  682. 12:04 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): He looks confusedly at the hand and absorbs the information
  683. 12:04 AM - Perseus: DUELLLLLLL
  684. 12:04 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): While I could write a descripitive paragraph about the man's face
  685. 12:05 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): I believe this will do the job
  686. 12:05 AM - Perseus: go for it
  687. 12:05 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots):
  688. 12:05 AM - Cedric: *looks worried*
  689. 12:05 AM - Perseus: FUCKIN
  690. 12:05 AM - Perseus: DUEL
  691. 12:05 AM - Perseus: COMIN RIGHT UP
  692. 12:05 AM - Perseus: WOOOOOOOO
  693. 12:05 AM - Cedric: perseus pls
  694. 12:05 AM - Cedric: why u do dis
  695. 12:05 AM - Perseus: Don't worry Ceddy you can borrow my sword
  696. 12:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: And you have my back
  697. 12:05 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?:"I CHALLENGE YOU TO A FIGHT TO THE DEATH ON THE HONOR OF MY FAMILY"
  698. 12:05 AM - Cedric: i can't fukin USE SWORDS U DUMBASS
  699. 12:05 AM - Perseus: my father's old melted and slagged sword
  700. 12:06 AM - Perseus: whoops
  701. 12:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop pushes Cedric back.
  702. 12:06 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"MY NAME IS MARKIS TULIA, AND I AM GOING TO SHIT ON YOUR DREAMS LITTLE MAN"
  703. 12:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I'll fight for his honor."
  704. 12:06 AM - Cedric: "Now hold on!"
  705. 12:07 AM - Perseus: I unsheath my father's old sword and stick it between the two parties, "Halt!"
  706. 12:07 AM - Cedric: *turns to Xylia*
  707. 12:07 AM - Cedric: "Is this normally what happens?"
  708. 12:07 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"He murdered my last four boyfriends, so, yes"
  709. 12:07 AM - Cedric: *points to her angry brother*
  710. 12:07 AM - Cedric: "Oh thats just fucking great"
  711. 12:08 AM - Cedric: "Is this why you don't like people you can't beat in a fight?"
  712. 12:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I see why you said you liked a man who could fight."
  713. 12:08 AM - Cedric: "yea"
  714. 12:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Cedric, guess what?"
  715. 12:08 AM - Cedric: "What"
  716. 12:09 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Yes, but, I probably should have warned you, but then you wouldn't have, 'lended a hand'"
  717. 12:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I hate you."
  718. 12:09 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"..."
  719. 12:09 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): X:"Worth it"
  720. 12:09 AM - Perseus: so uh
  721. 12:09 AM - Perseus: can I
  722. 12:09 AM - Cedric: "To be honest i probably still would've..."
  723. 12:09 AM - Perseus: like
  724. 12:09 AM - Perseus: quicksave here
  725. 12:09 AM - Perseus: :v
  726. 12:09 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  727. 12:09 AM - Perseus: ryan pls
  728. 12:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: I wish to quicksave too
  729. 12:09 AM - Perseus: I'll buff you in meguca
  730. 12:10 AM - Perseus: c:
  731. 12:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: I'll give u the awesome deck i'm making
  732. 12:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: for MTG
  734. 12:10 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Hmm
  735. 12:10 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Tempting
  736. 12:10 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): How much buff
  737. 12:10 AM - Perseus: "I, Perseus Carpedim, hereby proclaim that I shall fight in Cedric's name!"
  738. 12:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: "And so shall I."
  739. 12:10 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"ONLY ONE YOU PLEBIANS"
  740. 12:11 AM - Cedric: "I'm listening to you, and these guys too! i just think a duel to the death is a bit harsh especially since your sister wanted this eh?"
  741. 12:11 AM - Cedric: "If you wanna fight i can fight..."
  742. 12:11 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"TRUST ME SHE DIDNT, SHE WILL BE HAPPY I DID THIS ONE DAY"
  743. 12:11 AM - Perseus: "I shall fight in his name, if only given the stipulation that if I force you into a disadvantaged positon, you conceed defeat."
  744. 12:12 AM - Perseus: "Shall we fight with blade, or in our mecha?"
  745. 12:12 AM - Cedric: "Does it have to be to the death or perhaps a simple brawl?"
  746. 12:13 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"You wish to fight me instead of your friend? And it is your choice, though it matters not, I win every time"
  747. 12:14 AM - Perseus: "He is a friend. I shall not turn my back on a comrade."
  748. 12:14 AM - Cedric: "If i can ask, what terms of the duel are actually changeable?"
  749. 12:14 AM - Cedric: "I don't want either of you dead..."
  750. 12:14 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"It seems to be that, while I can kill your friend, he is not man enough to kill me, and we shall fight in our mecha."
  751. 12:15 AM - Cedric: "Oh"
  752. 12:15 AM - Perseus: "Very well then. I accept your terms." I extend a hand.
  753. 12:15 AM - Cedric: *a slight smile slowly turns into a massive shit eating grin*
  754. 12:15 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): He shakes it, you feel the bones crush as he grins, before turning and getting into your mecha. "NO ASSISTANCE, ONE ON ONE"
  755. 12:16 AM - Cedric: "Well perseus i trust in you"
  756. 12:16 AM - Cedric: "Thanks for standing up for me, although i wouldve fought him myself if it had come to it im not entirely sure i wouldve won."
  757. 12:17 AM - Perseus: I walk over to Cedric, putting a hand on his shoulder, whispering, "Cedric, my friend, I don't usually hold a grudge. But if I die, I'm haunting you. Tell my wife I love her."
  758. 12:17 AM - Cedric: "Unless explosives are legal in these things..."
  759. 12:17 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Markis waits in his mecha for Perseus to join him in combat
  760. 12:17 AM - Perseus: I enter my mecha as cooly as someone with 10 cool can
  761. 12:17 AM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop sneaks off to boxfort HQ, where he has his Mecha parked.
  762. 12:17 AM - Perseus: which is pretty damn coolly
  763. 12:17 AM - Bishop Hemway: oh
  764. 12:17 AM - Bishop Hemway: wait
  765. 12:17 AM - Perseus: nigga don't you dishonor the laws of the duel
  766. 12:17 AM - Bishop Hemway: no
  767. 12:18 AM - Bishop Hemway: I don't
  768. 12:18 AM - Cedric: *turns to Xylia again*
  769. 12:18 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): You walk into the now almost empty town square, a small horde of villagers watching from a safe distance away.
  770. 12:18 AM - Cedric: "No offence but im not rooting for your brother"
  771. 12:19 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Markis draws a massive, ornate sword, larger than the arms of his mecha and stands in a fighting stance, letting Perseus take the first move.
  772. 12:19 AM - Perseus: How far are we?
  773. 12:19 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): A few steps away, far enough where you cant hit eachother, but not like, shooting distance
  774. 12:19 AM - Perseus: And can I shoot rocket fists at varying heights, then use them as platforms and jump off them to gain height for a jump punch
  775. 12:20 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): No
  776. 12:20 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  777. 12:20 AM - Perseus: rude
  778. 12:20 AM - Perseus: hmm
  779. 12:20 AM - Perseus: I have 4 arms
  780. 12:20 AM - Perseus: he has 1 sword
  781. 12:20 AM - Perseus: math tells me I have an advantage here
  782. 12:21 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): So, you spend one action to move into combat range
  783. 12:21 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): 2 punches
  784. 12:21 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): You know the drill
  785. 12:21 AM - Perseus: now to decide where to punch
  786. 12:21 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Also, not going to be doing the rolz for NPCs in rolz, since then you can see their stats
  787. 12:22 AM - Perseus: I think I shall actually use my mecha fighting skill for something OTHER than punching
  788. 12:22 AM - Perseus: like sweeping his legs out from under him
  789. 12:22 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Thats one action, go ahead and roll it
  790. 12:23 AM - Perseus: 21
  791. 12:24 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): The kick is not your finest, but as it gets close to his leg, the hand not holding his sword grabs it and holds it in place
  792. 12:24 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): You are now stuck on one leg
  793. 12:24 AM - Perseus: does activating my thrusters take an action
  794. 12:24 AM - Perseus: cause I don't remember it taking an action during my birdfight
  795. 12:24 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Yes
  796. 12:24 AM - Perseus: when I shoved my legs in its mouth
  797. 12:25 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): It did, but combined you had 3 actions, remember
  798. 12:25 AM - Perseus: oh right
  799. 12:25 AM - Perseus: well ok then
  800. 12:25 AM - Perseus: guess we'll see if I lose the leg
  801. 12:25 AM - Perseus: I'll haunt the shit out of you cedric
  802. 12:25 AM - Perseus: then possess my next character and curse you out
  803. 12:25 AM - Perseus: c:
  804. 12:25 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Bringing the massive sword down, Markis cleaves the leg clean off, almost effortlessly.
  805. 12:26 AM - Perseus: what'd this nigga even roll
  806. 12:26 AM - Bishop Hemway: I turn to Xyl, and giver her an evil glare."
  807. 12:26 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): A normal pass, this sword does an assload of damage
  808. 12:26 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): And has armor piercing
  809. 12:26 AM - Perseus: laaame
  810. 12:26 AM - Perseus: why don't my fists have explosives in them
  811. 12:27 AM - Perseus: oh wait
  812. 12:27 AM - Perseus: I have 4 arms
  813. 12:27 AM - Perseus: who needs legs
  814. 12:27 AM - Perseus: I'll jsut walk with 2 arms
  815. 12:27 AM - Cedric: "Why is your brother like this
  816. 12:27 AM - Cedric: "
  817. 12:27 AM - Perseus: problem solved
  818. 12:27 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): With his other hand now free, he moved it down to his side to grab and deploy a massive steel shield.
  819. 12:28 AM - Perseus: my turn?
  820. 12:28 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Ye
  821. 12:28 AM - Perseus: awyiss
  822. 12:28 AM - Perseus: I'm thinking
  823. 12:28 AM - Perseus: I want to grab my severed leg
  824. 12:28 AM - Perseus: and beat him with it
  825. 12:28 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Oh jesus
  826. 12:29 AM - Perseus: should I?
  827. 12:29 AM - Perseus: my gut tells me yes
  828. 12:29 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Its your combat
  829. 12:29 AM - Perseus: but I don't know what the dice will have to say
  830. 12:29 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  831. 12:29 AM - Perseus: wish I had more bloody luck
  832. 12:29 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): its one action to pick it up, another to beat with it
  833. 12:29 AM - Perseus: hm
  834. 12:30 AM - Perseus: I think I'll give it a shot, then if that goes sour, resort to the good ol one two four punches per turn
  835. 12:30 AM - Perseus: wait
  836. 12:30 AM - Perseus: how much damage will my leg do
  837. 12:30 AM - Perseus: and can I turn the thrusters on it on remotely for extra damage
  838. 12:30 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Activating thursters is an action, cant do that this turn :V
  839. 12:30 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Also, it is heavy
  840. 12:31 AM - Perseus: fuck it
  841. 12:31 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Howabout 2d6+4 Kills
  842. 12:31 AM - Perseus: dice, don't fail me
  843. 12:31 AM - Bishop Hemway: also, aren't you missing a leg?
  844. 12:31 AM - Perseus: this may not be slam dunking Brick but it's pretty important
  845. 12:31 AM - Perseus: also cool
  846. 12:31 AM - Perseus: I mean I'm beating a guy with my severed leg
  847. 12:32 AM - Perseus: 24
  848. 12:32 AM - Perseus: meaning I rolled an 8
  849. 12:32 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Catching the leg with his shield, Markis is surprised as it puts a massive dent in it, almost instantly breaking it, almost being the keyword.
  850. 12:32 AM - Perseus: I really want to make a leg up pun
  851. 12:33 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  852. 12:33 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Markis's turn
  853. 12:33 AM - Perseus: but his surprise is enough for now
  854. 12:33 AM - Perseus: also where are my dodge rolls
  855. 12:33 AM - Perseus: I should be able to cartwheel effectively with 4 arms
  856. 12:34 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Raising the sword over his head, he brings it down on the arm holding his leg
  857. 12:34 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Parry? Cant dodge on one leg
  858. 12:34 AM - Perseus: well would parrying actually do anything considering I'd be parrying with the leg he cut off with one swing?
  859. 12:35 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Could lessen the damage
  860. 12:35 AM - Perseus: or would my sheer parrying willpower keep it intact
  861. 12:35 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  862. 12:35 AM - Perseus: guess I'm gonna roll to parry then
  863. 12:35 AM - Perseus: :v
  864. 12:35 AM - Bishop Hemway: remember, use your angle of deflection
  865. 12:35 AM - Perseus: I think I'll just use the dice
  866. 12:35 AM - Perseus: :v
  867. 12:35 AM - Bishop Hemway: if you can angle something right, stuff just bounces off
  868. 12:35 AM - Perseus: 22
  869. 12:35 AM - Bishop Hemway: lke bullets and stuff
  870. 12:36 AM - Perseus: shoulda let Ceddy deal with this shit :v
  871. 12:36 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): The leg is chopped in half, but takes the brunt of the hit
  872. 12:36 AM - Perseus: I'm gettin too chivilarous for this shit
  873. 12:36 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): The sword nearly severs the arm, but leaves it hanging on, barely.
  874. 12:37 AM - Bishop Hemway: Shoulda let me act/fast talk our way out of it
  875. 12:37 AM - Perseus: is the arm heavy too?
  876. 12:37 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Yes
  877. 12:37 AM - Perseus: fuck yeah
  878. 12:37 AM - Bishop Hemway: also
  879. 12:37 AM - Bishop Hemway: if I were an actor
  880. 12:37 AM - Bishop Hemway: I would be
  881. 12:37 AM - Bishop Hemway: Nicholas Cage
  882. 12:38 AM - Perseus: I'm gonna punch his shield 4 times, see what that gets me
  883. 12:38 AM - Bishop Hemway: just putting that out there
  884. 12:38 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): For his second action, he drops the shield, and puts his hand on your head, clamping onto it tightly.
  885. 12:38 AM - Perseus: or not
  886. 12:38 AM - Bishop Hemway: is your cockpit in ur head?
  887. 12:38 AM - Perseus: nope
  888. 12:38 AM - Perseus: chest
  889. 12:38 AM - Perseus: for reasons just such as this
  890. 12:38 AM - Perseus:
  891. 12:38 AM - Perseus: remember Skyren completely wrecked my first head? I think I lost like, 4 at this point
  892. 12:39 AM - Perseus: this might be 5 if things keep up
  893. 12:39 AM - Perseus: this is gonna be a recurring theme isn't it
  894. 12:39 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Skyren, go rev up your mecha. We're leaving."
  895. 12:39 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Trog, you too."
  896. 12:39 AM - Perseus: >trog
  897. 12:39 AM - Perseus: :v
  898. 12:39 AM - Bishop Hemway: Sorry
  899. 12:39 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  900. 12:39 AM - Perseus: my turn?
  901. 12:40 AM - Bishop Hemway: "You know what I mean!"
  902. 12:40 AM - Perseus: He dropped his shield, right? But he's too busy trying to crush my head to care about parrying
  903. 12:40 AM - Perseus: so I punch the joint of the arm holding his sword as many times as I can
  904. 12:40 AM - Perseus: which I think is 4
  905. 12:41 AM - Perseus: come on dice don't fail me now I've had a pretty shit day already
  906. 12:41 AM - Perseus: 25 ; 27 ; 27 ; 27
  907. 12:41 AM - Perseus: oh dice I could kiss you
  908. 12:41 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Ahaha
  909. 12:41 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Three nines
  910. 12:41 AM - Perseus: I think I'll make one a 10
  911. 12:41 AM - Perseus: just for the crit
  912. 12:41 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Reroll then
  913. 12:41 AM - Perseus: 5
  914. 12:41 AM - Perseus: none too shabby
  915. 12:42 AM - Cedric: (back)
  916. 12:42 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): The armor ablates, leavening the sword arm completely vulnerable.
  917. 12:42 AM - Perseus: YOUR HONOR LASTS YET
  918. 12:42 AM - Perseus: AS DOES MY LIFE
  919. 12:42 AM - Perseus: BUT I DIGRESS
  921. 12:42 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): His turn
  922. 12:43 AM - Perseus: I want to make an "it wasn't her honor" that was soiled joke
  923. 12:43 AM - Perseus: but I'm too chivalrous
  924. 12:43 AM - Perseus: "I'LL TAKE THAT AS A COMPLIMENT!"
  925. 12:43 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Closing his hand as tight as he can, he crushes the head, it explodes in his hand
  926. 12:43 AM - Perseus: can't see shit capn
  927. 12:43 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Moving his sword arm, he stabs into Perseus's torso, aiming for the pod
  928. 12:43 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Parry?
  929. 12:43 AM - Perseus: roll 2 grab
  930. 12:44 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Can only do that on your turn, IIRC
  931. 12:44 AM - Perseus: well fine then
  932. 12:44 AM - Perseus: I'll parry
  933. 12:44 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): You can parry, dodge, or block on your turn
  934. 12:44 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Right, one parry then
  935. 12:44 AM - Perseus: but I'll be parrying with fist, since I currently lack a melee weapon
  936. 12:44 AM - Perseus: 23
  937. 12:45 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): The arm is sheared off completely, and the sword slashes against the torso, removing the armor, leaving the cockpit vulnerable.
  938. 12:45 AM - Perseus: you just want me dead
  939. 12:46 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): I could have insta killed you there :V
  940. 12:46 AM - Perseus: I blame my super charismatic skills for this
  941. 12:46 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Though, your prince charming is coming to the rescue
  942. 12:46 AM - Bishop Hemway: "STOP RIGHT THERE!"
  943. 12:46 AM - Perseus: we'll see if I need it once I punch 4 more times
  944. 12:46 AM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop grabs the girl and unfurls the blade.
  945. 12:46 AM - Bishop Hemway: "YOU END HIS LIFE, AND I END HERS!"
  946. 12:47 AM - Cedric: "What are you doing!"
  948. 12:47 AM - Bishop Hemway: "AND ALL WHO LIVE IN IT!"
  949. 12:47 AM - Perseus: "Well I don't know about you but I think that was going rather well."
  950. 12:47 AM - Cedric: "You totally had it man"
  951. 12:48 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"Go right ahead, it will be an honorless victory, in my heart, I will be the one who delivered justice"
  953. 12:48 AM - Bishop Hemway: "IF ANYONE HAS NO JUSTICE, IT'S HER!"
  954. 12:49 AM - Cedric: "Thats its not like she can stop her brother from murdering them but yea...""
  956. 12:50 AM - Bishop Hemway: "THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN THAT!"
  957. 12:50 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"IT IS A DUEL, THE WINNER IS THE HONORABLE ONE, CONSEQUENCES DO NOT MATTER"
  959. 12:51 AM - Bishop Hemway: "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?"
  960. 12:51 AM - Cedric: "Okay i was gonna say something like, 'take my life instead' or 'This isn't worth it just stop' but im sorry, you are just plain stupid"
  961. 12:52 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"EITHER I DIE, OR HE DOES, NO SUBSTITUTES"
  962. 12:52 AM - Perseus: "I think he's a man with a heavily armored mecha. Like, seriously heavily armored. Why haven't you bothered trying to take on the Mechromancer if you've got mechas like this?"
  963. 12:52 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"If you cant handle me, you dont stand a chance against her"
  964. 12:54 AM - Cedric: "Have you ever tried? or do you just run away?"
  965. 12:54 AM - Perseus: "That is precisely the case, which is why we originally asked for your assistance."
  966. 12:54 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"I am the only man to have ever seen her heart, and I can tell you, there is no shame running from her."
  967. 12:55 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Someone has to die, right?"
  968. 12:55 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Then let's change the rules of the game."
  969. 12:56 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Your fight shall end here. Your duel, however, is not over."
  970. 12:56 AM - Cedric: "Bishop what are you..."
  971. 12:56 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I demand that we change the location of our duel, away from the innocents, away from your damned sister."
  972. 12:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I DEMAND WE FIGHT AT THE CORE!"
  973. 12:57 AM - Cedric: "what."
  974. 12:57 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"That is the dumbest idea I've ever heard"
  975. 12:57 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey, this idea of someone having to die is probably the worst idea ever too."
  976. 12:57 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"You know what, if these are the 'revolutionary heros' I've been hearing about over comms"
  977. 12:57 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): M:"I do not want to live to see this revolution"
  978. 12:58 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Taking the massive sword, he drove it into his own torso
  979. 12:58 AM - Perseus: welp
  980. 12:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: victory?
  981. 12:58 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Bishop, +25 IP for stupiding him to death
  982. 12:58 AM - Bishop Hemway: yes
  983. 12:58 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Perseus, +20 for not dying
  984. 12:58 AM - Perseus: whoop
  985. 12:58 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Cedric, +15 for fucking his sister, who is not emotionally devestated somehow, or surprised.
  986. 12:58 AM - Perseus: oh wow
  987. 12:58 AM - Perseus: Ryan
  988. 12:59 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Fucking Markis's sister, not his own
  989. 12:59 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Dan
  990. 12:59 AM - Perseus: I just realized who that guy reminded me of
  991. 12:59 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): ?
  992. 12:59 AM - Perseus: Gammigori or whatever his name was, from Kill la Kill
  993. 12:59 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): :V
  994. 12:59 AM - Perseus: the big musclehead dude of the top 4 people
  995. 12:59 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Yeah
  996. 12:59 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Anyways
  997. 12:59 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Game for the night
  998. 12:59 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots): Over
  999. 1:00 AM - Perseus: the dangling arm on Ken Kare finally falls off
  1000. 1:00 AM - Perseus: "...Got any glue?"
  1001. 1:00 AM - Your God (Who digs giant robots) has changed their name to SDFN.
  1002. 1:00 AM - Cedric: "I have no clue what the fuck just happened
  1003. 1:00 AM - Cedric: "
  1004. 1:00 AM - Cedric: "I need more Koffee"
  1005. 1:00 AM - SDFN: Dan
  1006. 1:00 AM - SDFN: Save the log
  1007. 1:00 AM - Perseus: I just wanted to make a glue joke
  1008. 1:00 AM - Perseus: yeah yeah you sod
  1009. 1:00 AM - Cedric has changed their name to Trogdor.
  1010. 1:00 AM - Perseus: where's my IP for always saving the log
  1011. 1:00 AM - Perseus: I get no appreciation
  1012. 1:00 AM - SDFN: Also, Ciaster is on board for Fallout PNP Chicago, the reboot
  1013. 1:00 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Sorry about that. Get outa here you damned whore."
  1014. 1:00 AM - SDFN: +5 for each log saved
  1015. 1:00 AM - SDFN: Trog, you in?
  1016. 1:00 AM - Perseus: YISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  1017. 1:01 AM - Trogdor: i dunno man i would totes just end up being brule
  1018. 1:01 AM - Trogdor: again
  1019. 1:01 AM - Perseus: that;s the point
  1020. 1:01 AM - Perseus: I think
  1021. 1:01 AM - SDFN: Yeah
  1022. 1:01 AM - Trogdor: if ur cool with that whatever
  1023. 1:01 AM - SDFN: Same campaign, just that Im not a fuckwit :V
  1024. 1:01 AM - Perseus: it's a remake, but he's a less sucky gm
  1025. 1:01 AM - Perseus: probably
  1026. 1:01 AM - Perseus: he's good with giant robots anyway
  1027. 1:01 AM - Perseus: let's see how he deals with muties
  1028. 1:01 AM - Perseus: so, log title ideas?
  1029. 1:01 AM - Perseus: Commit Sudoku?
  1030. 1:02 AM - SDFN: :V
  1031. 1:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: Shamefu Dispray?
  1032. 1:02 AM - SDFN: Twisted Sister?
  1033. 1:02 AM - Perseus: I got IP for helping my bud get laid then almost dying on his account, earning more IP in the process
  1034. 1:02 AM - Perseus: dunno how to feel about that
  1035. 1:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: also, i think I deserve a career in acting
  1036. 1:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: if Nic Cage can pull shit out of his ass
  1037. 1:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: then why can't I
  1038. 1:03 AM - Trogdor: cause he is fucking nic cage
  1039. 1:03 AM - Perseus: I still say that if you had said "It is not either of you that has to die, but the mechromancer"
  1040. 1:03 AM - Perseus: it woulda been way better
  1041. 1:03 AM - Perseus: than
  1042. 1:03 AM - Perseus: "FIGHT AT THE CORE"
  1043. 1:03 AM - Bishop Hemway: eh
  1044. 1:04 AM - Bishop Hemway: If you wanted smarts, we shoulda had this fight two hours ago
  1045. 1:04 AM - SDFN: So stupid of an idea it drove him to suicide :V
  1046. 1:04 AM - Perseus: Ryan, Trog, tell me whose idea is better
  1047. 1:04 AM - SDFN: Yours
  1048. 1:04 AM - Perseus: thank you
  1049. 1:04 AM - Perseus: and what would his reaction have been to that?
  1050. 1:04 AM - Bishop Hemway: probably still sudoku, my guess
  1051. 1:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: since I still had a knife to the bitch's throat
  1052. 1:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: and threatened to blow up the town
  1053. 1:05 AM - Perseus: with radiation
  1054. 1:05 AM - Trogdor: to be honest i thought thats what he was going to say
  1055. 1:05 AM - Perseus: which you can't even do
  1056. 1:05 AM - Trogdor: then he said fight at the core
  1057. 1:05 AM - Perseus: that's what I told him to say too
  1058. 1:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: which is still the mechromancer
  1059. 1:05 AM - Perseus: but you didn't say to FIGHT the mechromancer
  1060. 1:05 AM - Perseus: just fight at her heart
  1061. 1:05 AM - Perseus: which is like
  1062. 1:05 AM - Perseus: what
  1063. 1:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: I was hoping for collateral damage
  1064. 1:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: since that guy seems off his rocker anyways
  1065. 1:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: I was hoping he'd slice a few things
  1066. 1:06 AM - Perseus: "ok, so you guys are tyring to kill each other, and I don't want either of you to die, so I suggest you guys fight at the place where everyone who has gone to before has died"
  1067. 1:06 AM - Perseus: I was gonna grab my dangling arm and start beating him with that too
  1068. 1:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: I didn't say that I didn't want either of you to die
  1069. 1:06 AM - Perseus: but punches worked well
  1070. 1:07 AM - Perseus: but he was cool :c
  1071. 1:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: I wanted him to keel over regardless
  1072. 1:07 AM - Perseus: barring the psychotic bits
  1073. 1:07 AM - Perseus: also how is the Clockwork Kingdom gonna feel about one of their knights commiting sudoku
  1074. 1:07 AM - Perseus: especially when we ask for help :V
  1075. 1:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: his problem for being disillusioned
  1076. 1:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: not ours
  1077. 1:08 AM - Perseus has changed their name to sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge.
  1078. 1:08 AM - SDFN: You mean, your problem for fucking his sister?
  1079. 1:08 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: We'll see what the steampunk kings think about that
  1080. 1:08 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: wrong guy m8
  1081. 1:09 AM - Trogdor: worth it
  1082. 1:09 AM - Trogdor: ;o
  1083. 1:09 AM - Trogdor: o;
  1084. 1:09 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: you're welcome
  1085. 1:09 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: never woulda gotten that without my natural 10 cool radiatiing off on you
  1086. 1:09 AM - Heartless Bastard has changed their name to Smas.
  1087. 1:09 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: like Bishop radiates
  1088. 1:09 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: uh
  1089. 1:09 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: radiation
  1090. 1:09 AM - SDFN: So, now Bishop is forever alone, surrounded by two happyily commited men
  1091. 1:09 AM - Smas: it's fine
  1092. 1:10 AM - Smas: as long as skyren still loves me
  1093. 1:10 AM - Smas: T.T
  1094. 1:10 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and Pers and Ced high five at each others' wedding
  1095. 1:10 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: nigga Skyren is MY soulbro
  1096. 1:10 AM - Smas: You guys weren't invited to my wedding
  1097. 1:10 AM - Smas: I'll have my own wedding
  1098. 1:10 AM - Smas: with black jack
  1099. 1:10 AM - Smas: and hookers
  1100. 1:10 AM - Smas: you know what?
  1101. 1:10 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: dunno who I want to be my best man more, Cedric or Skyren
  1102. 1:10 AM - Smas: forget the wedding
  1103. 1:11 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: but I dunno how Elysia will feel about having a best man with a lisp and snake teeth :v
  1104. 1:11 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: "The ringssssssssss"
  1105. 1:12 AM - Smas: and he's got it on his lizard tounge or some shi
  1106. 1:12 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: Ryan you never answered me
  1107. 1:12 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: how would whatshisface have reacted if Bishop said that it was the mechromancer that had to die and not "fight at the core"
  1108. 1:13 AM - SDFN: No idea :V
  1109. 1:13 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: also why did he an hero and say call us all stupid revoultionaries when I was clearly honorable and cool
  1110. 1:13 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: Bishop I could understand thinking he was dumb cause
  1111. 1:13 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: well
  1112. 1:13 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: yeah
  1113. 1:13 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and Cedric I could understand not liking cause he fucked the dude's sister
  1114. 1:14 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: but me? I'm all honorable
  1115. 1:14 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and got through his armor
  1116. 1:14 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and shit
  1117. 1:14 AM - Smas: Hey, don't call me dumb
  1118. 1:14 AM - Smas: you almost died
  1119. 1:14 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: the dice gods watch over me
  1120. 1:15 AM - Smas: and then I would be stuck
  1121. 1:15 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: my interaction with Brick confirms this
  1122. 1:15 AM - Smas: with only trog
  1123. 1:15 AM - Smas: I would be so alone
  1124. 1:15 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and how many other now dead lovers of her's have tried to beat him with their own severed legs
  1125. 1:15 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and do some hefty damage at that
  1126. 1:15 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: seriously I think I deserve some props for that
  1127. 1:15 AM - Smas: while he shagged his w/a/ifu
  1128. 1:16 AM - Trogdor: lol
  1129. 1:17 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: OH WAIT
  1130. 1:17 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I AM SO
  1131. 1:17 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: TAKING
  1132. 1:17 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: HIS SWORD
  1133. 1:17 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: FUCK ALL YALL
  1134. 1:17 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: THAT SWORD IS MINE
  1135. 1:17 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: LOOT
  1136. 1:17 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: BITCHES
  1137. 1:18 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I FOUGHT THE BASTARD I EARNED THE SWORD
  1138. 1:18 AM - Smas: I fought him with my words
  1139. 1:18 AM - Smas: and I won
  1140. 1:18 AM - Smas: technically
  1141. 1:18 AM - Smas: right ryan?
  1142. 1:19 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: um
  1143. 1:19 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: did you lose a leg
  1144. 1:19 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and an arm
  1145. 1:19 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and another arm
  1146. 1:19 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and your cockpit armor
  1147. 1:19 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: fighting for your bud
  1148. 1:19 AM - Smas: I fought too
  1149. 1:19 AM - Smas: I just didn't have to get torn up
  1150. 1:19 AM - Smas: cuz I'm smart
  1151. 1:20 AM - Smas: and not dumb
  1152. 1:20 AM - Smas: ;Y
  1153. 1:20 AM - Smas: also I learned today that if I got my suit ripped open it would be like hiroshima
  1154. 1:21 AM - Smas: for everyone except me
  1155. 1:21 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: um
  1156. 1:21 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: you fought with a lack of brains
  1157. 1:21 AM - Smas: it was my lack of brains that lead us to victory
  1158. 1:21 AM - Smas: but whatevs
  1159. 1:21 AM - Smas: if you want the sword
  1160. 1:22 AM - Smas: u can haveeeeeeeeee it
  1161. 1:22 AM - Smas: it's probably all gross and stuff
  1162. 1:22 AM - Smas: with deadguy juice on the blade
  1163. 1:22 AM - Smas: ;P
  1164. 1:22 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: bigass sword like that I ain't turning down
  1165. 1:23 AM - Trogdor: i would only want it if it made people explode
  1166. 1:23 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: By the way I totally could have wrecked him if I punched 4 times again at his unarmored arm
  1167. 1:23 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: shit would have gone my way at that point
  1168. 1:23 AM - Trogdor: like directly not just cause it hit them so hard
  1169. 1:23 AM - Smas: yeah, I figured as such
  1170. 1:23 AM - Smas: but I didn't want to risk it
  1171. 1:23 AM - Smas: and therefor risk losing you
  1172. 1:24 AM - Smas: no homo
  1173. 1:24 AM - Smas: did you post the log up yet?
  1174. 1:24 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: nope
  1175. 1:24 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: c:
  1176. 1:25 AM - Smas: also
  1177. 1:25 AM - Smas: that lady be a gold digger dawg
  1178. 1:25 AM - Smas: she be like
  1179. 1:25 AM - SDFN: Nope
  1180. 1:25 AM - Smas: usin u
  1181. 1:25 AM - Smas: and then feedin u to the wolves
  1182. 1:25 AM - Smas: treatin u like meat just ain't right dawg
  1183. 1:25 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: we gonna bring her with us?
  1184. 1:25 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I mean her brother's dead now so she could keep a steady boyfriend
  1185. 1:28 AM - Trogdor: true
  1186. 1:28 AM - Smas: eh
  1187. 1:28 AM - Smas: I don't like her but she can make prosthetics
  1188. 1:28 AM - Smas: and I'm a doctor
  1189. 1:28 AM - Smas: and Trog is a mechanic
  1190. 1:28 AM - Smas: more so than I am at least
  1191. 1:29 AM - Smas: so she'd be ok to have around
  1192. 1:29 AM - Smas: as long as she doesn't just steal our shit
  1193. 1:29 AM - Smas: or something
  1194. 1:32 AM - SDFN: You just mad cause u didnt get any fuck
  1195. 1:33 AM - Smas: it's not like snu snu would do anything for me at this point
  1196. 1:33 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: Who needs fuck when I got a wife and a kickin rad new sword
  1197. 1:33 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: how much damage does that thing do anyway
  1198. 1:33 AM - Smas: other than kill everybody
  1199. 1:33 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I've been looking for a mechasword anyway
  1200. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: guess my search is over
  1201. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: c:
  1202. 1:34 AM - SDFN: Ill make the stats less broken first
  1203. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: what
  1204. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: no
  1205. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: fuck
  1206. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: you
  1207. 1:34 AM - SDFN: Since it did 20 kills AP damage
  1208. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: you shitcunt
  1209. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: die in a fire
  1210. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: a sword doesn't get nerfed because it changes owners
  1211. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I earned the damn thing
  1212. 1:34 AM - SDFN: Literally oneshots any part except for Armored Heavy and above
  1213. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: it cut me in half
  1214. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I'm keeping it
  1215. 1:34 AM - Smas: it does when yu watch bleach
  1216. 1:34 AM - SDFN: It was damaged in the suicide
  1217. 1:34 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: if you're nerfing the thing then we do the fight again
  1218. 1:35 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: that isn't how swords work Ryan
  1219. 1:35 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I don't care how high you are
  1220. 1:35 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I want that thing as broken as it is. I won't even us it unless shit gets really real
  1221. 1:35 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: fists are cooler anyway
  1222. 1:36 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: but that sword should not be nerfed, unless we do the fight again
  1223. 1:36 AM - Smas: and maybe I won't fuck up my lines
  1224. 1:36 AM - Smas: ;0
  1225. 1:36 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I fuckin told you what to say
  1226. 1:37 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: and you fucked up
  1227. 1:37 AM - Smas: it's ok
  1228. 1:37 AM - Smas: I'm nic cage
  1229. 1:37 AM - Smas: I can do whatever I want
  1230. 1:37 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: come on man that was the most obvious thing to say at that point :v
  1231. 1:37 AM - Smas: and my career shall go on
  1232. 1:37 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: not "FIGHT AT THE CORE"
  1233. 1:37 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: but it all worked out in the end I guess
  1234. 1:37 AM - Smas: yeah ok
  1235. 1:37 AM - Smas: heat of the moment
  1236. 1:37 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: so I've got no real complaints
  1237. 1:37 AM - Smas: blame it all on the semi new guy
  1238. 1:37 AM - Smas: T>T
  1239. 1:38 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: you did fine :v
  1240. 1:38 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I got a new sword out of it, after all
  1241. 1:38 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: c:
  1242. 1:38 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: ALSO, RYAN
  1243. 1:38 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: YOU NERF THAT SWORD
  1244. 1:38 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I NERF YOUR MEGUCA
  1245. 1:39 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: so yeah, guess I'll save the log here then
  1246. 1:39 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: since it got all out banter
  1247. 1:39 AM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: c:
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