
Tel'Adre Miniquest: The Cure for Worms

Jun 7th, 2019
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  1. Written by: Quiet Browser
  3. This is a small idea that struck me after musing on Jojo's ability to cure worms, the infected wolf-morph that Urta takes down in one unique scene, and the fact that there will eventually be a bad end for a worm-infested PC if they have sex with Urta. I brought it up with Fenoxo, and he didn't seem to have any problems with it, so I thought I should try throwing it together.
  6. Starting Scene:
  7. //This scene automatically plays the next time that the PC goes to speak to Urta
  8. //This scene can only be played if the player Investigated the Disturbance in Tel'Adre
  10. As you sit down across the table from the fox-morph, you tell her that you saw her fighting that corrupted wolf-morph earlier.
  12. "Oh? You did, (charname)?"
  14. You assure her that you did, and you were amazed - you've never seen anyone fight so well, especially against such a fierce-looking opponent. As Urta gives a small blush of embarrassed pleasure at your praise, you mention that you thought you saw worms crawling out of his cock.
  16. "You did. He was pretty far gone anyway, but that infestation guaranteed we exiled him. We cannot allow someone who has become host to cockworms to stay in the city." Urta states, shuddering in disgust.
  18. You ask her what they are, and why the city is so scared of them.
  20. "Nobody really knows what they are - we figure they're a demonic pleasure toy experiment that went wrong. Even demons prefer to avoid them; they're parasites that slip inside dicks and start nesting in the prostrate. They make the host unbearably horny, especially because everything else out there will run away rather than have sex with the host. Worse, they can spread very aggressively - if we let one host in here, he could potentially infect every man and herm in the city!"
  22. She shivers at the thought, (if player has learned Urta is a herm: not that this surprises you; she's probably one of the people most vulnerable to infection,) and takes a gulp of her whiskey to calm her nerves. Thoughtfully, you ask if they can cure the parasites, or is it impossible to get rid of them?
  24. "Oh, there's probably a cure... but we don't have one. There used to be an order of monks in the forest; they knew all about herbal remedies, so they might have figured out a way to cure them... but they've been wiped out by the demons." Urta explains.
  26. (If player has met Jojo or Jojo is in camp: You tell Urta that you have met a mouse-morph monk in the forest; he may be one of the monks she's talking about, and you promise her you'll see if he has a cure.
  28. "That would be an incredible boon to this city! Please, if you can bring a cure back to us, I'll see to it that you're rewarded!" Urta insists, hope shining in her eyes.
  30. Your discussion finished, you politely excuse yourself from Urta's table.)
  32. (If player has been deinfested at least once: You tell Urta that you know a monk by the name of Jojo, and he has a cure for worm infestation - you know, because you've experienced it. It's not pleasant, but you can guarantee that it works.
  34. "If that's the case, then please, talk to him! See if he'll share that knowledge with us - we could save a lot of travelers who find their way here but have to be turned away only because they're infested." Urta pleads. "There's a big reward in it for you, too." She adds, as further incentive.
  36. Your discussion finished, you politely excuse yourself from Urta's table.)
  38. (If player does not meet either of the above criteria: You promise Urta that you will look for a cure in your travels. She doesn't seem convinced you will have any luck, but tells you that she hopes you succeed. Your discussion finished, you politely excuse yourself from Urta's table. You wonder if you should take a look in the Forest, see if maybe you can find some clue as to these mysterious monks.)
  42. Jojo in the Forest:
  43. //This scene appears the next time that the player encounters Jojo as a random forest encounter
  44. //Jojo can be randomly encountered even if the player is not corrupt enough to trigger his appearance normally.
  46. Finding yourself in a glade free of any obvious danger, you decide to take a closer look at the various herbs and plants growing about; maybe these have some medicinal properties? Even if it's no use for Urta and Tel'Adre, it'd be smart to stock up on medicines for yourself.
  48. "What are you doing?" You hear a voice call from behind you. Quickly you get up and turn to face the voice, only to see (a mouse-morph in a monkly robe, bearing prayer beads and holy symbols)/(Jojo) has snuck up behind you. He waits for your response patiently, allowing you time to gather your wits.
  50. (If player has not met Jojo before: "Greetings, stranger; my name is Jojo. It is rare to see someone in these woods who has not succumbed greatly to the influence of the demons who plague these lands. What brings you here?")
  52. (If player has met Jojo before, corruption is below 25: "What brings you to these woods again? I do not sense the touch of demonic taint afflicting you again." The mousey monk asks, curiously.)
  54. (If player has met Jojo before, corruption is 25+: "I thought I sensed your aura, especially with its lingering taint. I came to see if you wished to meditate again, but I found you preoccupied. Why are you looking at those herbs?")
  56. You politely explain to the monk that you are seeking a possible remedy for a dread species of parasitic worm that infests the phalluses of humanoid victims.
  58. "Ah, yes, the 'cock worms'." Jojo states, face twisting into a sour pucker of disgust. "I know of the vile things... and I know of a cure. Tell me, why do you seek such a cure?"
  60. You explain to Jojo that you have found a city that has managed to avoid falling to the demons, but they are forced to turn away any who are infested by the worms because they have no cure for such a malady.
  62. Jojo's eyes widen. "There is a city out there which has yet to fall? Please, allow me to help you! Pray, give me a moment to gather my things together..." You watch as he shrugs off a backpack you hadn't realised he was carrying before, then proceeds to pull out a lacquered box, from which he removes an assortment of herbs, oils and a few other things, all of which look rather noxious. He hands these to you, saying, "Here; I can get more of these whenever I need to. The herbalists and medics in the city should recognize these - tell them that the treatment is to grind the material components into powder with a mortar and pestle, pour in the oils, and then ignite the resultant paste. Waft the fumes over the infected victim until the mother worm is fumigated out; strike it dead, and the budding swarm is destroyed. The patient will now be cured of their infestation."
  64. You thank Jojo generously for this gift, but he waves his hand nonchantly. "Nonsense! It is the least I can do to aid another bastion of light in this world of darknes." He insists. Tucking the ingredients into a safe bundle, you return to camp; you should make haste to Tel'Adre, where Urta will be waiting.
  67. Jojo at Camp:
  68. //This scene plays the next time that the player approaches Jojo in the Followers menu
  70. "Ah, (charname), good to see you - is there something on your mind?" Jojo asks as you approach him with a purposeful stride.
  72. You nod, telling Jojo that you have things you need to talk to him about.
  74. (If player has not been de-infested before: You ask if he knows anything about curing cock-worm infestation.
  76. "Yes, I do." Jojo states, humbly. "Why do you ask, though?")
  78. (If player has been de-infested at least once: You ask if Jojo can spare some of the components he used when he de-wormed you, or at least a copy of the recipe for the cure.
  80. "That is certainly possible... but whatever for?")
  82. You explain to Jojo that you have found a city that has managed to avoid falling to the demons, but they are forced to turn away any who are infested by the worms because they have no cure for such a malady.
  84. Jojo's eyes widen. "There is a city out there which has yet to fall? Please, allow me to help you! Pray, give me a moment to gather my things together..." You watch as he grabs a backpack previously hidden in the bushes, then proceeds to pull out a lacquered box, from which he removes an assortment of herbs, oils and a few other things, all of which look rather noxious. He hands these to you, saying, "Here; I can get more of these whenever I need to. The herbalists and medics in the city should recognize these - tell them that the treatment is to grind the material components into powder with a mortar and pestle, pour in the oils, and then ignite the resultant paste. Waft the fumes over the infected victim until the mother worm is fumigated out; strike it dead, and the budding swarm is destroyed. The patient will now be cured of their infestation."
  86. You thank Jojo generously for this gift, but he waves his hand nonchantly. "Nonsense! It is the least I can do to aid another bastion of light in this world of darknes." He insists. Tucking the ingredients into a safe bundle, you leave Jojo to his meditations; you should make haste to Tel'Adre, where Urta will be waiting.
  89. Triumphant Return:
  91. As you enter Tel'Adre, you halt, remembering what you have found. Turning to the guard on duty, you ask her to fetch Urta for you, insisting that you have something she will be very interested in seeing. The female Rottweiler-morph looks skeptical, but hurries off, soon returning with the fox-morph Captain of the Guard.
  93. "(Charname)? What's all this about?" Urta asks, confused.
  95. You smile at her triumphantly, and tell her that you have found the way to cure a person who has been infested by cock-worms. Urta stares at you in disbelief, and you show her Jojo's ingredients, explaining the proceedure to her as you do so.
  97. "I... This is incredible! I'll need to speak to the healers, confirm that this would work, but... If it does, then you've done Tel'Adre a great service! Please, wait here." Urta requests, and you agree. As she runs off, carrying the precious bundle, a guard leads you to a shady spot where you are allowed to sit down and wait.
  99. Within the hour, Urta comes back, grinning widely. "It's true! A cure! Tel'Adre owes you a debt, (charname) - please, this isn't much, but I hope you'll accept it for your troubles."
  101. She hands you a leather sack, bulging with something round and hard. Looking inside, your eyes widen with shock; there's at least a thousand gems here! Telling Urta that it was the least you could do, you add the gems to your stockpile and watch her as she leaves, feeling pride and joy welling up inside your heart. It may not exactly be the sort of thing that sagas are sung about... but that doesn't make it any less a noble and heroic act you've done today.
  105. Aside from the gem reward at the end, the vague plan was that completing this mini-quest earlier would protect a PC from the "Infested Urta" bad end. Of course, with that development not yet in the game, I can't really write that part up, now can I? Still, I figured it couldn't hurt to put my thoughts on that at the very end...
  108. Escaped Bad End:
  109. //This is inserted at an appropriate point in the "Infested Urta" bad end.
  110. //The player, naturally, does not get a game over.
  112. You hear the sounds of footfalls approaching, and moan deliriously, your perpetually erect cock already starting to drip with pre and worm-slime. Half with dread, half with anticipation, you await the horny fox-morph herm and her huge prick, swollen and writhing with worms - you can't even think about how long you have been chained here, given nothing to eat or drink but the copious amounts of cum and worms that Urta must force into your mouth so that she can hide her infection from her troops. You can vaguely see Urta coming near you in the gloom, but she stops, well back from you. In your stupefied state, you can barely understand that her cock isn't jutting forth, erect and writhing, and you fail to comprehend the meaning behind the small bowl and fan that she is carrying.
  114. She places the bowl on the floor with a muffled 'clunk', then crouches down over it. Withdrawing a match, she lights it, making you wince, and then sets fire to the bowl's contents, proceeding to waft the resultant noxious fumes towards you with the fan. The smell of the mix is nauseating and repugnant. Your stomach turns and you fight the urge to vomit. Eventually, you are no longer able to resist and you purge yourself onto the ground. Cramping from your vomiting fits, you wrack with discomfort, which slowly builds to genuine pain. As the pain sets in, you feel a stirring deep in your crotch. The worms inside you are stirring and thus are compelling another unwanted orgasm. Unable to control your body, your cock explodes, launching cum and worms everywhere.
  116. You beg and plead for Urta to stop, thrashing in your chains, but she continues fanning with grim efficiency, watching as you struggle but saying not a word. Your body cramps up as you feel the fat worm struggle. You feel it pushing up your urethra, fighting to escape your fumigated body. The worm rapidly peeks from the end of your penis. At once, Urta snatches it and roughly yanks it from your body, triggering a final orgasm that sends you crashing into unconsciousness, your last sight that of a disgusted Urta crushing the mother worm under foot.
  118. When you wake, you find yourself free of the chains that bound you, and lying on Urta's bed, the herm fox-morph sitting on a chair beside you. "Feeling better?" She asks, lightly. You nod slowly, still weak and unsure of what's going on besides. "Good." She states. Then she gives you a stinging slap to the side of the head. "That's for being an idiot and coming to me when you were infected! If you hadn't brought me the cure earlier... well, I don't want to think about what would have happened."
  120. Feebly, you apologise, then ask her what she's going to do to you.
  122. "Me? ...Nothing. Between what I did to you while I was infected, and what getting de-wormed is like, I figure you've been paid back. Just don't be stupid enough to do that again!" She barks this last part at you fiercely, and you promise her that you'll never come and see her whilst worm-infected again. At this, she gives you a small smile, and hands you a bowl of broth.
  124. Once you've regained your strength, you climb out of Urta's bed, redress yourself and leave the city, still weakened from the fumigation, but hopefully wiser about your future actions.
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