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Mar 31st, 2020
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  1. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() --Difines the "library" at the stat so everything works!
  2. local Window = library:CreateWindow('Example Window') --This will make the window, the thing you can drag on your screen so that you can add things onto it
  3. Window:Section('Top') -- Adds the words "Top" as the first option
  4. local Toggle = Window:Toggle('Example Toggle', {flag = "toggle1"})
  5. local Button = Window:Button("Example Button", function()
  6. --Everything inside will be ran when the button is pressed
  7. print(Window.flags.toggle1) -- This will print out the status of the toggle (true / false)
  8. end)
  9. w:Section('Middle') --Middle section is placed in the GUI
  10. local old = workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView --Sets the current Field of view as a variable that can be used later
  11. local Slider = Window:Slider("FOV", { --Creates a slider for the Field of view
  12. min = math.floor(workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView); --You cannot go below the minimum set
  13. max = 120; --This is the maximum number you can get
  14. flag = 'fov' --Flag // Variable
  15. }, function(v)
  16. -- "v" is the value that changes (Variable, the new number of the slider)
  17. workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = v; --Sets the new field of view
  18. end)
  19. local Button2 = Window:Button('Reset FOV', function()
  20. --Same as the other button, everything inside is ran on the button press
  21. Slider:Set(old) --This will set the current Slider variable to the "old" variable that was given before
  22. end)
  23. Window:Section('Bottom') --Final section made called "Bottom"
  25. local Box = Window:Box('WalkSpeed', { --Box, you can type any number and it will set the walkspeed to that
  26. flag = "ws";
  27. type = 'number';
  28. --[[
  29. You can also add
  30. max = 100 (Maximum number)
  31. min = 0 (Minimum number you'd like to have)
  32. ]]
  33. }, function(new, old, enter)
  34. print(new, old, enter) --new is the new value, old is the value before the chang, enter is uhm idk
  35. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(new) --Sets the walkspeed to the new value you've entered
  36. end)
  37. --Both Searchbox and Dropdown do not require a `local x = ` to define the variable
  38. Window:SearchBox("gamers", {
  39. location = shared;
  40. flag = "memes"; --This will be Window.flags.memes
  41. list = {
  42. "kiriot";
  43. "magikmanz";
  44. "gamer vision";
  45. "ironbrew";
  46. "wally";
  47. "firefox";
  48. "this is epic";
  49. }
  50. }, function()
  51. warn(Window.flags.memes) --Prints the value you've selected
  52. end)
  54. Window:Dropdown("locations", {
  55. location = _G; --You'd call this by doing _G.memes
  56. flag = "memes"; --As the location is not Window.flags.memes, it is easily called with _G.memes that is sometimes easier to remember
  57. list = {
  58. "jewelryin";
  59. "jewelryout";
  60. 'bank';
  61. 'gas';
  62. 'prison';
  63. 'crimbase1';
  64. 'crimbase2';
  65. }
  66. }, function(new)
  67. warn(new)
  68. print(_G.memes)
  69. end)
  71. Window:Bind("Kill Player", {
  72. flag = "killbind";
  73. kbonly = true;
  74. default = Enum.KeyCode.RightAlt; --The default key is "RightAlt" and that can be changed by the user at any time!
  75. }, function()
  76. --This the script below will run every time the key is pressed.
  77. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:BreakJoints()
  78. end)
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