
Preciousstones [Spolszczenie V2]

Aug 26th, 2017
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  1. # Guidelines
  2. #
  3. # 1. Never change the contents inside the variables { }
  4. # 2. You can rearrange the order that the variables appear on the sentences to best suit your language
  5. # 3. You can add/remove colors as you please
  6. # 4. If you change a command, make sure it's corresponding menu item matches
  7. # 5. When new text is added on future versions, they will be added automatically to your language.yml file
  8. #
  9. # Colors: {aqua}, {black}, {blue}, {white}, {yellow}, {gold}, {gray}, {green}, {red}
  10. # {dark-aqua}, {dark-blue}, {dark-gray}, {dark-green}, {dark-purple}, {dark-red}, {light-purple}
  11. # {magic}, {bold}, {italic}, {reset}, {strikethrough}, {underline}
  13. _LWC: LWC
  14. _allowed: Allowed
  15. _appliesTo: Applies to
  16. _blacklistedCommands: Blacklisted Commands
  17. _blockBreak: Block Break
  18. _blockPlace: Block Place
  19. _bucketEmpty: Bucket Empty
  20. _bucketFilled: Bucket Filled
  21. _coords: Coords
  22. _count: Count
  23. _details: Details
  24. _dimensions: Dimensions
  25. _distance: Distance
  26. _entry: Entry
  27. _everyone: Everyone
  28. _field: Field
  29. _fieldDisabled: Field Disabled
  30. _flags: Flags
  31. _ignited: Ignited
  32. _interval: Interval
  33. _intruderLog: Intruder Log
  34. _kill: Kill
  35. _limit: Limit
  36. _location: Location
  37. _name: Name
  38. _neutralizes: Neutralizes
  39. _none: NONE
  40. _owner: Owner
  41. _potions: Potions
  42. _reason: Reason
  43. _rentingLimit: Renting Limit
  44. _shopped: Shopped
  45. _tenant: Tenant
  46. _tenants: Tenants
  47. _type: Type
  48. _used: Used
  49. _velocity: Velocity
  50. allowedList: '{yellow}Allowed: {aqua}{1.allowed}'
  51. alreadyAllowed: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Gracz {1.player} jest juz dodany!'
  52. announceToAllowedPlayers: ' {dark-gray}* {aqua}{1.message}'
  53. blockIsBlacklisted: '{red}{1.blockid} is blacklisted, skipped.'
  54. blocksSkipped: '{red}{1.count} blocks skipped.'
  55. blocksSkipped2: '{red}(Their destination locations already had blocks on them)'
  56. buyQuestion: '{dark-gray}* {aqua}Type {green}/ps buy {aqua} to purchase'
  57. bypassDisabled: '{aqua}Bypass mode disabled'
  58. bypassEnabled: '{aqua}Bypass mode enabled'
  59. cannotAssignAsOwners: '{aqua}Cannot assign groups or clans as owners'
  60. cannotChangeGameMode: '{red}Cannot change your game mode in this field'
  61. cannotDisallowWhenOverlap: '{red}You cannot disallow {1.player}, one of his fields is intersecting yours'
  62. cannotEnable: Could not enable the field
  63. cannotExpand: '{red} Cannot expand the field, it overflows available volume by {1.volume} blocks.'
  64. cannotHideOrphan: '{red}Cannot hide orphaned field'
  65. cannotPlaceNextToRedstone: '{red}Cannot place blocks next to a redstone-enabled field you don''t own'
  66. cannotRedefineWhileCuboid: '{red}The field has sub-fields inside of it thus cannot be redifined.'
  67. cannotRemovePlayerInField: '{red}Cannot remove a player that''s currently in your field'
  68. cannotRemoveWithSubplots: '{red}Cannot remove fields that have plot-fields inside of it. You must remove them first before you can remove this field.'
  69. cannotReshapeWhileCuboid: '{red}Cannot reshape a translocation cuboid once its in use'
  70. cannotTakeOwnership: '{aqua}You cannot take ownership of this field. It has been given to: {}'
  71. cannotTeleportInsideField: '{red}Cannot teleport inside a field with the prevent-teleport flag'
  72. cannotUseItemHere: '{red}You cannot hold that item here.'
  73. cannotUseItemMoved: '{red}You cannot hold that item here, it has been moved out of the way.'
  74. cleanedOrphanedFields: '{aqua}Cleaned {1.count} orphaned fields'
  75. cleanedOrphanedUnbreakables: '{aqua}Cleaned {1.count} orphaned unbreakable blocks'
  76. clearedSnitch: '{aqua}Cleared the snitch list'
  77. commandAll: all
  78. commandAllow: allow
  79. commandAllowall: allowall
  80. commandAllowed: allowed
  81. commandBlacklistAdded: '{aqua}The command has been blacklisted'
  82. commandBlacklistCleared: '{aqua}Blacklisted commands cleared'
  83. commandBlacklistUsage: '{red}Usage: /ps blacklistcommand who'
  84. commandBlacklisting: blacklistcommand
  85. commandBuy: buy
  86. commandBypass: bypass
  87. commandCanceled: '{red}You cannot use that command here'
  88. commandChangeowner: changeowner
  89. commandClean: clean
  90. commandClear: clear
  91. commandContract: contract
  92. commandCounts: counts
  93. commandCuboid: cuboid
  94. commandCuboidClose: close
  95. commandCuboidOpen: open
  96. commandDebug: debug
  97. commandDelete: delete
  98. commandDensity: density
  99. commandDisable: disable
  100. commandDisableall: disableall
  101. commandEnable: enable
  102. commandEnableall: enableall
  103. commandExpand: expand
  104. commandFields: fields
  105. commandHide: hide
  106. commandInfo: info
  107. commandInsert: insert
  108. commandList: list
  109. commandLocations: locations
  110. commandMark: mark
  111. commandMore: more
  112. commandOff: 'off'
  113. commandOn: 'on'
  114. commandPull: pull
  115. commandReload: reload
  116. commandRemove: remove
  117. commandRemoveall: removeall
  118. commandRent: rent
  119. commandRentClear: clear
  120. commandRentRemove: remove
  121. commandReset: reset
  122. commandRevert: revert
  123. commandSetLimit: setlimit
  124. commandSetinterval: setinterval
  125. commandSetname: setname
  126. commandSetowner: setowner
  127. commandSetradius: setradius
  128. commandSetvelocity: setvelocity
  129. commandSnitch: snitch
  130. commandSnitchClear: clear
  131. commandTake: take
  132. commandToggle: toggle
  133. commandTranslocation: translocation
  134. commandTranslocationDelete: delete
  135. commandTranslocationImport: import
  136. commandTranslocationList: list
  137. commandTranslocationRemove: remove
  138. commandTranslocationUnlink: unlink
  139. commandUnhide: unhide
  140. commandVisualize: visualize
  141. commandWho: who
  142. configReloaded: '{aqua}Configuration and language files reloaded'
  143. confiscated: '{aqua}Confiscated: {white}{1.image}'
  144. confiscatedFrom: Confiscated {1.items} from {2.player} at {3.coords}. Leave the area to get your item back.
  145. countsCuboids: '({}) cuboids: {2.count}'
  146. countsFields: '({}) fields: {2.count}'
  147. countsOrphan: '({}) orphan-fields: {2.count}'
  148. countsOrphanedUnbreakables: '({}) orphan-unbreakables: {2.count}'
  149. countsPurgedFields: '({1.player}) inactivity purge: {2.count} fields'
  150. countsPurgedSnitches: '({}) unused snitches purged: {2.count}'
  151. countsPurgedUnbreakabes2: '({}) unbreakables purged: {2.count}'
  152. countsPurgedUnbreakables: '({1.player}) inactivity purge: {2.count} unbreakables'
  153. countsUnbreakables: '({}) unbreakables: {2.count}'
  154. cuboidAvailableProtection: '{aqua}Available protection: {yellow}{1.volume} blocks'
  155. cuboidAvailableProtectionBypass: '{aqua}Available protection: {red}{1.volume} blocks (bypassing)'
  156. cuboidCancelled: '{red}Cuboid has been cancelled.'
  157. cuboidCannotAddProps: Cannot add on properties of more valuable fields
  158. cuboidCannotExtendWG: '{red}Cannot extend inside WorldGuard region'
  159. cuboidCannotMix: Cannot mix fields that are not in the same mixing group.
  160. cuboidConflicts: '{red}The cuboid conflicts with someone else''s field'
  161. cuboidConflictsWG: '{red}The cuboid conflicts with a worldguard region'
  162. cuboidContracted: '{aqua}The field was contracted.'
  163. cuboidDrawingMode: '{aqua}You are in drawing mode. Click on the block to finish.'
  164. cuboidExceeds: '{red}Cuboid exceeds available volume'
  165. cuboidExceedsMax: '{red}Cuboid exceeds available volume'
  166. cuboidExpanded: '{aqua} he field was expanded.'
  167. cuboidOutline: '{red}Cannot click on the outline'
  168. cuboidReverted: '{aqua}Selection reverted'
  169. cuboidSelectionConflicts: '{red}Cannot extend inside other player''s fields'
  170. dbMysqlConnected: MySQL Connection successful
  171. dbMysqlFailed: MySQL Connection failed
  172. dbSqliteConnected: SQLite Connection successful
  173. dbSqliteFailed: SQLite Connection failed
  174. debugDisabled: '{aqua}Debug output disabled'
  175. debugEnabled: '{aqua}Debug output enabled'
  176. deletedCountFields: '{aqua}Deleted {1.player}''s {2.count} fields'
  177. deletedCountUnbreakables: '{aqua}Deleted {1.player}''s {2.count} unbreakables'
  178. deletedFields: '{aqua}Deleted {1.count} {2.block-type} fields'
  179. deletedUnbreakables: '{aqua}Deleted {1.count} {2.block-type} unbreakables'
  180. economyAccountCredited: '{aqua}Your account has been credited'
  181. economyNotEnoughItems: '{red}You do not have the required payment'
  182. economyNotEnoughMoney: '{red}You do not have sufficient money in your account'
  183. enteringField: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Wchodzisz na dzialke {1.owner}!'
  184. enteringNamedField: '{aqua}Entering {1.field}'
  185. entryAnnounce: '{1.player} entry at {2.field} {dark-gray}{3.coords}'
  186. fenceGenerated: '{aqua}The fence has been created'
  187. fieldAlreadyDisabled: '{red}Field is already disabled'
  188. fieldAlreadyEnabled: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Dzialka jest juz wlaczona'
  189. fieldCanBeTaken: '{aqua}Field can now be taken by {1.player} via right-click'
  190. fieldCannotChangeOwner: '{aqua}Field type does not support the changing of ownership'
  191. fieldDisabled: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Dzialka zostala wylaczona'
  192. fieldEnabled: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Dzialka zostala wlaczona'
  193. fieldHasDisabled: '{yellow}{1.field-type} field has been disabled'
  194. fieldInsideAllowedInside: '{red}{1.field-type} needs to be be placed inside {2.allowed-inside-fields}'
  195. fieldIntersectsWG: The field intersects with a WorldGuard region you are not allowed in.
  196. fieldNameCleared: '{aqua}Field''s name has been cleared'
  197. fieldOutsideAllowedOutside: '{red}{1.field-type} needs to be be placed inside {2.allowed-outisde-fields}'
  198. fieldSignAlreadyBought: '{red}Sorry, this place has already been sold'
  199. fieldSignAlreadyRented: '{red}This field is already rented, come back later'
  200. fieldSignBadTag: '{red}The tag on the field sign is bad'
  201. fieldSignBoughtAndAllowed: '{aqua}You have bought this field, you will receive ownership when the payment is collected by the other party. You have been allowed on the field for the time being.'
  202. fieldSignBuy: '[Buy]'
  203. fieldSignBuyCreated: '{aqua}Buy sign creation successful'
  204. fieldSignCannotChange: '{red}Cannot modify the field while its under rent'
  205. fieldSignCannotDestroy: '{red}Cannot destroy the field while its under rent or purchase'
  206. fieldSignCannotDisable: '{red}Cannot disable the field while its under rent'
  207. fieldSignCannotRentDisabled: '{red}Field has been disabled by owner, come back later'
  208. fieldSignFieldNotFound: '{red}A field was not found attached to this sign'
  209. fieldSignInvalidPeriod: '{red}The time period was formatted incorrectly'
  210. fieldSignItemPaymentReceived: '{yellow}* {aqua}Received {yellow}{1.amount} {2.item} {aqua}payment from {3.player} ({4.field})'
  211. fieldSignItemPaymentReceivedNoName: '{yellow}* {aqua}Received {yellow}{1.amount} {2.item} {aqua}payment from {3.player}'
  212. fieldSignNoEco: '{red}You must specify an item id in parenthesis'
  213. fieldSignNoPrice: '{red}The price was formatted incorrectly'
  214. fieldSignNoTennant: '{red}The field has no tennant'
  215. fieldSignNotBuyable: '{red}This field does not support buying'
  216. fieldSignNotOwner: '{red}Only the owner can create Buy/Share/Rent signs'
  217. fieldSignNotRentable: '{red}This field does not support renting'
  218. fieldSignNotShareable: '{red}This field does not support sharing'
  219. fieldSignOnlyOne: '{red}You can only have one field-sign per field'
  220. fieldSignPaymentReceived: '{yellow}* {aqua}Received {yellow}{1.amount} {aqua}payment from {2.player} ({3.field})'
  221. fieldSignPaymentReceivedNoName: '{yellow}* {aqua}Received {yellow}{1.amount} {aqua}payment from {2.player}'
  222. fieldSignRent: '[Rent]'
  223. fieldSignRentAbandoned: '{aqua}You have abandoned your rent'
  224. fieldSignRentCreated: '{aqua}Rent sign creation successful'
  225. fieldSignRentError: '{red}Badly formatted time period, ask owner to fix'
  226. fieldSignRentExpired: '{yellow}{bold}*** Your rent has expired at {1.field} ***'
  227. fieldSignRentExpiredNoName: '{yellow}{bold}*** Your rent has expired ***'
  228. fieldSignRentRented: '{aqua}You have purchased {1.period} of time'
  229. fieldSignShare: '[Share]'
  230. fieldTypeDisabled: '{aqua}{1.field-type} field has been disabled'
  231. fieldTypeEnabled: '{aqua}{1.field-type} field has been enabled'
  232. fieldWillDisable: '{yellow}{1.field-type} field will disable itself after {2.count} seconds'
  233. fieldsDontMix: '{red}The field type does not mix'
  234. fieldsDown: '{aqua}All fields are temporarily down while being changed'
  235. fieldsInWrongTable: Fields found in wrong table, moving..
  236. fieldsSkipped: '{red}{1.not-allowed} fields were skipped that can only be modified while disabled'
  237. flagCannottoggle: '{red}This flag cannot be toggled'
  238. flagCleared: '{aqua}The field flag cleared'
  239. flagDisabled: '{aqua}The {1.flag} flag has been disabled.'
  240. flagDisabledOn: '{aqua}Flag disabled on {1.count} fields'
  241. flagEnabled: '{aqua}The {1.flag} flag has been enabled.'
  242. flagEnabledOn: '{aqua}Flag enabled on {1.count} fields'
  243. flagExists: '{red}The field already contains this flag'
  244. flagInserted: '{aqua}The field flag inserted'
  245. flagNotExists: '{red}The field flag entered does not exist'
  246. flagNotFound: '{red}The field does not contain this flag'
  247. flagsImported: '{yellow}{1.field-type}''s flags imported'
  248. flagsReverted: '{aqua}The field flags have been reverted to default.'
  249. flagsToggledWhileDisabled: '{red}This field''s flags can only be toggled while disabled'
  250. foresterActivating: '{yellow} Activating...'
  251. foresterNeedsFertile: '{aqua}{1.field-type} blocks must be placed on fertile land to activate'
  252. foresterUsesLeft: '{yellow} {1.amount} uses left.'
  253. griefRevertIntervalSet: '{aqua}The grief-revert interval has been set to {1.count} seconds'
  254. hasBeenAllowed: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Gracz {1.player} zostal dodany do dzialki'
  255. hasBeenAllowedIn: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Gracz {1.player} zostal dodany do {2.count} dzialek'
  256. headerConfiguredFields: '{aqua}{1.field-type} {yellow}id:{white}{2.blockid} {yellow}r:{white}{3.radius}'
  257. headerConfiguredFieldsHeight: '{yellow}h:{white}{1.height}'
  258. headerConfiguredFieldsVolume: '{yellow}v:{white}{1.volume}'
  259. hideCannot: '{red}This type of field cannot be hidden'
  260. hideHiddenAlready: '{red}The field is already hidden'
  261. hideHide: '{aqua}The field has been hidden'
  262. hideHideAll: '{aqua}Hid {1.count} fields'
  263. hideNoneFound: '{red}Not pointing at a hidden block'
  264. hideUnHiddenAlready: '{red}The field is already visible'
  265. hideUnhide: '{aqua}The field is now visible'
  266. hideUnhideAll: '{aqua}UnHid {1.count} fields'
  267. importComplete: '{aqua}Import complete'
  268. importedBlocks: '{aqua}Imported {1.count} blocks'
  269. inhabitantsList: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Obecni na dzialce: {aqua}{1.inhabitants}'
  270. inventoryDeny: '{red}You do not have permission to access this inventory'
  271. isAlreadyAllowedOnAll: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Gracz {1.player} jest juz dodany do twoich dzialek!'
  272. leavingField: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Wychodzisz z dzialki {1.owner}!'
  273. leavingNamedField: '{aqua}Leaving {1.field}'
  274. limitBadField: '{red}Cannot set renting limit on a field that is not rentable or shareable'
  275. limitMalformed: '{red}Renting limit in the wrong format'
  276. limitMalformed2: '{red}Format: w = week, d = day, h = hour, m = minute'
  277. limitMalformed3: '{red}i.e.: /ps setlimit 3d12h'
  278. limitReached: '{red}The renting limit for this field has been reached'
  279. limitSet: '{aqua} Limit has been set'
  280. limitsCannotPlace: '{red}You cannot place any {1.field-type}'
  281. limitsReached: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Limit dzialek {1.field-type} to {2.limit}!'
  282. limitsReachedGlobal: '{red}You have reached the global field limit of {1.limit}'
  283. logBlockReverted: '{1.owner}''s {2.field-type} block reverted {3.count} blocks {4.coords}'
  284. logBreakablePlaced: '{1.player} placed a breakable {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
  285. logBucketEmpty: '{1.player} attempted empty a {2.coords} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  286. logBypassAttack: '{1.attacker} bypass-attack {2.victim} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  287. logBypassDestroy: '{1.player} bypass-destroyed a block {2.coords} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  288. logBypassDestroyField: '{1.player} bypass-destroyed {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
  289. logBypassDestroyUnbreakable: '{1.player} bypass-destroyed {2.owner}''s unbreakable block {3.details}'
  290. logBypassDestroyVehicle: '{1.player} bypass-destroyed a vehicle {2.coords} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  291. logBypassFieldInUnprotectable: '{1.player} bypass-placed a field [{2.field-type}] in an area with an unprotectable block {3.unprotectable-details}'
  292. logBypassPlaceUnprotectableInField: '{1.player} bypass-placed an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} inside a field {3.field-details}'
  293. logBypassPlacedPainting: '{1.player} bypass-placed a painting inside {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
  294. logBypassPlacedUnbreakable: '{1.player} bypass-placed an unbreakable block inside {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
  295. logBypassTouchingUnprotectable: '{1.player} bypass-protected an unprotectable block {2.details} near unprotectable block {3.unprotectable-details}'
  296. logCuboidFieldPlaced: '{1.player} placed a {2.field-type} cuboid field {3.details}'
  297. logDeletedNoPermission: Deleted {1.count} fields belonging to {2.player} for lack of permissions
  298. logDestroyBreakableField: '{1.player} destroyed {2.owner}''s breakable {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
  299. logDestroyField: '{1.player} attempted to destroy {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
  300. logDestroyInField: '{1.player} attempted to destroy a block {2.coords} inside {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  301. logDestroyOthers: '{1.player} destroyed {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
  302. logDestroyUnbreakable: '{1.player} attempted to destroy {2.owner}''s unbreakable block {3.details}'
  303. logDestroyVehicle: '{1.player} attempted to destroy a vehicle {2.coords} inside {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  304. logDestroyedOthersField: '{1.player} destroyed {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
  305. logDestroyedOwnField: '{1.player} destroyed his {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
  306. logDestroyedOwnUnbreakable: '{1.player} destroyed his own unbreakable block {2.details}'
  307. logEntry: '{1.player} attempted entry into {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
  308. logFieldBypassUnprotectableTouching: '{1.player} bypass-placed an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} near {3.field-details}'
  309. logFieldPlaced: '{1.player} placed a {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
  310. logPayment: '{1.renter} rented {2.period} time in {3.owner}''s {4.field} field for {5.amount} {6.item} {7.coords}'
  311. logPaymentCollect: '{1.owner} collected {2.amount} {3.item} rent from {4.renter} {5.coords}'
  312. logPlace: '{1.player} attempted to place a block {2.coords} inside {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  313. logPlaceFieldConflit: '{1.player} attempted to place a field {2.coords} conflicting with {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  314. logPlaceFieldUnprotectableInArea: '{1.player} attempted to place a field [{2.field-type}] but an unprotectable was found in the area {3.unprotectable-details}'
  315. logPlaceTouchingFieldUnprotectable: '{1.player} attempted to protect an unprotectable block {2.details}'
  316. logPlaceTouchingUnbreakableUnprotectable: '{1.player} attempted to protect an unprotectable block {2.details}'
  317. logPlaceUnbreakableConflict: '{1.player} attempted to place an unbreakable block {2.coords} conflicting with {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  318. logPlaceUnprotectableInField: '{1.player} attempted to protect an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} inside a field {3.field-details}'
  319. logPlaceUnprotectableTouchingField: '{1.player} attempted to place an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} near {3.field-details}'
  320. logPlaceUnprotectableTouchingUnbreakable: '{1.player} attempted to place an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} near {3.unbreakable-details}'
  321. logPurchase: '{1.buyer} purchased {2.owner}''s {3.field} field for {4.amount} {6.item} {7.coords}'
  322. logPurchaseCollect: '{1.owner} collected {2.amount} {3.item} purchase from {4.buyer} {5.coords}'
  323. logPvP: '{1.attacker} tried to attack {2.victim} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  324. logTranslocationStored: '{1.owner}''s translocation {2.field} stored {3.count} blocks {4.coords}'
  325. logTranslocationTranslocated: '{1.owner}''s translocation {2.player} translocated {3.count} blocks {4.coords}'
  326. logUnbreakableBypassUnprotectableTouching: '{1.player} bypass-placed an unprotectable block {2.unprotectable-details} near {3.unbreakable-details}'
  327. logUnbreakablePlace: '{1.player} placed an unbreakable block {2.details}'
  328. logUse: '{1.player} attempted to use a {2.coords} in {3.owner}''s {4.field-type} field {5.details}'
  329. markingFields: '{aqua}Marking {1.count} field blocks...'
  330. markingNotWhileCuboid: '{red}Cannot mark fields while defining a cuboid'
  331. menu1: '{yellow} /ps on/off {aqua}- Disable/Enable the placing of pstones'
  332. menu10: '{yellow} /ps locations {aqua}- View your field locations'
  333. menu11: '{yellow} /ps toggle [flag]{aqua}- Enable/Disable a field''s flags'
  334. menu12: '{yellow} /ps changeowner [name] {aqua}- Change owner of field'
  335. menu13: '{yellow} /ps setname [name] {aqua}- Set the name of field'
  336. menu14: '{yellow} /ps setradius [radius] {aqua}- Sets the field''s radius'
  337. menu15: '{yellow} /ps setvelocity [.1-5] {aqua}- For launchers/cannons (0=auto)'
  338. menu16: '{yellow} /ps setinterval [secs] {aqua}- For automatic grief-revert'
  339. menu17: '{yellow} /ps snitch <clear> {aqua}- View/clear snitch you''re pointing at'
  340. menu18: '{yellow} /ps visualize {aqua}- Visualize the field you are on'
  341. menu19: '{yellow} /ps visualize [radius]{aqua}- Visualize fields for a radius'
  342. menu2: '{yellow} /ps enable/disable {aqua}- Enable/disable a field'
  343. menu20: '{yellow} /ps density [1-100]{aqua}- Change visualization density'
  344. menu21: '{yellow} /ps mark{aqua}- Marks the location of fields'
  345. menu22: '{yellow} /ps translocation list {aqua}- Lists stored translocations'
  346. menu23: '{yellow} /ps translocation import {aqua}- Import all blocks in field'
  347. menu24: '{yellow} /ps translocation import [id] [id] ... {aqua}- Import specific blocks'
  348. menu25: '{yellow} /ps translocation delete {aqua}- Delete all blocks in field'
  349. menu26: '{yellow} /ps translocation delete [id] [id] ... {aqua}- Delete specific blocks'
  350. menu27: '{yellow} /ps translocation remove [id] [id] ... {aqua}- Remove specific blocks'
  351. menu28: '{yellow} /ps translocation unlink {aqua}- Unlinks the blocks'
  352. menu29: '{dark-red} /ps insert [flag]{aqua}- Inserts flags into fields'
  353. menu3: '{yellow} /ps allow [identifier(s)] {aqua}- Allow to field'
  354. menu30: '{dark-red} /ps reset{aqua}- Resets the flags of the field to defaults'
  355. menu31: '{dark-red} /ps mark{aqua}- Marks the location of fields'
  356. menu32: '{dark-red} /ps delete {aqua}- Delete the field you''re standing on'
  357. menu33: '{dark-red} /ps delete [player] {aqua}- Delete all pstones from player'
  358. menu34: '{yellow} /ps info {aqua}- Get info for the field youre standing on'
  359. menu35: '{dark-red} /ps counts [identifier(s)] {aqua}- View field counts'
  360. menu36: '{dark-red} /ps locations [identifier(s)] <typeid> {aqua}- View field locations'
  361. menu37: '{dark-red} /ps list [chunks-in-radius]{aqua}- Lists all pstones in area'
  362. menu38: '{dark-red} /ps setowner [player] {aqua}- Of the block you''re pointing at'
  363. menu39: '{dark-red} /ps reload {aqua}- Reloads configuraton file'
  364. menu4: '{yellow} /ps allowall [identifier(s)] {aqua}- Allow to all fields'
  365. menu40: '{yellow} /ps fields {aqua}- List the configured field types'
  366. menu41: '{dark-red} /ps clean <world>{aqua}- Cleans up all orphan fields in the world'
  367. menu42: '{dark-red} /ps revert <world>{aqua}- Reverts all orphan fields in the world'
  368. menu43: '{dark-red} /ps enableall [flag] {aqua}- Enables the flag on all fields'
  369. menu44: '{dark-red} /ps disableall [flag] {aqua}- Disables the flag on all fields'
  370. menu45: '{dark-red} /ps debug {aqua}- Prints timing info to console'
  371. menu48: '{dark-red} /ps bypass <on/off>{aqua}- Toggle bypass mode'
  372. menu49: '{yellow} /ps hide {aqua}- Hides field'
  373. menu5: '{yellow} /ps remove [identifier(s)] {aqua}- Remove from field'
  374. menu50: '{yellow} /ps unhide {aqua}- Unhides field'
  375. menu51: '{yellow} /ps hide <all>{aqua}- Hides field(s)'
  376. menu52: '{yellow} /ps unhide <all>{aqua}- Unhides field(s)'
  377. menu53: '{yellow} /ps cuboid [open/close] {aqua}- Open close cuboid mode'
  378. menu54: '{yellow} /ps setlimit [time] {aqua}- Set renting limit on a field'
  379. menu55: '{dark-red} /ps delete [typeId] {aqua}- Delete of pstones of block a type'
  380. menu56: '{dark-red} /ps delete [player] [typeId] {aqua}- Delete player''s fields'
  381. menu57: '{yellow} /ps blacklistcommand [command] {aqua}- Blacklist command in field'
  382. menu58: '{yellow} /ps blacklistcommand clear {aqua}- Clear the blacklist'
  383. menu59: '{dark-red} /ps rent <clear/remove> {aqua}- Clear out renters or remove rent'
  384. menu6: '{yellow} /ps removeall [identifier(s)] {aqua}- Remove from all fields'
  385. menu60: '{yellow} /ps rent {aqua}- Rent the field you are pointing at'
  386. menu61: '{yellow} /ps buy {aqua}- Buy the field you are pointing at'
  387. menu62: '{dark-red} /ps clear [flag]{aqua}- Clears flags from field'
  388. menu63: '{dark-red} /ps pull {aqua}- Pull all data from the database'
  389. menu64: '{yellow} /ps expand [num] <direction> {aqua}- Expand the cuboid'
  390. menu65: '{yellow} /ps expand [u] [d] [n] [s] [e] [w] {aqua}- Expand the cuboid'
  391. menu66: '{yellow} /ps contract [num] <direction> {aqua}- Contract the cuboid'
  392. menu67: '{yellow} /ps contract [u] [d] [n] [s] [e] [w] {aqua}- Contract the cuboid'
  393. menu68: '{yellow} /ps take {aqua}- Breaks the field and puts it in your inventory'
  394. menu7: '{yellow} /ps allowed {aqua}- List all allowed players on field'
  395. menu8: '{yellow} /ps who {aqua}- List all inhabitants inside the fields'
  396. menu9: '{yellow} /ps counts {aqua}- View your field counts'
  397. menuIdentifiers: '{gray} Identifiers: {dark-gray}player, g:group, c:clan, t:team, *'
  398. minInterval: '{red}The minimum interval is {1.count} seconds'
  399. moreNextPage: '{dark-gray}Type /ps more to view next page.'
  400. moreNothingMore: '{gold}Nothing more to see.'
  401. mustBeAbove: This field can only be placed above y={1.level}
  402. mustBeBelow: This field can only be placed below y={1.level}
  403. mustBeInCuboidToExpand: '{red}Must be inside the cuboid to expand'
  404. noBlacklistingFieldFound: '{red}Not standing on or pointing at a field that has the command-blacklisting flag'
  405. noBlocksMatched: '{red}No blocks matched'
  406. noChestNextToField: '{red}Cannot place chest next so someone else''s field'
  407. noConfiscatingBelowField: '{red}Cannot place a confiscating field below a field block'
  408. noConfiscatingBelowUnbreakable: '{red}Cannot place a confiscating field below an unbreakable'
  409. noCuboidsFound: '{red}No cuboids found'
  410. noFieldNearPlayer: '{red}Cannot place field near players'
  411. noFieldsFound: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Nie znaleziono dzialki'
  412. noFieldsFoundWithFlag: '{aqua}No fields found with that flag enabled'
  413. noFieldsInArea: '{red}No fields in the area'
  414. noFlyEnter: '{yellow}Entering no fly zone'
  415. noFlyLeave: '{yellow}Leaving no fly zone'
  416. noGriefRecorded: '{aqua}No grief recorded on the field'
  417. noIntruders: '{aqua}There have been no intruders around here'
  418. noNameableFieldFound: '{red}No nameable fields found'
  419. noOrphansFound: '{aqua}No orphans found'
  420. noPermsForAllow: '{red}{1.player} does not have permissions to be allowed'
  421. noPlaceInWG: '{red}Cannot place field in worldguard regions'
  422. noPlayersAllowedOnField: '{red}No players allowed in this field'
  423. noPlayersFoundOnField: '{red}No players found in the field'
  424. noPositive: '{red}No positive values allowed.'
  425. noPstonesFound: '{aqua}No field or unbreakable blocks found'
  426. noSharing: You cannot allow others into this field
  427. noUnbreakableInsideTranslocation: '{red}Cannot place unbreakable blocks inside translocation fields'
  428. notAllowedToCreateLWC: '{red}Only allowed players can create LWC protections inside this field'
  429. notAllowedToDestroyLWC: '{red}Only alowed players can destroy LWC protecitons inside this field'
  430. notInsideField: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Nie jestes na dzialce!'
  431. notPointingAtGriefRevert: '{red}You are not pointing at a grief-revert block'
  432. notPointingAtPstone: '{aqua}You are not pointing at a field or unbreakable block'
  433. notPointingAtSnitch: '{red}You are not pointing at a snitch block'
  434. notPointingAtTranslocation: '{red}You are not pointing at a translocation block'
  435. notValidBlockId: '{red}{1.blockid} is not a valid block id, skipped.'
  436. notValidCommand: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Upewnij sie czy dobrze wpisales komende!'
  437. notValidFieldType: '{red}Not a valid field type'
  438. nothingToBeDone: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Gracz jest juz usuniety!'
  439. nothingToImport: '{red}No blocks to import'
  440. nothingToRemove: '{red}No blocks to remove'
  441. notifyBreakableDestroyed: '{aqua}{1.owner}''s breakable {2.field-type} destroyed'
  442. notifyBreakablePlaced: '{aqua}Breakable {1.field-type} placed'
  443. notifyBypassDestroyed: '{aqua}Block bypass-destroyed in {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
  444. notifyBypassPlaced: '{aqua}Block bypass-placed inside {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
  445. notifyCuboidClosed: '{aqua}{1.field-type} cuboid field closed'
  446. notifyDoAir: '{white}*air*'
  447. notifyDoCannon: '{light-purple}*boom*'
  448. notifyDoDamage: '{dark-red}*damage*'
  449. notifyDoFall: '{dark-gray}*thump*'
  450. notifyDoFeeding: '{white}~Feeding~'
  451. notifyDoHealed: '{white}*healed*'
  452. notifyDoLaunch: '{light-purple}*launch*'
  453. notifyDoLightning: '{red}*crash*'
  454. notifyDoMine: '{red}*goodbye*'
  455. notifyFieldBypassDestroyed: '{aqua}{1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field bypass-destroyed'
  456. notifyFieldDestroyed: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Usunales dzialke!'
  457. notifyFieldPlaced: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Zalozyles dzialke!'
  458. notifyPvPBypass: '{aqua}PvP bypass'
  459. notifyRepairing: '{white}+repairing+'
  460. notifyRollbackGrief: '{dark-gray}* {aqua}Rolled back {1.count} griefed blocks {2.coords}'
  461. notifyTranslocatorDisabled: '{aqua}Translocator {} disabled. (Safe to break)'
  462. notifyTranslocatorEnabled: '{aqua}Translocator {} enabled. (Recording)'
  463. notifyUnbreakableBypassDestroyed: '{aqua}{1.owner}''s unbreakable block bypass-destroyed'
  464. notifyUnbreakableBypassPlaced: '{aqua}Unbreakable block bypass-placed inside {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
  465. notifyUnbreakableDestroyed: '{aqua}Unbreakable block destroyed'
  466. notifyUnbreakablePlaced: '{aqua}Unbreakable block placed'
  467. notifyVehicleBypassDestroyed: '{aqua}Vehicle bypass-destroyed in {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field'
  468. onlyModWhileDisabled: '{red}This field can only be modified while disabled'
  469. ownerCanOnlyChangeOwner: '{aqua}Only the owner of the field can change its owner'
  470. ownerSetTo: '{aqua}Owner set to {1.player}'
  471. pickaxeDisabled: '{aqua}Super duper pick axe disabled'
  472. pickaxeEnabled: '{aqua}Super duper pick axe enabled'
  473. placingAlreadyDisabled: '{red}Pstone placement is already disabled'
  474. placingAlreadyEnabled: '{red}Pstone placement is already enabled'
  475. placingDisabled: '{aqua}Disabled the placing of pstones'
  476. placingEnabled: '{aqua}Enabled the placing of pstones'
  477. playerHasNoFields: '{red}Player does not have any fields'
  478. playerHasNoPstones: '{aqua}The player had no pstones'
  479. playerInsideNotRemoved: '{red}Player could not be removed from a field because he was currently inside of it'
  480. playerNotDisallowed: '{red}{1.player} was not disallowed, one of the fields is intersecting one of yours {2.coords}'
  481. playerNotFound: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Gracz {1.player} nie zostal znaleziony!'
  482. potionNeutralized: '{white}*{1.potion} neutralized*'
  483. protectionRemoved: '{aqua}Protective field removed from the block'
  484. protectionRemovedFrom: Protective field removed from {1.count} blocks
  485. psDisabled: '{red}PreciousStones disabled in this world'
  486. psLoaded: Version {1.version} loaded
  487. radiusMustBeLessThan: '{red}Radius must be less than or equal to {1.radius}'
  488. radiusOverFlow: '{red}Could not set the radious. It is larger than the available volume by {1.overflow} blocks.'
  489. radiusSet: '{aqua}Radius set to {1.radius}'
  490. redefineWhileDisabled: '{red}This field''s cuboid can only be redefined while disabled'
  491. removalComplete: '{aqua}Removal complete'
  492. removedBlocks: '{aqua}Removed {1.count} blocks'
  493. removedFromField: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Gracz {1.player} zostal usuniety z dzialki'
  494. removedFromFields: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Gracz {1.player} zostal usuniety z {2.count} dzialek'
  495. rentQuestion: '{dark-gray}* {aqua}Type {green}/ps rent {aqua} to rent'
  496. rentsCleared: '{aqua}Renters cleared'
  497. rentsClearedNone: '{aqua}There are no renters in this field'
  498. rentsRemoved: '{aqua}Rent removed'
  499. rentsRemovedNone: '{aqua}There are no rent/share/buy signs on this field'
  500. returned: '{aqua}Returned: {white}{1.items}'
  501. returnedTo: Returned {1.items} to {2.player}
  502. revertedOrphanFields: '{aqua}Reverted {1.count} orphaned fields'
  503. revertedOrphanUnbreakables: '{aqua}Reverted {1.count} orphaned unbreakable blocks'
  504. sepConfiguredFields: '{white}Configured Fields {dark-gray}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
  505. sepCounts: '{white}{1.field-type} Counts {dark-gray} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
  506. sepFieldCounts: '{1.player}''s Field Counts {dark-gray} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
  507. sepFieldInfo: '{white}Field Info {dark-gray}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
  508. sepFieldInfoDisabled: '{white}Field Info {red}(disabled) {dark-gray}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
  509. sepFieldLocations: Wszystkie dzialki gracza {1.player} {dark-gray} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  510. sepMenu: '{1.plugin-name} {2.plugin-version} {dark-gray} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
  511. sepStoredTranslocations: '{white}Stored Translocations {dark-gray}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
  512. showOwner: '{yellow}Owner: {aqua}{1.owner}'
  513. showProtected: '{white}Protected'
  514. showProtectedLocations: '{yellow}{1.field-type}: {aqua}{2.coords}'
  515. snitchEmpty: '{red}Snitch list is empty'
  516. surfaceWarning: '{red}You can only place this field on the following blocks: {1.blocks}'
  517. taken: '{aqua}You have taken the {1.type} field at {2.location}.'
  518. takenFieldOwnership: '{aqua}You have taken ownership of {1.old-owner}''s field'
  519. teleportAnnounce: '{aqua}*teleported*'
  520. teleportAnnounceBack: '{aqua}*You will be teleported back in {1.seconds} seconds*'
  521. teleportAnnounceBreak: '{aqua}*teleported for breaking blocks inside the area*'
  522. teleportAnnounceDamage: '{aqua}*teleported for getting hurt inside the area*'
  523. teleportAnnounceDeath: '{aqua}*teleported before death*'
  524. teleportAnnounceEnter: '{aqua}*teleported for entering the area*'
  525. teleportAnnounceExit: '{aqua}*teleported for leaving the area*'
  526. teleportAnnounceFeeding: '{aqua}*teleported for feeding inside the area*'
  527. teleportAnnounceFire: '{aqua}*teleported for lighting fires inside the area*'
  528. teleportAnnounceHasItems: '{aqua}*teleported for having forbidden items*'
  529. teleportAnnounceHoldingItems: '{aqua}*teleported for holding forbidden item*'
  530. teleportAnnounceNotHasItems: '{aqua}*teleported for not having required items*'
  531. teleportAnnounceNotHoldingItems: '{aqua}*teleported for not holding required items*'
  532. teleportAnnounceNotWalking: '{aqua}*teleported for walking outside required blocks*'
  533. teleportAnnouncePlace: '{aqua}*teleported for placing blocks inside the area*'
  534. teleportAnnouncePvp: '{aqua}*teleported for pvp inside the area*'
  535. teleportAnnounceWalking: '{aqua}*teleported for walking on forbidden blocks*'
  536. teleportMaxDistance: Your teleport setup exeeds the max distance allowed of {1.distance} blocks, teleport canceled
  537. tookOwnership: '{aqua}{1.player} has taken ownership of your field'
  538. translocationCannotReshape: '{red}Cannot reshape a translocation cuboid once its in use'
  539. translocationCreated: '{aqua}Translocation {1.field} created. Recoding changes...'
  540. translocationDeleted: '{aqua}{1.translocation} has been deleted'
  541. translocationDeletedBlocks: '{aqua}Deleted {1.count} {2.blockid} from {3.field}'
  542. translocationEnabledFirst: '{red}Translocation field must be enabled to remove blocks'
  543. translocationEnabledToImport: '{red}Translocation field must be enabled to import blocks'
  544. translocationEnabledToUnlink: '{red}Translocation field must be enabled to unlink'
  545. translocationExists: '{red}A translocation block already exists with that name'
  546. translocationHasBlocks: '{aqua}Translocation {1.field} has {2.count} stored blocks'
  547. translocationImportingBlocks: '{aqua}Importing {1.count} blocks into the translocation...'
  548. translocationMenu1: '* All commands (except for list) require you to be pointing at a field block or standing in the field'
  549. translocationMenu2: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation list'
  550. translocationMenu3: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation import {gray}* imports everything'
  551. translocationMenu4: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation delete {gray}* deletes everything'
  552. translocationMenu5: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation import [id] [id] ...'
  553. translocationMenu6: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation remove [id] [id] ...'
  554. translocationMenu7: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation delete [id] [id] ...'
  555. translocationNamedFirst: '{red}You must name your translocation field first'
  556. translocationNoFields: '{red}Cannot place field blocks inside translocation fields'
  557. translocationNotFound: '{red}No translocations found'
  558. translocationNothingToUnlink: '{red}No blocks to unlink'
  559. translocationReachedSize: '{red}You have reached the server-wide max translocation size.'
  560. translocationRemovingBlocks: '{aqua}Removing {1.count} blocks from the translocation...'
  561. translocationRenamed: '{aqua}Renamed field to {}'
  562. translocationSkippedDueToLimit: '{red}{1.count} blocks skipped due to the max translocation limit'
  563. translocationTakingPlace: '{red}A translocation is currently taking place'
  564. translocationUnlinked: '{yellow}Translocation {1.field} unlinked from {2.count} blocks'
  565. translocatorNameToBegin: '{yellow}To begin storage, you must first choose a name for your translocation with /ps setname'
  566. usageToggle: '{dark-gray}Usage: ''/ps toggle [flag]'' to enable/disable flags'
  567. usageTranslocationRemove: '{red}Usage: /ps translocation remove [id] [id] ...'
  568. velocityMustBe: '{red}Velocity must be from 0 to 5'
  569. velocitySetTo: '{aqua}Velocity set to {1.velocity}'
  570. visualizationChanged: '{aqua}Visualization density changed to {1.density}'
  571. visualizationNotWhileCuboid: '{red}Cannot visualize while defining a cuboid'
  572. visualizationSet: '{aqua}Your visualization density is set to {1.density}'
  573. visualizationTakingPlace: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Wizualizacja juz trwa!'
  574. visualizing: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Trwa wizualizacja...'
  575. warnBypassPlacedUnprotectableInField: '{aqua}Unprotectable block {1.block-type} bypass-placed near {2.block-type} field'
  576. warnBypassPlacedUnprotectableInUnbreakable: '{aqua}Unprotectable block {1.block-type} bypass-placed near {2.block-type} unbreakable'
  577. warnCannotProtect: '{aqua}Cannot protect {1.block-type}'
  578. warnCannotProtectInside: '{aqua}Cannot protect {1.block-type} inside this {2.field-type} field'
  579. warnConflictFieldPlace: '{aqua}Cannot place field here. Conflicting with {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
  580. warnConflictFieldPlace2: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Nie mozesz zalozyc tu dzialki'
  581. warnConflictUnbreakablePlace: '{aqua}Cannot place unbreakable block here. Conflicting with {1.owner}''s {2.field-type} field {3.details}'
  582. warnConflictUnbreakablePlace2: '{aqua}Cannot place unbreakable block here'
  583. warnDestroy: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Nie mozesz tu niszczyc!'
  584. warnDestroyVehicle: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Nie mozesz zniszczyc tego pojazdu!'
  585. warnEmpty: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Nie mozesz tu budowac!'
  586. warnEnterProtectedArea: '{aqua}Cannot enter protected area'
  587. warnFieldBypassPlacedUnprotectable: '{aqua}{1.field-type} field bypass-placed in an area with an {2.block-type} unprotectable block'
  588. warnFieldPlaceUnprotectableTouching: '{aqua}Cannot place unprotectable {1.block-type} block here'
  589. warnFire: '{1.player} attempted to light fire in {2.owner}''s {3.field-type} field {4.details}'
  590. warnOwnerRemove: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Tylko wlasciciel moze zniszczyc ten blok'
  591. warnPlace: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Nie mozesz tu budowac!'
  592. warnPlaceFieldInUnprotectable: '{aqua}Cannot place {1.field-type} field. A {2.block-type} found in the area'
  593. warnPlaceFires: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Nie mozesz tu podpalac!'
  594. warnProtectionIgnored: '{aqua}PvP Protection Ignored due to combat'
  595. warnPvP: '{aqua}PvP disabled in this area'
  596. warnUnbreakablePlaceUnprotectableTouching: '{aqua}Cannot place unprotectable {1.block-type} block here'
  597. warnUnprotectableBypassPlaced: '{aqua}Unprotectable block {1.block-type} bypass-placed in {2.field-type} field'
  598. warnUnprotectableBypassProtected: '{aqua}Unprotectable block {1.block-type} bypass-protected'
  599. warnUse: '{red}[{gold}Dzialka{red}]{green} Nie mozesz tego uzywac!'
  600. worldNotFound: World not found
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