
Hoof/Sugar GreenFarm Summer 2014

Jan 13th, 2015
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  1. 6[01:31] * GreenHoof places his hooves on the table, looking down at them and nodding. "Yep, same here." He doesn't say anything else for a while, just savoring the brief time of peace and familial merryment they had just partaken in. After a while, he lifts his head up, looking at Sugar. "So... What's been goin' on in your life?" he asks softly
  2. 03[01:32] * Al_Dente is now known as Al_sleepan
  3. 03[01:33] * Weathervane is now known as Weathervane[Sleep]
  4. 06[01:38] * Sugar-Halfhere rests her chin against the curve of her hoof, letting the sort of elbow joint prop herself up as she closes her eyes for a few seconds, reopening them at the sound of her friend's voice. The hint of a smile plays remains on her face, and she stares at him evenly, the pair looking at each other. "Hmm... For myself..? Not all too much. Doing stuff at the spa, estrus season's
  5. 06[01:38] * Sugar-Halfhere most popular.. Trying to help Golden feel better, but I have to say, I don't think I'm doing a good job.. Eh.. How are things holding up on your side?"
  6. 06[01:48] * GreenHoof 's ears fold back at the mention of Golden, remembering how sad his friend was after Weiss left him. He could identify with that. "Eh... There's not much that can be done. Only time can heal a broken heart. We just gotta be there for him. An' me? I'm just workin' and helpin' with Sunny. And then there was that mess with that... snake-pony thing yesterday. But I'm not sure if I'm gonna get dragged into that or not." He sighs. "I've been trying to lay low. Collect my bits every week and keep to myself," he says with a hint of wistfulness in his voice.
  7. 06[01:56] * Sugar-Halfhere sighs through her nose, her light grin faltering to be replaced with a more neutral expression. "Yeah.. But it's just been a lot on him all at once, Weiss, and.." She trails off, not caring to name the pegasus who had passed away. "I can be there for him, just fine, haven't even moved out -- don't know if I will now either, eh. But it feels like I should do more, I'm not
  8. 06[01:56] * Sugar-Halfhere good with the -- I don't do  sadness," she adds with a soft shake of her head. "Guess you got your little niche of a life carved out, 'cept for when other things start intruding. Are you, um, happy?"
  9. 06[02:04] * GreenHoof listens, nodding in agreement and understanding until her question at the end. he stops nodding, and the look of being in relaxed conversation on his face goes neutral. Part of him wanted to pretend he was a happy person, if not just for tonight. But he couldn't fool himself even if he tried, and he certainly didn't want to lie to his close friend. He didn't particularly like thinking about if he was happy or not. He just pressed onward, clinging to the hope that one day everything will work out and he can live a good life. The stallion tries to think of what to say, but, perhaps more fittingly, he just shakes his head left and right, eyes closed and ears folded back. "Not yet..."
  10. 06[02:11] * Sugar-Halfhere curls her hoof which she rested her head on, tighter, the gesture more to comfort herself than anything else. Judging by the way the other pony's ears flickered back, she'd misspoke yet again; she'd have to start a real count, at this rate, she'd done it more times than she'd like to think of while trying to both express herself truthfully and receive truth in kind from
  11. 06[02:11] * Sugar-Halfhere others. She tries to smile at him, reassuringly, "Well... Well. You've got things well on way to being worked out. So... Just gotta keep pressing forward, huh..?" Genuinely, the little mare hadn't meant to have been so invasive, but with the way she'd felt lately, it was hard to avoid a question like that from cropping up. It brought her a feeling of burning shame, but she found
  12. 06[02:11] * Sugar-Halfhere herself glad, in some way, that his mood wasn't all too different from her own."
  13. 06[02:18] * GreenHoof picks his head up and looks to Sugar, nodding. Noticing her sudden discomfort, he reaches across the table and nudges her with a hoof. "Hey... don't feel bad for asking. I was just about to ask you the same thing. No shame in askin' for the truth. You can ask me anything."
  14. [02:19] <14Sugar-Halfhere> [oops ignore that last quote mark]
  15. 06[02:25] * Sugar-Halfhere blinks at him slowly from the sudden touch, her silvery tail lashing against her seat before fully realizing it was just meant as a bit of reassurance to her -- as friends would do. "Yeah.. I'm not feeling bad, heh, just wish there was a bit of happiness in sight. You must've... Guessed, but I'm not so pleased with how things are going right now ei-ther. But it feels,
  16. 06[02:25] * Sugar-Halfhere well, petty of me to complain, compared to, most."
  17. 02[02:30] * Strong_Metal ( Quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
  18. 06[02:31] * GreenHoof shrugs, yawning. "None of us have exactly had an easy time here, Sugarcoat. But just... keep holding onto whatever it is you believe in and pass it on to the future. Tha's all you can do, really."
  19. 02[02:31] * Alten_Stahl (~Alten_Sta@ Quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- IRC with a difference)
  20. 06[02:36] * Sugar-Halfhere shifts, leaning back to rest her back against the support of the chair as her hooves cross over in front of her chest, as if she was holding her body. "Heh.. Got a point there, it's not like a contest, or anything. It's just sometimes I get the feeling that I'm insatiable, that even if I follow all the steps that should lead me to greener pastures, it's gonna be.. Mmhf.
  21. 06[02:36] * Sugar-Halfhere Sorry Hoof, I didn't mean to get all depressing on you, heh, after how nice things've been t'night. We'll both do our best, yeah..?" She peers at him expectantly, with the last bit of fierce clarity she had in her for the night.
  22. 03[02:42] * EyeSpy is now known as EyeSpyZzz
  23. 02[02:44] * Mary_ONette_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  24. 03[02:44] * Mary_ONette_ ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  25. 06[02:45] * GreenHoof nods, sighing. "Nah, you're not depressing. We had fun tonight." He says, looking into her golden eyes with a soft smile. "We'll make it through all this. We've gotten this far."
  26. 6[02:48] * Sugar-Halfhere sliiiides off her chair with a barely-audible 'uff,' stepping over to him, "Mmm-hmm. We'll get through it together," she mumurs softly as she closes the distance between them, putting her light hooves against him as she wraps him up in a true hug, even giving him time to hug back; a rarity, for her, and nuzzles gently against the crook of his neck, though she had to
  27. 06[02:48] * Sugar-Halfhere half-prop herself up against the chair to reach. "Thanks for being there."
  28. 06[02:57] * GreenHoof watches Sugar get off the chair and come over to him, watching curiously to see what the mare is about to do. Affection wasn't very common from her, and he knew she wasn't into hugs, which is why he was surprised when she reaches up and gives him a hug, holding it long enough for him to hug back, which is does very lightly and briefly, not wanting to overstretch the invitation. "And thank you, for being there. My best friend."
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