
Exovaryn Haruke: The First Marked

Sep 9th, 2015
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  1. [06:14:49] Abaddon: <*steps inside the ward*>
  2. [06:22:30] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <*Staring at the ceiling*>
  3. [06:23:21] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . <* Slow turn for the new entrant from his assigned bed*> . . . You're alive. That makes... Another one of us.
  4. [06:26:46] Abaddon: And you're not ead.
  5. [06:26:46] Abaddon: dead*>
  6. [06:31:53] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . No, no I'm not.
  7. [06:31:53] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . <*Turns back for the ceiling*> . . . They ambushed us and killed everyone.
  8. [06:32:44] Abaddon: I'm aware.
  9. [06:32:44] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . They blasted a hole through my left lung. . . Though, since I bare no humanly vulnerabilities, their endeavor failed.
  10. [06:33:36] Abaddon: You caused the downfall of a humanoid that my past Humanoid self has cared about greatly.
  11. [06:34:27] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . You don't think I don't bare the pain of their loss, even now?
  12. [06:35:18] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . I won't let their sacrifice be in vain. I intend to bring them both back.
  13. [06:36:09] Abaddon: <*stares deeply*>
  14. [06:37:00] Abaddon: I don't care about Ruos.
  15. [06:37:00] Abaddon: I'll devour him the second he returns.
  16. [06:42:08] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: I care for them both...
  17. [06:42:59] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: And I intend to bring them both back-- Fellow ilk, to the best of my ability.
  18. [06:42:59] Abaddon: The only use Ruos has is being integrated into my body for my own growth.
  19. [06:42:59] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Ruos bares knowledge of the lost land... The promised land...
  20. [06:42:59] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Mormegil...
  21. [06:43:50] Abaddon: He'll be alive inside of me--
  22. [06:43:50] Abaddon: Mormegil?
  23. [06:43:50] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: I need him alive... He has direct knowledge of my predecessor.
  24. [06:43:50] Abaddon: <*grumbles*>
  25. [06:43:50] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: As for Plum...
  26. [06:43:50] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: I will bring her back...
  27. [06:44:41] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: And I will undo the powers enacted upon her, to forge her blood pumping with the very same it did prior to their vile intervention.
  28. [06:44:41] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: I will turn her into a Malpercian once more, with my own two hands...
  29. [06:44:41] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: The power of Lyperion Utovex will not be underestimated.
  30. [06:45:32] Abaddon: Good. She needs to be with her origins, not some false Illusion that. . .
  31. [06:45:32] Abaddon: Johanees Lejean has forced upon her.
  32. [06:45:32] Abaddon: I will destroy that man.
  33. [06:45:32] Abaddon: He will die a painful death.
  34. [06:45:32] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Johan-?... No... Not just a single man...
  35. [06:46:24] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: The entire species must perish...
  36. [06:46:24] Abaddon: Then I will raze Byson.
  37. [06:46:24] Abaddon: To the ground.
  38. [06:46:24] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . I intend to exterminate the human race, and enslave what remains...
  39. [06:46:24] Abaddon: Hm.
  40. [06:46:24] Abaddon: Then allow me to be your garbage disposal.
  41. [06:47:15] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Hrmm... You too survive off their flesh and circuit, I take it...
  42. [06:47:15] Abaddon: Consumption of the human race is enough for plenty of power to be ingrained inside my body.
  43. [06:47:15] Abaddon: Yes.
  44. [06:47:15] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: I see...
  45. [06:47:15] Abaddon: You are aware, I am no Yokai.
  46. [06:47:15] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: No... No you are not.
  47. [06:47:15] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: But you may do well as the first of the many Marked in the name of Lyperias.
  48. [06:48:06] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <*Slow craning of the head to face Abaddon*>
  49. [06:48:06] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . How much do you crave power?
  50. [06:48:06] Abaddon: It is my upmost ambition.
  51. [06:48:57] Abaddon: <*utmost
  52. [06:48:57] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . Then, I have a deal for you. . . Should you will be willing to part from Valmasian ties and renounce their gods and goddess for one true.
  54. At this exact time on the continent of Valmasia stood two entities secluded inside a room, their words exchanged between each other, plans formulating, deals being constructed. Two powerful beings with the potential to change the history of Valmasia, and even end it. Depravity leaked out without no binds to hold its place inside his soulcase.
  56. " I am no Yokai. I have arrived in Valmasian soil as a plague from a foreign continent. I am the First Progenitor of Valmasia, and the Eighth Progenitor of Eternia. The other Six Progenitors are conquering the continent of Uray while the sixteen spirits of Uray are pushed back behind their shield mountains, cowering in fear from the power that the Six Progenitors possess. However, due to the shield mountains, the progression, their growth has become stagnant. They can't go beyond the mountains, and if Valmasia has no shield mountains, my performance will go beyond that of the other six progenitors, considered to be at their peak power. I can ascend further than them, I can destroy the sixteen spirits of Uray. They are false, they are deceitful, sly in their actions. I don't have a care for Valmasian Deities nor do I have a care for Urayan Deities, they will be destroyed regardless. I have no care about religious or moral principles. I've already renounced my deities. . the second they've appared to strip my power when I was a Urayan. They've made a foolish mistake, and they will suffer for it."
  59. The Cynthrul got caught up in his anger, he despised the Urayans and their gods--No, he didn't despise the urayans, only the pantheon. He wanted to save the Urayans from their false reality, convert them to see the truth. They must be saved, that is what the Progenitor was created for. The Urayans must be free from their occupation, their oppression conducted by the Urayan Pantheon. Even if it's seen as diabolical by other entities, it is the just thing to do.
  60. (Abaddon)
  61. [09:37:55] The Harukean listened to what the oddity had to offer; not of Valmasia but Uray? Was this... An Urayan? He knew fairly well it wasn't a Yokai though the claim did seem to surprise him at the very least. Regardless, would it matter what belief or origin one would take-- It didn't necessarily matter if he'd follow in the path of Lyperias or would even ascend to become a fellow Seer... All that mattered was that he'd stay out of his way... And potentially aid him in his endeavors.
  63. " Please... Approach me... " He requested, awaiting the Cynthrul to oblige, eyes scanning over its amorpheous figure seemingly imitating a Gigai, he reached up for its forehead, beckoning it to lower its form with the wag of a finger...
  64. " Through my veins runs the essence dubbed Vanus... I intend to mark you with it, using symbols I've taken study to."
  66. The manipulation of Vanus (Energy Source) throughout one's body began to fester with the looming presence of Occultism reigning through his vessel, manifesting Mortis (Harukean symbiote) at the tip of a pointed finger, elongating from the tip of his nail akin to the finest of blades, threatening to prod at the flesh.
  68. " Though, with the mark, you'll be injected with this energy source... It will begin to siphon away at your circuitry... Though, upon injection I'd hypothesize that it'd compensate by transmuting your inflicted flesh into mana to burn. In the presence of your mana exertions, it will be active, otherwise simply searing at your flesh." He warned.
  70. "If I inject too much, I'm certain it will outright kill you, siphoning you entirely of your circuit of desolving at your physical stature-- I know not which would come first, but should you survive, I can send your circuitry into a form of overdrive."
  71. The sharp tip of the morphed extension of Lyperion Utovex began to gleam at its tip with the amalgamation of Vanus tainted cosmomancy.
  72. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  73. [10:31:40] Accepting the request to mobilize closer towards the Haruke. Footsteps echoed out inside the room. Kneeling down, its body lowering down for whatever Exovaryn had attempted to plan or request of the Cynthrul. There is a hint of curiosity, is he offering power? but at what cost? Sacrifice is what grants you power, sacrificng something of your own to obtain something of equal gain or even higher than what you would ever think on obtaining.
  75. "Mark me? I am not a mere pet to be marked, usually when someone is marked, it benefits the user, and becomes a hindrance for the one that has become marked. " This could be considered complaining, but it should be justified due to the unknown future if he is marked by Exovaryn. Awaiting for the further instructions to continue his response.
  77. His eyes stared at the elongated nail, this seemed to hold more errors than benefits in the Progenitor's mind. "Is that so? Yokais flourish off the essence of mana. Does this innately aid in my growth? Mana is beneficial afterall. . Anyhow. I am not certain if this will prove to aid me in my endeavors, it seems to be a risk to my lifespan regardless if I grow bountiful amounts of power, it is useless if I am deceased due to the results gained. "
  79. However, his physical body didn't lean away from the Haruke, it stayed. Perhaps the Cynthrul is willing to test his chances. "However, taking a risk will either kill me or give me a splendid reward. I'll take a chance at this experiment." His forehead at a safe distance for the Haruke to begin his process.
  80. (Abaddon)
  82. One was bed-bound as of the moment... At least, until he could siphon mana from another. Albeit, it would not pause him from partaking in such endeavor...
  83. It was all a matter of memory.. Or intention...
  85. The initial prod spiked a chilling sensation to reverberate through one's physicality, bending for the very soul beyond it. Unlike Valmasian rune writers, mana was not being forced through the elonating crevices dragged across the centre of his visage should he fail to backpedal before the venture could commence.
  87. First, a small circle was drawn in, surged with the Vanus symbiote, immediately singing the skin, prying at it and flaying at the layers of skin in contact, deepening pits to permanently scar. About the first circle came to precise sigils, small and closely hugging the circumference of the original circle though careful not to touch the lining of Vanus.
  89. However, in his current state, perfection was too far from his grasp, a minor twitch!-- One couldn't be sure if it was Abaddon's flinch, or his own unsteadiness, though a xsperitan character seemed to contort into the initial scribed circle, allowing Vanus to ooze into the newly opened crevice. He realized quite clearly his mistake, though it would not cause him to pause-- He had to finish this faster if this was the case.
  91. "Don't move..." He ordered, assuming the Cynthrul would oblige, despite the acidic burn that persisted upon his forehead, threatening to melt far beyond the skin... Into one's skull perhaps? Or did it threaten brain damage...
  92. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  93. [11:39:05] The pain is evident, there is an intense amount of agony that sets into the Cynthrul's anatomy. Claws docking into the stone tiles, digging in as if it is butter. It is a makeshift to imagine the pain is nonexistent, but regardless of the simple etching of markings. The process is similar to having a scissor stab into your eyes. His head stood still in perfect harmony, teeth sinking into the bottom lip. This is painful.
  95. The layers of skin are harrassed to the point of making the skin even wither in the realm of destruction. Burning away at it, the intensity of the acidic substances continue to drool at the Progenitor's forehead, it started to slither onto the base of his skull, even exposing the utmost layer of the skull. However, it ceased, there is no detrimental effect being imposed onto his brain 'yet'. The Occultism seemed to have been utilized to stop the acid from going any further.
  97. "What, NONSENSE is this, what are you doing? WARN me before on if the process is threatening my mind, granting me my torment, and so on. These effects are negative rather than positive, what is your explanation for this. Ragh. . " He coudn't move, well he could, but he didn't comprehend the risk of doing any physical movement.
  99. So he just sat there, awaiting.
  100. (Abaddon)
  101. He made a mistake... Though, It was nothing he could not omit. The other digits upon said hand fell to the same transmogrification as the first, fabricating talons of Mortis that'd gleam with a cosmogonic tainted Vanus essence at their tips, illuminating a distinct gold that'd transcend to a deep vermillion tone.
  103. He pulled away, only to violently stab at Abaddon's forehead, allowing the sharpened tips to delve beyond the flesh and clearly shave into the skull beneath. At such close range and with such stationary stature, he doubted one's evasion.. Though, this was not in an attempt to invoke lethality but rather degenerate a portion of his own vessel to regenerate the Cynthrul's own, cleaning his mess of Vanus only to inject it completely under his bendable volition.
  105. He practically formed the mark through cognitive manipulation, enforced by physical interaction with the general site, and flushing of the area with his own energies. As though correcting a lazy mistake, with a far more lax venture. Lines seemingly scribed themselves, melting through obstructing flesh with their scarring burn.
  107. " This is the first time I've scribed upon another living entity aside from myself." He admitted midst the process. "Thus, it is likely that it will not take effect immediately..."
  108. A triad of circles were formed upon the forehead, soon lacerated from beyond the flesh; Vanus dumped straight upon the skull from his 'mistake' prior.
  110. It was being bent from beneath the skin, pried through the issue scarring laced with the energy, soon granting it its tangerine glow. Xsperitan characters lined each circle's exterior, searing one's flesh, bone... And invoking headaches beyond it.
  112. The penetrating talons were pried from amorpheous flesh, regenerating the minor damages placed upon the flesh and extracting excess Vanus that could lead to excessive potential brain damage...
  113. Though, the vanus that surged through the mark still rapidly siphoned at the mana at one's being leaving an overall drain upon their force, enforcing strain on their vessel and a looming sensation of fatigue for the moment.
  115. " Assuming it works, you should feel a surge in your circuit... Vanus, is naturally more potent than mana... The small dosage I've given you should make your magical usage stronger. Though, I'm sure its presence is not necessarily compatible on all accords with your anatomy. It's not... 'natural' for your kind."
  116. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  117. The creature continued to stay stoic as to not interrupt the process that Exovaryn was executing on the Cynthrul's forehead. Pain surged throughout the head, and body, however he didn't simply give into the pain present. He'd let Exovaryn continue his experiment, even Abaddon is curious about the potential gains to achieve at this exact moment.
  119. "First time? This effect better be positive. " A comment that seeped from the creature's maw. The mind being conquered by the troops of agony, it is in turmoil. However with the regeneration starting to manifest, fixing at the flesh, and skin of the purple Yokai. Stamina started to drain without remorse, their soulcase weakening.
  121. This process is beyond any normal means. It is considered by the creature as something similar to being smited by the Urayan Pantheon, and mananging to still live. Black mist bursted out from within, spewing out exhaust. " Let us hope that is the case, Exovaryn. This is your first time, and not even to perform on a humanoid is more risky. I am a creature that has never touched Valmasian Soils before, and you believe that success overpowers failure in this action? That is to be case, and it better be. . . . It better. "
  123. His voice haunted the room, his solid form started to slowly burst, bubbles of mana corroding away at skin, and flesh alike. "Rwah. . . It's hard to hold this regular Giga form. . " Extreme amounts of black, absolute depravity, and occultism filled the room, mist accompanied. His amorphous form becoming more apparent than usual, sharing semblance to a large, black cloud of threatening energies.
  125. "However, if it is to gain more power without my destruction, I'll accept the process. Pain can be tolerated, as long as it is for a future where I am with bountiful amounts of power, and limitless mana lingering inside my body. "
  126. (Abaddon)
  127. With the pain induced, and the mark written upon the flesh with the alternate energy emanating at the siphoning of one's mana... There was no beneficial effect... Not yet at least. Perhaps it needed time to kick in?
  129. The sparse traces of implemented Vanus was not nearly enough to work in the effects of the mark's intent, requiring time to feed off the mana resonating from his vessel. The reasoning in this? Lack of knowledge of the threshold needed to activate the mark on an alien vessel lead Exovaryn to restrain his injection.
  131. He didn't intend to kill Abaddon, thus underdosage seemed more suitable. If anything, the quantity would appropriate itself with the siphoning of his circuit. "Yes... The pain will sustain... You'll likely find yourself drained momentarily, though it will pass. The pain however, may not...
  132. The burn will grow in times of your exertion, but for the pain you suffer, power will be your aegis. It is a blessing that is one of Lyperias... You will be the first not of Harukean Blood to bare it... " He went on, leaning upward from his bed, clearly with injury...
  134. "With this mark baring a minor implementation of Mortis, you'll forever carry some binding to me... Thus, a portion of your circuit will be mine... Or rather, transmutation of your essence, for that matter... Assuming the mark eventually attains its full power. Give it time... Maybe it shall work, and your power may excell... Or it can fizzle out... " He laid back upon his bed, succumbing to the urge to rest.
  136. "As for now, I require substanence... Perhaps, a sacrifice.... If you would be so kind as to toss me at a caravan, it would be very much appreciated."
  137. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  138. More pain for more power? It seemed the profit is greater than the risk. His form hovered over Exovaryn, a thin portion of the gargantuan cloud started to single out, a slit manifested before opening up the entrance of the cloud. It appeared as if Abaddon is observing Exovaryn's body. Illumination started to course throughout the entire exterior of the amorphous Cynthrul.
  140. " Lyperias. I will utilize to its maximized potential. You've gifted me a boon, and you'll be gifted your own boon that is equal, if not even greater than what you've given me. . you will receive it surely in the future. " Stirring, the cloud wavered, it seemed like a massive carrier without form, something that could transport many under it's slow mobilization.
  142. " Even if you perish, this will still be effective, I assume? If you perish, will that portion return under my control. The thought of someone owning a portion of me is displeasing. You've given me something that I have not much knowledge on. What happens if I evolve much like the Yokai to their imperfection stage? You can surely obtain the most profit, something wrong can happen to me, persay you could seal me? you can easily destroy me for your own accumulation of power. You have ulterior motives, and I know that they will not be of my liking, unless. . I am wrong? "
  144. It isn't wrong of the Cynthrul to think of the negative effects of this deal. Abaddon can literally be overthinking about this. Slowly, the mist started to overtake Exovaryn's body, he could feel his altitude change as if being carried by the Cynthrul. If no resistance proved to be evident, his presence on the bed would be nonexistent, and outside would the two entites go in search of sacrifice.
  145. (Abaddon)
  146. "The only benefit that'll come to me, is a small portion of your mana to aid my own sustaining vessel... I grant you power, and you grant me a portion of your magical reserve... Equivalent exchange.." He assured. "It is the philosophy of my people, and something I take strongly to; Lyperias is the goddess of Fate, that ensures all reality abides to this law. Even you, are bound to the law, regardless of your will against it. It is simply how the world works."
  148. He could only suspect that the Cynthrul intended to extinguish him once he was considered too weak to prove a service; perhaps it thought of his endeavors to be detrimental to its evolution. Did it intend to exterminate him? To attempt absorbing him? He could feel the uplifting of his figure and aided with gravitational usage despite his fatigue.
  150. "I have ulterior motives, but not for you... You are not human... I do not see you as inferior scum, assuming you don't intend to contradict me." He started. "If you will aid me in waging war upon the members of Humanity, you're well-being is assured. I have no intention to seal you, nor badger your evolution should it not hamper mine. I'll admit, I'm not sure how this mark will affect your body... And I'm sure it'll persist even in your later stages of evolution, albeit should I perish before its effects kick in, we'll never know if you'll obtain any greater power."
  151. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  152. A goddess? Abaddon has come to be iffy about deities due to his own Urayan Pantheon abanoning his past form. He saw the Urayan Pantheon as false, and that the Urayan people needed to be given the truth, that they needed to be freed from their oppression. Freed from the illusions of the Urayan Spirits, he'd save the Urayans by converting them to the one truth, becoming a Cynthrul is accepting enlightment.
  154. "If our opinions are the same, that brings more reason for us to co-exist as allies. Very well, aid will be granted to you, I'll accept your call to arms. Like I've told my servants, do not destroy yourself in the process. Let us both obtain boundless growth so that we can transcend into higher beings. " The Cynthrul's voice echo'd out throughout the room, slowly his whole anatomy started to hover out of the ward.
  156. "A caravan, hm. Simple enough. "
  158. Finally reaching out of the Tower, the Cynthrul carriage ambles westward in search of nearby caravans.
  159. (Abaddon)
  160. Plodding across the Bygonegrove, nearby the city state of Alteros. There were many trade routes/nodes that factions followed to export or import goods depending on the goods that said province produced. Along the way, a single caravan seemed to start making its way towards Alteros, however the faction that they've affiliated with is currently unknown, it didn't matter to the Cynthrul.
  162. With the mass of the caravan starting to panic and point at the large, floating cloud of depravity and darkness, there was nothing that could be done. Employed warriors hurried off to attempt to quell the Progenitor's movement, but what appeared is something truly terrifying to the non-magi folk. The Cynthrul isn't halted, it continued, and the fumes that seeped from its limitless form started to consume at the humanoid warriors. Their skin, their flesh decaying and withering as mana is leeched from their forms, and granting nourishment to Abaddon.
  164. Exovaryn's form would slowly start to eject out from the form of the creature. Planting the Haruke on his two feet on the ground to perform his own display. The Caravan is big enough for Exovaryn and Abaddon's daily sustenance. Slowly striding over towards the eastern portion of the caravan. It's form continued to overshadow the humanoids, behind its form would be the remains of dried out humanoids with completely no mana, and life inside of them. Abaddon's illumination throughout its form could be seen through the gaps of its gas-form, it is enjoying the meal with delight.
  165. (Abaddon)
  166. And for two stubs he'd commence his plummet...
  167. One caught light of this, and immediate commenced to degeneration of his hand to regenerate the matter upon his stubs, recreating feet to land upon. Down to the elbow, there was naught, but a stub... But new feet were now at his volition.
  169. As he requested: A caravan nearby the outskirts of Alteros! Large as well, great enough for the amorpheus smog entity to claim substenence over the many abroad and for himself to regrow to his former stature...
  170. Though, did either of them truly have a limit that could be attained?
  171. Did either have an end to the great depths of their respective gullets?
  173. Armless, though still armed at the teeth in literal sense, he charged head first fir those whom would scour the lands for their own survival, abandoning the conga line of materials, traders and travelers alike. Magus speed aided Exovaryn to catch up with an unfortunate member of their temporal society, leaping out to drop them under his speed and weight. He squated over them, hissing through gaping maws that'd spawn a long slender serpent tongue, lashing out to taste the flesh upon one's visage.
  175. It'd darken the skin, blackening the veins beneath the flesh in its lavender taint. It was just a taste... Of what was left in store...
  176. From his back, the final region succumbed to spontaneous combustion-- Unleashing a torrent of tendrils for the skies above. They hung overhead dozens in their schools, flailing abroad callously without a sense of true direction.
  178. A dive would leave a sharpened barb head to delve through the backside of a fleeting trader, penetrating through armor and flesh alike in its ascent to the skies once more, carrying its impaled prey althroughout. The vermillion gleam of raw vitality siphoned through the flesh, mana amalgamated with the sheer lifeforce of their person... Consumed by the tendril of Lyperion Utovex to leave naught but a shriveled cadaver-- Bones tightly wrapped with leathered skin.
  180. Though, it'd be in the hundreds.. Leaving only their remains to lie midst punctured armor. The rain of blood, corpses fell where ever Exovaryn managed to charge, even without his concious enactments upon their lives, the symbiote would operate akin to a secondary entity-- Striking where he did not look, consuming what he did not see, defending what he didn't badger himself with.
  182. A nigh infinite legion of blades, whips and arms generated passively at his volition should he desire it proving to be his only and most potent weapon.
  183. Through the sacrifice of many, cardinal static gattled his vessel, focusing upon the new arm stubs..
  184. Bone protruded from the openings... Slowly sheathed in cartiledge... And thin layers of muscular tissue: Layer after layer...
  186. "There... Yes... I can feel it now..." He started, more bodies resided the ground, for Abaddon's decomposition should he oblige to the miniscule offer. First... His right arm, and soon after the left... The scathings of degeneration prior grew omitted... The physicality of the Harukean returning, weight bulkening, physique returning back to its prime.
  188. Few facial features grew apparent upon his visage from the many fallen, though hardly anything of potence to truly alter his being...
  189. A grandiose grin emerged across his visage, his person recovered once more, thanks to this Cynthrul-- The acuminate teeth once shrouded by lips were clearly apparent to the once-Urayan should a gander be mised upon him.
  191. " I am... Restored..." He admitted... "Consider this, an initiation... The Tenebrae Aurora is no longer... The Neo-Xsperitan Legion had faltered under the weakness of a false messiah... But now... We rise as a better and stronger force. We are the Tenebrae Imperium... And you, may rise as a fellow Seer to our Goddess of Fate."
  192. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
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