
Lich Doctor Chapter Eight

Jan 21st, 2013
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  1. >You were Anonymous, and you were currently telling your guests about your time from the earthquakes to the present.
  2. “You see, after I had finished analyzing the scroll, I found that the scroll had a ritual for the Caretaker to follow for nearly every situation. I believe I already told you this.”
  3. >You look thoughtful for a moment.
  4. ”Hmm...It seems I did. Anyways, one of the rituals was for when an area became barren of life, this ritual could be performed to bring plant life back to the area. It basically acts as a catalyst to speed up the natural process of regrowth. So, after signing the contract I began performing the ritual where I was seated. I figured it would work well enough. It was practically a desert without sand.”
  5. >You pause for a beat before continuing.
  6. “The ritual consisted of drawing a perfect circle in the ground and reciting a prayer of vitality to the Earth. After the prayer was said, a blood offering needed to be made. Not much, mind you, just a drop or so. So I completed the ritual and wondered what to do for the rest of the day. I picked a direction and walked, just as I had been doing since the earthquakes. Eventually I got tired and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was lying in the greenest field I had ever seen that stretched on for as far as my eyes could see. After that, I wandered the earth performing the ritual anywhere it needed to be done and learning the various magics the scroll had to offer.”
  7. >You end your story there, for now. Twilight gives you a look and then asks you a question.
  8. >”...That's it?”
  10. “Of course not Twilight. I would just prefer to continue without HAVING ANYONE EAVESDROPPING. I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE.”
  11. >You hear a muffled “Darn” before the door opens, revealing a unicorn pegasus pony that looked like midnight with a mane to match.
  12. >”P-Princess Luna!”
  13. >Both Twilight and Mayor Mare bow at the midnight pony.
  14. >Wait a second...Luna...
  15. >You KNEW that pony. Memories long buried came flooding back to the forefront of your mind. With the sudden remembrance of who Luna was, you charge her.
  16. “MOONBUTT!”
  17. >You grab Luna up in a bony bearhug, her face blushing furiously with embarrassment.
  18. >”Anonymous! Don't call me that name! It's embarrassing!”
  19. “We haven't seen each other in over fifteen centuries and this is all you have to say to me? I know your father raised you better. Besides, I've changed your diapers. I'm allowed to call you whatever I want.”
  20. >You turn back to your guests to find that their jaws are firmly attached to your floor.
  21. >No really, their jaws were touching the floor.
  22. >You never understood how that happens.
  23. >You look at the flustered Luna.
  24. “We'll continue this another time. I have guests.”
  25. >“But-”
  26. “Another. Time.”
  27. >You free Luna from your Bearhug of +10 Bonyness and begin speaking again.
  28. “I was going to save this part until later in my story, but now it must be said. I knew King Eternity and Queen Galaxia since they were babies. I took care of them and raised them along with the other first generations of the current sentient races. GOD those years were a headache. I also babysat Moonbutt and her sister when the King and Queen could not be around.”
  29. >Mayor Mare snapped out of her shock and began speaking.
  30. >”Wait a sec, how did you know the first generation of all the sentient races? Did you create them?”
  31. “Create them? Oh no no no, not by a long shot. Besides, I was getting to that until Moonbutt showed up.”
  32. >Luna scowls at you, her face still red. You forgot how much fun it is seeing her embarrassed.
  34. “Okay, let's give the short version of my story. I eventually perform a ritual to restore plant life to the whole planet. Turns out the planet does nearly all of the work in these rituals. All's I had to do is tell the planet what to do and make some blood sacrifices. So, after restoring plant life to the planet, one day I found a ritual for restoring animal and insect life as well. So, I performed them, and ended up 'creating' a mess of animals and insects. Once again, I didn't make them, the earth did. I just told it what to do. Oh by the way, bear in mind that most of these rituals were several centuries apart. During those spans of time, I was learning more about magic and building this place.”
  35. >You pause for a beat to make sure your guests are following along. You're not worried about Luna because she already heard this stuff directly from you.
  36. “Eventually, I found another ritual for making a sentient race. For this particualr ritual, I needed to make a much larger blood sacrifice. So, due to being immortal via the contract with the Earth, I thought it would be a good idea to sacrifice ALL of my blood. So I used a piece of flint I found a while back and slit both of my wrists and waited for the flow to stop.”
  37. >If the two mares weren't interested before, they were now.
  39. “Well, it turns out that I couldn't do that. The reason being is that I kept regenerating lost blood until the wound sealed up. I found out after the fact that that was another perk of being immortal. So, instead of producing a single sentient race like the ritual was supposed to do, the ritual ended up producing eleven. They were the Alicorns, Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth ponies, Crystal Ponies, Dragons, Changelings, Gryphons, Minotaurs, Diamond Dogs, and the Draconequuses. Those last ones were always the strangest bunch. Preferred to stick with each other. After I raised the first two I never really saw any of them until...”
  40. >You realise you were going off on a tangent and resume your story.
  41. “Anyways, I raised the first generations as if they were my own children. In a sense, they were. By the time the sentient races were brought into the picture, my complex had been long since completed and awaited it's purpose. That purpose was to have the knowledge of the human race passed down to the next dominant species.”
  42. >You pause again, watching the reactions of your guests. Both Mayor Mare and Twilight were hanging on your every word. Although Twilight looked skeptical. Seeing this, you continue.
  44. “So, I waited and watched the young races develop to a point to which I could pass on the knowledge of Man. Turns out, the various races of Ponies got there first. Or so I thought. I tried approaching the leader of the ponies, which at the time was Luna and Celestia. It...didn't work out for reasons I'll explain in a moment.”
  45. >Luna perked up at this. She knew what was coming.
  46. “I approached the Dragons after that. It ended badly for all parties involved. I tried the Changelings next. They had been twisted from what they originally were and were definitely NOT worthy of receiving the gifts of Man. I tried every last race, all meeting with failure, except the Draconequus. I could never find them again after I raised the first pair. So, I tried Celestia and Luna again. Things went even worse. Celestia tried banishing me to Hell. I believe you ponies call it Tartarus though.”
  47. >Both of your guests gasped and recoiled at this, disbelief etched into their features. Luna remained silent and watched on.
  48. >Twilight spoke up first.
  49. >”Princess Celestia didn't even try to banish Discord to Tartarus! What could you have possibly done to make her that angry with you?”
  50. “Twilight, I'm the one that made Discord who he is. I'm responsible for Discord.”
  52. >You are Twilight Sparkle and your mind was being blown right now.
  53. >If what Anonymous says is true, you could single-hoofedly rewrite Equestrian history with what you learned during your time with Anonymous.
  54. >But none of that was important now, because Anonymous just told you that he was responsible for creating Discord.
  55. >What Anonymous had told you so far was believable simply because he was so old and had evidence to back it up. But these last few things have been just ridiculous.
  56. >You could buy the earthquake and MAYBE the scroll and restarting the plant life. But him being able to just suddenly create animals? More so sentient life? And on top of that creating the embodiment of Chaos?No way.
  57. “Anonymous, please don't joke like that. It's not funny.”
  58. >”What Anonymous says is true Twilight.”
  59. >You turn to see Princess Luna giving you her most serious look.
  60. “But Princess Luna-”
  61. >”Twilight, Anonymous will explain everything. Just trust me when I say that Anonymous did do what he says he did, but he is not evil for doing so. He had his reasons.”
  62. >Well, the Princess seems to believe that Anonymous is telling the truth, so you'll give him a listen. You still think it's bullshit that anyone could simply make a being of pure chaos, but you hold your tongue, interested in how Anonymous could have possibly done just that.
  63. >Anonymous begins again.
  65. >”When I first started raising the first generation of all the races, it reminded me of my family that I had lost all those many years ago in the earthquake. Now, I had been thinking of them before the first generation, but this hit me hard. Watching the children grow up finally drove home just how alone I really was. Added to that, I essentially made humanity obsolete. Losing all of that tore at my heart and I longed for my wife again, just to not be so alone. So, I began making a ritual to try and bring her back to life. It took me nearly a century to develop it. By that time, the sentient races were doing just fine on their own. They didn't need my guidance and were off to carve their own places into the world.”
  66. >Okay, so Anonymous wanted his wife back because he was lonely. What does this have to do with Discord?
  67. >Keeping the question to yourself, you continue listening to Anonymous.
  68. >”So, I set about preparing the ritual. I had asked Eternity and Galaxia if they could help me with the ritual. I even told them what it was for. I figured having the extra magic couldn't hurt things. So we started the ritual.”
  69. >He's still not saying how this relates to Discord.
  70. >”Well, I learned something that day. The Afterlife doesn't have an exit door. Once you're dead, you're gone. Whatever that ritual summoned, it wasn't my wife.”
  71. >...Okay, this may lead to something.
  72. >”The thing that was looked like writhing tar. I only caught a glimpse of it before it flew off.”
  73. >Flying Tar? That sounds silly.
  74. >”We had no clue what that ritual unleashed, but Eternity, Galaxia, and myself knew it could not have been good. Our fears were confirmed soon enough. A few days later, a lone Draconequus started terrorizing everything that moved. He called himself Discord.”
  75. >Correlation does not equal causation. He has yet to prove that he brought about Discord.
  77. >”Galaxia, Eternity, and myself confronted Discord. When we found him, he had turned an entire Dragon settlement into a fruit cake. The first thing he said to me was [Anonymous' voice switches to Discord's] 'Hello Hubby, the graveyard shift was absolute hell on me. It feels good to have a break from work.' After that, he laughed as the realization set in on me. That thing I summoned had possessed that Draconequus.”
  78. >No way. Your suspension of disbelief was now broken. You turn to Princess Luna to begin voicing your opinions when her glare stops you.
  79. >It seems that she had sensed your misgivings.
  80. >”Twilight Sparkle. I shall say this again. The words Anonymous speaks are the truth. If Mother and Father were around, they would confirm the tale.”
  81. >Well, It's best to not agitate the Princess, so you hold your tongue.
  82. >”What happened after you made Discord?”
  83. >Seriously Mayor Mare? You're buying this?
  84. >”Glad you asked. You see, after a few centuries of trying to stop Discord, I realized I couldn't do it alone. So, I set about designing some artifacts for others to use to deal with Discord. Took me about two centuries to perfect making them, but I made them. I believe you call them the Elements of Harmony.”
  85. >If you thought your suspension of disbelief was broken before, it shatters to dust at that. There is no way anyone could have just made the Elements of Harmony. Besides, it's well known history that Starswirl the Bearded found the Elements of Harmony.
  86. >Anonymous saw the look in your eyes and knew you didn't believe him. Hell, he knew it was a hard story to believe. He wouldn't believe it either if he hadn't been the one doing it.
  87. >”So you don't believe me?”
  88. >You can sense Luna glaring at you, but you ignore her as she tries to stare a hole through you.
  89. “No. I don't.”
  91. >”Not surprising. The Dragons didn't believe me either. But I do have proof.”
  92. >Anonymous leans in closer as he asks this next question.
  93. >“Twilight, have you by chance ever suffered burns on your horn from magic overexertion?”
  94. “Yes, but what does that have my.”
  95. >”I knew you were a sharp one.”
  96. >Anonymous then removes his own skull and presents it to you, burn marks nearly faded away with age but still evident all along the bone.
  97. >”Channeling that much magic through a body not adapted to naturally use magic has bad side effects. Such as burning the flesh from your bones. The only reason I'm still alive is because I'm immortal due to my contract.”
  98. >It's very unsettling to see Anonymous' head move and talk while disconnected from his body, but it was far more unsettling thinking of what Anonymous underwent.
  99. >Magic burns are not like normal burns. They are extremely slow burning and very hard to put out. They're also far more painful than a regular flame. One of the first lessons taught in magic kindergarden is to not overexert yourself or else magic burns may happen.
  100. >You've seen someone overexert themselves and watch them while their horn burned. You still have nightmares about it.
  101. >Given the size of Anonymous, even without flesh, he could have burned for hours, or even days. How did he survive something that painful?
  102. >Having given you what he thought to be ample time for examination, Anonymous put his head back in place with some muffled rattling from his armor.
  103. >”After Celestia tried banishing me, I hid out here for a few centuries. I figured I'd let time pass by and tend to my duties in secret while the various pony civilizations matured. And now we find ourselves in the present.”
  104. >Anonymous sits himself down on the floor in front of you, Mayor Mare, and Princess Luna.
  106. >”Remember that decision I mentioned at the beginning of our time together? It is now time to make that decision.”
  107. >Anonymous snaps his fingers and a small scroll appears in his hand. He breaks the seal on it and stretches the scroll out before himself for you and Mayor Mare to read.
  108. >“When I decided to make this complex, I thought about what would be needed in order to integrate the technology of Man into the next civilizations. I knew I would have to go out and judge the capacities of the new race or races, but that would leave my facility vulnerable to plunder. So, I thought that I would need someone to look after the castle while the king is away, so to speak. This is where either you, Twilight Sparkle, or you, Mayor Mare, come in.”
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