
model specs2 tests run from sbt

Dec 18th, 2014
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  1. > project
  2. [info] model (in build file:/C:/Users/pakkio/parallelai~wallet/data-manager/)
  3. > reload
  4. [info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\pakkio\.sbt\0.13\plugins
  5. [info] Loading project definition from C:\Users\pakkio\parallelai~wallet\data-manager\project
  6. [info] Set current project to model (in build file:/C:/Users/pakkio/parallelai~wallet/data-manager
  7. > test
  8. [info] Compiling 8 Scala sources to C:\Users\pakkio\parallelai~wallet\data-manager\model\target\sc
  9. SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
  10. SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
  11. SLF4J: See for further details.
  12. [info] MongoAdsDAOSpec
  13. [info]
  14. [info] Advertising handling should
  15. [info] + counting ads for brand
  16. [info] + get single ads
  17. [info] + delete an ad
  18. [info]
  19. [info] Total for specification MongoAdsDAOSpec
  20. [info] Finished in 102 ms
  21. [info] 3 examples, 0 failure, 0 error
  22. [info] MongoHintDAOSpec
  23. [info]
  24. [info] initialization should
  25. [info] + have produces enough instances to play on
  26. [info]
  27. [info] asking for not existent userid, brand should
  28. [info] + find empty list for strange userid
  29. [info]
  30. [info] asking for an existent user with 10 hints should
  31. [info] + find 10 hints for first user and 10 asked
  32. [info] + find 10 hints for first user and 20 asked
  33. [info] + find 5 hints for first user and 5 asked
  34. [info]
  35. [info] with an existent user with 3 hints should
  36. [info] + find 3 hints for first user and 10 asked
  37. [info]
  38. [info] Total for specification MongoHintDAOSpec
  39. [info] Finished in 41 ms
  40. [info] 6 examples, 0 failure, 0 error
  41. [info] MongoMediaDAOSpec
  42. [info]
  43. [info] MongoMediaDAO should
  44. [info] + Create a new Media content and allow to retrieve it
  45. [info] + Retrieve the same content of the new created file
  46. [info] + find by name
  47. [info] + delete a file
  48. [info]
  49. [info] Total for specification MongoMediaDAOSpec
  50. [info] Finished in 545 ms
  51. [info] 4 examples, 0 failure, 0 error
  52. [info] UserAccountMongoDAOSpec
  53. [info]
  54. [info] UserAccountMongoDAO should
  55. [info] + Save and retrieve a user account
  56. [info] + Find account by application ID
  57. [info] + Don't find anything with wrong ID
  58. [info] + Not Find account using wrong application ID
  59. [info] + Find by email
  60. [info] + Find by email filtering with active status
  61. [info] + Find by application_id filtering with active status
  62. [info] + Find by any of id, email, application id
  63. [info] + Find by any of id, email, application id, passing only one param
  64. [info] + Delete by ID
  65. [info] + Set account active
  66. [info]
  67. [info] Total for specification UserAccountMongoDAOSpec
  68. [info] Finished in 14 seconds, 755 ms
  69. [info] 11 examples, 0 failure, 0 error
  70. [info] MongoBrandDAOSpec
  71. [info]
  72. [info] BrandMongoDAO should
  73. [info] + create and retrieve a brand with a generated id
  74. [info] + can delete one instance
  75. [info] + can delete all instances
  76. [info]
  77. [info] BrandInteractionsMongoDAO should
  78. [info] + add an interaction
  79. [info] + get it back
  80. [info] + get list of interactions
  81. [info] + delete interaction
  82. [info]
  83. [info] Total for specification MongoBrandDAOSpec
  84. [info] Finished in 295 ms
  85. [info] 7 examples, 0 failure, 0 error
  86. [info] ClientApplicationMongoDAOSpec
  87. [info]
  88. [info] ClientApplicationMongoDAO should
  89. [info] + Find a user's application
  90. [info] + Find a user by app id
  91. [info] + Update an application
  92. [info] + Add a new application to an existing user, shoud be in the DB
  93. [info] + Load an account with two apps
  94. [info] + Add a new application to an existing user, should be associeted to the user
  95. [info]
  96. [info] Total for specification ClientApplicationMongoDAOSpec
  97. [info] Finished in 7 seconds, 896 ms
  98. [info] 6 examples, 0 failure, 0 error
  99. [info] Passed: Total 37, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 37
  100. [success] Total time: 46 s, completed 19-dic-2014 0.59.23
  101. >
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