

Apr 16th, 2016
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  1. [19:05] WalkingDisaster Taure - There is no argument about money in politics not being bad which I will ever accept.
  2. [19:05] |<-- Sree has left darklordpotter.net (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
  3. [19:06] Taure WalkingDisaster> Taure - There is no argument which I will ever accept.
  4. [19:06] Taure Fixed that for you
  5. [19:06] WalkingDisaster failed at it, too
  6. [19:07] WalkingDisaster Money in politics is corruption. Flat. End of story. No equivocation.
  7. [19:08] Taure rolls eyes
  8. [19:08] Taure Like I said
  9. [19:08] Taure You're not interested in argument or evidence or investigating the mechanisms by which things actually happen.
  10. [19:08] WalkingDisaster I'm not interested in being subject to lawyer-language trying to twist the obvious truth.
  11. [19:09] Taure The truth that you know by faith
  12. [19:09] WalkingDisaster Human History is all the evidence I need.
  13. [19:09] Mishie So to clarify
  14. [19:10] Mishie You're basing your stance entirely on faith
  15. [19:10] Taure You're one step away from creationism, WD
  16. [19:10] Mishie Refusing to compromise
  17. [19:10] WalkingDisaster I'm basing my stance entirely on the obvious.
  18. [19:10] Taure Aka your gut feeling
  19. [19:10] Mishie mhm
  20. [19:10] WalkingDisaster AKA human history.
  21. [19:10] Taure Which you arrive at... by faith
  22. [19:10] Mishie Okay
  23. [19:11] Taure If you're going to invoke history
  24. [19:11] Mishie I can just go "Human History says I'm right" as well
  25. [19:11] Mishie Done
  26. [19:11] Taure You have to provide histoical evidence of the actual mechanisms by which money acts in politics
  27. [19:11] WalkingDisaster Except you'd be lying ^.^
  28. [19:11] WalkingDisaster And I'm not.
  29. [19:11] Taure You don't just get to invoke "history" in general
  30. [19:11] Mishie Prove it
  31. [19:11] Mishie
  32. [19:11] WalkingDisaster No, I don't have to. Not really.
  33. [19:11] Mishie Prove I'm lying
  34. [19:11] WalkingDisaster I can just stick by what I think and not engage silliness.
  35. [19:11] Mishie I believe that things are significantly better now than they used to be
  36. [19:11] WalkingDisaster waves
  37. [19:12] Taure Yeah, reason, logic, evidence, what silliness!
  38. [19:12] Mishie I feel that the current system is significantly better than most of the alternatives
  39. [19:12] Mishie But at the same time, it's the most practical and realistic
  40. [19:12] WalkingDisaster Twisting reason, logic, and evidence you mean.
  41. [19:13] Taure I mean, Mishie, if you take the "no money in politics" thing to the extreme, the end result is that the media has 100% control over the political system. Politicians can't ever contact voters directly because that takes money. So the media has complete control over what the people know.
  42. [19:13] Mishie Yupe
  43. [19:13] Sauce The media controlled by three or four corporations, you mean?
  44. [19:13] WalkingDisaster You make a good point, The MSM is a horrible influence on modern politics.
  45. [19:13] Mishie Money in politics is a simple fact of life
  46. [19:13] Mishie The important thing is to not only regulate it
  47. [19:13] Mishie But
  48. [19:13] WalkingDisaster To regulate the /fuck/ out of it.
  49. [19:13] Mishie To also ensure that it can't do things alone
  50. [19:14] Mishie Which is far more important
  51. [19:14] WalkingDisaster Too bad we went in the entirely opposite direction and gave unlimited bribery the legal stamp of approval.
  52. [19:14] WalkingDisaster Ahh, 'citizens' united.
  53. [19:14] Mishie Corporations don't just hand over suitcases full of money
  54. [19:14] Taure ...except we didn't lol
  55. [19:14] Mishie they do things the smart and legal way
  56. [19:14] Taure That's the kind of claim that requires evidence
  57. [19:14] WalkingDisaster Yes we did, Taure. That's what Citizens United is.
  58. [19:14] Mishie they SPEND money
  59. [19:14] WalkingDisaster Legal bribery.
  60. [19:14] Taure That thing that you reject
  61. [19:15] Taure lol
  62. [19:15] Taure It very much isn't
  63. [19:15] WalkingDisaster It very much is.
  64. [19:15] WalkingDisaster Always has been.
  65. [19:15] WalkingDisaster Always will be.
  66. [19:15] Mishie Prove it
  67. [19:15] Mishie
  68. [19:15] WalkingDisaster Don't have to, myself and millions of other Americans can all see it for what it is.
  69. [19:15] Mishie Are you actually serious
  70. [19:16] WalkingDisaster Hiding behind 'quid pro quo' doesn't make it any less obvious.
  71. [19:16] Taure WalkingDisaster, I hope you realise how damaging this is
  72. [19:16] Mishie Just
  73. [19:16] Taure By using these argument tactics
  74. [19:16] Mishie The words you use
  75. [19:16] Taure You're completely legitimising the climate change deniers
  76. [19:16] Mishie Do more to harm your argument
  77. [19:16] Taure Who justify their positions in exactly the same way
  78. [19:16] Mishie Than literally anything anybody else could say.
  79. [19:16] Taure If your argument is legitimate
  80. [19:17] WalkingDisaster Except they don't have reams of science to back them up.
  81. [19:17] Taure Then so is their's
  82. [19:17] Mishie [19:17] WalkingDisaster Except they don't have reams of science to back them up.
  83. [19:17] Mishie Prove
  84. [19:17] Mishie It
  85. [19:17] WalkingDisaster So, no I'm not.
  86. [19:17] WalkingDisaster No.
  87. [19:17] WalkingDisaster Mishie.
  88. [19:17] Mishie Prove it
  89. [19:17] WalkingDisaster I won't.
  90. [19:17] WalkingDisaster Do the research yourself.
  91. [19:17] Taure You're refusing to justify your position. YOu don't have anything backing you up.
  92. [19:17] WalkingDisaster That's right.
  93. [19:17] WalkingDisaster And wrong.
  94. [19:17] Mishie Do you not understand
  95. [19:17] Taure If you don't want to justify your position
  96. [19:17] Mishie Basic debating
  97. [19:17] Taure Why the hell are you in #politics
  98. [19:17] Nae WD
  99. [19:17] Nae might want to take a step back and breathe
  100. [19:18] WalkingDisaster I'm perfectly calm, Nae, but thank you for the consideration. I appreciate it.
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