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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #
  3. # fetch-sanesecurity-sigs
  4. # by Malcolm Scott, Retrosnub Internet Services
  5. # <malcolm at retrosnub dot co dot uk>
  6. #
  7. #
  8. # svn://
  9. #
  10. # $Revision$
  11. # $Date$
  12. #
  13. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. # Copyright (C) 2009 Malcolm Scott
  15. #
  16. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  17. # the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
  18. # Free Software Foundation.
  19. #
  20. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  21. # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
  22. # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  23. #
  24. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
  25. # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
  26. # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
  27. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. #
  30. #
  31. #  * Ensure that you have wget, gpg and rsync installed (in addition to a
  32. #    standard set of UNIX tools).
  33. #  * Configure this script by editing the configuration variables below.
  34. #  * Set up cron to run this script periodically, at a randomly-selected time
  35. #    (i.e. not just on the hour unless unavoidable), not more often than once
  36. #    per hour.  The script should be run either as root or as the user clamd
  37. #    runs as.  For example, add the following line to /etc/crontab or a file
  38. #    in /etc/cron.d:
  39. #         42 * * * *  root  /path/to/fetch-sanesecurity-sigs >/dev/null
  40. #    (Redirection of the output to /dev/null is recommended when running from
  41. #    cron as the script is verbose in normal operation.  This will not hide
  42. #    errors, however.)
  43. #
  44. # Note that this script is tailored to the Sanesecurity setup (as of January
  45. # 2009).  It should replace scripts using the pre-2009 setup (HTTP).  It is
  46. # not intended to download non-Sanesecurity signatures; use another script
  47. # for that purpose.
  50. ### Configuration ###
  52. # ClamAV database location
  53. clamd_dbdir="/var/lib/clamav"
  55. # ClamAV daemon process ID file
  56. # (If this is commented out, the daemon will not be reloaded automatically)
  57. clamd_pidfile="/var/run/clamav/"
  59. # Directory in which this script will keep its persistent data
  60. data_dir="/var/lib/sanesecurity"
  62. # Directory in which this script will keep its cache
  63. # (This should not be the same as data_dir.  Any unexpected files in this
  64. # directory will be deleted!)
  65. cache_dir="/var/cache/sanesecurity"
  67. # Mirror to use, in a form accepted by rsync
  68. # (Leave set to the round robin address unless you know what you are doing:
  69. # forcing the use of one particular mirror will cause excess load for that
  70. # mirror)
  71. mirror="rsync://"
  73. # Extra options for rsync
  74. # The default, --contimeout=30, makes for faster recovery if a mirror is
  75. # blocking your connection (e.g. if you connect too frequently).  However
  76. # this is not available in older versions of rsync so you may need to
  77. # remove it.
  78. # Additionally, if you have a slow link you may want to add -z here to
  79. # enable compression.
  80. rsync_extra_opts="--contimeout=30"
  82. # Minimum interval between updates, in minutes
  83. # (Note that the download servers may be configured to drop connections made
  84. # at too great a rate)
  85. min_interval="30"
  87. # Randomly sleep before downloading if running noninteractively?
  88. # (Please leave this enabled, as it reduces peak load on the mirrors)
  89. random_sleep=1
  91. # URL of the Sanesecurity GnuPG public key
  92. gpg_key_url=""
  94. # Location of GnuPG home directory
  95. # (If you change this, be sure that you understand the security implications:
  96. # signatures by *any* key in your public keyring will be accepted)
  97. gpg_homedir="$data_dir/gnupg"
  99. # Extra options for GnuPG, if required
  100. gpg_extra_opts=""
  102. # Exclude logical signatures (*.ldb)?
  103. # These are not supported by versions of ClamAV prior to 0.94.
  104. # If you use an old version of ClamAV, you should enable this option.
  105. #exclude_ldb=1
  107. ### End of configuration ###
  110. umask 0022
  112. # Check the configuration looks sane
  113. if [ ! -d "$clamd_dbdir" ]
  114. then
  115.     echo "clamd_dbdir ($clamd_dbdir) does not exist; aborting" >&2
  116.     echo "(check your configuration)" >&2
  117.     exit 1
  118. fi
  120. mkdir -p "$data_dir" "$cache_dir"
  122. # Set up GnuPG, if necessary
  123. if [ ! -d "$gpg_homedir" ]
  124. then
  125.     echo "GnuPG homedir is nonexistant; initialising" >&2
  126.     echo "(This should only occur once)" >&2
  127.     mkdir -p "$gpg_homedir"
  128.     chmod 0700 "$gpg_homedir"
  129.     gpg_tmp="$(mktemp -t fetch-sanesecurity-sigs.XXXXXXXXXX)"
  130.     if ! wget -O "$gpg_tmp" "$gpg_key_url"
  131.     then
  132.         echo "ERROR: could not fetch GnuPG public key; aborting" >&2
  133.         rm -f "$gpg_tmp"
  134.         exit 4
  135.     fi
  136.     if ! gpg --homedir "$gpg_homedir" $gpg_extra_opts --import "$gpg_tmp"
  137.     then
  138.         echo "ERROR: could not import GnuPG public key; aborting" >&2
  139.         rm -f "$gpg_tmp"
  140.         exit 4
  141.     fi
  142.     rm -f "$gpg_tmp"
  143. fi
  145. # This appears to be the most portable way to find the current timestamp
  146. # (suggestions on how to avoid calling perl are very welcome)
  147. time_now="$(perl -le print+time)"
  148. if [ ! "$time_now" -gt 1 ]
  149. then
  150.     echo "Could not find current timestamp -- is perl installed?" >&2
  151.     exit 5
  152. fi
  154. # Check that min_interval seconds have elapsed since last run
  155. if [ -s "$data_dir/update-stamp" ]
  156. then
  157.     time_then="$(cat "$data_dir/update-stamp")"
  158.     minutes_elapsed=$(( (time_now - time_then) / 60 ))
  159.     if [ "$minutes_elapsed" -lt "$min_interval" ]
  160.     then
  161.         echo "Must wait at least $min_interval minutes between updates; aborting" >&2
  162.         exit 2
  163.     fi
  164. fi
  166. # Random sleep (see comment in configuration section)
  167. if [ "$random_sleep" = "1" ]
  168. then
  169.     # Are we running noninteractively, i.e. without a tty on stdin?
  170.     if ! tty -s
  171.     then
  172.         # $RANDOM is between 0 and 32767.
  173.         # Use this to generate a time between 30 and 32767/200+30 = 193 seconds.
  174.         sleep_time=$((RANDOM/200+30))
  175.         echo "Sleeping for $sleep_time seconds."
  176.         sleep $sleep_time
  177.     fi
  178. fi
  180. # Update the cache
  181. if [ "$exclude_ldb" = "1" ]
  182. then
  183.     rsync_extra_opts="$rsync_extra_opts --exclude=*.ldb"
  184.     rm -f "$cache_dir"/*.ldb
  185. fi
  186. if ! rsync --progress --delete -rt $rsync_extra_opts "$mirror/." "$cache_dir/"
  187. then
  188.     echo "rsync failed; aborting." >&2
  189.     exit 3
  190. fi
  191. echo "$time_now" > "$data_dir/update-stamp"
  192. chmod 0644 "$cache_dir"/*
  193. echo
  195. # Iterate through the databases in the cache
  196. installed=0
  197. for db in "$cache_dir"/*.?db "$cache_dir"/*.ftm
  198. do
  199.     db_name=$(basename "$db")
  200.     db_live="$clamd_dbdir/sanesecurity-$db_name"
  202.     # Only pay any attention to this database if it's newer than the installed version
  203.     if [ -e "$db_live" -a ! "$db" -nt "$db_live" ]
  204.     then
  205.         echo "$db_name is already up-to-date; skipping"
  206.         continue
  207.     fi
  209.     # Zero-length databases have no value and confuse the test below
  210.     if [ ! -s "$db" ]
  211.     then
  212.         echo "$db_name is zero-length; discarding"
  213.         continue
  214.     fi
  216.     # Check that the GnuPG signature is present and correct
  217.     if ! gpg_out=$(gpg --homedir "$gpg_homedir" $gpg_extra_opts --verify "$db.sig" "$db" 2>&1)
  218.     then
  219.         echo "SECURITY ERROR: $db_name has a bad GnuPG signature; discarding:" >&2
  220.         echo "$gpg_out" >&2
  221.         continue
  222.     fi
  224.     # Test the database by asking ClamAV to check something with it
  225.     if ! clamscan --quiet --tempdir="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" --database="$db" - < /dev/null
  226.     then
  227.         echo "ERROR: $db_name fails a simple test; discarding" >&2
  228.         continue
  229.     fi
  231.     # Now we can actually install this database
  232.     echo "Installing $db_name into $db_live"
  233.     if rsync -p "$db" "$db_live"
  234.     then
  235.         installed=$((installed+1))
  237.         # Clean up stuff left behind by old scripts
  238.         rm -f "$clamd_dbdir/$db_name"*
  239.     fi
  240. done
  242. # Finished; display summary and perhaps reload clamd
  243. echo
  244. if [ "$installed" -gt 0 ]
  245. then
  246.     if [ "$installed" -eq 1 ]
  247.     then
  248.         s=""
  249.     else
  250.         s="s"
  251.     fi
  252.     echo "Installed $installed database$s"
  254.     # Is clamd running?
  255.     if [ "$clamd_pidfile" -a -f "$clamd_pidfile" ]
  256.     then
  257.         echo "Reloading ClamAV daemon"
  258.         clamdscan --reload
  259.     fi
  260. else
  261.     echo "No databases installed."
  262. fi
  264. exit 0
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