
Skylar parents

Apr 2nd, 2020
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  1. Skylar's family:
  3. Damon Valsebrand
  5. Age: 44
  6. Disciplines: Creation (basic training, no academy education)
  7. Occupation: Artist
  8. "The curse didn't take the light from my eyes, but it sure has been making it hard to see the bright side of things..."
  9. Notes: Lucky enough to be hopped over by the Abandonment of the False Flame, Damon grew up in a household in which most of the the rest of the members weren't quite as lucky. He didn't get along with his father or siblings most of the time, and often snuck out of the house to party with friends. After one such night, at the ripe age of eighteen, he returned to his house to discover it wreathed in flames, firemen already trying to put out the blaze. Authorities would later blame the incident on the rogue summoning of a fire-aspected Wraith, but Damon always attributed it to the curse itself. Orphaned, he gathered up what possessions survived the fire (including, miraculously, family knicknacks and coin collections) and hit the road. The thing that kept him from depression was the large circle of friends he had, who contributed a litle to help him stay afloat. He also became somewhat of a Dreamcrown addict, drifting from circle to circle, meeting new people, and drawing commissions to earn a little money. He lived in his car for a few years, then started moving in with people he developed relationships with online, though it usually ended up not working out for some reason or another. Seven years later, he met Skylar's mom at a bar and found himself with a kid on his hands.
  11. He tried his best to clean himself up a little, for her sake, but they still had it rough for a while. He reluctantly tried jobs doing comic strips and political cartoons, under pseudonyms. He's not really sure how to be a good dad to Skylar, but has tried to be supportive of everything she's done, for good or ill. Four years ago, he moved in with Avery Tenderwood. They're discussing marriage, at the moment. As an upside, Damon's finally gotten a job pursuing his passion: Horny comics. Skylar thinks he can do better, but she supports his work.
  13. Overall: Damon is a mess of a man with a depressing history trying to get by in the world, and he's doing okay for himself at the moment.
  15. Éclair Grimhold
  17. Age: 41
  18. Disciplines: Ascendant/Elemental (Force Mage)/Warp (Chronomancer/Wandermage)
  19. Occupation: UZ Military Battlemage (Maybe a Major or something? I dunno the rankage)
  20. "Give no quarter in anything you do, and you'll never be disappointed in yourself."
  21. Notes: A talented military brat who carried on the family tradition by going all in on battlemage training, never intending anything for herself but for joining the fight against the Grin. She has a very intense personality, pushing herself to extremes at all times and expecting just as much effort from those around and under her. There are times, however, when she crashes and burns from all the effort. She met Skylar's father at a bar on one such occasion, and had a one night stand. There were a lot of things they could have done differently, in hindsight. Double-checking the condom, looking into Plan B's... but none of that was on her mind. And so it was she became pregnant with Skylar. She hadn't really considered having a child before this point, more or less being married to her work. The idea grew on her, even. But as she realized Damon's lackadaisical nature (and how impossible it would be for the two to co-habitate, in her eyes), her constantly being on the frontlines, as well as the unfamiliar responsibilities that'd be foisted on her with Skylar's curse, it was with a heavy heart that she decided she couldn't take care of the child. Not by herself, and not with him. She contacted Damon to discuss it, and after some arguing (Damon wanted to put Skylar up for adoption, because he thought she'd get a better home than with his situation) eventually he capitulated and agreed to try and raise the kid. She agreed to pay child support, and after Skylar was born, quietly handed her off to him. There's always been a hole in her heart that left with Skylar that day - but she's never known how to really express her affection and has only contacted Skylar occasionally, checking up on her every now and then to see how her grades are, wishing her happy birthday, and giving her 'encouragement' in her own vein. Otherwise, she remains a distant figure in Skylar's life. Skylar is on a first name basis with her biomom and doesn't really know what to think of her.
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