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a guest
Jun 18th, 2016
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  1. # ChatReaction version 1.6.2 configuration file
  2. debug: false
  3. check_updates: false
  4. reaction_stats:
  5. track_stats: true
  6. top_players_size: 32
  7. hostname: localhost
  8. port: 3306
  9. database: mc20
  10. prefix: cr_
  11. username: mc20
  12. password: aaa
  13. reaction:
  14. interval: 20
  15. time_limit: 10
  16. players_needed_to_start: 10
  17. word_character_length: 15
  18. ignore_case: false
  19. use_custom_words: true
  20. split_words_by_line: true
  21. scramble_custom_words: true
  22. scramble_at_random: true
  23. scramble_spaces: true
  24. disabled_worlds:
  25. - world_nether
  26. - world_the_end
  27. reward_amount: 1
  28. rewards:
  29. - eco give @p 100
  30. - eco give @p 100
  31. - eco give @p 100
  32. - eco give @p 100
  33. - eco give @p 1000
  34. - eco give @p 250
  35. - eco give @p 500
  36. - mc give @p 1 1
  37. - mc give @p 10 1
  38. - mc give @p 49 12
  39. messages:
  40. reaction_start:
  41. - '&7[&e&lReaction&7] &bFirst person to type &f%word% &bwins! GO! GO! GO!'
  42. reaction_start_tooltip: '&f%word%'
  43. scramble_start:
  44. - '&7[&e&lReaction&7] &bFirst person to unscramble &f%word% &fwins!'
  45. scramble_start_tooltip: '&f%word%'
  46. reaction_end:
  47. - '&7[&e&lReaction&7] &cNobody got the word in time &f:('
  48. scramble_end:
  49. - '&7[&e&lReaction&7] &cNobody got the word in time &f:('
  50. - '&cThe word was &f%word%'
  51. reaction_win:
  52. - '&7[&e&lReaction&7] &f%player% &awon in &f%time% &aseconds!'
  53. scramble_win:
  54. - '&7[&e&lReaction&7] &f%player% &aunscrambled the word &f%word% &ain &f%time% &aseconds!'
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