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Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. Log uploaded on Thursday, July 19, 2018, 8:53:51 PM
  2. Loaded mods:
  3. Core: (no assemblies)
  4. Hospitality[0.18.7]: $HugsLibChecker(
  5. Advanced Biomes: 0Harmony(, ActiveTerrain(, BiomesPlus(, _harmonycheck(
  6. Humanoid Alien Races 2.0: 0Harmony(, AlienRace(, _harmonycheck(
  7. Orassans: 0Harmony(, BetharianPower(, Orassans(
  8. Color Coded Mood Bar: 0Harmony(, ClassLibrary(
  9. Cut blighted plants: BlightedPlantsCut(
  10. Faction Discovery: Faction Discovery(
  11. HugsLib[4.1.1]: 0Harmony(, HugsLib(
  12. Ceiling Light [B18]: (no assemblies)
  14. Active Harmony patches:
  15. DebugWindowsOpener.DrawButtons: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DebugWindowsOpener_Patch.DrawAdditionalButtons
  16. Dialog_Options.DoWindowContents: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.Dialog_Options_Patch.ReplaceModOptionsButton
  17. EditWindow_Log.DoMessagesListing: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.EditWindow_Log_Patch.ExtraLogWindowButtons
  18. Game.DeinitAndRemoveMap: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_DeinitAndRemoveMap_Patch.MapRemovalHook
  19. Game.FillComponents: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FillComponents_Patch.GameInitializationHook
  20. Game.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch.WorldLoadedHook
  21. LanguageDatabase.SelectLanguage: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.LanguageDatabase_Patch.ForceRestartAfterLangChange
  22. Map.ConstructComponents: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_ConstructComponents_Patch.MapComponentsInitHook
  23. Map.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_FinalizeInit_Patch.MapLoadedHook
  24. MapComponentUtility.MapGenerated: post: HugsLib.Patches.MapComponentUtility_MapGenerated_Patch.MapGeneratedHook
  25. ModsConfig.RestartFromChangedMods: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.ModsConfig_RestartFromChangedMods_Patch.QuickRestartInDevMode
  26. PlayDataLoader.DoPlayLoad: post: HugsLib.Patches.PlayDataLoader_Patch.InitModsHook
  27. Root.Update: post: HugsLib.Patches.Root_Patch.UpdateHook
  28. Root_Play.SetupForQuickTestPlay: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.RootPlay_TestPlay_Patch.InjectCustomQuickstartSettings
  29. UIRoot.UIRootOnGUI: post: HugsLib.Patches.UIRoot_Patch.OnGUIHook
  30. Harmony versions present: UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib:
  32. Platform information: (hidden, hold Shift while publishing to include)
  34. Log file contents:
  35. Initialize engine version: 5.6.3p1 (9c92e827232b)
  36. GfxDevice: [Renderer information redacted]
  37. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  38. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
  39. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
  40. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
  41. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
  42. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
  43. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
  44. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
  45. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\TextMeshPro- into Unity Child Domain
  46. WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
  47. WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Setting to default shader.
  48. desktop: 1366x768 60Hz; virtual: 1366x768 at 0,0
  49. [Steamworks.NET] SteamAPI.Init() failed. Possible causes: Steam client not running, launched from outside Steam without steam_appid.txt in place, running with different privileges than Steam client (e.g. "as administrator")
  51. RimWorld 0.18.1722 rev1198
  53. ReflectionTypeLoadException getting types in assembly Hospitality: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  54. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  55. at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  56. at Verse.ModAssemblyHandler.AssemblyIsUsable (System.Reflection.Assembly asm) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  58. Loader exceptions:
  59. => System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Hospitality.Settings' from assembly 'Hospitality, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
  60. => System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'HugsLib.ModBase' from assembly 'HugsLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
  61. => System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type '<>c__DisplayClass5' from assembly 'Hospitality, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
  64. Could not find type named Hospitality.ThinkNode_InGuestArea from node <li Class="Hospitality.ThinkNode_InGuestArea"><invert>true</invert><subNodes><li Class="Hospitality.JobGiver_GotoGuestArea" /></subNodes></li>
  66. Exception loading list from XML: System.MissingMethodException: Cannot create an abstract class 'Verse.AI.ThinkNode'.
  67. at System.Activator.CheckAbstractType (System.Type type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  68. at System.Activator.CreateInstance (System.Type type, Boolean nonPublic) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  69. at System.Activator.CreateInstance (System.Type type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  70. at Verse.DirectXmlToObject.ObjectFromXml[ThinkNode] (System.Xml.XmlNode xmlRoot, Boolean doPostLoad) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  71. at Verse.DirectXmlToObject.ListFromXml[ThinkNode] (System.Xml.XmlNode listRootNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  72. XML:
  73. <subNodes><!-- Insertion hook for modders --><li Class="ThinkNode_SubtreesByTag"><insertTag>Humanlike_PostDuty</insertTag></li><li Class="Hospitality.ThinkNode_InGuestArea"><invert>true</invert><subNodes><li Class="Hospitality.JobGiver_GotoGuestArea" /></subNodes></li><li Class="Hospitality.ThinkNode_FilterGuestRooms"><subNodes><!-- Insertion hook for modders --><li Class="ThinkNode_SubtreesByTag"><insertTag>Humanlike_PreMain</insertTag></li><li Class="ThinkNode_PrioritySorter"><subNodes><li Class="JobGiver_GetFood" /><li Class="Hospitality.JobGiver_Sleep" /><li Class="Hospitality.JobGiver_Relax" /></subNodes></li><li Class="Hospitality.ThinkNode_ConditionalWantsToHelp"><subNodes><li Class="JobGiver_Work" /></subNodes></li><!-- Insertion hook for modders --><li Class="ThinkNode_SubtreesByTag"><insertTag>Humanlike_PostMain</insertTag></li><li Class="ThinkNode_ConditionalRandom"><subNodes><li Class="JobGiver_StandAndBeSociallyActive" /></subNodes></li><!-- Wander --><li Class="JobGiver_WanderColony"><maxDanger>None</maxDanger></li></subNodes></li></subNodes>
  75. Could not find a type named Hospitality.InteractionWorker_GuestDiplomacy
  77. Could not find a type named Hospitality.InteractionWorker_CharmGuestAttempt
  79. Could not find a type named Hospitality.JobDriver_CharmGuest
  81. Could not find a type named Hospitality.JobDriver_GuestImproveRelationship
  83. Could not find a type named Hospitality.JobDriver_BuyItem
  85. Could not find a type named Hospitality.JobDriver_BrowseItems
  87. Could not find a type named Hospitality.JoyGiver_BuyFood
  89. Could not find a type named Hospitality.JoyGiver_BuyStuff
  91. Could not find a type named Hospitality.RoomRoleWorker_GuestRoom
  93. Could not find a type named Hospitality.StatWorker_RelationshipDamage
  95. Could not find a type named Hospitality.StatWorker_RecruitEffectivity
  97. Could not find a type named Hospitality.IncidentWorker_VisitorGroup
  99. Could not find a type named Hospitality.VisitorFlag
  101. Could not find a type named Hospitality.ThoughtWorker_Expectations
  103. Could not find a type named Hospitality.ThoughtWorker_Beds
  105. Could not find a type named Hospitality.WorkGiver_Recruiter
  107. Could not find a type named Hospitality.WorkGiver_Diplomat
  109. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Artistic</li><li>Social</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  111. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Social</li><li>Artistic</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  113. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>ManualSkilled</li><li>Crafting</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  115. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  117. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  119. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>ManualSkilled</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  121. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>ManualSkilled</li><li>Crafting</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  123. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Caring</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  125. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Intellectual</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  127. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Mining</li><li>ManualSkilled</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  129. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  131. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  133. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  135. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  137. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Intellectual</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  139. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Social</li><li>Animals</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  141. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>PlantWork</li><li>ManualSkilled</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  143. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Caring</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  145. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  147. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Social</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  149. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  151. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Social</li><li>Caring</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  153. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Cooking</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  155. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  157. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>PlantWork</li><li>ManualSkilled</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  159. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  161. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  163. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Social</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  165. XML error: <requiredWorkTags><li>Social</li></requiredWorkTags> doesn't correspond to any field in type BackstoryDef.
  167. Exception loading from System.Xml.XmlElement: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator ---> System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  168. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  169. at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  170. at Harmony.AccessTools+<>c.<TypeByName>b__1_0 (System.Reflection.Assembly x) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  171. at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectManyIterator>c__Iterator12`2[System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  172. at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  173. at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  174. at Harmony.AccessTools.TypeByName (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  175. at AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  176. --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  177. at AlienRace.GeneralSettings..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  178. at AlienRace.ThingDef_AlienRace+AlienSettings..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  179. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
  180. at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  181. --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  182. at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  183. at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke (BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  184. at System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  185. at System.Activator.CreateInstance (System.Type type, Boolean nonPublic) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  186. at System.Activator.CreateInstance (System.Type type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  187. at Verse.DirectXmlToObject.ObjectFromXml[AlienSettings] (System.Xml.XmlNode xmlRoot, Boolean doPostLoad) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  188. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
  189. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  190. --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  191. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  192. at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  193. at Verse.DirectXmlToObject.ObjectFromXml[ThingDef_AlienRace] (System.Xml.XmlNode xmlRoot, Boolean doPostLoad) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  195. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Turret_Mortar.label
  197. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Turret_Mortar.description
  199. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Turret_Mortar_Blueprint.label
  201. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Turret_Mortar_Frame.label
  203. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Artillery_Mortar.label
  205. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Artillery_Mortar.description
  207. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Turret_Mortar.label
  209. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Turret_Mortar.description
  211. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Turret_Mortar_Blueprint.label
  213. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Turret_Mortar_Frame.label
  215. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Artillery_Mortar.label
  217. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Artillery_Mortar.description
  219. Error while resolving references for def Alien_Orassan: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  220. at AlienRace.ThingDef_AlienRace.ResolveReferences () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  221. at Verse.DefDatabase`1[AlienRace.ThingDef_AlienRace].ResolveAllReferences (Boolean onlyExactlyMyType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  223. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Wealth.graphLabelY in RimWorld.HistoryAutoRecorderGroupDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field graphLabelY does not exist in type RimWorld.HistoryAutoRecorderGroupDef.
  224. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  226. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Population.graphLabelY in RimWorld.HistoryAutoRecorderGroupDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field graphLabelY does not exist in type RimWorld.HistoryAutoRecorderGroupDef.
  227. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  229. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path ColonistMood.graphLabelY in RimWorld.HistoryAutoRecorderGroupDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field graphLabelY does not exist in type RimWorld.HistoryAutoRecorderGroupDef.
  230. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  232. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RoomStatDef named SurgerySuccessChanceFactor to match SurgerySuccessChanceFactor.label
  234. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RulePackDef named NamerFactionPlayerRandomized to match NamerFactionPlayerRandomized.rulePack.rulesStrings.0
  236. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path NamerFactionOutlander.rulePack.rulesStrings.11 in Verse.RulePackDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Trying to translate Verse.RulePackDef.NamerFactionOutlander.rulePack.rulesStrings.11 at index 11 but the original list only has 11 entries (so the max index is 10).
  237. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  239. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path NamerFactionOutlander.rulePack.rulesStrings.12 in Verse.RulePackDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Trying to translate Verse.RulePackDef.NamerFactionOutlander.rulePack.rulesStrings.12 at index 12 but the original list only has 11 entries (so the max index is 10).
  240. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  242. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path NamerFactionOutlander.rulePack.rulesStrings.13 in Verse.RulePackDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Trying to translate Verse.RulePackDef.NamerFactionOutlander.rulePack.rulesStrings.13 at index 13 but the original list only has 11 entries (so the max index is 10).
  243. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  245. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named StonecuttingSpeed to match StonecuttingSpeed.label
  247. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named StonecuttingSpeed to match StonecuttingSpeed.description
  249. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named MeleeWeapon_DamageAmount to match MeleeWeapon_DamageAmount.label
  251. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named MeleeWeapon_DamageAmount to match MeleeWeapon_DamageAmount.description
  253. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named MeleeWeapon_Cooldown to match MeleeWeapon_Cooldown.label
  255. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named MeleeWeapon_Cooldown to match MeleeWeapon_Cooldown.description
  257. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableShort_Blueprint_Install to match TableShort_Blueprint_Install.label
  259. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableLong_Blueprint_Install to match TableLong_Blueprint_Install.label
  261. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named FueledGenerator_Blueprint to match FueledGenerator_Blueprint.label
  263. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named FueledGenerator_Frame to match FueledGenerator_Frame.label
  265. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Turret_MortarBomb_Blueprint_Install to match Turret_MortarBomb_Blueprint_Install.label
  267. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Turret_MortarIncendiary_Blueprint_Install to match Turret_MortarIncendiary_Blueprint_Install.label
  269. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Turret_MortarEMP_Blueprint_Install to match Turret_MortarEMP_Blueprint_Install.label
  271. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named ColonistAbandoned to match ColonistAbandoned.stages.0.label
  273. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named ColonistAbandoned to match ColonistAbandoned.stages.0.description
  275. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named ColonistAbandonedToDie to match ColonistAbandonedToDie.stages.0.label
  277. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named ColonistAbandonedToDie to match ColonistAbandonedToDie.stages.0.description
  279. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named PrisonerAbandonedToDie to match PrisonerAbandonedToDie.stages.0.label
  281. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named PrisonerAbandonedToDie to match PrisonerAbandonedToDie.stages.0.description
  283. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named BondedAnimalAbandoned to match BondedAnimalAbandoned.stages.0.label
  285. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named BondedAnimalAbandoned to match BondedAnimalAbandoned.stages.0.description
  287. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.label
  289. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.description
  291. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.label
  293. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.description
  295. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.label
  297. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.description
  299. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.label
  301. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.description
  303. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.label
  305. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.description
  307. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.label
  309. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.description
  311. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.label
  313. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.description
  315. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.label
  317. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.description
  319. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.label
  321. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.description
  323. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.label
  325. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.description
  327. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.label
  329. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.description
  331. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.label
  333. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.description
  335. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.label
  337. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.description
  339. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.label
  341. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.description
  343. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.label
  345. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.description
  347. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.label
  349. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.description
  351. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.label
  353. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.description
  355. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named PatientGoToBedEmergency to match PatientGoToBedEmergency.label
  357. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named PatientGoToBedEmergency to match PatientGoToBedEmergency.verb
  359. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named PatientGoToBedEmergency to match PatientGoToBedEmergency.gerund
  361. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named PatientGoToBed to match PatientGoToBed.label
  363. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named PatientGoToBed to match PatientGoToBed.verb
  365. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named PatientGoToBed to match PatientGoToBed.gerund
  367. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.WorkTypeDef named PatientEmergency to match PatientEmergency.labelShort
  369. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.WorkTypeDef named PatientEmergency to match PatientEmergency.description
  371. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.WorkTypeDef named PatientEmergency to match PatientEmergency.pawnLabel
  373. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.WorkTypeDef named PatientEmergency to match PatientEmergency.gerundLabel
  375. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.WorkTypeDef named PatientEmergency to match PatientEmergency.verb
  377. Couldn't load backstory SpaceTraveler4: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier SpaceTraveler4
  378. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  379. Full XML text:
  381. <SpaceTraveler4>
  382. <title>Viajante espacial</title>
  383. <titleShort>Espacial</titleShort>
  384. <desc>NAME deixou sua casa para trás, se voltando para as estrelas. Ele trabalhou seu caminho de planeta para planeta, assumindo os trabalhos que ele poderia encontrar para ganhar passagem para a frente, raramente ficava com uma nave por muito tempo. Eventualmente ele obteve sua própria nave e gradualmente atraiu uma tripulação silenciosa mas eficaz.</desc>
  385. </SpaceTraveler4>
  387. Couldn't load backstory ShunnedGirl18: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ShunnedGirl18
  388. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  389. Full XML text:
  391. <ShunnedGirl18>
  392. <title>Menina afastada</title>
  393. <titleShort>Afastada</titleShort>
  394. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família pequena e pobre. Ela foi intimidada implacavelmente, espancada e odiada. Quando ela cresceu, ela desenvolveu um interesse em armas de fogo. Ela geralmente estudava nos livros, mas ocasionalmente conseguiu obter algum tempo de prática com a coisa real. NAME mais tarde descobriu um talento para a arte e começou a se ensinar como desenhar e pintar.</desc>
  395. </ShunnedGirl18>
  397. Couldn't load backstory ArtStudent43: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ArtStudent43
  398. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  399. Full XML text:
  401. <ArtStudent43>
  402. <title>Estudante de arte</title>
  403. <titleShort>Artista</titleShort>
  404. <desc>Depois de anos de prática, NAME foi capaz de se matricular em uma universidade de arte e levar suas habilidades ainda mais. Ela procurou trabalhar na indústria da arte depois de se formar com boas notas. Ela fez alguns progressos com as comissões privadas, conseguindo fazer uma vida digna de sua arte.</desc>
  405. </ArtStudent43>
  407. Couldn't load backstory ToxicChild46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ToxicChild46
  408. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  409. Full XML text:
  411. <ToxicChild46>
  412. <title>Criança tóxica</title>
  413. <titleShort>Tóxica</titleShort>
  414. <desc>Crescendo em um planeta industrial, NAME começou a trabalhar em uma fábrica de produtos químicos com a idade de seis anos. Anos de exposição a toxinas industriais lhe deixaram com cicatrizes físicas e mentais. HECAP eventualmente explodiu a instalação e escapou do planeta em uma nave de carga roubada.</desc>
  415. </ToxicChild46>
  417. Couldn't load backstory CriminalTinker97: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CriminalTinker97
  418. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  419. Full XML text:
  421. <CriminalTinker97>
  422. <title>Funileiro criminal</title>
  423. <titleShort>Funileiro</titleShort>
  424. <desc>NAME se juntou a uma tripulação de mercenários, ajudando a manter o reator de fusão deles e armas nucleares. HECAP rapidamente se tornou a mão direita de seu líder e assumiu quando surgiu a oportunidade, conectando o chuveiro do líder ao ácido de eliminação de resíduos da nave.</desc>
  425. </CriminalTinker97>
  427. Couldn't load backstory Dreamer99: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Dreamer99
  428. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  429. Full XML text:
  431. <Dreamer99>
  432. <title>Sonhador</title>
  433. <titleShort>Sonhador</titleShort>
  434. <desc>Desde que seu pai esteve frequentemente ausente, NAME assumiu o papel de homem da casa. Ele aprendeu o valor do trabalho duro, mas nunca teve realmente uma infância.
  436. Todos os dias, NAME sonhava em deixar sua casa e explorar novos mundos.</desc>
  437. </Dreamer99>
  439. Couldn't load backstory PirateSurveyor66: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier PirateSurveyor66
  440. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  441. Full XML text:
  443. <PirateSurveyor66>
  444. <title>Pirata agrimensor</title>
  445. <titleShort>Agrimensor</titleShort>
  446. <desc>Como um agrimensor para Geotek Corporation, o trabalho de NAME era procurar novos locais de salvamento. No entanto, seu verdadeiro desejo era encontrar um artefato antigo entre as ruínas para vender no mercado negro.
  448. Quando ele finalmente tropeçou em um, a empresa tentou recuperá-lo à força. NAME escapou com sua recompensa e começou uma vida de pirataria.</desc>
  449. </PirateSurveyor66>
  451. Couldn't load backstory StarSquire21: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier StarSquire21
  452. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  453. Full XML text:
  455. <StarSquire21>
  456. <title>Escudeiro estrelar</title>
  457. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  458. <desc>Nascido em um mundo medieval, a primeira memória de NAME é olhar para o céu da noite.
  460. Desde então, HE sonhou com escoltamento para um cavaleiro entre os céus cheios de estrelas. Seu foco nesta visão lhe deixou um pouco único de espírito.</desc>
  461. </StarSquire21>
  463. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryChild34: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryChild34
  464. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  465. Full XML text:
  467. <MilitaryChild34>
  468. <title>Criança militar</title>
  469. <titleShort>Militar</titleShort>
  470. <desc>NAME cresceu em uma família com um rico fundo militar. Seus anos de adolescência foram gastos em sistema de viagem para o sistema onde seus pais foram implantados.
  472. HECAP se alistou aos 18 anos, seguindo a tradição de sua família.</desc>
  473. </MilitaryChild34>
  475. Couldn't load backstory AWOLSoldier46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier AWOLSoldier46
  476. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  477. Full XML text:
  479. <AWOLSoldier46>
  480. <title>Soldado ASLO</title>
  481. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  482. <desc>NAME era um soldado de infantaria.
  484. Quando HECAP foi informado de sua atribuição para a Guerra de Xennoa-Zartza, HECAP decidiu que não queria ser um soldado. Ele foi capaz de escapar via jato espacial militar.</desc>
  485. </AWOLSoldier46>
  487. Couldn't load backstory FallenOfficial88: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FallenOfficial88
  488. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  489. Full XML text:
  491. <FallenOfficial88>
  492. <title>Oficial caído</title>
  493. <titleShort>Oficial</titleShort>
  494. <desc>NAME era um funcionário de um governo autocrático.
  496. Quando seus superiores exigiram que HE participasse de atrocidades, NAME se demitiu e escapou de seu mundo natal com nada além das roupas em suas costas.</desc>
  497. </FallenOfficial88>
  499. Couldn't load backstory Squire51: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Squire51
  500. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  501. Full XML text:
  503. <Squire51>
  504. <title>Escudeiro</title>
  505. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  506. <desc>Nascido de uma família nobre em um mundo medieval, NAME se tornou um escudeiro. Seu treinamento envolveu falcoaria, esgrima e luta livre - muitas vezes feito usando armadura.
  508. Em batalha, seu trabalho era garantir que os cavaleiros fossem atendidos e a armadura deles fosse bem polida.</desc>
  509. </Squire51>
  511. Couldn't load backstory Knight23: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Knight23
  512. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  513. Full XML text:
  515. <Knight23>
  516. <title>Cavaleiro</title>
  517. <titleShort>Cavaleiro</titleShort>
  518. <desc>Quando NAME veio de idade, foi dada uma espada abençoada por um sumo sacerdote.
  520. Sua determinação e foco na batalha lhe estabeleceu como um cavaleiro. Ao longo de seu tempo, suas histórias foram contadas em arte e folclore. Por humildade, HE nunca contou as histórias por si próprio.</desc>
  521. </Knight23>
  523. Couldn't load backstory JoywireAddict71: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier JoywireAddict71
  524. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  525. Full XML text:
  527. <JoywireAddict71>
  528. <title>Viciado(a) ara. da alegria</title>
  529. <titleShort>Viciado(a)</titleShort>
  530. <desc>Os pais ricos de NAME forneceram tudo o que HE sempre quis. Depois de descobrir arames da alegria, HE ficou obcecado(a). Quando seus pais perceberam o que aconteceu, eles lhe cortaram fora.
  532. Indiferente e muitas vezes violenta(a), HE procurou seu próximo arame da alegria fixo por qualquer meio possível.</desc>
  533. </JoywireAddict71>
  535. Couldn't load backstory ChildChemist73: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ChildChemist73
  536. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  537. Full XML text:
  539. <ChildChemist73>
  540. <title>Químico(a) infantil</title>
  541. <titleShort>Químico(a)</titleShort>
  542. <desc>Uma criança do mundo médio, NAME foi fixado(a) em descobrir exatamente como tudo funcionava.
  544. HECAP coletou objetos raros e realizou experimentos perigosos neles. Aprofundando nestas experiências, HE se tornou isolado(a) do resto do mundo. HECAP só deixou sua área de pesquisa para coletar mais materiais.</desc>
  545. </ChildChemist73>
  547. Couldn't load backstory DischargedSoldier36: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier DischargedSoldier36
  548. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  549. Full XML text:
  551. <DischargedSoldier36>
  552. <title>Soldado descarregado</title>
  553. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  554. <desc>NAME se prostituiu para financiar seus hábitos de drogas. Como uma fuga, HE se juntou às forças armadas e aprendeu a lutar.
  556. Muito esperto para o exército, HE questionava e muitas vezes discordava das decisões de seus superiores. Isto eventualmente levou a sua dispensa desonrosa lhe deixou com um chip em seu ombro.</desc>
  557. </DischargedSoldier36>
  559. Couldn't load backstory MidworldLoner78: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MidworldLoner78
  560. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  561. Full XML text:
  563. <MidworldLoner78>
  564. <title>Solitário do m. médio</title>
  565. <titleShort>Solitário</titleShort>
  566. <desc>Nascido em um mundo médio escassamente povoado, NAME tinha alguns amigos. HECAP preferiu prosseguir suas paixões na solidão, quer se trate de consertar com sua motocicleta, assistir vidcasts longos sobre a nova tecnologia, ou alinhar suas figurinhas e derrubá-las com sua arma de pelota.</desc>
  567. </MidworldLoner78>
  569. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryGunsmith58: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryGunsmith58
  570. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  571. Full XML text:
  573. <MilitaryGunsmith58>
  574. <title>Armeiro militar</title>
  575. <titleShort>Armeiro</titleShort>
  576. <desc>Inspirado por um pedaço de propaganda particularmente evocativo, NAME se inscreveu para os militares na esperança de encontrar a glória. Para sua consternação, no entanto, seus testes de aptidão lhe colocaram na loja de máquinas em vez de na linha de frente.
  578. Mais tarde, quando ele viu as filas de sacos de corpos voltando para casa, ele mais tarde percebeu o quão sortudo ele era.</desc>
  579. </MilitaryGunsmith58>
  581. Couldn't load backstory CaravanTraveler8: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CaravanTraveler8
  582. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  583. Full XML text:
  585. <CaravanTraveler8>
  586. <title>Viajante de caravana</title>
  587. <titleShort>Viajante</titleShort>
  588. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família nômade de comerciantes de caravana em um mundo isolado. Seu pai, o líder da caravana, lhe ensinou o comércio de caravana. Como ele era capaz de trocar ou caçar toda a sua comida, ele nunca teve que se preocupar em fazer qualquer trabalho agrícola.
  590. Mais tarde, seu pai se aposentou para uma fazenda e ofereceu a NAME a posição de líder da caravana.</desc>
  591. </CaravanTraveler8>
  593. Couldn't load backstory Caravaneer75: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Caravaneer75
  594. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  595. Full XML text:
  597. <Caravaneer75>
  598. <title>Caravaneiro</title>
  599. <titleShort>Caravaneiro</titleShort>
  600. <desc>NAME foi o líder de uma caravana de comércio nômade. Era seu dever negociar acordos comerciais e assegurar a segurança de sua caravana de salteadores e bandidos de estrada. Ele se tornou um mestre na gestão de mercadorias, traçando rotas, e marcando bons negócios.</desc>
  601. </Caravaneer75>
  603. Active Terrain Framework initialized. This mod uses Harmony (all patches are non-destructive): Verse.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain, Verse.TerrainGrid.RemoveTopLayer, Verse.MouseoverReadout.MouseoverReadoutOnGUI
  605. Could not execute post-long-event action. Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for AlienRace.HarmonyPatches ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  606. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches+<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<.cctor>b__0 (AlienRace.ThingDef_AlienRace ar) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  607. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[AlienRace.ThingDef_AlienRace].ForEach (System.Action`1 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  608. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  609. --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  610. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:RunClassConstructor (intptr)
  611. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor (RuntimeTypeHandle type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  612. at Verse.StaticConstructorOnStartupUtility.CallAll () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  613. at Verse.PlayDataLoader.<DoPlayLoad>m__2 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  614. at Verse.LongEventHandler.ExecuteToExecuteWhenFinished () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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