

Sep 9th, 2014
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  1. if SERVER then
  2. AddCSLuaFile()
  3. util.AddNetworkString( "DisguiseDestroyed" )
  4. util.AddNetworkString( "PD_ChatPrint" )
  5. resource.AddFile("materials/vgui/ttt/exho_propdisguiser.png")
  6. end
  9. ---- TTT Prop Disguiser ----
  10. -- Redone by Exho - based off Jonascone's SWEP
  11. -- V: 9/7/14
  14. if CLIENT then
  15. SWEP.PrintName = "Prop Disguiser"
  16. SWEP.Slot = 7
  17. SWEP.DrawAmmo = false
  18. SWEP.DrawCrosshair = true
  20. SWEP.Icon = "vgui/ttt/exho_propdisguiser.png"
  22. SWEP.EquipMenuData = {
  23. type = "item_weapon",
  24. desc = "Allows you to disguise yourself as a Prop!\n\nReload key to select a new prop."
  25. };
  26. end
  28. SWEP.HoldType = "normal"
  29. SWEP.Base = "weapon_tttbase"
  31. SWEP.CanBuy = { ROLE_TRAITOR }
  32. SWEP.Spawnable = true
  33. SWEP.AdminSpawnable = true
  34. SWEP.AutoSpawnable = false
  35. SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/v_pistol.mdl"
  36. SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_pistol.mdl"
  37. SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false
  39. ------ CONFIGURATION ------
  40. SWEP.Primary.Delay = 2 -- Time limit after undisguising until next disguise
  41. SWEP.Secondary.Delay = 2 -- The exact opposite of that ^
  43. SWEP.DisguiseProp = Model("models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl") -- Default disguise model
  44. SWEP.DisguiseTime = 25 -- How long, seconds, for the player to be disguised
  45. SWEP.DisguiseHealth = 50 -- Health for the disguised prop to have. Works with about half the models
  47. SWEP.MaxRadius = 100 -- Max radius of a chosen prop. If its bigger than the player cannot use it
  48. SWEP.MinRadius = 5 -- Min radius of a chosen prop
  49. ------ //END CONFIGURATION//------
  51. SWEP.Prop = nil
  52. SWEP.Disguised = false
  53. SWEP.AllowDrop = true
  55. -- Put the Model Names of props that pass the criteria but you dont want anyone to use. Seperate each string WITH a comma
  56. -- Example of a model path would be "models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl"
  57. SWEP.Blacklist = {
  59. }
  61. local function PD_Msg(txt, ply)
  62. if SERVER then
  63. net.Start("PD_ChatPrint")
  64. net.WriteString(txt)
  65. net.Send(ply)
  66. end
  67. end
  69. function SWEP:PrimaryAttack()
  70. local ply = self.Owner
  72. if not self:GetNWBool("PD_WepDisguised") then
  73. if IsValid(self.Prop) then self.Prop:Remove() end -- Just in case the prop already exists
  74. ply:SetNWBool("PD_Disguised", true)
  75. self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime()+self.Primary.Delay)
  76. self:PropDisguise() -- The main attraction, disguise
  77. else
  78. PD_Msg("You are already disguised.", ply)
  79. return
  80. end
  81. end
  83. function SWEP:SecondaryAttack()
  84. if self:GetNWBool("PD_WepDisguised") then
  85. self.Owner:SetNWBool("PD_Disguised", false)
  86. self:SetNextSecondaryFire(CurTime()+self.Secondary.Delay)
  87. self:PropUnDisguise()
  88. end
  89. end
  91. function SWEP:Reload()
  92. if self:GetNWBool("PD_WepDisguised") then -- If you are a prop, the trace 'hits' your entity.
  93. PD_Msg("You can't choose a new model while disguised, silly", ply)
  94. return
  95. else
  96. self:ModelHandler()
  97. end
  98. end
  100. function SWEP:PropDisguise()
  101. local ply = self.Owner
  102. if self:GetNWBool("PD_WepDisguised") then print("HOW DID YOU GET THIS FAR??") return end -- Cant be too careful!
  103. --self.Disguised = true
  104. self:SetNWBool("PD_TimeOut", false)
  105. if not IsValid(ply) or not ply:Alive() then print("Player aint valid, yo") return end
  107. if SERVER then
  108. -- Undisguise after the time limit
  109. timer.Create(ply:SteamID().."_DisguiseTime", self.DisguiseTime, 1, function()
  110. self:SetNWBool("PD_TimeOut", true)
  111. self:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime()+self.Primary.Delay + 5) -- Small delay after timer going out
  112. self:PropUnDisguise()
  113. end)
  114. self.AllowDrop = false
  115. ply:SetNWFloat("PD_TimeLeft", CurTime() + self.DisguiseTime) -- Clientside timer
  116. ply:SetNWBool("PD_Disguised", true) -- Shared - player disguised
  117. self:SetNWBool("PD_WepDisguised", true)
  119. self.Prop = ents.Create("prop_physics") -- Create our disguise
  120. local prop = self.Prop
  121. prop:SetModel(self.DisguiseProp)
  122. local ang = ply:GetAngles()
  123. ang.x = 0 -- The Angles should always be horizontal
  124. prop:SetAngles(ang)
  125. prop:SetPos(ply:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,20))
  126. prop.fakehp = self.DisguiseHealth -- Using our own health value
  127. prop.plyhp = ply:Health()
  128. prop.hp_constant = self.DisguiseHealth
  129. ply:SetHealth(50) -- This is the prop's health but displayed as their own
  130. prop.IsADisguise = true -- Identifier for our prop
  131. prop.TiedPly = ply -- The Master
  132. prop:SetName(ply:Nick().."'s Disguised Prop") -- Prevent spectator possessing if TTT
  133. ply.DisguisedProp = prop
  135. prop:Spawn()
  137. local phys = prop:GetPhysicsObject()
  138. if not IsValid(phys) then return end
  139. phys:SetVelocity(ply:GetVelocity())
  141. -- Spectate it
  142. ply:Spectate(OBS_MODE_CHASE)
  143. ply:SpectateEntity(self.Prop)
  144. ply:SelectWeapon(self:GetClass())
  145. ply:SetNoDraw(true)
  146. ply:DrawViewModel(false)
  147. ply:DrawWorldModel(false)
  149. PD_Msg("Enabled Prop Disguise!", ply)
  150. end
  151. end
  153. function SWEP:PropUnDisguise()
  154. local ply = self.Owner
  155. local prop = self.Prop
  157. if IsValid(self.Prop) and IsValid(self.Owner) and self:GetNWBool("PD_WepDisguised") then
  158. prop.IsADisguise = false
  159. self.AllowDrop = true
  160. ply:SetNWFloat("PD_TimeLeft", 0)
  161. ply:SetNWBool("PD_Disguised", false)
  162. self:SetNWBool("PD_WepDisguised", false)
  164. timer.Destroy(ply:SteamID().."_DisguiseTime")
  166. ply:UnSpectate()
  167. ply:Spawn() -- We have to spawn before editing anything
  169. ply:SetNoDraw(false)
  170. ply:SetAngles(prop:GetAngles())
  171. ply:SetPos(prop:GetPos())
  172. ply:SetHealth( prop.plyhp ) -- Clamp health, explanation below
  173. ply:SetVelocity(prop:GetVelocity())
  174. ply:DrawViewModel(true)
  175. ply:DrawWorldModel(true)
  176. ply:SelectWeapon(self:GetClass())
  177. prop:Remove() -- Banish our prop
  178. prop = nil
  180. local tout = self:GetNWBool("PD_TimeOut", true)
  181. if tout then
  182. PD_Msg("Timer ran out and you were undisguised! This weapon will cooldown for 5 seconds", ply)
  183. else
  184. PD_Msg("Disabled Prop Disguise!", ply)
  185. end
  186. end
  187. end
  189. local seen
  190. function SWEP:ModelHandler()
  191. local ply = self.Owner -- Ply is a lot easier to type
  192. local tr = ply:GetEyeTrace()
  193. local ent = tr.Entity
  195. if seen then return end -- To prevent chat spamming of messages
  196. seen = true
  197. timer.Simple(1, function() seen = false end)
  199. if ent:IsPlayer() or ent:IsNPC() or ent:GetClass() == "prop_ragdoll" or tr.HitWorld or ent:IsWeapon() then
  200. PD_Msg("That entity is not a prop.", ply)
  201. return
  202. elseif IsValid(ent) then -- The PROP is valid
  203. if string.sub( ent:GetClass(), 1, 5 ) ~= "prop_" then -- The last check
  204. PD_Msg("That entity is not a valid prop", ply)
  205. return
  206. end
  207. -- This entity IS a prop without a shadow of a doubt.
  208. for CANT, EVEN in pairs(self.Blacklist) do
  209. if ent:GetModel() == EVEN then
  210. print("I LITERALLY CANT EVEN")
  211. PD_Msg("That model is blacklisted, sorry.", ply)
  212. return
  213. end
  214. end
  216. local mdl = ent:GetModel()
  217. local rad = ent:BoundingRadius()
  218. if rad < self.MinRadius then -- All self explanatory
  219. PD_Msg("That model is too small!", ply)
  220. return
  221. elseif rad > self.MaxRadius then
  222. PD_Msg("That model is too big!", ply)
  223. return
  224. else -- If its not a bad prop, choose it.
  225. self.DisguiseProp = mdl
  226. PD_Msg("Set Disguise Model to ("..mdl..")!", ply)
  227. end
  228. end
  229. end
  231. function SWEP:DrawHUD()
  232. local ply = self.Owner
  233. local propped = ply:GetNWBool("PD_Disguised")
  234. local disguised = self:GetNWBool("PD_WepDisguised")
  236. --print(disguised, propped)
  237. if disguised and propped then
  238. local w = ScrW()
  239. local h = ScrH()
  240. local x_axis, y_axis, width, height = 800, 98, 320, 54
  241. draw.RoundedBox(2, x_axis, y_axis, width, height, Color(10,10,10,200))
  243. local timeleft = ply:GetNWFloat("PD_TimeLeft") - CurTime() -- Subtract (float + Cur) from Cur
  244. timeleft = math.Round(timeleft or 0, 1) -- Round for simplicity
  245. timeleft = math.Clamp(timeleft, 0, self.DisguiseTime) -- Clamp to prevent negatives
  247. local Segments = width / self.DisguiseTime -- Divide the width into the timer
  248. local CountdownBar = timeleft * Segments -- Bar length
  249. CountdownBar = math.Clamp(CountdownBar, 3, 320)
  251. draw.RoundedBox(2, x_axis, y_axis, CountdownBar, height, Color(52, 152, 219,200))
  252. draw.SimpleText(timeleft, "Trebuchet24", x_axis + 160, y_axis + 27, Color(255,255,255,255), 1, 1)
  253. end
  254. end
  256. local function DeathHandler(ply, inflictor, att)
  257. if ply:GetNWBool("PD_Disguised") then
  258. if IsValid(ply.DisguisedProp) then
  259. ply.DisguisedProp:Remove() -- If the player is disguised, remove their disguise.
  260. end
  261. end
  262. end
  264. local function DamageHandler( ent, dmginfo ) -- Entity Take Damage
  265. -- Damage method copied from my Destructible Doors and Door Locker addons
  266. if ent.IsADisguise and SERVER and IsValid(ent.TiedPly) then
  267. local ply = ent.TiedPly
  269. local dbug_mdl = ent:GetModel()
  270. local h = ent.fakehp
  271. local dmg = dmginfo:GetDamage()
  272. ent.fakehp = h - (dmg) -- Artificially take damage for the prop
  273. ent.hp_constant = ent:Health() -- Make sure this stays updated
  274. if ent.fakehp <= 0 then
  275. net.Start("DisguiseDestroyed")
  276. net.Send(ply) -- Tell the client to draw our fancy messages
  278. ply:Kill() -- Kill the player
  280. local effectdata = EffectData() -- EFFECTS!
  281. effectdata:SetOrigin( ent:GetPos() + ent:OBBCenter() )
  282. effectdata:SetMagnitude( 5 )
  283. effectdata:SetScale( 2 )
  284. effectdata:SetRadius( 5 )
  285. util.Effect( "Sparks", effectdata )
  286. ent:Remove() -- Remove the disguise
  287. else
  288. -- Sometimes the Prop's defined Health is lower than what it should be, so it gets destroyed early.
  289. -- This is a fix for it
  290. timer.Simple(0.5, function() -- Wait a little bit
  291. if not IsValid(ent) and ply:GetNWBool("PD_Disguised") then
  292. -- Player is disguised but the disguise doesnt exist anymore
  293. print("[Prop Disguise Debug]")
  294. print(ply:Nick().." used wonky prop ("..dbug_mdl..") and was automatically killed!")
  295. print("Recommended you add this prop to the blacklist")
  296. ply:Kill() -- Kill the player
  297. net.Start("DisguiseDestroyed")
  298. net.Send(ply)
  299. end
  300. end)
  301. end
  302. end
  303. end
  304. hook.Add("EntityTakeDamage","CauseGodModeIsOP", DamageHandler)
  305. hook.Add("PlayerDeath","EntDestroyeronDeath", DeathHandler)
  307. if CLIENT then
  308. local white = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
  309. local PropDisguiseCol = Color(52, 152, 219)
  311. net.Receive( "DisguiseDestroyed", function( len, ply ) -- Recieve the message
  312. chat.AddText( PropDisguiseCol, "Prop Disguiser: ", white,
  313. "Your disguise was destroyed and you were ", Color( 170, 0, 0 ), "KILLED",white,"!!")
  314. end)
  316. net.Receive( "PD_ChatPrint", function( len, ply ) -- Recieve the message
  317. local txt = net.ReadString()
  318. chat.AddText( PropDisguiseCol, "Prop Disguiser: ", white, txt)
  319. end)
  320. end
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