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Feb 5th, 2021
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  1. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
  2. Error C3536 '<begin>$L0': cannot be used before it is initialized schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 641
  3. Error C3536 '<begin>$L1': cannot be used before it is initialized schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 646
  4. Error C3536 '<end>$L0': cannot be used before it is initialized schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 641
  5. Error C3536 '<end>$L1': cannot be used before it is initialized schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 646
  6. Error C2440 '<function-style-cast>': cannot convert from 'initializer list' to 'nbt::TagCompound' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 626
  7. Error C3536 '<range>$L0': cannot be used before it is initialized schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 641
  8. Error C3536 '<range>$L1': cannot be used before it is initialized schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 646
  9. Error C3203 'BaseTag': unspecialized class template can't be used as a template argument for template parameter '_Ty', expected a real type schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 409
  10. Error C3203 'BaseTag': unspecialized class template can't be used as a template argument for template parameter '_Ty', expected a real type schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 453
  11. Error C2039 'encode_full': is not a member of 'nbt::TagCompound' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 630
  12. Error C2332 'enum': missing tag name schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 144
  13. Error C2039 'floating_point': is not a member of 'std' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 237
  14. Error C2975 'id': invalid template argument for 'nbt::Tag', expected compile-time constant expression schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 375
  15. Error C2975 'id': invalid template argument for 'nbt::Tag', expected compile-time constant expression schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 409
  16. Error C2975 'id': invalid template argument for 'nbt::Tag', expected compile-time constant expression schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 453
  17. Error C2065 'id': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 624
  18. Error C2065 'id': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 624
  19. Error C2065 'id': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 625
  20. Error C2039 'integral': is not a member of 'std' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 54
  21. Error C2039 'integral': is not a member of 'std' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 60
  22. Error C2039 'integral': is not a member of 'std' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 66
  23. Error C2039 'integral': is not a member of 'std' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 189
  24. Error C2039 'integral': is not a member of 'std' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 290
  25. Error C2065 'integral': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 54
  26. Error C2065 'integral': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 60
  27. Error C2065 'integral': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 66
  28. Error C2065 'len': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 368
  29. Error C2065 'len': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 368
  30. Error C2065 'len': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 369
  31. Error C2065 'len': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 369
  32. Error C2065 'len': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 370
  33. Error C2065 'len': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 371
  34. Error C2065 'len': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 372
  35. Error C2039 'name': is not a member of 'nbt::TagList' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 635
  36. Error C2039 'name': is not a member of 'nbt::TagList' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 636
  37. Error C2039 'name': is not a member of 'nbt::TagList' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 636
  38. Error C2039 'name': is not a member of 'nbt::TagList' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 638
  39. Error C3861 'nbeswap': identifier not found schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 361
  40. Error C3861 'nbeswap': identifier not found schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 369
  41. Error C3306 'nbt::<unnamed-tag>': unnamed class template is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 144
  42. Error C2955 'nbt::BaseTag': use of class template requires template argument list schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 176
  43. Error C2600 'nbt::TagList::operator =': cannot define a compiler-generated special member function (must be declared in the class first) schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 633
  44. Error C2853 'str': a non-static data member cannot have a type that contains 'auto' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 429
  45. Error C2065 'TagByte': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 642
  46. Error C2065 'TAG_BYTE': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 231
  47. Error C2065 'TAG_BYTE': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 640
  48. Error C2065 'TAG_BYTE_ARRAY': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 356
  49. Error C3861 'TAG_COMPOUND': identifier not found schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 453
  50. Error C2065 'TAG_COMPOUND': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 453
  51. Error C2065 'TAG_COMPOUND': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 625
  52. Error C2065 'TAG_DOUBLE': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 287
  53. Error C2065 'TAG_FLOAT': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 286
  54. Error C2065 'TAG_INT': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 233
  55. Error C2065 'TAG_INT_ARRAY': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 357
  56. Error C3861 'TAG_LIST': identifier not found schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 409
  57. Error C2065 'TAG_LIST': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 409
  58. Error C2065 'TAG_LONG': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 234
  59. Error C2065 'TAG_LONG_ARRAY': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 358
  60. Error C2065 'TAG_SHORT': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 232
  61. Error C2065 'TAG_SHORT': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 645
  62. Error C3861 'TAG_STRING': identifier not found schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 375
  63. Error C2065 'TAG_STRING': undeclared identifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 375
  64. Error C2355 'this': can only be referenced inside non-static member functions or non-static data member initializers schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 439
  65. Error C3536 'tmp': cannot be used before it is initialized schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 371
  66. Error C2447 '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 54
  67. Error C2447 '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 60
  68. Error C2447 '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 66
  69. Message a non-constant (sub-)expression was encountered schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 431
  70. Message a non-constant (sub-)expression was encountered schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 640
  71. Message a non-constant (sub-)expression was encountered schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 645
  72. Error (active) E1823 a trailing return type requires the 'auto' type specifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 81
  73. Error C7589 defaulting comparison operators requires at least '/std:c++latest' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 77
  74. Error C1003 error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 646
  75. Error (active) E0018 expected a ')' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 54
  76. Error (active) E0065 expected a ';' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 54
  77. Error (active) E0065 expected a ';' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 149
  78. Error C2913 explicit specialization; 'nbt::TagArray' is not a specialization of a class template schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 354
  79. Error C2913 explicit specialization; 'nbt::TagDecimal' is not a specialization of a class template schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 284
  80. Error C2913 explicit specialization; 'nbt::TagIntegral' is not a specialization of a class template schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 229
  81. Error C2131 expression did not evaluate to a constant schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 431
  82. Error C2131 expression did not evaluate to a constant schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 640
  83. Error C2131 expression did not evaluate to a constant schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 645
  84. Error (active) E0757 function template "nbt::_FixedString" is not a type name schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 189
  85. Error (active) E0757 function template "nbt::_FixedString" is not a type name schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 237
  86. Error (active) E0757 function template "nbt::_FixedString" is not a type name schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 290
  87. Error C2100 illegal indirection schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 641
  88. Error (active) E0325 inline specifier allowed on function declarations only schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 54
  89. Error (active) E0135 namespace "std" has no member "floating_point" schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 237
  90. Error (active) E0135 namespace "std" has no member "integral" schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 54
  91. Error (active) E0135 namespace "std" has no member "integral" schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 189
  92. Error (active) E0135 namespace "std" has no member "integral" schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 290
  93. Error (active) E0135 namespace "std" has no member "optional" schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 149
  94. Message No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 626
  95. Message see declaration of 'id' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 175
  96. Message see declaration of 'id' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 175
  97. Message see declaration of 'id' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 175
  98. Message see declaration of 'nbt::BaseTag' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 147
  99. Message see declaration of 'nbt::BaseTag' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 147
  100. Message see declaration of 'nbt::TagCompound' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 452
  101. Message see declaration of 'nbt::TagList' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 409
  102. Message see declaration of 'nbt::TagList' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 409
  103. Message see declaration of 'nbt::TagList' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 409
  104. Message see declaration of 'nbt::TagList' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 409
  105. Message see declaration of 'std' schematic C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.27.29110\include\algorithm 20
  106. Message see declaration of 'std' schematic C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.27.29110\include\algorithm 20
  107. Message see declaration of 'std' schematic C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.27.29110\include\algorithm 20
  108. Message see declaration of 'std' schematic C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.27.29110\include\algorithm 20
  109. Message see declaration of 'std' schematic C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.27.29110\include\algorithm 20
  110. Message see declaration of 'std' schematic C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.27.29110\include\algorithm 20
  111. Message see reference to class template instantiation 'nbt::Tag<T,id>' being compiled schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 186
  112. Message see reference to class template instantiation 'nbt::_FixedString<N>' being compiled schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 80
  113. Error C2059 syntax error: ')' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 450
  114. Error C2059 syntax error: ':' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 377
  115. Error C2059 syntax error: ':' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 412
  116. Error C2059 syntax error: ':' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 455
  117. Error C2059 syntax error: '>' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 78
  118. Error C2059 syntax error: 'else' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 437
  119. Error C2059 syntax error: 'for' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 439
  120. Error C2059 syntax error: 'if' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 432
  121. Error C2059 syntax error: 'type' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 81
  122. Error C2061 syntax error: identifier 'floating_point' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 237
  123. Error C2061 syntax error: identifier 'integral' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 189
  124. Error C2061 syntax error: identifier 'integral' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 290
  125. Error C2061 syntax error: identifier 'TagByte' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 643
  126. Error C2143 syntax error: missing ')' before ';' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 450
  127. Error C2143 syntax error: missing ';' before '{' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 54
  128. Error C2143 syntax error: missing ';' before '{' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 60
  129. Error C2143 syntax error: missing ';' before '{' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 66
  130. Error (active) E0077 this declaration has no storage class or type specifier schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 149
  131. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 635
  132. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 636
  133. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 636
  134. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 638
  135. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 640
  136. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 640
  137. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 641
  138. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 641
  139. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 641
  140. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 641
  141. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 642
  142. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 643
  143. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 645
  144. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 645
  145. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 646
  146. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 646
  147. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 646
  148. Message This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'nbt::TagList &nbt::TagList::operator =(const nbt::TagList &)' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 646
  149. Error C2062 type 'auto' unexpected schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 54
  150. Error C2062 type 'auto' unexpected schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 60
  151. Error C2062 type 'auto' unexpected schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 66
  152. Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 231
  153. Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 232
  154. Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 233
  155. Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 234
  156. Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 286
  157. Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 287
  158. Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 356
  159. Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 357
  160. Error (active) E0254 type name is not allowed schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 358
  161. Error C2098 unexpected token after data member '<=' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 78
  162. Error C2334 unexpected token(s) preceding ':'; skipping apparent function body schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 439
  163. Error C2238 unexpected token(s) preceding ';' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 438
  164. Error C2334 unexpected token(s) preceding '{'; skipping apparent function body schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 432
  165. Error C2988 unrecognizable template declaration/definition schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 81
  166. Error C2027 use of undefined type 'nbt::BaseTag' schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 170
  167. Error (active) E0864 _FixedString is not a template schematic C:\Users\wow\source\repos\schematic\schematic\nbt.hpp 81
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