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a guest
Feb 14th, 2011
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  1. # nvram show
  2. aa2g=3
  3. action_service=
  4. ag0=255
  5. autofw_port0=
  6. block_wan=1
  7. boardflags=0x1710
  8. boardrev=0x1403
  9. boardtype=0x0505
  10. boot_wait=on
  11. brau_state=
  12. btn_override=
  13. btn_reset=
  14. cck2gpo=0x0000
  15. ccode=US
  16. cctl=0x0
  17. cifs1=
  18. cifs2=
  19. clkfreq=333,166,83
  20. console_loglevel=1
  21. ct_hashsize=512
  22. ct_max=4096
  23. ct_tcp_timeout=0 1200 120 60 120 120 10 60 30 0
  24. ct_timeout=600 30
  25. ct_udp_timeout=30 180
  26. ddnsx0=
  27. ddnsx0_cache=
  28. ddnsx1=
  29. ddnsx1_cache=
  30. ddnsx_refresh=28
  31. ddnsx_save=1
  32. debug_clkfix=1
  33. debug_cprintf=0
  34. debug_cprintf_file=0
  35. debug_ddns=0
  36. debug_nocommit=0
  37. dhcp_domain=wan
  38. dhcp_lease=1440
  39. dhcp_num=50
  40. dhcp_pass=1
  41. dhcp_routes=1
  42. dhcp_start=100
  43. dhcpc_minpkt=1
  44. dhcpc_requestip=
  45. dhcpc_vendorclass=
  46. dhcpd_dmdns=1
  47. dhcpd_endip=
  48. dhcpd_gwmode=
  49. dhcpd_lmax=
  50. dhcpd_slt=0
  51. dhcpd_startip=
  52. dhcpd_static=
  53. dmz_enable=0
  54. dmz_ipaddr=0
  55. dmz_sip=
  56. dns_addget=0
  57. dns_cache=4096
  58. dns_intcpt=0
  59. dns_norebind=1
  60. dnsmasq_custom=
  61. emf_enable=0
  62. emf_entry=
  63. emf_rtport_entry=
  64. emf_uffp_entry=
  65. env_path=
  66. et0macaddr=00:00:00:00:00:01
  67. et0mdcport=0
  68. et0phyaddr=30
  69. filter=on
  70. filter_client0=
  71. filter_maclist=
  72. filter_macmode=deny
  73. http_enable=1
  74. http_id=TIDbaf1cc14f5cba985
  75. http_lanport=80
  76. http_passwd=xxxxxx
  77. http_username=
  78. http_wanport=8080
  79. https_crt=
  80. https_crt_cn=
  81. https_crt_file=
  82. https_crt_gen=0
  83. https_crt_save=0
  84. https_enable=0
  85. https_lanport=443
  86. jffs2_exec=
  87. jffs2_format=0
  88. jffs2_on=0
  89. jumbo_frame_enable=0
  90. jumbo_frame_size=2000
  91. l2tp_server_ip=
  92. lan_dhcp=0
  93. lan_domain=
  94. lan_gateway=
  95. lan_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:03
  96. lan_hwnames=
  97. lan_ifname=br0
  98. lan_ifnames=vlan0 eth1 eth2 eth3
  99. lan_ipaddr=
  100. lan_lease=86400
  101. lan_netmask=
  102. lan_proto=dhcp
  103. lan_route=
  104. lan_stp=0
  105. lan_wins=
  106. led_override=
  107. ledbh0=0x82
  108. log_events=
  109. log_file=1
  110. log_in=0
  111. log_limit=60
  112. log_mark=60
  113. log_out=0
  114. log_remote=0
  115. log_remoteip=
  116. log_remoteport=514
  117. log_wm=0
  118. log_wmdmax=300
  119. log_wmip=
  120. log_wmsmax=300
  121. log_wmtype=0
  122. mac_wan=
  123. mac_wl=
  124. macaddr=00:00:00:00:00:01
  125. macnames=
  126. manual_boot_nv=0
  127. mcs2gpo0=0x0000
  128. mcs2gpo1=0x8882
  129. mcs2gpo2=0x8000
  130. mcs2gpo3=0xaaa8
  131. mcs2gpo=0x88820000
  132. mtu_enable=0
  133. multicast_pass=0
  134. ne_shlimit=0,3,60
  135. ne_syncookies=0
  136. ne_valpha=2
  137. ne_vbeta=6
  138. ne_vegas=0
  139. ne_vgamma=2
  140. nf_ftp=1
  141. nf_h323=1
  142. nf_l7in=1
  143. nf_loopback=1
  144. nf_pptp=1
  145. nf_rtsp=0
  146. nf_sip=1
  147. nf_ttl=0
  148. ntp_kiss=
  149. ntp_kiss_ignore=
  151. ntp_tdod=0
  152. ntp_updates=4
  153. ofdm2gpo=0x88000000
  154. os_date=Mon, 14 Feb 2011 13:17:38 -0800
  155. os_name=linux
  156. os_version=1.28.9052 MIPSR2beta23 K26 Mini
  157. pa0itssit=62
  158. pa0maxpwr=400
  159. portforward=0<3<<1000:2000<<<ex: 1000 to 2000, restricted>0<2<<1000,2000<<<ex: 1000 and 2000>0<1<<1000<2000<<ex: different internal port>0<3<<1000:2000,3000<<<ex: 1000 to 2000, and 3000>
  160. ppp_ac=
  161. ppp_custom=
  162. ppp_defgw=1
  163. ppp_demand=0
  164. ppp_get_ac=
  165. ppp_get_ip=
  166. ppp_get_srv=
  167. ppp_idletime=5
  168. ppp_keepalive=0
  169. ppp_mru=1500
  170. ppp_mtu=1500
  171. ppp_passwd=
  172. ppp_redialperiod=30
  173. ppp_service=
  174. ppp_static=0
  175. ppp_static_ip=
  176. ppp_username=
  177. pppoe_ac=
  178. pppoe_idletime=5
  179. pppoe_ifname=
  180. pppoe_keepalive=0
  181. pppoe_lef=
  182. pppoe_lei=
  183. pppoe_passwd=
  184. pppoe_pid0=
  185. pppoe_service=
  186. pppoe_static=0
  187. pppoe_static_ip=
  188. pppoe_username=
  189. pptp_dhcp=1
  190. pptp_server_ip=
  191. qos_ack=0
  192. qos_burst0=
  193. qos_burst1=
  194. qos_default=4
  195. qos_enable=0
  196. qos_fin=1
  197. qos_ibw=1000
  198. qos_icmp=0
  199. qos_obw=230
  200. qos_orates=80-100,10-100,5-100,3-100,2-95,1-50,1-40,1-30,1-20,1-10
  201. qos_orules=0<<6<d<80,443<0<<0:512<1<WWW>0<<6<d<80,443<0<<512:<3<WWW (512K+)>0<<-1<d<53<0<<0:2<0<DNS>0<<-1<d<53<0<<2:<4<DNS (2K+)
  202. qos_reset=0
  203. qos_rst=1
  204. qos_syn=1
  205. regrev=14
  206. remote_management=0
  207. remote_mgt_https=0
  208. reset_gpio=3
  209. restore_defaults=0
  210. rmgt_sip=
  211. router_name=XXXXXX
  212. routes_static=
  213. routes_static_saved=
  214. rrule0=0|1320|300|31|||word text ^begins-with.domain.$ ^$|0|example
  215. rruleN=0
  216. rrules_activated=0
  217. rrules_radio=-1
  218. rrulewp=80,8080
  219. rssisav2g=0x2
  220. rssismc2g=0xb
  221. rssismf2g=0xa
  222. rstats_bak=0
  223. rstats_colors=
  224. rstats_data=
  225. rstats_enable=1
  226. rstats_exclude=
  227. rstats_offset=1
  228. rstats_path=
  229. rstats_sshut=1
  230. rstats_stime=48
  231. rxpo2g=0
  232. sch_c1=
  233. sch_c1_cmd=
  234. sch_c2=
  235. sch_c2_cmd=
  236. sch_c3=
  237. sch_c3_cmd=
  238. sch_rboot=
  239. sch_rcon=
  240. script_brau=
  241. script_fire=
  242. script_init=
  243. script_shut=
  244. script_wanup=
  245. sdram_config=0x103
  246. sdram_init=0x0419
  247. sdram_ncdl=0x70
  248. sdram_refresh=0x701d
  249. security_mode2=wpa2_personal
  250. security_mode=psk2
  251. security_mode_last=
  252. sesx_b0=1
  253. sesx_b1=4
  254. sesx_b2=4
  255. sesx_b3=4
  256. sesx_led=0
  257. sesx_script=
  258. sromrev=8
  259. sshd_authkeys=
  260. sshd_dsskey=
  261. sshd_eas=0
  262. sshd_forwarding=1
  263. sshd_hostkey=
  264. sshd_pass=1
  265. sshd_port=22
  266. sshd_remote=0
  267. sshd_rport=2222
  268. t_cafree=1
  269. t_features=0x0
  270. t_fix1=
  271. t_hidelr=0
  272. t_model=0
  273. t_model_name=Broadcom 16/0x0505//0x1403/0x1710
  274. t_noise=0
  275. telnetd_eas=1
  276. telnetd_port=23
  277. tm_dst=1
  278. tm_sel=PST8PDT,M3.2.0/2,M11.1.0/2
  279. tm_tz=PST8PDT,M3.2.0/2,M11.1.0/2
  280. trigforward=0<1<3000:4000<5000:6000<ex: open 5000-6000 if 3000-4000>
  281. upnp_clean=1
  282. upnp_clean_interval=600
  283. upnp_clean_threshold=20
  284. upnp_enable=3
  285. upnp_mnp=0
  286. upnp_port=0
  287. upnp_secure=1
  288. upnp_ssdp_interval=60
  289. vlan1hwname=et0
  290. vlan1ports=4 5
  291. vlan2hwname=et0
  292. vlan2ports=0 1 2 3 5*
  293. wait_time=5
  294. wan_dns=
  295. wan_domain=
  297. wan_gateway_buf=
  299. wan_get_domain=
  300. wan_hostname=xxxxxx
  301. wan_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:02
  302. wan_hwname=
  303. wan_iface=vlan1
  304. wan_ifname=vlan1
  305. wan_ifnameX=vlan1
  306. wan_ifnames=vlan1
  308. wan_islan=0
  309. wan_lease=300
  310. wan_msroutes=
  311. wan_mtu=1500
  312. wan_netmask=
  313. wan_primary=1
  314. wan_proto=dhcp
  315. wan_routes1=
  316. wan_routes2=
  317. wan_routes=
  318. wan_run_mtu=1500
  319. wan_speed=4
  320. wan_unit=0
  321. wan_wins=
  322. wandevs=vlan1
  323. watchdog=3000
  324. wds_enable=0
  325. wds_save=
  326. web_css=black
  327. web_mx=status,bwm
  328. web_pb=
  329. web_svg=1
  330. web_wl_filter=0
  331. wk_mode=gateway
  332. wl0.10_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:0B
  333. wl0.11_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:0C
  334. wl0.12_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:0D
  335. wl0.13_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:0E
  336. wl0.14_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:0F
  337. wl0.15_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
  338. wl0.1_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:02
  339. wl0.2_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:000:03
  340. wl0.3_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:04
  341. wl0.4_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:05
  342. wl0.5_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:06
  343. wl0.6_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:07
  344. wl0.7_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:08
  345. wl0.8_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:09
  346. wl0.9_hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:0A
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  352. wl0_ampdu_rtylimit_tid=5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
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  367. wl0_country_code=US
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  370. wl0_dfs_preism=60
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  378. wl0_hw_txchain=1
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  386. wl0_key4=
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  412. wl0_phytypes=s
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  453. wl0_wme_ap_vi=7 15 1 6016 3008 off off
  454. wl0_wme_ap_vo=3 7 1 3264 1504 off off
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  459. wl0_wme_sta_bk=15 1023 7 0 0 off off
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  461. wl0_wme_sta_vo=3 7 2 3264 1504 off off
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  464. wl0_wme_txp_vi=7 3 4 2 0
  465. wl0_wme_txp_vo=7 3 4 2 0
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  473. wl_ampdu=auto
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  475. wl_ampdu_rtylimit_tid=5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
  476. wl_amsdu=auto
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  485. wl_btc_mode=0
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  490. wl_country_code=US
  491. wl_crypto=aes
  492. wl_dfs_postism=60
  493. wl_dfs_preism=60
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  495. wl_dtim=1
  496. wl_frag=2346
  497. wl_frameburst=off
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  499. wl_gmode_protection=off
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  501. wl_ifname=eth1
  502. wl_infra=1
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  505. wl_key2=
  506. wl_key3=
  507. wl_key4=
  508. wl_key=1
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  512. wl_mac_list=
  513. wl_maclist=
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  522. wl_nbw=40
  523. wl_nbw_cap=1
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  528. wl_nmode=-1
  529. wl_nmode_protection=off
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  532. wl_passphrase=
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  534. wl_phytypes=
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  540. wl_radio_pwrsave_pps=10
  541. wl_radio_pwrsave_quiet_time=1800
  542. wl_radioids=
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  547. wl_rateset=default
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  550. wl_rts=2347
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  552. wl_rxchain_pwrsave_pps=10
  553. wl_rxchain_pwrsave_quiet_time=1800
  554. wl_rxstreams=0
  555. wl_ssid=XXXXXX
  556. wl_sta_retry_time=5
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  558. wl_txant=3
  559. wl_txpwr=42
  560. wl_txstreams=0
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  564. wl_wds_timeout=1
  565. wl_wep=disabled
  566. wl_wep_bit=128
  567. wl_wep_buf=
  568. wl_wep_gen=
  569. wl_wep_last=
  570. wl_wme=auto
  571. wl_wme_ap_be=15 63 3 0 0 off off
  572. wl_wme_ap_bk=15 1023 7 0 0 off off
  573. wl_wme_ap_vi=7 15 1 6016 3008 off off
  574. wl_wme_ap_vo=3 7 1 3264 1504 off off
  575. wl_wme_apsd=on
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  578. wl_wme_sta_be=15 1023 3 0 0 off off
  579. wl_wme_sta_bk=15 1023 7 0 0 off off
  580. wl_wme_sta_vi=7 15 2 6016 3008 off off
  581. wl_wme_sta_vo=3 7 2 3264 1504 off off
  582. wl_wme_txp_be=7 3 4 2 0
  583. wl_wme_txp_bk=7 3 4 2 0
  584. wl_wme_txp_vi=7 3 4 2 0
  585. wl_wme_txp_vo=7 3 4 2 0
  586. wl_wmf_bss_enable=0
  587. wl_wpa_gtk_rekey=3600
  588. wl_wpa_psk=xxxxxx
  589. xtalfreq=25000
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