
Rough Draft The Formation of Fear

Jan 29th, 2017
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  1. This is my first deep space exploration contract with the Explorers League. I've been curious about getting an exploration gig for a bit now. I know my wife is thrilled that I can put my skills to better use as an amateur explorer, than a mercenary for hire for the Mega Corp of which we live in.
  3. The corporations wars are eternal but they need each other if they believe it or not. Competition is needed. The advances we've seen in the last hundred or so years have surely been of benefit from this competition.
  5. After some discussion with my wife we decided that it would be best if she stayed behind for my first trip outside of the Corporate Civilization bubbles. The galaxy is a wild place and I have a very nice ship. I was worried about pirates more than anything. I'll test the waters see if I'm harassed any. I've installed several ship id masking devices.
  7. From a distance anyone should think I'm in a ratty old vessel with no room for cargo or equipment of any kind. Keeping out of visual range is actually a pretty important skill out in the reaches of the bubble. Granted most of the time I will only be in any given system for but a moments time between jumps.
  9. I had some dirty jump drives installed before I departed the station. The dirty drives fire up quick, burn a lot of fuel, very loud in the cockpit and cabin areas but they get the job done much quicker than a typical clean jump drive. Also highly illegal, but most corp cops have bigger concerns than the drives my ship is using.
  11. My first target was the Elephant Trunk Nebula. Seemed like a decent place for some good eye candy and hopefully some interesting planet and star bodies to survey.
  13. However,up arrival it seems most systems have nav beacons tucked nicely in the orbit of their stars. It's still worth dropping probes at any Earth-Like or Water-Worlds. Though the payout is not nearly as high if you're the first to discover any given body in space. On this trip I'm mostly focused on Earth-Like worlds as they have the highest payout from the Explorers League which in turn sells to the highest bidder between the Corporations. Granted the corp can still go to war over any given planet but lately they have been playing nice with each other and following regulations they themselves layed out in the Exploration Treaty 20 years ago.
  15. I would like to thank the ships log for allowing me to talk to something other than myself. I will be signing off here I'm just outside the Elephant Trunk Nebula headed to a new destination roughly two thousand light years out. The Heart and Soul Nebula's. Truly breathe taking nebula's. Looking forward to seeing each of them inside and out. This is Wizard signing off.
  17. Hello once again ships log. It has been a few days since I last said a word aloud. I felt the need to talk. I'm currently making my way steadily to the Heart and Soul Nebula's. I've noticed what I think is a very, very large formation of hypergiants coming into view on my HUD. The formation looks massive. I've been trying to locate it on my stellar cartographer with no luck. Almost every star is mapped in this region of space. The planets and such don't have detailed information hence why I'm here exploring in search of earth-likes. This formation of what I think is hypergiants is truly puzzling to me. I keep catching myself in open mouthed gazes of wonder.
  19. I would like to ask the ships computer to dispatch this log via subspace channels to my contacts at the Explorers League. One final note to include in my dispatched logs. I've discovered several Earth Likes and potential metal worlds. I've dispatched an array of probes at each world of interest. The probes should be sending their final analysis in a few days. Wizard signing out.
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