
Capitalism and Socialism Chatlog

Dec 30th, 2013
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  1. Mãlour Ængles
  2. 12/6, 3:28pm
  3. Okay Reginald we need meaningful defintions of Capitalism and socialism.
  5. Kagura Chan
  6. 12/6, 3:31pm
  7. good luck with the latter part. huehue
  9. Mãlour Ængles
  10. 12/6, 3:32pm
  11. Socialism= sharing. You DON"T HATE SHARING DO U PYG?!
  12. UGH! SYCK!
  14. Kagura Chan
  15. 12/6, 3:33pm
  16. ... i love bacon tho
  17. I'm a pyg
  19. Mãlour Ængles
  20. 12/6, 3:33pm
  21. Kagura is eat. wow.
  23. Kagura Chan
  24. 12/6, 3:33pm
  25. you are what you eat!
  26. chinese eat lots of pork.
  28. Mãlour Ængles
  29. 12/6, 5:40pm
  30. Also we need to have a talk about Fascism.
  32. Mãlour Ængles
  33. 12/6, 5:41pm
  35. Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty
  37. Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly...
  39. Reginald Livingston
  40. 12/6, 7:00pm
  41. ok?
  43. Mãlour Ængles
  44. 12/6, 7:01pm
  45. Yah. So have you worked out definitions for those 3 things?
  47. Reginald Livingston
  48. 12/6, 7:01pm
  49. sure I guess
  50. although it wasn't hard
  52. Kagura Chan
  53. 12/6, 7:02pm
  54. master definer
  56. Reginald Livingston
  57. 12/6, 7:03pm
  58. capitalism is a state of economic/political development, and isn't an 'ideology' like socialism or fascism
  59. I can give you a definition, but I did want to point that out
  61. Mãlour Ængles
  62. 12/6, 7:09pm
  63. so capitalism is not an ideology like the others because it has no governing ideas? Just people trading?
  65. Reginald Livingston
  66. 12/6, 7:11pm
  67. its basically just respect of private property by the gov't, which leads people to accumulate wealth, feel secure in their capital investments
  68. this ends up turning the focus of the civilization in question from land/slave ownership to capital ownership
  69. thus capitalism
  71. Mãlour Ængles
  72. 12/6, 7:15pm
  73. Are the definitions
  74. Socialism - public ownership of the means of production
  75. and
  76. Capitalism - private ownership of the means of production
  77. Too colloquiel?
  79. Reginald Livingston
  80. 12/6, 7:15pm
  81. socialism's definition is correct
  82. and I wouldn't call that a definition of capitalism
  83. part of identifying capitalism is finding private ownership
  84. but capitalism isn't a policy, or a belief
  85. you can think of it as a stage of development in a civilization
  86. like the 'bronze age' or whatever
  87. eventually, the tyrannical asshole rulers figure out
  88. that not constantly stealing and murdering their citizens
  89. has benefits
  90. or
  91. they just obliterate themselves, so that the gov't no longer has the ability to enforce all the stupid shit they want to do
  92. and so capitalism emerges
  93. several civilizations have reached that stage of development
  94. in various times in history
  95. historically it gets crushed by renewed strength and faith in the state
  96. because even though the political authorities stop viciously oppressing their citizens, and so capitalism emerges and thrives
  97. the citizens tend to still be statists
  98. so its only a matter of time before some bullshit happens, they clamor for 'something to be done'
  99. give it a couple generations and back to good ol horrifying feudalism
  100. or classicalism
  102. Kagura Chan
  103. 12/6, 7:21pm
  104. yeah!! never ending cycle of failure!
  106. Reginald Livingston
  107. 12/6, 7:21pm
  108. or maybe even tribalism, if we are talking about the failed war communism in russia
  109. now, the last stretch of capitalism was pretty rad so
  110. we are riding on that high wave
  111. but we are definitely going to get back to feudalism
  113. Mãlour Ængles
  114. 12/6, 7:22pm
  115. what do you mean by "classicalism"?
  117. Reginald Livingston
  118. 12/6, 7:22pm
  119. classical slave societies
  121. Kagura Chan
  122. 12/6, 7:22pm
  123. last stretch - the 20s?
  125. Reginald Livingston
  126. 12/6, 7:23pm
  127. no the late 1700s to late 1800s
  128. ish
  129. its not black and white
  130. more like a gradient of rad capitalism
  132. Kagura Chan
  133. 12/6, 7:23pm
  134. ah
  136. Reginald Livingston
  137. 12/6, 7:24pm
  138. I don't know how long its going to last but considering the general public's retarded beliefs
  139. and the internet making them even more retarded
  140. I'd say it is inevitable
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