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Apr 20th, 2018
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  1. documentclass[11pt, leqno, twoside]{article}
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  20. pagestyle{fancy}
  21. title{Cribler par une progression arithmétique}
  22. author{David Feutrie\
  23. smallskip
  24. centerline{smalldateheure}\
  25. usepackage{titletoc}
  26. fancyhf{}
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  29. lhead[thepage]{{it David Feutrie}}
  30. rhead[{it Cribler par une progression arithmétique}]{thepage}
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  43. % definitions GT
  44. countdeftemps=170
  45. temps=time
  46. countdefnminutes=171{nminutes = time}
  47. countdefnheure=172
  48. defheure{begingroup
  49. % heure a la francaise
  50. temps = time dividetemps by 60
  51. nheure = temps
  52. % l'heure, de 0 `a 23
  53. nminutes = time <br/>
  54. multiplytemps by 60 <br/>
  55. advancenminutes by -temps <br/>
  56. % Les minutes, de 0 a 59.
  57. ifnumnminutes<10 toks1 = {0} <br/> %
  58. elsetoks1 = {}%
  59. fi
  60. numbernheure hthetoks1 numbernminutes<br/>
  61. endgroup}%
  64. defdater{vglue-10mmrightline{(theday/themonth/theyear)}}<br/>
  65. defdateheure{(version theday/themonth/theyear, heure)}
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