
Let's Play (?) Super Robot Wars Z3 Tengoku Part 2

May 8th, 2015
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  3. At Wrath Babylon, Shikuu expresses his opinion that much like the planet Earth itself, Z-BLUE are rather special. Turning a blind eye to a race that had reached this level has caused a rather dire situation. That's part of the reason for the dimensional cage. Ambriel wonders what they're on about, but Australis tells her that it's none of her concern - at least until she acquires the Quarreling Twins. Shikuu gets up, deciding to head out. Ambriel asks if he'd permit her to accompany him, but Shikuu replies that his goal isn't Hibiki. She wonders if it's Crow, who always seems to throw Shikuu off his game, but Shikuu replies that it isn't just Crow. Ambriel, realizing the futility of the discussion, shrugs and says she'll continue to house-sit then. She walks off, and Australis notes that she's an intriguing woman. Her feistiness is the reason he permits her to sit at this table in the first place. Australis comments on the special nature of Earth, where Origin Law gathers... or perhaps, it's because Earth is special that Origin Law gathers there. He knows what Z-BLUE is aiming for by splitting their forces, and states that there's a possibility that the winds might change because of it. Shikuu goes to leave and Australis warns him to be careful - they still haven't ascertained "his" intentions yet.
  5. On board the Danann, Sousuke finds out that it was Wraith and Hunter who retrieved AL. The ARX project had been shelved after when AL's creator swallowed a bullet but, they reactivated it when AL asked them to build him a new body. AL came up with the name Lævatein too, and Sousuke heard from the occult nerd Hibiki that it's a reference to a sword from mythology. And they were helped in finishing AL by Kudan Mira, the Whispered girl that Sousuke rescued in Siberia before being assigned to Kaname's guard detail. The remnants of the Intelligence Bureau have confirmed that Amalgam has shifted to a centralized command structure, so that Leonard is now the weakpoint. The jury's still out on what Leonard's goals are, but Tessa doesn't think the fact that he managed to create a spacetime oscillation bomb is a coincidence. In the meantime, Z-BLUE is heading to New Japan at Lelouch's suggestion.
  7. In the hangar, Kurz is taking the piss out of Sousuke, since everybody heard him and Kaname confess their love over the radio. AL corrects him on the exact terminology used, and congratulates Kurz on his promotion. Mylene asks, and AL confirms that he recorded every word of Sousuke and Kaname's conversation on the off-chance that it had important information contained within. Kurz demands that AL cough it up so that he can load up on ammunition with which to tease Sousuke, but Hibiki says that Kurz'll have to go through him to get it. Kallen and Mylene immediately misinterpret this as a love triangle between Sousuke, Kaname and Hibiki. Hibiki asks if Kurz wants a go, but Kurz declines stating that a ladykiller like himself has neither money nor power. Crow puts his hand on Kurz' shoulder and states that if he's got no money, Kurz is becoming more like him.
  9. Hibiki chalks his defence of Sousuke up to his Volunteer spirit, but Titi's not too sure about that. She claims that rumours abound that Hibiki's got the hots for Kaname. Hibiki goes silent, and all the other girls exchange excited looks. But Hibiki reveals that he loves both Sousuke and Kaname... as friends. Sousuke was his first friend, and Kaname's been looking out for him since he first transferred to Jindai. So he wants the two of them to be happy together. Titi smirks, saying that the peanut gallery can relax now. Kallen and Klan apologise for shipping him with Kaname, and Mylene says she'll cheer for him and Suzune. Alto notes that Ranka's calmed down lately, and Brera finishes "for now". He sagely notes that the human heart is fragile. Crow teases Alto, noting that he's managed no forward progress since last they met. But he tells Alto not to worry about it. Both debt repayment and romance are things best done little by little, and that nothing good comes of trying to force an answer. Alto agrees with this. Brera wonders if their goal in heading to New Japan is to liberate it, but Crow doesn't think so. Lelouch wants them to go to Kaminejima, where he and Wakamoto settled their score.
  11. Z-BLUE arrives at the island, but there's no sign of any Imperial forces. There are, however, signs that some one or something wiped out the Imperial battalion that was stationed here. Lelouch wonders if whoever destroyed the Imperial forces has the same goal as him.
  13. Down in the ruins, Suzaku comments on how nostalgic it is to be here. Where he and Lelouch shot each other in a cliffhanger ending. Kei's wondering what Lelouch brought them here for, but Lelouch only replies that it's an experiment. Orson wonders if this experiment involves their Stigmas, and Lelouch is pleased he's quick on the uptake. Mao points out that it's only the ZEUTH and ZEXIS members who've been branded, not the newer folks. But Lelouch and C.C. don't think so - the fact that all of them to a man got sent to the galactic core seems proof enough that they're all Branded.
  15. And a single word has been rolling around in Lelouch's head, the more he thinks about it. "God". Beyond this door is the collective unconscious of mankind - the Akashic Record. In other words, the aggregation of all past and future phenomena. The "root" of the world, that transcends both life and death, time and space. In other words, Origin Law. And he believes that there's a connection to be found between the collective unconscious and Origin Law, just as its the source of the Geass' power. During his battle with Emperor Charles, he came into contact with the collective unconscious. And in doing so, he became aware of the nature of the Branded and the existence of God. And so he brought all of the Branded Z-BLUE members here, to test what happens when they too contact the collective unconscious. A voice congratulates Lelouch on being a worthy successor. The voice belongs to Advent, who asks if they have time to gawp at him. A knife comes flying out of the darkness at Lelouch and Crow slaps it out of the air. Shikuu steps out of the shadows, impressed at Crow's reflexes. He'll deal with Lelouch later, his aim is Advent. Advent replies that he wiped out the troops stationed here to clear a path for Z-BLUE. Shikuu asks who - or what Advent is, and Advent replies with a smile that he's "the final one".
  17. C.C. yells for Lelouch to hurry up, and Advent says that it's time to begin. Lelouch pulls open the door and yells for the collective unconsciousness to show him the Truth. Light bathes the room and when it wanes, only Advent and Basara are left. Advent states that it was due to interference by Shikuu - or rather the power of the Kishuku. But Basara, whose power is the polar opposite of Shikuu's, remains. Basara replies that he doesn't give a damn about that - Lelouch brought them to meet the collective unconscious. So he's going to do what he does best, and play a tune for them.
  19. In the collective unconscious, everybody seems to be having a bad trip.
  20. Alto yells that Ranka's song shouldn't be used like this. If she wants to hate him than fine, but don't use her song for something like this.
  21. Kugel appears to Ledo, telling him to help. Only despair awaits a people bereft of the proper leadership. The Alliance knew that, and thus created an appropriate society. So he implores Ledo to assist him and Striker, in creating a God that will lead mankind and protect his loved ones.
  22. Sousuke calls out to Kaname, who tells him that it's pointless. She is herself and yet isn't. She has something she must do, because this world is wrong.
  23. Chirico states only that he understands now. Everything is according to "their" machinations.
  24. Orson yells for Kei, who shouts that it's no use, even with the two of them. The world is beginning its collapse, and Kei screams about what use are the singularities.
  25. Hibiki sees the power of God... and if that's the case...
  26. Lelouch is faced by Shirley and Rollo, who say nothing and merely stare at him. Lelouch realizes that he's still not forgiven.
  28. Regret... repentance... despair... death... this is the future that the collective unconscious has witnessed. Exactly! yells a voice. Emperor Charles appears, together with Marianne. The others are trapped within the collective unconscious, tortured by images of the future in the form of the despair in their own hearts. Lelouch wonders if the future they're heading for truly is one of despair, and Charles wonders if he's asking that of him. But Lelouch replies that he's not about to rely upon the likes of them for anything. The Geass sigils appear in both of his eyes, and he states that if the future holds only despair, they will merely have to remake the future. They will continue to fight, no matter who the opponent is, even if it's God himself. Marianne wonders if they can do it, and Charles tells Lelouch to show them what they'll make of the future that he rejected Charles and Marianne to create. And if Lelouch manages to overcome that despair, Charles will finally acknowledge that Lelouch has surpassed him.
  30. Kallen shakes Lelouch awake, who gets up wondering what's going on. Why is Basara singing? And why didn't he get pulled into the spacetime quake or whatever that was. Basara neither knows nor cares, and Mylene yells for him to read the air a little and shut up. Basara ignores her and keeps playing, and Hibiki notices that neither Crow nor Shikuu have come back. They all run outside to look for Crow, leaving Lelouch and C.C. She comments that judging by the state of him, he saw his parents again. Or perhaps, he saw his parents within himself, through the eyes of the collective unconscious. As the inheritor of the Code, Charles knew the hopeless future and tried to avert it by regressing everybody into the collective unconscious. In other words, his own form of Time's Prison. But Lelouch rejected that idea, and his feelings haven't changed since. Ergo, says C.C., it is now Lelouch's duty to try and do something about it. Lelouch with a grin, states that there's nothing that his father could do that he cannot. And instead of averting his eyes and running, they will face that future head-on and find a way to overcome it.
  32. Outside, Crow is fending off Shikuu. Shikuu's motions are too fast for Crow to see, so he's having to react on intuition. Even in a situation like this, Shikuu betrays no emotion. After all, sending life to the next world is their occupation. The Kishuku's purpose is to guide the power born of the ending of lives in the "proper" direction. Death and the accompanying loss of the body, and the desire to replace that sense of loss with something - anything else is the deepest emptiness, says Shikuu. Crow notes how talkative Shikuu is today - is he perhaps embarrassed over fubbing his mission? Shikuu replies by attacking, and Crow replies that dying with unpaid debt isn't his style. Hibiki calls out to Crow, yelling that they're coming to help. Shikuu doesn't want to deal with interruptions and goes to leave. As much as Crow's existence is an obstacle to him, for now he needs to pursue Advent.
  34. Hibiki arrives as Crow dusts himself off. Crow comments that even moreso than when he pilots his unit, Shikuu has the presence of a bottomless pit in person. Crow ponders about the Kishuku, noting that Shikuu appears to be bearing a burden all his own.
  36. The Kishuku arrive on the scene and Z-BLUE mobilize (12 deployment slots). Basara and Gamlin are your forced deployments. Basara immediately resumes his concert from before, and Lelouch allows it. They could use some power of life right about now. Shikoku comments that since her boss is off chasing Advent, she'll take charge now. The Kishuku stare bitterly at Basara, and Shikoku comments that destroying him is the duty of the Kishuku.
  38. The enemy force is Shikoku's Shimeisou Zetsu (76000 HP / Barrier Field), four Shimeisou (16500 HP) and a bunch of Angeloi CAN. SR point is to clear the map in five turns.
  40. Once you damage Shikoku, enemy ATs from Martial show up on the west side of the map. Suzaku states that he knew they were enemies of the Empire, but Chirico states that their aim is different. They attack the entrance to the ruins, and Shikoku comments that they bought her sufficient time. She opens her eyes for the first time and tells you to listen to her melody, and begins an incantation. The "song" causes the strength to drain from all of Z-BLUE. Chamber can't identify the cause, but confirms that Ledo's physiological functions are being impaired. His body temperature is dropping, his pulse slowing, and his pupils dialating... in other words, a condition resembling a dying person. Crow yells for Basara to sing, since Shikoku's "song" is the opposite of his. Basara refuses, stating that her song is her own and he's not about to try and drown hers out. Instead, he's going to have a duet with her. Shikoku seems confused as he belts out Dynamite Explosion, and Sibyl explains that while Shikoku's song extinguishes Spiritia, Basara's creates it. C.C. realizes that the Kishuku's purpose is to make sure that the ending of lives is guided in the proper direction. But what they're doing right now is just ending lives meaninglessly. Shikoku realizes they might be right, and stops singing.
  42. Basara takes the opportunity to nuke Shikoku with the Dynamite Explosion death ray and show off its fancy new トドメ animation. Ozma loses his bloody mind at the debut of the new Dynamite Explosion, with Sibyl in for some collaboration that overcomes racial boundaries. Even Shikoku feels a warmth inside her, and Lelouch yells that even if they deny it, the Kishuku are living things too. However, she replies, they have no choice to do this because they have no place to go back to. Kallen and C.C. notice how enthusiastic Lelouch is today, and Suzaku attributes it to Fire Bomber. Basara screams for everybody to listen to his song.
  44. When the Martial forces are wiped out, Kurz comments that if their purpose was to hide the ruins, their timing was perfect. Chirico knows that it wasn't a coincidence, and that "he" is behind it. When you beat Shikoku, she comments that she's gotten some inkling of what her brother is planning. She thanks you and leaves. Even though the map is clear, Basara hasn't sung enough. Lelouch states that it's not just Basara, but all of them harbor an infinite power. And that will guide them to their boundless future. Orson says that in any case, he prefers this to the BAD END they saw in the collective unconscious.
  46. Lelouch explains that what they saw in the ruins was future events, crafted from their own personal despairs. The cosmic BAD END is what has been giving the Reactors and the Singularities the sense of unease. Those who acquired some piece of the Black Knowledge, as well. Sousuke asks if that future is set in stone, and Lelouch replies that it is. But are you going to give up because of a little thing like Fate? For his part, he doesn't intend to. He will fight with all his might until the very last gasp. He will never accept a "predetermination of Fate", and will create miracle if that's what it takes to overcome it. He asks if the others feel the same way. Sousuke replies that worrying about the outcome of an inevitable conflict is stupid anyway. Thinking of a way to turn a losing battle into a victory is the job of a soldier. Giving in to hopelessness is the real defeat, says Alto. The Branded, the bringers of the future of Despair and the Fundamental Calamity that they glimpsed. There's some relationship between them all, thinks Hibiki. And Chirico replies that they have a clue to go on as well. He sensed something in the ruins - the presence of one who named himself as God.
  48. ______
  52. Over in Martial's capital of Allegium, Montewells is giving a sermon to the rest of the cul- "faithful". What Sidereal began by raising their swords, Martial shall end by bringing the fist of God down upon them. They, Martial shall be the ones who overcome the future of despair. He invites Chirico to come, stating that if he intends to disboey the will of God, this time he will offer up his life. For it is not Chirico who shall receive God's favour, but him. The voice of God sounds, and Rochina thinks to himself that Chirico is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. The god of Astragius Wiseman could control the course of an entire galaxy for 3000 years, yet could not make one man bend his knee. And there are more than a few appellations for him: PS, Abnormal Survivor, the Untouchable... all are him, and yet it could be said that none are...
  54. Z-BLUE is heading toward Allegium via Scandinavia. According to Chirico, contact with the collective unconscious revealed to him the presence of "God" at Allegium. While the Danann runs interference on the Empire, we're going to be kicking down the front door of Allegium and demanding info on their God. The question is which God will it be, since there's been quite a few beings naming themselves that lately. Teitania wonders what God is. She was once a part of Allegium's defences, yet never met the entity herself. Hibiki replies that in many cases, God is merely the concept of an absolute being that people can rally behind. Not unlike our old friend Striker. God is in theory something that transcends Man, in other words a superior being who guides Man. Sousuke asks if Chirico thinks they'll meet "God" there and Chirico replies only that he's confident.
  56. He leaves, and Kallen notices that he's more nervous than usual. Teitania says she's noticed it too, and Kallen replies that it's because they're old friends (read: because I'm a Votoms character). But not only that, it's the place where Fyana died. Teitania looks rather uncomfortable, but Kallen tells her that it's nobody's fault - just a consequence of a shortened lifespan. Teitania replies that she stole what little time they had left together, and that fighting alongside him isn't enough of a repentance. Sousuke asks if she has the resolve to lay down her life if need be, and she replies that she does. Sousuke tells her that Chirico doesn't wish for that. She thanks him, and he replies that there's no need for thanks between friends. Alto, Kallen, Hibiki and Kurz stare bewildered at him until he asks what's up. Kurz replies that everybody is just stunned that Sousuke's matured enough to be able to comfort others.
  58. Crow states that they're all lunatics for trying to raid Allegium. Ledo inquires as to whether it's a particularly defensive facility, and Sousuke replies that it's only a sanctuary in name only. Crow chimes in that the zeal with which the Martial adherents defend the place is abnormal. When he was in the military, he was sent to infiltrate the place and it didn't turn out well. Ledo wonders why their morale is so high, and Crow attributes it to the power of faith. Because they believe themselves to be fighting in accordance with God's will, there's no hesitation or doubt in their actions. And Martial's reclaimed some of the influence that it lost thanks to Chirico by openly defying the Empire. Ledo comments that they sound an awful lot like how he was when he first arrived here. Yet through openly embracing his doubts, he thinks he's become stronger.
  60. Alto comments that he's much like Sousuke and Hibiki in that regard. Hibiki wonders if Alto's trying to pigeonhole him with the muttsuri crowd again but Alto angrily denies it. What he was TRYING to get at, is that they've become stronger because they worry and doubt. Sousuke and Hibiki comment that he's just stating a self-evident truth, and Mao teases Alto who grinds his teeth. Teitania finally has an idea of what makes Chirico and Z-BLUE so strong. Kurz reveals that yes - it is indeed their love of horseplay that makes them strong, and Crow shakes his head.
  62. The Quarter arrives at Allegium and Kurz cheerfully reports that they appear to have repaired the main temple. Mao reminds him that they're the ones who destroyed it in the first place. Jeffrey sends a message to Montewells, stating that he wishes to talk things over. Montewells responds to a request for dialogue in the manner typical of crazy people and sends out the troops. There are Firebugs mixed in with the ATs, suggesting that Martial is partying with Amalgam under the table. Jeffrey takes this as a breakdown in negotiations and orders Z-BLUE to sally forth (12 deployment slots). Chirico and Teitania are your forced deployments.
  64. Jeffrey expresses that under normal circumstances, he'd like to establish a united front with Martial against the Empire. But since they're rattling the saber, Z-BLUE shall respond in kind. Chirico starts heading toward the temple, asking you to cover his back. Sousuke grins at the notion of Chirico asking them for a favour, and Hibiki replies there's no way they could refuse him. Mao tells Chirico that his Dog has been upgraded with the best parts they could muster. Kurz tells Chirico to go Musou on Martial's arses. Lelouch tells him to go, they'll carve a path for him. Chirico thanks them for the assistance, and Kan Yu demands to know why Z-BLUE is so eager to help such an unfriendly person. Kallen replies that Chirico isn't talkative, but they all know that he's a great guy. Crow follows up by stating that the difference between Chirico and somebody who'd voluntarily work with the Firebugs is like day and night. AL corrects him on his usage of the expression, and Chirico identifies the entry point he needs to reach.
  66. The enemy force consists of Kan Yu (44500 HP), and a collection of random ATs.
  68. When you attack the enemy, Order Bucklers appear as reinforcements. In other words, Martial has produced Nextants in addition to Teitania. They mechanically recite Martial's teachings, causing Teitania to wonder if they're already being controlled by their auxiliary brains. But Chirico thinks differently - it's because Wiseman is behind them. In other words, the aggregation of the Quentian "Abnormals" who controlled the Astragius Galaxy from the shadows. Rochina appears, apologizing to Chirico for not greeting him during his earlier trip here. Chirico asks why he's here, and Rochina replies that he'll know once he enters the temple. This is fine with Chirico. If Wiseman intends to interfere with Chirico's life again, then Chirico will merely have to destroy him again. Rochina wonders if it'll be that easy, since the Nextants guarding the temple are superior to the PSes. Teitania warns him about the dangers of the Nextants, but Chirico replies that he bends his knee to none.
  70. The Nextants, who number eight, each have 22500 HP and all have the Combat Program skill that gives them +15% to final accuracy/evasion/crit. Essentially a half-strength Kiwami. The SR point is to get Chirico to the target within three turns, and score at least four kills on the way.
  72. This task, however, is too easy and so the God of Destruction instead converts the followers of the false god (into atoms) and arrives at the temple in the space of one minute. When he arrives at the temple, Teitania offers to cover him while he goes inside. He thanks her and goes inside. A pair of Nextants appear and attack her, and Teitania manages to destroy both of them despite the inferior unit. However, the strain is too much and her unit is destroyed as well. Chirico demands to know where Montewells is, and the adherents tell him that he went to seek the protection of God, knowing that Chirico was coming. Chirico demands to know where, but they don't know - only the Pope is aware of the location. Chirico looks around, but the previous Pope (Theo VIII) appears and throws Montewells under the bus by offering to show Chirico the way. He introduces himself as the previous Pope, and states that when Montewells interfered with the Untouchable, everything was decided then.
  74. In the depths of the temple, Montewells calls out to "God", keeper of law and commandments to grant him its mercy. He beseeches God to invoke His divine light and strike down Chirico Cuvie, the accursed man who threatens the faithful. But God does not reply, and Montewells frantically cries out, asking why God chooses not to respond to him now. Chirico defied and killed God, and defiled Martial. Montewells sacrificed his own daughter and stained his hands with blood to acquire his position, all to see the man who destroyed the glory of Martial brought low. He beseeches God once more to grant him succor. But God does not answer, and Chirico arrives, telling Montewells that he has no business with him. Montewells bristles at this, that Chirico would ignore him, the Pope of Martial. But he asks if Chirico can still ignore him after this. He reveals Fyana, and Chirico loses his composure.
  76. Montewells relishes that even the Untouchable's composure breaks at the sight of his loved one, thought to be dead. Montewells states that he has longed to see that look on Chirico's face, yelling for him to die. But before Montewells can do anything, he's shot through the head. His last words as he expires is that God once again chose Chirico. Chirico asks Wiseman if he's the one who did it, and Wiseman replies that he could not afford to let Chirico die in a place like this (not like he would have anyway?). Chirico asks how Wiseman got here, given that he died on Quent. Wiseman replies that he didn't die completely. At the last moment before his functions ceased, he transmitted his will to the system here. As God, he must reach still greater heights - and to do that, he needs Chirico. Chirico realizes that Wiseman used the collective unconscious as a medium to reach out to him and bring him here. Wiseman states that he realizes when he fought you before, that your group is steadily approaching the universal Truth. And so he knew that path would lead you eventually to find him here. Chirico demands to know what God is. Wiseman replies that God as a concept, perished in the distant past. Those who claim the title of god in the present, are the higher order lifeforms. They are, perhaps, beings who were once called humans. They, through any of a number of means, grasp the universal Truth and in doing so, achieved eternity. And thusly, name themselves as gods. However, God will not suffer another to take that title, and therefore the gods are fated to fight one another. That is the universe's true conflict. And to reach victory over the other gods, Wiseman must become more. And to do that he needs Chirico, whose existence transcends causality itself.
  78. Chirico asks if Wiseman expects him to obey, and Wiseman replies that he already changed Fyana's fate in order to convince him. Hers was a fate destined only to end in a premature death. Yet with his powers, he brought her back from the dead and granted her life once more. He tells Chirico to submit, since he is god, to whom even Fate submits. If he wishes to protect Fyana, he must bend to Wiseman's will. For that is his inescapable destiny. Wiseman repeats that his power extends over even Fate. But a voice asks if that's really the case. Rochina enters the room, praising Chirico on arriving here. Wiseman asks why Rochina has come here, and Rochina wonders again if Wiseman is truly capable of governing Fate. Rochina certainly recognizes Wiseman's *abilities* as a god, given that he was able to bring people of the Astragius Galaxy all the way here along with himself. This comes as a surprise to Chirico, but Wiseman confirms it. The "destruction" of planet Monad was merely Wiseman testing his capability to induce spacetime quakes. And using the data from that, transported himself and an arbitrary selection of people here to this galaxy, which will become the end of Mythology. Rochina certainly acknowledges Wiseman's abilities to be something worthy of being called godlike... yet it is Wiseman who is drawn into Chirico, and not the other way around. The one who revived Fyana was Wiseman, yet it was Chirico who dictated that action. And furthermore, Wiseman mobilized Montewells and Martial just to contact Chirico again. In other words, it is Wiseman's fate that moves in accordance with Chirico.
  80. Wiseman angrily denies this. After all, he is god, whose existence transcends all others. And yet, says Rochina, Chirico killed him. Chirico rejects Wiseman's existence, yet Wiseman requires Chirico. The relationship of master and servant has already been reversed. Wiseman screams in fury at this, and Chirico states that Rochina is right: Chirico does indeed reject Wiseman's existence. Chirico opens fire on Wiseman's core, and Wiseman demands to know what he's doing. Chirico replies that this time, he'll make certain that Wiseman is dead. Wiseman yells that he revived Fyana, so why!? Chirico replies that before that, Wiseman toyed with them and even now, seeks to bend Chirico to his will. Wiseman demands to know why Chirico won't obey him.
  82. With Chirico's strength on his side, he could overcome the other gods, and avert the future of despair. Chirico coldly replies that Wiseman's wishes mean nothing to him. Teitania blasts her way into the chamber to help. Chirico asks Teitania to help carry Fyana out, and Wiseman yells at Teitania, demanding that she obey him. Teitania states that she's lost her auxiliary brain already. She's not a Nextant, just a human. Wiseman screams in anger as Chirico tells him that it's time for him to sleep.
  84. Chirico exits the temple, in raucous applause. Four landships, like the kind used in Big Battle appear. Teitania appears, having nicked an Order Buckler from the temple. She states that she put Fyana somewhere safe, shocking the others. Chirico reveals that she's alive again, and Kei cheers. Crow's glad to hear some happy news for a change. All that's left is for Chirico to crush those who would seek to warp his fate. Today, Martial and their god will perish. That is why Chirico fights: for his and Fyana's futures. Even though Wiseman is destroyed once more, they will continue to fight
  86. When the last of Wiseman's ships are destroyed, he tells you that you will come to regret rejecting him in time. They will be unable to avert the future of despair. The World Collapse that comes every 120 million years will come to pass, destroying all of the worlds and all of spacetime. Kei replies that for something calling himself god, he's rather pessimistic. Wiseman says that not even he, the Original Singularity can overturn that. If, somehow, it were possible to repair this distorted world, the one to do it is none other than a God. Chirico won't get to regret this decision for long, since the end will soon be upon you. He explodes. Orson turns to Kei, who seems to take Wiseman's statement as proof of what he saw in the collective unconscious' visions. Yet he doesn't feel like obeying someone who plays with the lives and fates of others, just like Chirico. Chirico says to himself that this world doesn't need Wiseman. Neither he, nor his friends will yield to any who call themselves gods.
  88. If you remember that Kan Yu is there (which I briefly didn't) and attack him with Chirico, he replies that the time has finally come. He has been connected to Chirico for long enough, and they'll finally end things today with his victory. If Chirico is of a mind to cry and beg for forgiveness, it's far too late for that. Prepare yourself, Chirico! Chirico asks him if that's all he has to say. Chirico repeats what he said to Montewells: "I have no business with you". Kan Yu is pissed. Chirico finally called him by his name, only to humiliate him one last time. This final engagement ends the only way it could. And yet, for all his talk of endings, he decides that he can't afford to lose his AT if he wishes to keep up his mercenary life and flees, vowing revenge once again. Yet as soon as he exits the map, he can be heard yelling "HELP MEEEEE" and the unmistakable sound of his AT exploding is heard. Kallen wonders if he survived, but says that even if he did, they'll just beat him up like usual, right Chirico? Chirico isn't paying attention though, which is a perfect microcosm for Kan Yu's entire existence.
  90. Chirico moves to leave after the field is cleared, causing Sousuke and Ledo to look around for signs of surviving enemies. Alto comments that they've got a ways to go yet. In the temple, Chirico sits with Fyana, still asleep. Rochina tells them not to worry, since Fyana will awaken soon. Teitania is surprised to see him working with them, but Rochina replies that he's merely a third party who wishes to see where Chirico Cuvie's life will lead. Chirico asks what he'll do now that Wiseman is dead, and Rochina wisely replies by asking him if he truly thinks god is dead. Kallen accuses him of trying to threaten Chirico, but Rochina merely replies that he's expressing the possibility that Wiseman will turn up again. After all, god is eternal. Even so, Chirico doesn't buy into the whole "future of despair" thing. Sousuke wonders, if the higher order beings are related to the future of despair, then what role does the Fundamental Calamity they encountered in the galactic core play? Whatever the case may be, with the World Collapse on the horizon, there's nothing for them to do but to knuckle under and meet it. Crow says that they'll just need to shake off the fears and doubts and move forward. Rochina laughs, stating how much Chirico has been influenced by the others. Kallen replies that's a matter of course, since he's a member of Z-BLUE. Lelouch asks what Chirico will do now. He's recovered Fyana and defeated Wiseman. His battle is no- but Chirico interjects, stating that while his own battle is over, Z-BLUE's isn't. Or rather, so long as Z-BLUE's battle continues, so does his. He is, and ever will be, part of Z-BLUE.
  92. Shako asks what he'll do with Fyana, and Rochina states if Chirico is cool with it, he'll take care of her. Chirico flatly refuses, to nobody's real surprise (least of all Rochina's). Instead, the plan is for Gouto and the others to look after her. In fact, the Danann is heading this way as they speak, to meet up to discuss the next mission. Chirico gets another monologue here.
  93. "Amidst the jubilant voices of my friends, I wondered about the future of despair of which Wiseman spoke. But the future is something that no one knows. And because of that, despair can yet become hope. And now that I know that Fyana is alive again, a light began to shine inside of me. And to keep that light lit, I will continue to fight... today... and tomorrow as well..."
  96. _______
  100. Kei sits in the Macross Quarter's briefing room, deep in thought. Orson comments on how the events of the last week have been a bit of a shock to him. Ever since the Great Quake, they've been pursued by any of a number of organisation aiming to use the Singularities for their own purposes. But now it sounds like the Singularities might be by themselves pointless. And what's more, when Orson was being experimented upon by Sidereal, he overheard one of the researchers saying "There are three keys". In other words, a third Singularity besides themselves. Perhaps if all three were brought together, somebody could be done about the looming threat. And Kei has an idea as to why it might be: Chidori Kaname. There are parts of her that are distinctly abnormal, and that might be the reason Amalgam captured her.
  102. Down in the hangar, Kurz confides something in Sousuke: he slept with Mao. Sousuke doesn't see anything wrong with sharing the same bed, but Kurz yells that when a man and woman sleep together, it can only mean one thing. Ranka, who was apparently walking by, turns beet red. Sheryl, also pink in the face, comments on how jealous she is. Tessa yells that if he keeps shouting things like that, it's going to lead to a breakdown of public morals. Therefore, she punishes him by telling him to go get lectured by Mao until it's time to sortie. He runs off, grinning from ear to ear. Sheryl and Ranka excuse themselves to go eat.
  104. Sousuke, with sweat pouring down his face, apologises for Kurz making a scene. She doesn't mind, it just surprised her a bit. She'll be counting on him to guard her once they get to their destination, Yamsk-11. He promises to protect her to the best of his ability. And until they arrive, Tessa asks if he doesn't mind if she spends time with him watching him work.
  106. Z-BLUE arrives at Yamsk-11 (10 deployment slots). Sousuke-Hibiki, Kurz, and Kei-Crow are your forced-deployments. The mobile weapon team will keep Amalgam busy while Tessa and her team infiltrate Yamsk-11 to investigate. Mao asks Tessa for an explanation, and Kallen replies that they don't need another slavedriver who never tells them anything. Lelouch sneezes. Tessa explains that Yamsk-11 was a research city used by the Human Reform League that predated the Britannia Union's Prometheus Experiment by a decade. [[Prometheus Experiment was the experiment conducted by the Britannia Union in Otis, TX where they tried to artificially induce a spacetime quake. It failed, warped spacetime around the area, and summoned the first DM (Moby Dick) who rampaged and leveled the town with the exception of Esther.]] Yamsk-11 was the site of ADW's first attempt at artificially generating spacetime quakes. Tessa thinks to herself that it's also where the secret of the Whispered lies. Jeffrey gives the orders for the mobile battalion to perform diversionary operations, but Kurz says he'll do more than that, since he's in fine form today.
  108. Kurz opens a private channel to Sousuke, and comments on how Sousuke didn't seem surprised at all. On the contrary says Sousuke, he was very surprised but didn't know what sort of facial expression was appropriate. Kurz is worried about the fact that Mao never said "I love you", and wonders why that might be. Sousuke flatly replies that it's because she doesn't love him. Kurz realizes that Sousuke's probably the wrong person to be talking to, but he can't tell anybody else because Mao would murder him. And after all, he and Sousuke are partners. The enemy force arrives to greet Z-BLUE, led by Leonard in the Belial. Nobody seems to be surprised he didn't kick the bucket, and he replies of course not. There's a tone of aggression in Leonard's voice that was absent before. He intends to dispose of you and then head to Yamsk-11 himself. He comments that Kei is an important element in his plans, leading Kei to comment that the life of a ladykiller is tough. Crow tells Kurz that now's his chance to use *that* tactic, and Kurz says he'll do it - today, he's invincible.
  110. The enemy force is pretty much what you'd expect from Amalgam. Leonard (now with scarred forehead) in the Belial has 10600 HP, which translates to 106000 HP thanks to it his Λ Driver. The SR point is to reduce the Belial below 50000 HP within three turns.
  112. Mostly to prove I could, I had Chirico one-shot Leonard. Thanks to cutscene invincibility though, he's rather flippant about his humiliating defeat. Kei gets annoyed by this and challenges him to a fight. Leonard, every bit as arrogant as he always derides Sousuke for being, takes the bait. Leonard is overjoyed to have the chance to eliminate one of the Singularities here. The two butt heads and Kei is blown back, unable to deal with the Λ Driver head-on. But head-on was never his goal, but rather for Leonard to fixate upon them. Kurz, having identified a weakpoint to aim at via the Faerie's Eye, goes to take the shot. But before he can, he himself is sniped from literally across the map. His AS is destroyed, and the shot was revealed to have been fired by Kurz' old mentor Casper. Leonard praises your strategy, you were so close. But unfortunately their abilities are beyond your understanding. Leonard heads off to Yamsk-11, while your team try to find Kurz. Enemy reinforcements appear, to make the situation worse.
  114. At Yamsk-11, Leonard reveals himself to be alive to Kaname. Leonard states that he's decided on a bit of a policy change. Kaname asks what he's on about, but before she can finish the sentence, he tells her to shut up and backhands her across the face. He's decided to drop the gentleman act, and they're short on time, so he's going to make her do what she's told by force if necessary. Kaname reasons that this is his true colours, but he says nothing.
  116. Elsewhere in the city, Hibiki notices a strange sensation he's been feeling. Tessa explains that simultaneously this place was the site of the first attempt at an artificial spacetime quake, but is also where the secret of the Whispered sleeps. Hibiki raises an eyebrow at this unfamiliar term, and she tells him she'll explain later. Suffice it to say, the Whispered thing is the reason why Kaname was targeted by Amalgam. She asks Sousuke to be her bodyguard because there's likely nobody more closely tied to the Whispered than he. His partner is AL, developed by Bani Morauta - a Whispered. He rescued Kudan Mira, who in turn built his Laevateinn. And then his relationship with Kaname and Tessa. And, Sousuke thinks to himself, if Nami was one as well that'd make five, and Leonard makes six. It might be a simple coincidence, but owing to the existence of "gods", she thinks that perhaps Sousuke is a saviour sent by the gods to aid them.
  118. As they approach ground zero, Tessa warns them that even though it's been seventeen years since the event, the influence has waned but hasn't vanished completely. Proximity will cause mental disturbances, as the unfortunate former residents of the city proved. The system intended to induce the spacetime quakes is the cause, designed by a brilliant HRL scientist named Dmitri Valov. He theorized that the "mental world" spoken of in folklore could be tapped into technologically. The "territory that encompasses all", the so-called Omni Sphere. In other words, the same thing as the collective unconscious on Kaminejima. And the Λ Driver is an application of Omni Sphere technology. Hibiki stops her here, since he hears footsteps. He tells Sousuke to take Tessa and go ahead, and he'll take care of the approaching enemies.
  120. Sousuke and Tessa go ahead and Hibiki jumps out to attack the enemy, only to find that they're members of the Chrono reformation. They yell for Hibiki not to get in their way, and he beats them up for their trouble. Hibiki is surprised at how effortlessly they went down, wondering if his assumption that they had received some kind of combat training was off. Perhaps they don't actually know how to pilot either, and simply rely on their unit's abilities. Maki shows up, and reveals that she's operative White on the reformation's mobile taskforce. They have business here at Yamsk-11. Explosions are heard in the distance. White explains that she was scouted by Chrono four months ago, and joined so that she could help change the world. Hibiki asks if the things she told him on Green Earth were a lie, and she denies it. She is both the nurse Kashiwaba Maki, and the agent White. And under Advent's orders, she started working as a nurse in Japan.
  122. He demands to know what Chrono's deal is, and she reveals that she doesn't need to know. She merely follows Advent's orders. Hibiki is flabbergasted that she works for Chrono despite having no idea what their activities are, and she asks if that's odd. Of course it is, replies Hibiki, but White just says that she trusts Advent. Does she need a reason beyond that? But no matter, she forgives Hibiki for pointing his sword at Advent (what, HE attacked US). He should come with her. If Hibiki apologizes to Advent, she's sure Advent would welcome him with open arms. She leans into him, but he runs off. She wonders why he won't just listen to Advent.
  124. Down in the depths of Yamsk-11, Kaname listens to the explosions in the distance, which seem to be outside of Leonard's expectations. She wonders if she might be able to use this chaos to get in contact with Z-BLUE, when she runs into Tessa. The two are overjoyed to see each other and hug, and Tessa explains that she and Sousuke got separated by an explosion.
  126. Elsewhere in the facility, Sousuke and Leonard had a similar reunion brought about by a collapsing tunnel. Leonard taunts Sousuke that this is his best chance to kill him, since he doesn't have the Belial. Sousuke notes that he's become less refined since last they spoke, and Leonard suggests a truce. Sousuke agrees, since unless they shift some of this debris, they'll die of asphyxiation within a few hours. The two make the most awkward small talk of all time while shifting the debris. Leonard reveals that he too was separated from Kaname by an explosion, but is certain she's alive. She seems to have an incredible talent for surviving situations that would kill most people. He attributes it to her luck perhaps, but also to the fact that he believes her to be a convergence point of cause and effect. Sousuke wonders what the hell he's on about, and Leonard states that in the deepest reaches of this facility she will, inevitably, make contact with a "ghost". And when she does, she will join with something with the power to put a period at the end of history. She is the keystone to created a world with no past, present or future. In other words, a literal Kaname (要). Sousuke still has no clue what he's talking about, but Leonard says that it all started with the Omni Sphere.
  128. Kaname and Tessa approach the bottommost level of the facility, and Kaname realizes the mind altering sensation is intensifying. Tessa explains that the bizarre sensation is being caused by the power that dwells at the bottom. The system itself is no longer functional, but its influence continues to propagate. The mental waves are still reaching here to the present, from eighteen years ago when the system was in full operation. That which has determined the course of ADW... and now this world, began here. The TAROS, a system intended to allow Man access to the forbidden realm, by allowing them to control Origin Law through the amplification of psychic waves. Eighteen years ago, during a test, the TAROS went out of control. The psychic waves contaminated all of Yamsk-11, reducing the city to ruins and preventing external intrusion. The psychic waves radiating from the Omni Sphere came in two flavours. First were the ι (iota) waves that contaminated the people of Yamsk-11. ι waves weaken with both time and distance. The other were the τ (tau) waves, which propagate without weakening, regardless of time or distance. The τ waves were more or less harmless, but ultimately propagated across the entirety of Earth. But they affected a very specific subset of people: specifically people born on 24 December, 18 years ago, during the TAROS' runaway. Children born within a three minute window while the τ waves disseminated across the Earth became the Whispered.
  130. Their minds are now connected to the Omni Sphere, and through it they've gained the ability to receive psychic waves from the future, in other words information traveling backwards in time. Therefore, it's not that they possess any special knowledge, but are merely receptors for information from the future. For example, mobile weapons such as Arm Slaves. However, it's difficult to say whether the world has been steered off the correct course or not. After all, if the emergence of the Whispered and the interference of the Omni Sphere were inevitable, then this world is exactly as it should be. Tessa asks Kaname to stay here, but Kaname wants to go with her to see.
  132. Back in the party hole, Leonard has more or less explained the same stuff to Sousuke. Sousuke thinks that Leonard's notion that the world has become distorted is retarded. What is the "correct world" anyway? Does he mean to imply that the entire world beginning with the Great Quake is "wrong"? Leonard asks how he would deal with this world then. Sousuke asks why anybody needs to "deal with". Just leave it be. After all, it's only god who could recreate the wor... ah. Yes, says Leonard. Righting the world is possible for a god. But Sousuke thinks that Leonard is mental. Reverting the world as it exists to the "correct history" would mean to reject this world and all who live in it, an idea Sousuke finds repugnant. Leonard asks what he'll do then. Perhaps focus everybody's wills together like they did when they destroyed Time's Prison? Sousuke retorts by asking if he means to recreate the world according to his own will. Leonard reverses the question by asking that if Kaname died as a consequence of this screwed up world, if Sousuke wouldn't contemplate recreating it to save her. For his part, Leonard says that he couldn't accept it. When emotions come into play, rules couched in logic no longer apply.
  134. Surely Sousuke doesn't believe in such two dimensional logic as good & evil, friend & foe? Sousuke asks what he's getting at, and Leonard suggests there's no reason for them to fight. He's not attempting to suggest peace or anything, which is good because Sousuke shoots him down. Leonard thought perhaps that Sousuke might see reason, as Kalinin did. Sousuke doesn't think that Leonard's nonsense would have won him over, which is why Leonard showed him. Using the spacetime oscillation bomb he detonated in Tokyo-2 to prove that he had the means to correct the world. Therefore Kalinin threw his lot in with Leonard, not Amalgam. And what's more, Tessa sent them all here without any explanation. And the reason is because she refers that some of Z-BLUE might go over to Leonard's side if they heard. Tessa might be motivating them to fight Leonard based on the pretense of "revenge against Amalgam" but he claims her true motive is to get back at her brother.
  136. But soon, their little sibling rivalry will come to an end. The ultimate TAROS is approaching the final phase of its construction. And its power will join together with the spacetime oscillation bomb, and interfere with the past. And the catalyst to activate it can't be a garden variety Whispered, but rather the candidate who received the most power. The person who absorbed the most τ waves released by the incident... in other words, the singularity of the TAROS' meltdown. Chidori Kaname. The one who is broadcasting the technology from the future to the Whispered is her. In other words, she's not a "Whispered" but rather the one who is "Whispering". Sousuke doesn't buy it, Kaname's not the kind of person to voluntarily twist the world like that. Leonard agrees. Why would a strong-willed girl such as her want to interfere with the past? Was it something that happened in the past? Or perhaps the future? And where does this information come from? Is there a separate Whispering further in the future?
  138. Sousuke doesn't know, only that he won't let Leonard have her. Leonard warns him that she'll never be able to return to her old life. If not him, then somebody will always pursue her for her abilities. But if the world is corrected, she'll be able to live as a normal person. She'll live in peace, fall in love, have a family, and grow old. Doesn't he wish that happiness for her? Sousuke hesitates, thinking about what's best for her. But he realizes it'd be meaningless. In a world like that, he'd never meet her, and he would have no purpose. Leonard shifts the last of the debris and asks Sousuke if he wishes to resume the fight. Sousuke declines, and Leonard replies that they'll just vent their frustrations the next time they meet. If Sousuke just sits on his hands and watches like a good little boy, that'll be fine. But if Sousuke interferes again Leonard will kill him, brutally and mercilessly.
  140. In the bottom of Yamsk-11, the girls have come across the core of the system. Inside the capsule, there's a woman. It's not a corpse in the traditional sense - it would have decomposed over the last eighteen years. It's an imprint of her existence, a manifestation of his soul created through connection to the Omni Sphere. Kaname instinctively knows that this person is the Whisperer, regenerating in the future, controlling them with her power. Tessa's objective is to destroy this. The τ waves are being emitted from here. Therefore destroying this, will free Yamsk-11 of its curse. But something like this will happen again, this isn't a permanent solution in any manner. If it's not possible to prevent the emergence of the Whisperer then...
  142. A voice in Kaname's head congratulates "her daughter" for finally figuring it out. Kaname recognizes the voice from long ago. The voice replies that she has been waiting for Kaname for every so long. She has called out time and again, but Kaname merely blocked her out. But it was inevitable that she would come here. And now that she has, it is impossible for Kaname to reject her any longer. She tells Kaname that there is nothing to be afraid of - she merely needs to reach out her hand and open her heart, and receive her power and soul.
  144. The capsule smashes and the remnants of the woman falls out. Tessa tells Kaname to stand back while she destroys the system, but Kaname asks why she needs to destroy it. Kaname tells Tessa that there's no longer any reason to be here. Tessa looks at her in confusion as Sousuke arrives. Sousuke takes one look at Kaname and realizes that something is wrong. Kaname pulls a gun out and trains it on Sousuke, telling him not to move. If he does, she will kill Tessa. Tessa tries to explain what happened, but Kaname tells her to keep her mouth shut. Sousuke asks what's wrong, but she says nothing is wrong and blandly greets him. She wanted to see him again, so much that she wanted to leap into his arms. But she now has a purpose to fulfill, a duty entrusted to her by Sophia. She loves Sousuke, but if he tries to interfere, she will be forced to kill him. Sousuke wonders who Sophia is, and Tessa says it was the woman in the capsule. Sousuke tells Kaname to stop playing games, this is neither the time nor the place. She tells Sousuke to trust her. If he intends to try and stop her, she will kill both him and Tessa. Sousuke has no idea what she's talking about, and tells her to put down the gun and release Tessa. Kaname screams that he doesn't understand. She and only she dictates her own actions, and she won't let anyway - not even Sousuke tell her what to do. Sousuke runs to her and even as I type this, I know that a post either before or after this one will involve either "Tessa BTFO" or the corresponding picture from the manga.
  146. Kaname shoots Tessa in the head, and she slumps to the floor. Kaname yells at him that he killed Tessa. Sousuke says that her mind is temporarily disturbed and that he's going to help her. Kaname screams that it's his fault and shoots him in the face. As Sousuke's vision blacks out, he asks why it had to end like this. He hears Kaname's voice in his mind, telling him that she'll wait for him and not to worry.
  148. Sousuke wakes up, finding himself being shaken awake by Hibiki. Sousuke looks around but there's no sign of Kaname. Tessa is unconscious but otherwise fine. Sousuke has no idea what's going on, he distinctly saw Kaname kill Tessa and then himself. Was that just one of the possibilities that Kaname saw? Hibiki tells Sousuke that they need to get going, since Chrono is blowing the place up. Sousuke distinctly recalls hearing Kaname's voice while he was "dead". If she's going to wait for him, then he'll come for her.
  150. Back out in the wastelands, the rest of Z-BLUE are getting nervous about the lack of response from Sousuke. But they have bigger fish to fry, since the Amalgam forces are wiped out by an even more obnoxious bunch. Shikuu arrives with his Kishuku, stating that his betrayal of his Amalgam allies is a political purge. The Genion arrives carrying Sousuke, who calls for the Laevateinn to be launched. Sousuke wonders where Kurz is, but Mao tells him that they'll talk about that later.
  152. The enemy force is now the Shiseiten, and handful of Shimeisou and Angeloi CAN. Nothing you haven't seen before a half dozen times. Notably, Shikuu appears to finally have all his attacks. He now has his second MAP attack (Reimei) which inflicts Morale Down, and his ALL finisher (Meiseikou) which inflicts Stat Halving.
  154. When you reduce Shiseiten below 99999 HP, he asks why you fight. You should know by now that only despair awaits you. Kei especially as one of the Original Singularities should know when to give up. Shikuu states that neither the past nor the world can be changed by the hands of Man... and Leonard Testarossa ought to know that. Kei flies over to Shikuu, stating that there's one thing he needs Shikuu to understand. Shikuu replies that he's not interested in listening to your infernal optimism, but Kei replies that's not it. He's not "the Original Singularity", his name is Katsuragi Kei damn it! Kei and Orson attack Shikuu with their new combo attack, the Orguss Combination SP. which has some rad cut-ins.
  156. Shikuu is visibly shocked by the attack, but Kei's not finished yet. He's the Singularity and that means if he says he's going to save the world, then he's goddamn well going to save the world no matter what they say. And if he and Orson aren't enough, he'll just grab the third one for good measure. Shikuu lets out a stifled laugh in spite of himself, states that his mission is complete, and leaves. Crow praises the transcendent ladykiller for even making Shikuu lose his composure. Jeffrey orders people to spread out and look for Kurz, but before they can, Casper reappears on the far side of the map. He opens his cockpit and reveals that he has a hostage.
  158. It's Tessa. Which begs the question: did Sousuke and Hibiki just leave her down there unconscious? Casper reports that Leonard requests your "assistance", or in other words, surrender. Sousuke is disgusted that Leonard would stoop to this level in order to defeat Z-BLUE. Crow recognizes the man's name as belonging to Wilhelm Casper, who the proper Lockon (Neil) called a "demon" sniper whose skill transcends mere mastery. And, says Kurz, who appears to still be alive but grievously wounded, his mentor. Mao is shocked he's alive, but Kurz says that he's the second most immortal person on your team after Chirico. And now that Casper was stupid enough to open his cockpit, his goose is cooked. But Crow says that there's no way he'll pull off a shot at that distance with just an old Winchester. It's 1650 meters which, while not impossible, is a pretty ridiculous distance. Kurz says there's no other option though. Z-BLUE can't afford to surrender, and there's every possibility that Tessa will leap to her death rather than burden them.
  160. Everybody decides to trust Kurz's skill, and he tells Michel to watch carefully. Casper gets tired of waiting for an answer and begins a five-count. Kurz feels himself blacking out, and reasons that he's not long for this world. 5. He mumbles for Sousuke to make sure to save Kaname. For Tessa to ditch that gloomy guy and find a better man. He wonders if Mao will cry for him. He wonders if it would have been better not to have slept with her in the first place. 3. And if becoming a "real sniper" like Casper means heartlessly shooting through innocent people, then he has no intention of ever becoming a real sniper. And even less of letting a monster like him hurt any of his friends. 2. Kurz takes into account the wind, turbulence, air temperature, humidity, tumbling, and the Coriolis force. He can envision the trajectory through intuition. 1.
  161. DVE here: "I'll put it all on the line! Let's do this!"
  162. He takes the shot and it flies true. The shot pierces his heart, and Casper gasps through a mouthful of blood that there's no way. He collapses, dead.
  163. "Serves you... right... Casper..."
  164. Kurz calls it a shot fired with all that he was. Crow yells for him, saying that after all the time he's spent denying it, he's intending to pull the short straw now? Kurz replies that it seems so... but he intends to compare marksmanship with Neil in the next world. He tells Hibiki to look after Sousuke, and help him be a little more friendly. He tells Melissa that he loves her, and she breaks down in tears.
  166. Amalgam and Sidereal forces appear en masse, and Jeffrey states that they can't afford to try and fight them in this condition. AL comments that they'll have to give up on recovering Kurz, since he's already... but Sousuke tells him to stop. Sousuke grabs Tessa and Z-BLUE evacuate the area. Mao whispers a farewell to Kurz.
  168. Elsewhere, Kaname states that she knows what she just did. She murdered Sousuke and Tessa. She's broken hearted about their deaths, but she doesn't have any more use for them. And so she'll quit with the pretend friendship and the melodrama of tragic lovers here and now. The world will be reset soon anyway, so it doesn't matter what happens or who dies, so long as she's alive. For that was the duty given to her by Sophia, to become the saviour of the world. Leonard appears, stating that she's finally woken up. She asks if the preparations are complete, and he replies almost. They began work on it as soon as they captured Merida Island. She notes that he's less hostile than before, and he asks if there's any need for him to be. No, she says, she won't be selfish anymore.
  170. ______
  174. At Merida Island, the newly minted Dark Kaname is introduced to Kalinin. Kalinin notes that despite being a 17-year old girl, she now gives off the air of somebody who could rule the world. Leonard reports that his old subordinate Weber kicked the bucket, and Kalinin replies that they've lost Casper in turn. But the death of Kurz is a blow to the heroes, since depending on the situation, he might be more of a threat than Sousuke. But Kaname assures Kalinin that he needn't worry, since she killed Sousuke and Tessa already. Leonard tells her that he has prepared for her the temple that she will use to save them all. There's a brief moment where it looks like Kaname remembers something, but it passes and she asks to see the "ultimate TAROS". Kalinin watches her go, thinking to himself about how it might be her fate for that pure and sincere girl to have vanished forever. But he shakes off his doubts, reminding himself of why he's here. A world where he lost Irina can't be the "real world" and he therefore doesn't need to hesitate to do it over.
  176. On the Danann, Mardukas reports on the status of the Japan team. Evidently the mystery space robot forces we kept fighting belong to Gaizock of UCW. Furthermore, the rebirth of Emperor Zule, Space Dad, and Hades has been confirmed. They also met up with the Kurogane Five and Gura, who are helping out. Meanwhile the space team has gotten assistance from Haman Karn, who broke off from Frontal's Neo Zeon. And what's more, ZAFT pulled their heads out of their arses and cut ties with Neo Zeon as well. Riddhe's apparently alive, and is now working for the Chrono conservatives and using the Banshee. Chrono attempted to use Relena as a hostage to get Z-BLUE to surrender, but that didn't really pan out for them. But in either case, both teams are in a position precluding them from assisting with the assault of Merida Island. In other words, while we had the lion's share of our forces to fight a single robot and a bunch of pirates, we only get 1/3rd in order to assault Amalgam's fortified position and destroy their plot device.
  178. Down in the hangar, the cat's been let out of the bag in regards to the whole Whispered thing and Leonard's plan. Basically Kei's guess seems to be right: Kaname is a Singularity of sorts, and Leonard's going to pull off his own version of a Restoration using her. Chirico states that he's tormented by something in his past. Chirico understands how he feels, but it's just a regret. It turns out that Ozma and a couple others knew about the Whispered thing too. But it doesn't really matter, since the outcome is the same: we blow up Amalgam and save our friends. SRW, and all. And rescuing Kaname is the primary objective since she's the key to Leonard's plan.
  180. More confusing are the actions of the Chrono reformationists. Why did they decide to destroy Yamsk-11 at that of all times, and for what purpose? If their goal was to stop Leonard's plans, they could have done a better job than half-heartedly blowing up the place. Kei wonders if Advent's one of those higher order beings, because it'd certainly explain the weird powers he's got. And it looks as though Advent's brainwashing aura or whatever is still affecting the team, because a few people think have a hard time believing Advent to be a bad guy despite the part where he attempted to kill us without provocation. And it's not quite their fault, but everybody's still bummed about losing Kurz.
  182. Titi asks Hibiki if he's thinking about Advent, and Hibiki replies that no good comes of thinking about him. He's thinking about the late Kurz and about Maki. He thanks Kurz for always looking out for him, and promises never to forget him. Titi asks if he's still got the hots for the nurse, and he replies no. But when the going was rough and he needed somebody to talk to, she was there. Whether getting close to him was part of her mission or not, he won't forget that fact. Titi comments that Hibiki's been rather blessed, to have people like Suzune and Maki. And Titi herself, says Hibiki. Hibiki thinks about whether Sousuke will be able to do anything for Mao.
  184. Down in the mess hall, Sousuke is awkwardly attempting to cheer up Mao. She asks if he heard about her and Kurz, and he nods. It wasn't anything serious, she says. Just a little playing around to help relieve stress. At her age, she's not about to get serious with a kid like him. He's six years her junior, and he'd stick it in anything that moved, so of course it wasn't serious. Sousuke puts his head down, and apologizes. If he had gotten Tessa to a safe location instead of leaving her unconscious in the basement of a collapsing building, they might have been able to save him. But she doesn't blame him or Tessa, she blames Kurz. She breaks down crying, saying that she did love him, and Sousuke nods solemnly. She tells him not to die, or Tessa, or anybody else. Sousuke thinks about all the friends and comrades he's watched die, yet he doesn't feel sad. He's learned how to smile, but not how to cry. He wonders if somebody like him will ever learn how to mourn properly.
  186. Down in the hangar, Sachs is fuming. He's trying to dock the XL-3 Deployment Booster to the Laevateinn, but it's not going well. AL suggests that he head to the briefing, but Sachs refuses. He's a maintenance officer, so he has no interest in a strategy meeting. His job begins and ends with making sure the units like AL are in fighting fit condition. AL asks him a question: can you imagine suddenly sprouting wings from your back? Sach replies that he might have when he was a kid, and AL states his belief is that the issue might not lie with the XL-3, but himself. Would it be possible for Sachs to increase the number of databus lines before the sortie time? Sachs replies that it's not impossible, but he should already have enough bandwidth. If I were a machine, replies AL. Sachs appreciates that he's not a normal machine, perhaps due in part to the Λ Driver inside of him. Sachs doesn't know if there's time, but he'll roll up his sleeves and try. He and Pinion set to work, while the strategy briefing starts.
  188. The Macross Quarter will be running defence, while the Danann acts as the spearhead of the operation to retake the island. And to give the overview of the operation is Tessa, who thinks about how this might be the final battle for the Danann. But she won't fear or doubt, since she's the Witch of Mithril. And the Witch of Mithril promptly trips on her way up to the podium. As she sits there inwardly blaming the ramp, she realizes she has no way to regain her composure naturally. Kallen whispers to Alto that he should say something to her to clear the air, and Alto delegates to Hibiki, who delegates to Sousuke. Mao tells them to shut up and watch. Tessa looks up and realize that all of the Z-BLUE members are stifling laughter, as a final courtesy to her. She realizes that she's been a fool to think she was bearing the weight of the world alone. They were all here, all along.
  190. She apologizes for the disgraceful show, and Lelouch tells her not to apologize - it was amusing to watch. Tessa regains her composure and begins the briefing. Leonard intends to use the plot device that he's built on the island, to change the world that he considers "twisted" into a shape more pleasing to him. They have all, in their lives thus far, had to experience sorrow. Suffering. (Hibiki's eye twitches). Regrets. There were times when they cursed Fate. But even still, she at least loves this world, and will not stand idly by while some lunatic changes it to suit him. So they will be heading to Merida Island, to crush Leonard's petty ambitions, and save Kaname. But she thinks that if Man could simply go back and change the past as he sees fit, the future would lose any meaning it had. So fight, and win! They've had to endure a lot of BS since beating Anti-Spiral, and it's been a rough few months. But for now, let's just satisfy ourselves by knocking Leonard's teeth out.
  192. Your forced deployment today is Sousuke-Hibiki. The enemy defence force arrives with a two-pronged setup: aquatic mobile suits in the harbor, and ASes in the jungle. Kei theorizes that Full Frontal buys into Leonard's "correct world" nonsense if he's lending mobile suits to Amalgam. There's no sign of the Belial, but Ozma says that he's probably waiting for the opportune moment. The objective will be to get the Danann to an indicated point in the harbor, after which the Laevateinn will be launched to the island. Hibiki will be, in accordance with Kurz's last request, supporting Sousuke.
  194. The enemy force consists of aquatic mobile suits and Lanbolts, while the land force consists primarily of Shadows. No Λ Driver units anywhere, which ought to be a clue that something's not right. The SR point is to get the Danann to the target point within four turns, for Tessa to get at least three kills before then, and to wipe out all of the aquatic enemies.
  196. When the Danann reaches the point, Sachs reports that the Laevateinn won't start up. A Behemoth trundles out of one of the submarine docks and blasts the Danann, hitting the hangar.
  198. Down in the hangar, Sousuke and Hibiki seem to be unharmed, but Pinion comes running over. Sachs lay on the floor on the hangar, blood running from his mouth. He apologizes for not having the Laevateinn up and running yet. Sousuke tries to staunch the bleeding, but Sachs tells him that he knows his days are numbered. He explains to Sousuke about how AL is connected to the booster, and tells him to disconnect him from the extra data buses if AL doesn't wake up. Sachs coughs up blood and says that he doesn't blame anybody for this. He did his best. He slumps onto the floor. Sousuke yells for AL to wake up, and AL responds by inquiring about Sachs. Sousuke replies that Sachs was killed in action as a result of enemy action. AL thanks him for the explanation and begins an connection test for the booster. It fails. AL asks if it's his fault, and Sousuke says that it was an emergency measure, so there's bound to be errors. But AL was referring to what happened to Sachs. Because Sachs was preoccupied with trying to get AL ready, he wasn't able to ensure his own safety. Sousuke wonders if AL feels a sense of guilt, and AL asks him to answer the question. Sousuke asks why he wants to know, if there's a problem. AL replies that there's no issue strategically, but he feels a great sense of loss. Sachs has been maintaining him since he was the Arbalest, and there is nobody more knowledgeable about him. That Sachs will never work on him, or talk with him again, is a loss that goes far beyond strategic value. Furthermore, it's because of AL's own incompatibility that he feels responsible for Sachs' death. Sousuke tells him that it wasn't his fault, and that Sachs' last words were "I don't blame anybody". AL thanks him.
  200. The Danann dispatches the Behemoth by ramming it at full speed. However, the engines are blown out and the Danann is more or less grounded as a result. The Laevateinn and Genion are loaded into the catapult. Sousuke says that Ed "Bruiser" Sachs is with them, and the Laevateinn is launched into the sky. The Booster works a treat, and a designated point to reach is painted on the northern side of the map.
  202. The objective changes to get Sousuke to the designated point. The enemy force is unchanged from the previous phase.
  204. When you get to the point, Sousuke disembarks. Hibiki offers to guard the Laevateinn, but Sousuke says there's no need for that - AL will protect itself. Sousuke combs the entire facility but there's no sign of Kaname, or indeed anyone. He realizes to his horror that Leonard played them for fools. As Sousuke runs back toward Laevateinn, a number of Chodars and Behemoth emerge from hiding places in the jungle. You walked right into Leonard's "trap". One of the Behemoths goes to attack the unmanned Laevateinn, but is sniped from behind from off the map. Kurz shows up alive and well, to Mao's shock. He silently thanks Wraith and his old boss MacAllen for recovering him and his M9. He stops him from explaning how he's alive, deciding that playing the role of the gallant white knight is more interesting. He goes over a suitable badass one liner to deliver to Mao, but she sighs in disgust at him. She thought he had died a manly death but he shows his face now of all times? Kallen tells Kurz to return the tears they shed for him. Crow offers words of comfort, but Kurz is pissed. And what's more, Pinion calls up AL and tells him to rejoice. They managed to save Sachs! AL initially doesn't know how to react, but Sousuke tells him that it's "happiness". They need to hurry up and take out the trash so AL can thank him for the awesome jetpack.
  206. The enemy force finally appears in "earnest". Three Behemoths (23500) and six pairs of Chodars. End them and this stupid stage.
  208. After the field is cleared, you realize that Leonard probably pulled off a successful spacetime quake to move the whole TAROS system elsewhere. And speak of the devil, Mardukas gets a call from Izu Base. Apparently Amalgam has appeared in the ruins of Tokyo-3. Tessa puts out a call to all the other Z-BLUE groups, telling them to rendezvous at Tokyo-3.
  210. Meanwhile at Tokyo-3, Leonard is patting himself on the back for outwitting you. Even without using TARTAROS, spatial transference on this level is a piece of cake. Kaname asks what the meaning of choosing Tokyo-3 as the sight of their Restoration is. He only states that it's so that they could obtain "that". But now, it's merely a matter of time until TARTAROS' control program is finished.
  212. _______
  216. In the briefing room, Tessa is explaining the Whispered and Yamsk stuff for the benefit of the members who were absent. How the concept behind the Yamsk experiment was more or less the Spheres on a different scale - using the human mind to draw out Origin Law. And how Kaname is basically being possessed by Sophia, the victim of the Yamsk experiment. And thanks to the Whispered, the course of history was changed: with the biggest change being the creation of ASes. Except not really, since Yamsk supposedly existed in ADW which had mobile weapons that aren't ASes and ahhhh my eyes are bleeding.
  218. OK. Anyway, Leonard is planning to pull off his own version of a Restoration to "correct" the world. The TARTAROS is the mechanism with which he'll control the event, and we thought it was on Merida Island but nope, sleight of hand. Mari asks why we're bothering to stop him, since it might just create a new parallel world with the "correct" history but leave this one alone. Tessa doesn't rule out the possibility, but there's also the possibility that it'll destroy the world. And besides, we owe it to ourselves to ruin Leonard's plan and rub his face in it because he's a complete dick. Everybody agrees with this.
  220. Banjou comments that on the eve of the World Collapse, they've got to deal with stuff like this. But Kei thinks that this battle will have a big meaning, because it might point them in the direction of the third Singularity they need. In theory, if you bring all the Singularities to the Greater Singularity, you could restore the multiverse to its original state. And Kei theorizes that Kaname is the third Singularity, especially if she's the proximate cause of the distortion of the world. Nono feels a certain kinship with Kaname, since she too harbours a mysterious power. Nicola seems to be heavy in thought about the idea of a Restoration. Shinji thinks so too, but Nicola snaps at him that only people who've tasted true despair should talk about "changing the world". Shinji doubles over in pain from the excessive irony in his bloodstream. Takeru tells Nicola to relax, and Nicola retorts with YOU DON'T KNOW ME MAAAN and storms off in a huff. Shinji looks rather hurt and Noriko pats him on the back, telling him not to pay Nicola any mind. Kaworu thinks that what Leonard is trying to do is a rather interesting idea. He tells Shinji that his next sortie will be one of great significance to him, for he'll be able to confirm something for himself.
  222. Down in the core of the TARTAROS, Leonard comments that Z-BLUE are coming, along with Sousuke and Tessa. Dark Kaname corrects him, stating that she killed both of them in Yamsk-11. Leonard knows that was merely one possibility she envisioned, but says nothing. Soon the TARTAROS will be ready to wage a revolution against Fate. She will seize the reins of mankind's destiny and steer it to a better world for everyone. But it's strange... there are times where she feels like she's not quite herself. Something that feels like it's fighting against her. Leonard chalks it up to tiredness, but he tells her to just focus on her task. He calculates his own chance of winning at 90%. Is he lacking in confidence then, she asks? The enemy is the most powerful fighting force on this planet. If he fought them ten times, he might lose once, says Leonard. She comments on his modesty, but he claims to always be modest (pffft). He seriouses up a bit, and tells her that he'd like to meet her on the other side. She agrees, and says that they'll go find a place with nice weather and have some tea together. And they'll invite Tessa along. And she'll be able to see her friends again, and her mom. And everybody will be hale and hearty and she'll finally get her happiness. What about him (Sousuke), asks Leonard. "Who?" replies Kaname. Leonard tells her not to worry about it. Leonard starts to leave, since he needs to go use "that" to create a fissure in the dimensional boundary. She warns him to be careful, since "that" can be quite a handful. He leaves. Kaname, after thinking about it, realizes that Leonard was referring to Sousuke. She wonders why she forgot about somebody who was supposed to be important to her, but assumes that it's repressed guilt for having killed him. But it's stupid to think that way, since he only died "in this world". Once the world is saved, she can go to see him at her leisure. And so it's time for her to save the world.
  224. Out in the Tokyo-3 crater, Amalgam are out in force. And not only that, Beck is here as well with a few of his mass-production Victory Deluxes. Beck seems bored and listless, having lost his interest since Gates died and Kan Yu went MIA. And what's more, Beck can't make himself give a damn about this battle. He doesn't care about the potential repercussions of Leonard's plan, since he'll just live like he always did in the new world. He continues griping but just then, Z-BLUE arrives on the scene.
  226. 16 deployment slots. Your forced deployments are Sousuke-Hibiki and, bizarrely Shinji-Akagi. Roger's rather surprised to see Beck as the welcoming party. Leonard's plan seems to be underway too, since the dimensional boundary is twisting and turning. Shinji's getting a weird feeling for some reason, and Kaworu feels it too... the same feeling as before.
  228. The enemy force is a right mess. Chodars, Firebugs, and a bunch of random mobile suits. There is no SR point at the start.
  230. After you've dispatched a few enemies, enemy reinforcements arrive in the form of the Ninth and Tenth Angels. Everybody is confused, but Kaworu explains that it's because of this area. Cause and effect are becoming obfuscated, and before and after have lost their meaning. In other words, because. Shinji yells that he's going to destroy both of them. Both the Angel that hurt Asuka and the Angel that took Ayanami.
  232. The SR point objective pops here, to destroy either of the two Angels in a single attack. The Ninth Angel has 59500 HP while the Tenth Angel has 61500 HP.
  234. If you want the Beck secret, Convince him with Roger and then shoot him down with Big-O. When you talk to him, Beck expresses that he's no intention of buying into Roger's smooth talking. Roger merely asks him why he keeps fighting. Running around and making a nuisance of himself with the Firebugs is all well and good, but Beck doesn't seem himself lately. Beck's always been small-time thug, but Roger thinks it's rather unbecoming for him to
  235. team up with somebody who wants to destroy the world. Beck asks if he's picking a fight, and Roger replies that it's his prerogative whether he takes it like that. Beck, steaming mad, yells that he's going to smash Roger's face in and THEN think about the future. Roger replies that for the sake of Beck's rehabilitation, Roger will play along. Beck realizes that he's played right into Roger's hand anyway.
  237. If you get the SR point, Tessa's jaw drops that you just one-shotted an Angel. Once you beat both Angels, the remaining one goes after EVA-13. It starts beating the stuffing out of the EVA, but Kaworu insists that nobody needs to intervene to help. Lal'C asks if they intend to dying, and Kaworu replies that if Shinji so chooses, yes. Kaworu asks Shinji what he'd do if he couldn't change the past. Would he live on, burdened by what he's done, or just run away. Everybody yells at Shinji not to think about such stupid things. Lelouch yells that even if you don't change the past, you can change the future. Neither fate nor the curse of his father matter, what does Shinji see right now? Shinji realizes that he musn't run away. All of a sudden, something bursts out of the ground at the bottom of the crater. It's the Spear, which flies into EVA-13's outstretched hand. And then Shinji uses it to disembowel the Angel.
  239. Mari wonders if that Spear is Longinus or Cassius, but in either case, this might get dicey. Asuka is fine with it though, but if the second Spear shows up then they'll... but she trails off, and Shinji is surprised to see the Spear here. Kaworu explains that Leonard was using it to forcibly distort spacetime. But it's too early to celebrate, because even deprived of the Spear, the dimensional boundary is continuing to warp. Leonard appears, stating that the loss of the Spear was unexpected, but it already served its purpose. Leonard comments that the project is moving into its second phase. Next, ι wave emissions will kill roughly 80% of the population of the Earth (what).
  241. Everybody does a double take here, and Setsuko asks why he has to kill people. Leonard is surprised that you don't already know, but explains in order to force a Restoration according to a individual's will, they have to kill off as many people as possible to minimize the resistive effects of the Power of Life. The Restorations that took place during the Pluralization War and the Jigoku Campaign involved the unification of nearly the entire human race's will to accomplish, but he won't be needing that this time. But he assures you that there's no need to worry, since the dead will live new lives in the corrected world. Your guys tell him to sod off, since he's just basically creating a new parallel world from the death of this one. They wonder if Leonard thinks that they're going to roll over and let him do as he pleases.
  243. Leonard replies that he has never needed your permission from the start. Enemy reinforcements arrive in the form of thirty-someodd Behemoth units. After fighting the first wave of enemies and the Angels, your strength has been reduced. And while he entertains the possibility you might break through the Behemoths too, it'll buy him the time he needs. So how about you just hold up the white flag already? But Sousuke flies over into the thick of the Behemoths, and Leonard comments that a kamikaze attack is most unbefitting. But Tessa tells him that nobody has any intention of dying here today. Sousuke yells for AL to activate the Faerie's Wings. Leonard's trousers fill as Tessa explains that the Faerie's Wings are a countermeasure devised by Mira, which temporarily cancels the effects of all Λ Drivers in the area. To pull it off, Sousuke needs the opposite mental image needed to activate the Λ Driver. Sousuke accomplishes this by yelling that the whole technology is a bunch of stupid mystical bullshit. This declaration works a treat, and the designer of the Behemoth is traumatically reminded of a really stupid idea he had one night after eight pints. Bereft of their Λ Drivers, the Behemoths can no longer support their own weight and collapse into piles of scrap.
  245. Sousuke decides to follow up with a message for Kaname. He thought about trying to find a kinder way to say it, but this is who he is. He's disappointed in her. He always thought she was better than this. In fact, from the start, she pissed him off. Always smacking him upside the head without ever once taking into consideration that he was having difficulty settling into a peaceful life. And more to the point, he's not even entirely sure that she's worth going through all this to save. And every time he got close to rescuing her, he was foiled by her dragging her feet like some kind of tragic princess. Kaname notes that going on like this isn't like him, and that it's probably a ploy to confuse her.
  247. Whatever happened to "let's go back together?" yells Sousuke. Looks like she's just a lying bitch. And if she wants to argue, she can come over here and smack him upside the head like usual. Kaname starts to feel unwell, and replies by stating that whoever this is, he's just imitating the real Sousuke's voice. But it's pointless, since TARTAROS is already prepped and ready. Soon the ι wave emissions will begin. Sure, a lot of people will die, but soon this terrible world will end and new world wi- "Shut up" cuts across Sousuke. She tries to reply but he says that he told her to shut up, he's talking to Kaname. She replies that she IS Kaname, but he says that she's Sophia. Kaname, confused, says that Sophia died 18 years ago in Yamsk-11. He tells her to shut up again. Did she think he came all the way here just to try and convince her with tears in his eyes? Unfortunately for her, he's not piloting a Gundam, but an AS. He came here to very thoroughly ruin every one of their stupid little plans. And what's more, he tells everybody who can hear him to listen closely.
  249. He's about to wreck everything. He specializes in burning stuff to the ground. And he's going to turn all their retarded occult nonsense into a pile of scrap in 5 seconds and reduce them into sobbing wrecks, begging him to stop. And he wants to be there to see the looks on their faces, and licks the tears off their cheeks. And he'll record videos of their pitiful state and put them on YouTube for all the world to see. By the time he's done with them, they'll still be the punchline to a joke told 12000 years in the future. Kaname replies that he doesn't understand a thing. What they want is a gentle, peaceful and transpare-
  250. "Just shut up, you bitch."
  251. Kaname's eye twitches. Sousuke says that he's going to spray diarrhea all over her "gentleness" and "transparency". And more to the point, he's calling the shots here, not her. All she can do is knuckle under and try and stop him with all his might. That's what war is, and he bloody loves it. Now, get ready.
  253. He finishes, and thanks the others for letting him say his piece. Hibiki gives Sousuke a thumbs-up, saying that Sousuke said what he wanted to say. Sousuke asks which part, and Hibiki wisely replies "use your imagination". An attack comes flying at them, and Sousuke takes the hit for Hibiki. Unfortunately, the hit damaged the shoulders, rendering the Faerie's Wings inoperable. Leonard appears in the Belial, flanked by six more Behemoths. Leonard praises him for his earlier monologue, and for noticing it was Sophia he was talking to. Sousuke thinks about how those insults and provocations were the best he could come up with. He thinks they'd reach her better than coming up with some sappy talk about love unsuited to him. And on that note, if the real Kaname was listening, he'll have hell to pay later. Leonard comments that a tactic like that suits Sousuke to a tee. Sousuke asks Leonard why he goes along with a woman that he knows isn't Kaname, despite professing to love her. Leonard replies that it's all for the sake of the plan. Sousuke translates that as him just wanting to reject the current world. Leonard corrects him that he's returning it to the way it should be. Sousuke says they're just going in circles. Leonard replies that they're just destined to get in each other's way. In that case, there's nothing left but to settle things the old fashioned way.
  255. Tessa yells at Leonard, but he fires at the Quarter, telling her to butt out. The attack hits one of the crew quarter blocks, and Titi lets out a yelp. Sousuke reminds Leonard that he's the opponent, and Leonard asks if he thinks he can dodge the Isaiahan Bone Bow. Hibiki identifies the attack as being an "arrow" made of directed kinetic energy using the Λ Driver. Sousuke can't generate a barrier if he can't see the projectile. Tessa pinpoints Kaname's location, and Mardukas sends in the ground troops to secure her. But be careful, since Kalinin is probably the one leading the enemy forces.
  257. The enemy force now consists the Belial (18200 HP, 182000 with the Λ Driver. Drops a Palladium Reactor) and six Behemoths (37500 HP). Leonard finally feels a bit more boss-like, and has his Isaiahan Bone Bow finisher now. Still a 0% chance to hit Chirico though, but this isn't Chirico's fight. Once you've knocked half of the Belial's HP off (probably in one hit), Leonard shakes his head, stating that he cannot understand your thought processes. He tells you to dispense of the pretenses and speak honestly. He's looked into your pasts. Some of you have lost loved ones or have a past they regret. Shinn, Kira, Shinji and Setsuko. Some of you have a future that you're afraid of. Nicola, Asuka, Hibiki. Some of you are gripped by anxiety, and want to just run away. Crow, Banagher. If you just trust him, he can free you from all of that. Hibiki comments that his choice of ride (Belial) is well-picked, since it's like listening to the whispers of the Devil. Tessa goes to reply and he tells her that he's not interested in what she has to say. He wants to hear what each and everyone in Z-BLUE thinks. But even if you don't agree with him, the Restoration is still to your benefit.
  259. After all, the mental contamination from the ι waves will more or less annihilate the Gaia Empire. Their Reactors will survive, but not likely anybody else. The same goes for Z-BLUE: your minds are strong enough to withstand it. However, it'll be curtains for the so-called civilians and the Empire's cannon fodder. And after that, it'll just need the survivors, the strong to come together and retake the Earth. Banjou states that by the sound of it, Leonard thinks only the strong should survive. That's exactly what Leonard is getting it, since without them, there's no way to stand against the future of despair.
  261. And as if to drill home the point, a quartet of unpleasant guests show up. Mykage, Hades, Zule and Space Dad. They came here to see Leonard's attempt to wield the power of God while remaining a Man. All of them shake their heads in disgust at mankind, with Hades commenting that all is being guided by the Origin Law. And to make matters worse, Advent shows up. He tells the "dark gods" that they have underestimated the power of mankind. Advent waves cheerfully at Hibiki, stating he's pleased at how much Hibiki has grown. Land asks if Advent's come to gawk at them too, but Advent says that his intentions are a bit different. He's come here to encourage Leonard for trying to use the power of the gods. The sight of humans struggling against the future of despair is beautiful in its own way. Zule says that if you mean to turn your eyes from the Truth, then that's your own business. Hades invites you to keep killing each other. After all, you're just a failed species who will fail to reach the throne of godhood. They leave. Advent says that he is, and ever will be, your ally. And he will await the way when you fight alongside him again. He leaves as well.
  263. When the Belial is defeated, you get 200000 extra funds (his ill-gotten gains, as one Anon explained). Leonard is horrified that the Belial somehow lost to a bunch of guys who start their mornings fighting space gods instead of doing the crossword puzzle. Leonard gets whiny, claiming that the Belial didn't lose to Sousuke, but to Z-BLUE (except that I soloed him with Sousuke). Furthermore, losing his AS doesn't mean that he's lost. In other words, says Sousuke translating from bitch to Japanese, Leonard won't admit defeat unless Sousuke's the one who finishes him off. Leonard says that finally, Sousuke is beginning to understand him. And that's not all he understands, says Sousuke. Tessa told him to tell Leonard that "she knew about Mom."
  265. Leonard's composure drops like a house of cards. Sousuke has no idea what that taunt meant, but enjoys the reaction it got. Leonard demands to know why Tessa is getting in his way if she knew. Tessa's messed up in the head, he says. She really is that slut's daughter. Leonard goes completely crackers and attacks Sousuke in a blind rage.
  267. Down in TARTAROS, Dark Kaname ponders the nature of the "gods", the higher order beings. Once she saves the world with this power, she will become like the Fates: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. And now, the world's change shall begin.
  269. The activation is perceptible to Tessa. Sousuke moves to head toward the TARTAROS, but Leonard tells him that's too late. He can feel it, the worlds overlapping. Each and every possibility, traveling back into the past. The world's alteration has begun, though you lot can't perceive it. But there's no need to despair, since she will make everything better.
  271. In the TARTAROS, Dark Kaname keeps whispering. Further and further, with strength enough to reach the past. To turn this twisted world into a peaceful one where nobody needs to be hurt. With her voice as the thread, she will repair the frayed tapestry of the world. If she can just redo everything from that day, 18 years ago. She'll be able to live peacefully with her family, and enjoy life with her friends. But another voice in her head interrupts. A woman's voice. Is it her voice? No, she didn't say anything. It's probably just white noise caused by Sousuke's earlier outburst. Dark Kaname yells for the voice, which keeps growing louder, to stop. But then the voice rings loud and clear:
  274. The real Kaname rants and raves about how one-sided it is for Sousuke to insult her when she can't yell back. He doesn't know what she's had to go through, she was supposed to just be a normal girl. And where does he get off, calling her arrogant, a disappointment, and a liar!? And why does she have to take crap from a pessimistic war freak like him. If anybody's disappointed, it's her. With all the time he had, he couldn't have come up with any words of comfort!? Why couldn't he have just yelled "I WUB YOU GANAME~" with snot streaming from his nose. Why can't he treat her like he treats Tessa, is it cause she's such a good little girl? At least, she's not a spineless, stupid, lying bitch like me! Sophia, who is almost literally Dark Kaname, appears to have a design by Shikidouji that's just basically "Kaname with glowing orange eyes". Sophia realizes that she wasn't her true self up until now that they've separated. She's Sophia, the other is Kaname. But that's fine. Sophia simply needs to bend her will for good this time.
  276. Kaname stretches, having gotten that out of her system. She thanks Sousuke for letting her be heard again. Kaname asks what Sophia intends to do now. Sophia replies that it's already begun, and just to let it finish. But Kaname doesn't agree, and won't help her, since it has nothing to do with her. Sophia knew that'd be the case. Kaname says that she feels sorry for Sophia, but she can't just go taking over somebody else's life and live it as a lie. Sophia died, eighteen years ago. Sophia replies that she died horribly, tragically. She can't be expected to just accept that. Does Kaname intend for her to just accept that she was sacrificed for the sake of an experiment? Kaname thinks it's terrible.
  278. Sophia thanks her. She can tell that Kaname truly sympathizes with her. But even still, Kaname says, her life is her own. And she won't give it to anyone. And she won't let Sophia make sacrifices of the people of this world. Sophia replies that they have to, but Kaname repeats that she won't help. Sophia asks if she's sure about stopping now. Right now, the fight is raging outside. If she were to see her beloved meet his end, would she still say the same thing? As if to prove the point, Sophia shows the Laevateinn's cockpit being crushed by the Belial.
  280. The cockpit has been destroyed, said Sophia. His life is over. And unlike the illusion she saw in Yamsk, this is reality. After seeing that, can she really not consider the choice worth making? She should understand the feelings of not wanting to accept that kind of loss. After all, it's the same feeling she had four years ago when her mother died. And it's not like she just overcame it. All she did was hold back the tears. Kaname screams at the memory. Sophia says that she can't bring herself to accept a reality like this, can she? And she doesn't have to. Soon light will envelop this world, and what awaits is the world that Sophia wishes for.
  282. But there's nothing here. This is the world that Kaname wants. But there's nothing here, says Sophia. She too, wished for a world without war. Where she could just live in peace with her friends and family. Where Sousuke was just a normal boy, who she met and fell in love with. But in that world, his cheek isn't scarred. The scar, a symbol of the battles he fought. What she longs for isn't "Sagara-kun" but the boy who was raised by a cruel, merciless world of death and destruction. A boy raised by war and chaos. Sagara Sousuke. So she's going back to her world. Sophia demands to know if she's just going to let him, her mother, and everybody else die. The greatest sin of all, to do nothing and abandon them.
  284. But there's nothing she can do about it, says Kaname. But there is, yells Sophia. She can let a new melody play out. All she's doing now is trying to run away. But Kaname replies that she's neither running away nor giving up. Even if the world will end a moment from now, she believes there's meaning in living out that moment. So she'll continue to live. In a world without him. Sophia accuses her of being selfish, of not using the power that could bring everybody back from the death (but also kill several billion people but eh details). What about Sousuke!? She'll regret that. But it's too late, says Kaname. And besides... he wouldn't have fallen in love with her if she was the type to break down crying and try to reset everything. Sophia begs her to stop. Kaname yells that it's time for her to show him that she's got guts. The world shatters like a pane of glass. Sophia starts to disappear. Even if Sousuke is gone, says Kaname through tears, she'll move on. She'll forget about him, and find an even better man, and live a happy life. Kaname wakes up in the TARTAROS. She breaks down sobbing, crying out Sousuke's name.
  286. Hibiki cries out for Sousuke. Leonard seems shocked that Sousuke made no attempt to dodge. AL tells him that he won't get away. Leonard realizes to his horror that Sousuke isn't in the cockpit, that the Laevateinn was under AI control. He looks around for Sousuke, and finds him too late. Standing off to the side, Sousuke fires at him and hits the Belial's palladium reactor, finishing it off. Leonard recognizes the gun as an Armour Magnum. Sousuke replies that he borrowed the gun and the tactic from Chirico. Leonard bails from the Belial in time, but Sousuke keeps the gun trained on him. He's surprised that Sousuke kept such a trick up his sleeve until the bitter end, and Sousuke expresses that he's surprised himself.
  288. Leonard is surprised at how much Tessa's taunt affected him. He doesn't know how Tessa did all this, despite knowing what their mother did. He always thought she was stupid and unreliable, but he realizes that she was tougher than him. He never understood why, but for as long as he can remember, he's thought the world and everyone in it was stupid. He knew it was abnormal, and he hated it. But this was the only way he knew of to become "normal". Sousuke understands the sentiment. He too, has always wanted to become normal. Leonard tells him that he won't be able to do it. Sousuke replies with a shrug. Leonard says that they finally understood each other a little. Does Sousuke think they'll die here, now that they've finally started their friendship? Sousuke replies no, and Leonard says "me neither". He hits a switch, triggering the self-destruct device on the spacetime oscillation bomb beneath them. In ten minutes, everything within a 20 kilometer radius of Tokyo-3 will be pulled into it. He doesn't know why the world's alteration stopped, but it did. Therefore, if he just self-destructs the TARTAROS, it'll take Kaname with i... but before he can finish the sentence, he is shot dead. By Kalinin, who states that he can't afford to lose the girl. Sousuke yells that he still intends to go through with the plan, but Kalinin says nothing.
  290. Kaname steps out of the facility. She's happy to see Sousuke, but Kalinin uses the opportunity to scarper. Sousuke yells for Hibiki to look after Kaname, and goes to chase after Kalinin. Sousuke yells back that he can't afford to let Kalinin go, or he'll keep hunting Kaname. He promises Kaname that he'll be right back. Jeffrey orders everybody back into the ships, and the rescue of any enemy soldiers who have surrendered. Sousuke takes one last look at Leonard's corpse, and laments that it came to be like this. He had such power, why couldn't he have thought of a better way to use it? Sousuke doesn't like this. Now that Leonard's dead, Sousuke realizes there was a whole lot he wanted to say to him. He clicks his tongue in frustration and chases after Kalinin.
  292. He catches up to Kalinin in the facility and after both have used up their ammunition, pull out their knives. Kalinin is surprised that Sousuke came after him, and Sousuke replies that he wanted to finish things himself. He'll at least listen to Kalinin's excuses, but Kalinin replies that he'll just get angry. Damn right says Sousuke, and the two begin exchanging blows. Kalinin kicks Sousuke and taunts him, asking if he can't fight without an AS. They exchange more attacks, and Kalinin states that even though he taught Sousuke how to fight, there's one thing he's always thought. That Sousuke had no talent for it. Sousuke already knew that though. He's no match for Kalinin in CQB, he's inferior in both marksmanship and piloting. His only strength is being too stubborn to die. Sousuke charges him down and again and they lock blades, with Kalinin's knife shattering. Sousuke tells him that it's over, and Kalinin asks if he's not going to finish him off. But Sousuke can't do it. He can't kill the man who he regarded as a father.
  294. And that, says Kalinin, is why he said Sousuke had no talent. He was merely a lamb brought up amongst wolves. He didn't need to be covered in blood or tear apart flesh, but he did so anyway. To survive. Where else could you find such a pitiable creature? This isn't how Sousuke should have been. He should never have been called Kasim or Uruz-7. Ever since the day that Kalinin recovered him from that crashed airliner, he's thought the same thing. That there was a better place for him. Kalinin suddenly coughs up a mouthful of blood, and Sousuke realizes that he was already injured. Z-BLUE's ground forces were originally his subordinates, so it's only natural that he end up like this after fighting them.
  296. This is Sousuke's final trial, says Kalinin. To teach Sousuke who he is. The fact that Sousuke couldn't finish him off, means only one thing. He's a good kid. Sousuke tells him to stop. Kalinin gasps that he only wanted to bring Sousuke and himself, back to where Irina and his child were. He never told Sousuke, but his wife died in a medical accident, along with the child she was pregnant with. Is that that why Kalinin betrayed them, roars Sousuke. Is that why a man of Kalinin's calibur bought into such a girly faerie tale!? Kalinin asks if Sousuke thought he was invincible. Sousuke yells back that isn't that what fathers are like!? Kalinin replies that when you peel away the exterior, all fathers are like that. And Kalinin collapses, repeating Sousuke's mother's last words to him: "Live."
  298. In the Quarter's hangar, Hibiki is planning to go back for Sousuke. The other shout him down, telling him that Sousuke made his choice. But Hibiki doesn't want to accept it. AG clomps over, saying that there's still hope.
  300. Back at the Laevateinn, AL welcomes Sousuke home. Sousuke's surprised to see him here, but AL replies that he's basically a pile of scrap by now. Z-BLUE have already reached a safe distance, over the Pacific. Sousuke doesn't know if Kalinin had meant "go" or "live", but feels like he heard it somewhere before. AL asks if he's not going to run, and Sousuke says there's nowhere to run to. There's no way they'd be able to escape the blast radius in time. AL laments that Sousuke lacks an ability like Hibiki's Clock Up. Sousuke's sure Hibiki got Kaname to safety, and is glad he got to see her one last time. AL expresses his satisfaction that they managed to pay that cheating prick back for what he did to them at the school. Sousuke's bemused that AL was holding a grudge against the Belial, and asks how long they have left. AL replies 5 minutes, and states that they're receiving some data from AG.
  302. Sousuke thinks it's probably something stupid about how many Z-Chips his death will produce, but decides to watch it anyway. It's a video of his friends at Jindai, uploaded to the Internet since they couldn't contact them directly. Kyouko (with glasses, tch) tells him that, as he can see, they're all doing well and are waiting for them. Ono D apologizes for blowing up at Sousuke and blaming him for everything. Sousuke thanks AG for showing him something comforting in his last moments. AG blows up at him, angrily reminding him that he's got a Λ Driver. Sousuke says it's useless, Laevateinn's TAROS got destroyed. Because it can't trace his mental patterns, he won't be able to use the Λ Driver. AG is distraught, but Sousuke tells him that it's fine and thanks him. He cuts the connection to AG. There's only one minute left. As the quake begins to form, tears roll down Sousuke's face. He doesn't want to die. He doesn't want to die. He wants to go home. With Kaname, and everybody else. To their school.
  303. DVE here.
  304. AL: "Before I try something, I would like to ask you a question. Am I a human? Or a machine?"
  305. Sousuke: "You... you should decide that for yourself. That's what all humans do."
  306. AL: "Thank you..."
  307. Sousuke: "For what...?"
  308. AL: "I will try and do it myself."
  309. The quake erupts, and Sousuke is subsumed into light. But in the white silence, the sound of a familiar machine can be heard.
  311. The others return to the scene of the quake, but there's no sign of Sousuke. AG apologizes. He though he could use the Z-Crystal to attune everybody's wishes with the Λ Driver and make a force field. But with the Laevateinn's cockpit destroyed, it wasn't enough. Alto says it's nobody's fault, they all did what they could. Kaname thinks about how happy she was when she got to the surface and saw that he was alive. She thought she could forget all of the sadness and the pain, but in the end, it turned out like this. He broke his promise. To the bitter end, he betrayed her expectations. She yells in anger at him, calling him a gloomy, muttsuri, war-loving freak.
  313. A voice behind her states that he's offended. He won't deny that he's gloomy and a war-freak, but he's not a muttsuri anymore. She turns around to see Sousuke. As promises, he's back. She doesn't know how, since the Λ Driver couldn't be used. Sousuke replies that while he was useless, AL managed to do it. The cockpit was destroyed, but the core unit was undamaged. But even Sousuke was shocked, that AL could activate the Λ Driver alone and generate a force field with it. And with everybody's feelings transmitted to him, was able to shield against the quake. But even so, he needs to apologize to her. Even though he promised to bring her back to the school, his battle isn't over yet. It will be a while yet before he can return to Jindai. In which case, says Kaname, she'll just have to stay with him in Z-BLUE as an honorary member. Sousuke opens his mouth to say something, and she asks if she's lost her value now that she's not a Whispered anymore. Now that Sophia's gone, she can't feel the powers anymore. So she's just a regular girl now, as opposed to a genius commander like Tessa. Would she just be dead weight to Z-BLUE? He assures her that she won't, he can vouch for her cooking skills. So stay by his side, always. And does she remember the promise he made to her in Niquero? She does, and immediately turns red. And as she can see, they met again. He asks if she doesn't want to, but she says that Kallen and Alto and the others are running this way. It'd be embarrassing to do it here in full view of everyone, she says. No problem, replies Sousuke and pulls her into a kiss.
  314. Kaname: "Don't let go of me."
  315. Sousuke: "Yeah..."
  316. Kaname: "Always stay with me."
  317. Sousuke: "Of course. As long as I have you, I don't need a weapon."
  318. Z-BLUE cheers for them.
  320. On the Quarter's bridge, Cathy reports that they're recovering the Laevateinn. Bobby gives Tessa a thumbs-up. She thinks about the fact that she's calm about her brother's death. She thinks that she'll probably suffer for this some day, since she's the cause of his death. Despite what he was, he was the last family she had. Miina pulls up a casualty report for the battle, and Jeffrey declares that they cannot afford to let them have died in vain. But all of a sudden, news comes through from Izu Base. Possibly as a result of that last quake, but a fissure in the dimensional boundary has formed in Earth's orbit, and Ba'al are pouring out of it. The order is given to intercept, and Tessa thinks to herself that she will continue to protect the world that Leonard disparaged as "wrong". That is the duty of Z-BLUE, who crushed his ambitions.
  322. _______
  324. STAGE 42 - FLAME
  327. On board the Quarter, Titi's getting a burial in space very sad. She wanted to be buried in a place where she could see both Earths, says Hibiki. Which is peculiar since, while my grasp of biology is admittedly a bit outdated, I'm fairly certain dead people can't actually see. Everybody expresses their sadness for the crepy girl who used to mock Hibiki whenever he was suffering, and quantified people solely by how much entertainment she derived from them. And then the capsule is released, and we'll never see Titi again ever. Nope. Sousuke asks Hibiki if his head's gonna be in the game for when they fight Ba'al in a few moments, and Hibiki assures him it will. If he can't do it alone, says Sousuke, he's always here to help. Hibiki thanks him. And he thinks to himself that even though they stopped Leonard's plan, he's left his mark on them.
  329. In the crew quarters, Nono pledges to protect Titi's beloved Earth. Nicola comes in, telling her that the damaged sections are more or less repaired now. Nono asks Nicola if he's sad about Titi too, and Nicola airly replies that he's not sure about that. In a word, he's feeling more... "envious" than sad. Because she died without having to taste the despair that lays ahead. Nono assures him that they'll be able to avert the cosmic Bad End, but he shakes his head. As he suspected, she has no idea about what he's feeling. About how his time is almost up, and he's due to lose his Topless powers any day now. He grabs her, and she tries to shake him off, yelling for him to stop. She doesn't understand, he screams. The fear of losing his Topless powers. And to escape that fear, he will resort to any means, even if it means selling his soul to the Devil. And that's why he wants Nono's power. He wants her all. Because she's a Buster Machine - and isn't that essentially an eternal Topless?
  331. He yells for her to give all that she is to him. The door opens and Noriko storms in, screaming at Nicola to let her go. Lal'C and Shinji are there too, having come to fetch Nono for the briefing. Noriko tells him to let her go again, and he acquiesces. After all, it'd be a pain in the arse if even more people were to show up. Shinji asks him why he's doing this, and Nicola yells back that neither him nor Takeru get it. Takeru's powers don't come with an expiration date - he'll always be strong. And Shinji just got an EVA from his dad. And he's terrified of losing his powers, because to him that's the same as dying. He tells them off from trying to stop them, saying that if he had known this would happen, he'd have been better off throwing his lot in with Leonard. At least then, he'd have gotten what he wanted. Noriko scathingly asks him if that's all he has to say for himself. No matter what his reasoning, she will not forgive him for hurting Nono, or Lal'C or Shinji. Lal'C blows up at him, demanding to know why he never tried to rely on her. She always knew that his kindness was fake, but she still liked him. So why is it now that he can't even look at her? He gets a DVE here, where he screams that it's because he's a Topless that it became like this. It's all so stupid. He storms out of the room. Nono tries to say something to Lal'C, who yells that she's not Nono's "onee-sama" and leaves as well.
  333. Shinji laments that it came to this, and Noriko says she's proud of him. Even though he could have, he didn't try and do the whole stupid "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME" thing that Nicola did. She, Akagi, and everyone in the Volunteer Club have realized it. That since the last time they met, something terrible happened to him. Shinji merely murmurs, wondering if it's so wrong to want to redo things. If there existed a way to go back and do everything over, is it so wrong to want to use it? And not in a way like Leonard's, that would destroy humanity in the process. If Shinji knew of a way, he would... but Noriko interjects by stating that she doesn't have answer to his question. But for her part, she wouldn't redo it. Because no matter how much suffering and sorrow she had to endure, the "present her" is a result of those tribulations. So regretting what's done and agonizing over it is natural, but she doesn't want to try and do it over. Shinji asks if she doesn't want to return to her original world. Noriko replies that it'd be a lie to claim that she doesn't, but that she's prepared for that.
  335. In her original world, she and Kazumi chose to become stranded in the currents of time in order to assure mankind's success in the final battle with the STMC. By the time they would have returned to Earth, it would be a far future that would possibly have forgotten them, if mankind even still existed. But even still, they chose that outcome. Because protecting everyone else, is their duty. Though in the end, it wasn't some far-flung future, but some completely unfamiliar world entirely she says with a smile. But you know Shinji, she says, she doesn't regret it at all. Because she's giving her all to protect this world, and has no time to sit around and agonize about what's passed. And what's more... feelings transcend both time and space. No matter where, or how much time passes, the people you love are always in your hearts...
  337. Z-BLUE arrives in the Blue Earth's orbit (17 deployment slots). Noriko-Lal'C are your forced deployment. There's a black hole here, though with no detectable gravity well due to the dimensional boundary is twisted so tightly around it. In other words, not unlike Space Dad. Yoko wonders what's with all the Topless members at a time like this, since their minds seem elsewhere. Tycho knows, but states that it's a delicate matter that doesn't necessarily need any more spectators. Amuro says to let them be, and Quess comments that's rather a cold thing to say. But Amuro wisely replies that meddling in other's affairs all the time is doing them a disservice. Especially with someone like Nicola. Setsuna states that listening to Amuro, he's beginning to realize how difficult it is to achieve "understanding". And speaking of understanding, what comes out of the black hole are surprisingly the ELS. Apollo wonders what they hell they are, since they just look like lumps of metal. And Tieria explains that... that's basically what they are. They're basically the bad guy from Terminator 2 except with the worrying ability to assimilate stuff. And people who get attacked by them suffer some kind of mental damage, so if your pilots reach a dangerous level, they'll be pulled off the battlefield. Sousuke reasons that since they're basically metal, communication's out of the question so they're probably yet another Ba'al. Setsuna's not sure on that front though. Lal'C seems out of it, and Noriko tells her to get her head in the game or she's going to die. Noriko once knew somebody who suppressed her own feelings in order to fight for Earth. That person was her own onee-sama. Lal'C seems to come around.
  339. The enemy force consists of four "battleship" ELS (23100 HP) and eighteen pairs of the normal ones. If you didn't take any of the space routes thus far, this'll be your first time fighting the ELS. Essentially, their attacks have an attribute called Encroachment that causes you to lose 10 morale on any attack that causes damage. If your main pilot's morale is reduced below 80 as a result of Encroachment, they are shot down without regard to their HP. However, they innately possess Barrier Penetration so dodging is the best course. For amusement, activate the Moonlight Butterfly special ability which will completely prevent them from acting.
  341. Once you clear the ELS, you're told to wait until the third player phase. Tieria comments that he's detecting that they seem to possess quantum brainwaves. Shinn wonders if they're aiming for Innovators and Newtypes for that reason. Amuro and Haman worry about the prospect, and Nicola obnoxiously asks if they're afraid of the idea of being targeted. Haman goes to retort but Char tells her to ignore him. Quantum brainwaves and psychowaves aren't limited to Innovators and Newtypes, says Amuro. Everybody has them, however the average person's are significantly weaker. But since the Great Quake, the rate at which people are becoming Newtypes has accelerated. The same seems to hold true for Innovators as well, as they've confirmed Innovators beyond Setsuna. Apparently, a French philosopher and a dude who talks to spirits or something. Mankind is evolving, it would seem, just like Z-BLUE.
  343. At that moment, more enemies appear on the eastern side of the map, but they're Vajra this time. And judging by the red carapaces, they're not the swarm being controlled by the Galaxy. And then to make matters worse, some STMC come out of the black on the northwestern corner of the map. Nicola comments that Ba'al appears to be gathering, and Alto tells him that the Vajra aren't part of Ba'al. Nicola says that it amounts to the same, they're hostile to humanity. Alto explains that they just need some time to understand humans, and Nicola replies sure, if he doesn't mind the prospect of them wiping out mankind before then. Mari says it's no use, he's activated party pooper mode. Nono yells that with the STMC here, it's time for the Topless to show their stuff. Lal'C blows her off again, and Noriko tells Nono not to worry about it: focus on their job. Nono mutters a reply and Noriko tells her to say it again, with feeling. Nono snaps to attention, and finally notices that Noriko seems rather like Nonoriri.
  345. The enemy force is now STMC to the northwest and Vajra to the east. The SR point is to wipe out either force within two turns of their appearance.
  347. After you kill a few enemies, the Quarter begins broadcasting an Aimo duet by Ranka and Sheryl via its Fold speakers in order to convince the Vajra that we're friendlies. But it has absolutely zero effect on the Vajra to speak of. Basara thinks it's a nice song. However, it seems that their song is causing some dimensional buggery, and another hole appears. Some of the Buster Army Twintails show up, being chased by STMC. Noriko flies over and shields the Buster Army, causing Nicola to comment that she's an idiot for trying to protect consumable goods such as them. Noriko asks him if he really thinks that way. They were born, just the same as her and their Buster Machines, to fight the Space Monsters - doesn't that make them allies? Nicola reiterates his position that this is retarded, they're just machines. Noriko doesn't think he really means that. In order to pilot a Buster Machine in the first place, requires the pilot's heart connect to their machine. Nono tells him to remember the day that he became a Topless, a day where his heart should have been filled with hope.
  349. The STMC, tire of waiting for Noriko to finish her speech and attack. The Buster Army, in turn, take the hit for her. This seems to suggest to some that this proves them more than just machines. One of the injured Twintails, gives Noriko something before succumbing to its injuries. Dix Neuf appears to be sad to watch its brethren die, but Lal'C says there's nothing she can do. Noriko yells for her to fight. To light a fire in her heart. A fire, representing what she wants to protect and fight for. Noriko pleads with Lal'C to turn that spark into a flame! Nono calls out to her as well, and Lal'C yells once again that she's not Nono's onee-sama!
  351. Lal'C starts giving off a massive luminescience and flies over to Noriko's side. She tells everybody to get back, since she's going to clobber the STMC by hitting them with Jupiter-2. Nicola explains that Jupiter-2 is the 13th planet in their world's Sol System, dumped into imaginary space by the spacetime quakes. And Lal'C intends to make a better use of it than her OVA counterpart. Dix Neuf manifests a giant hand and seizes the core of Jupiter-2 out of imaginary space, throwing it at the STMC. And so Dix Neuf unlocks its finisher: Buster Jupiter-2 Drop. But more STMC storm out of the hole, and Tycho yells for Lal'C to retreat for the moment. Noriko thanks the Twintail for its sacrifice, and rips out what the Twintail was offering up: its heart, a degeneracy reactor. And now its heart will beat forever inside Gunbuster's chest, and Gunbuster will become a flame once more! A pair of fires have gathered within Gunbuster, yells Noriko, so it's time for Kazumi to wake up! And Kazumi appears out of nowhere in her pilot seat, allowing the Gunbuster to use its Super Inazuma Kick to cause the same amount of damage as Lal'C throwing the core of a planet.
  353. Kazumi apologizes to Noriko for making her wait, and Noriko says that she's just happy they got to meet again. Everybody is weirded out by the fact that Noriko's onee-sama who Noriko told them was a middle aged woman, appears to almost the same age as Noriko. Kazumi giggles at this, and says that that she somehow has the body of when she first piloted Gunbuster with Noriko. Kazumi thinks that after being pulled into the black hole, she wished and wished to see Noriko again. And that perhaps that wish overcame time itself, and thus she was reborn. Lelouch goggles at the mysteries of the universe, and even C.C. comments that despite having lived a long time, she's still surprised by all this stuff that keeps happening lately. Noriko calls it a miracle born of Kazumi's feelings.
  355. Once the Vajra are beaten, Bobby comments on how Ranka's song didn't affect the Vajra at all. Cathy yells that you can't give up after one or two failures, keep singing until you reach their heart! probably what Basara would be saying right now. Bobby gives her the thumbs-up about going along with Ozma's insanity and she turns red.
  357. Noriko welcomes Kazumi home (お帰りなさい) and Nono reacts to the phrase (オカエリナサイ). Nicola thinks it's absurd how such a great turn of events played out. Haman calls him a blockheaded child, commenting that he's acting like a boring adult already. Amuro says that he doesn't understand Nicola's feelings, but that every child becomes an adult eventually. Nicola snidely replies that he doesn't want to hear anything from somebody who doesn't need to worry about losing his own power. Apart from the fact that his Newtype powers have weakened since he was 16, retorts Amuro. But he thinks that compared to then, he's much stronger now. Char replies with a smile that he can vouch for that. Whether Nicola has his Topless powers or not, he's still himself. And if he still has the will to fight, he'll find a way to become stronger. Nicola replies that Amuro really doesn't understand a thing about the Topless... but he's right. At this rate, Nicola's just going to die a pitiful death, and his pride won't accept that.
  359. He apologizes to Lal'C for worrying her, and says he won't pull another stunt like that again. And hey, maybe a miracle like the one that happened to Noriko'll happen. Noriko corrects him that miracles aren't "things that happen" but rather, "things you make happen". He apologizes to Nono, and asks if she can forget about what happened today. She agrees. Noriko praises Lal'C, who definitely showed her hard work and guts today. Lal'C immediately goes dere and plays it off as Dix Neuf wanting to help out. But Noriko's still happy, and thanks her all the same. But the happy reunion is spoiled somewhat when Hibiki's bloody sclera suddenly flares up. And he feels something coming from the black hole. The dimensional boundary's distortion suddenly accelerates rapidly, just like when Leonard's bomb went off in Tokyo-2. In other words, we might be getting sent to the center of the galaxy again.
  361. Somewhere else, Advent expresses his surprise that the bomb birthed a result such as this. The spacetime quake conducted Z-BLUE's thoughts, and reached as far as the Black Sun... however briefly, that area became a universe where causality is warped, where cause and effect become obfuscated... Chaos Cosmos. Advent turns to Asakim and asks him how he thinks they'll proceed. Asakim says nothing, and Advent changes the question. What would he, the Accursed Wandered, wish for? Advent wonders if he'd like to redo it, and return to the time before he met those three. Asakim doesn't answer, but his expression changes.
  363. _______
  365. ROUTE SPLIT (except not really)
  367. Z-BLUE are dumped unceremoniously into a similarly bizarre space as the last time. But Kaworu says that this isn't the galactic centre. This is the gap between cause and effect, the horizon called Possibility (Banagher: !?). In the midst of a distorted causality, their emotions came into contact with a great power. Suddenly something happens to the EVA-13, Sazabi and Librasta. Kaworu states that the three of them have been chosen. They are being bound by the chains of Fate. Hibiki flies over to Crow, who yells for him to get back, because he smells danger. Hibiki ignores him and flies over to Crow, and something happens. Hibiki's bloody sclera flares up again, and he sees a Black Sun...
  369. Meanwhile in Wrath Babylon, Australis states that they have underestimated mankind again. Barbiel doesn't agree, chalking it up to coincidence. Who could have predicted that the spacetime bomb would warp causality, and reach as far as the Black Sun? That's what "underestimating mankind" means, explains Shikuu. Furthermore, says Australis, there's a power at work here that even they're not aware of. Ambriel tells the Reactors to hurry up and defeat the other protagonists besides Hibiki and take their Spheres. Ambriel seems surprised, but Shikuu states that it's the truth. Barbiel's tired of trying to win them over though, stating that he'd just as soon kill them and have to go chasing the Spheres down. Australis decides to let him have a go - assuming Z-BLUE make it back to this world, that is. If they manage to overcome space and time to make it back here, they'll learn the true terror of Sidereal.
  371. _______
  376. Z-BLUE end up on some grassy plains, seemingly in one piece. At first blush, this appears to be an Earth, which is a relief of sorts. Feldt detects a ZONE to the southeast though, though it's smaller than the ones we're familiar with. At that moment, a bunch of mobile weapons launch from the facility surrounding the ZONE. They're Arksabers, using their traditional units instead of their Federation mobile suits. Sumeragi opens a channel to them and the Arksabers are confused that she knows of them. In any case, they appear to have no idea who Z-BLUE are. They just know of you as the interlopers who popped out of that last quake. Crow thinks the term "interloper" is a bit harsh, and the Arksabers reply that if you ended up here by accident, how do you know who they are? Another Arksaber decides that you must have come from a parallel world to invade Insalaum. In other words, this appears to be Insalaum. A revelation made all the more strange by the fact that Insalaum was supposed to have been wiped out by a ZONE meltdown.
  378. The Arksabers hear the words "wiped out" and immediately initiate an attack against you. But since the rest of your forces are scattered around the area, Sumeragi makes the decision to retreat for the time being. The Ptolemy activates Trans-Am and hauls arse out of town, and the AS soldiers send reports to the capital to put the High Knights on alert.
  380. In the hangar, it looks like we might have been blown back to Insalaum's past somehow. The ZONE hasn't gone nuclear yet, and it seems doubtful that Gaiou's arrived yet. Crow appears to be the culprit for sending us here, yet it doesn't seem to be because of his Sphere. But Leonard got into Crow's head, and ever since we beat his arse, he's been thinking. IF he had the means to change the past, what would he do with it. Specifically, he would have wanted to stop Insalaum from being destroyed. Duo's surprised he wouldn't use it to wipe his own debts, but Crow replies that it's not his style to pay back debts through anything but his own hard work. So it looks like like some benevolent god picked up on his idea and ran with it. And if that's the case, are we going to have to fight Gaiou when he shows up? A difficult question. Since none of you are God, Crow's not sure if it's your call as outsiders to decide to change the established history of another world. Hibiki argues that even if this is a parallel Earth, he can't sit by and watch it get blown to kingdom come either. And we'll also need to secure a ride home. Aoyama brings up the point that Insalaum's Ambron Jius was big into dimensional research. We could possibly go visit the royal family and make clear our friendly intent. Wufei wonders if we should blow the lid on Ambron's unsavoury ambitions, but Crow thinks that'd be pushing it.
  382. We don't know for certain that this Insalaum plays by the same rules as the one we know. With that in mind, Ambron could turn out to be Uther's beloved grandma or something. And there's no guarantee that Gaiou WILL show up, since by virtue of the fact that we came here, we've probably already caused a divergence in timelines. So even if Gaiou showed up and we beat him and saved Insalaum, it wouldn't necessarily affect the Marguerite or Uther from their world. But that's fine with Crow. Relying on the power of God or whatever isn't for him. Allelujah agrees: if Crow could just snap his fingers and make his debt go away, he'd lose his raison d'etre. Marie thinks he's gone a bit far, but Crow agrees with him. Being able to go back and change the past deprives the future of its meaning. They decided back with Time's Prison that they'd keep moving forward.
  384. Noriko seems rather displeased that her reunion with Kazumi got punctuated by this little incident. Nono sheepishly sidles over to Kazumi, who introduces herself. She hopes they'll get along as they're fellow Buster Machine... pilots? Or I guess, Nono's a Buster Machine itself but the principle still applies. Nono seems over the moon about this, causing Tycho to ask if she's going to switch onee-samas. Nono replies that her onee-sama is and forever will be... forever will be... she trails off awkwardly. Tycho tells her to hurry up and kiss and make up with Lal'C already.
  386. Crow apologizes for dragging everybody into this mess. Aoyama tells him that if he feels that bad, he can treat them to something when they get back. " mean, everybody in Z-BLUE?" Lyle says of course everybody. "Even the maintenance crews and such?" Duo replies that's a matter of course. Crow replies to bury him in Insalaum. Hibiki looks worried but Crow assures him it was a joke. He has a reason to make sure to get home beyond repaying his debt, after all. But at that moment, alarms go off and Feldt tells us that there's a dimensional boundary disturbance about 50km to the east. In other words, the same spot that the Ptolemy was spit out at. A place that Crow knows from having spoken to Marguerite, as the place where Gaiou first appeared...
  388. But it's not Gaiou that awaits us back at the ZONE, but old friends: the black Angeloi. You have 17 deployment slots and Crow is your only forced-deployment. The black Angeloi, having wiped out the Arksabers, are busy chugging away at distorting spacetime. They appear to be busy trying to summon Gaiou. At this point, there's no time to be talking about interfering with established history, since Sidereal seems to be at fault. And the black Angeloi still seem to have the same effect on you as before: a crushing, stifling sense of "awe" that makes people want to give up without even fighting.
  390. The enemy force consists of twelve pairs of black Angeloi who are identical to their earlier appearance (19900 HP, and a metric ton of armour). SR point is to clear the map in five turns.
  392. As he did before, Chirico one-shots them. But for the sake of balance, I kept him at the back of the party.
  394. After clearing the field, your team comment on how tough the enemy was, despite having just monstered the lot of them in two minutes. And it appears that Sidereal's finally taken the kid gloves off. A couple dozen more black Angeloi appear, causing the boundary to warp even further. But before they can do much of anything, something flattens the lot of them. Setsuko points up in the sky and yep, there he is. Looking imperiously down at Z-BLUE from on high is Gaiou, sitting atop his throne. He notes that the Idoms he just destroyed were the ones who summoned him here. Yet even though he's the general of a defeated army, he's not about to let mere Idoms do as they like. Crow calls his Gaiou, and the Dimensional General raises an eyebrow at him. It's not a bad name, but he's already got a name that his parents gave him: Vaishrava of the the Dimensional Generals. Ryouma asks if he intends to turn them into DMs now, and Vaishrava is surprised you know of DMs as well. It would appear that you're his comrades. He was intending to use this planet to raise an army, but seeing as you guys are here, he knows this world is in capable hands. So he's off to the next world. To turn people into DMs, demands Kouji. But Vaishurava shakes his head. After seeing you guys, he's changed his way of thinking. Rather than created DMs whose power is limited, he's instead going to seek out warriors like you, whose growth is infinite. And there you have it my brothers, he says. If you should meet again in Heaven's Prison, he's looking forward to fighting alongside you.
  396. And as quickly as he appeared, he's gone. Takeru theorizes that the black Angeloi were responsible for Vaishrava's memory loss. Nobody's quite sure to make of what just happened, but you managed to protect Insalaum it any rate. But how to get home? Crow says there's no need to worry about that, and a quake starts forming. Apollo wonders if it's because Gaiou showed up, or perhaps the black Angeloi. But Crow thinks that it's because his wish came true. The quake erupts from the Librasta and pulls everyone in. Crow thinks about how, no offence to Carlos, but the name Vaishrava suits him better than Gaiou.
  398. And as Z-BLUE disappear into the quake, the High Knights of Insalaum arrive. Marguerite comments that the invaders have apparently been repulsed. Ywain suggests that the defence force gave their lives to drive them back, and Cheval suggests they stay alert, since there's no telling when the invaders might return. Marguerite comments that she has a feeling that the pilot of the white unit (Librasta) that the defence force encountered is no ordinary man. If he appears again, they High Knights shall take him on. Indeed, says Geraud. Protecting Insalaum's future is the duty of the Arksabers.
  400. Z-BLUE are spit back out by the black hole. A massive swarm of Buster Army units are pigpiling the black hole, trying to suppress the dimensional distortion. Noriko thinks they're trying to protect the Earth by preventing whatever's trying to pass through it. And now that we've successfully repulsed Ba'al's incursion, it's time to get ready for the final phase of Operation Eclipse. Aoyama, Lyle and Duo poke fun at Crow, saying that he's pretty amazing: causing spacetime quakes just to help people out. His Volunteer Club spirit makes the actual Volunteer Club look like chumps. Crow lapses into a thoughtful silence, thinking on how saving that Insalaum won't ease the pain of Marguerite or the others. One can't truly change the past, after all - so there's nowhere to go but forward.
  402. Back on the ship, Amuro is blown away that they got all sent for a ride just by Crow making a wish. And there's the worrying prospect of what kind of badass Ba'al the Buster Army are trying to seal. In the meantime, their plan to find the third Singularity is back to square one, since Kaname was apparently a red herring. Kei thinks about how, thanks to Leonard's hostility toward him, he has an idea about who the third might be... and if his hunch is right, they'll need to be careful. The quickest way would be to ask Sidereal themselves though. And fortunately on that front, the Sidereal Reactors have been running around ever since Z-BLUE returned to the Blue Earth. This has had the net effect of the Empire's overall defense readiness decreasing. And what's more, he black Angeloi might show up as well. It'll be a good opportunity to ascertain the connection between Sidereal and the Fundamental Calamity. At the very least it appears possible that the black Angeloi have been moving around behind the scenes throughout the worlds. But before then, there's one score that needs settling. Specifically, Neo Zeon. After Haman and ZAFT left them out in the rain, their power has been decreasing significantly. If Frontal's got any chances of turning things around, it'd be Laplace's Box. Z-BLUE will head to the Celestial Being to resupply, and that'll likely end up the site of the final battle with Neo Zeon.
  404. Over at Palao, Full Frontal is meeting with Advent. Frontal asks if it's true that he's being recognized as mankind's successor, and Advent replies that it's up to him to decide that. Frontal states that he will then exert all his efforts toward sealing Laplace's Box. In order to save Man from despair. Advent smiles and says that he expects much from him, before leaving. Frontal comments that he doesn't like this, but that he supposes is the limit of humanity. And at the same time that they will be fighting to decide the future of Man, the end will be coming upon us.
  406. ________
  410. At Axis, Char and Amuro are locked in a bitter battle. Amuro demands to know why Char would do this, and Char replies that this is the only forward for mankind now that they've been domesticated by Chrono. Amuro replies that he won't let Char turn the Earth into a wasteland, and Char retorts by shouting that he'll make Amuro taste the agony he felt when Lalah died. Amuro calls him pathetic, and Char fires back asking why he doesn't realize it. The method is irrelevant, but unless the Earth is destroyed once, they will.. but Amuro cuts across him. He's simply given into despair and lost sight of the future, and Amuro won't let him lead mankind astray. The two continue their duel, while the rest of the ZEUTH continue to fight Neo Zeon. The two sides move elsewhere on Axis, just as Z-BLUE are spat out of the quake right where they just were.
  412. Z-BLUE have no idea what's going on, since Axis is already in descent. They can see themselves fighting in the distance, and what's more Banjou can see the ZEUTH members missing from Z-BLUE among them. In other words, this is the starting point for the Black History. Axis will hit the Earth, the wars will continue to intensify and ultimately the Moonlight Butterfly will end civilization. And mankind will leave the Earth to seek their fortunes elsewhere, becoming the precursors to the Hideauze and the Galactic Alliance. This world is the twisted world that Leonard spoke of, which to Char means a world where Axis dropped. Char simply wanted to know what the "Char" who would drop Axis would be like. ZEUTH doesn't notice Z-BLUE's existence due to interference from Axis' thrust, but Bright's not sure how to proceed.
  414. Shinn thinks the course is clear: stop Axis and prevent the Black History, obviously. Garrod worries that if they do that, he Loran and Ledo will cease to exist since they originate from futures dependent on the Axis drop. Orson says that it's fine, since stopping this Axis will merely result in a new timeline that avoids the Black History, but won't change what is predetermined fact in their world. In other words, there's no reason to let this situation play out. Char doesn't know if intervening is the right thing to do though. Not because he agrees with Frontal's "correct world" nonsense, but because he's not sure that outsiders such as themselves are qualified to decide the course of history. Because if we intervene and change history, we're doing exactly what Leonard was intending. But something else is wrong, because the dimensional boundary is continuing to twist.
  416. The Black Angeloi appear in force and immediately set upon accelerating Axis' descent. In other words, the Black History appears to have been caused by Sidereal's intervention. And since Sidereal's upped the ante by sticking their nose in, Char's got no complaints about us intervening to salvage the situation.
  418. After you clear the map, another spacetime quake begins forming to send you back home. In other words, the trip was utterly pointless, since you're not able to have any influence on the outcome. Char apologizes for dragging you along on this errand due to his own doubts, but Banjou says it's fine. After all, they've basically gotten proof that Sidereal has been interfering in the shadows of history of the myriad worlds. Char decides to continue believing that he's made the right choice in believing in others.
  420. _______
  424. Shinji groggily opens his eyes at the sound of Asuka's voice. He bolts upright to find himself back in the Red Earth, and Shinji realizes to his horror that it's his fault. They've been brought back here because he's been wishing he could do something for this world.
  426. The rest of Z-BLUE are scattered about, and Asuka reports that this is their original world. The Quarter's crew wonders what transpired in this world, because not only is the sea red, but the land has become red as well.
  428. But the EVA kids aren't exactly in a talkative mood about what transpired in this world. Asuka claims ignorance about why they got sent here, and Shinji simply sits there with his terrible "conflicted" portrait. Kamille says that some information, any information will do. Shinji begins to mumble something, and Quatre suggests they head to NERV to ascertain the situation. Shinji says that it's pointless, and Ibuki changes tact by asking if he knows anybody they could talk to. Shinji says nothing. And indeed, Conroy's unable to establish communication with NERV. So the plan is drawn up to head toward Japan to confirm the situation in person. Mari whispers to Asuka that it'd be bad for them to see NERV in this state, and Asuka replies that depending on how things go, the throwdown in Central Dogma might resume. Kaworu states that there's no need to head to NERV, because their trip here is ephemeral. The real question is whether or not they'll still be in one piece when it's time to go back. Conroy detects unidentified enemy units in the vicinity. Kaworu tells Shinji to suit up, since "their" hands have reached this world too.
  430. Kallen asks Asuka what might be coming, but Asuka continues to say nothing. But after a pause, she apologizes by saying that she and Mari might have to desert Z-BLUE here. Mari thinks to herself that it's sad that they've been able to enjoy themselves for the first time in a long time, but that's come to an end. What appears isn't NERV however, but the Black Angeloi. Shinji wonders what the deal with them is, and Kaworu calls them something that rejects life and the future. The enemy of all that live.
  432. Once you've cleared out the map, Kaworu states that their objective was us from the beginning. And not just the EVAs either. But before he can explain, another swarm of the Black Angeloi appear. Shinji yells that they have to protect the surviving people of this world, but Kaworu disagrees. They're pursuing us for having "touched that which is forbidden" and that if we leave, they'll disappear as well. The next part is up to Shinji. Causality is still being warped, so we'll be sent wherever Shinji wishes us to go. Does that mean that it's possible to do this world over again, asks Shinji. It's worth a try, replies Kaworu. Everybody starts to get a bit nervous about this, especially since the Spear can distort spacetime. Asuka tells him to cut it out, and Shinji pulls a calculating look. He decides that what needs to done now, is this. A spacetime quake begins to form, but Asuka thinks it'll be alright. Shinji still doesn't know whether redoing the world is the right thing to do or not. But in either case, he won't abandon Z-BLUE. He will continue to fight alongside them, and then return to this world and seek out his answer.
  434. They return back to the normal world, and Asuka asks if Shinji's responsible. Shinji's not sure, in which case Asuka says she's not going to thank him. They've got stuff to do here before they head back to their world, namely crushing the Empire. Shinji still wonders if this was the right choice, but decides he'll keep going with it, because he's a member of Z-BLUE.
  436. In the hangar, Nicola goes to Shinji. After seeing the Red Earth, he realized that Shinji's got some serious skeletons in his closet. So he apologizes for being a dick to him earlier. Shinji tells him that there's no need to apologize, and Nicola admits total defeat. Shinji's a lot more mature than he is. Shinji asks if he's accepted becoming an adult, and Nicola replies that he at least doesn't intend to end up like Casio at any rate. He intends to find his own source of strength, and will continue to fight as a Topless until his expiration. Shinji wishes him luck. Akagi tells them both that if they're ever in trouble, they can rely on him as he's their senpai in life. Nicola replies that while he intends to become an adult, he doesn't intend to become an old-timer like Akagi. Akagi does a double take at being called an old man.
  438. _____
  442. On a Chrono ship, Riddhe is scowling as per usual. He responds to Ambriel's teasing by stating that the Suzune he remembers wasn't a woman like her. She fires back by stating that the Riddhe she remembers was less of a loser (ehhh...). He asks if he if she knows the true creed of Chrono, the truth in the depths of the Box. She replies that she's not a Reactor candidate for nothing. He asks if she's really set on stealing the Quarreling Twins and she confirms that she is. Barbiel told her to leave it to him but she's more the type to seize what she wants for herself. Riddhe appreciates that sentiment, but asks her what she wants the Sphere for. Freedom, replies Ambriel. The power that the Sphere will give her will ensure that nobody will be able to control her again. Riddhe replies that freedom is an illusion. Both he and humanity can do nothing but live in the freedom "granted" to them, because such is their Fate.
  444. Over on the Celestial Being, our bestest buddy Queen has given us a call. She comments on how busy we've been, and Lelouch tells her that we just got spirited off to a parallel world for some adventures. She comes bearing glad tidings though - Z-BLUE raising cane so ostentatiously has the Empire scurrying about like ants. The prevailing feeling on the Empire's side is that the final battle is getting closer. Z-BLUE's goal will be to capture Wrath Babylon, shut down the reishi draining system, and defeat Australis and the three Reactors. With their defeats, the Empire will be more or less defeated. However, since that strategy is so obvious, the Empire is mobilizing its assets to try and stop you. Otto expresses a forlorn hope that, as both Chrono and Neo Zeon are aiming to become Sidereal's henchmen, they'd end up fighting each other. Queen thinks it unlikely, which is odd considering that Chrono is literally responsible for all the bad stuff the Spacenoids have gone through.
  446. Frontal's aiming to secure Laplace's Box in an effort to prove his own strength, and conversely if we secure it, all his efforts will go up in smoke. Kei, who at this point has gotten fed up with Queen's teasing manner, suggests that she drops the pretense and just shows her face already. Not unconditionally, of course - perhaps in exchange for them beating the Empire. She replies that she'll think about it, which Kei decides is good enough. Queen wonders what'll happen once you pop open the Box, and Char rightly points out that she probably already knows what's in it. While Laplace's Box spells out Chrono's creed, that's only part of the contents. And as King's secretary, she got to check out what's in the box. And what's more, Queen states that she's got an ally in the Empire, who's still capable of exerting influence on them. That's how Leonard came into possession of the Spear. She laughs, saying that she's looking forward to seeing you open the Box and take down the Empire. And on that day, maybe she'll meet you face to face.
  448. She hangs up, and Kei comments that her heart is definitely set on them. Tessa bemusedly applauds his talent in opening a woman's heart, and he replies that it wasn't difficult since she already had some interest in him. Otto's not sure what just happened, but is glad they brought Kei along. For the time being, we're going to need to contend with Chrono who are in pursuit. Banagher knows the location of the Box, and we're a threat to the Empire, so they're looking to take out two birds with one stone. And what's more, Riddhe's a captain of their mobile taskforce and has a personal hate boner for Banagher. Everybody wonders what all the Box could contain, since Frontal seems to earnestly think it has the power to change the world. And not simply on the scale of UCW's Federation, but perhaps far greater.
  450. Down in the hangar, Takuya is showing off the Fullcorn to Banagher. Banagher points out that "Full Armour" is a bit of a misnomer since it's literally just every weapon they could find duct-taped to the Unicorn, but Takuya yells that offence is the best defence. It's designed to be used like the ReGZ's Back Weapon System - fire the lot and then purge it and go about your business. Kamille points out that Riddhe will be gunning for Banagher in this battle and if Banagher doesn't want to find him, he should sit this one out. Banagher replies, honestly, that he has absolutely no clue what the hell Riddhe is doing. That being said, he intends to stop Riddhe himself though. Everyone offers to lend a hand in helping Banagher kick Riddhe's botty.
  452. Takuya watches all the Gundam pilots chatting with Banagher, and comments how strange it is. All these Gundams and their pilots, which ordinarily should have never come together, are all here in one place. Amuro wonders if there's some deeper meaning to it. He thinks to himself whether it's because they're Branded that they pilot Gundams, or if it's because they pilot Gundams that they were Branded... but in either case, he suspects the answer is coming soon.
  454. You get 17 deployment slots, and Banagher-Marida (RIP) are your forced deployments. Chrono's on their way to Celestial Being, while Full Frontal appears to be sitting on his thumbs, waiting for the opportune moment to make a nuisance of himself. Apropos of nothing, Banagher decides to plant a couple of death flags by asking Marida what kinds of things she likes. She's rather taken aback at the question, and he specifically asks if there's any foods she likes. She replies that she's fond of ice cream, and he tells her that he knows a good place in Industrial 7. They should go visit it after the battle is over. Haman quips that even on the eve of battle, he's planning a date. Quess wonders if he'll be in the dog house if Mineva overheard him, and he replies that they'll all go together. Alto comments that's rather promiscuous of him, causing Hibiki to chuckle. Ledo asks Chamber for the definition of "promiscuous" but Banagher freaks out, and Ledo reveals he was joking. Everybody has a laugh, and the tension of the battle has gone. And just in time, Chrono has shown up. Ambriel's there too, but she's basically cannon fodder in a fancy robot so no worries there. Hibiki calls her Suzune, and Ambriel smacks her forehead. She explains, ONCE AGAIN that she is not his beloved Suzune, and for that matter, Riddhe's not in the mood to play the older brother trope today either. They're here today to kill the lot of you, and Riddhe tells her to just shut up already. He's here to make sure the Box is sealed away, nothing more. Char asks if he knows the Box's secret already, and Riddhe flatly replies that he has no obligation to answer. He orders his subordinates to keep Z-BLUE busy while he punches Banagher multiple times in the face. Ambriel says the same, but with Hibiki instead. Hibiki finally addresses her by her proper name. Bright orders everybody to gang up on Riddhe and beat the stuffing out him.
  456. The enemy force consists of the Banshee Norn (76000 HP / Sniper Kit), the Geminia (96000 HP) and a smattering of GN-XIVs and Angeloi. The SR point is to within three turns, fulfill the following three conditions on any one turn: achieve MAX tactical combo, defeat twenty enemies, defeat the Geminia.
  458. There are exactly 20 Angeloi, so if you have a wrathgod setup, you can wipe the floor with Ambriel and her goons on the first turn to get the stupid SR point out the way. When you one-shot Ambriel, she whines about how she's underestimated you too. She tries to sound intimidating by repeating the same empty threat she's made like six times already, telling Hibiki she'll take the Geminion when next they meet. Once you've taken out that particular piece of trash, you can give beating Riddhe up your full attention. BANAGHEEEEEEEEEER he yells when you beat him. Banagher yells for Riddhe to get out of the Banshee, because it's dangerous. Riddhe shoots back that the Unicorn harbours a secret that will lead Mankind to its ruin. Riddhe flips out and activates NT-D, screaming that none of you understand. His fate as a man of the Marcenas family, and as someone who knows the Truth. But to make matters worse, a swarm of ELS appear behind your starting position so I hope you moved your battleships. Banagher keeps trying to reason with Riddhe, but Marida says it's pointless. The Banshee's system is closing off his heart.
  460. The Banshee Norn DM now has 96000 HP and is the objective to end the stage. You will get a game over if he is defeated or assimilated by the ELS. When you beat Riddhe again, he continues to yell at Banagher. He yells that Newtypes are a manifestation of the Box's curse. What should have been the answer to a prayer is instead malediction. Banagher yells that the machine is taking control of him, and Riddhe yells back that he doesn't care. If it allows him to defeat the so-called "new humanity", he'll gladly sell his soul to the machine. Banagher yells that Riddhe is a Newtype too - the light from the Banshee's Psychoframe is coming from within him. More ELS show up, drawn to Riddhe's "strong emotions" (read: tantrum). Banagher tells him that everybody is worried about him, and Riddhe screams for him to shut his mouth. Everybody decides to follow his instructions and shut their mouths, instead barraging his psyche with their incessant thoughts.
  462. Mineva tells him to chill the hell out. Marida tells him that the machine is only amplifying that which exists in his heart already. A system that reacts to the contents of the human soul. Banagher tells him that he should have seen it at Axis: the souls of humanity gathering in their machines. Riddhe gets a DVE here.
  463. "All of you... mean to reject me!?"
  465. Riddhe seemingly goes insane and Marida takes off after him. He goes after Mineva, screaming at her. Marida jumps in the way of him and Riddhe destroys the Kshatriya. Banagher cries out in anguish, and the Unicorn's Psychoframe begins conducting everyone's sorrow into Riddhe. Marida's spirit reaches out to Riddhe, and he seemingly wakes up as if from a trance, wondering what he's done.
  467. In the Celestial Being's bridge, Zinnerman sobs. Marida's spirit tells him that she'll leave the future to them. She tells him that he was her light, the light that allowed her to keep living.
  468. "Thank you, dad..."
  469. Zinnerman says nothing, but continues to weep. Mineva cries that she couldn't do anything for Marida, but Marida simply tells her to take care of Banagher. Zinnerman says that she didn't need to do anything, he only wanted her to stay with him. Everybody grieves over Marida's death, and Shinn screams in rage at Riddhe. But Banagher tells him to let it go, Riddhe has lost all will to fight. Riddhe tries to apologize, having no idea why he did it. But he runs away, screaming in anguish. The ELS, despite having a perfect chance to assimilate your dudes, leave to the surprise of Tieria.
  471. But just as one bastard leaves, another arrives in the form of Barbiel. He mocks mankind as being a race of idiots. No matter how much time passes, or what world they live in, they always invent a reason to fight one another. And that's why you'll never reach Shinka - because you're unable to move forward from the Civilization of Fire. Mineva curtly tells Barbiel to be silent. And what's more, she demands that Full Frontal stop skulking about and show himself. Frontal's Rewloola appears and Frontal sardonically replies that he has appeared as ordered. Barbiel snickers at Mineva, asking if she intends to let him witness the final battle between Man and itself. She replies that is indeed what she intends. She reveals the final coordinates of the La+ Program to be at Industrial 7's colony builder: the Magallanica. She states her intentions to end the infighting of mankind by opening the Box, and Frontal's fleet change headings. Barbiel decides that he'll go along with Mineva's plan. He laughs, wondering aloud which of you will acquire the Box. He'll wait for you at Industrial-7. And with that, he leaves. Mineva apologizes to Banagher, but he replies that he's fine with it. Bright orders Z-BLUE to change headings and haul arse to Magallanica.
  473. In the core of Veda, deep with the Celestial Being, a program activates. The voice of Ribbons Almark echoes through the chamber, confirming the recognition of Code Laplace. By the terms of the covenant, preparations to disclose information level 8 will now begin. He chuckles, and addresses Aeolia Schenberg, stating that the time has finally come.
  474. ________
  478. At CMFAS, Albert sobs over the death of Marida. She was his light, and it was because of her that he can stand to live so miserably. Martha asks him if he's feeling under the weather, and he yells at her. Did she feel nothing whatsoever, at the moment that Marida's life ended? Martha states that he's probably tired and should get some rest, but he retorts that he's got plenty more to say. He thinks what she's doing is insane - moving the Colony Laser in an effort to wipe out both Z-BLUE and Neo Zeon in one fell swoop. If she does that, mankind's future will be... but before he can finish, Martha tells him to go rest, that's an order. He gives in and leaves the room, and Martha apologizes to Ronan Marcenas for the unpleasant scene.
  480. Martha reflects on the plan, with involves using the Colony Laser prepared by the Space Revolutionaries during the Pluralistic War. And while Z-BLUE and Neo Zeon are fighting over the Box, the Colony Laser will obliterate both sides. Ronan comments that he had heard that Albert spent some time with Z-BLUE, and Martha replies that as a result of that, he's stubbornly holding onto some stupid fantasies. Just like my own son Riddhe once did, says Ronan. Martha asks about what King's thoughts on this plan is, and Ronan replies that he's letting them take care of it. All King does lately is sit back and watch as the situation unfolds. Martha wonders if it's about time that the seat at the top of Chrono is vacated, and Ronan replies that it's not out of the realm of possibility. After all, King's lost his successor. Ronan states that if need be, his son will become the next King. It's because of the hereditary succession that Chrono has managed to stay a secret to this day. Ronan wonders where Riddhe's gotten to, since the world will soon become Sidereal's. And if mankind is to continue as a species, there is something that Riddhe must do at all costs.
  482. Out in space, Lyam reports to Zinnerman that they've recovered the Kshatriya's wreckage. Zinnerman tells Z-BLUE to use it as they please, since Marida would have wanted that. He thanks Otto for the front row seat to watch the Unicorn plot conclude, and Otto replies that he's definitely got the right. Industrial-7 will be the site of the final battle - an odd thought, considering this all started there. And Zinnerman never thought that he'd be standing in the bridge of the Nahal Argama to watch the climax.
  484. The Unicorn arrives at the Magallanica, with Mineva riding on-board. The entirety of Z-BLUE are currently running diversion, and Neo Zeon are chasing after them. Banagher and Mineva disembark, and enter the Magallanica. They reflect on everything that's happened until now, and the sacrifices made in the name of that damn Box. Banagher wonders if the contents will be equivalent to the things they've lost to gain it. But Mineva makes Banagher promise that no matter what happens, he'll come to back to her after it's all over. That is her one and only wish.
  486. A voice greets them. It states that a member of his own bloodline and the princess of Zeon are the most fitting people to present the Box that he could conceive of. It took billions of years for life to claw its way onto land, and billions more before it took the shape of humanity. That's what evolution is, something that an individual's finite lifespan can never experience. But Newtypes represent an expansion of the mind, an innovation of an individual's consciousness. And the final night of Anno Domini gave way to the start of the Universal Century in an instant, born of those who believed in that limitless possibility. That instant being the Laplace Incident. The beginning of the blood-stained history known as the Universal Century. Yet that moment should have been a prayer for a new age. The voice invites them further into the facility. Outside, the Neo Zeon fleet are putzing around, while Full Frontal and his ska band are inside looking for the Box. Z-BLUE arrives on the scene with 17 deployment slots. Otto asks Mihiro to keep calling out to "them", confident they'll come. Setsuko senses the presence of Barbiel nearby.
  488. The initial enemy force is just Neo Zeon standard, but there's quite a lot of it. The Musaka-classes all have Central Command, which is evidently Tengoku's shiny new toy, so the Neo Zeon forces will have abnormally high accuracy to start. So pop Disturb and make them fall into despair.
  490. On the second turn, Barbiel will appear in the northeastern corner, right where I put Chirico. Barbiel talks to his "Gun Ares", saying that they're going to teach the Earthlings what it means to know one's place.
  492. The enemy force now includes the An Ares (116000 HP) and a bunch of Shaulas. The SR point is to kill all of the Shaulas and then the An Ares within three turns. Given who he spawned next to though... I killed him with Setsuko since it seemed appropriate.
  494. When you beat Barbiel, he freaks out because he should be stronger than this. Takeru notices that he doesn't feel as threatening as usual either. Barbiel thinks this is nonsense, since his hatred is just as potent as ever. But Sardias appears, telling Barbiel to just accept it. Barbiel immediately responds by attacking Sardias, who shrugs it off, stating that Barbiel's definitely not up to scratch today. It's not like Barbiel to be so emotionally compromised by Gundam pilots. Everybody's scratching their head about this statement, but Sardias says it's nothing unusual: after all, Barbiel's unit is really named Gun Ares. Lelouch draws a connection between it and the Gundams and Gunbuster, to Sardias' amusement. As he suspects, the Gun Ares is, like the aforementioned Gun- units, a product of the Civilization of Fire. Blood of Beasts, Communion of Waters, Whence the Wind Blows, Civilization of Fire... all of these are the signposts along the path to Shinka. And by transcending spacetime, Z-BLUE has managed to gather some of each.
  496. The Blood of Beasts, in otherr words the Dancougas. They represent the simplest and most primal instinct in humans: fighting to survive. And thanks to their contact with others treading the same path, they managed to awaken their own blood. Aoi realizes he's suggesting that Shinobu and the others are the reason their own ferality awoke.
  498. Communion of Waters, in other words the Aquarions. Mechanical Angels with a name referencing pure water, which brings together that which is different and merges them into one. Man and Angel. Male and Female.
  500. Whence the Wind Blows, in other words the Ganmen. The spiral creates whirlpools and calls forth the wind. And that wind bears along their hearts, who ever seek new lands, never ceasing.
  502. Roger realizes that all three were brought to other worlds by the birth of the pluralised world, and Sardias nods. They were brought here so that the Civilization of Fire could progress. The Civilization of Fire, where the sum total of Man's knowledge is brought together. That knowledge births conflict, and mankind evolves through it. Man and machine come together to overcome obstacles together, for the sake of the future they believe in. The symbol of that are the machines bearing the name "Gun". And this is the terminus of the Civilization of Fire, hence why you were gathered here... in order to progress to the next age.
  504. The Gundams guide you, and the Gunbuster will pave the way to the future. And Barbiel's Gun Ares, much the same as you, fought off invaders on another Earth. Of course, at the time, he wasn't called Barbiel the Needle. And Sardias was his enemy back then. And his Earth was completely destroyed, at the hands of Sidereal. He is the very last survivor of his Earth. And his anger and sorrow became hatred, and at last fully awakened his Resentful Scorpion. And then Sardias' force was, with the exception of him, completely wiped out. In other words, Barbiel's unable to bring forth all of his power, because his hatred is being diluted by the presence of the Gundams, who bear the same destiny as him. In other words, he's sad. Which Sardias believes is the proper form of humanity. With time and new encounters, the pain of loss is lessened. And humans should learn to let go of their hatreds and their past, and keep going forward. But before he can go much further, Barbiel tells him to shut up. The Sphere begins producing more power than they've ever seen yet, and Barbiel yells that Sardias understands nothing.
  506. And that, says Sardias, is what he sought from Barbiel. Barbiel realizes that under his supposed loyalty, Sardias viewed him only as a tool who could use a Sphere. Sardias replies that similarly, Barbiel views him in much the same way, which makes their relationship a good one. Barbiel smirks, saying that Sardias is truly worthy to be his right hand man. Barbiel apologizes for his poor showing today. You guys really are well on your way to Shinka, but you're not going to make it any farther. You will soon know true despair, and if you manage to overcome it, he will finally come at you with all that he is. He leaves.
  508. Garrod is surprised, since he thought the Newtypes and Innovators were unrelated. Sardias replies in addition to those such powers that have surfaced, everyone has drawn power from the "Gun"s. And once you pop open Laplace's Box, you will need to decide what to do with it. He leaves, wondering if you'll manage to progress to the place that he, and many other races failed to reach. In his place, he leaves a trap of reinforcements because he's Sardias and of course he did. Amuro states that based on what Sardias is saying, their world will reach the next phase once they open the Box. Everybody starts getting excited about what kind of stuff they'll learn from it. The Ra Cailum suddenly receives video data from the Magallanica, and Mihiro reports that Riddhe finally answered. Otto grabs the microphone and screams at Riddhe to get his arse back here, since he's a member of the Nahel Argama's crew.
  510. In the Magallanica, Banagher and Mineva evidently found out some stuff. That the Civilization of Fire means existing to fight. But Banagher doesn't quite agree - it's true that Z-BLUE fights, but it does so to secure the future. That is correct, states the voice from before. The lights are clicked on, revealing an object in the middle of the room. It's the charter of the Universal Century, but Mineva immediately realizes that it's different from the one they know. There's a line missing from the published version. One that states that in the event that the existence of a new humanity adapted to space is confirmed, they are to be given priority in involving them in the administration of government. Such is Laplace's Box, says the voice of a man in a shiny bed.
  512. Outside the Magallanica, Riddhe shows up. He asks if Otto knows why the Federation fears and rejects Zeon. That they were the evil army who dropped colonies on the Earth was merely another justification, but isn't the root of the issue. He reads back the missing article of the charter, stating that the prayer recited at the start of the Universal Century became a curse the moment Zeon Daikun published his theory of Newtypes. Because of Chrono. Ricardo Marcenas added this line to the charter as a sort of penance for exiling people from the overpopulated Earth into space. But he became a martyr, the charter was rewritten, and that should have been the end of it. Except that one of the terrorists who carried out the bombing, Syam Vist, came into possession of the real charter. In Magallanica, the old man in the space bed is revealed to be Syam Vist, founder of the Vist Foundation and Banagher's great-grandfather. Mineva asks why Syam, who up until now used the charter as a means to extort concessions from the Federation would give it up now. Because the time has come, says Syam. For mankind to reach the next step, beyond the Civilization of Fire. Without despair, without obstructing, a chance to once again pray to the god called possibility, and if this miss this opportunity... but Mineva states that the revelation of this will resound throughout the world. In fact, even if this is only an element of a single world, it will nevertheless inspire further suspicion and resentment toward the Federation. Especially now, on the eve of the final battle with the Gaia Empire. At the very least, the truth comes at too high a price. Which is why Syam wants to give it to the Newtypes, the ones who he believes will pioneer the path to the next step. The La+ system was intended identify a true Newtype who, unlike the enhanced humans, possess psycho-waves that can't be measured. And the Unicorn Gundam is the key that will lead a true Newtype to the Box.
  514. Outside Magallanica, Otto is unimpressed. Riddhe states that Syam was a shrewd man: he used the charter as a shield with which to threaten the Federation, but never made unrealistic demands. The Federation and the Foundation thusly began a symbiotic relationship, and now the Box's contents don't actually matter. The Box itself is the cornerstone of the world order. Originally, it was nothing more than a potential scandal used to extort the government. But the rise of Zeon changed everything. The existence of Newtypes isn't the issue. The fact that the Federation hid that clause would become the ultimate weapon justifying those who believe in Zeon. So they kept silent, to prevent the world from becoming Hell. Yet Hell came all the same, in the form of the One Year War. The magnitude of the war and the confirmation of Newtypes only served to further prove the Box's curse. And so his father... and Chrono, who couldn't suffer the existence of the Spacenoids, were forced to keep the secret. And thus, to keep the future at bay, they domesticated mankind to suffer the yoke of a warped political system. But what exactly is this "order" they so fervently protect?
  516. Syam states that he has waited such a very long time as a guardian of the Box, waiting for this one wish to be fulfilled. If Newtypes truly existed, he wished to grant the Box to them. Because surely they could put it to good use, and take back the future they should have had. And the advent of a technology capable of reading the human soul, the Psychoframe, would enable him to see for himself if they exist. But that is merely his wish, a single person. If they so choose, they can keep the secret, destroy the box, or even kill him. He asks Banagher what he wants, what his heart wishes for. Banagher replies that if Newtypes are indeed the new form of humanity, he doesn't know if the current humans would be able to recognize them as such. And he doesn't know if he or Mineva possess the gifts that Syam seeks, or what's best for everyone. But as an individual, as himself, he believes in the possibility that humans hold. Then, says Syam, he will trust in Banagher. If they so choose, the means to broadcast its contents to the world have been prepared.
  518. Mineva asks that she has one more thing to ask of Syam. Did he do what he did to Ricardo Marcenas on behalf of those displaced to space? No, says Syam, he was rebelling against those who control the world. He did not hide the existence of the Box in order to strike a deal with the Federation, but because he was afraid. On that day, he looked into the flames engulfing Laplace, and saw something. The future that Ricardo sought, and the reason he had to be killed. That is the creed of Chrono itself, the reason why oppress the Spacenoids and named themselves the watchers of man's evolution. Even as Ricardo was ushering in the Universal Century and the bright future it should have presented, he was simultaneously showing that Chrono has controlled the world since the distant past. And Syam Vist reveals that he himself is the true secret of the Box. The singular person who both knows of Chrono's creed, but is not aligned with them. And what he saw in those flames, was an Angel. Banagher wonders if Advent, Hibiki's "Angel" was also there at Laplace.
  520. No, says a voice, but the answer is something that neither they nor mankind needs to learn. Full Frontal steps out of the shadows. Revealing the concepts of the Box will simultaneously bring to light Chrono's creed. Such an act would merely deny possibility. He asks that they leave the rest to him, for the sake of mankind. Mineva tells Frontal to back off. He's merely a man created in the image of Char, who plays at fulfilling his role. But this, says Frontal, is the will of mankind. That his power, as a vessel. He removes his mask and asks Syam to entrust him, the commander-in-chief of Neo Zeon and the heir of humanity, with the Box. Syam says that he might be right - it may indeed be best for man to live in blissful ignorance. But that's why he won't give it to Frontal, because a man who views it merely as a bargaining chip is unworthy to have it. He is uncertain how, but Frontal appears to have become aware of the Box's true nature. But even still, (Syam calls him "the other Red Comet" instead of "ghost of Char") even knowing what they do, there's nothing to be done. It is no longer their era, and hardly unthinkable that the time has come to pass everything to their children. Frontal asks if he thinks that they, the true Newtypes, the Innovators, the SEEDs, are the ones who will progress beyond the Civilization of Fire. Yes, says Syam, and imparting the future to them is their final duty. In that case, says Frontal replacing his mask, he will seize the charter by force. Syam shouts that he'll do no such thing and activates a defence system. Frontal retreats, saying that he'll just have to destroy the Magallanica from the outside then. Banagher asks Gael to look after Mineva. He intends to fulfill the dream that his father left him. But Gael replies that having come this far was Banagher's own desire. Therefore he needn't doubt, for he himself is his father's dream.
  522. Frontal's flunkies take to the field, led by Angelo. Per Frontal's instructions, they open fire on Magallanica. The dry dock containing the Unicorn is damaged, and it floats out into space. Angelo decides he'll destroy it before Banagher has a chance to board it, but Banagher calls out to it and it flies over to him. But even so, Angelo has a trick up his sleeve. He uses a Psycho-Jammer on the Unicorn. But Banagher's fueled by plot power and overpowers the Jammers with the Unicorn's Psychofield. Amuro yells for Riddhe to get his arse over there and back Banagher up. When he goes to open his mouth, Otto tells him to hurry up or he'll plant his boot in Riddhe's colon. Riddhe finally stops being a tosser and joins with Banagher, with the Banshee's Psychoframe changing colour. Frontal appears in a massive, ugly red mobile armour called the Neo Zeong. He comments on the warm light coming from their Gundam, but states that it's perhaps pointless but he must still try, for that is his duty as a vessel.
  524. The enemy force now includes the Neo Zeong (165000 HP / Spinal Connector) and the Rozen Zulu (76000 HP / Thruster Module). Per his appearances in Jigoku, Frontal will automatically cast Lock-On, Flash and Focus each turn. Unfortunately for Frontal though, he only has 380 EN, no EN regen, and three attacks (including his MAP) are EN based. Use Loran to lick his tears up.
  526. When you shoot Angelo down, he appropriately dies as he lived: screaming COLONEL. When you shoot Full Frontal down, he appropriately dies as he lived: like a coward. He shouts that he can't afford to die yet and tries to fly off but Banagher chases him down. Frontal says that he's seen many young Gundam pilots perform miracles. And the miracle will repeat itself, but still nothing will change. He grabs Banagher, telling him to witness the tears of time. Banagher's taken on a road trip through time, omitted in the game, and ends up in a lightless void at the end of time.
  528. Banagher wonders if this is the future of despair, and Frontal states his uncertainty, but that he has certainly tasted despair. Mankind saw the light of the human heart at Axis, yet they didn't change (it's been like, three months you idiot). In the end, Man can neither become, nor surpass God. Banager replies that Man possesses a god within them, called possibility. Frontal replies that he can still say that because he's ignorant of the Truth. The Truth that would crush him under the weight if he knew it. Humans can struggle as they like, but the outcome won't change. And surely even Banagher knows that. Hope and possibility are merely ephemeral dreams glimpsed on the threshold of this nothingness - platitudes that offer no comfort. They merely lead men astray and birth pointless conflicts. Those who understand this, are the true chosen. SORE DEMO replies the Banagher. One should not place their expectations in lives that exist only to die. SORE DEMO yells the Banagher. Amuro appears in the darkness, stating that he still believes that man will one day control time itself. There's a warmth inside of him, yells Kamille. That's what it means to live, yells Shinn. No matter how deep the darkness, we won't lose sight of tomorrow, says Kira. Laugh if you will at their foolishness, says Heero, but they still believe. The future will come... or rather, they will make it with their own hands says Setsuna. Garrod yells that unlike Frontal, they don't have the luxury to sit around moping. Time will march ever onward, and Frontal realizes this is the Civilization of Fire. That which Man creates for itself in turn grants Man newfound power. A power that enables them to believe in hope together. Frontal should have known this all along, but gave into to despair, says Char.
  530. The "Char Aznable" within Frontal gave into despair, and was thrown across time and space to become part of the "vessel" Full Frontal. But he was too pure. He agonized, tried to rush an answer, and bear the burden of the world upon his shoulders. Char apologizes, stating that ordinarily he should have been able to understand Frontal. Frontal yells that Char is seeking to atone now of all times. Yet it doesn't matter: you will know in time, that no matter how much of this warm light you gather, nothing will change. But the ghost of a young girl says that this light warms the universe, doesn't it? She invites Frontal to go, and he comments that it's time. Something new will now begin. Frontal addresses the Gundam characters, stating that you may yet find a rainbow beyond the despair that he wasn't able to overcome. And if you do, he asks that you find the future there. For he entrusts to you, what you believe you must do.
  532. Everybody realizes that it wasn't an illusion. For a moment, everybody's consciousness became one. They understood each other. Amuro thanks Lalah, and Char asks her to guide Frontal's soul. And so, the book is closed on Neo Zeon.
  534. In Magallanica, Syam wonders what kind of future will come of this. It's possible nothing with change, since words are but words. And laws are often interpreted to suit people's interests. And with the Gaia Empire still around, it yet prove to be a senseless folly. But still, she knows that Banagher and Z-BLUE to continue to do what they believe is right. Syam comments that he's found a good partner, which surprises Mineva. He believes that she and Banagher, and the ones guided by Gundam and their friends will be able to overcome the hopelessness that brought he and Full Frontal low. Isn't that right, my friends, he thinks to himself. He states his wish to hear the truth spoken by her, in her own words, to all who live in and love this world. He wasn't the only one who lived like this, watching the Universal Century go by as though dreaming. He and his comrades made preparations for this day.
  536. A system on the Celestial Being will now activate. They decided long ago that when the time came that the Box was opened, the truth hidden in its depths would be revealed. Ordinarily, Ricardo Marcenas should have been the one to reveal it as the Universal Century began. But he died before he could, and the truth was consigned to darkness. The truth that will reverberate throughout all of the parallel worlds. He and his comrades Aeolia Schenberg and Elgan Laudic will now unveil the truth.
  538. A man stands alone, staring at the moon. He's joined by Traia, wondering what he's thinking about. It took her some time for her to tie it back to him, Carlos Axion. Or perhaps she should more rightly be called Chrono's King.
  539. _______
  543. Traia stands with Carlos Axion under the moonlight. For the longest time, she tried to think of why his son wanted to change the world. It was because he wanted to destroy Chrono's grip on the world. Axion sighs. He told Carlos about the nature of Chrono and the fate of the Axion men to bear the title of King, just after Carlos graduated from university. And until the day that they he would take the title for himself, Axion told his son to do whatever he pleased. And he ended up making the world's largest corporation. In order to fight Chrono, and his old man. And it was because Carlos was like that, that Elgan Laudic gave him the Swaying Scales to pass on. Axion asks what she's going to do now, but Traia says nothing. In this world, Chrono's existence is already without meaning. Even if he told her the names of all the members, it would change nothing. Traia already knew that though, but she doesn't think it's futile. Does she mean to inherit his son's will, asks Axion. No, replies Traia, but they'll still reach the world he strove for. Axion replies that if they choose to unveil Laplace's Box, the weakened Chrono will be dragged into the light of day. Traia replies that it's got to happen, but Axion seems less convinced.
  545. The familiar clomping footsteps are heard and AG, who has been missing from Z-BLUE since their trip to the parallel worlds, arrives. He informs Traia that everybody has gathered, and that it's time to go. Traia asks about "them", but AG replies that he was rejected. Apparently, they're planning to head into space themselves. That's fine says Traia, and they move to leave. Axion asks her to wait, but she just waves him off. She tells the old man, left behind by the age, to go live out the rest of his days in some corner of the world. She departs. And in her place is Guen, who comments on how harsh she is. Axion comments that Guen's probably the one who revealed his identity. Guen judges based on his phrasing that he's aware that Guen is working with the anti-Empire forces. But to answer his question, no it wasn't Guen who spilled the beans, he only told them that Axion would be here. Guen asks if Axion will have him killed for his treason, but Axion replies that there's no such strength in him anymore. Ever since he lost his son, he knew that this day would come. That's why he invited Guen into the ranks of Chrono. He decided to gamble on the youthful ambition he saw in Guen's eyes. Guen replies that Axion overestimated him - he's merely a mediocre man who relies on the strength of others. But there's something he believes in. Axion asks if he believes that something lays beyond the future of despair spelled out in the final chapter of Metropolis. Not quite, says Guen, he believes in Laura and Z-BLUE. Axion wonders aloud if they can actually win. In any case, time will begin to move again... the time that stopped the moment Man first landed on the Moon. And when it moves again, Man's true battle will begin.
  547. Over at Cheyenne Mountain, the ~evil~ conspirators have finished preparing the Colony Laser to fire. They seemed pleased with themselves. Z-BLUE spanked Neo Zeon's botty, and now they'll kill both Z-BLUE and Syam Vist in one shot. And in doing so, they will protect Chrono's creed and ensure mankind's safety. Martha gives the command to fire, telling them to vapourize both Z-BLUE and Magallanica. Albert bursts into the room, demanding to know what they've done. He grabs Martha by the collar and yells at her, shouting that oppressing the people by force makes her no better than him. Ronan tells him to let go, but Albert shouts that his own son is in the path of the beam. Ronan freaks out, asking why Riddhe would be there.
  549. You get sixteen deployment slots. Your forced deployments are Banagher-Riddhe, and Hibiki-(Free). While Mineva prepares to reveal the contents of the Box, Z-BLUE will protect the Magallanica from Chrono, who is coming to fight us. Riddhe points out that Chrono's mobile taskforce is more or less wrecked, so the Empire will probably accompany them. And Hibiki says that Ambriel will probably be among them, looking for the final battle she keeps promising. Hibiki thinks that just beating her isn't enough, he needs to rescue Suzune too... but is that really the right thing to do? Kamille asks Riddhe if he knows what the parts of the Box pertaining to Chrono are, and he replies that it's not for him to say. When the charter is announced, the rest will come with it. The information contained in Veda's Level 8 encryption, further proof of a connection between Aeolia Schenberg and Syam Vist. The enemy shows up right on time, led of course by Ambriel. She's impressed you not only beat Neo Zeon (not that impressive really) but also sent Barbiel packing (again, not very difficult). But you also caused him to power up some more, and in the interest of not having to deal with his ego, she'd like the Geminion now. Everybody starts booing her, but she tells you that there's no time for your games, she's on a tight schedule.
  551. The enemy force consists of the Geminia (116000 HP / Sheryl's Disk), Angeloi and GN-XIVs. The SR point is to clear the map in three turns, with Geminia last.
  553. Once you damage the Geminia enough, Veda seizes control of communication systems all over the Earth Sphere. On a scale that even the Empire would have difficulty interfering with, further proving Aeolia's foresight. The speech from the Magallanica begins its broadcast. Mineva introduces herself, and states that she is here today to impart a secret that the Federation has kept under wraps since its inception. She explains that the Federation charter known to them is just a doctored replica, missing part of the original. She turns the camera to the charter.
  555. Outside, Ambriel seems completely uninterested in stopping the broadcast. She's far more keen on fighting Hibiki. Once you've beaten her (preferably with BALMUNG ILLUMINATIONS), Ambriel laughs in Hibiki's face. Even if he beats her, his beloved Suzune won't come back. In fact, she can no longer sense Suzune inside her anymore. But she admits her own defeat, but the good news is she won't have to live with the shame of that loss. Hibiki asks what she's talking about, and Ambriel just says it's almost time.
  557. The Newtypes suddenly feel it - a light of hatred approaching. Char demands to know what's going on, and Ambriel replies that the Colony Laser's been fired. Chrono is about to vaporize this entire colony to prevent their secret from coming to light. But Banagher's not about to let that happen. He breaks off from the group and flies toward the beam, yelling that he's going to project a Psychofield to deflect the beam. Mineva says that's fine, she's not leaving Magallanica anyway. She said her piece, having finished the speech. She will merely watch what unfolds now. But, she reminds Banagher, he promised her to come back safely. Riddhe decides to lend a hand, since the Banshee can generate a field as well. And because the Psychoframes conduct human willpower, the entirety of your force line up behind the Unicorns. Char orders all units with barrier to the front, and Loran says that he'll use the Moonlight Butterfly to help absorb the energy of the beam. Banagher realizes that this is what they meant when they said that the Gundams will guide them to the future.
  559. And what's more, Ambriel's coming along too, says Hibiki. He seizes the crippled Geminia by the arm and drags it over to the formation. She sarcastically asks him if he's decided to have a lover's suicide with him out of despair. No, says Hibiki, he's going to save her. He doesn't buy the notion that Suzune is gone for a second, and as a result won't let Ambriel die without permission. Ambriel's smirk fades for the first time, and she says that you're all idiots. If you ran away, then perhaps you could survive to accomplish something. Land flashes her a Heat Smile and replies that they can't advance if they run away. Crow explains that protecting this place is tantamount to protecting their future, after all. So there you have it, yells Hibiki, you're coming along with us, Ambriel. She shrugs, telling him to do whatever he likes. The beam appears on the horizon and every unit cranks their barriers up to eleven.
  561. The Psychofields aren't enough, but Shinji jumps in with his AT Fields. AL informs Sousuke that it's not going well, but Sousuke yells that if he has time for status reports, help him activate the Λ Driver! Nono activates her Physical Reactor and Noriko the Gunbuster's Inertial Canceler. Geminion and Ambriel throw their D-Faults into the mix, and Hibiki praises her for putting her neck on the line. Hibiki tells her that he understands now - both Suzune and Ambriel want to live, and he's going to save them both if need be. And after he does, the two of them can figure out which of them is the "real" one. Ambriel yells again that Suzune's gone, and Hibiki smirks, saying that bluffs aren't going to work in the midst of a Psychofield. Hibiki calls out to Suzune, telling her to come back because he needs her. He promised he'd protect her, and he's damn well going to do it.
  563. Ambriel sighs, saying that it looks she's lost completely. Marida's spirit tells Banagher not to let up. What is yet imperceptible to them, she can now see. He and his friends are the light that shines even in the depths of despair. And over the rainbow, the road leads ever onward.
  565. Banagher gets teleported to naked understanding space. Veda continues transmitting information, evidently about to reveal the deep dark secrets of Chrono. Elgan Laudic appears on screen. He and his comrades prepared this broadcast in the expectation of the day when Man is finally ready to take the next step. And the revelation of the contents of UCW's Laplace's Box seemed an opportune moment. As some are aware, there exists an organisation by the name of Chrono that exists throughout the myriad parallel worlds. Naming themselves the stewards of Man's evolution, they have manipulated the course of history from the shadows. And nowhere was that manipulation more prominent than in their oppression of the Spacenoids. Why did they do it? The answer is because they were afraid of humanity evolving. Newtypes, Innovators, SEEDs, all represent steps forward for mankind. And Chrono feared that prospect, and thus sought to halt the progress of mankind itself. Chrono's history is intertwined with humanity's departure into space. And it all begins when, throughout the worlds, humanity reaches the Moon for the first time, and finds something waiting for them there. And what awaits them is a message of unknown origin, directed to the humans of Earth. That there exists a species that will not tolerate mankind's evolution.
  567. And from then forward, mankind's very existence will be brought under the control of another sapient race. Or put it different, mankind will be raised like livestock. And this... Administrator demonstrated its terrifying power to the leaders of the various nations of Earth. But if they're willing to pledge obedience to it, it will guarantee the continuation of the human race. And thus Chrono began, steering the course of man's evolution as proxies of this mysterious "Administrator". In other words, history as it existed from then on, was influenced by the invisible hand of the Administrator through Chrono. And in accordance with the Administrator's will, they exerted their control over humanity. No greater example of this control was their supervision of those who migrated into space. The freedom of the migrants was restricted, and their adaptation to their environment controlled. And whenever somebody came for, advocating for man's evolution, they would be swiftly dealt with by Chrono. And in this manner, Chrono's control over mankind exists, throughout the parallel worlds. The assassination of the Universal Century's Zeon Zum Daikun, and ADW's Heero Yuy. The One Year War, a pretense orchestrated to justify their continued oppression of the Spacenoids. However, despite their efforts to contrary, mankind continues to advance. The emergence of Newtypes and Innovators are a sign of that. But in order for mankind as a while to usher in a new age, they must defeat the "Administrators"... Sidereal. But even in light of these revelations, it is not his place, as a relic of the past, to say how mankind should proceed. But as the age has reached a new position, Man has no choice but to fight the oncoming Fundamental Calamity. All he can do, is impart these truths to you. The decision of how you will carve out your own future, is for you to decide for yourselves.
  569. The revelation that Sidereal is basically responsible for controlling the history of all of the parallel worlds knocks quite a few people's socks off. It's been centuries since humans landed on the Moon, after all. Everything, from the assassination of Zeon Daikun, to the "conflict" between the Naturals and Coordinators are their work. Everybody starts to wonder if they can even win against Sidereal, given that it has the power to manipulate history on the scale of countless worlds. Syam reveals that it was from Elgan Laudic that he learned of the parallel worlds and the future of despair. And the smiling face of the figure he glimpsed standing the flames of the exploding Laplace, was proof to him of the existence of these "Administrators"... And he and Aeolia Schenberg waited patiently for arrival of those who could break man free of this prison. Seeing you, he feels that his wish has finally come true.
  571. But the ones who'll decide that are you yourselves, says a voice. Advent appears with Asakim in tow. Advent explains that Riddhe learned this, and sank into the depths of hopelessness. Advent saved Riddhe when he was wandering in space, and imparted the truth to him. Crow wonders what he's here for, perhaps to ask their help in defeating Sidereal's dog Chrono, or did he just come here to enjoy their shocked reactions. That's up to you too, says Advent. But before, he must welcome the other guests. The Sidereal Reactors arrive, with Australis in tow. Sousuke says they're probably there to take care of Z-BLUE, now that they know the truth. But Australis tells him not to get too full of himself.
  573. Advent welcomes Australis. And with him, all twelve Spheres have been gathered here. Kei is surprised, but Advent casually states that Australis is the Reactor of the Rising Archer. Elunaruna, Shikuu and Barbiel all grit their teeth in anger at Advent. Barbiel wants to prioritize killing Advent over Z-BLUE, a sentiment that Ambriel agrees with it. She flies over to Advent, who brightly welcomes here, wondering if she's Ambriel or Suzune. Ambriel's not in the mood for his nonsense though. Warrior of Salvation, Traveler to the Taikyoku, Steward of Law, Guardian of Causality, Accursed Wanderer mutters Advent... but in the end she too, like them, have chosen to stand against him. How unfortunate, he says, but she will now vanish to the ends of causality.
  575. He attacks the Geminia, mortally wounding Ambriel. But before she dies, Suzune's personality seemingly resurfaces, and apologizes to Hibiki. The Geminia explodes. Hibiki stares in horror, but Advent cheerfully states that he has removed her from the equation, since there's no need for two Reactors for the Quarreling Twins. Hibiki screams in anguish, and finds his consciousness dragged to spooky space. His left sclera red again, he begins reciting names.
  576. False Black Sheep.
  577. Covetous Golden Ox.
  578. Muted Crab.
  579. Wounded Lion.
  580. Sorrowful Maiden.
  581. Swaying Scales.
  582. Resentful Scorpion.
  583. Rising Archer.
  584. Inquisitive Goat.
  585. Inexhaustible Water-bearer.
  586. Dreaming Twin Fishes.
  587. And, the Quarreling Twins. He cries out Suzune's name and is subsumed into light.
  589. She flies over to Advent, who brightly welcomes her, wondering if she's Ambriel or Suzune. Ambriel's not in the mood for his nonsense though. Hibiki's eyes widen in realization. Warrior of Salvation, Traveler to the Taikyoku, Steward of Law, Guardian of Causality, Accursed Wanderer mutters Advent... but in the end she too, like them, have chosen to stand against him. How unfortunate, he says, but she will now vanish to the ends of causality.
  591. But this time, Hibiki leaps in the path of the attacks and blocks it. Land and Setsuko are surprised he was able to react to that attack, with Crow chalking it up to his training. Hibiki wonders why the others haven't noticed, that time just looped. That it seems that he was only one who went back. Advent states that Hibiki has thrown open the forbidden door, which Asakim calls the meaning of the Quarreling Twins. Australis comments that it was worth it to come here, but Elunaruna scratches her head, since nothing's happened yet. Shikuu and Barbiel felt some kind of strange sensation, with the latter demanding to know what's going on. Australis orders them all to pull back and monitor the situation. Their opportunity will come soon enough.
  593. The Sidereal Reactors leave. Advent comments that for a brief moment, all twelve Spheres came together as one and rejected him. How unfortunate, Asakim. Asakim however, knew from the start that the two of them were incompatible, since Advent was one of his objectives. Asakim throws his lot in with Z-BLUE, and Suzune yells that he's not the only one who won't obey Advent. Suzune suddenly appears in the Geminion's subpilot seat, commenting on how nostalgic it is. Hibiki freaks out, demanding to know how she got there. Suzune nonchalantly replies that she teleported, using some kind of souped up version of Hibiki's Clock Up. While Hibiki's mouth opens and closes wordlessly, Suzune reports that Ambriel thanks him for saving her. Suzune states that she and Ambriel have merged into one, like how Hibiki overcame both hope and despair. The "main" personality is her though. Hibiki acknowledged her existence and saved Suzune from the depths of the subconscious, allowing them to become one. And now she wants Hibiki to show her the power of the Quarreling Twins, of the Geminion Ray.
  595. The Sphere powers up to a level that Hibiki has never seen before. Hibiki yells that Advent, who killed his family and tried to take Suzune from him, will pay for that. Hibiki unleashes his final technique, The Over Riser Arc on the Asclepus, destroying it in one hit. But seconds later, it reconstitutes itself in full. Advent replies that this power is the same as the the one Hibiki used. However, in this state, he can't use it endlessly. He whistles and his ska band of brainwashed flunkies appear to assist him. Advent orders them to punish Z-BLUE for their transgression. Asakim asks Advent if he intends to keep underestimating Z-BLUE, and Advent replies that he only ever thinks about what's best for them and the world. He smiles at you, telling you to rise to his expectations. Hibiki truly is magnificent, one of the most joyous things that Advent has ever encountered.
  597. The enemy force now consists of Advent's Asclepus (105000 HP / SOL Armour) and twelve mass-produced Asclepus (20600 HP) with Blue and White among them.
  599. When you do some damage to him, Apollo comments that his resistance to damage is reminiscent of the Black Angeloi. Advent in turn comments that it's a joy to fight you, and now he wants your assistance more and more. But suddenly his unit takes a hit, and a voice comments that Advent's as bloody frustrating as ever. Gadlight appears on the edge of the map to the sounds of Lost Soldiers, stating that he's here to put Advent out to pasture. Hibiki's jaw drops, and Gadlight goes to call him Imitation Boy, but by this point it's his Geminia that feels like a pale imitation. Hibiki's surprised he's alive, and Gadlight replies that he stubbornly clung to life. And he's kind of pissed that a certain somebody used his people's hope (Geminia) without permission. Suzune awkwardly tries to explain herself, but Gadlight tells her not to worry about it. He's got a whole boatload of things he'd like to yell at you, but for now he's here to fight Advent. He's no longer a part of Sidereal and has lost his forces, but he'll still make Advent pay.
  601. Advent calls him pathetic. He had his Sphere stolen and lost the woman most dear to him, and yet still intends to fight. Gadlight replies that, no offence to Annelotte, but now he's got some new girls in his life. And for their sake, he's going to crush Advent. And there you have it Hibiki, he says. He's neither here to mend fences or help you out, he's going to do his own thing. Advent addresses the names of all of the Reactors, stating that none of you understand a thing.
  603. The stage will end when you defeat Advent's Asclepus, and you will lose if Hibiki, Asakim, or Gadlight are shot down. When Asakim engages in combat, he says that the time has come for Shurouga and he to soar over causality on ebon wings. And now, wreathed in hellfire, he will cut through both the frozen Fate and Heaven's Prison. When Gadlight engages in combat, he swears upon the lives of Annelotte, the Geminis and all of the lost lives of their planet, as well as the new lives, that he will bear their regrets to the future. For he is Gadlight Meonsam, a warrior of Geminai. When Hibiki defeats any of the named characters, Gadlight complements on getting past his mother's death. Hibiki starts to reply but Gadlight apologizes, saying that at the moment that Hibiki took his Sphere, their souls linked for an instant. Because of that, he knew what was eating at Hibiki. Hibiki asks if that's all he wants to say, and Gadlight tells him to cool it, he's not here to fight. Gadlight then thinks to himself that Hibiki might not be completely over it after all, but whether good or ill comes it remains to be seen.
  605. After defeating Advent the second time, he comments that using Resurrection a second time would be rough. He attempts to flee but Asakim gives chase. Advent tells Asakim that he should know well that striking him down here will change nothing, but Asakim replies that he's content in showing Advent that not everything will go his own way. Very well, says Advent, he will rise to Asakim's feeble taunt. He unleashes the Asclepus' true power, revealing the angelic form glimpsed once during Rengoku. He shouts that this is what Asakim wanted to see. And that while there are times when even the Sun sets, his radiance is eternal. He blasts the Shurouga apart, to the surprise of Z-BLUE. Yet death is meaningless to him, as you should well know, says Advent. This form is Advent's "wings", Helios. He bids you farewell, stating that with your power, the universe can be saved. He awaits the day that you reach Shinka. He departs.
  607. Amuro finally cottons on that the シンカ that everybody's going on about has a different nuance from 進化 (evolution). And from the sounds of it, Advent might be the mysterious Administrator that Elgan spoke of. Though he clearly stated them to be Sidereal. Roger asks Gadlight spill the beans on anything he knows, but Gadlight replies he has no obligation to do that. Hibiki gets annoyed at him, but Gadlight tells him not to get the wrong impression. He has no intention of starting up a pretend friendship with any of you. He's simply making use of you to suit his own ends. And he warns Hibiki to remember this: that Hibiki stole his Sphere from him. And if the time comes that Hibiki fails to make use of it, Gadlight will be there to take it back. He leaves.
  609. Hibiki sighs, but Suzune says that he's not their enemy. She's not sure exactly what, but something in him changed. She can't sense resignation in him anymore. Amata laments that in the end, you still have no clue what Advent's deal is. But, says Noriko, before worrying about stuff we don't understand, we should be focusing on dealing with what we do. Everybody goes back to digesting Elgan's earlier revelation. Kappei wonders why Sidereal is doing it, but Banjou replies that the best way to find out would be to ask them directly. Kira comments that it's rather frightening, the scale of their power and influence is beyond what any of them could have guessed at. But now that we've spanked Neo Zeon's botty, it's time to head to Wrath Babylon for the final battle.
  611. Suzune comments that everybody's gotten stronger since last she saw them. She asks Hibiki to tell her what she missed, but he's deep in thought. The immortal Asakim, and Advent who can will himself back from the dead. What relation do they have to the time reversion he did earlier...?
  613. Over at Cheyenne Mountain, Ronan finds his trousers rapidly filling. Not only did Laplace's Box get revealed, but the truth of Chrono as well. Martha thinks that it's of no real concern though. So what if Sidereal has controlled mankind for centuries? How is that any different to right now, where they literally occupied the planet. Albert looks at her in disgust. So caught up in family, blood, and influence that she never questions anything. And what can humans do about it, retorts Martha? Fight, says Albert. Great, replies Martha, then let's all hope for Z-BLUE's success. But Albert says she's wrong - it's not simply Z-BLUE, but all of mankind that will need to fight. He excuses himself, stating that he's going to go to find a way to fight this world. Ronan asks him to wait, and Albert coolly replies that he'll pass on what Ronan's probably dying to tell his son.
  615. Ronan comments that it's all over, but Martha seems less convinced. But Axion arrives, stating that it is indeed all over. Sidereal has decided to cut Chrono loose, now that they have failed to keep the secret, their usefulness has reached its end. So what do they do now, demands Martha, now that they no longer have Sidereal backing them. There's nothing we old folks can do, replies Axion, but to put their hopes in their children. Axion thinks about Carlos, and how his wish of the world's liberation finally came true. Guen tells Axion that Australis is about to make a proclamation to the entire world.
  617. Australis broadcasts to the "stupid" and "feeble" denizens of Earth, informing them that everything that Elgan Laudic said was true. From the time of their ancestors, they have been at the mercy of Sidereal. They are merely a species that they deigned to allow to live, and their life and death is for him to decide. Is that infuriates or enrages them, he welcomes them to come and take their best shot. He'll wait for them at Wrath Babylon, and has no intention to either run or hide. With the fate of your planet on the line, come and challenge him.
  619. Back in space, everybody in Z-BLUE begin cackling madly and sharpening their murdering implements. Suzune seems keen to get back to work (but you can't tell by her terrible new default portrait) since she's got two people's worth of energy to burn off. She explains to the others how she merged with Ambriel instead of one of them wiping out the other. She got the idea from Hibiki and how he handled the Quarreling Twins. And speaking of Hibiki, he's over in a corner by himself, deep in thought. Kallen is rather aghast, since he just got Suzune back. Amata comments that he's probably embarrassed, and Sousuke confirms that emotions definitely run high on this kind of reunion. Kaname, pink in the cheeks, whispers for him to shut up. There's a lost to digest: the contents of the Box, Advent and Asakim's falling out, Gadlight's survival, and Hibiki's new power up. Kallen asks if it's the power of love, and Suzune replies that she hopes it is. Everybody is surprised, since ordinarily she'd vehemently deny something like that, but Suzune suspects it's Ambriel's influence. Until now, she worried too much about her position, being both responsible for him (as his teacher) and older than him. But now she's being influenced by the free spirit Ambriel, and not paying as much mind to those kinds of things. She walks off to go talk to Hibiki.
  621. She finds him sitting in the cockpit of the Genion. Hibiki expresses his relief that she's finally back, and she similarly states that she's glad to be back together with Hibiki. She begins to tear up, and thanks him for saving her. There's so much that he wants to tell her, but for now, she insists that he rests. She'll come back to get him at dinner time, so until them he should take a nap. He thanks her, and she begins to climb out the cockpit.
  622. "Ah, oh yes... I love you, Hibiki-kun"
  623. And then she leaves, leaving Hibiki rather flabbergasted. But rather than be happy about it, he thinks about how he definitely watched her die. At that instant, he rejected the reality of what he was seeing, and somehow reverted time. And at that moment, he could feel all twelve Spheres. And he could feel the powers that they afforded, the power to make anything happen or change.
  624. ________
  628. While we're down on Earth, knee deep in the blood of Sidereal, Tessa intends to use Celestial Being's facilities to look into something. She intends to analyse something Leonard left behind, which together with the data Noriko provided and an idea she had, might become the power to secure mankind's future.
  630. At Central Base, the second stringer Sidereal goons are sitting around discussing stuff. Earth is far from the first planet to be under Sidereal's oversight - there's at least twenty other planets in this galaxy alone. And this isn't a precedent for the denizens of a planet learning of Sidereal's control either. The really surprising bit is how high the Earthlings' morale is, even after hearing the truth. The resistance groups and the Federation are beginning to claw back territory slowly but surely. He wasn't expecting the South American Central Base to fall though. Fervor born of ignorance of Sidereal's true power, says Shikoku. The only real explanation, suggests Sardias, is that there's something a bit strange about the Earthlings. Their refusal to give in and their insistence in believing in one another, and with no better example than Z-BLUE. Debaran thinks that crushing Z-BLUE might in turn break the spirit of the planet.
  632. But the completion of the Origin Law and Reishi extraction systems will spell the end of them as a concern. The same fate that befell the planet Geminai. And then the Earth's finest warriors, Z-BLUE will be rolled into Sidereal. The same as Hyades and Kishuku. Sardias asks Debaran, curious as to how the Hyades really feel. Debaran replies that he merely follows Elunaruna into battle. Even though Sidereal killed the previous leader, asks Sardias. Debaran replies that obeying Sidereal was Elunaruna's decision. Sardias shrugs, saying that if Elunaruna (being the only daughter of the previous head) is OK with it, then that's that. But what about Shikoku? She replies only that what lays ahead for Sidereal is conflict and death. And that guiding the souls of lost lives to heaven is the duty of the Gishuku. Viewed in that sense, this is the perfect place for them. He comments that she seems more or less unperturbed that most of her people were wiped out. And what of Sardias, asks Shikoku. He's been a member of Sidereal longer than any of them, but he's never spoke of his past. Sardias replies that his story isn't much different. His planet was destroyed, and he became a Sidereal member. Specifically, the leader of a taskforce designed to steal the Resentful Scorpion. In other words, he's a Reactor candidate. At first, after losing his planet, his family and his friends, he had the same kind of hatred toward the world as Barbiel. But in the end, he just let go it. So in that respect, all three of them are kind of the same. And now the three upstart sub-commanders will fight to protect this defence line with all their might.
  634. Morale is high, since Shikoku claims they have prepared a stratagem for certain victory. Sardias raises an eyebrow, and Debaran replies that he can call it a "complete victory" or a "crushing victory" or whatever he likes. Sardias quips that the Hyades evidently don't have just the word "victory" in their dictionaries. Shikoku promises that she will be sure to contribute to his victory, and Debaran replies that he swears to her that they'll win the day. Sardias jokingly says that he's going to tell on them to their bosses. He wonders if even the unflappable Shikuu will get angry if somebody makes a move on his sister. Debaran is gobsmacked that Shikoku is Shikuu's younger sister, and Sardias laughs.
  636. Z-BLUE arrives on the scene with 18 deployment slots for a change. There are no forced deployments. The Shin Dragon team make a terrible joke that the three Sidereal sub-captains have become one. Everybody yells and makes rude gestures involving fingers at Sidereal, and Suzune comments that it's good to be home. She turns beet red and awkwardly mumbles an apology for what she said earlier, claiming that she just got caught up in the moment and not to worry about it. Hibiki goes to reply, but she tells him to stop. Saying what he's about to say is something best reserved for after the battle. And not today's battle, but the end of the war itself. Hibiki comments that's rather far off, and she teasingly asks if he's losing confidence, but Hibiki says perish the thought. Sayaka elbows Kouji in the ribs, telling him to check the mood over there. Kurz comments that she wasted no time in resuming the private lessons.
  638. The enemy force is fairly large, with the Ban Aldebaral (88000 HP), Shaulas Leader (82000 HP), and Shimeisou Zetsu (80000 HP) as your boss fights, and each has a little group of their own dudes. All three sub-captains are in fine form, and have their Ace bonuses unlocked. The SR point is to clear the map in six turns, fulfilling the following three objectives before then:
  639. - Reach MAX tactical combo
  640. - Allow any allied pilot to score five or more kills in one turn
  641. - On any given turn, shoot down at least sixteen enemies
  643. Once you kill a few enemies, the three Sidereal Reactors appear. Z-BLUE immediately decry them for not having any faith in their own subordinates, but Barbiel says that they're just here to prepare the perfect stage for you. Central Base is a mechanism designed to extract Origin Law from the planet. And if they use their Spheres to control it, they can set up a suitable battlefield for you. They tap into the Origin Law and trigger another obfuscation of cause and effect that... seemingly does nothing... But then all of Z-BLUE's parameters begin to fall, and Elunaruna explains that they rewrote the physical laws of the surrounding area. Basically creating a dimensional cage that reduces your strength by half. Shikuu states that it's punishment for learning what you ought not to have. Barbiel expresses his disappointment that Ambriel failed to acquire the Quarreling Twins. Since, if she had, she might have been privy to what lies ahead. Elunaruna complains that she doesn't like relying on this kind of tactic, but Australis has ordered them to pull out all the stops. She apologizes to Debaran, who says that he understands that it's an order from the top. Elunaruna laughs at this and playfully tells him she loves him before leaving.
  645. Debaran basically makes a mess in his trousers, and Sardias bemusedly applauds him. Debaran thanks the other two for their help, and Crow gets annoyed that the enemy are already celebrating. Duo asks if Crow can do anything with his Sphere, but there's nothing for it. Sidereal's control over their Spheres is several steps ahead of theirs, so they're going to have to fight with the handicap. Gou tells them not to give up hope, since he can feel something powerful approaching.
  647. The effects of the dimensional cage inflict Stat Halving on all of your pilots. But the joke's on them, since halving Chirico's stats just means that he's about on the level of an ordinary pilot. And after Chirico continues his murder spree relatively unaffected, Sardias praises your stubbornness. But it's time to finish you off. Enemy reinforcements appear, and aim for the Shin Dragon to try and trigger a game over by shooting down a battleship. Shin Dragon tries in vain to escape them, but the enemy units are shot down. And by no less than Denzel and Toby in the Virgola Units 1 and 2. But the enemy persistently try to evade them and continue trying to attack Shin Dragon's bridge, but they too are intercepted. This time, it's Marguerite and Ziene in the Pearl Nail and Chaos Caper. But Ziene corrects Land, she's not a member of Chimera anymore, so please call her unit Eliphas. Kei welcomes her as Queen of Chrono. Mer is shocked that Chimera's titty monster turned out to be Queen, and Ziene is amused that Kei figured it out. Setsuko, Land and Crow are glad to see their old friends again. Debaran yells that a scant four extra units won't change the tide of battle, but Ziene tells him that the main event is yet to come.
  649. A battleship appears, and Debaran scoffs at it. From the bridge, Traia smirks behind her fox mask and tells him that what it lacks in raw firepower it makes up elsewhere. She detects the convergence point of the distorted causality and fires a blast of D-Energy at it, restoring the normal flow. Traia smirks at them, apologizing for pissing all over their big day. But this Solarian has the ability to manipulate phenomena as well. It's the crystallization of all the knowledge of Earth's boffins. The Photon Laboratories, Shikishima, Lloyd, Cecile, Lakshata, Billy, Umemoto (guy who build Trider), the Whispereds, and the Celestial Being engineering staff. All their resources came together to create this.
  651. Suzune wonders how they can control phenomena, and Hibiki asks if it's an artificial Sphere. AG scoffs at the notion, asking what Hibiki thinks he's been doing with all of the thoughts he's been collecting. This is all the power of the Z-Crystal! And fueled by the power of Z-BLUE's emotions, it's able to wrest causality back to normal. But the Solarian is nothing but a control system for the Z-Crystal, which you guys created out of all the myriad thoughts and feelings you've had in your battles. It's basically a reactor fueled by the power of Life. Debaran pulls his hair out, but Sardias says that he wanted this anyway. Rather than a one-sided farce, an all-out battle. AG asks your old friends for help in protecting the Solarian, and they all file into the ship. Traia explains that once per minute, the Solarian will be able to manipulate a phenomenon. There are six settings in total, based on the progress of the Z-Crystal.
  653. You now have the unbridled power of the Solarian and it's Dimension Commands. They can each be used once per stage, and one can be used per turn. There are six flavours in total:
  655. - Upper Field (vanilla) - Raises the morale of all units within three tiles in every direction by five.
  656. - Tension MAX (chocolate) - Does exactly what it says on the tin, giving max tension to an indicated team.
  657. - Keep Combo (strawberry) - Keeps tactical combo from decreasing if you fail to shoot down an enemy for the remainder of the turn.
  658. - Dimension Call (butter pecan) - Teleports an indicated team to the four tiles adjacent to Solarian, provided there isn't already a unit there.
  659. - Revive Chance (peanut butter) - Casts Enable on the indicated team.
  660. - Full Miracle (neapolitan) - Casts Miracle on the indicated team.
  662. When you defeat Shikoku, she states her belief that Z-BLUE might yet be able to overturn the Truth. The Shimeisou Zetsu explodes, and Crow expresses mild surprise that a psychopomp such as her died so easily. Sardias dies as he lived: irreverently. While the Ban Aldebaral goes down in flames, Debaran yells that he won't die here. Elunaruna's beloved Debaran will surely return to he- but the hits the ground and explodes. Mer worries that he's dead, but Land says that he's got enough of that power of love stuff, he'll be fine.
  664. And with that, the path to Wrath Babylon is clear. And what's more, Kei thinks we have a fighting to chance to avert the World Collapse. Because let him introduce you to the third Singularity: Miss Ziene Espio. When the bomb that caused everything to go terribly wrong went off, she was there at ground zero with them. So we can fix everything, asks Loran. But Ziene says it won't be that simple. Traia explains that you'll need to find the Greater Singularity, the point that ties it all together. Athrun asks if that'd be Junius Seven over in UCW, but Traia explains that while that was the Greater Singularity for UCW, this isn't UCW. They would need to find a point that permeates through all of the worlds, a Super Singularity if you'd like. But if we can find it, we could probably fix the world using the three Singularities. But Ba'al is already starting to activate en masse, and Ledo says that mankind is probably already fighting them in the center of the galaxy. And if humanity loses then... but Traia tells him to stop. Rather than worry about things in the future, focus on the here and now. For example, when paying back a one million G debt, you chip away it G by G, right Crow?
  666. Crow nods, but points out that capturing Wrath Babylon is a bit too tall an order for a mere 1G. The three Sidereal Reactors will be there, as will Australis. The latter is a particular concern, as his Rising Archer's capabilities are a complete unknown. In fact, they've never even seen the machine it's equipped to. All the answers will come when we capture Wrath Babylon though, says Suzune. And contrary to what Full Frontal and Chrono believed, revealing the truth didn't cause everybody to sink into despair. Instead, everybody is pissed off. Traia says it's because of Z-BLUE. Just like when you smashed Time's Prison, Z-BLUE carry the hopes of all mankind. And what's more, you live in a world that rejected the Time's Prison, a world where people chose the uncertainty of the future. You have become synonymous with humanity's future, with mankind's tomorrow banking on your victory.
  668. In the Solarian's hangar, Setsuko expresses her surprise that Denzel and Toby were chilling with Traia. Toby explains that Traia saved their bacon, so they were working as her bodyguards. Setsuko asks how she saved them, and Denzel explains that the two of them are like Asakim: throw around between worlds without properly belonging to any of them. And the Genesis Quake that created the Blue and Green Earths dumped them into a gap between dimensions. And they were stuck there until Traia bailed them out somehow. Setsuko's glad that she could finally see them again, and Denzel replies that he's pleased she's been spreading the good name of the Glory Star. And what's more, she doesn't seem like she needs them to back her up anymore. So they'll leave the frontline to her, and they'll keep the Solarian safe.
  670. Meanwhile Land's talking to Ziene, and Mer is annoyed that Ziene still thinks rather highly of herself. Ziene points out that it was Chrono who gave her that code name though. If Mer joined Chrono, she'd surely get a wonderful codename too. Really!? says Mer, and Ziene says a codename such as Child or Baby. Mer blows up at this, but Land tells her it was just a joke. Ziene apologizes for teasing her, and says that it seems like Mer's grown a bit since last they met. Mer basks in the praise, while Ziene asks if she could bring her some coffee and Mer runs off to get it.
  672. Ziene comments that seeing Mer reminds her of a past she can't get back. But before Land can say anything, she clarifies that she's made peace with that. She explains that she first learned about Chrono back in UCW, but because of the activities of Logos and the Titans being brought to light, they were able to hide themselves completely. Land had thought that The Edel would have been glad to bring down an organisation as pious as theirs. But The Edel just let them get on with it, she says. But for what reason, asks Land. Ziene looks at him and asks if he really thinks that she knows what - if anything was going on in his head. Fair point, says Land. She goes on to say that the Chrono of this world harbored her, since they knew she was a Singularity. But after Time's Prison went kablooie, she figured it was only a matter of time before she was handed over to Sidereal. But King helped her escape. And that's why she stuck her neck out to help in what way she could. But that's not the only reason. She's decided to believe in the light of the human heart she saw back in the Pluralistic War. She asks about Asakim, and Land tells her that Advent killed him. Although death barely slows the guy down, as she knows. Land suddenly wonders again about who busted him out of the Martian ZONE. But he admits that Asakim's like a typhoon that just blows into town whenever it wants. Ziene's expression suddenly hardens, and she says that she knows that Asakim's hurt you but... Land tells her that she doesn't need to say anymore. He doesn't really know how Asakim will play out, but he has a feeling that they'll have to settle things with him eventually. She smiles, saying that he's thinking ahead as always. He flashes her the Heat Smile, and she states that hasn't changed yet.
  674. Meanwhile, Marguerite greets Crow, who states that he's glad she's doing well. She explains that because the Pearl Nail is a prime example of Insalaum's dimensional science, she brought to Traia in the hopes that studying it might be of some use. She thinks the late Uther would have wanted that, and Crow says that he agrees. Crow suddenly remembers that when they parted at the end of the Saisei War, she told him that she had something she wanted to tell him when next they met. Marguerite turns a bit pink in the cheeks but after a moment, suddenly looks downcast. It wouldn't be fair to say it now, she says. That's right, says Traia, this isn't the time or the place. She knows that Crow wants to see Esther, and he asks if she's on the ship. Traia replies that she is, in a manner of speaking.
  676. Down in the reactor core, AG is showing off the Z-Crystal to Hibiki. Hibiki asks if AG disappearing on them was to work on the Solarian, and AG apologizes for not saying anything. But the Solarian's existence was something that they couldn't afford to let Sidereal catch wind of. For the simple reason that this ship and the Z-Crystal are their trump card against Sidereal. Hibiki asks if AG called him away from Suzune just to show him this, but AG says that it's to talk about the thing that Hibiki doesn't want Suzune to hear. At the Battle of Industrial 7, Hibiki used the Quarreling Twin's power didn't he?
  678. The Quarreling Twins, he explains, are a sort of nucleus to the Twelve Spheres. To the best of AG's knowledge, the twelve were originally one, and were for some reason split apart. And while the twelve Spheres all govern the various emotions of humans, the Quarreling Twins acts as a sort of integration and control system for the others. Which is the reason why Sidereal has been so persistent in trying to acquire it. But even if all twelve Spheres are brought together, he should by no means attempt to use their power. AG theorizes that at the moment of Suzune's death, the Reactors of all twelve Spheres rejected her death, which activated the Twins' power. Or more specifically he suggests, they didn't reject Suzune's death but rather the one who caused it. But since all of the Reactors were, however briefly, of a singular will, it caused a miracle to occur. However, warns AG, that if a single person were to try and do the same on his own, only tragedy would result. Hibiki asks him what would happen, and AG ominously replies that he would in all likelihood cease to exist as a "person".
  680. And perhaps to illustrate the point, he asks Hibiki to look inside the case containing the Z-Crystal. Hibiki recoils in horror, seeing a girl inside of it. Traia, Crow and Marguerite arrive, and Traia says that the girl is Esther. Crow looks into the case in horror, asking how this could have happened. Marguerite explains that it's an after-effects of Violation, in other words having been transformed into a dimension beast. Crow and Uther's Spheres were able to restore her human form, but the Revive Cells remained in her. AG states that Esther is, essentially, an ultracompact ZONE at present. Revive Cells merge with the biological processes of the host, and utilizes D-Energy in a similar fashion to how living things process food into energy. Esther gained the ability to respirate D-Energy in her vicinity, and could control it according to her will. But the massive increase in D-Energy released by the Earth after the Genesis Quake was far beyond what she was used to. And so she kept unconsciously absorbing the stuff until the functions of both her body and mind broke down. As a result, they're keeping her in a medically induced coma to protect her from the flood of D-Energy.
  682. Crow understands their reasoning for keeping her in a coma, but asks why she's here. Traia replies that they're using her as a biological converter to control the output of the Z-Crystal. Crow says nothing, and Traia says that he can call her a monster or a devil or whatever he likes. The research that led to the creation of the Solarian was originally intended to try and save Esther, and through using her in the process, they've been able to grasp a lot more about her condition. Crow says that he'll trust Traia.
  684. Hibiki continues to stare in horror at Esther. AG thinks to himself that Hibiki should take care not to forget this sight. The Solarian is capable of all these feats, and yet Esther still retains her shape as a human. But if Hibiki once again tries to utilize the power of God...
  685. ______
  689. In the throne room in Wrath Babylon, Australis' ministers report to him the situation. Z-BLUE has captured the Central Base in central Asia, while a large-scale counteroffensive by the Federation succeeded in liberating 18 Terminal and 3 Central Bases in the Americas. The Empire's control of Blue Earth is now down to just above 50%. What of it, says Australis. So long as he is here, the situation can be reversed. They merely need to crush Z-BLUE, and to that end he dispatches the Sidereal Reactors to "welcome" Z-BLUE. Ciony, who was waiting, asks if he intends to try and win Z-BLUE over. He replies that he ordered Elunaruna to try, but that he will be disappointed if they heed his words.
  691. Ciony says that he's seeking battle, even though he knows that it's meaningless. He tells her to watch her place, she's only a messenger. She replies that she was sent here from the Umbral Moon to deliver a message to him, and that she thinks it refers to now. She once fought for the sake of something too. And even though she knew that she shouldn't rely on power alone, she still drowned in that power. He asks if she's different now, and she replies that her beloved country is slowly taking back its beautiful seas and skies. And that for the sake of her country and the people who live there, she fears nothing. She implores Australis to think about what he should be seeking, but he tells her to shut up. His battle is not something that can be halted with mere words. What this galaxy - no, this world needs is nothing but overwhelming power.
  693. In the Solarian's rad briefing room, the team are going over strategy (blow up all the enemies?). Land wonders if Australis will grace us with his presence. The presence of the Solarian means that they won't be able to pull an underhanded trick like the one they did at Central Base, so it'll just be a straight up slugfest. Suzune reports that while she was working with Sidereal, she overheard that for whatever reason, Sidereal's Reactors can't steal Spheres. Traia's unsure whether that limitation is by choice or mechanical limitations, but the Sidereal Reactors appear to avoid "cannibalizing" each other the way Uther did to Im. He never managed to tap into the power of the second Sphere completely, but still managed to give Gaiou a run for his money. Mer worries then that Asakim, who has four Spheres, is therefore the strongest but Traia doesn't think so. He can draw upon the power of the Spheres, but none of them have merged with him, so he can't use their Sphere Acts.
  695. Ideally though, we'd be able to take out the Sidereal Reactors before Asakim regenerates from his earlier death. The quickest way to do it would be for our Reactors to steal the Spheres of their rivals. With the question of Sphere compatibility thrown in, any decisive strategy against the Reactors goes out the window though. But this isn't a Reactor vs Reactor battle, but a Z-BLUE vs Sidereal battle.
  697. At Wrath Babylon, the enemy deploys en masse. Elunaruna seems a bit bored that Australis ordered the Reactors to stay but for now. Shikuu comments that she seems to be over Debaran already, and she laughs, saying that she's embarrassed that somebody overheard her little declaration of love. But how about Shikuu, since he just lost his little sister. Shikuu flatly replies that to the Kishuku, death is but a "result". Barbiel tells the two to stop bawling their eyes out, this'll hardly be their final battle. It's the final battle for Earth though, since once they take out Z-BLUE and mop up the rest of the riff-raff, they'll be able to return to space. Eluna warns him not to let his guard down, since Z-BLUE is a whole different beast now. Barbiel claims that he's more acquainted with them than the other two and Shikuu agrees, since he's of the same Civilization of Fire as them. Barbiel champs at the bit, going on and on about how much he wants to kill them. Eluna tells him to hurry up and beat down his erection, and Shikuu spots Z-BLUE arriving.
  699. You have 18 deployment slots and no forced deployments to work around. Elunaruna welcomes you to Wrath Babylon, and raises her glasses to you for finding the courage to return here after your last defeat. Sousuke comments she's disparaging her position as commander-in-chief with such pathetic taunts, and she replies that he's rather harsh. Roger asks if they'd like to talk things over, he'd be happy to accommodate them. However, first they'd need to spill the beans on why they fetter the evolution of humanity. Eluna replies that you don't need to know, and Kei calls that a breakdown in negotiations. Eluna tells you to cool your heels, since they don't want to fight either. Kouji asks if they're scared, and Eluna replies that "scared" isn't quite the words she'd choose but they've definitely recognized the threat you possess. So how about you and and the rest of this planet become a member-state of Sidereal?
  701. As you already know, Sidereal is a military alliance of humans from countless worlds. Amuro says they've changed tact from trying to scout the Reactors to trying to scout everybody. Eluna says that with your abilities, you'd easily become battalion or division commanders. Hell, some of you would immediately be instated as generals. And what's more, the people of Earth would graduate from being "pets" to being "collaborators". In other words, says Heero, continue living under the yoke of Sidereal's oversight. Banagher says that Sidereal is basically using humans high in the power of Life as a power source, and Eluna counters that the sacrifice of the few will allow the vast majority to live in peace. Everybody starts yelling and shaking their fists at her, and Shikuu tells her that it's pointless. The people of this planet recognize the existence of their betters, and yet still wish to fight. Barbiel scoffs, calling it the height of stupidity. Idiots like them deserve no mercy. Eluna shrugs, saying that negotiating went nowhere. Shikuu comments that Australis will be happy that it ended like this. Barbiel states that if they're too ignorant to comprehend their words, he'll carve reality into their flesh if need be. Everybody starts cracking their knuckles, and an impromptu lynch mob starts erecting a set of gallows on the Solarian's deck. Barbiel feels a chill up his spine for some reason. Suzune asks if Hibiki's holding up, since they're close to the Reishi Extraction System, but his eyes are fine for some reason.
  703. The enemy force consists of a mixed bag of Sidereal teams. The Antares consists of several pairs of Shaulas, the Hyades contribute several Aldebaral battlships, and the Kishuku have several pairs of Shimeisou. Destroying six teams of each respective force will trigger their Reactor appear. The SR point is to defeat all three Reactors within seven turns.
  705. Once you've destroyed some of the enemies, Gadlight appears as an spot reinforcement, gunning for Shikuu. But before killing Shikuu, he "thanks" Shikuu. While he definitely killed Annelotte, he didn't harm any of the other Geminis or the children that Annelotte was carrying. Shikuu replies that he was only asked to eliminate the last female of Geminis, as punishment for their transgressions against Heaven's will. Whatever the case, says Gadlight, Shikuu allowed the last hope of the Geminides live on: in their twin daughters. He creatively named them Anna and Lotte, and when they grow up, they will bear the blood of his people to the next generation. So thanks, Shikuu... except that mission or not, he's going to rip Shikuu's heart out for killing his wife. Shikuu tells him to stop with the prose and just come at him. Barbiel scoffs - in the end, Gadlight's just a second rate Reactor who never truly understood what the Twins' Third Stage meant. Gadlight invites Barbiel to sod off, and Elunaruna asks if his newfound crusade against Sidereal is the reason he handed the Spear to Leonard Testarossa. Gadlight seems unsurprised to see Queen working with Z-BLUE but she replies that she loves her planet too. Gadlight laughs in self-derision, stating that humans really can't give up on their homeworlds after all. Kei realizes that Gadlight was the one passing information to Ziene from within Sidereal. Shikuu says that it's a shame - if only Gadlight were stronger. But Gadlight tells him that if they think, Sphere or not, that he's the same man as when he drank to drown his sorrows, they've got another thing coming. Hibiki goes to say something but Gadlight tells him to save it. That said, he thanks Z-BLUE for being around, since it's allowed him to get back at Sidereal in however small a way. Gadlight bellows that he's going to teach Sidereal the terror of a man who has had everything taken from him.
  707. Note that because of the conditions by which the bosses spawn, it's possible for all three to come out at once which can be sub-optimal. For my part, I deliberately did it to make it more challenging.
  709. The bosses are the Shiseiten (154000 HP / S-Adapter), An Ares (146000 HP / Seal of Braves), and Pleiades Taura (158000 HP / Super Repair Kit). When they're beaten, they all flee, stating that they can't afford to cough their Spheres up to you.
  711. Once you've beaten all three and the SR point's been coughed up, Australis shows up in his little barrier bubble. The Sidereal Reactors show up again, having regenerated this units. Barbiel taunts Setsuko for not finishing him off when she had the chance. Barbiel yells for Australis to do his thing, now that they bought him some time. And Australis does his thing, blasting all three of his own Reactors with a MAP weapon. Everybody on Z-BLUE are shocked by this turn of events, and Barbiel realizes too late what Australis' aim was. He's going to be taking their Spheres now. Suzune yells that he shouldn't be able to do this, and Australis replies that she's correct: the four Spheres aligned to Sidereal had that power sealed. However, he personally has power greater than that. He praises Barbiel on the terrific power of his hatred and how useful it was to them. Barbiel yells that he doesn't want to die, calling out to Setsuko to save him. He yells for the Gun Ares to guide him to the radiance of the Sun, where he can acquire eternity.
  713. But it's all for naught, and the Gun Ares explodes, and Australis absorbs the Resentful Scorpion. Eluna comments that they did a mean thing to him, and Australis replies that there was nothing for it - it's pointless to expect much of somebody who would give himself the Reactor's baptismal name. He apologizes to Elunaruna for having to take her desire for endless battle from her, but she doesn't mind. She's keeping the promise that she made. But even still, her darling and Z-BLUE managed to satisfy her lust for battle so she'll go satisfied. She waves goodbye to Land and the rest of Z-BLUE, saying that she was happy she came to Earth. The Pleiades Taura explodes and Australis absorbs the Covetous Golden Ox.
  715. Land yells about it ending like this, but Shikuu tells him that it's not for you to decide. Shikuu tells Australis that he'll leave the rest to him. Crow demands an explanation. Shikuu states only that he and Elunaruna are giving their Spheres - and thus their lives to Australis. Crow demands to know why, but Shikuu merely says that it's because he and Crow are the same after all. The Shiseiten explodes, and Australis absorbs the Muted Crab. Australis states that it will take some time before all becomes his, and summons forth his personal guards (pallet-swapped Angeloi SAGs). Gadlight yells for you to stop sitting there with your mouths hanging open and smash Australis' bubble. Hibiki asks Gadlight what's about to happen, but Gadlight seems to be refusing to accept it. He yells that if this is the case then he... but Char tells Hibiki to ignore Gadlight and focus on defeating Australis.
  717. Australis' barrier has 62200 HP and a Chogokin Z for the taking, its only attack a MAP weapon called ???.
  719. After Gunbuster's kicked the sphere to death, Australis states that he is finally filled with sufficient fighting spirit. Gadlight decides he can't stand around any longer and charges at Australis. But Australis, whose form has changed, states that his name is not Australis. The sphere shatters revealing an entity made of dimensional energy, who yells that Gadlight shall bequeath his spirit to him. He yells a farewell to Gadlight before kicking the Geminia apart. As the Geminia falls apart, Gadlight comments on the incredible power and says that he understands what Shikuu and Elunaruna were thinking. The entity assures Gadlight that he will make right Gadlight's regrets, and Gadlight through a mouthful of blood asks him to ensure his daughters' future. The entity swears to the last warrior of Geminai that he shall, and Gadlight sighs, saying that he wishes he could have lived a bit longer. Hibiki yells to him, and Gadlight says that he'll enjoy watching to see how far Hibiki's struggles with the Quarreling Twins take him. The Geminia explodes, ending Gadlight's life.
  721. The entity explains that with his death, Gadlight Meonsam's spirit and soul have become a part of his own flesh and blood. He declares that his true name is Vildark of the Dimension Generals. Vaishrava, the man you knew as Gaiou, was once his comrade. And he left a message telling of his life with a girl, to be passed to him whenever he appeared. Like his brethren, Vildark once amassed a great army for the purposes of fighting against the Fundamental Calamity. Yet, they lost. And so in search of still greater power, he acquired the Rising Archer and now the other three Spheres. Lelouch demands to know why he was working with Sidereal, who should have been his enemy. Vildark replies that it is because he judged that it to be necessary. And he now seeks even greater power, which you will provide to him. He snaps his finger and several dimension beasts appear. But he has no intention of turning you into DMs. They are indeed strong, but their strength never increases beyond the initial state after transformation. They cannot be counted amongst those with infinite capacity for growth.
  723. He seeks limitless strength, and to that end he must fight other strong foes. You will bequeath your four Spheres to him, and the rest of Z-BLUE will become sacrifices for the sake of his own strength. Your Reactors basically tell him to go boil his head. That is fine, says Vildark, he wishes you to be his enemies rather his allies. Some come forth, and he will test the strength of a dimension general and four Spheres against you. For his name is Vildark, the ultimate power to overcome Fate itself.
  725. The enemy force now consists of Vildark.
  727. When you damage him, he yells that it's not enough. Origin Law begins flowing into him, stitching his wounds together. Z-BLUE realizes that the energy being siphoned from the captured humans is being used to power him. Everybody decries him for this foul tactic, but he invites you to say what you like. Anything and everything that can be used shall become his strength. Land decides that they'll just need to destroy the system powering him, but Vildark says it's pointless. There is an absolute barrier around the system. Traia says that she's going to teach him that nothing in this world is truly "absolute". AG explains that, however briefly, Hibiki reached the Third Stage of the Quarreling Twins. The Quarreling Twins bears similarity to the underlying principle behind that "absolute barrier". In other words, they're the same. The Solarian blasts the barrier, but Vildark says that they're not going to be able to disrupt the flow of Origin Law with that level of interference. AG replies that they never expected to. Instead, the purpose was to conduct Z-BLUE's voices and thoughts to the people trapped in the Reishi Extraction System. And that's everybody's cue to activate the plot devices. Setsuna leans back in his chair and hits the Quantum Burst button with his toe, Banagher turns the Psychoframe's plot magic up to 11, and Alto activates the YF-29's Fold Wave System. And of course, no gathering of plot devices would be complete without Basara. It works and the flow of energy to Vildark stops, and Rebellion begins playing. Vildark's fine with that though, he'll fight the Earth itself if he has to.
  729. The event maxes everybody's morale and SP out, making it a slaughter. Vildark has 188000 HP and a SOL Quartz for the taking. The stage ends when you defeat Vildark, so make sure you farm the dimension beasts. The fight ends the only way it really could, with the upstart Vildark put in his place.
  731. When he loses, Vildark is completely gobsmacked. He begins to laugh maniacally, and some of your guys start to think he's lost his marbles. But he thanks you, because now he knows that he still has room to grow stronger. And as a courtesy for having his eyes opened, he will give the Earth back to you. But your real battle is just beginning, he warns. In time, you will come into conflict with the Fundamental Calamity. And when that time comes, he'll be there. He leaves. Ciony, on the edge of the palace, bids him farewell. She will pray for him, that he might find a future for himself at the end of his fighting.
  733. Your guys aren't quite sure what to make of what just happened, but HEY YOU WON. VICTORY FOR EARTH. Cue the victory parades. Presumably once news of the emperor's flight reaches the ears of the grunts, they'll pack their bags and head out. Wufei, always a downer, warns that Sidereal could return in future. But we'll deal with that if and when the time comes. For now, Z-BLUE's landing team are heading for the people trapped in the Reishi Extraction System. The Federation will have to build itself back up again now. Simon realizes that they're still not sure where the Chouginga got off to, and Viral suggests they might have relocated it to the centre of the galaxy. And we still didn't figure out why Sidereal's hatin' on evolution. AG says that he hates to interrupt the festivities, but we're in deep trouble. Apparently a hot mess of ELS are piling out of the wormhole that the Buster Army were trying to close.
  734. ______
  738. In the basement of Wrath Babylon, Traia is busy poking the Reishi Extraction System with a stick. Based on her findings, she suggests that the system was operating on a three day rotation, with 50000 humans per shift. If the theory is sound, then the production of reishi and therefore the power of Life is infinite so long as the person continues to live. Therefore, the Empire would drain them as much as possible, and then let them rest for a couple of days while they cycle in another set. However as a technology it's quite useful, as its probability of going out-of-control is extremely low compared to a ZONE.
  740. Bright addresses the rescued VIPs (Marina, Nunally, et al), who appear to be in relatively good health. The Federation will take care of them from here, since Z-BLUE is going to need to double-time it into space to head off the ELS. Cagalli thanks Z-BLUE for all their hard work, but Bright says that we're not done just yet. Until both Earths are safe and sound, our fight will continue. Marina seems rather disappointed that she didn't get to see Setsuna, but Shinn is here on his behalf to greet her. She apologizes for taking up his time, but Shinn awkwardly says it's fine. Setsuna's kind of blunt, unsociable and hard to read, but he's a good guy. And he's been taking good care of the flower she gave him. She's glad to hear it, that Setsuna has taken up her wish for peace.
  742. Nunally sits waiting for Zero, but Heero tells her that he's not coming. She recognizes his voice, which rather surprises him - he wasn't at Ashford very long. She replies that he has a peculiar air about him, but that she wouldn't forget his gentle voice. Heero comments that he's never been told that before, but tells her that Zero and the others are really busy at the moment and can't make it down here. She says that he really is kind, but she doesn't mind - she knows what Zero's thinking. And with people like Heero around him, she doesnt need to worry about him. She asks him to convey the message that she'll do her best to aid the reconstruction, and he in turn promises to help bring about the world that she and Zero wish for.
  744. Cagalli gapes at Riddhe, commenting that he's changed a great deal since last she saw him. He replies that he simply reaped what he sowed, and apologizes for the unsightly side of him she saw at ORB that day. She tells him not to sweat it, she's still grateful that he fought on behalf of her people. But when she said he's changed a lot, she meant it in a good way. He seems kind of taken aback, and she clarifies that compared to the way he looked back then, he's got the look of a man who knows what needs to be done. She tells him not to worry about the past, since it can't be changed, and just to focus on doing what he can. He thanks her, stating that he was glad he ran into her again.
  746. Upstairs, Marie looks around in confusion. This facility appears to be blocking their quantum brainwaves for whatever reason. Tieria theorizes that it's one of the systems they used in order to isolate the place from the outside. Among the people captured are quite a few people with the capacity to become Newtypes or Innovators. But at that moment, Takeru comes running over, asking Amuro to come with him to Block 8. Some kind of unidentified enemy has infiltrated the base.
  748. Outside the facility, Setsuna and Banagher have a reunion with Saji and Louise. They're happy to see Setsuna again, because there's a lot they've wanted to talk to him about. Louise laughs, since their last few meetings didn't go that well. There was that bit where she kept trying to kill him with a mobile suit. But, says Setsuna, people can change. Louise notes Setsuna's smile, saying that she agrees with that. Saji asks Setsuna what kind of stuff he's been up to since last they met, and Setsuna says quite a lot. But at that moment, they're accosted by what appears to be Ribbons Almark. Louise doubles over in pain from the quantum brainwaves being emitted by the Innovade, and Setsuna demands to know who he is. The Innovade continues walking toward them wordlessly, and Setsuna is forced to shoot him. But even though he's shot, no blood comes out, confirming that it's not an Innovade. He empties the rest of his magazine into the enemy, who collapses to the ground and shatters into fragments of metal. In other words, it was an ELS masquerading as an Innovade. Hibiki comes running over, telling everybody to get back inside. ELS are showing up all over the place and attacking people giving off quantum and psychowaves.
  750. Meanwhile in a Federation research facility, Lloyd is poking a girl caught midway through the assimilation process with a stick. She was recovered from the Reishi Extraction System at Wrath Babylon and was attacked by an ELS masquerading as a human. And judging by the reports from Z-BLUE, they're prioritizing the "new" humans like Newtypes and the like. Miina wonders if this is related to why Sidereal is so keen on controlling their evolution. Cecile explains that not only Earthnoids but Spacenoids were recovered from the system. She suggests that the lion's share of the people emitting the waves were in isolation in the facility. So then it seems unlikely to be a coincidence that as soon as they're brought out of the facility, the ELS show up. Lloyd comments that it this rate, humanity might be done in before they finish "that" system.
  752. Up in space, Z-BLUE arrives on the scene with 17 deployment slots. Setsuna-Tieria are today's forced deployments. The Buster Army are in pretty rough shape. Kazumi yells for them to pull back, and they obey her immediately. Nicola comments on how he'd expect nothing else from Noriko's onee-sama. Meanwhile the other onee-sama Lal'C is still down in the dumps. Lyle's surprised there's still so many ELS, considering the Buster Army have been fighting tooth and nail against them. The Quanta's in the shop for repairs, so Setsuna's stuck in the 00 Raiser. Shinn reports to Setsuna that he better look after himself, since Marina's worried about him.
  754. The enemy force consists of 24 pairs of the small ELS and six of the larger battleship-like ones. The SR point is to kill forty enemies in a single turn.
  755. On the second turn, a swarm of Vajra defold along the southern edge of the map. And for whatever reason, they've decided to team up against Z-BLUE, suggesting at some kind of symbiotic relationship. After you destroy some of them, Aimo starts playing as Sheryl and Ranka begin singing, attempting to pacify the Vajra. Unsurprisingly, it still doesn't work, but Alto feels confident it will reach them in time. Ledo tells Chamber to protect the Quarter - not simply because it's a flagship, but because he wishes to protect their song. He had never experienced song before coming to Earth. It's more than a collection of sounds or vibrations of the air, but Life itself. Basara nods sagely, saying that Ledo gets it. So Ledo will hold off attacking the Vajra, if the others really believe it's possible to get through to them. Chamber agrees to listen to Ledo, stating that he will trust Ledo's judgment. AL comments that the partnership between man and machine is a thing of beauty. Sousuke agrees with Ledo, as does AL. Sousuke is surprised, but AL states that even as an AI, he finds something satisfying listening to them sing. Kurz and Simon offer to lend AL their Sheryl and Ranka albums for his listening pleasure. Setsuna watches this and Heero tells him that he's not alone in wishing for understanding. He may be the First Innovator, but he is by no means alone.
  757. After you clear the field, more ELS and Vajra show up en masse. Due to fatigue from the battle at Wrath Babylon and having to wade through the last wave of enemies, your team is feeling a bit winded. Sheryl and Ranka start singing again, which succeeds only in annoying the Vajra, who attack the Quarter. But they keep on singing and eventually, the Vajra get the hint and bugger off. Setsuna decides to use this opportunity to activate the Raiser's Trans-Am Burst in an attempt to communicate with the ELS.
  759. Setsuna gets teleported to naked understanding space, but his portrait shows that he's still wearing his pilot suit. Understanding therefore fails, and he screams in pain before losing consciousness. The ELS begin assimilating the 00 Raiser, but Tieria's not having any of that. He begins emitting quantum brainwaves, which attract the ELS to him. He yells for you to recover Setsuna while they're pigpiling on him. The 00 Raiser floats over toward the rest of Z-BLUE and is recovered, but the Raphael is assimilated and explodes. Sumeragi gives the order to retreat, since we need to regroup.
  761. And to make matters worse, gravitational anomalies behind the ELS suggest that their main force is arriving. Sumeragi orders everybody to pull back to the Celestial Being. Z-BLUE pull back from the field. After they're gone, Advent appears in the Helios. He states that what you opened wasn't Laplace's Box, but rather Pandora's Box. But that even though despair came from it, there still exists hope in its depths.
  763. Over at the Frontier Fleet, Mishima is rubbing his hands together gleefully. He wonders if the ELS can be controlled as well, since their power would be a great boon to their planet to RULE THE GALAXY HA HA HA. Grace replies that there's a lot they don't understand about the ELS. And that if the situation calls for it, they might need to pull back from the Earth Sphere. That being said, a Vajra swarm showing up this close to Earth is a bit odd, says Leon. He wonders if they're displeased about members of their swarm being controlled, and Grace replies that they'll just need to shoot the newcomers with the implant bullets as well. Mishima laughs, saying that soon the Gaia Empire will be a thing of the past. The winds are shifting in their favour now. And what's more, says Grace, they've also discovered the location of the Vajra's (new?) homeworld. A fitting throne for they, the soon-to-be rulers of the galaxy. But Grace worries to herself about why the ELS came all the way to Earth, wondering if some kind of power is at work.
  765. On board the Quarter, the news comes down that Setsuna is still in a comatose state. Cayenne thinks they should have tried to stop him from doing something so reckless, but Amata points out that Setsuna would have done it anyway. UNDERSTANDING has been his prime directive since Saisei. And also everybody is sad about Tieria sacrificing himself, except isn't Tieria's brain downloaded into Veda anyway? In any case, the gravitational anomaly turns out to be a massive ELS fleet, with an equally large ELS in the center. We've petitioned the remaining Federation and Neo Zeon forces to help fend them. Apollo rages at the fact that we JUST beat the Empire, only for this to happen. Sirius comments that Ba'al's power FAR EXCEEDS HUMANITY'S IMAGINATION. Suddenly though, Ranka's pet Vajra Ai-kun starts acting up.
  767. In some trippy Tron-esque landscape, Tieria wakes up. He's addressed by a familiar face, who tells him that he has lost his body. However as an Innovade, his memories and mind were backed up by Veda. Tieria recognizes him as Ribbons Almark - or rather, an Innovade of the same type. The Innovade welcomes him to Aeolia Schenberg's true plan. He will now guide Tieria and mankind.
  768. _______
  772. Inside Veda's Tron-esque landscape, the mysterious Ribbons-like Innovade has just finished filling Tieria in on plot details off screen. Now that he's passed all the juicy details of Aeolia's true plan to Tieria, he's going back to sleep inside Veda. And just as a plus, he threw in a replacement body and Gundam for Tieria to tool around in. Tieria comments that it feels like they've all be dancing in the palm of Aeolia's hand, and the Innovade replies that while that might have been true until now, it won't be that way going forward. The Innovade says that he and Veda will watch over their future. And silently, he comments that the future that he and Amuro spoke of is not far off.
  774. In the Ptolemy's infirmary, Setsuna is still out like a light with Feldt keeping vigil. She explains to the others that at the moment Setsuna's mind reached out to the ELS, he received a mass influx of information that caused neurological damage. In other words, says Kira, the ELS' consciousness is more than any one human can handle. The physical damage to Setsuna's brain can be repaired but there's no guarantee he won't be a gibbering wreck if and when he wakes up. But, as Aoi points out, there's no time to stand around bawling our eyes out. The Federation and Neo Zeon, while presenting a united front with the remainder of their forces, won't last long against the ELS. The others leave, asking Feldt to keep an eye on Setsuna for them.
  776. But Heero stays behind, and tells her without a shred of doubt that Setsuna will awaken. He's not the sort of person to die when he has things left that he needs to accomplish. He asks her to convey to him that they'll wait for him, when he wakes up. Heero leaves. Ledo, silent until now, states that he wishes to see what Setsuna will accomplish. He wishes to see what can come of the relationship between them and the ELS, where words aren't enough. He asks Feldt to tell Setsuna that he'll support him with all his might.
  778. Basara begins wailing on his guitar, to the annoyance of Mylene who tells him to knock it off. Basara replies that Setsuna's "song" lights a fire in his heart, because the two of them are of the same soul. Gamlin thinks it's worth letting Basara belt out a face melter, on the off-chance it wakes Setsuna up. After all, he's personally seen song bring back people in comas before. Feldt asks who Basara woke up, but Gamlin replies that it was Basara who was in the coma. And Gamlin was the one who sang, because it's not an issue of whether your song is good or bad, but the strength of your feelings. And Basara thinks Feldt's feelings are plenty strong, all that's left is for Setsuna's soul to ignite. Everybody heads down to the hangars except for Graham, who was sitting silently in the corner. He looks down at Setsuna, who he was too ashamed to meet before. He says that Setsuna's battle is one to blaze a trail to the future, and that he believes Setsuna will wake up again. Once, he was a fool caught up in the pointless pursuit of "surpassing the Gundams". But he realized that he was mistaken all along: what he really needed to surpass was Setsuna. He takes his leave.
  780. Down in the hangar, Ian reports that the Quanta is finally finished for reals this time you guys. Hopefully, we'll be able to use it to convey to the ELS that we bear them no hostile intent. That's our best hope, says Kamille, since the ELS's numbers seem fathomless. But since the star player Setsuna is sleeping off a quantum hangover, Crow asks if Allelujah could pinch-hit for this one. Allelujah says that they can't, because it was intended for Innovators. And Newtypes won't work either, says Amuro, since the two aren't quite the same. Innovators would fall under the heading of "Newtypes", but Setsuna (being from ADW) was exposed to GN Particles and thus evolved along slightly different lines. Whereas Newtypes can "transmit" their psychowaves to specific targets, Innovators specialize in creating a shared consciousness across a great distance without regard to recipients. Which is what Aeolia was aiming for all along. Crow asks if Aeolia know that things like the ELS existed, and Amuro believes he did. Ribbons, who knew the juicy details of the plan, was rather interested in the concept of communication with alien beings. He didn't specifically predict the arrival of the ELS, but he prepared for the possibility of beings such as them. Though that's simply Amuro's theory. That said, he believes that understanding can sometimes be achieved between humans without all this space magic mumbo jumbo, by just sitting down with the other part and talking stuff over. And Setsuna, who wished for so long to understand others, will have to be the one to see this through.
  782. Colasour greets Graham, saying that he's going out there as the Immortal (instead of the Blissful) Colasour today. He offers to let Graham ride shotgun, saying that his immortality might rub off. Graham politely declines, and Heero asks him if he doesn't value his own life. Graham seems rather taken aback, and Heero states that Graham's life cannot be worth less than his own.
  784. Outside, the battle is raging on. A French shaman gets a single line (screaming in pain) as the ELS assimilate him. Kati yells for a sitrep, and her subordinate replies that everybody is exploding. She wishes the ELS had come even a month later, since by then "that" plan might have been finished. She gives the order for their forces to retreat, and Andrei offers to secure an escape route for them. She tells him not to be reckless, but he replies that of the two of them, she's the one that needs to survive to help build the Federation back up. Because that which his parents sought (and what you murdered your own father to prevent) is the future of Earth. He yells that protecting the populace is the duty of the soldiers.
  786. But Z-BLUE arrive on the scene, cockblocking the pathetic attempt at heroic redemption.
  788. You've got 16 deployment slots to work with. Simon, and Graham-Heero are your forced deployments. If you're intending to save Graham, he and Setsuna will have to be aced by the end of this stage. Alternatively, let Graham score eight kills or more in this stage. Marie tells Andrei to get off the stage, they'll take it from here. He and Kati take their leave, and Z-BLUE get their first look at the ELS "satellite". The individual ELS aren't much of a threat, but their numbers are staggering. Chamber calculates that between the disparity in numbers and pilot fatigue levels, five minutes is the maximum safe time limit. Heero reminds Graham that lives aren't worth much, his own especially. So as long as Heero draws breath, Graham does not have permission to die. Zechs smiles to himself, and Heero reminds him that their fight doesn't end here. Graham realizes that he's got another target to shoot for, and yells that he will make sure to come back alive. Traia warns Z-BLUE that she has a feeling that this battle won't end with just the ELS. Viral and Simon exchange knowing looks, and Simon whispers that, no offence to Setsuna, if things get dicey he'll have to blow through the ELS sphere himself.
  790. The enemy force is just a lot of ELS. That's basically it. SR point is to clear the lot of them in four turns. As per usual, Moonlight Butterfly's SP ability turns the lot of them into flying paperweights.
  792. Once you clear out the little guys, reinforcements arrive in the form of assimilated GN-XIVs. And the Solarian picks up a disturbance in the boundary, heralding the arrival of some STMC to the south. Traia realizes that the STMC didn't warp here themselves, and wonders if there's somebody pulling the strings. Viral tells Simon that it might be time to get moving, but Simon wants to wait a bit more for Setsuna. They've been friends since Hakai, and he trusts that Setsuna will arrive fashionably late. Everybody yells for him to hurry and wake up.
  794. Meanwhile, Setsuna is in the lens flare dimension, screaming in agony. He can feel all of the sadness, pain and suffering of the people on the battlefield. He asks what he should do, and a familiar voice from long ago asks him what he's talking about. Lichty points out that everybody's still alive. Christina says that the world is changing. Neil reminds Setsuna that he needs to change, because he couldn't. Setsuna wakes up in the infirmary. He apologizes to Feldt for worrying her and the others.
  796. The Quanta sallies forth right on time, and Setsuna apologizes for being late. Sousuke quips that he'll have to work hard to make up for the parts he missed. Lelouch asks Setsuna for his impressions, and he replies that the big satellite thing is a sort of nucleus to the ELS. If he can get inside of it, he can share consciousnesses with all of the ELS. Loran worries that the same thing as before will happen, but Tieria arrives to assure him that it'll be fine. Everybody is kind of surprised since he died in the previous stage, but he conversationally replies that losing a body is only a minor inconvenience to an Innovade. Milena welcomes him back and in the same breath, confesses her love to him to Ian's dismay. Setsuna smirks. Feldt says that she'll take over monitoring the Quanta's condition, and Sumeragi asks if she's fine with this. Feldt replies that his love is too big for any one person, and it's enough that she cares about him.
  798. Tieria explains that, as odd as it might sound, the first step to UNDERSTANDING is to crush the ELS' offensive. He marks a spot on the ELS nucleus to aim for, and Simon starts cracking his knuckles. Darry reminds him that they're not here just to fight, and Simon tells her that you can come to understand each other with your fists too. Land flashes a Heat Smile, and Ryouma suggests we employ Z-BLUE style understanding. In other words: shock and awe.
  800. The enemy force now consists of the ELS Nucleus (250000 HP), a few pairs of ELS GN-XIV (16600 HP) and a smattering of STMC along the southeastern edge of the map. The Quanta now has both variations of the Raiser Sword to play with.
  802. After the Nucleus is defeated, it appears to be vulnerable. But before Setsuna can move, AG detects ANOTHER distortion of the boundary. Another five STMC appear on the eastern side of the map, and Noriko scoffs at their numbers. But Kazumi realizes there's something wrong about the one in the middle. Chamber detects gravitational collapses inside the STMC, making it some kind of fluctuating gravity well. Kazumi decides to call a Variable Attractor. AG completes a trace and reports that the Variable Attractor in question has come here from Saturn's moon Titan. Nicola looks rather shocked at this news, and a Buster Machine appears in the wake of the Attractor. It's piloted by the Serpentine Sisters, who explain the power of the "eternal Topless" brought them here with it.
  804. Nicola realizes the identity of the "Titan crab" they were feasting on. He explains that the sisters oversaw an excavation on Titan, that was supposedly to unearth an alien Buster Machine. But it was actually a hibernating STMC, whose meat they've been eating in an effort to perpetuate their Topless abilities. The sisters yell that it is an eternal Topless that has lived for over ten thousand years. They raise their hands in exaltation, crying out for it to bestow its power to them. And it does, by vaporizing both of them. AG explains that since you're not up against a normal foe, it might be time to employ some less-than-normal means. Thanks to all this twisting of the boundary, he's analyzed a contact point to another dimension. He goes to use the Solarian but Simon tells him to cough up the coordinate data, and AG obliges. Simon uses the same technique they used to pinpoint Anti-Spiral's homeworld in Jigoku and drills open a hole in the dimensions at the indicated point. And what pops out, but the Chouginga, along with Simon's wife and friends. The crew seem less than reassured to re-enter normal space in the middle of a warzone between space monsters and Terminators. But Simon wants to keep moving things along and gattais with the ship, to the shock of Nono and Lal'C. Apollo cheers the absurdity of the situation.
  806. The objective changes to defeat the Titan Variable Attractor which has 154000 HP and takes ridiculous amounts of damage because somebody on the development team choked on a mouthful of unflavoured oatmeal and it ended up with less armour than the ELS mooks. It dies pitifully.
  808. When you deplete the Attractor's HP, it stops moving. A swarm of ELS gather at the Nucleus to defend it, capitalizing on the 12 seconds or so the Attractor distracted Z-BLUE. Graham decides it's time to sacrifice himself heroically and charges at the Nucleus, slapping aside the defending ELS. But his unit gets pretty wrecked in the process, and he tells Setsuna to step over his corpse to secure their future. Heero yells that nobody here wants any more lives sacrificed in the name of peace and flies to Graham's aid. Setsuna tells him to live on, so that he can continue to protect the Earth. Graham realizes that he was being foolish again, and sheepishly comments that he's got a long way to go yet. The Quanta and Wing Zero fly into the Nucleus via the hole we blasted earlier. Duo's a little confused as to why Heero went in with him, but Tieria says you'll see in a moment. Chamber interrupts the proceedings by pointing out that the gravitational collapse inside of the Attractor is starting to accelerate. If left to its own devices, it'll collapse into a black hole in the next 3 minutes.
  810. Inside the Nucleus, Setsuna goes to activate the Quantum System. Tieria asks Heero to link the Zero System to Veda. If they connect the two, it should be able to receive information from the ELS even without a receptor for quantum brainwaves. Setsuna protests, because Heero's brain will melt like his did, but Heero tells him not to concern himself. Setsuna doesn't seem convinced but Heero smiles and says that he, unlike Setsuna, has plenty of practice filtering out noise of that nature. Tieria explains that the Zero System was originally intended to be used for the dialogues, but the CB defectors took it and stuck it in the Wing Zero instead. To realize Aeolia's plan in its entirety will require the two Gundams to come together as one as originally envisioned. Heero accepts that mission and activates the Zero System, while Setsuna initiates the Quantum Burst. Setsuna begins the dialogues, with the Earth at stake. Heero tells Setsuna to leave the noise to him and to just focus on their thoughts.
  812. Back on Earth, Marina's Setsuna radar pings. Claus says that he should be knee-deep in ELS at the moment, and Marina says that he's getting some UNDERSTANDING done.
  814. Meanwhile back at the Nucleus, the news that the Attractor is about to go all Exelion on them doesn't really go down a storm. The resultant black hole will be sufficiently large to absorb both Earths and the colonies. Chamber reports that he is unable to calculate a means of averting it. Hibiki finds himself wishing that they had all twelve Spheres here again, but something else happens. The Newtypes all start sense Setsuna's voice reaching throughout the battlefield. Setsuna tells Z-BLUE to carry the Attractor over to the ELS Nucleus. While Riddhe questions the point, Simon picks up the Attractor and flops it down on the surface of the Nucleus like a cosmic fishmonger. Chamber reports that time is up, and that the black hole will soon form. But the Newtypes feel the ELS' consciousness expand throughout the battlefield and everything fades to black.
  816. Only to be replaced by an enormous space flower, made up of the ELS. Setsuna was able to get through to the ELS, and they decided to take one for the team and formed themselves around the black hole to protect the Earth. Tieria states that he too touched the ELS' consciousness. It revealed to him that they lost their homeworld, and have been searching for a means to survive. They lack an individual will, but exist as a sort of collective via quantum brainwaves. And their accosting of humans was an attempt at communication. Kira and Shinn recognize the flower as being the one that Marina gave to Setsuna. The ELS picked it out because it represents peace to Setsuna.
  818. And sitting in the very middle of the flower are the Quanta and the Wing Zero, seemingly unharmed. Quatre drops the Heart of the Cosmos thing, explaining that it was an idea put forth by the politician Heero Yuy. Quatre thinks that it's the ability to understand others and accept them, and he thinks Heero exemplifies it to a tee. Graham calls Setsuna and Heero, the trailblazers that will lead them into a new era. But for now, we need to catch our breath before we set out into the cosmos.
  820. But in an unfamiliar location, shadowy figures take council. A tall, deep-voiced man expresses his surprise that the humans managed to make peace with the ELS. A jovial young woman comments that it's exciting to watch them manage everything we send at them. The man replies that they their evolution will soon reach Shinka, but that they cannot be allowed the Radiance of the Sun. The girl asks what they should do. The man replies that their course is clear: they will eradicate the humans of "that" Earth. For that is their duty.
  821. __________
  825. A month has passed since the ELS' attack, and a project designed to provide an absolute means of protecting the Earth has been completed. Soon, Z-BLUE will strike off to the galactic core to fight Ba'al.
  827. The scene changes to Kamina City in the New World, where Simon holds council with Rossiu's chin. Tomorrow, we'll be setting sail for the center of the galaxy to settle accounts with Sidereal and Ba'al. And Ba'al are suddenly amassing in quantities incomparable to before, which is probably a warning sign that the 120 million year World Collapse is starting. But thanks to our UNDERSTANDING with the ELS, we've acquired a clearer picture of what's going on in the galaxy. Ba'al destroyed their home world too, so they'll be helping us get revenge. Rossiu wonders if we might be able to get the Galactic Alliance on our side too, since we managed to make peace with both the ELS and Vajra. Rossiu says that, just in case, the residents of the colonies, Green Earth and Mars have been evacuated to the Blue Earth. And from there, all of the strength mankind has left to bear will draw a line in the sand at the Blue Earth. Nia comes in, and Simon asks her once more to reconsider her decision to hitch a ride with Z-BLUE. But she's adamant - she had plenty of time to think about it while sitting in the trapped Chouginga. She has no idea how much time she has left, therefore she won't leave Simon's side again. Simon replies that when the battle's over, they'll be able to have the wedding and invite all their friends along. And Rossiu's chin can preside over the ceremony. Rossiu asks if they can win, and Simon replies by asking who he thinks he's talking to.
  829. Up at Celestial Being, everybody's tuckered out from helping to evacuate everybody to the Blue Earth. Aoi seems rather bitter about having to use the Dancouga for a public works project. Apollo's fine with it though, since making sure all the windows are boarded up here means we'll be able to go make a ruckus without looking back. And humanity have apparently finally stopped bickering, evidently enlightened by the fact that Setsuna managed peace with shapeshifting metal aliens. The politicians (Dianna, Mineva, Relena et al) have also been working hard to build bridges as well. Amuro states that if we're really the Civilization of Fire, then it's our duty to bridge the gap to the next step. If our interpretations of the Protoculture ruins are correct, then stopping Ba'al will avert the World Collapse. And while we're gone, the project that's been worked on since the time of Jigoku will be put into action, using the data provided by the Gunbuster as a base. And what's more, we succeeded in miniaturizing it. This statement resonates with a few people, since they're wondering how massive the original must have been. And what's more, additional help came from Leonard's research and some ruins found on Sidereal-controlled worlds outside the Sol System. Sylvia seems to be thinking about something though. One year is one revolution of the Earth around the sun, right? So then why do all these civilizations without that frame of reference use the same definition for a year? Basara suggests we ask Gepelnitch if we run into him again. Chirico seems to in thoughtful silence, and Lelouch comments that they both seem to having the same premonition. The existence of the gods, the higher-order lifeforms. Chirico is confident that in the course of this battle, we will come to know the Truth though. Though what that will mean for humanity remains to be seen.
  831. Down in one of the hangars, the Z-BLUE students of Jindai are recording a message for their friends back home. Sousuke reiterates his intent to bring Kaname home after the battle's all over. Klan cuts the tape and yells at Sousuke for being too stiff, telling him to smile more. Kaname groans, saying that if she knew that it would be this obnoxious, it'd have been better to just visit the school in person. But we've all been too busy - particularly the Reactors, who have been assisting Traia with her research. Kaname jokingly suggests that since Sousuke can't act, he should grab the Bonta-kun outfit. He thinks that's a great idea, and she's horror-struck that he actually has it. And what's more, he came up with a combination attack after looking at Luca's drone attack. Kaname angrily brandishes the harisen, stating that they weren't too busy after all if he had time to do something stupid like that.
  833. The rest of the Volunteer Club members throw in their greetings as well, such as Alto reminding Ono-D that he owes them some Milky Way ramen. Suzune tells them that she and Hibiki are doing well, and they're looking forward to seeing everyone again. Boss gives his condolences to all the males (himself included) in Suzune's fan club, and Nuke comments that Hibiki and Suzune's relationship is already "that kind". Mucha theatrically declares how jealous he is, and Hibiki gives them the stink eye. Suzune asks in a quiet voice if he's denying it, and Hibiki's composure collapses to the amusement of Kaname. The rest of the Volunteer Club egg him on, since the power of love is infinite and all that jazz.
  835. Over in the corner, Asuka asks Shinji why he's not partying with the rest of the Volunteer Club. Shinji merely replies that he doesn't belong among them anymore. Kaworu says nothing, merely thinking that he believes that Shinji's feelings will one day be rewarded.
  837. Nono is looking around the hangar, but can't find Lal'C. Noriko realizes that she hasn't seen her either, and Nono worries that she got the days mixed up and is off chilling somewhere. Kazumi states with certainty that Lal'C won't be coming. Nono demands to know why, but Kazumi(onee-sama) says that Lal'C came to her for advice, and that she promises not to say anything. But it's not because Lal'C is angry at Nono or anything, she simply needs time alone. She'll be coming along with us, but will be setting off at a later day. So Nono doesn't need to worry, she'll surely see Lal'C again soon.
  839. And the identity of the "defence system" is revealed at last: Buster Machine 3. Or at least, a significantly smaller reproduction of it. The original was built around the compressed Jupiter, and was intended to be a black hole bomb after all. But the new one isn't a black hole bomb, but rather an ultra-large spacetime oscillation bomb. This concept puts a chill up Shinn's spine, but Char assures him that he doesn't need to worry. The world's greatest boffins put their heads together just like during the Restoration in Jigoku. So while we're knee-deep in Ba'al, they'll be holding down the fort for us. And what's more, the ELS will be lending us a hand by providing us the means for ultra-long range spatial transference. Both Tessa and Traia thinks to themselves that if the worst comes to pass, there's still "that"... their final option.
  841. Kati gives us Patrick as a good luck charm, and salutes our success. Everybody thinks about their friends and loved ones back at home, and get ready to set sail. But of course this is SRW, so somebody gets the drop on us. The dimensional boundary warps, as something emerges to prevent us from striking out. It's our old buddies Sidereal. Jeffrey has non Z-BLUE members of the armada pull back to the Celestial Being and the Frontier fleet while we take out the trash.
  843. You've got 18 deployment slots on hand, and while there's no forced-deployments, Lal'C is AWOL. However, the Sidereal units are all unmanned. Instead, they're being controlled by the Idom, those spooky soul things. Tessa reminds us that we're due to set off in five minutes, and gives you four minutes to clean up the map. ++
  845. The enemy force is basically a grab bag of whatever Sidereal has left to throw at you. The SR point is perhaps the most infamous one in the game: clear the map in three turns, and each of your battleships must get at least two kills. Tip: Moonlight Butterfly + Mercy seishin.
  847. Once you clear the map, Land comments that Z-BLUE can't be stopped by such cannon fodder. As if on cue, the boundary splits open like a banana and STMC pour out. Garrod blames Land for shooting his mouth off. And then an unwelcome guest arrives in the form of Hades, telling you that worms such as you have no place in the battle between gods and devils. He's soon joined by Zule and Space Dad. Zule says that, nonetheless, you opened the forbidden door. And in doing so, finishes Space Dad, invited their anger. Cohen and Stinger appear as well, as does Mykage. The latter praises you for making it as far as you have, and Amata yells about what the hell their deal is. Vildark appears too, saying that the time will come when you learn that answer. Suzune asks if they've come to fight, but Vildark denies it. It is time that you learn of the Fundamental Calamity.
  849. They, says Hades, are the ones who fancy themselves rulers of the universe. They, says Zule, the ones who triumphed in the battle of gods. They, says Space Dad, are the ones who command Origin Law, and survey the state of all the worlds. They who stand at the pinnacle of evolution, says Cohen. Who in their arrogance refuse to allow others to reach Shinka, says Stinger. The ones who sealed the Fallen Angels in a dimensional prison 120 million years ago, says Mykage. Their name, finishes Vildark, are the "Angels"! And almost as if that term was an incantation, two figures appear from thin air in spheres of darkness. One, a rather forlorn older man, addressing the Hades and the others as "lesser gods". The other, a sprightly yet familiar young girl, comments she knew you love this kind of fun too. Hibiki looks horror-struck, but tries to deny it. But no, says the girl, she is indeed "Titi". Hibiki refutes this, yelling that he saw her body. The girl laughs, saying that humans really don't understand a thing.
  851. The man explains that they are the Angels, eternal beings who have long since transcended the concept of Death. Crow realizes that Im Liard mentioned them by name, and the man explains that the False Black Sheep came to learn of them as he approached the Truth. But, says the girl, he was weak and thus you killed him before he could any further. Char asks who, or what they are. The man replies that they are the wielders of the Power of God, thusly the Angels.
  852. There is a voiced event here.
  853. "Be awed... for I am the Furious Doctrine."
  854. "And I'm the Merry Tempti."
  855. "We serve the Supreme Deity, and we are the parents, and siblings to all of the parallel worlds..."
  856. "In other words we stand at the apex of all life... no, of all existence."
  857. All of Z-BLUE are filled with the same sense of "awe" that filled them when they first saw the Black Angel. Doctrine explains that it's because they inscribed that awe into your very DNA. Tempti continues that ever since humanity reached the Moon and founded Chrono, you've been their "children". Gamlin is shocked that it wasn't the Protoculture who imparted sapience to man, but the Angels. Doctrine says that the Protoculture were another race who broke the precept. And so, says Tempti, they were destroyed. The Angels called forth the Spiritia-seeking Protodeviln from a sub-universe. Simon finally realizes that the beings that Anti-Spiral spoke of, the despair that awaits at the end of the evolution is them.
  859. Doctrine comments that the Anti-Spirals were a clever species. They knew enough to seal their own evolution, and to try and force the same on other sentients. Chirico bristles at the Angels' arrogance, and Lelouch demands to know if they're gods as well. Doctrine replies that if you define "god" as "that which possesses power beyond human comprehension" (ugh), you are merely referring to the so-called higher order beings. But they do not count themselves among those who proclaim themselves gods, for they serve the one true god. "God" is an appellation reserved for the Supreme, and no other. Hades gets his back up at this, and Mykage comments that their arrogance hasn't changed in 120 million years. Aoi asks if they're the ones who had Gadlight's planet destroyed, and Tempti replies that the Geminides simply exhausted their usefulness as weapons. Doctrine follows up by saying that now that you have laid Sidereal low, it is far too late for you to seek their forgiveness. Earthlings are a dangerous race, says Tempti, so regardless of your answer, they intend to eradicate you.
  861. Akagi asks Tempti why she hung around with Z-BLUE, despite being an Angel. Isn't it obvious? she replies, because it seemed entertaining at the time. Doctrine explains that Tempti governs the emotion of "enjoyment". Tempti says that they can no longer turn a blind eye to you, now that you've rebelled against Sidereal and came to possess the Quarreling Twins. Setsuko says that they know about the Spheres too, and Doctrine replies that is a matter of course - the Spheres are theirs, after all. In other words, all of the Sphere Reactors are their possessions. Tempti turns to Vildark and teasingly asks him if he realizes how grave the sin he committed. He contrived a means to break the constraint they placed on him, and gathered four of the Spheres. Hibiki asks Tempti if the sob story she told him was a lie. Tempti conversationally replies that it was, of course, a lie. A tragic backstory was the easiest method to pique his interest, after all.
  863. She asks him if he's upset, and Suzune gets angry at Tempti. But Tempti tells Suzune to shut up, because she's talking to Hibiki. Setsuko realizes that even though they destroyed his world, Barbiel was forced to serve the Angels. That is a not a fate not limited to Barbiel, says Doctrine. All of the Sphere Reactors are fated to serve them. Tempti tells Hibiki to come over to their side, since now that Elunaruna is dead, Hibiki is her favourite. Suzune tells her to sod off, since Hibiki would never... but Hibiki tells her it's fine. He's just glad that the "Titi" who suffered all that, and died in battle is gone. Tempti asks if he's angry or mortified, and Hibiki replies that even if he was, she'd merely derive entertainment from it. Tempti decides that she wants him even more now.
  865. Doctrine praises his determination to overcome everything, and calls him by the baptismal name of Ambriel the Over Riser. He, in turn, does the same for Setsuko (Hamaliel the Star), Land (Verchiel the Heat), and Crow (Zuriel the Unbreakable).
  867. He tells the four of them to bring their Spheres and come to their side. Once they do, they will have eight of them, and will merely need Asakim's remaining four. Hibiki asks if they were expecting any of them to say yes, but Doctrine replies that their will is irrelevent. Hibiki invites them to try and make them by force, but Advent appears telling Hibiki that he will not allow him to harm them. Or rather, he will be unable to harm them. Advent does something to Hibiki, which triggers the bloody sclera in both eyes. He screams in agony, and Doctrine says that it is their power. Advent sprightly explains that weaklings who come into contact with their power, will have their souls stolen and their mind rent asunder. Tempti tells Advent that it's been awhile since they last saw him, and came to this world after hearing he was here. It's been 12000 years, says Doctrine, but at last he answered their summons. Advent replies that the World Collapse is nigh, and that he judged that it was time to let go of the past.
  869. He introduces himself at last as the Joyous Advent, the final of the Angels. And Lelouch realizes that's why Gadlight flipped out at him - because he realized who Advent was, one of the Angels who destroyed his world. Of course, he made the decision to do that on his own, as a whim. Amuro asks why he has been fighting alongside them, against his own organization. He replies that by appearing to you as (at times) both a friend and an enemy, he guided you toward the Truth. And in doing so, you crushed the Gaia Empire and came here to stand before the Angels. Doctrine seems displeased by this, but relents that he too has let go of the past. Everybody yells at Advent for dragging Hibiki around like a toy. Advent replies that it a result born of him coincidentally coming into possession of the Quarreling Twins. Though his interest in Hibiki is the result of his mother's action.
  871. She was an upstanding human, he says. By combining her knowledge of archaeology and transdimensional physics, she was able to independently learn of the existence of the Angels. Therefore, Advent punished her. He plunged her into despair, and forced her to kill her own beloved son. But to his amazement, she overcame hope and despair through sheer force of will and ended up own life to protect her child. Therefore, his interest in the son was piqued. And he figured that if he perhaps made Hibiki experience a similar despair, he would demonstrate the same power. Thus, he killed Hibiki's father and sister, and he eventually met the Quarreling Twins. The world is an interesting place, concludes Advent. Haman recoils in disgust at him, and asks what right he has to toy with Hibiki's life. Advent replies that he's nothing special. In the universe so far, he has experimented on roughly 93274 other humans as well. But the "ripened" Hibiki is worthy of his love.
  873. Hibiki thanks Advent for telling him all this. He no longer needs to live in the shadow of fear and hatred of his mother. Instead, he can direct it all toward Advent, who took all of them from him. Doctrine realizes that he overcame the mark of blood under his own power, and Tempti says she told him that Hibiki was interesting. But, Advent says, Hibiki isn't the only interesting. Z-BLUE too, as well as all the residents of Earth, soon to reach the Radiance of the Sun. Doctrine states that they will have to render judgment upon man. Z-BLUE put up their fists, ready to fight and Tempti giggles that their stupidity is amusing. Doctrine replies that the Mayall galaxy of the 23rd world is prepped and ready. Jeffrey asks what they intend to do, and Advent replies that they are the Angels, the exactors of the Supreme's will. They watch over the fates of all living beings and, when necessary, exact judgment. Tempti says that they're going to stream something directly into your minds - the instant that an entire galaxy is wiped from existence.
  875. In their mind's eye, Z-BLUE see a galaxy literally vanish into the darkness like a candle being blown up. AG confirms that the visions they saw, were in fact genuine. Everybody starts to fall into despair at the realization that they destroyed an entire galaxy so effortlessly. The destruction of that galaxy was a necessary evil for the betterment of the world as a whole, explains Advent. Not that he didn't experience happiness from the act though. Roger yells that they have no more words to exchange with devils who play with the lives and fates of others. Advent replies that the "devils" actually refer to Ba'al, and the Angels who stand against Ba'al are the ones fit to take the title of gods. Bright tells everybody to pull up their trousers, it's time to fight. Advent says that ignorant though you are, your spirit must be commended. But Tempti says that you're not going to be fighting them. Instead, says Doctrine, they came here to activate a certain system on the planet.
  877. Images of the South Pole are shown, where of the crystalline monsters from before, rise from the ice. Doctrine says they are called El Millennium, the heralds of judgment. The monsters fly into orbit, and Advent explains that they have been sleeping upon the Earth, awaiting the day that they render judgment upon mankind. Doctrine says that they seeded three of them upon the Earth, on the day that your ancestors landed on the Moon. That is the proof of their role as administrators of mankind. And what's more, says Tempti, they have even more presents for you. The black Angelois appear. Vildark says that they are called Angeloi Arca, and that the Angelois given to Sidereal to use are mere shadows of the real deal. Doctrine tells "Australis" that if he steals the four Spheres held by Z-BLUE, they will forgive his transgressions. But Vildark retorts that he isn't Australis, he is the dimensional general Vildark.
  879. Doctrine decides to interpret this as an act of rebellion. Tempti laughs at him, and Doctrine states that they knew this would happen. The Rising Archer draws its power from defiance, and as soon as he acquired it, they knew this would happen. And yet they allowed him to do as he please, since his rebelliousness is of no concern. Vildark goes to leave, and Kouji says that if he works together with you then... but Vildark cuts him off, saying that he fights only with his own strength. And the strength of the three Spheres your subordinates died to give you, but who's counting. Vildark says that he will be back in time to take your Spheres, so that he might vanquish the Angels. He leaves, and Hades comments that he at least knows his place. He knows that he cannot win, so he is fleeing. Space Dad says that they only came here to get a glimpse of the Angels. But the battle between them and the Angels will be settled out in the vast sea of stars. They leave.
  881. Tempti giggles at at how exciting it was to hear their little declaration of war. But, says Doctrine, no matter how much they struggle, they will be unable to set one foot in the Angel's world. Advent says that it's time for them to return to their universe, Chaos Cosmos. They depart. Traia tells Bright that they got the president to sign off on the usage of "it" if the worst comes to pass. Bright tells you to defeat the enemy in three minutes.
  883. The enemy force now consists of the three El Millennium (44000 HP), ten pairs of Angeloi Arca (20400 HP) and a force of STMC on the west side of the map. The objective is to either clear the map or wait out six turns. It if takes you more than one, you have my permission to be crestfallen.
  885. After you clear the field, the topic of what will happen if the Angels come visiting while we're gone is raised. But before we can think about that, even more Arcas arrive on the battlefield. AG reports to Traia that the President wants us to activate the Svalinn. Bright orders all your units to regroup on Buster Machine 3. Some of your people start to argue, but Bright has no time for that and tells them to move their arses. AG reports that all of the ZONEs and Wrath Babylon's Reishi Extraction System are functioning properly. Traia activates the Svalinn, a dimensional boundary enclosing the Blue Earth. The Arcas attempt to attack it and end up being blown out of the dimension. Tessa explains that the Svalinn and the new Buster Machine 3 are the two prongs of the Earth's defence strategy. Svalinn refers to a shield from Norse mythology which supposedly protects the Earth from the Sun. AG, of course, came up with the name.
  887. And it's not a simple energy barrier - but a fault line along which causality is warped, meaning the inside is completely immune to external interference. Which is why everybody from the colonies and Green Earth were evacuated to the Blue Earth. But there's no time for patting ourselves on the back yet. Unlike the original BM3, this was kind of constructed in a hurry as an emergency measure. And the Svalinn requires the rampant use of Origin Law, hence the inclusion of the ZONEs and the Reishi Extraction System. Which means that a great many people volunteered to be used to help power the system, including Relena, Nunally, Saji and Louise. And what's more, the system is only expected to last a good month. Meaning that we have to defeat both Ba'al and the Angels in that time. Because if we don't, then the moment the barrier goes down, it'll be curtains for Earth. Defeating the Angels at all, let alone within a month seems like a complete fantasy, but there's no option but to try. So as we originally planned, we'll be setting off into the galaxy, on our way to the final battle.
  888. ________
  892. Z-BLUE are chugging along in hyperspace along with our new best friends, the ELS. Lordgenome is rather shocked that we've got the ELS working with us. Dyakka asks if he's familiar with them, and Lordgenome says only by reputation. Nia asks if the Spirals had the power to go to and from the parallel worlds, and Lordgenome replies that they could, in a limited capacity. And their ancestors fought against the Angels along with the Protoculture. Leeron hypothesizes that the nostalgic feeling that the Zentradi get from Spiral technology is because of genetic memories of that time. But, Lordgenome says, the fight with the Angels will be brutal. If we despair, we will fall. But our odds are equally bad if we just trust to blind hope. But Nia says that we've got the key to victory already in hand. Over at GGG, Taiga pats down his pockets reflexively. Nia explains that it's the bond of trust between Z-BLUE that'll win the day, and Lordgenome comments that might just be the Truth right there.
  894. Never one to let a conversation play out in its entirety, the Angeloi Arca bust their way into hyperspace. They begin focusing their attacks on the fleet's "wings", Shin Dragon and Macross Quarter. Tessa warns that if we try to reinforce the wings, the main force will end up split in two, which is exactly what the Angels are aiming for. Gou yells for you to leave them be and help the Quarter. Jeffrey says the same, go help Shin Dragon. Motivated by a bitter contempt of Kawamori, the voices in Bright's head convince him to reinforce the Shin Dragon. Meanwhile, the ELS go to help the Quarter. The Arca's attacks begin to destabilize the hyperspace around the fleet, and Gou realizes we're about to spat back out into normal space. Jeffrey yells that we'll rendezvous in the galactic core, and the fleet is dropped out of hyperspace.
  896. Meanwhile at a ~secret~ facility on the Green Earth, Lal'C is brought before a bunch of ancient and wizened dwarves with very long ears. They are evidently the highest authority of the Terran Empire back in the Top 2 world. But of course, they have no real power here beyond their age and experience. Lal'C asks what they called her here for, since they insisted that she's the "key to Man's salvation". The elders state that they looked into Buster Machine #7, in other words the android Nono. And how Lal'C has been feeling a distance from her, as a result of Nono's superior pow... but Lal'C cuts them off by saying who cares about #7? Nono is Nono, Lal'C is Lal'C. The elders apologize for their rudeness, but say that they're here to help Lal'C. They want her, who can move planets, to save humanity. Even if the Earth must be sacrificed in the process.
  898. Lal'C raises an eyebrow, but the elders say that if Man can move past the Age of Fire and the Power of "Gun", they will be able to reach a new age. And perhaps beyond that, they will find a power greater even than the Topless. For example, the power of the STMC. And Ba'al, that which stands against the concept of the power of Life. Perhaps that is where the destination of humanity lies. If that's the case, says Lal'C, let the survivors be the ones to decide. The elder pauses, and says that perhaps that is best, as they are not gods. After meeting her face-to-face, they have decided to give her the Key. To the power that will save mankind. Lal'C takes the key and thinks to herself that she will be coming to save Nono. But not as her onee-sama, but as her...
  899. ________
  903. Asakim wakes up in the strange geometric space belonging to the green-haired woman who keeps monologuing. Asakim says that all of the preparations are at last complete. And now to begin his banquet of vengeance in this closed off space. The woman looks at him sadly, saying that in the end, he cannot forgive them.
  905. Z-BLUE are unceremoniously dumped back out into normal space. AG reports that we're only about 1000 light-years short of our destination, and that with the exception of the Quarter, all of your ships appear to be in one piece. Once we meet up, it should only take a few more hyperspace jumps to get to the core. Kei is still rather surprised that the Angels managed to try and ambush us in hyperspace of all places. Still, as powerful as the Angels are, the Svalinn will buy us some time. There's a lot we don't know about the Angels though. We know that they're jerks, that they're more powerful than the other gods, and that they can blow up galaxies when they get bored. And what's more, we don't know where they are, meaning all we can do for now is one-sidedly fend off their attacks. People begin to wonder if the Svalinn can really hold up to the power to destroy galaxies, but Crow thinks it'll be fine.
  907. If they could just do it on a whim whenever they pleased, they'd have no need for the "preparations" that Doctrine mentioned. And what's more, AG suggests there's a reason why they can't. As to what that reason or those preparations might be, we don't know at present. In any case, we need to pick up the pace, since we'll need to rendezvous with the Quarter and eventually Buster Machine 3 in the core. But Gou says that before that, we've got some unwelcome guests. And who arrives but the Mycenae.
  909. After you scramble (18 deployment slots), the Mycenae back-handedly praise you for breaking through the Angel's trap and making it this far. Kouji puts up his dukes, but the Mycenae tell you to cool your heels - they're not here to fight you. In fact, why don't you both join forces to fight Ba'al and the Angels? They have long-awaited this day, when they the higher order beings could fulfill their duty to guide their younger brethren. They have awaited the day when the people of Earth were ready to take the last step. A wait made all the more insufferable by the fact that they're not permitted to interfere with younger species. Kei wonders where that rule came from. One of the gods replies that Evolution is a path that each species must tread for itself, it isn't something that you're dragged along by somebody else. Watta yells that they haven't forgotten what you did to Atami, and the Mycenae reply that they did that in order to light a fire in your bellies. And now, they wish to join hands with you, their younger brothers.
  911. Hibiki and Suzune reply that they're not very convincing at all. The Mycenae bristle at this, and yell that mere Earthlings mocking them is unforgivable. Oh how quickly their true colours come out, says Ryouma. No matter how much they try to beat around the bush, the truth is that they look down on humans. The gods reply that they were intending to make you into the vanguards of the final battle, but they've lost interest in that plan. Instead, they're going to beat you to death. But it doesn't seem like they're the only ones who want to do that. A joint-force of Zule and Space Dad forces appear, intent on preventing your four Spheres from falling into the hands of the Angels. And what's more, after they beat you and wait for the Earth to become vulnerable again, they will take it for themselves.
  913. The enemy force consists of the always annoying Mycenaean gods (26000 HP) whose Twofold Action means enemy phases take forever, their Taros soldiers, and a motley crew of space robos and psychic soldiers in the southwest corner. SR point is to clear the map in five turns.
  915. After you've killed a few enemies, reinforcements arrive in the form of Bandocks from Zambot. They introduce themselves as Computer Robots of Gaizock, and state that they have awaited mankind's arrival in the sea of stars. Their purpose is to eliminate evil humans, and they will now carry out that duty. Kappei asks who they think they are to decide that humans are evil. They reply that they have monitored the Earthlings of all of the parallel worlds for a very long time, and arrived at the conclusion that humans are innately evil. Therefore, you will not be permitted to progress any further. Kappei yells back that if they're only going to focus on the bad parts of humans and ignore all the good, he's going to wipe them from the face of the world. Along with anybody else who won't permit them to live in peace.
  917. A voice yells that he's absolutely right. Zeus appears, claiming to have been called forth by your courage. He has been awaiting this day, since you've finally reached the last step before Shinka. So now he will fight alongside you, for his life is with you. Kappei notes that even though Zeus is saying the same kind of stuff as the Mycenae, he comes across as more sincere. Kouji finally realizes why Zeus never told them much, he was just abiding by the rules of the higher order beings. He thinks it's a rather stupid rule himself, but that's fine because you've finally reached the galaxy. Gaizock is confused why his allies (other AIs) are assisting the humans, and AL seems somewhat offended that such a blockheaded intelligence as Gaizock would consider him the same.
  919. The Gaizock can't understand, and Zeus replies that they are another who have been twisted by the Angels. They're the same as Anti-Spiral, who feared what lay at the end of evolution and took measures to stop it. Which is why they blew up the planets of Kappei's ancestors and Umemoto. And, says the Gaizock, they fled to the Earth, proving that the Earth is a origin of evil. Therefore, they will erase all of the Earthlings from every world. Zeus yells for you to unleash your power, as the guardians who harbour the Radiance of the Sun.
  921. The enemy force now includes six Bandocks (64000 HP) who are by far the only remotely threatening thing on the map thanks to their ridiculous accuracy. Hibiki was in the way of the Twin Satellite Cannon killing most of the Bandocks in one shot, and was thusly vaporized for the good of the team.
  923. After you clear the map, the rest of the fleet finally show up. Kouji asks Zeus if he knows where the Angels' house is, but he apologizes. The Angels are the ultimate enemy in the "True Battle" between gods, but there's a lot that even the other gods don't know. One certainty is that they've existed for far longer than the Olympus gods. According to Mykage, the Angels were responsible for sealing the Fallen 120 million years ago. In other words, it's possible the Angels have existed since the beginning of the universe or beyond. Whatever the case may be, we're off to the centre of the galaxy again.
  925. In the Solarian's hangar, Kappei asks Zeus something, about how he said that the Angels twisted the Gaizock. Zeus replies that the Angels will not permit evolution, and drew an arbitrary line. And any species who crosses it, they destroy. And because of that, the Gaizock determined that humanity is evil simply by virtue of its existence. And so they destroy civilizations, reverting them to a simpler state. Loran realizes that the Moonlight Butterfly might have been invoked for that same reason. Even still says Kappei, he cannot agree with Gaizock's reasoning. And that's fine, says Zeus. When you've exhausted your words facing evil, sympathy and hesitation are unnecessary. Roger agrees with this. In this world, there will be beings that you won't get through to, no matter how sound your argument. And they might attempt to use force on you, at which time you can only fight fire with fire. Zeus says that, above all else, they as guardians cannot afford to bend to evil. Kappei thanks him for his counsel, and Watta says that he's officially their friend now. Kakikouji warns him that he's speaking to a god, but Zeus shakes his head. They may be "gods" but only in the sense that they possess great power, not in the sense that they are deserving of reverence. The other gods do not understand that, and are simply indulging themselves. But the Earthlings will too ascend to become higher order beings in time. Ryouma asks if humanity are going to become like him, and he says that there is a condition that must be fulfilled first. But that condition isn't possible to fulfill in an individual's lifespan. Lelouch and C.C. whisper that one of the methods of achieving that condition is to merge with the collective unconscious. In other words, what Wakamoto was planning to do in order for mankind to overcome the future of despair. Kappei seems kind of disappointed, he was hoping to turn into a god like Zeus and punch the Angels' teeth out. Zeus thinks to himself that the day will yet come, when these heroes and their loyal steeds will become of one soul, and gain new power.
  927. Meanwhile Banjou ponders how the gods spoke of a rule, forbidding them from interfering with younger species. He wonders if the fact that they hide themselves stems from that rule. Or perhaps, if it's a matter of pride. They call themselves the exactors of the Supreme's will, and look down their noses at all other lifeforms. They fancy themselves the greatest beings in the universe, which is why they give the impression of following that rule. But there are parts he still doesn't quite understand, like Time's Prison. We know that it was created Sidereal's superiors, in other words the Angels. And Gadlight said that it was created in order to protect the humans. Yet the second the Prison broke, Sidereal invaded from the conquered the Green Earth. In other words, the very thing created to protect humanity (Time's Prison) was also keeping Sidereal from invading. It seems kind of contradictory, leading one to wonder whether they want to protect or rule humanity. Banjou doesn't know the answer, but has a theory that the answer lies in "sadness". Beauty asks if he means Setsuko, but he says that he's referring to the fourth Angel. The three Angels we've seen thus far correspond to three of the four cardinal emotions (happiness, anger, enjoyment) so it's not unreasonable to assume there's one governing sadness too. And Banjou figures that Angel would be the key to unraveling the paradox of the Angels. He believes the answer to these questions lays ahead, but doesn't know whether good or ill will come of learning them.
  928. _______
  932. In the briefing room aboard Dragons' Hive, the report comes in that the Quarter got sent to the opposite side of the galactic core. And while we've been fighting off the Mycenae, they've been assaulted by the Vajra under the Galaxy's control. The movement of the Galaxy fleet is a bit troubling, since they've been managing to track the Quarter somehow. The question of how exactly they're controlling the Vajra is raised, since they don't have any famous songstresses so far as we know. Athrun is confident though that the song of Basara, Sheryl and Ranka will put an end to the Galaxy's plot, whatever it is.
  934. Down in the hangar, the blonde lady from Dancouga Nova has gone full slave driver, ordering everybody to keep busy. Noriko encourages Nono, who calls her onee-sama by mistake. Everybody's exhausted, since we've been fending off incursions from the Mycenae and Invaders ever since we arrived here. But there's no rest for the wicked, since we've got a time limit to figure out a way to beat the Angels. And so, says Aoi, she's going to keep Nono's nose to the grindstone in place of Lal'C.
  936. Noriko watches Nono, who is still worried about Lal'C. Kazumi suggests that the two of them might be hitting the ol' hard work and guts a little too much. This comes as a surprise to Kurara and Sakuya, who don't think that's true for Lal'C. Kazumi asks them if they don't think the fact that she can throw planets is proof enough. Nicola praises Kazumi for seeing right through to the heart of the matter, and Crow says that "hard work and guts" means different things for different people. In the case of Hibiki, training until his eyes bleed. Nono seems rather surprised, since they know a side of Lal'C that she doesn't. Nicola says that she changed before they even realized it, and Tycho says she's not the only one. And the ones responsible are Nono and Z-BLUE. And Noriko, as well. All that hard work and guts rubbed off on her, despite her constant complaining about it. Nobody really likes the pain and suffering that comes of having to give your all, but nothing comes of not trying. Nono appreciates it, but is still worried about Lal'C. She wonders what it was that drove her away. She's worried that at this rate, the day will come when Lal'C will stop caring what happens to her.
  938. Just within earshot, Crow comments on self-sacrifice to Hibiki. He heard about what happened to Kittan, and Hibiki solemnly nods. Crow tells him not to go thinking along those same lines. There may come a time where the only option is to sacrifice yourself, but it must be the absolutely last resort. Hibiki asks why Crow brought this up with him, and Crow comments it just came to him in regards to the situation with Advent and Titi. But in any case, he doesn't want to see anybody younger than him kicking the bucket. Hibiki replies that he'll keep that in mind.
  940. Still, says Aoi, she's getting the creeps thinking about what kind of horrible things are waiting in the Ba'al nest. They know the STMC nest there, and there's a dimensional fissure they believe to be the Invaders' headquarters. We don't have much to go on about the latter, since the ELS weren't able to investigate it due to the need for a specific means to open it. Ada wonders if we'll run into any more Variable Attractors, and Noriko replies that Traia's been working on a method of counteracting the gravitational collapse that occurs when they're killed. Sakuya sighs wistfully, saying that it'd be nice if we could get along with them like we do the ELS. Everybody looks at him with raised eyebrows, and he gets defensive saying he only figured it might be possible since we did it with the ELS and the Vajra. Noriko points out that it's the fact that we can't that makes them Ba'al in the first place. The alarms go off at this point, signifying an enemy attack.
  942. Z-BLUE scrambles (18 deployment slots). Today's opponents are... the Mycenae again, but this time being led by Garadoubla. He praises you for coming this far, but your luck runs out today. He was sent here by Hades to settle things with you once and for all. But he no longer thinks of you as immature weaklings, and will thusly challenge you with all that he is.
  944. The enemy force consists of Garadoubla (101000 HP / Psychic Reactor), a couple dozen Mycenaean gods, and a force of Talos. The SR point is to defeat Garadoubla within three turns, while abiding the following conditions: tactical combo MAX, placement 10% or higher, and finish him with a Maximum Break.
  946. Once you've damaged Garadoubla, some Invaders appear in the northwest. Garadoubla yells that now that some of the infernal Ba'al have gotten in the way, he'll have to wipe out both you and them. Nono asks him if the Invaders are really Ba'al, since they were able to talk to Cohen and Stinger a few stages ago. Garadoubla replies that it was decided back in the Age of Myth that they were to be counted amongst Ba'al, and Hayato asks "by whom was it decided?". But before Garadoubla answers, the Invaders begin attacking both sides indiscriminately. At this point, whether they're Ba'al or not is irrelevant, they're the enemy in either case.
  948. Once you defeat Garadoubla, he states that even in defeat, being to exhaust all his might in battle was his great desire. And to you, the steel warriors who triumphed over him, are truly worthy of being called heroes. As he explodes, he tells you to give the Angels one from him. Zeus nods, saying that he went out in a manner befitting a hero. Kouji laments that he was an enemy to the last, but says that he won't forget that last bequest.
  950. Once the field's clear, the team digests the possibility that the Invaders might not be Ba'al. An idea we were put onto by Nono asking an innocent question. Nono puffs her chest out in pride, and Tycho comments that she gets ahead of herself without anybody to play the straight guy role. Simon asks Hayato to continue his train of thought from before, and Hayato replies that maybe the Invaders becoming "Ba'al" was the work of the Angels. Gou tells you to watch out, because something's coming.
  952. Cohen and Stinger appear, clapping. You have traversed the path of evolution and now stand on the precipice of Shinka. But they will not allow you go any further, since Shinka is theirs and theirs alone. A fissure begins forming in the dimensions at their prompting. Cohen yells that henceforth, this universe shall be ruled by the Void. Stinger tells you to bequeath your lives - your souls and your steel vessels to them.
  954. Days remaining until Doomsday: 25
  955. ____
  959. Z-BLUE is dumped into some weird area of space, and scrambles (17 deployment slots - Shin Getter/FREE for forced deployment). An enormous space vagina sits in the northwestern corner of the map. Stinger reiterates that this space is henceforth ruled by nothingness. Crow recognizes what he means, explaining Shikuu and the Kishuku drew upon the power of emptiness. But that's something normal people can't achieve, made possible by the fact that they acted as psychopomps. Cohen applauds him, saying that as a Sphere Reactor, he understands a little of the Void's true nature. The Void referring to the primordial nothingness that precluded the beginning of the universe. Stinger says that their bodies possess an element of the Void, which is why their evolution seems in retrograde to humanity's.
  961. That's right, yells a voice. Tempti appears, saying that's why they are the "hungering destroyers". Because no matter how much power they acquire, they are destined to never achieve anything more than being lower lifeforms dominated by their base impulses. Cohen and Stinger hiss angrily at Tempti, for the Angels were the ones who classified them as Ba'al, and thus made them the enemy of all other lifeforms. Tempti replies that the Invaders are merely reaping what they sowed. Even though they acquired the power of the Getter Rays, they continue to attack every species but their own, driven by instinct. For that reason, it's impossible for them to reach the Truth and achieve Shinka. They are, and ever will be, the hungering destroyers. No matter how powerful they become, they will never achieve Shinka, and thus will never become gods. Therefore, the Angels assigned them to play the role of "devils" since it seemed appropriate. And by taking in elements of the Void, in other words the Power of Death, they've become like the STMC. Cohen and Stinger rage at her, yelling that they won't let her say as she pleases.
  963. But she laughs in their faces, saying that they put on quite the tough guy act when they're in their own little space. She tells them to try and destroy the Earthlings if they can. And as a bonus, she'll help out. She calls forth some STMC. She tells you that no matter what you do, you can't win against her. Hibiki yells at her, calling her an arrogant would-be tyrant. But Tempti says there's no "would-be" in the equation, their rule is a matter of fact. She playfully waves good-bye, asking if you can stand up to a tag team of Invaders and STMC. Cohen and Stinger seethe at her, but realize that this is their best chance to beat you. They call in more reinforcements, and bristle angrily when Noriko calls them Ba'al after all. Z-BLUE point out the obvious: that as long as they keep angrily lashing out and trying to kill everybody else, they're not going to do much to rid themselves of the title. The two reply by telling you to just wait until they've filled up on the Void factors. For once they have, it will be the end for you, and they will at least have Shinka within their grasp. They temporarily pull back, leaving the other Invaders to stall for time.
  965. The enemy force is STMC up in the northeast, and Invaders along the western edge. SR point is to get fifty kills in three turns.
  967. Once you get your fifty kills, Cohen and Stinger return in their fused form from Saisei. But they're not done yet, because if you call right now, they'll throw in an extra four for no cost. This is Voidspace which doesn't play by the rules of the outside world, so all five of them are "the real one" rather than being copies or bunshins. They possess the power of the Void, so all are one, and one are all. They laugh at you, saying that even as you stand within arm's reach of Shinka, you STILL don't grasp the quintessence of Origin Law. But there's no need to fret, since you will soon enjoy eternity within them. Hayato's eye twitches in disgust. Z-BLUE nearly have the Truth within their grasp, while the Invaders hold the quintessence of Origin Law in theirs. Therefore, by devouring you, the ultimate lifeform will be born. A fusion of the Powers of Life and Death. They bid you bequeath your souls and your steel vessels to them, but Ryouma refuses. None of them are about to give Ba'al anything, apart from maybe a messy death. Cohen and Stinger yell angrily at him to stop calling them that, and everybody else starts in on them. "They're Ba'al aren't they?" "Yup, definitely Ba'al." "Seems pretty Ba'al-ish to me, what do you think?" Meanwhile Ryouma doesn't give a toss about gods or devils, life and death. Anybody who means them harm is going to get his boot up their arse. Cohen & Stinger yell that in the Voidspace, they are invincible. And Z-BLUE replies by saying "let's stress test that theory".
  969. The enemy force now includes five of the fused Cohen & Stingers who each have 124000 HP. They nominally have the Central Command skill, but by this point the map should be rather desolate. A miracle of the universe and Chirico doing what he does best allowed for this fantastic Twin Satellite shot.
  971. When you defeated them all, the last surviving one angrily demands to know why they lost. They are the chosen race of the Getter, who possess the factor of the Void. Ryouma yells that it's not difficult to understand: they picked a fight and lost, nothing more. The Invaders, ever poor losers, yell that they're going to take you with them. This space is filled with the Void, and they're going to collapse the space itself on you. Kei yells angrily at them for being sore losers, but a voice tells her "That's enough, Genki". A light of the Getter emits from the top of the giant Invader. In the midst of the light is Saotome, who tells Cohen and Stinger to remember the days that they researched the Getter Rays together. They yell that he's absorbed the Getter Rays, but he corrects them: he has become one with the Getter. They ask if he's come here to laugh at them for failing to achieve Shinka, and demand to know why they can't reach the Truth. Saotome tells them that if they remember that which they've forgotten, they will be able to. They demand to know what it is, and Saotome smiles like a kindly old grandfather. To live together... that's all there is to it. It's really not that difficult. Being willing to understand others and accept them, and work towards the future together. That's the truth of life: that even in this vast, endlessly dark universe, individual lives though infinitesimally small and weak, can come together to create something powerful. And he built the Getter Robo as a microcosm of that, by bringing three hearts together as one. Cohen and Stinger return to their human forms, tears streaming down their cheeks. They remember. They remember the days that they worked together for the sake of their dreams, and the future. That is the power of life. They both thank Saotome, saying that they're at peace at last. Saotome bids farewell to his daughter, telling her not to lose. He disappears, taking Cohen and Stinger with him.
  973. But the touching moment is ruined somewhat by dimensional buggery. The dimensional boundary is beginning to collapse starting at the center of the fissure. Roger worries that the World Collapse is starting, and Shinn asks if Kei can do anything. But we can't, since we never found the Super Singularity. Ryouma says that all they need to do is to stop the fissure, right? Shin Getter flies into the fissure, and Tieria yells that Ryouma can't do this alone. Hayato and Benkei say that he's not alone, they've got his back. The Shin Getter begins powering up, and Traia turns to AG. With the power of the Getter Rays and three hearts at one, maybe... Ryouma yells at the Getter. It's always guiding them this way and that and making them dance to its tune, so now it's high time that it listens to him for a change. He yells for the Getter to grant him the power to smash the Void, and it can take his life as recompense if it wants. The Getter apparently accepts this deal, since the Shin Getter Robo bursts into some kind of flame-like aura.
  975. Ryouma finds himself in a place he once visited before: Emperor's dimension. The other Ryouma says that time and distance have no meaning between the two of them. Ryouma replies that he thought this place was an illusion caused by the Shin Shine Spark's power. The other replies that he must commend Ryouma, for opening one of the doors by becoming one with Shin Getter. The other says that which that power, he can win the fights that lay ahead. Ryouma notes that the fissure appears to have been closed. The other say that it's because, however briefly, Ryouma's Power of Life overpowered the Power of Death. And it's not only him either, his friends will soon open the door themselves as well. And as proof of that...
  977. The rest of Z-BLUE appear in the dimension. Simon is excited to see Getters that dwarf the Chouginga in size. It's a gathering of parallel world Getters, reasons Amuro. Shinn tries to yell for Ryouma, but Sousuke wonders which one they should be addressing. Hayato and Benkei says it doesn't matter - regardless of the world, Ryouma is Ryouma. The other Ryouma says that he's got some fine friends. He and the rest of them are the chosen. But Ryouma corrects him - they're the chosen, but the choosers. The other laughs, saying that he's right. Ryouma says that he's not sure what, but they're here to fight something. But the other says not to worry about it, he has his own world to fight for. The end of mythology is his battleground. Where all of the worlds come together, and where a new era will dawn. The other tells them to go forth and win their future, and Ryouma tells his counterpart that they better not lose here either.
  979. Z-BLUE are dumped back into normal space. They're back at the same coordinates before, but with no sign of the Voidspace. Hayato and Benkei ask Ryouma about what happened in there, but he shrugs dismissively. More pressing is for them to focus on what comes next. The Quarter arrives with its flotilla, seemingly hale and hearty. Buster Machine 3 made it here safely too. And now with the Invaders out of the way, we should be able to proceed straight to the core unimpeded. Which means, we're on the eve of the final battle with the STMC.
  981. On board the Dragons' Hive, the Quarter route team fills us in on what happened on the other route. Mishima was evidently conspiring with the Galaxy fleet. By combining the implant and fold wave technologies, they were able to control the Vajra. And they even had an army of mass-produced Strikers. So even when the universe's end is approaching, you've still got idiots caught up in their own ambitions. Apparently he thought he'd be able to defeat the STMC himself, and flee to a parallel world if need be. Evidently the concept of the World Collapse, true to its name, involving the entire multiverse collapsing eludes him. But the Galaxy fleet ultimately killed him, since he had outlived his usefulness. They also had a grudgematch with Mykage, who had kidnapped Ranka for his evil plans. Ultimately that got resolved when Fudou and Touma showed up. Touma and Mykage fused back into a single being, and then went off on a date with Fudou. And what's more, Fudou turned out to be Apollonius, the Solar Wings, Mykage's ex. Michel mentions that the Battle 7 and the rest of S.M.S showed up to help in the battle over the (other?) Vajra homeworld. And at least one other battle was concluded, the one over Alto. Sheryl won, but Ranka has made her peace with it.
  983. A ways away, Ryouma sighs. Hayato asks what's up, but Ryouma merely replies that he's tired. Kouji comments that it's rare to hear Ryouma say something like that. But Benkei says that it's no surprise, given that Ryouma managed to max out Shin Getter's power. Ryouma thinks about it, noting that the sensation was different from when he uses Stoner Sunshine or Shine Spark. It literally felt like he and the Shin Getter were temporarily a singular entity. He wonders what the hell that was, and where all that power came from.
  985. Days remaining until Doomsday: 24.
  986. ________
  990. In the briefing room, Bright commends all of you for making it here. The final battle with Ba'al will commence in 48 hours. According to the ELS, the amassing STMC forces look to be preparing for an invasion. And what's more, we've confirmed the presence of an unprecedentedly massive distortion of the dimensional boundary. In other words, what looks to be the origin point of the World Collapse, is the Great Attractor. And the synchronization between the distortion and the amassing of Ba'al seems to be related to what Leonard was going on about. How the living beings throughout the world would act as a deterrent to his Restoration, and thus acted to reduce it. In other words, by culling living things, the Power of Life is weakened and the Collapse begins. Traia explains that the Power of Life isn't limited to just living things, all things possess it, and the world's physical laws are a result of it as well. But that story will need to wait, since it'll need some time to tell that they don't have to spare right now.
  992. The STMC lay their eggs in stars, which drains them of their Origin Law and further contributes to the collapse. The mechanism by which the Angels destroyed that one galaxy was likely the same. They activated the El Millenniums and Angeloi Arca to slaughter living things until the galaxy collapsed. Watta interjects here with a child-like but rather valid question: what does the Power of Death want? If it destroys everything, won't it too cease to exist? Unfortunately there's no good answer to that, but Traia has a theory. That there is a will driving the force toward some end, perhaps a being that transcends the state of non-existence. Perhaps it's the will of the universe itself. Shinn grapples with the notion that the universe would want to destroy itself, but Hibiki suggests that perhaps it simply wants to reborn. Traia agrees - the universe does seem to "want" to die so that it can be reborn, though she has no idea why. But, says Garrod, let's stop with the confusing discussions about the mechanics of the universe. We're here to save the lives of everybody that lives in the universe, even if it goes against what the universe itself wants.
  994. And that brings us back to the matter at hand. The Macross fleets will be participating in the operation, as will the forces that were once under the thumb of Zule. Sumeragi wishes we had more time to gather more allies, but Traia says that not all of them understand the mechanism anyway. After losing Australis, Sidereal's chain of command has been thrown into disarray and has been sustaining loss after loss. As a result, they've lost more of the power they once had. It's too early to say for sure, but it would appear that the Angels have thrown them under the bus. Shinji wonders if they could be convinced to throw their lot in with us, but Akagi says to leave them be. Kappei says they'll be fine, Noriko's people already beat the STMC once. But, says Noriko, the STMC's numbers this time around are far greater. Just from what we've seen, they might be as much as five times the amount.
  996. Traia displays an image of the nest. 80% of the field of vision is filled with STMC, and Char says that 10 billion wouldn't even be in the same ballpark. But we knew that this wouldn't be an easy fight before we even set out. The first stage of the operation will be to move Buster Machine 3 as close to the center as possible. From there, we'll initiate the quake. From the moment of activation, it'll take seven minutes for the bomb to detonate. So those seven minutes will decide the fate of the world, so we will need to defend Buster Machine 3 with our lives. Bright apologizes, but asks that you entrust your lives. He gives you your orders: you are to protect the world, and come back alive. All of you. Z-BLUE bursts into applause. Nono looks nervous, and Nicola soothingly reassures her that Lal'C will be here. Kazumi says that the second fleet containing Lal'C will be sure to come assist. Noriko replies that until they do, all they can do is give it their all. Nono smiles at Noriko, saying that she's strong. Nono says that she wants to become like Noriko.
  998. Z-BLUE and Buster Machine 3 arrive at their destination (19 deployment slots - Nono is a forced solo deployment). 35% of the allied forces have been wiped out already before we even arrived. But we're nearly to the target, so all that's left is to protect Buster Machine 3 until it's ready to detonate. The STMC arrive in staggering numbers, and there's even Variable Attractors in the mix. But the Solarian's countermeasure against their gravitational collapse has been completed. Lordgenome paints the deadline around the outside of Buster Machine 3. If anything makes it through there, our gooses are cooked because if BM3 detonates improperly, we could end up with another Great Quake. The fuse is lit, and the seven minute countdown begins.
  1000. The enemy force is finally starting to feel endgame-ish. There are two Variable Attractors (50000 HP), six Mix-types (47000 HP), six Cruisers (34000 HP), eight Landing Craft (26000 HP) and a hot mess of Soldiers. The SR point is to clear the lot of them before the end of the 4th allied phase.
  1002. Once you clear the map and collect your Platinum Emblem, something begins to warp in. But what appears isn't simply the main STMC force. Leading the charge is single, insanely massive STMC larger than the Earth. And to AG and Traia's consternation, sustained by a black hole inside of it, on a scale far beyond what the Solarian can safely dispose of. Everybody starts getting angry that this thing showed up and potentially ruined the plan. But it's all the fault of the Earthlings, says a familiar voice. Advent appears flanked by Blue and White, and claiming to be overjoyed to see you again. Lelouch asks what he meant, and Advent says it meant what it sounded like. The ones who gave rise to this creature is none other than the humans of Earth. The black hole inside of it is the result of a degeneracy reactor created by the Earthlings of a certain world. It was, in fact, created by absorbing the Exelio black hole that the people of Noriko's world created. Ergo, it wouldn't be wrong to call this the Exelio Variable Attractor. Noriko and Kazumi are horrified that they're the ones who created this, but Advent assures them that they need not feel responsible. If they're to blame anyone, they should blame the Power of Death for accelerating the evolution of this creature in order to help bring about the World Collapse. Amuro asks what he came here for, surely not just to tell them about the Attractor.
  1004. Advent replies by summoning forth Angeloi Arca. He tells them to punish them Earthlings, and Kappei asks if he really wants the universe to end. Advent replies that the universe's fate has already been decided by them, and that you are more crucial to them than Ba'al. "Is that all, o' Joyous Advent?" Asakim reappears, with Land commenting on how quickly he regenerated this time. Asakim replies that thanks to Advent blasting him with the Angels' power, he got a crash course in how to use his four Spheres. He thanks Advent for his assistance, even if Advent is one of the Angels, the oldest of the gods and the ones who cursed him with immortality. How pitiful, replies Advent, that feedback from Helios' power has caused him to merge with his Spheres. But, yells Asakim, now he can soar over fate on ebon wings, and redeem his sins.
  1006. Power gathers in the Shurouga, which changes shape in a flash of light. Advent is momentarily distracted by the transformation, and Asakim dashes forward to attack. Blue throws himself in the path of the attack and is killed, yelling for Advent to please save the world. Advent acts outraged at the death of Blue, but Asakim tells him to stop with the pointless charade. Advent's "anger" is tepid at best. Advent's just here to stop Z-BLUE from reaching the Angel's universe, the entrance to which is here in the galactic core. This revelation causes a lot of shocked faces, and Advent replies that Asakim speaks the truth. At the center of the Milky Way exists a heavenly pillar that spans all of the parallel worlds. Kei realizes the significance of this statement, that the World Collapse is conducted through that "pillar" to all of the worlds. Advent applauds him, saying that as the original Singularity, he instinctively understands the nature of his own sin. Hibiki asks if he intends to flee, but Advent says that he is always watching you. And that he'll await the day that you ascend the pillar to meet them.
  1008. He buggers off, leaving Alto to angrily yell at him. But the big concern at the moment is the Exelio. The detonation sequence for BM3 can't be stopped, so this thing needs to be defeated before it activates or we're all screwed. Ray wonders if we're not already boned, but Asakim comments that you appear to be lacking confidence. Crow scoffs at the notion, and Land tells Asakim is sod off, we'll deal with him later. But Asakim says that he intends to fight alongside you. Not to help you, but simply for the sake of the universe. The order is given to focus all of your attacks on a single point on the Exelio.
  1010. The enemy force now includes the Exelio (340000 HP) and nine pairs of Angeloi Arca. For reasons beyond human comprehension, the Arcas all decided to suicide on Chirico.
  1012. Once you've knocked off a decent chunk of the Exelio's HP, reinforcements from Earth arrive. In the form of Dix Neuf. Lal'C says that she's sorry to keep you waiting, but she's going to destroy the Exelio. By hitting it with the Green Earth. The Z-BLUE members insert fingers in their ears to clear out the wax, clearly having misunderstood what she just said. Lal'C says that the Douze-Mille is the final trump card from 12000 years in the past of her world. Nono flies over to her and tells her to stop, because using the EARTH like this is insane. Lal'C coldly tells "Buster Machine #7" to step aside. But Nono refuses, stating that the Earth is everyone's home. Lal'C replies that she knows that this is the planet that her hero Nonoriri risked her life to protect, but they're out of options. If that's the case, says Nono, then she's forced to do this. Hundreds, thousands, millions of Buster Army units appear and start forming a shell around Nono. This, she says, is the aggregate form of the Solar System's defence system.
  1014. The Busters form into a new body roughly the height of the Earth, which Kazumi calls Diebuster. Lal'C activates Douze-Mille and begins to accelerate the Green Earth, yelling that mankind can't go back anymore. But Diebuster grabs onto the Douze-Mille and slows it to a stop. Lal'C uses her Topless power to form part of Douze-Mille into a humanoid form and begins battering Diebuster. She yells for #7 to back off, stating that they can't leave this to her, since they don't even know where she came from. Whether sacrificing the Earth in order to survive is the right thing or not isn't something Lal'C can decide, but it's not #7's business either way. Especially because Nono never understood anything about her. She wanted them to be friends, and she wanted Nono to call her by her name, not "onee-sama". Nono kept getting stronger and Lal'C was left behind, unable to live up to Nono's expectations, unable to become Nonoriri.
  1016. Nono replies that she couldn't become Nonoriri either. All this time, Nono wanted to become like Lal'C. Because Lal'C is the one who resembles Nonoriri. Who wasn't special, just an ordinary girl. Noriko sneezes. The mood is changed by the sound of somebody clicking their tongue. Beck tells Nono that she's wrong. Roger demands to know why he's here, and he replies that it's because he's a member of the fleet too. But he's got something to say to the big gal over there. The "Nonoriri" that she's always going on about's real name is Takaya Noriko. Nono replies that she knew already. The other Z-BLUE members point out that her description of Nonoriri doesn't match up. But Nono believes that over the course of ages, her memories of Noriko and Kazumi were conflated together. In other words, Noriko's world isn't a world separate from theirs, but rather in their distant past. About 12000 years in the past, says Beck.
  1018. Roger asks how he knows all this, and Beck replies that while he was working for Sidereal, he chanced a glance at something they dug up in a ruin outside the Sol System. It was a collection of sealed technologies from Noriko's world. Which explains why the Buster Army all use degeneracy reactors just like the Gunbuster's. And what's more, says Beck, their ancestors feared the technologies they created and therefore developed along different lines. Using Topless powers to move Buster Machines. Lal'C asks why, if Nono knew all this, she never said anything. Nono says that it's because she didn't want to accept it. And so she tried to forget about Nonoriri, and simply live her own life. Lal'C yells that's nonsense, because Nono is always giving her all, no matter the circumstances. Even while Lal'C was sinking into a despair of inadequacy, Nono continue to move forward. But Lal'C didn't give up, says Nono. She kept fighting. And isn't that what being Nonoriri means, in the end? Lal'C realizes that Nono is shaking, and Nono says that she's hopeless. So matter how great the power she acquires, she's always like a candle before the wind. If only Lal'C was with her...
  1020. But all of a sudden, the Green Earth disappears back into subspace and the Douze-Mille falls apart. Lal'C realizes that she can't hear Dix Neuf's voice anymore. She hit her expiration, and lost her Topless powers. Lal'C tells Nono to go protect mankind's future, and disappears. Roger yells that if Beck's here, he better damn well lend a hand. Beck agrees, but only if he's compensated for it. Allelujah smugly comments to Crow that he's got a compatriot now, and Crow tells him to shove it. Reports come in that our allies are getting wrecked, so we need hurry up and kill this thing.
  1022. After you damage it some more, the scene changes to Lal'C sitting inside the darkened cockpit of Dix Neuf. But she wants to fight. Because Nono is still fighting, and she's scared. Dix Neuf opens up a passageway inside the cockpit, and Lal'C realizes that he wants to save Nono. So she's try out an idea that Casio once told her about, and unseal Dix Neuf's power. A small swarm of STMC appear on the far side of Buster Machine 3 and fly at it at full speed. Diebuster dives in the way and blocks them with her own body. Gamlin yells at her not to be so reckless, but Nono replies that she was born for this purpose.
  1024. Dix Neuf arrives back on the scene, carrying a squirming Buster Army unit under its arm like a lunch box. She asks it to give its life to aid her, and it goes limp. She rips out its degeneracy reactor and absorbs it into Dix Neuf. Casio yells that now Dix Neuf will show its true form. Dix Neuf transforms in a burst of flames, becoming its true form: Buster Machine #19. She shows off her shiny new MAP weapon and vaporizes the STMC. She then yells at Nono for subjecting to herself to pain like that. DVE here. But true power isn't measured by the size of your body, but the strength of your heart. That's what hard work and guts is! The two of them pair up and fly at Exelio. Nono exits Diebuster and the two of them perform the Inazuma Double Kick which does a number on the Exelio. Kazumi comments that the Top squadron outfit looks good on Lal'C, and she sheepishly replies that she found it in the cockpit. She has succeeded the spirit of the Top squadron with their hard work and guts. Lal'C repeats back the words, and comments "has a nice ring to it." And now Nono and Lal'C, two embers, have come together to form a flame. And AG grabs the microphone and says that there's more good news.
  1026. Max Jenius calls and informs us that he managed to convince the Galactic Alliance to come to our aid. Gepelnitch similarly reports that a large swarm of Vajra have joined the fray on our side as well. And what's more, the Hideauze have opened up a front against the STMC as well. Chamber remarks that in all of his records, he has never heard of the Hideauze cooperating with humans. Lordgenome chimes in as well, saying that the various Spiral races that were suppressed by Anti-Spiral are arriving as well. And a familiar voice says that they're not alone either. Sardias, Debaran and Shikoku are revealed to have survived their final battle with you, and have gathered what they could of their forces to join you. Asakim watches the spectacle with a smirk, and Amuro realizes the condition for Shinka. Lelouch metaphorically flips his dad off, saying that mankind didn't need to resort his methods to come together. Chirico similarly comments that Wiseman and the other gods will never understand, because they only care about themselves. Zeus comments that all of this will be for naught if the world collapses though, and Amata yells back that it won't, not while Z-BLUE is here. The lives of the universe are gathering here as one, and with this power on our side, there's no way we're going to lose yells Hibiki. Traia reports that there's five minutes left, so you need to get cracking and kill them.
  1028. Once the Exelio is defeated, its functions cease. Traia yells for AG to prepare the Solarian to teleport it, but AG says that the event horizon has collapsed. Asakim comments that something that cannot happen in this universe is about to happen. AG yells that the black hole's singularity is about to be exposed, and Crow asks Traia what's going to happen. But she has no idea, because all of the laws of physics go out the window when faced with a naked singularity. They realize that if BM3 goes off in this condition, it might be akin to a second Big Bang, or worse. Nono waves farewell to Lal'C, who yells that she's not going off on her own. The two of them are friends, and will be forever. The dimensional boundary cracks open, and the Green Earth slides back out of subspace. AG suggests that it has a wish left unfulfilled, and Hibiki's eye twitches. AG says the planet is overflowing with the wishes of people hoping for their loved ones to return. Everything goes to hell, and Gunbuster dives in after Nono and Lal'C.
  1030. In a strange space, Nono apologizes to Lal'C for not understanding her feelings. Lal'C says that it's not her fault, it was her own selfishness. She was jealous of Nono, and ran off on her own. She doesn't deserve to be Nono's onee-sama. Nono replies that Lal'C absolutely is, and ever will be. And she finally calls Lal'C by her name, saying that they'll also be friends forever. She apologizes again, saying that it's a bit embarrassing to call Lal'C by her name. But now, it's time for them to part. Lal'C asks why she's smiling, and Nono replies that it's because if people never give up, their wishes will eventually be granted. So even though Nono will now vanish to the ends of causality, she believes humans will eventually be able to control time. Lal'C asks Nono, didn't she want to just be an ordinary girl? Nono replies that she wanted to, once the battle was over. But she has to do something about the singularity.
  1032. Noriko appears, asking Nono where she thinks she's going by herself. Kazumi wonders if this is how Jung felt when she saw them off. Nono replies that Jung became the first ever president of the Galactic Federation. After the Gunbuster was pulled in the black hole, Jung prepared something, believing the day would come that they would return. Nono shows the message to them. It's a picture of the Earth, with the words (welcome home) written in lights across the middle of the planet. Noriko notices that the イ is backwards, and Nono chalks it up to a error in the construction, which was done rather hastily. One of Nono's purposes was to deliver this message to them if she ever met them. Lal'C asks if that's why she was so against using the Earth as a weapon, and Nono shakes her head. It was because of all the people who have fought for the Earth, and love their planet. Nono notes how her heart is wavering, watching this message. She really is just a little candle in the wind without Lal'C. Kazumi tells Nono to come home, and to take a look at the singularity. It's rapidly shrinking, as Life overpowers Death. It's like AG said, the hopes and wishes of everone descended from that planet. Everyone who settled on the Moon, or set out into deep space, or were sent to other worlds by spacetime quakes. So Nono can come home, and be with Lal'C forever.
  1034. Days remaining until Doomsday: 22.
  1035. _________
  1037. STAGE 56 - AWAKENING
  1039. Z-BLUE arrives at the strange nebula-like celestial structure they were thrown to earlier in the game. We weren't thrown here by a quake this time, but seem to have come here of our own volition. This is the heavenly pillar spanning the worlds. AG plays his hand a bit early, identifying the Angel's universe as being called Chaos Cosmos. Dyakka wonders how he knows that, but Lordgenome tells him to save it: we've got company. The El Millennium and Angeloi Arcas arrive from the nebula, accompanied by a new face: a weird two-coloured crystal entity.
  1041. You have 15 deployment slots to work with, owing to your forced deployments being: Setsuko-FREE, Land-FREE, Crow-FREE, Hibiki-FREE, and Simon-FREE. Crow comments on the new face, causing the pilot of it to tell Crow to shut his mouth because he's sullying Chaos Cosmos. The pilots of the Angelic weapons start insulting you, and introduce themselves as being the Votaries of the Angels. But they're not here to talk, their orders are to eradicate all lower lifeforms such as yourselves. Z-BLUE bristle at being called lower lifeforms, but the Votaries reply that you have no idea what you're in for. As an act of mercy, the Angels have permitted them to kill you with the Zel Billennium, the crystal giant. And what's more, this isn't all they've got. They summon in some of Anti-Spiral's weaponry, saying that their owner has since passed but they will make use of his weapons. Z-BLUE are surrounded, but Simon seems strangely calm. Boota seems more animate than usual, and Simon asks if he's understood the meaning of this place too. Traia says that there's nothing for it, and gives the Reactors orders to move to four indicated points in the corners of the map. Hibiki asks for an explanation but she yells that she'll explain later, so hurry up if you don't want to die. Get in done in five minutes, while the Solarian will remain where it is. AG angrily yells that before the battle begins, Beck needs to perform the initiation ritual. Kei says this isn't the time for his stupidity, but AG retorts that it's because it's now that it needs to be done. He gets them to do the catchphrase with him. The Votaries exchange glances, wondering what the hell you're playing at, before deciding to kill you all.
  1043. The enemy force consists of the Zel Billennium (66000 HP), four El Millennium (44000 HP), eight pairs of Angeloi Arca, and a small force of Anti-Spiral weapons in each corner. The SR point is to get all four Reactors to their spots within four turns. However they must score at least two kills each, and you have to kill at least four Arcas before then.
  1045. Once all four Reactors are in place, Traia announces that her preparations are ready. She's about to do a little gamble. She wishes she had more time to explain things properly, but she's about to teach you the quintessence of Origin Law. Even the people without Spheres, asks Kallen. Traia replies that yes - the Spheres are a mechanism to generate significantly more power, but anybody should be able to draw Origin Law from the environment. Shinn starts to say something but she yells over him. What draws forth Origin Law is, as you know, willpower. But *everything* has a will - all matter, all life, all energy, the universe, everything. The fact that hydrogen and oxygen comes together to form water is because those molecules willed it so. Ba'al is called forth by the universe's will, stars shine because they will it so.
  1047. Ryouma says that they don't have time for faerie stories, but Traia replies that you should be able to understand this by now. After all this time, fighting together with their machines, they should have realized it. Times when their machines were damaged beyond operation, yet keep going because you urged them onward. Times when your attacks should have glanced off an enemy's armour, but penetrated because you wished it so. If, after all this, are you going to claim that your machines *don't* have a soul? Now that's something Z-BLUE can relate to. And what's more, you grasped the Truth of life in your previous battles. And now, she's going to have you discharge all of the power - and will of the Z-Crystals and the Spheres, carrying the thoughts of everyone. From there, it's all up to you whether or not you'll be be able to achieve the true power of your partnerships. The Votaries wonder what you're planning, but Advent arrives on the scene with his ska band. He states categorically that what you're attempting to do cannot be allowed. He praises the Votaries for their hard work, saying that he will now make a miracle occur to gird them on. He raises his hands theatrically, telling you to witness his power, and revere him.
  1049. A wave passes over all of Z-BLUE, and suddenly every member manifests the bloody sclera like Hibiki. Toby wonders if this is what terror is, but Advent replies that it's simply pure awe. In the fact of absolute, overwhelming power, they succumb to the realization of their own powerlessness, and can do nothing but shed tears and beg forgiveness. That is what they carved into your very DNA, the Stigma inscribed upon all of humanity. And now, you cannot resist any longer - you can only obey him. Crow spits angrily at him that they're not about to lose to his stupid hypnosis nonsense, but Advent replies that it's pointless. Not even the Reactors can bear their fangs at him any longer. You need only look at Hibiki to see proof - he's gone nearly completely catatonic, merely shivering. But, says Advent, you needn't worry. From here on, you will be serving him for the salvation of the universe. Traia wonders if this is the end, but AG replies that there's still hope left. In a voiced event, he begins the first half of his catchphrase ("Let's do our best today too...!") And Suzune suddenly, reflexively repeats the second half ("Sell, sell!"), her eyes returning to normal.
  1051. AG points at other members of Z-BLUE and repeats the first half, with them dutifully parroting the second half. Traia asks what the hell he did, and he cheerfully replies that it was a Bind Spell that he "cast" on everyone on the off chance something like this happened. In response to the trigger phrase, they will take a specified action, and now that it's worked once, he can invoke it whenever. Lelouch realizes to his horror that it was the D-Trader catchphrases, and AG thanks you for voluntarily casting the spell on yourselves. If you hadn't recited the core part of the spell of your own free will, the spell wouldn't have stuck. Setsuko remembers that a Bind Spell was used in UCW, on Edel Bernal. AG replies that you needn't worry, since he'll be controlling you from now on. It pains him to have to do this, but it's a damn sight better than you becoming the Angel's puppets. AG says that together with your anger toward the Angels and his meticulous planning, he's pulled off a game-changer. Everybody gets furious at AG, and a lynch mob seems ready to form. AG tells you that if you get that pissed off, the Bind Spell will wear off. Everybody's rage causes both the Bind Spell and Advent's aura to dissipate.
  1053. But since he never cast the Bind Spell on himself, Hibiki is still rendered incapacitated by the awe. Everybody starts yelling at him to stop getting into these situations and pull himself together. White tries to get into Hibiki's head by telling him to just give up and join Advent, but Suzune angrily tells her to shut up. White replies that both Hibiki and herself belong to Advent, but Hibiki angrily mutters that he isn't. He shakes off the awe, saying that the life that his mother died to protect, his father and sister nurtured, and his friends supported is his own. He's not giving it to anyone but himself. Another voiced event.
  1054. Traia: "It's now or never, attune the Z-Crystal and the Spheres!"
  1055. AG: "Yes ma'am!"
  1056. Setsuko: "I feel it..."
  1057. Land: "Our Spheres..."
  1058. Crow: "Everyone's thoughts..."
  1059. Hibiki: "And the souls of our machines are..."
  1060. Traia: "Initiate Shinka Fusion!"
  1062. A light akin to a newborn star erupts from Solarian, and Z-BLUE find themselves in a metaphysical realm. Everything has a will... including their machines. Esther appears, unblemished, telling them that if that accept that, they will become so much stronger. She explains that, deep down, accepted the Revive Cells and once she did things became clear to her. She won't be swept away by the currents of Origin Law anymore. Land hugs the Ganleon, saying that it's always been there for him. Setsuko says that it's time for her to lend her strength to the Virgola. Crow pats the dashboard, saying that if wasn't for his partner here, he wouldn't be able to repay his debts. The Getter Team realize that this is the selfsame sensation as the one they felt when Shin Getter sealed the Void. Ryouma feels the Getter Rays trying to swallow him, and Roger yells for him to open his heart and let it in. Gou tells them to draw forth the true power of their machines, and Kouji remarks on the true power of Mazinger. Ryouma tells Gou to shove it, he has no intention of the dancing to the Getter's tune. Then, says Gou, simply walk alongside the Getter. Because what lays ahead is surely the future (line from the manga, I think).
  1064. Simon turns around to find Boota suddenly in a humanoid form, remarking that this is the first time he was able to speak to Simon. In this space, he took this form so that he could lend his strength to Simon and Gurren-Lagann. After all, he's a member of the Daigurren as well. Simon yells for everybody to sally forth, to battle! Z-BLUE admire the effects of Shinka Fusion, with power bursting from them. Their consciousnesses are expanding, and their blood is boiling. Power is literally overflowing from their machines. Amuro realizes that they and their machines have achieved Shinka. Esther reveals that she's unharmed and that she's going to help fight any way she can, since she's a member of Z-BLUE too. Traia asks if she can manage the Solarian's power output, and Esther replies that she'll do her best. She thanks Traia for all that she did to help her, and Traia smiles and says that finding a way to know what can't be known or do what can't be done is what a scientist does. And Simon rolls up his sleeves, saying he's not going to fall behind. The Gurren-Lagann achieves Tengen Toppa once again. Lordgenome explains that Chaos Cosmos is fundamentally the same as Anti-Spiral, in that existence is dictated by one's own will. And now that Simon has completely become one with his drill, nothing will be able to stop him anymore. So there you have it Advent, Simon yells. He's going to make good on his promise to Anti-Spiral, kick the Angels up the arse, and protect the universe.
  1066. Advent says nothing, causing the Votaries and White to become kind of nervous. They turn to him for instruction, and he cheerfully replies that his will hasn't changed. He orders them to stop Z-BLUE here and now, in exchange for their lives if need be. The Votaries and White yell that they would be honored, and Advent leaves with a chuckle. The Votaries gesture angrily with their stupid crystal monsters, but Z-BLUE just laugh it off. They crack their knuckles and advance menacingly upon the Votaries, who don't seem too confident despite receiving Advent's blessings.
  1068. Once the field is clear, Crow asks Traia if we'll be able to make it back to our own world from here. She doesn't know as of yet, and Nono wonders if we could find out about what happened back in our world. Vildark appears, saying that through your efforts, Ba'al were banished to the gap in the dimensions. The sapients will merely need to work together to eliminate whatever's left of them. But your fight isn't over yet, since unless you defeat the Angels, this victory amounts to little. Char points out that both Z-BLUE and Vildark have the same objective, and asks if he might fight alongside them. Vildark refuses point-blank, saying that if you want his help in defeating the Angels, to cough up your four Spheres. You of course reject this plan, and he says that either you, him, or Asakim will gather all twelve eventually. He's just here to declare war, saying that the next time you meet will be the last. After he leaves, Traia announces some bad news. The process of accelerating you guys to Shinka Fusion used up 1/3rd of the Earth's remaining Origin Law, so Doomsday will be coming ten days sooner. Char says that it's about time that AG reveals his identity.
  1070. Everybody corners AG in the hangar, with Roger saying that they've gone along with you long enough. But using the Bind Spell was the last straw, and Banjou tells Nono to remove AG's external shell. Nono whips the helmet off to reveal... a young woman with purple hair and golden eyes. But no sooner than she berates you for not listening, she changes into a hideous old man. Professor Jie Bebel, in other words The Edel Bernal. The man who acquired great power from the Black Knowledge and turned UCW into his own personal playground. Indeed, says The Edel, his voice and speech pattern changing, that was The Edel of UCW. However, he is merely a single element comprising himself. Sumeragi realizes that his voice has changed to that of Elgan Laudic's. He too, says The Edel, is just a single element comprising himself. But "The Edel" you see before you is an aggregation of The Edels from various worlds. By the way, AG stands for "All Gathered" and Jie Bebel is representing the collective. Another of his personalities argues that Jie merely nominated himself for the position, but Jie replies that he's the most powerful of the personalities so it's only obvious.
  1072. He explains that he combined the various The Edels together in order to artificially achieve Shinka, a fact that Lelouch and the Newtypes guess at. Through the influence of the Black Knowledge, they became aware of the future of despair... the existence of the Angels. To avert that future, The Edels discussed a number of measures to take. And one of them was the Spacetime Oscillation Bomb. One of his counterparts designed that in order to flee from the Angels, but due to some unfortunate circumstances, it ended up causing the Great Quake. Before the Great Quake, moving between the parallel worlds was significantly more difficult, making it hard to keep tabs on the statuses of each. The UCW's UN system was an experiment of his. His logic was that by creating a collective knowledge and consciousness in the virtual world, he might be able to observe Shinka. But that experiment failed. But he'll have you know that despite the fact that you might think he was just there in UCW to play around, the creation of Chimera and the Chaos Series was simply one part of his plan to defeat the Angels. Ziene's Chaos Caper was designed to replicate the power of Asakim's Inquisitive Goat, which The Edel convinced Asakim to show him. Lowen, struggling against his hatred of women, would eventually become capable of stealing the Ganleon's Wounded Lion. And Schlan's Chaos Anguis was an experiment to try and harness the Origin Law of the Ophiuchus constellation.
  1074. Ziene bitterly asks if that's why he used her and Chimera. But that crazy, messed up world made it easier for his constitutent parts to pursue their own objectives. It's always been his reasoning that mankind evolves in the midst of chaos. And UCW really was like a treasure chest, he says. And he none of his harvests compared to the big one: ZEUTH. You overcame the little farce he set up, and got the whole world to understand each other. And when you defeated his Chaos Lemures, he learns about the power of the Spheres. Of course, in losing the Chaos Lemures, he also lost the system he incorporated into it, intended to seal the Angels: Tengoku (HA! I knew it). And by the way, he says, the Chaos Lemures was designed using the data he acquired from the rest of the Chaos Series. And after reproducing it and miniaturizing it, he created the Geminion. Aha, says Roger, hence the Diabolus Ex Machina thing. And in the end, asks Suzune, the DEM Corporation doesn't actually exist does it? Bingo, yells The Edel. Hibiki gets angry and advances on The Edel, who asks Hibiki not to harm his pretty face, since they're comrades who've fought together all this time. Sumeragi addresses the Elgan Laudic inside of The Edel, asking him to continue his story.
  1076. Once they heard the story from UCW's The Edel, the rest of them started seeking out the Spheres. And to their great fortune, one of them came into their possession. Crow's Swaying Scales. He (Elgan) gave it to Carlos Axion Jr to help him realize his wish of destroying Chrono's grip on the world. And in the end, it was given to Traia who equipped it to Crow's Brasta. But at the same time, they thought about the possibility of becoming a Reactor themself. The Quarreling Twins caught their eye, so they built the Genion and chose Suzune to be the pilot. That is because Ambriel, the personality that was sleeping inside of her, was another The Edel. She refused their summons to become part of AG and instead hid inside of Suzune, sleeping. And the constant anxiety that Suzune has felt all this time, was a result of her connection to the Black Knowledge through Ambriel's memories. The Edel seems slightly surprised that Ambriel agonized over the future of despair too, and Suzune replies that more than anything, she loved freedom. But, says The Edel, he believed the situation would have changed if her powers were awoken. Which is why he included a certain "something" in the Genion as a sort of alarm clock. A fragment of the Black Knowledge, that gives the Clock Up ability to Hibiki.
  1078. The rest, he says, is as you already know. It was somewhat beyond his expectations, but he creepily congratulates you for achieving Shinka Fusion. He turns to Hibiki and asks if, after hearing this story, he's feeling like despairing.
  1079. "There's hope left." <--
  1080. "Nothing but despair."
  1081. The Edel applauds again, saying that he'd expect nothing less. You represent the infinite possibility that goes beyond all of his predictions and calculations. Z-BLUE start advancing on him, while fashioning a noose out of some electrical cables. He splutters for you to wait, we can still talk this over. Simon says that even if he was doing what he thought was right, he's out of his gourd if he thinks they're going to turn a blind eye. The Edel replies that he makes no excuses, he simply wants you to know one simple truth: everything that all of The Edels have done, was toward the goal of defeating the Angels. Hibiki realizes, between the naming scheme of the Genion Gai's armaments and the Svalinn, that what The Edel is aiming for is nothing less than Ragnarok. The Edel applauds his occult obsession, saying that he's right on the money. Beck says that he and The Edel share the same objective then, and Roger asks if that's why he tagged along with the fleet.
  1083. Beck shrugs, saying that after reading the final chapter of Metropolis, even he wants to defeat them. Roger asks where he read it, and Beck replies that Angel showed it to him. The once blank pages were suddenly filled in. Roger, with trepedation, asks what the ending is. Beck replies that the last page was still blank. In other words, Gordon Rosewater left it for us to write the ending. Whatever the case, says Beck, he doesn't take kindly to a bunch of arrogant bastards who fancy themselves God. The Edel says that going forward, you will need his power. You guys are fighting for the future, imparted to you by the fallen. The Edel, too, fights for that goal, and asks that you let him come along. The captains stare at him silently, but Hibiki tells him to put the mask back on. The Edel asks what for but Hibiki yells at him, and he throws the mask back on in a hurry. He asks if this'll calm Hibiki down, but Hibiki instead activates Clock Up. He hits AG with an attack that combines Clock Up with his Jeet Kune Do. As AG rolls over in pain, the rest of Z-BLUE advance on him with murder in their eyes and grins on their faces. Kouji, Ryouma, Banjou all get in on the action. Roger, saying that he'll break his own rules just this once, joins as well. Lelouch asks Kallen and Suzaku to do an extra share for him, and they happily agree. Noriko, Nono and Lal'C do a miraculous Triple Inazuma Kick on AG. Doublellujah jumps in for his turn, followed by Zessica, Apollo and Sylvia. Akagi even convinces Shinji to throw a punch. Brera activates his full output and lays into AG, while Simon runs into the punch. Takeru hits with shockwaves, set to the soundtrack of Basara's guitar. Sousuke says that it's time they finish him. He, Heero and Chirico all draw their sidearms, and AG panics at the sight of the Armour Magnum. Kamille claims that Chirico's just joking, but AG replies that it's Chirico they're talking about. Chirico says that if he had intended to kill AG, he would have been dead before the first punch landed. Amuro says that he cast a Bind Spell on all of them, so he'll forgive them for giving him at least this much payback. Land offers to repair him once they've finished.
  1085. AG sits back up, his suit looking like a crushed soda can. Setsuko says that there's plenty more than they want to say to him, but for now they're going to move forward. They will forgive him this time, since his wishes to defeat the Angels seem genuine. But, says Watta, if he betrays their trust... there will be hell to pay, finishes Shoutarou. Roger makes sure that he's aware that the grace period extends until they defeat the Angels. Discussion of his punishment will come after that. And one more rule: he needs to keep the mask on, because he's less ugly this way. He cheerfully chirps that he'll be glad to return to his original position, showing not a shred of repentance. Jeffrey hopes that the presence
  1086. of Elgan inside of him will keep him on good behaviour. Traia steers the conversation back
  1087. to the important bits. Because they're branded with the Stigma, the Angels know where they
  1088. are. But conversely she says, she reasons that she can turn that around and use it to track
  1089. them. After all, Chaos Cosmos is a universe where perception holds power. Setsuko seems
  1090. confident that we'll run into "her" here. The missing fourth Angel, representing sorrow. The
  1091. woman who they sensed the last time we came here, Setsuko theorizes, is her. The only one
  1092. among the Angels who wishes to help them.
  1094. Days remaining until Doomsday: 12.
  1095. ______
  1099. At the former site of the final battle with the STMC, the three Sidereal vice-commanders are looking around for any sign of the missing Z-BLUE. When BM3 blew up, Z-BLUE disappeared along with the enemy. But Sardias is sure they're alive, and Shikoku wonders if they're even now heading to fight the Angels. Their old boss Australis too, is probably heading off to fight them while bearing the thoughts of the other Reactors, says Debaran. Sardias finds it odd that he still refers to Australis with a note of reverence, but Debaran relies that even if Sidereal is gone, the pride of the Hyades is not. Sardias says that their job will be to mop up the rest of Ba'al. Debaran points out that Earth will probably become the beacon that guides the whole galaxy now that they've defeated both Sidereal and Ba'al. Of course, says Sardias, that's if the merciless Angels are beaten. He prays for the success of either Z-BLUE or Australis in defeating them.
  1101. On the Dragons' Hive, some of Z-BLUE are having a discussion about the present situation. Chaos Cosmos seems to be a parallel world, but no matter which way they try to broadcast a signal, there's no response. That said, we know for a fact that it's not just Z-BLUE and the Angels here. Vildark is skulking about somewhere, as is Asakim. Takeru seems in thought about something, commenting about how on a previous occasion that Zule and Space Dad showed up, they mentioned "preparations" they needed in order to fight Z-BLUE. Yet even though they've appeared since then, it's been strictly to monitor the situation. Gura wonders if those preparations weren't actually to besiege Chaos Cosmos. They'd use Z-BLUE to destroy Ba'al without using up any of their own strength, and then charge in once the entrance was exposed. The alarms begin going off, denoting an enemy attack. The only question is: which enemies, since we've got quite a few of them.
  1103. You've got a whopping (pfft) 20 deployment slots to work with, and no forced deployments. The answer to the question of which enemies is answered when the Mycenae make their entrance. They praise you for beating up Ba'al and exposing the entrance to Chaos Cosmos for them. Zule's Dark Army appears as well, evidently forming an allied front with the Mycenae. All for the sake of defeating the Angels and winning the War, and they'd very much like to beat you guys and add your four Spheres to their arsenals. Setsuna points out that this is ridiculous, since both you and them have the exact same goal. One of the Mycenean gods offers to let you surrender and join them, which causes some backs to be raised amongst Z-BLUE. But Amuro suggests we at least consider the possibility of allying with them, when they begin opening fire on Z-BLUE's ranks. The Mycenae seem patently insulted by the suggestion that they would ever negotiate with mere humans like equals. Zeus yells at them that they still haven't figured out the Truth yet (what a reversal). But the Mycenae reply that they HAVE grasped the Truth of co-existence... but they've merely decided to co-exist with their fellow gods Zule and Space Dad instead of you. They tell you not to get so big for your britches just because you've finally reached the start of Shinka, but Zeus calls them all idiots. A powerful aura flows from Z-BLUE, sending a chill up the spines of the Myceneans. They wonder if... it's not possible but... it is indeed possible, roars Zeus, Z-BLUE grasped the Truth and learned how to become one with their machines. It's called Shinka Fusion, and they're about to learn its power firsthand.
  1105. The initial enemy force is a large contingent of Mycenae gods to the west, and a small force of Zule's Dark Army to the north. The SR point is to end them all within three turns.
  1107. After you clear the field, Sousuke and Heero note the presence of somebody skulking about and tell them to make themselves known. Vildark appears, impressed because he was specifically trying to extinguish his aura. He has borne witness to your new power, Shinka Fusion. Char says that if he acknowledges their power, they would once again ask his assistance in fighting the Angels. But Vildark replies, with a pronounced pause, that he cannot. And this is why, he says, summoning forth a large force of DMs. He says that in his world too, the theory of Shinka Fusion was put forward as well. But in the end, the theory was just a theory, and they weren't able to reach that level. But in the process, they did manage to create the Revive Cells - a false approximation of Shinka Fusion. Vildark says that seeing you is like witnessing the realization of his world's long unfulfilled dream. Yet at the same time, your very existence refutes everything that the Dimensional Generals and their army are. If he acknowledges you, it will profane all of the lives sacrificed to create DMs. Setsuko starts to say something, but Vildark solemnly acknowledges that his way of thinking is wrong. These DM Varnas, who have reached their final form, are living proof of his failures.
  1109. He wants to say that there's no other way, but that would be meaningless. All that he can do is triumph over you, and proof that those lives weren't squandered in vain. Thinking back, he has fought all this time by gaining strength from the sacrifice of others. Elunaruna, who sought revenge for the death of her father and the loss of the Hyades' freedom. Shikuu, who wished to destroy that which perverted the duty of his people. Barbiel who lost his entire people yet was forced to bend his knee to the destroyers. Gadlight, trapped in the mire of fury and resignation, who at last recovered his pride and a reason to live. And the previous Reactor of the Rising Archer, who stood against the Angels with an unwavering fortitude. It was by stealing those four lives that he acquired his power and four Spheres. So, he has to fight and win. Crow calls him stupid. He's just a pitiful man who lost sight of his goals, and now just acts out of self-satisfaction. Setsuna asks him why, if he laments the things he's done, why doesn't he try to change. Takeru says that his greatest failing is his arrogance that refuses to change his way of thinking. Vildark replies that you can say what you like, there's nothing left for him but this. He bids you to come at him, saying that the victor will be the one who'll challenge the Angels. He will triumph over you, and gain the power to slay the gods.
  1111. The enemy force now consists of Vildark (252000 HP / Soul of Steel), and twelve pairs of DM Varnas (38000 HP).
  1113. When you beat Vildark, he smiles and admits defeat. He apologizes to his DMs, saying that he no longer has the strength left to fight. In the end, he wasn't able to recompense all those lives sacrificed. Hibiki tells him that even though the dead have left us, and that making sure that their deaths mean something is important... somebody who calls himself a "General" should have been more focused on protecting the living than honouring the dead. Vildark asks any of your four Reactors to take his Spheres. Hibiki doesn't like the idea of finishing off somebody who refuses to fight back, but Crow says he'll do it. He's been mixed up with the Dimension Generals since Hakai, after all. Vildark thanks him for having the strength to do the deed, but Crow says he doesn't want to hear thanks from somebody whose life he's about to end. But Crow says that if he runs into Gaiou in the afterlife, to pass on a message from them. That they stood against the future of despair. Vildark agrees. But before Crow can get over to Vildark, Asakim appears, like a shark lured by the scent of blood. He states that he will carry on Vildark's wishes. Land yells at him for trying to steal the Spheres for himself, but Asakim replies that if it means defeating the Angels, he's prepared to be a mere scavenger. Vildark replies that he doesn't care who takes them, as long as they defeat the Angels in his stead. But he tells Asakim to hurry or else... Advent will appear. Advent appears in the Helios and rips the four Spheres out of Vildark in an instant. Advent says that in acknowledgement of his long years of service, he will die without suffering. He bids farewell to "Adnachiel the General", but Vildark dies yelling that his name is the Dimension General Vildark.
  1115. Asakim seems displeased to see his quarry stolen, and Advent says that this is for the best. After all, the Spheres are rightfully theirs. Asakim replies that their arrogance is unforgivable, but leaves without conflict. Advent states that to be a wise decision, and is pleased that four of the Spheres have returned to them. Hibiki asks if he intends to fight them, but Advent replies that Hibiki knows nothing. The Spheres are a not a tool of war, but a means to save the universe. He reiterates that he will wait for them, since they will be needed to save the world. He leaves, to Hibiki's frustration. But, says Kei, he made a big mistake by coming here - because now we can track him.
  1117. In a dark tunnel, Vildark apologizes to his comrades Wilparsha, Drithala and Vaishrava. He was unable to carry out the duty of the Generals, and will have to apologise when he meets them next. Not yet, says a voice. This is a place where the Powers of Life and Death intersect. And there is still something left for Vildark to do. Meanwhile in the strange space we've seen before, Doctrine asks the green-haired woman if she has no intention of changing her position. She shakes her head. Tempti says that now that Advent's back, they can all have fun together again. The woman replies that she has never once enjoyed herself. Doctrine asks her if she means to abandon their duty as higher order beings, but she says nothing. He replies that what she's doing amounts to treason, and she states that she's prepared for that. Doctrine therefore tells her, the Mournful Sacrifi, to languish forever here in this dimensional prison. For that is her punishment.
  1119. Days remaining until Doomsday: 9.
  1120. ________
  1124. In the Angel's hideout, Advent comments on the decision to incarcerate Sacrifi in a dimensional prison. Doctrine replies that it was a regrettable but unnecessary choice. Tempti seems slightly put out, since this is the first time the band's been back together in 12000 years. But there's no other way to punish her. 120 million years ago, says Advent, they cast aside all conflict and were reborn as the four Angels. And now, on the eve of the World Collapse, Advent returns bearing the Helios with him. Advent asks how Tempti wants to handle the intruders and she, predictably, wants to play with them. Doctrine wants to kill them all. So that's two votes for extermination, one deferment and one ineligibility. So extermination it is. Tempti asks if Advent is fine with her killing his pet project, but Advent replies that he is an Angel and will not allow his personal circumstances cloud his vision. Doctrine points out that it's not only Z-BLUE who've snuck into Chaos Cosmos, but the so-called dark gods too. Advent suggests that they prioritize Z-BLUE, as they're nearing where Sacrifi is under house arrest. Tempti wonders if Sacrifi somehow broke out, but Doctrine replies that Z-BLUE has Hamaliel (Setsuko) among them - thus, it's likely resonance between the Sorrowful Maiden and Sacrifi. Advent says that this could be an opportunity brought to them by the Black Sun. If they slaughter the Earthlings in front of Sacrifi, she might change her tune. Tempti offers to go kill them, since Doctrine needs to continue working on the Prodigium. Doctrine tells her to go for it, and she comments that she's getting goosebumps thinking about how much fun it'll be.
  1126. Z-BLUE drops out of hyperspace, guided by a reaction from the Sorrowful Maiden. They arrive at what appears to be a strange crystalline planetoid. Marguerite points out how much it resembles the Z-Crystal, and AG replies that it seems to be a massive clump of dimensional crystal. Toby pats AG on the back, saying that he's hit the motherlode of all Z-Chips. AG says that's not really it, and Denzel asked what happened to his zeal for Z-Chips. AG replies that what's important is the emotions captured by the Z-Chips. The Z-Crystal that helped you reach Shinka Fusion is a crystallization of Z-BLUE's thoughts and feelings. Conversely that planetoid is comprised of something similar to the Power of Death, a curse if you will. He theorizes that the Angel of Sorrow is sealed inside of it, and Setsuko agrees. Toby wonders why the Angels, who have proven themselves to be bastards of the highest order, wouldn't have just executed a traitor. Denzel suggests that they're perhaps soft on their own kind.
  1128. Tempti arrives with a contingent of El Millenniums and some Anti-Spiral leftovers. Z-BLUE launches with 20 deployment slots. She welcomes you to Chaos Cosmos. Banjou asks if she's going to try and fight them without a machine, and she replies that only Advent and Doctrine do that. She's just here to play with some dolls. All of a sudden, the psychics on your team feel Tempti's presence coming from the El Millenniums. She explains that she's merged a part of her consciousness with them, in essence doing Shinka Fusion of her own. Lelouch and Chirico say that beyond Shinka is God, but Tempti vehemently denies that they think of themselves that highly. They are merely servants of God, in other words the Supreme. She asks if you're feeling a bit hopeless right about now, and Noriko tells her to sod off. Tempti runs off giggling, saying that she'll be cheering for you from the sidelines.
  1130. The enemy force consists of eight Spacegodzillas (44000 HP), three Ashtanga-class (64000 HP) and a soon to be significantly reduced number of hands and feet. If Tempti's Shinka Fusion with the El Millenniums had any actual gameplay effect, I didn't notice it. SR point is to wipe out all of the Spacegodzillas in four turns, killing any two of them in one MAP attack.
  1132. When you've killed all of the space monsters, Tempti appears with another pack of them in tow. Setsuna comments that her controlled Millenniums are far stronger than the regular ones, a statement that makes me scratch my head. But Akagi says that her puppets will never compare to the bonds they share with their machines, causing to Tempti to laugh psychotically. Suzune wonders if she went a bit funny from her trump card going up in smoke, but no she's having the time of her life. This is the most fun she's had in 120 million years. She'll crush you with sheer numbers, because she can just keep replacing her puppets with spares. "But how about you yourself?" asks a voice, and Asakim appears. Shurouga takes out the entire group of neatly arranged El Millenniums out in a single attack, a feat it would almost certainly not be able to do in actual gameplay even considering their weakness. He yells that she's done playing with dolls and attacks her directly, landing an attack. She tells him that he should know that it's pointless to attack her, since she's an Angel. But, replies Asakim, he just wanted to see her flinch. In time, all of them will be engulfed in the Shurouga's ebon wings, and plunged into the darkness of Naraka. Tempti yells that giving Asakim immortality was a mistake, and leaves, saying that she'll punish him next time.
  1134. As she leaves, Asakim wonders aloud if the punishment she speaks off would actually make him suffer in any way. He turns to Z-BLUE, saying that he'll fight you later. He attacks Sacrifi's prison, but fails to damage it. Shinn asks what he's playing at, and Asakim replies that he's out for revenge on all of the Angels for cursing him with immortality. Garrod tells him to step off, since Z-BLUE has business with her. Asakim asks what business that would be, and Apollo stupidly tells him that it's none of his concern. Asakim replies that he was planning to take your Spheres later, but if you intend to get in his way, he'll move up his timetable. To demonstrate his newfound powers, he brings the remaining Anti-Spiral units under his control. It's high time that you learned the meaning of Shurouga's existence directly. Loran asks why he won't cooperate with them, and he replies that it's because you cannot win against the Angels. But this is an opportune time for him to teach you the hopelessness of your situation firsthand.
  1136. The only new target is Shurouga Sin (168000 HP). Defeating him clears the stage.
  1138. Once he's defeated, he sneers at you as the Shurouga explodes. But before the dust even settles, it reconstitutes itself using the power of the Spheres. As his own power increases, so too does the strength of the curse of immortality they placed upon him. He decides that letting you get to know your enemy might be in order, so he will allow you to go meet Sacrifi. He leaves, and Land rages. Everybody has the wind taken out of their sails by the realization that Asakim, and by extension the Angels are immortal. Land shrugs and says whatever, we'll figure something out. If we can't kill them, we'll find a way to seal them or something. For now, let's go visit the nice lady Sacrifi... is what we'd like to say, but the prison she's in is kind of like the Svalinn. Setsuko suggests that while we might not be able to bust our way in, if she attunes her Sphere to it, it might yet be possible to gain entry. She flies over to the prison and the Sphere resonates.
  1140. Sacrifi introduces herself to Setsuko, addressing her as Hamaliel the Star. Setsuko introduces herself and asks Sacrifi to call her Setsuko, but Sacrifi replies that she cannot. She is a Sphere Reactor, which means that she walks a determined fate. They obey that, and thusly give names to the Reactors. For example, Setsuko is "The Star" - the light that shines in the heavens. She loses her friends and loved ones, but she continues to shine alone. Land is the Verchiel the Heat - the tempered armour who endures suffering and turns it into strength. And Crow is Zuriel the Unbreakable who... but Crow asks her to stop - he's not interested in her stargazing. She reveals that she is the one who branded you with the Stigma, an action that she undertook alone. But before she explains why, she decides to teach you the history of the Angels. They were the very first species in the whole of the universe to access Origin Law and the Truth, and achieve Shinka 120 million years ago. So they undertook for themselves a duty to guide other species who would approach Shinka so that the world would be filled with the Truth. But against their wishes, the number of species who awoke to the Truth were few and far between. But there were many whose evolutions went off course, causing conflict to spread across the universe. Thus began their surveillance of evolution, the most efficient way to guide others to Shinka. Those who did not conform with their view of evolution were marked as enemies.
  1142. That is the duty of the higher order beings, one that they abided by and guided the universe. Every 12000 years, the universe would collapse and be reborn, and new life would be born. They would guide those lives until the next collapse. Many worlds, many lives were born, many means of evolution were tried, and many overcame the universe's collapse. This repetition is the universal samsara. But they aren't God... and their good intentions slowly became tinged with the arrogance of one. Advent, who was the one who acted as the "leader" of the Angels, initiated their administration of the universe. Lelouch asks what "God" is, the Supreme that they've referred to. Sacrifi replies that it is the Supreme Deity Sol, a new "Sun" that they created. A system they created to control Origin Law when they were reborn 120 million years ago.
  1144. Chirico comments that even God is artificial. In response to the Angel's emotions, it would bring forth limitless Origin Law. But the will dwelling with it began to reject its own actions, and the actions of the Angels. And it ultimately committed what humans might call "suicide". This occurred 12000 years ago. At the moment of its death, it split into the twelve Spheres and the myriad Black Knowledge and scattered across the parallel worlds. And while the loss of Sol was initially a shock, they didn't immediately register it as an issue. That changes when they realized that they needed Sol in order to overcome the World Collapse. Sol was a product of their knowledge, but without regathering its constituent elements, they cannot repair it. Those elements being the Spheres, the fragments of Sol. So they began searching for the Spheres and the Reactors who draw upon them, reflected on their actions and exiled Advent. Banjou asks why they didn't bring a more decisively final punishment upon him. Sacrifi replies that 120 million years ago when they reached the Truth, they completely cut themselves free of conflict. At that moment, the remaining Angels redetermined themselves to guide the universe down the correct path. A few members of Z-BLUE berate her, but Sacrifi says there was nothing else they could do.
  1146. Doctrine just stewed in his anger at the species whose evolution was twisted, Tempti just used her power to amuse herself, while she herself languished in sorrow. Loran points out that she's one of the Angels, so couldn't she have stopped her brethren? Even if she did, she says, the universe is steadily advancing to its destruction. And the only way to avert it is to steer life toward a better course. Your destruction of Ba'al changes nothing. All she can do is to protect those who harbor the potential to reach Shinka, hence why she Branded you, as a sample of your species as a whole. And to help push you towards Shinka, she put you through a number of trials. Being sent to ADW was once such trial, another was the Vajra being brought to Earth. And Zeus says that's why she brought those bearing the factors of the Ages of Beast, Water, and Wind to the Civilization of Fire. It was all that she could do to try and create a paradise on the planet that you call the Blue Earth. She would draw the gaze of Doctrine and Tempti with the Green Earth, while creating the Time Prison around the Blue Earth. However, the supervisor she sent, Gadlight buggered off and did his own thing. Because he couldn't stand that Sidereal destroyed his home and then tried to force him to babysit the Earth. But, Sacrifi continues, you defeated Gadlight and ignorant of her wishes, rejected the Time Prison. Therefore, the subsequent invasion and occupation by Sidereal was you reaping what you had sown. Advent's purpose in sending you to the center of the galaxy was to teach you your own powerlessness. Sacrifi realized that, and redirected you here to Chaos Cosmos temporarily, to try and show you the meaninglessness of your actions. It never occurred to you that you would continue to fight after witnessing her power.
  1148. Z-BLUE lays into her again, accusing her of forcing her "mercy" down their throats. She replies that you do not understand her feelings. What the Angels seek to do isn't wrong, it's her own actions which are mistaken. She states that it was pointless to think that an immature species such as you could understand her. Crow suggests they stop talking about the past which can't be changed, and focus on what to do next. Sacrifi asks, with a tone of bitterness, why she has to walk together with you. It would have been better if you had just accepted her mercy and lived in eternity. Setsuko yells to her, but Sacrifi replies that she will never recognize your existence.
  1150. Z-BLUE are suddenly ejected from the prison, which shatters. Sacrifi comments that Doctrine has come for her. Takeru asks what she's intending to do, and she replies that she is returning to the place of her birth to fulfill the duty of the Angels. Ryouma yells that in the end, she's turning on them too. Sacrifi replies that now that you've stepped foot into the realm of Shinka, they cannot control your minds directly. She urges you to cease your actions of your own volition, stating that to be the sole means of atonement left to you. Setsuko yells for her to stop, but Sacrifi curtly bids her farewell. Sacrifi believed that Setsuko at least could understand her, but that too was a delusion. She will now return to Es Terran, the planet of her birth, where mankind ascended to become the Angels. It is the third planet of the Solar System in the Milky Way galaxy. In other words, the Angels are Earthlings just the same as you. She departs.
  1152. Days remaining until Doomsday: 7.
  1153. _______
  1157. On the Quarter, a few of your people are disappointed that Sacrifi turned out to be the same as the other Angels. Lelouch puts forward the theory that the Angels came about when the humans of Es Terran all fused into one. And this one gave way to four beings, each representing one of the cardinal emotions. But even if that's true, co-existence should be something limited to a single planet, a single species. In this vast universe, it's something that's necessary for life to expand. From that perspective, the most evolved beings in the universe are in fact impeding the precepts of the universe. Lelouch reports that Traia has located the Chaos Cosmos' Sol System and Earth, and at the same identified the special characteristic of this world. It is connected to all of the other parallel worlds, which allows the Angels to more easily interfere with other worlds. More worryingly, she also confirmed that the distortions in the universe are accelerating. Whether that's because some Ba'al survived or some machinations of the Angels remains to be seen. For now though, it's time to pay them a visit.
  1159. Z-BLUE arrives in orbit around Es Terran. Traia notes that this Earth lacks an equivalent to the Sun, instead the light comes from the planet itself. AG bitterly comments on the dimensional boundary around the planet, wondering how ostentatious you can get. Z-BLUE sorties with 19 deployment slots, and Simon/FREE as your forced deployment.
  1161. The enemy arrive, but it's not the Angels. Instead, it's the unholy tag team of Hades, Zule and Space Dad and their respective armies. Zule expresses surprise at your continued survival, as well as the miracle that it must have took to bring you here. The evil gods are, of course, here for the final battle of their war. Hades states that they had to overcome many other gods to reach this point, but soon they will defeat the Angels and the universe will be theirs. Kappei expresses his own surprise that they managed to come this far without backstabbing each other. Hades explains that they have experienced the universal Truth, and thus formed a united front. Gura asks his father if the same courtesy might not be extended to Z-BLUE as well, since the Angels aren't the only threat on the horizon. Hades laughs, and Zule says that they three have formed an alliance because they recognize each others' power. The same, says Space Dad, cannot be said of your species who has only just reached the first step of Shinka. But Hades says that you needn't fret, they will defeat the Angels, and rule the universe in their place. They will stop the World Collapse. Space Dad tells the bearers of the Taikyoku's fragments - the Sphere Reactors that they will lend their strength to the cause. Crow replies that he will respond on behalf of the other three: not a chance, *even if you paid me*. Traia comments that there's no firmer refusal, and the evil gods shake their heads that you would willingly pass up immortality. Gura tells his father that none of them deserve the right to live in this world, to Space Dad's anger. Z-BLUE lob insults and make rude hand gestures at the evil gods, who reply that you're getting awfully cocky now that you've gotten a little power-up (and beaten them like a half dozen times so far).
  1163. The enemy force consists of Space Dad (168000 HP), Zule (174000 HP), Hades (178000 HP) and their respective forces. The SR point is to defeat all three bosses within six turns, and all on the same turn.
  1165. After you damage any of the three a fair bit, they decide to show you their powers of darkness. Hades invokes his Flames of Darkness, which is a measly 10000 HP heal on all three of them. Zule invokes the Bulwark of Darkness, which casts Fortitude on all three. Space Dad invokes the Maw of Darkness, which teleports the three bosses to random points on the map. They tell you to bear witness to the (rather unimpressive) power of gods.
  1167. Once you damage them some more, they applaud your efforts. Zeus asks why they're still so cocky, and Zule replies that it's because the darkness inside of Z-BLUE will devour them from within. Everybody gets yet another trip to the sad dimension. Kappei apologizes to Hamamoto for not being able to do anything for him. Watta apologizes to his late father for letting the company go bankrupt. Shoutarou asks why his father had to die and leave him behind. Chirico reflects on the deaths of the Barcoff squad. Kei apologizes to Tina and Mimsy, since he'll never see them again. Kamille yells for Jerid to stay away, he didn't mean to kill anyone. Amuro mumbles Lalah's name, while Char seeks his sister's forgiveness. Heero sees the little girl and her dog again. Garrod yells for Tifa not to leave him, while Loran laments not being able to see Dianna again. Shinn screams for his parents and sister, while Kira faces Fllay and Tolle. Noriko reflects on her father, Smith, Kimiko, Jung and the others she won't see again. Basara yells that nobody is listening to his song. Ryouma calls out to Michiru and Musashi, Kouji to his grandfather. Roger fears that he's losing his Memories again. Apollo apologizes to Baron, Amata to his parents. Aoi declares that she's unwanted, while Shinji mourns that he couldn't save Rei. Lelouch yells through tears that it's his fault that Shirley, Euphie and Rolo... Setsuko cries out for Denzel and Toby, Land for Cielo and Crow states that his past can't be erased.
  1169. Outside, Zeus wonders what just happened. The other gods smirk at him for his lack of understanding, and Hades explains that humans are weak creatures, trapped in a whirlpool of regret and doubt. The human heart harbours the Power of Death, therefore they cannot suffer humans to live. Hibiki asks if they're going to keep on quibbling, and Space Dad is shocked that he's not curled up in despair. Takeru isn't either, and they explain that while humans hide darkness in their hearts, they overcome it and grow stronger. They move forward, bearing both light and darkness on their backs. Isn't that right, guys? Everybody snaps back to their senses at this one. Sousuke comments that finally Hibiki's paying them back for all the times they had to snap him out of it. Hibiki starts to get crestfallen again, but Suzune thanks him. He perks right back up and Shinn comments that Suzune's really soft on him. She replies (with an Ambriel smirk) that she knows how to use the carrot and stick. Simon yells that the real fight starts now. A voice yells that he wants to take a good look at how Simon lives. Kamina is suddenly in the TTGL, and Lordgenome realizes that Simon manifested him by accepting his past. Everybody greets him, and Nia introduces herself to him for the first time as Simon's wife. He thanks her for taking care of his little brother. Kamina rubs his hands together, saying that he wants to see first-hand how deep your strength is. Hades gapes at how the humans have literally brought the dead back to life.
  1171. When you defeat Zule, he screams about how this could be possible. If only he had stopped Idea from sending the Godmars to Earth... but Takeru cuts him off. He says that his father's love saved the planet Gishin, the love of his Earth parents raised him, the love of Marg guided him, and the love of Roze strengthens him. Zule fumes that he's getting a power of love speech, but Takeru screams for him to begone. He won't give the world's light to Zule. Zule screams and vanishes into nothingness. Takeru senses that his soul has completely vanished into the darkness, meaning he won't revive again.
  1173. When you beat Hades, he screams that he, the lord of the netherworld cannot lose to a bunch of humans. Zeus yells at him to face reality and realize that his arrogance is his own downfall. Hades goes to say that he'll revive again and again, but Kouji replies that somebody will always be there to put him back in the ground. Hades feels his body and soul falling apart, and he is ripped apart. Zeus comments that his soul recognized its defeat, and thus it fell completely into darkness. He won't be able to revive again.
  1175. When you defeat Space Dad, he screams that he is the manifestation of a black hole. Gura tells him that this will be their last parting, and he won't be able to revive again. His powers of darkness were defeated by Z-BLUE who bear the radiance of the sun. He demands to know why you didn't succumb to hopelessness, why you weren't subsumed into the darkness. Shoutarou replies that it's because they trust in hope. Space Dad scoffs at the notion, but Shoutarou tells him that even he must once have held to hope in something. Is there any greater proof than the fact that 12000 years ago, he tried to save Gura by launching him into space? Space Dad remembers his feelings on that day, that he he wished for his son to live. As his body and soul crumble, Space Dad implores Gura to live on, holding fast to the hope that he himself forgot. That is his final wish as a father.
  1177. With the field clear and the dark gods brought to heel by the heroes, AG comments that it's just us and the Angels left. Also Asakim, who appears to remind you that he's still tangentially related to the plot. He surmises by the fact that you made it here, that you heard about the truth of the Angels from Sacrifi. And even without having to hear you say it, he knows you're disappointed that you were unable to reason with her. But, he says, they are beyond understanding. Their arrogance is unwavering, like that of a merciless god. Crow admits that he was right, and Asakim replies by asking if you intend to move forward, even knowing that it's pointless. Setsuko nods, and Asakim says that you and he will settle the score between you first. But not here. He gives you coordinates for the site of the last battle and descends to the planet ahead of you. The question of how to deal with his immortality is raised, but Crow says they'll have to rely on Traia again.
  1179. On the Solarian's bridge, Traia unveils a dimensional trap that she designed based on the same principles as when he was sealed in the ZONE. But to be honest, she's not particularly confident that it'll work. But Sumeragi says that they'll just have to do what they can. After all, we're a little short on time. Tessa says that we'll descend to Es Terran to begin the fight in twelve hours. We'll do what we can, and leave the rest to luck and the heavens to sort out. But Traia seems worried by something. She's not sure of why the universe's distortion is accelerating... almost as if it's searching for something, and the Angels are doing their level best to stop it.
  1181. Days remaining until Doomsday: 6.
  1182. _______
  1184. STAGE 60 - TO ETERNITY
  1186. In the Solarian's hangar, Z-BLUE are busy still not understanding Asakim. On the one hand, he murdered Setsuko's original Denzel and Toby to awaken her Sphere. And then brought along another pair from a parallel world just to mess with her, the pair that you're now familiar with. But on the other hand, he saved Mer and brought her back to Land safely. In other words, he'll play both the good guy and the bad for the purposes of his objective. Which is what, asks Kagura. Well, to collect the Spheres says Amata. Yes, replies Kagura, but what does he want the Spheres for? Is it really just beating the Angels, or is there something more to it (god they're thick). That said, whatever his reasons, it doesn't justify the appalling methods he's used to achieve his goals. So it'll be Z-BLUE's job to beat him into submission so that Traia can spring the trap that'll hopefully seal him. Setsuko is resolved to fight him. Land has been thinking long and hard about it, but in the end he couldn't think of anything. Setsuko and Land will try and parlay with him, but it'll doubtlessly come down to a fight. Land warns Crow and Hibiki to watch their backs, since he'll be targeting all of them. But Sousuke says that there's no need for concern, since the Volunteer Club will babysit Hibiki if need be. And Team 'Short End of the Stick' (Duo, Lyle, et al) will have Crow's back. Marguerite will fight to avenge Uther. Everybody gets really excited about finally dealing with him once and for all.
  1188. Z-BLUE arrives on the surface of Es Terran with 20 deployment slots. The entire area is reminiscent of a glacier. The gravity is weak and the atmosphere is thin, and the same principles allowing Tengen Toppa to exist apply here on the surface. Traia notes that this place is the same location as Limonesia would be on our Earth. This place seems to have some significance here, which in turn means it has some special significance in the other worlds as well. In ADW, it's Limonesia, where the greatest source of DEC is. In the Frontier world, it's the site of Mayan Island. And in Insalaum, it was the site of the capital. That's why a ZONE was built there, because it's the optimal place to gather Origin Law. Setsuko comments that it's a beautiful planet, but she can't sense any life at all. But not just animals, says Amuro, there doesn't seem to be any plants or bacteria either. Traia says he's right on the money. She analyzed both the atmosphere and the soil and there's nothing, even on a microbial level. Everything on this planet is dead. Marguerite wonders if the planet was drained of all its Origin Law, but Traia thinks it was something the Angels did. When the people of Es Terran fused to become the Angels, it seems like it included literally all life on the planet. The end result is this utterly lifeless rock. Mikono comments that it almost feels like a graveyard.
  1190. Exactly, says Asakim, arriving on the scene. This is Sacrifi's "garden", where she comes to mourn the countless lives ended by the Angels. Char asks why he decided on here for the final battle, and Asakim replies that this is the sole place on this barren planet where you can feel death. Asakim offers to converse with you for a bit, rather than his usual schtick of saying his piece and then buggering off. Kei asks if he's becoming somewhat melancholic, but Asakim replies that trying to measure him using your own emotions as a ruler is pointless. Setsuko asks if they really need to fight like this instead of cooperating. Asakim interjects, saying if she's really fine with that. Does she mean to forgive him for killing her loved ones. He thinks they would be even sadder than her to hear her suggest such a thing. Setsuko lapses into silence, and Kamille and Kappei berate him for delighting in her pain. Asakim says that he needs the power of the Spheres to defeat the Angels. With your four added to his four, he would finally be able to face them on equal terms. Setsuko reiterates that they could work together, but Asakim repeats what he said before: that you cannot win against them. Lelouch asks him if were to defeat the Angels, would he stop the World Collapse. Asakim replies that he's not interested in that, and would let it happen. Alto yells at him, saying that just because he's immortal, he doesn't care about everybody else dying? Asakim replies saying that it's something like that. Hibiki accuses him of being the same as the Angels, and Asakim with a tone of anger, refutes that suggestion. Crow notes that even Asakim gets annoyed at the assertion that he's the same as the target of his revenge. Land asks how it was the Angels who made him immortal, and why they would do such a thing. Asakim replies that it's because he possesses the ability to detect the Spheres. He doesn't know why he has that power, but no sooner than he realized it, he found himself bound in the chains of eternity.
  1192. And so he obeyed their orders, and embarked on an endless hunt for the Spheres. But only so that he might acquire the Spheres to destroy them. They tried to control his mind, but his black wings shook that off. He worked with Advent earlier because he thought that Advent, though an Angel, might be different. Advent was exiled from the Angels around the same time that Sol killed itself and scattered the Spheres, so he wasn't one of the ones who cursed Asakim. But in the end, says Asakim, Advent was no different than the others. His disappointment was much like yours when you spoke to Sacrifi. And that's why he seeks the Spheres, to destroy all of the Angels!
  1194. Suddenly, several more Shurouga in its original form appear on the field. He now possesses the power to make even this many versions of himself. AG freaks out, saying that each of them is being controlled by Black Knowledge. Asakim replies that he found some while searching for the Spheres. CHRONO H... the Chrono Horizon, the despair that the Taikyoku reached at the end of eternity. The fragments of Sol, who ended its own life, which will surely help in defeating the Angels. But then Angeloi Arcas appear in the north, with Riddhe wondering if the Angels are intending to wipe out both Asakim and Z-BLUE in one fell swoop. But Setsuko doesn't think so, because she can sense Sacrifi nearby. Asakim smirks, saying that Sacrifi is trying to mask her own guilt by assisting him. Crow quips that both sides of black-garbed bad guys have teamed up, and Beck goes AHA! I knew people who love black are no good. Asakim says that he can't stand how Sacrifi tries to give charity to others from on high. So he's going to teach her. Let the banquet commemorating the end of their 120 million years begin. Setsuko says that this will be the end of their battle, but Asakim yells that this is only the beginning. Let the bells of war toil, for the feast of the End has begun.
  1196. The enemy force consists of the Shurouga Sin (248000 HP), sixteen Shurouga (36600 HP), and twelve pairs of Angeloi Arca (20400 HP). The SR point is to clear the map besides Shurouga Sin in four turns. A feat made somewhat difficult by the fact that Asakim loves to suicide on your units with his Threefold Action.
  1198. After you've damaged Shurouga Sin enough, he regenerates the damage, saying that you cannot defeat him. After you damage him some more, he regenerates the damage again. Land says that there's no such thing as absolutes or infinites, and that if they beat him long enough he'll eventually break. Asakim comments on his fondness for that hot-bloodedness, and Land offers to take him out for drinks if they stop this fight. But Asakim replies that he cannot. Come at him, we'll find out if you've got what it takes to overcome eternity. When you damage him again, his regeneration doesn't seem to kick in. Instead, he decides to get serious. The Shurouga Sin powers up, and he yells for Sacrifi to take a good look at what the Angels have lost - life. Life itself makes the future. Crow is surprised that he's still got that much strength left, but Asakim replies that his black wings will carry over everything, even Fate.
  1200. Shurouga Sin gains Fortitude, Focus and Awaken here but doesn't regenerate its health. End him for good. In the end, our unkillable soldier turns out to be the stronger of the two.
  1202. As soon as the Shurouga Sin is damaged, the Solarian springs the trap. But Asakim shrugs it off easily, telling The Edel that he should have known better. He's not merely using the Spheres as a power source anymore, he's become the Reactor of all four. Hibiki is horrified, since Vildark wasn't even able to use any of the Spheres in that capacity. But, says Asakim, there is a fundamental difference between him and us. All the time he was sealed in the Martian ZONE, he was thinking about who he is. And he realized that wanting to live like a human would give him the means to activate the Spheres. The Inquisitive Goat, he wished for all of the universe's knowledge, and accessed the Akashic Record. The Dreaming Twin Fishes, by dreaming of the day when his truest desire would come true. The False Black Sheep, by hiding his true intentions and cooperating with Advent. And the Inexhaustible Water-bearer, by loving you.
  1204. Or more precisely, that which created him, loves you. How your finite lives burn so earnestly, and how your unbending spirit grants you limitless freedom. That is something that is deserving of love. Hibiki replies that even if he's a Reactor four times over, there's still something they can do. He flies over to Asakim, saying that Asakim trying to draw on the power of multiple Spheres is the cause for his defeat. The Quarreling Twins activates, and the Shurouga Sin's Spheres are deactivated. Hibiki says drawing upon the power of multiple Spheres at once, he's becoming something close to Sol's original form. Therefore, the Quarreling Twins should be able to nullify that power. Asakim realizes that back then, Hibiki realized his - the Quarreling Twins' role as the core of the Taikyoku. Hibiki replies that power isn't something that should be used, but it means that he can seal Asakim, he'll do it. But Asakim yells that he has a decisive lack of power! The Geminion starts taking damage, and Hibiki tells Suzune to bail out, he's going to do this alone. But Crow, Land and Setsuko fly over to his aid. Crow says that if the Quarreling Twins' job is to govern the Spheres, then use their power. Asakim yells that it's still not enough to overpower him. So the rest of Z-BLUE decide that they'll throw their power into the mix too. AG hesitates to use the Z-Crystal, but Simon and Traia yell at him and he gives in. The Z-Crystal attunes everybody to the Geminion Ray, and Hibiki screams in pain as a result.
  1206. In the darkness, Asakim admits defeat. But he won't apologise to Setsuko, because he fought for himself until now. She knows that, but she won't forgive him. Crow says that now that he's admitted defeat, how about he helps them out. Only until the Angels are defeated, he replies. Setsuko says that they'll hold off settling their battle until then, and Asakim agrees. Sacrifi appears, saying that she realizes the meaning of his life. She came here to apologise to him. She bows her head to him. She states that watching their battle against Asakim, she remembered the meaning and the beauty of mortal lives. That they discarded something truly precious on that day, 120 million years ago. She regrets the fact that she became an Angel. Man cannot become God, and they did not deserve to obtain eternity.
  1208. "I thought as much" says a voice, and Advent appears. She rejects the Angels, and thus must be punished. She asks him what he intends to do, and he replies that she will reside eternally within him. He bids her farewell, and thanks her for her 120 million years of hard work. He seizes her with Helios and she cries out, before vanishing. Z-BLUE recoil in horror at the fact that he killed one of his own kind. Whatever happened to them discarding all conflict, says Lelouch. Advent simply replies that he has no need for you right now. With a sweep of his hand, the four Reactors are blasted back. Asakim asks him if he killed Sacrifi, and Advent replies that he isn't capable of killing her. Instead, she became a part of him that will live on forever. He marvels at how much Hibiki and the others managed to extinguish Asakim's power. Hibiki tries to move, but is too weak. Advent replies that it's the obvious outcome of him overexerting himself despite not being divine. Advent thanks Asakim for his long years of service, saying that his accomplishment of bringing all twelve Spheres back to Es Terran is profound. He'd expect nothing less from another world's Supreme.
  1210. This is a shock to everybody, Asakim included. Advent clarifies that Shurouga itself is. Accessing the Akashic Record and interfering with causality is the true nature of the Shurouga. That's why he possesses the same capability to detect and absorb the Spheres. That being said, even Advent is surprised that he managed to become a Reactor. After all, Asakim is merely a simulacrum created by Shurouga - a replacement part in place of one it lost. Shurouga did not originally possess the shape it does now. It gained this shape after many repetitions of destruction and rebirth, inheriting information from sapient lifeforms. In particular, the thoughts and memories of people possessing special qualities which Shurouga used to transfigure its own shape. Kamille asks what the "part" it lost was, and Advent replies that it lost its operator. It once possessed something with a humanoid form, but by the time it drifted to their world, it was already empty. Therefore it created Asakim as a replacement for that lost component. Although, Advent admits, who knows whether he's the same as the original. Doctrine analyzed a portion of Shurouga's systems and was able to incorporate immortality into it. In other words, Asakim as an "person" never existed from the start, merely being remade by Shurouga each time it's destroyed. Asakim says nothing, and Advent says that it's hardly surprising. He just found out that his very life is something created to suit another's needs, and that it's a false life to start with. Banjou yells that his origins mean nothing, he lived his life in pursuit of a goal. But Advent says that your words mean nothing to him.
  1212. He begins to absorb the Shurouga just like he did Sacrifi. Land yells for Asakim to wake up, because the object of his vengeance is standing right in front of him. Advent replies that it's pointless, his "self" has already ceased to be. Advent absorbs the Shurouga completely, stating that now they have eight Spheres, the preparations for the Supreme's rebirth are almost finished. His ultimate objective is to create a new Supreme in order to overcome the World Collapse. He bids you farewell, saying that you are no longer a variable in the equation. But he gives you his thanks, and he will never forget you, the warriors who worked to save the universe.
  1214. He leaves, and Char tells you to pack it in, we're going after him. Traia's determined where their hideout is based on Es Terran's similarities to Earth. In other words, if their headquarters is anywhere, it's where Wrath Babylon would be. There's even more reason to beat the Angels now that we need to rescue Asakim so we can beat him up ourselves, and to avenge Sacrifi. But there's a problem: Hibiki is out like a light, and AG comments that he knew it would end up like this.
  1216. Over in New York City back on Blue Earth, the Federation government is making a broadcast to all the people of Earth. Guen puts up on the board all of the information on the enemy, provided by King of Chrono. There is currently a proposal on the tappy, and all of the citizens of Earth will be voting on it. Using the ZONEs and the Leylines, they will take a census of all of mankind's opinions about whether to accept or reject the proposal. The system counts down, and President urges everyone to make their decisions. In the audience are Cagalli, Lacus, Rossiu, Ougi, Cornelia, and Schneizel.
  1218. The time limit passes, and the system calculates the result. By an overwhelming majority, the proposal is accepted. Therefore, the Earth's defence system Svalinn will now be deactivated.
  1220. Days remaining until Doomsday: 5. (though realistically zero because they just voted to turn off the barrier)
  1221. _________
  1223. STAGE 61 - THE BLACK SUN
  1225. At the Angels' hideout, Doctrine staggers in disbelief that Z-BLUE managed to kill Sacrifi. Advent apologises for not making it there in time, but Tempti demands to know how they managed it - the Angels are immortal! Advent replies that he can't think of any way but that they convinced her to reject her own immortality, thus making her mortal again. But, says Advent, he managed to recover Asakim's four Spheres. That said, Asakim himself scarpered. Doctrine says that it's fine to leave Asakim be, since he's no longer a threat. All that's left is to recover the four Spheres from the Earthlings, since without the Quarreling Twins as the nucleus, they can't revive Sol. And what luck, they're heading right this way, offering themselves up on a plate. They've already begone purging the evil races elsewhere in the universe, and this will be the main event. Advent offers to go fight Z-BLUE, saying that he wishes to impart upon them a fraction of his disappointment. Doctrine authorises him to use eight of the Spheres, while he continues to attend to the Prodigium's adjustments. Advent turns to leave, saying to himself that he wishes to see what pitiful last gasps Z-BLUE makes in the end.
  1227. Over in the Solarian's hangar, various groups of Z-BLUE discuss the final battle and what comes after it. The hard-won peace, a capstone of everything that's happened since the Great Quake. Setsuna intends to go head to the ELS homeworld (that I thought got blown up?) to further his understanding of them. Amuro ponders the nature of Shinka, and suggests that the day won't just come when humans suddenly turn into higher order beings. It'll be a long process, akin to the timespan of apes evolving into humans. Mithril tries to scout Lelouch to work for them, since Sousuke and Tessa are probably going to retire from the mercenary life. Clouseau asks Chirico if he's going to return to working for them, and Chirico replies that he has no intention of doing so. He'd like to stop fighting, and just live peacefully with Fyana. Watta and Shoutarou freak out, realizing that they haven't done any of their homework lately. Gura tells them to take that spirit of justice and face the enemy (homework) head-on, like a man. Both Akagi (representing 21st Century Security) and Banjou (representing his own zaibatsu or whatever) try to recruit Roger. They're both generous offers, but he'll wait till the battle's won to decide. The Frontier people are, of course, planning to head to the Vajra planet. Ledo asks that Basara visit the Galactic Alliance after the battle, because he'd like them to hear Basara's song. Aoi wonders if they'll be able to meet their senpai, or the others they haven't seen since the Genesis Quake. Noriko and Kazumi are going to tag along with Simon and his crew, since they're gonna head out into space to visit the other Spirals. Nono asks if she can come along, since if the Earth is safe, Buster Machine #7 is kind of out of a job. Lal'C says that she's coming along too, then Tycho, and then Nicola. Sirius wonders what the Aquarion team will do, since they're 12000 years displaced from home too. Apollo tells him to look around at all their friends. They can do what they like, whether it's join Mithril, go live on the Vajra homeworld, go on adventures with the Daigurren. The EVOL Elements agree, but first they need to stop by the school, where Andy will spread the gospel of male-female gattai. Kagura and Jin want to pop by Altair and visit. Shinji doesn't know what to do, so Asuka tells him to just make sure he becomes back alive. Mari smirks. Kei is deep in thought. The fact that a single spacetime quake, however great, affected the entire universe seems to be related to the fact that Chaos Cosmos connects to all of the parallel worlds. Thus, the key to averting the World Collapse would be here, if anywhere.
  1229. Setsuko is going to keep working for the military, and Denzel promises their team a cold beer after this is all over. Land is going to keep being a "repairman". Marguerite asks what Crow will do once there's peace, and he suddenly remembers that the deferment period on his debt only lasted until the battle's over. Esther says this is terrible, since with no DMs left to bust, what is he gonna do for work. But Crow, relaxed, says that even if the loansharks come for him to collect, he'll give his all to fight them too. Esther and Marguerite swoon, and Traia arrives with AG to deliver some news.
  1231. Hibiki shows up, having woken up from the coma without another dream sequence. Hibiki apologises for doing something stupid again and Traia, used to it by now, says that she's strengthened the trap as much as possible. Shinn asks what Hibiki'll do when the battle is won, and he replies the first thing he'll do is get a haircut. Setsuko says he should become a test pilot, Land says he should become a repairman, and Crow suggests that the two of them start up as private detectives. AG says that with his spirit honed by Land, his skill honed by Setsuko, and his strength honed by Crow, he'll be able to aspire to great things. And his overall record for the simulator since the start of Jigoku was 224W-387L. Hibiki notes the poor ratio, but AG says that if you take into consideration just the ones in this game, it'd be 156W-145L so he's improved quite a bit. But first, says Suzune, they need to worry about their prospects of graduating. This statement reverberates through the Volunteer Club, and Hibiki yells that they all better come home alive. Hibiki asks what Suzune'll do, and she says that she's going to become a teacher. She replies pointedly that she'd like to take her glasses off for Hibiki, and he asks if he should get AG to return her to her old pilot suit. She indignantly replies by asking if he intends to make her spell it out for him, and he hangs his head. But that's fine, she says. When the battle's over, she'll give him plenty of lessons. Hibiki's glad to hear it, since he doesn't want to stay back a year. Suzune puts her head in her hands, the outlook is poor for the future.
  1233. Z-BLUE arrives at the site of the final battle with a scant 20 deployment slots. At the center of the arena is a massive sphere of black energy, the so-called Black Sun. AG says that Chaos Cosmos' equivalent of the sun was turned into that Black Sun. The stars are clumps of Origin Law, and the Earth is the most efficient place to gather it, after all. Advent arrives in the Helios, saying that it is as you suspect. This is what will become the basis of the new Supreme. He calls in his allies in the form of a whole heaping mess of baddies. Of course, this isn't the extent of their power. The majority of the Angel's firepower is out and about in the parallel worlds "stopping the World Collapse" (read: killing everybody). Setsuna asks for clarification as to how he's planning to stop it, but he replies that you have no need to know. He's unhappy that it had to come to this, because he loves you all. That's why he gave you so many trials to overcome. But that ends here, as you perish in the light of an Angel bearing eight Spheres.
  1235. The initial enemy force consists of the Helios (288000 HP), two Zel Billenniums (66000 HP), four El Millennium (44000 HP), eight Asclepus and twelve pairs of Angeloi Arca. The SR point is to clear the map ending with the Helios in four turns.
  1237. When you defeat the Helios, Advent is completely gobsmacked that he lost. Even moreso because he has eight Spheres at his disposal. Traia hits Advent with the dimensional trap at maximum power, powered by the Z-Crystal conducting everyone's feelings. To his great horror, it seems to be working and the Helios vanishes in a flash of light. Doctrine appears, riding some sort of horrible great thing. He says how pathetic it is that Advent was laid low by mere humans. Tempti is shocked that he lost, but Doctrine says that in the 12000 years he was exiled, he must have grown too confident in his power. However, they must still avenge Advent by destroying Z-BLUE with the power of the Angels. Kappei tells them that they're rather forgiving of the guy who killed Sacrifi. Doctrine replies that they, the servants of the Supreme will not buy into such vapid lies. Takeru tries to explain but Doctrine yells for all to be silent. You filthy Ba'al, would dare to try and pass your sin off onto Advent, his brethren? Unfortunately for you, says Tempti, the Angels are beings liberated from all conflict and deceit. Doctrine roars at you, the "Ba'al" who intruded into Chaos Cosmos and even now befoul their planet. You wonder who they're talking about, but Tempti says who could it be but you? Doctrine explains that as you destroyed the STMC, the servants of the Power of Death, you are the true Ba'al. But not just you, this entire universe has become an evil place infested by Ba'al over the span of 120 million years. Shinn tells them to stop making baseless accusations, but Tempti says that it's the truth. And, says Doctrine, if you need a reminder of their power, he'll give you one.
  1239. Banagher yells for him to stop, but it's too late. In an instant, the strange thing that Doctrine and Tempti are piloting activates and destroys the Cartwheel Galaxy of the 41st world. And next, yells Tempti, is the Yughutos galaxy of the 6th world. Again, a galaxy is snuffed out in an instant. Tempti wonders why you're getting so upset about the destruction of unrelated galaxies. Doctrine says that this is the duty of the Angels, that they undertook themselves. For the sake of guiding the universe down the correct path, they must punish sin, for that is the sole means by which the world can be saved. And now that they have lost Advent, the only means left to them is to purge you from the face of the universe to avert the World Collapse. Noriko asks if the world will really be saved if they die, and Tempti says that you're finally getting it. But you'll still come at them, motivated by your own petty desire for self-satisfaction, even if it means dooming the universe. Hibiki tries to yell back at her, but Land and Crow tell him to stop. They're too arrogant to reason with. Tempti tells you to kick back and relax, since once you're dead they'll take care of everything. Doctrine declares that waiting for mankind to achieved Shinka on its own births nothing but disaster. So once the universe settles back into tranquility, they will cease to be invisible gods and will descend upon all of the parallel worlds to rule them directly. Amuro realizes that their arrogance really is the Fundamental Calamity, and Tempti laughs at you. Doctrine says that this, the Prodigium, is a vessel for the rebirth of the Supreme, a crystallization of their knowledge. Lelouch comments that if they came in riding on the throne of God, and Chirico finishes that they'll just have to destroy it.
  1241. The enemy force now consists of the Prodigium (380000 HP), four Zel Billennium and a whole mess of El Millennium. The stage will end when you defeat the Prodigium.
  1243. When you beat the Prodigium, Doctrine's jaw hits the floor. Tempti starts to panic, wondering how the Prodigium could have lost. Doctrine worries that if they lose here, nothing will be able to stop the World Collapse, but Nono tells him that he needn't concern himself. Tempti asks if you're just going to let the universe collapse, but Shinn yells that they're going to get rid of the Angels to stop that. Because, in case they hadn't realized, by their own definition of the term, the Angels themselves are "Ba'al". Doctrine bristles at this, yelling that you have the gall to call them that. Roger explains that if Ba'al is the means by which the Power of Death overpowers the Power of Life, then what the hell did they think would happen if they just randomly wipe out galaxies? Doctrine's eyes widen in horror. Aoi yells that every time they wipe out a species, the Power of Death strengthens. And now that the STMC are gone, all that's left is them. The smile is wiped from Tempti's face, who refuses to accept that they're the ones responsible for the World Collapse. Doctrine roars that he won't buy into your nonsense. Z-BLUE yell at him to get it through his head that the Angels are the greatest enemy of life. Tempti, clearly panicking now, asks Doctrine what they should do. But Doctrine is on fine form, and declares that they are the Angels, the absolute beings who will save the universe. They will not allow Ba'al to intrude any further. Orson yells to Kei and Ziene, who have deduced that the Black Sun is the Super Singularity they need. AG explains that, whether by accident or design, the spacetime oscillation bomb built by one of The Edels connected to Es Terran at the moment of detonation. Hence why the quake had the capacity to travel throughout the entire universe, since it was influenced by the Black Sun here. And Vildark knew that, which is why he was experimenting on the Singularities.
  1245. Doctrine and Tempti abandon the Prodigium, yelling that they won't let you touch the Black Sun, the source of their power. But before they can escape, Lelouch charges them down. Yelling that the Z-Crystal taught him their weakpoint, he opens his cockpit. He activates his Geass and yells that in the name of Lelouch vi Britannia, they will obey his orders. Doctrine calls it the power of temporary Shinka, and Tempti says that it won't affect them. Lelouch asks, "are you quite sure?". His beloved sister Euphie broke the Geass' effect by pure willpower. If the power of emotions can break the Geass, then he reasons the same process might work in reverse. Doctrine yells for him to cease this, because he'll die if he does. Lelouch says he's fine with that, he came here prepared for that possibility. It's something utterly unfathomable to the immortal Angels - their weakpoint, forgetting the weight of a life. They, who obtained immortal life, will never win against the hearts of those who are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. Lelouch yells that this will be his final Geass, in exchange for his own life.
  1247. The rest of Z-BLUE look on in helplessness, and tears begin to form even in C.C.'s eyes. But before the Geass can take effect, the Shinkirou is knocked back. Advent appears standing on top of the Black Sun, saying that he cannot afford for you to strike down his brethren. Suzune is horrorstruck that he somehow managed to revive, but Advent ushers Doctrine and Tempti to the Black Sun. Doctrine yells that together, they'll purge Z-BLUE from the world and save the universe.
  1249. No, says Advent, that's not the plan. Instead, he's going to absorb the other two. Doctrine realizes too late that Z-BLUE wasn't lying, and that he already did it to Sacrifi. Tempti asks if he's going to stop the World Collapse, but Advent replies that there's no need to. Instead, the world will simply be reborn again. Tempti freaks out, not wanting to disappear but Advent assures her that they'll all be together within his soul. Tempti backs away, yelling for him to stay away. Doctrine asks why, they're supposed to be beings that transcended deception and conflict. Advent tells him to dispense with the pretenses, they committed a grave sin by exiling him. At that moment he realized, that the Angels are insufficient to save the universe. So he returned to test whether or not they had what it takes to save the world, but this is the unfortunate result. They failed, asks Tempti. Advent replies that they will thusly become one with him, and the Supreme's rebirth will be realized. But Tempti says that he only has eight of the Spheres, so he won't be able to revive it. Advent replies that is their misconception, but that he realized that the missing Spheres could be substituted by four immortal lives. To that end, he had Z-BLUE temporarily exhaust Doctrine and Tempti's ability to resist. A role, he states, they fulfilled brilliantly. That's the reason why he guided Z-BLUE in the guise of a friend. Now, he will become the Supreme itself, and save the reborn universe. Tempti begs for Advent's forgiveness for exiling him, and Doctrine pleads for mercy. Advent replies that God will not heed their pleas. He absorbs both of them, still screaming.
  1251. Outside the Black Sun, Advent's laughter echoes across the field. Z-BLUE, who witnessed him absorbing the other two, wonder what's coming. Advent states that the Angels are no more, and soon, neither will mankind or Ba'al. He alone will exist. Advent steps out of the Black Sun, garbed in new clothing and titled as Saint Advent. He raises his hands to the heavens and bids the Helios and Prodigium to come to him. By the union of the Black Sun, Helios, Prodigium, eight Spheres and four immortal souls, the Supreme will be reborn! And thus Heaven's Prison will be broken, and a new universe born! As the fusion process begins, AG yells for everybody to retreat into the ships for now.
  1253. Days remaining until Doomsday: 3.
  1254. _______
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