

Jul 21st, 2015
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  1. [1:36:37 AM] *** Taveena joined. ***
  2. [1:36:40 AM] *** Taveena added Twilight Sparkle ***
  3. [1:37:44 AM] *** Twilight Sparkle added Godfrey Dracos ***
  4. [1:37:48 AM] Twilight Sparkle: at the least I know Gog wants in
  5. [1:39:55 AM] *** Twilight Sparkle has been promoted to conversation host. ***
  6. [1:39:57 AM] Taveena: Woo.
  7. [1:43:02 AM] Twilight Sparkle: Woooooo
  8. [1:43:04 AM] Twilight Sparkle: i don't know what that means
  9. [1:43:13 AM] Taveena: Neither do I
  10. [1:43:20 AM] Twilight Sparkle: well
  11. [1:43:20 AM] Taveena: But I feel like you should have that
  12. [1:43:21 AM] Twilight Sparkle: WOOOOOOOO
  13. [1:43:23 AM] Twilight Sparkle: anyway
  14. [1:43:30 AM] Taveena: Okay.
  15. [1:43:42 AM] Taveena: So. SYSTEM.
  16. [1:44:12 AM] Twilight Sparkle: I assume it's the same as TLG stuff
  18. Which AfAIK is like, 3.PF with no vatican casting and sphere casting instead or something
  19. [1:44:23 AM] Taveena: ... Was that autocorrect
  20. [1:44:32 AM] Twilight Sparkle: for which one
  21. [1:44:36 AM] Taveena: vatican casting
  22. [1:44:43 AM] Twilight Sparkle: no I just didn't remember the name
  23. [1:44:48 AM] Taveena: isee
  24. [1:44:51 AM] Taveena: (vancian, after jack vance)
  25. [1:44:52 AM] Twilight Sparkle: so I just substituted casting spells through the power of Pope.
  26. [1:44:58 AM] Taveena: perfect.
  27. [1:45:03 AM] Twilight Sparkle: "...the Pope doesn't even exist anymore." "sssshhhh"
  28. [1:45:07 AM] Taveena: for what it's worth, you could be both a vancian and a vatican caster
  29. [1:45:25 AM] Twilight Sparkle: People don't know that the Pope is a Level 20 Wizard.
  30. [1:45:26 AM] Taveena: the Vatican's probably around
  31. lot more wheels with eyes in them there though
  32. [1:45:35 AM] Twilight Sparkle: Man
  33. [1:45:40 AM] Taveena: (Clerics are also vancian casters
  35. "did the pope always wear full plate")
  36. [1:45:41 AM] Twilight Sparkle: They must be able to make the /best/ creepy cars.
  37. [1:45:52 AM] Twilight Sparkle: Just have wheels with eyes on them that IIRC are sometimes on fire.
  38. [1:46:21 AM] Taveena: using an angel as a sweet rim might be somewhat sacreligious
  39. [1:46:43 AM] Twilight Sparkle: well I mean
  40. [1:46:47 AM] Twilight Sparkle: what if you prayed for some sweet rims
  41. [1:46:50 AM] Twilight Sparkle: and that's what you got
  42. [1:47:04 AM] Taveena: okay.
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