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Jan 8th, 2019
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  1. As you can see it’s a pretty standard team with Mega-Mawile and Ash-Greninja but it also features a Rotom-W which doesn’t seem like anything special but I feel that its presence is much stronger in OU now that Zygarde is banned.
  3. Mega-Mawile and Ash-Greninja form a very potent core with Ash-Gren providing Spikes support for Mega-Mawile making it easier for it to clean up late-game. The Ash-Greninja that I’m using is just the standard Specs set with max Spe and max SpA but the Mega-Mawile on this squad has a specific EV spread that allows it to outrun Clefable and the HP investment prevents +1 Hawlucha’s HJK from killing Mega-Mawile after a Stealh Rock switch-in.
  5. +1 252+ Atk Hawlucha High Jump Kick vs. 180 HP / 0 Def Mawile-Mega: 228-268 (79.7 - 93.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
  7. Heatran is one of the best Stealth Rock users in the tier. The set that I’ve chose is a Grassium Z set with Solar Beam which allows Heatran to remove bulky Water-types like Rotom-W and Tapu Fini with Bloom Doom after it traps them with Magma Storm.
  9. AV Tangrowth provides the team with a Ash-Greninja switch-in while also being a defensive check to other Pokémon such as Tapu Koko and Magearna. Rotom-W provides the team with a Defogger, a decent Heatran switch-in, a Ground immunity and a slow Volt Switch to help bring Mega-Mawile safely. The Spe investment on Rotom-W allows it to outrun Adamant Tyranitar.
  11. Finally, Choice Scarf Landorus-T provides some speed control. HP Fire is used for Kartana because without it the team’s answers for it are very lacking.
  13. This is just a team that I whipped up after Zygarde got banned, nothing too special about it but I’ve been getting good results with it. Whether or not you want to use it in a PS live is up to you of course. Regardless, I just wanted to share this with you. Also, feel free to make any adjustments to the team if necessary.
  15. Lastly, I just want to thank you. I recently found out that my dad has cancer but luckily they caught at an early stage so I’m confident that he’ll be okay but not having him come home at night is upsetting. I’ve been watching your videos everyday for three years almost and they’ve really helped me get through some tough times and right now they are helping me more than ever, putting a smile on my face. Even if it’s just for a moment it really does help so thank you.
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