

Jul 30th, 2015
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  1. Good morning! :3
  3. Okay, so firstly I just wanted to give a little bit of back-story. Me and Aerios broke up a few months back, and it was a messy ending, as I'm sure you'll end up seeing, or are already aware of. Anyway, there's a whole bunch of things I could go into with that, but I'm going to try and keep to the point without trailing off, unless it's all relevant and what-not.
  5. So when things were really bad, we were told we had to keep our distance. Because of this, we were both banned on respective servers. I was banned on Ascend, and he was banned on Octovon. Anyway, he constantly tried to get himself unbanned, and I believe with the intention to annoy me. I have proof that this could be the case, I'm not just saying it. I have quotes/screenshots and all sorts from multiple people coming back to me with things of this nature.
  7. Naively, Bean believed him when he said that the drama was over, and so unbanned him. The drama was not over; on my end yes, ages ago, despite what he says. However, he is still continuing it. I have a quote from another one of his ex's, who I'm now really close with, telling me his intentions for being unbanned were because 'He enjoys messing with [me]'.
  9. Another ex member of the Build Team, KoLusim, is currently working on a Google Doc, or so I am told, in order to get me demoted from my position on Mineplex. He said "I have 4-5 people working on it with me". I have reason to believe Aerios is one of these people. Not too long ago, himself and a group of people (Including KoLusim and Rudim) joined a game I was in (On Mineplex) purely to annoy and pester me - Push me just enough so I would get annoyed, but not enough that I could punish them. That's the only thing I'm going off; I know that he is friends with KoLusim, and that day there was a group of 4 of them, so those are my assumptions. Of course, assumptions are assumptions.
  11. I could go into a lot of stuff about how the drama isn't ending, but I don't want this to be miles long. Plus I don't think everything would be entirely relevant; in some retrospects maybe, because I want my reasoning for him being banned understood and agreed upon, so if you feel it relevant, I'll go into it.
  13. Now, onto the whole thing with the signs.
  14. I don't like to fight my battles anymore, unless I really feel passionate about it, because more often than not, I get called dramatic/attention seeker, or people end up hating me. So I keep my opinions to myself. However, this is a subject I really can't just allow him to win. I know his intentions were to get me fired from the team, and me leaving gives him that satisfaction still, so I'm fighting it.
  15. Onto the point. Because I keep it to myself, I enjoy some justification at least. So I take what he writes, and make my own version titles 'Explained'. I have done this in the past, when someone from the server and Aerios made a Google Doc 'proving' I was the one initiating the drama, when all of it was bollocks. I'll link that at the bottom, because tbh, that shows a lot about the drama that is relevant, but I don't want to include in this.
  16. Anyway, so I made a 'comeback' to the Imgur link he posted in the public chat.
  17. My 'comeback' also includes his original link, so you can click on that too, unless you've seen it.
  20. That basically explains my side of the sign issue.
  21. I knew he'd blame me automatically, when actually it wasn't my fault. He tends to do this a lot - his first instinct is that it was all my fault. I think this was an effort to have me removed from the team. The way he words a lot of his statements in this link seems to be that of a way to get me into trouble. [Looking back at his link, he seems to have deleted his final messages that he wrote, but in my 'comeback', I quoted them.]
  23. I left the team kind of in a spur of the moment thing; I was so angry at the time. I let him win, and I just didn't want to be anywhere near him. Bean said that if he caused drama again, he would be banned. Bean told me that he wanted me to stay on the team. He also stated he wouldn't be added back to the team, so therefore I don't understand why he's getting privilege over a staff member; not only one, but I know multiple staff members and regular players want him nowhere near them or the server.
  25. I wanted to make a stand, and honestly it upsets me that I can leave the team and nothing changes. I will be willing to come back once he is banned. You don't have to read the entirety of the following Google Docs, but skim reading might do you some favours in understanding. If you have some time on your hands, feel free to read it all.
  26. I want you to also notice that the first document [Made by Zeberah and Aerios] is 10 pages long, with pictures (of which show bias proof). The second document [Made by myself] is 26 pages long, all text. Every piece of evidence is completely unbiased and shows all sides of the story. It is also clear and contextual evidence of the situations presented.
  28. Document made by Zeberah and Aerios:
  29. Document made by myself:
  31. My document btw was what got Zeberah removed from the Mapper team. She was actually on the team at the time; So I don't understand why Aerios is getting such special treatment.
  33. I will not return to the team, and rarely return to the server, until Aerios is banned.
  34. I understand I haven't been active, but that is because he is on the server. Once he is gone, I will go back to being just as active and just as great of a Mod as I was in the past.
  36. Thankyou for reading. If you have any questions regarding anything, ask away :3
  38. - Emma ^.^
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