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a guest
Apr 15th, 2020
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  1. Database Backup Module 1.3.0
  2. ID Generation 4.5.0
  3. Allergy UI Module 1.8.2
  4. EMR API Module 1.28.0
  5. Patient Queueing 1.0.0
  6. HTML Form Entry UI Framework Integration Module 1.10.0
  7. App Framework Module 2.14.0
  8. Reporting REST 1.11.0
  9. Reference Metadata Module 2.10.1
  10. UgandaemrSync 1.0.1
  11. Metadata Deploy 1.11.0
  12. App UI Module 1.11.0
  13. Reporting Compatibility 2.0.6
  14. HTML Widgets 1.10.0
  15. Data Entry Statistics 1.6.0
  16. Address Hierarchy 2.11.0
  17. Registration Core Module 1.9.0
  18. Core Apps Module 1.27.0
  19. Appointment Scheduling UI Module 1.9.0 Not Started
  20. Open Web Apps Module 1.10.0
  21. FHIR Module 1.19.0 Not Started
  22. HTML Form Entry 3.9.2
  23. Reporting UI Module 1.6.0
  24. Appointment Scheduling Module 1.12.0
  25. UgandaEMR FingerPrint Module 1.0.11
  26. Form Entry App Module 1.4.2
  27. UgandaEMRPOC 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  28. Reporting 1.20.0
  29. Metadata Sharing 1.5.0
  30. Registration App Module 1.15.0
  31. Metadata Mapping 1.3.4
  32. Patient Flags Module 3.0.2
  33. Admin UI Module 1.3.0
  34. Reference Application Module 2.10.0-alpha
  35. OpenMRS UI Framework 3.16.0
  36. XForms 4.3.12
  37. Aijar 3.0.1
  38. Data Integrity Module 4.4.1
  39. Serialization Xstream 0.2.14
  40. Event Module 2.7.0
  41. Provider Management Module 2.10.0
  42. Calculation 1.2
  43. UI Commons Module 2.12.0
  44. Rest Web Services OMOD
  45. Legacy UI Module 1.6.0
  46. Data Exchange Module 1.3.3
  47. UgandaEMR Reports Module 2.0.13
  48. UI Library Module 2.0.6
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