
Impending Doom of Rookie's ass

Jan 6th, 2014
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  1. [03:56] <Rookie99> hard to choce
  2. [03:56] <Fleischy> choke
  3. [03:56] * Rookie99 slaps ReubenMcHawk around a bit with a large fishbot
  4. [03:56] <Fleischy> on my dong
  5. [03:57] <Rookie99> no
  6. [03:57] <Fleischy> woah did you just slap him
  7. [03:57] <Rookie99> nasty im not gay!
  8. [03:57] <Rookie99> ops
  9. [03:57] <Fleischy> seriously do you have a death wish
  10. [03:57] <Rookie99> sorry
  11. [03:57] <Rookie99> no i dont
  12. [03:57] <Fleischy> i swear i will devirginify you
  13. [03:57] <Rookie99> no u wont
  14. [03:57] <Rookie99> u cant u dont know were i live
  15. [03:57] <Fleischy> oh really
  16. [03:57] <Rookie99> haha jokes on u
  17. [03:57] <Rookie99> yup
  18. -
  19. Rookie99 is *
  20. Rookie99 on #Aloha
  21. Rookie99 using * QuakeNet IRC Server
  22. Rookie99 End of /WHOIS list.
  23. -
  24. [03:58] <Rookie99> :)
  25. [03:58] <@Spring> Fleischy pls
  26. [03:58] <Fleischy> let me just trace your IP
  27. [03:58] <Rookie99> tnvm
  28. [03:58] <@Spring> wow such hacker
  29. [03:58] <Rookie99> tno
  30. [03:58] <Rookie99> tnv
  31. [03:58] <Rookie99> ...
  32. [03:58] <Rookie99> frakin foreal
  33. [03:58] <Fleischy> ye im for real dawg
  34. [03:58] <Rookie99> bro thats just to perverted
  35. [03:59] <Fleischy> lets see
  36. [03:59] <Fleischy> Houston? that it?
  37. [03:59] <Fleischy> pearland
  38. [03:59] <Fleischy> oh yea bang on the address too
  39. [03:59] * Rookie99_ ( has joined #Aloha
  40. [03:59] <Rookie99_> If u coem to my house
  41. [04:00] <Fleischy> [03:59] <Fleischy> lets see
  42. [04:00] <Fleischy> [03:59] <Fleischy> Houston? that it?
  43. [04:00] <Fleischy> [03:59] <Fleischy> pearland
  44. [04:00] <Fleischy> [03:59] <Fleischy> oh yea bang on the address too
  45. [04:00] <Rookie99_> i'd really kick some as*
  46. [04:00] <Rookie99_> ...
  47. [04:00] <Fleischy> ask?
  48. [04:00] <Fleischy> ase...
  49. [04:00] <Fleischy> ast
  50. [04:00] <Rookie99_> U dont live in america
  51. [04:00] <Rookie99_> its Houston
  52. [04:00] <Rookie99_> u live in poliand or something
  53. [04:00] <Fleischy> no but I know a couple of guys in texas
  54. [04:00] <Fleischy> they'd be right happy to come on over one day
  55. [04:00] <Fleischy> come over and come inside
  56. [04:00] <Rookie99_> to do what
  57. [04:01] <Fleischy> oh youll find out
  58. [04:01] <Rookie99_> so i could kick there ass
  59. [04:01] <Rookie99_> we have a security alarm
  60. [04:01] <Rookie99_> its called ADT in america
  61. [04:01] <Fleischy> well don't go all patriot on me
  62. [04:01] <Rookie99_> soon has u fuck with a window or door
  63. [04:01] <Rookie99_> thats there ass
  64. [04:01] <Rookie99_> ..
  65. [04:01] <Fleischy> It's your ass you have to be worried about son
  66. [04:02] * Rookie99_ ( Quit (Quit: Page closed)
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