
Diamonds are Forever(?)

Nov 3rd, 2014
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  1. Diamonds are forever(?)
  3. Diamond Tiara sat at home, watching the hustle and bustle of her friends going door to door. She wouldn't be going out this Nightmare Night. Not because she didn't want candy, in fact quite the opposite. She had setup what was in effect a candy pyramid scheme and roped all the other foals into it, and she was at the top. She would be getting dozens times more candy than usual and she didn't have to leave her own home. Sure she had put on some weight recently but she told herself that it was just her inner beauty expressing itself and other silly cliches. But it was obvious she had blimped up, like a lot. She was now big enough that sometimes her flanks would threaten to trap her in some doorways, or that her belly may drag across the floor after a meal. Of all her tremendous features her stomach had received the brunt of the new chub. Even though she had gotten huge she would still deny it, insisting she hadn't gained an ounce and had always been this size.
  5. It couldn't have been fifteen minutes before Diamond Tiara grew tired of waiting and decided to go get a snack. Before she could do that however she had to first get up from her bed. After shifting her bulk back and forth a few times, gaining momentum she rolled off of her luxurious mattress. She landed hard on the floor, her heavy dismount shaking the room. Once she had recollected herself from her descent she was faced with another challenge. Walking out her bedroom door. This wasn't usually a challenge but in anticipation for the nights events Diamond Tiara had been stuffing herself all day, resulting in door clogging features. She was half way through the passage way before her hooves were just scratching at the floor. Her stomach, her best friend, had betrayed her. After sucking in and wiggling a for about a minute she was free. She popped out of the door like a cork from a champagne bottle, making her vast features wobble. Her next trail would be the stairs. They were tricky because if she let gravity do its work on her heavy body she would no doubt go tumbling down, however she couldn't possibly be expected to move herself down the stairs entirely under her own power. She set her first hoof down on the beginning of the staircase. She hesitantly lifts her other fore-hoof and places onto the same step. She finds her belly resting oddly on the edge of the stair. This ultimately worked in her favor, acting as a brake to prevent her from gaining too much speed.
  7. With her gauntlet completed Diamond Tiara began making her way to the kitchen. However along her path she passed the front door, with a large bowl of sweets sitting on a small table next to it. While her original intent was to have Randolph make her something, she was tempted by the candy that was within reach. She debate whether she should stick to the original plan or go the route of instant gratification, until she received a revelation, she realized there was no reason she couldn't do both. She beckoned for the loyal servant and he appeared, giving his apologies for taking so long.
  8. "Listen here old-timer, I want you to make me some cupcakes or something."
  9. "How many would you like madam"
  10. "Take however many you think I would like then double it."
  11. He then trotted off muttering under his breath. Diamond Tiara then focused back on the confections beside her. She began to gobble up the candy at full speed. Soon her face was covered in chocolate, caramel, nougat, and a host of other sugary smatterings. Diamond Tiara took some sort of joy in the fact that this candy wasn't meant a for and she was indirectly stealing candy from other foals.
  13. A few times throughout her binge Diamond Tiara was disturbed by a knock at the door of young ponies looking for their due of candy. Diamond told them that she had run out, despite the remnants of it all over her face and often in her mouth. Though she wasn't far from the truth when she said this because not soon after, she did run out. She started to experience the anger phase of loss before she caught a familiar scent in the air. She remembered the cupcakes she had ordered, and "ran" to the kitchen. When she arrived at the kitchen she was breathless, which was just as well because the sheer amount of cupcakes would have taken her breath away. There were at least eight dozen, Randolph noticed how shocked she was at the number of cupcakes adding, "I'm sorry ma'am but we ran out of butter so I could only make ten dozen."
  14. "Fine. But don't let it happen again." Diamond Tiara snapped back, despite thinking how she probably wouldn't even be able to eat the ten she had.
  16. Diamond Tiara let a burp escape from her frosting coated lips as she proved herself wrong. She laid there, on her own belly, digesting all the sweets she had just consumed when she heard a familiar knocking at the door.
  17. "UGHH, just come in already!" Diamond Tiara shouted. The door swung open to reveal Silver Spoon with several large bags which she set down next to the door before going back outside to get the rest. Diamond Tiara knew they were filled with the candy she had obtained through less than moral means. The bags numbered six in all and were at least four pounds each. Diamond Tiara's mouth began to water at the sight of her next feast.
  18. "Wow, I thought you would have been able to quit stuffing your face for one day for this. Hope you saved room for a quarter of the candy in Ponyville." Silver Spoon teased.
  19. "Ha ha Spoony, but I can totally eat it all." Diamond Tiara replied.
  20. "Oh yeah? Prove it." Silver Spoon challenged with a smirk. This was all the provoking Diamond needed to waddle her way over to the mound of candy. She began to eat slowly ate first but slowly gained speed.
  22. As Diamond Tiara glutted herself on sweets Silver Spoon paced around her bloated body, admiring every curve. Silver Spoon secretly adored how corpulent her best friend had gotten and savored every glance she could get of her rolls. She started with Diamond Tiara's round, full face, ornament by two extra chins that wobbled with every bite. Next she gazed upon the folds along her back, rising and falling with every deep breath. After she feasted her eyes upon the main course, huge sprawling mass that was her friends belly. It couldn't be contained by her thick legs and expanded out from under her body, squishing against the floor. Everyday it swelled ever outward with whatever food was packed into it. The rolls were massive, and often times sweaty. She also loved the churning and sloshing it did while digesting the huge astronomical amount of calories that were sacrificed to it. She then shifted her gaze towards their penultimate destination, Diamond's wide hips and thighs. The thighs that were nearly inseparable and rubbed together whenever the pink filly decided to walk, pushing her dragging belly. The hips that flared out so dramatically that she still maintained an "hourglass figure". Her favorite part, though not the largest, was Diamond Tiara's wide rump. She loved how it stuck out, how each side rose and fell with each labored step, how it rose above her back, how the flesh stretched the headpiece of her cutie mark until it was nearly unrecognizable, everything about it.] It was also the greatest because of Diamond Tiara's gas. The way it smelled was heavenly and how Diamond Tiara sighed in relief when she let go of all the pressure in her gut.
  24. "Hey! I could *urp* use a little help here!" Diamond barked, snapping Silver Spoon out of her daze.
  25. "Sorry, I guess I just spaced out." Silver Spoon lied.
  26. "Whatever."
  27. It was then that Silver Spoon had realized why her help was needed. Diamond had no more candy within reach. She couldn't get anymore because when she moved her hooves they just swatted at her belly instead of touching the floor. Silver Spoon took the rest of the sweets, now only a third of the previous stockpile, and moved them closer to Diamond.
  28. "Well?" Diamond said expectantly.
  29. "Well, what?" Silver Spoon asked confusedly.
  30. "Aren't you going to feed me?" Diamond Tiara said with an impatient look on her face that made it look even fatter. It was a dream come true, to be able to supply the behemoth of a belly with all the food it needed. She hid her excitement and began feeding Diamond as fast as she could.
  32. Before long Diamond groaned out "Soooo *URPP* fuullll..." Silver Spoon paused to let her speak more but all she had to say was "I didn't say stop!" Silver Spoon responded by dutifully bring more sweets to Diamond's messy face. Not soon after Silver Spoon reached for another load of confections but was met with only the cold tile floor.
  33. "Ha! Told you I could *URP* do it!"
  34. "You were right I guess." Silver remarked with a devilish smirk on her face.
  35. "Now since I was right, YOU have to give ME a belly rub." Diamond demanded.
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