
Antonov Info/Tools KOF14

Sep 7th, 2016
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  1. Antonov Notes
  3. Standing:
  5. Far LP: 25 DMG Good range, fast, safe.
  6. -Chains into:
  7. --5LP [Tight]
  8. --5LK
  9. --2LP
  10. --2LK
  11. -Cancels into:
  12. --Tunguska Bomber (MAX)
  13. --MAX Cancel
  15. Close LP: 25 DMG. Fast, safe
  16. -Chains into:
  17. --Auto Combo
  18. -Cancels into:
  19. --Whale Stream (EX)
  20. --Vertical Macho (All)
  21. --Gigantic Back (LK/EX)
  22. --Tunguska Bomber (MAX)
  23. --MAX Cancel
  25. Far LK: 30 DMG. reaches far, semi-slow start, safe
  26. -Chains into:
  27. --Nothing
  28. -Cancels into:
  29. --Whale Stream (EX)
  30. --Vertical Macho (All)
  31. --Gigantic Back (EX)
  32. --MAX Cancel
  34. Close LK: 30 DMG. Less safe but faster than Far LK
  35. -Chains into:
  36. --Nothing
  37. -Cancels into:
  38. --Whale Stream (EX)
  39. --Vertical Macho (All)
  40. --Gigantic Back (EX)
  41. --MAX Cancel
  43. Far HP: 70 DMG. Big startup but reaches 30% screen. AA.
  44. -Chains into:
  45. --Nothing
  46. -Cancels into:
  47. --Tunguska Bomber (Both)
  48. --Kamchatka Collapse (Both)
  49. --MAX Cancel
  51. Close HP: 70 DMG. Meh. Safeish on block, pushback far
  52. -Chains into:
  53. --President Binta
  54. -Cancels into:
  55. --Whale Stream (LP/EX)
  56. --Vertical Macho (HP/EX)
  57. --Gigantic Back (EX)
  58. --Tunguska Bomber (Both)
  59. --Kamchatka Collapse (Both)
  60. --MAX Cancel
  62. Far HK: 80 DMG. Sends enemy flying, good range. Not so safe. AA.
  63. -Chains into:
  64. --5LK (Catches before they hit the ground)
  65. -Cancels into:
  66. --MAX Cancel
  68. Close HK: 80 DMG. Great quick AA. Cancellable on first hit.
  69. -Chains into:
  70. --5HP
  71. --5HK (second hit is not cancellable)
  72. -Cancels into:
  73. --Tunguska Bomber (LP ONLY)
  74. --MAX Cancel
  75. This move is interesting, if you want to do Tunguska Bomber, you can't press HP or do MAX, as it will prioritize the 5HP it's chainable before the super. The 5HP is far, so you can cancel it from there.
  78. Crouching:
  80. LP: 25 DMG. Short range, Safe. Meh.
  81. -Chains into:
  82. --Nothing
  83. -Cancels into:
  84. --Vertical Macho (All)
  85. --Tunguska Bomber (Both) [Tight]
  86. --MAX Cancel
  88. LK: 30 DMG. Nice reach, quick, safe.
  89. -Chains into:
  90. --2LP
  91. --2LK
  92. -Cancels into:
  93. --Vertical Macho (All)
  94. --Kamchatka Collapse (MAX)
  95. --MAX Cancel
  97. HP: 70 DMG. Big range, slow startup, safe
  98. -Chains into:
  99. --President Binta
  100. -Cancels into:
  101. --Whale Stream (LP/EX)
  102. --Vertical Macho (All)
  103. --Gigantic Back (LK/EX)
  104. --MAX Cancel
  106. HK: 40 DMG. 2 hit roll, 40 DMG each. Hard knockdown, cancellable on first hit, very unsafe. AA
  107. -Chains into:
  108. --Nothing
  109. -Cancels into:
  110. --MAX Cancel (1st hit ONLY)
  113. Jumping:
  115. LP: 45 DMG. Quick, angled forward.
  116. -Hits only aerial enemies
  117. --Unless the enemy is really big, Antonov's a big dude with long legs, he hits the ground too soon.
  119. LK: 45 DMG. BIG fast, angled forward/up
  120. -Good jump away/AA
  122. HP: 70 DMG. Big, angled down, slow startup
  123. -"Instant" Overhead
  124. --Has tiny bit of startup
  126. HK: 70 DMG. Angled down/forward.
  127. -Faster than HP, but not by much
  130. Command Normal
  132. President Binta: 60 DMG. Antonov swipes forward, spinning the enemy a bit. Slow startup, but good reach. Decent confirm into MAX Cancel.
  135. Specials
  137. Whale Stream: Antonov reels back and slams a huge punch forward.
  138. -LP: 70 DMG, pretty safe
  139. -HP: 80 DMG, very unsafe
  140. -EX: 151 DMG, safer than HP. 3 hits, fast startup.
  141. -Super Cancellable (EX Tunguska Bomber juggles!!)
  143. Vertical Macho: Antonov's DP. Goes vertical with a bit of an angle, sends opponent flying to fullscreen on hit.
  144. -LP: 97 DMG. Unsafe on block.
  145. -HP: 116 DMG. Unsafe on block
  146. -EX: 145 DMG. Unsafe on block. This version gives Antonov's opponent a wallbounce (Added in v1.03.)
  148. Gigantic Back: Antonov turns around and body slams the opponent with his back.
  149. -LK: 90 DMG, send opponent flying halfscreen
  150. -HK: 140 DMG, is a command grab. Looks identical to LK.
  151. -EX: 110 DMG, wallsplats, can start any chain in the corner, even chain it into itself at right distance. After being hit twice in a row with this move, the opponent is sent flying backwards (Added in v1.03.)
  153. Bering Wave: Antonov slams the ground and sends a shockwave, knocking the opponent down.
  154. -LP: 65 DMG, hits from half screen, safe
  155. -HP: No DMG, but looks identical to LP, use as a fakeout
  156. -EX: 90 DMG, much faster than LP, + on block
  159. Supers
  161. Tunguska Bomber: Antonov rises up and flies down to half screen. Multi-hit, hard knockdown. Climax cancellable on any hit.
  162. -LP/HP: 182 damage
  163. -MAX: 340 damage
  165. Kamchatka Collapse: Antonov does a high kick in front of him. Good AA
  166. -LK/HK: 120 DMG
  167. -MAX: 300 DMG
  169. Moby Dick Burst: Climax. Souped up Whale Stream, big startup, flies halfscreen. 460 DMG.
  172. Antonov is a big guy, his normals are big, and since he's half legs, a lot of his normals may whiff on smaller characters like Choi. Be cautious, but his 5LKs hit low. Put him 2nd or 3rd on your team to take advantage of the extra meter, MAX Cancelling is your friend with Antonov. Also take note of what cancels into EX Gigantic Back, the wallsplat in the corner means HUGE damage. Tunguska Bomber is great damage for combo enders.
  174. His hops are still pretty big and slow, but take advantage of jHP and jHK. Big normals and specials means you're going to get pushed back after everything, so take use of MAX Cancelling to make things more safe, as well as closing the gaps.
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