
Final Boss Omake

May 22nd, 2015
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  1. Sweet giggles filled the air as the two made use of their world of green and grey; the energy of youth bolstering the girls into motion. Ten times for the day they’d slipped the leash of their elven mother, her own abilities of shadow and stealth strongly inherited, and found their way about the lair. Elven ears perked as they moved with a silence swiftness which befitted their tiny frames, all the while silently communicating with each other in just that way that only twins could ever seem to fully achieve. They’d snuck into Boss-Dracca’s room before; the boss was fun, and a Dragon! He was amazing! They’d been dazzled, excited, and left his presence feeling a sense of awe and which had never been part of their lives until that moment.
  3. And so they snuck back.
  5. Again.
  7. And again.
  9. And yet again.
  11. Boss Dracca always accommodated. Sometimes he even let them hang from his wings, giggling and screaming in fits of joy as they leapt about on top of his regal form, sometimes juggled about by the strong limbs. He even told them stories, things of lives long past, of draconic might and majesty. He even called them the ‘Little princesses’ and had warpstone studded crowns made for them. It was the best time of the day in truth, when the boss felt like playtime and wasn’t busy with Midboss Sybil.
  13. She was a little scary…
  15. They’d seen her once, doing an augury as she gutted a natural born beast, cackling lightly to herself and casting meaningful glances back at the boss.
  17. They got around the lair, Mama Dahlia’s flower was always one of the best places to play other than boss Dracca, Mama Dahlia was cozy and smelled really good… but Mama Dahlia slept a lot, and spent a lot of time with Mama Talitha alone when she was awake. Especially now after Mama Talitha was regrowing an arm from the time the scary humans had invaded. But they were Big girls, and everyone knew that the boss liked them, and mamas wouldn’t get mad so long as they didn’t go outside the lair alone.
  19. So they spent a lot of time, bugging anyone else they could find.
  21. “Hi uncle Warden!” Cami piped up, always being the bolder of the two.
  23. “Hello... uncle Warden... can we talk to Shadow?” Lori quietly asked.
  25. The Barrow Wright tilted his head slightly, and then chattered joyfully as he tickled his own ribs. Slowly from between his ribs a dark figure emerged.
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