
New Family

Jun 15th, 2017
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  1. “And that’s another Devilsaur down. Man, these things are coming like crazy.”
  3. Guy could only nod as he shot a multitude of blades and stabbed a Nightstalker with them. “At least this is the last one,” He threw a Thunder Javelin at an oncoming Demonboar and hit it dead in the eye, piercing what brain it had, causing it to lose control and fall.
  5. “Did we come into their nest or something?” Gal asked. Guy could only shrug as they went deeper into the cave, cutting past webs and dead foliage into the dark. Eventually, they came to an open space, a hole open in the top with moonlight shining in, crystal on some of the walls. The light reflected off, making the area brighter than the rest of the cave. “Wow, look at how pretty this looks! Think we can take some of this back?”
  7. “Be my guest. I’m going to see if there’s any metal around here.” Gal quickly ran off the closest wall and started hacking off crystal off. Guy walked deeper in, creating a ball of light. He looked all around the walls, ceiling and floor, but couldn’t find any ore. He clicked his tongue before his foot made a splash. Looking and moving the light around, he could see there was a shallow pond. He walked deep in the pond, it only going up to his ankles. He walked for a bit before he saw a glint in the water. “Jackpot.”
  9. Palm down, he used magic to dig out the ore, before picking it up. A lump about as big as a volleyball was in his hand. “Perfect. Now let’s get out of here.” Looking up, he saw Gal with a huge crystal in her hands.
  11. “Hey. I might have-“
  13. “Yes. You did.”
  15. Guy walked back into the crystal room before he hear more rocks fall behind him. Probably just lose rocks. He looks around for anything useful, but found only one thing, a nest. “Hey, think there’s any eggs in there?” Guy could only shrug as the both of them looked over it. “Wow, that’s a big one,” Gal said and Guy could only agree. It was about the size of a basketball and had a glowing white hue, like the moonlight above. “What kind of demon do you think is in there?”
  17. “I’m not sure, I’m almost tempted to take this thing and examine it.”
  19. “Why don’t you, Guy?”
  21. “Nnnh, I shouldn’t…”
  23. “Dammit, I’m going for it.”
  25. Gal reached out to touch the surface and her hand flinched back. “Ow! This thing is cold. How long has this thing been here?”
  27. “Really, let me-Shit! That’s freezing. Warmth.” Guy casted a spell in hopes he could warm up the egg, but it still felt cold to the touch. “Tsk. Looks like this thing is frozen solid.”
  29. “Let me hold it.” Guy passed the egg to her, wondering what she’ll do before her hair tips turned fiery.
  31. “Gal, you’re going to cook the damn egg!”
  33. “Not if I keep it low. I have some degree of control of this.” The fiery tips never exceeded that, just smoldering. “Though, it is a causing a bit of a headache, so can we go?”
  35. “Sure. Transporting us back!” Guy pressed a few buttons on his COMP and Thanatos’ eyes flashed white for a moment before the world turned.
  38. Moments later, they were back by the shed, still wobbling from the transition. “God, I will never get used to that, especially Thanatos’ version.” Guy says, patting himself down and opening the shed. He placed the ore lump on the shelf and Thanatos on the wall while pulling out a bowl big enough for the bottom of the egg rest on. “Put it there.”
  40. Gal was standing around, rubbing the egg. It took Guy snapping his fingers to get her attention before she put it down. “What kind of demon do you think was in this thing? No way could something be alive after being cold for that-AAAH!” Gal jumped behind Guy.
  42. “What?! What happen-“
  44. “I-It, IT MOVED.” Guy looked back and saw the egg was bouncing up and down, shaking and glowing brighter.
  46. “Stay back, Gal! I’ll-“A bright flash of light cut off Guy’s words as both of them covered their eyes. Soon, the light dimmed down. Blinking, the two refocused and saw the egg was broken. “It hatched…SHIT, IT HATCHED!” Guy grabbed Thanatos and fitted it on his back. “Be careful Gal, we have a demon on the loo-Gal?” Guy looked back and saw Gal crouching by one of the desks, reaching her hand out.
  48. “Aww, come here, you cutie. Come on, nothing is going to hurt you…” A white hand appeared, reaching out to Gal’s hand, retracting it, and as if it was thinking, finally placed it in Gal’s own. “There you go. Come on out,” and with a smile, Gal pulled it up from the ground and into her arms.
  50. A pure white child, no older than probably 3 years old was resting in her arms. White skin, white hair, but yellow eyes underneath the blinking eyelids. “Hey Guy, doesn’t she look like me a bit?” Guy looked at the thing and saw, yes, the creature did share similar features, the nose and cheeks were very similar to Gal.
  52. “Wait, ‘she’?”
  54. “Well, there’s no…thingie there. So I’m guessing it’s a girl. She even has your hair color and your eye shape, though, they’re a different color.”
  56. “Gal, we can’t keep this thing. It’s a demon. We have to-“
  58. “Isn’t Thanatos sorta demon-like? It has that black flesh you mentioned. Its creator was even a demon. Besides, what about Ryoji or Alice? They’re Archdemons.”
  60. “Partially, you are right, but Thanatos is a weapon and Ryoji and Alice were once human. This is an actual demon.”
  62. “Yes, but it looks like us. Why?”
  64. Guy tried to think back to wonder why before-“The cave. When we touched it for the first time, it was cold. It must have reacted to us then and must have taken some of our DNA. It must look so much like you because you were holding it the longest.”
  66. “Really? So this is our daughter?”
  68. “Gal, no-“
  70. “Come on, say ‘momma’. “‘Momma.’”
  72. “Gal, it’s not going to-“
  74. “M-“
  76. “No no no no no, I am not-“
  78. “M-m-mo-“
  80. “Gal move, I have to-“
  82. “SHHHH, she almost has it.”
  84. “Mo-mom-momma?”
  86. Guy could barely cover his ears in time before Gal squealed. He was lucky the shed was mostly soundproofed to the outside.
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