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Jan 15th, 2017
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  1. qutebrowser --backend=webengine --debug
  2. 11:19:17 DEBUG init earlyinit:init_log:327 Log initialized.
  3. 11:19:17 DEBUG init earlyinit:fix_harfbuzz:203 Using system harfbuzz engine (auto)
  4. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:__init__:751 Qt arguments: ['/usr/bin/qutebrowser'], based on Namespace(backend='webengine', basedir=None, color=True, command=[], debug=True, debug_exit=False, enable_webengine_inspector=False, force_color=False, harfbuzz='auto', json_args=None, json_logging=False, logfilter=None, loglevel='info', loglines=2000, no_err_windows=False, nowindow=False, override_restore=False, pdb_postmortem=False, qt_arg=None, qt_flag=None, relaxed_config=False, session=None, target=None, temp_basedir=False, temp_basedir_restarted=None, temp_settings=[], url=[], version=False)
  5. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:__init__:754 Initializing application...
  6. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:run:80 Initializing directories...
  7. 11:19:18 DEBUG init standarddir:init:203 Base directory: None
  8. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for CacheLocation: /home/stephan/.cache/qutebrowser
  9. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  10. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for CacheLocation: /home/stephan/.cache/qutebrowser
  11. 11:19:18 WARNING qt Unknown module:none:0 QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-stephan'
  12. File "/usr/bin/qutebrowser", line 11, in <module>
  13. load_entry_point('qutebrowser==0.9.0', 'gui_scripts', 'qutebrowser')()
  14. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 169, in main
  15. return
  16. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 98, in run
  17. server = ipc.send_or_listen(args)
  18. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qutebrowser/misc/", line 525, in send_or_listen
  19. socketname = _get_socketname(args.basedir)
  20. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qutebrowser/misc/", line 65, in _get_socketname
  21. target_dir = standarddir.runtime()
  22. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qutebrowser/utils/", line 117, in runtime
  23. path = _writable_location(typ)
  24. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qutebrowser/utils/", line 141, in _writable_location
  25. path = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(typ)
  26. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qutebrowser/utils/", line 457, in qt_message_handler
  27. stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack())
  29. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for RuntimeLocation: /tmp/runtime-stephan
  30. 11:19:18 DEBUG ipc ipc:_has_legacy_server:424 Trying to connect to qutebrowser-stephan
  31. 11:19:18 DEBUG ipc ipc:_has_legacy_server:431 Socket error: QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name (2)
  32. 11:19:18 DEBUG ipc ipc:send_to_running_instance:471 Connecting to /tmp/runtime-stephan/qutebrowser/ipc-bf1f92de980819a99356289142b9590d
  33. 11:19:18 DEBUG ipc ipc:send_to_running_instance:504 No existing instance present (error 0)
  34. 11:19:18 DEBUG init ipc:send_or_listen:534 Starting IPC server...
  35. 11:19:18 DEBUG ipc ipc:__init__:192 Not calling setSocketOptions
  36. 11:19:18 DEBUG ipc ipc:listen:203 Listening as /tmp/runtime-stephan/qutebrowser/ipc-bf1f92de980819a99356289142b9590d
  37. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:init:132 Starting init...
  38. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:378 Initializing prompts...
  39. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:381 Initializing save manager...
  40. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:386 Initializing network...
  42. 11:19:18 DEBUG init networkmanager:init:110 Disabling bad ciphers: ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, ECDHE-ECDSA-RC4-SHA, ECDH-RSA-RC4-SHA, ECDH-ECDSA-RC4-SHA, RC4-SHA, RC4-MD5
  43. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:389 Initializing readline-bridge...
  44. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:393 Initializing config...
  45. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  46. 11:19:18 DEBUG init ini:__init__:54 Reading config from /home/stephan/.config/qutebrowser/qutebrowser.conf
  47. 11:19:18 DEBUG config config:_transform_hint_color:288 Transforming hint value black
  48. 11:19:18 DEBUG config config:_transform_hint_color:288 Transforming hint value qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(255, 247, 133, 0.8), stop:1 rgba(255, 197, 66, 0.8))
  49. 11:19:18 DEBUG config config:_transform_hint_color:288 Transforming hint value green
  50. 11:19:18 DEBUG url urlutils:get_path_if_valid:360 Checking if '' is a path
  51. 11:19:18 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:193 URL is a fuzzy address
  52. 11:19:18 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:196 Converting fuzzy term '' to URL ->
  53. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  54. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  55. 11:19:18 DEBUG init keyconf:__init__:99 Loaded bindings: OrderedDict([('!normal', OrderedDict([('<escape>', 'leave-mode'), ('<ctrl-[>', 'leave-mode')])), ('normal', OrderedDict([('<escape>', 'clear-keychain ;; search'), ('o', 'set-cmd-text -s :open'), ('go', 'set-cmd-text :open {url:pretty}'), ('O', 'set-cmd-text -s :open -t'), ('gO', 'set-cmd-text :open -t {url:pretty}'), ('xo', 'set-cmd-text -s :open -b'), ('xO', 'set-cmd-text :open -b {url:pretty}'), ('wo', 'set-cmd-text -s :open -w'), ('wO', 'set-cmd-text :open -w {url:pretty}'), ('ga', 'open -t'), ('<ctrl-t>', 'open -t'), ('<ctrl-n>', 'open -w'), ('d', 'tab-close'), ('<ctrl-w>', 'tab-close'), ('D', 'tab-close -o'), ('co', 'tab-only'), ('J', 'tab-focus'), ('<ctrl-pgdown>', 'tab-focus'), ('gm', 'tab-move'), ('gl', 'tab-move -'), ('gr', 'tab-move +'), ('K', 'tab-prev'), ('<ctrl-pgup>', 'tab-prev'), ('gC', 'tab-clone'), ('r', 'reload'), ('<f5>', 'reload'), ('R', 'reload -f'), ('<ctrl-f5>', 'reload -f'), ('H', 'back'), ('th', 'back -t'), ('wh', 'back -w'), ('L', 'forward'), ('tl', 'forward -t'), ('wl', 'forward -w'), ('<f11>', 'fullscreen'), ('f', 'hint'), ('F', 'hint all tab'), ('wf', 'hint all window'), (';b', 'hint all tab-bg'), (';f', 'hint all tab-fg'), (';h', 'hint all hover'), (';i', 'hint images'), (';I', 'hint images tab'), (';o', 'hint links fill :open {hint-url}'), (';O', 'hint links fill :open -t {hint-url}'), (';y', 'hint links yank'), (';Y', 'hint links yank-primary'), (';r', 'hint --rapid links tab-bg'), (';R', 'hint --rapid links window'), (';d', 'hint links download'), (';t', 'hint inputs'), ('h', 'scroll left'), ('j', 'scroll down'), ('k', 'scroll up'), ('l', 'scroll right'), ('u', 'undo'), ('<ctrl-shift-t>', 'undo'), ('gg', 'scroll-perc 0'), ('G', 'scroll-perc'), ('n', 'search-next'), ('N', 'search-prev'), ('i', 'enter-mode insert'), ('v', 'enter-mode caret'), ('`', 'enter-mode set_mark'), ("'", 'enter-mode jump_mark'), ('yy', 'yank'), ('yY', 'yank -s'), ('yt', 'yank title'), ('yT', 'yank title -s'), ('yd', 'yank domain'), ('yD', 'yank domain -s'), ('yp', 'yank pretty-url'), ('yP', 'yank pretty-url -s'), ('pp', 'open -- {clipboard}'), ('pP', 'open -- {primary}'), ('Pp', 'open -t -- {clipboard}'), ('PP', 'open -t -- {primary}'), ('wp', 'open -w -- {clipboard}'), ('wP', 'open -w -- {primary}'), ('m', 'quickmark-save'), ('b', 'set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load'), ('B', 'set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load -t'), ('wb', 'set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load -w'), ('M', 'bookmark-add'), ('gb', 'set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load'), ('gB', 'set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load -t'), ('wB', 'set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load -w'), ('sf', 'save'), ('ss', 'set-cmd-text -s :set'), ('sl', 'set-cmd-text -s :set -t'), ('sk', 'set-cmd-text -s :bind'), ('-', 'zoom-out'), ('+', 'zoom-in'), ('=', 'zoom'), ('[[', 'navigate prev'), (']]', 'navigate next'), ('{{', 'navigate prev -t'), ('}}', 'navigate next -t'), ('gu', 'navigate up'), ('gU', 'navigate up -t'), ('<ctrl-a>', 'navigate increment'), ('<ctrl-x>', 'navigate decrement'), ('wi', 'inspector'), ('gd', 'download'), ('ad', 'download-cancel'), ('cd', 'download-clear'), ('gf', 'view-source'), ('gt', 'set-cmd-text -s :buffer'), ('<ctrl-tab>', 'tab-focus last'), ('<ctrl-v>', 'enter-mode passthrough'), ('<ctrl-q>', 'quit'), ('<ctrl-f>', 'scroll-page 0 1'), ('<ctrl-b>', 'scroll-page 0 -1'), ('<ctrl-d>', 'scroll-page 0 0.5'), ('<ctrl-u>', 'scroll-page 0 -0.5'), ('<alt-1>', 'tab-focus 1'), ('<alt-2>', 'tab-focus 2'), ('<alt-3>', 'tab-focus 3'), ('<alt-4>', 'tab-focus 4'), ('<alt-5>', 'tab-focus 5'), ('<alt-6>', 'tab-focus 6'), ('<alt-7>', 'tab-focus 7'), ('<alt-8>', 'tab-focus 8'), ('<alt-9>', 'tab-focus 9'), ('<ctrl-h>', 'home'), ('<ctrl-s>', 'stop'), ('<ctrl-alt-p>', 'print'), ('Ss', 'open qute:settings'), ('<return>', 'follow-selected'), ('<ctrl-m>', 'follow-selected'), ('<ctrl-j>', 'follow-selected'), ('<shift-return>', 'follow-selected'), ('<enter>', 'follow-selected'), ('<shift-enter>', 'follow-selected'), ('<ctrl-return>', 'follow-selected -t'), ('<ctrl-enter>', 'follow-selected -t'), ('.', 'repeat-command'), ('/', 'set-cmd-text /'), ('?', 'set-cmd-text ?'), (':', 'set-cmd-text :'), ('q', 'record-macro'), ('@', 'run-macro')])), ('insert', OrderedDict([('<ctrl-e>', 'open-editor'), ('<shift-ins>', 'insert-text {primary}')])), ('hint', OrderedDict([('<return>', 'follow-hint'), ('<ctrl-m>', 'follow-hint'), ('<ctrl-j>', 'follow-hint'), ('<shift-return>', 'follow-hint'), ('<enter>', 'follow-hint'), ('<shift-enter>', 'follow-hint'), ('<ctrl-r>', 'hint --rapid links tab-bg'), ('<ctrl-f>', 'hint links'), ('<ctrl-b>', 'hint all tab-bg')])), ('command', OrderedDict([('<ctrl-p>', 'command-history-prev'), ('<ctrl-n>', 'command-history-next'), ('<shift-tab>', 'completion-item-focus prev'), ('<up>', 'completion-item-focus prev'), ('<tab>', 'completion-item-focus next'), ('<down>', 'completion-item-focus next'), ('<ctrl-d>', 'completion-item-del'), ('<return>', 'command-accept'), ('<ctrl-m>', 'command-accept'), ('<ctrl-j>', 'command-accept'), ('<shift-return>', 'command-accept'), ('<enter>', 'command-accept'), ('<shift-enter>', 'command-accept'), ('<ctrl-tab>', 'completion-item-focus next-category'), ('<ctrl-shift-tab>', 'completion-item-focus prev-category')])), ('prompt', OrderedDict([('<return>', 'prompt-accept'), ('<ctrl-m>', 'prompt-accept'), ('<ctrl-j>', 'prompt-accept'), ('<shift-return>', 'prompt-accept'), ('<enter>', 'prompt-accept'), ('<shift-enter>', 'prompt-accept'), ('y', 'prompt-accept yes'), ('n', 'prompt-accept no'), ('<ctrl-x>', 'prompt-open-download'), ('<shift-tab>', 'prompt-item-focus prev'), ('<up>', 'prompt-item-focus prev'), ('<tab>', 'prompt-item-focus next'), ('<down>', 'prompt-item-focus next')])), ('command,prompt', OrderedDict([('<ctrl-b>', 'rl-backward-char'), ('<ctrl-f>', 'rl-forward-char'), ('<alt-b>', 'rl-backward-word'), ('<alt-f>', 'rl-forward-word'), ('<ctrl-a>', 'rl-beginning-of-line'), ('<ctrl-e>', 'rl-end-of-line'), ('<ctrl-u>', 'rl-unix-line-discard'), ('<ctrl-k>', 'rl-kill-line'), ('<alt-d>', 'rl-kill-word'), ('<ctrl-w>', 'rl-unix-word-rubout'), ('<alt-backspace>', 'rl-unix-word-rubout'), ('<ctrl-y>', 'rl-yank'), ('<ctrl-?>', 'rl-delete-char'), ('<ctrl-h>', 'rl-backward-delete-char')])), ('caret', OrderedDict([('v', 'toggle-selection'), ('<space>', 'toggle-selection'), ('<ctrl-space>', 'drop-selection'), ('c', 'enter-mode normal'), ('j', 'move-to-next-line'), ('k', 'move-to-prev-line'), ('l', 'move-to-next-char'), ('h', 'move-to-prev-char'), ('e', 'move-to-end-of-word'), ('w', 'move-to-next-word'), ('b', 'move-to-prev-word'), (']', 'move-to-start-of-next-block'), ('[', 'move-to-start-of-prev-block'), ('}', 'move-to-end-of-next-block'), ('{', 'move-to-end-of-prev-block'), ('0', 'move-to-start-of-line'), ('$', 'move-to-end-of-line'), ('gg', 'move-to-start-of-document'), ('G', 'move-to-end-of-document'), ('Y', 'yank selection -s'), ('y', 'yank selection'), ('<return>', 'yank selection'), ('<ctrl-m>', 'yank selection'), ('<ctrl-j>', 'yank selection'), ('<shift-return>', 'yank selection'), ('<enter>', 'yank selection'), ('<shift-enter>', 'yank selection'), ('H', 'scroll left'), ('J', 'scroll down'), ('K', 'scroll up'), ('L', 'scroll right')]))])
  56. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  57. 11:19:18 DEBUG save savemanager:mark_dirty:72 Marking key-config as dirty.
  58. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  59. 11:19:18 DEBUG init ini:__init__:54 Reading config from /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser/state
  60. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  61. 11:19:18 DEBUG init lineparser:__init__:223 Reading /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser/cmd-history
  62. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  63. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:397 Initializing web history...
  64. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  65. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:400 Initializing crashlog...
  66. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  67. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  68. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:404 Initializing sessions...
  69. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  70. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:407 Initializing websettings...
  71. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for CacheLocation: /home/stephan/.cache/qutebrowser
  72. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  73. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:410 Initializing adblock...
  74. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  75. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  76. 11:19:18 INFO message message:info:75 Run :adblock-update to get adblock lists.
  77. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:415 Initializing quickmarks...
  78. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  79. 11:19:18 DEBUG init lineparser:__init__:223 Reading /home/stephan/.config/qutebrowser/quickmarks
  80. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  81. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:419 Initializing bookmarks...
  82. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  83. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  84. 11:19:18 DEBUG init lineparser:__init__:223 Reading /home/stephan/.config/qutebrowser/bookmarks/urls
  85. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for ConfigLocation: /home/stephan/.config
  86. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:423 Initializing cookies...
  87. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for AppLocalDataLocation: /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser
  88. 11:19:18 DEBUG init lineparser:__init__:223 Reading /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser/cookies
  89. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:429 Initializing cache...
  90. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:143 writable location for CacheLocation: /home/stephan/.cache/qutebrowser
  91. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:433 Initializing completions...
  92. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:436 Misc initialization...
  93. 11:19:18 DEBUG init webenginetab:init:55 Initializing qute:* handler...
  94. 11:19:18 DEBUG init webenginetab:init:59 Initializing request interceptor...
  95. 11:19:18 DEBUG init webenginetab:init:65 Initializing QtWebEngine downloads...
  96. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:init:147 Initializing eventfilter...
  97. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:init:152 Connecting signals...
  98. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:init:163 Init done!
  99. 11:19:18 DEBUG save savemanager:save:97 Save of key-config requested - dirty True, save_on_exit False, is_exit False, force False -> True
  100. 11:19:18 DEBUG destroy keyconf:save:144 Saving key config to /home/stephan/.config/qutebrowser/keys.conf
  101. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_process_args:195 Initializing main window...
  102. 11:19:18 DEBUG init mainwindow:_init_downloadmanager:260 Initializing downloads...
  103. 11:19:18 DEBUG init networkmanager:__init__:139 Initializing NetworkManager
  104. 11:19:18 DEBUG init networkmanager:__init__:144 NetworkManager init done
  105. 11:19:18 DEBUG statusbar bar:_hide_cmd_widget:269 Hiding cmd widget
  106. 11:19:18 DEBUG init mainwindow:__init__:179 Initializing modes...
  107. 11:19:18 DEBUG init mainwindow:_load_geometry:366 Loading mainwindow from b'\x01\xd9\xd0\xcb\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x03\xba\x00\x00\x043\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x03\xb6\x00\x00\x04/\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x07\x80'
  108. 11:19:18 DEBUG init mainwindow:__init__:205 Initial main window geometry: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(4, 4, 943, 1064)
  109. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_open_startpage:306 Opening startpage
  110. 11:19:18 DEBUG url urlutils:get_path_if_valid:360 Checking if '' is a path
  111. 11:19:18 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:193 URL is a fuzzy address
  112. 11:19:18 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:196 Converting fuzzy term '' to URL ->
  113. 11:19:18 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:tabopen:377 Creating new tab with URL PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl(''), background None, explicit False, idx None
  114. 11:19:18 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:_get_new_tab_idx:439 new-tab-position next -> opening new tab at -1, next left: 0 / right: 0
  115. 11:19:18 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_current_changed:587 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>
  116. 11:19:18 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:283 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
  117. 11:19:18 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:283 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
  118. 11:19:18 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:283 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
  119. 11:19:18 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:283 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
  120. 11:19:18 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:507 Changing title for idx 0 to ''
  121. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_process_args:206 Init finished after 1.181032s
  122. 11:19:18 DEBUG init app:_init_late_modules:447 Reading web history...
  123. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:255 new geometry for <qutebrowser.mainwindow.messageview.MessageView object at 0x7f63900ad048>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 1050, 944, 1)
  124. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPushButton object at 0x7f63900ad9d8>
  125. 11:19:18 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  126. 11:19:19 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPushButton object at 0x7f63900ada68>
  127. 11:19:19 DEBUG init debug:__exit__:260 Reading history took 0.156592 seconds.
  128. 11:19:19 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:587 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>: LoadStatus.loading
  129. 11:19:19 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_status_changed('loading') (tab 0)
  130. 11:19:19 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_started() (tab 0)
  131. 11:19:19 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:283 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
  132. 11:19:19 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:283 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
  133. 11:19:19 DEBUG webview webview:acceptNavigationRequest:303 navigation request: url, type NavigationTypeTyped, is_main_frame True
  134. 11:19:19 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  135. 11:19:19 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPushButton object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  136. 11:19:19 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  137. 11:19:20 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_url_changed(PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl('')) (tab 0)
  138. 11:19:20 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:507 Changing title for idx 0 to ''
  139. 11:19:20 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:507 Changing title for idx 0 to 'DuckDuckGo'
  140. 11:19:20 DEBUG webview webview:acceptNavigationRequest:303 navigation request: url, type NavigationTypeLinkClicked, is_main_frame False
  141. nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such file or directory
  142. nouveau: ch5: krec 0 pushes 0 bufs 2 relocs 0
  143. nouveau: ch5: buf 00000000 00000002 00000004 00000004 00000000
  144. nouveau: ch5: buf 00000001 00000006 00000004 00000000 00000004
  145. 11:19:21 DEBUG save savemanager:mark_dirty:72 Marking history as dirty.
  146. 11:19:21 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:587 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>: LoadStatus.success_https
  147. 11:19:21 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_status_changed('success_https') (tab 0)
  148. 11:19:21 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_finished(True) (tab 0)
  149. 11:19:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPushButton object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  150. 11:19:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  151. 11:19:24 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMenu object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  152. 11:19:25 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  153. 11:19:25 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  154. 11:19:26 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  155. 11:19:26 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  156. 11:19:26 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  157. 11:19:28 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  158. 11:19:29 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  159. 11:19:29 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  160. 11:19:30 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  161. 11:19:31 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  162. 11:19:31 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  163. 11:19:32 DEBUG destroy lineparser:_after_save:82 Saved to /home/stephan/.local/share/qutebrowser/history
  164. 11:19:33 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  165. 11:19:34 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  166. 11:19:34 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  167. 11:19:34 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  168. 11:19:34 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  169. 11:19:35 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  170. 11:19:35 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  171. 11:19:35 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: None
  172. 11:19:57 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  173. 11:20:00 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  174. 11:20:21 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget object at 0x7f63900adca8>
  175. 11:20:21 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:418 Got element from JS: {'tag_name': 'BODY', 'id': 0, 'outer_xml': '<body id="pg-index" class="page-index body--home body--onboarding">\n\t<script type="text/javascript">\nvar settings_js_version = "/s2042.js",\n locale = "en_US";\n</script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/locales/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/duckduckgo-duckduckgo+sprintf+gettext+locale-simple.20170115.002900.js"></script>\n<script type="text/javascript" src="/d2042.js"></script>\n\n\n\n<script type="text/javascript">\n = new DDG.Pages.Home();\n</script>\n\n\n\n\t<div class="site-wrapper site-wrapper--home js-site-wrapper">\n\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t<div class="header-wrap--home js-header-wrap"><div class="header--aside"><a class="header__button--menu js-side-menu-open" href="#">⇶</a></div></div>\n\n\t\t\t<div id="" class="content-wrap--home">\n\t\t\t <div id="content_homepage" class="content--home">\n\t\t\t\t<div class="cw--c">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="logo-wrap--home">\n\t\t\t<a id="logo_homepage_link" class="logo_homepage onboar…
  176. 11:20:21 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:252 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<body id="pg-index" class="page-index body--home body--onboarding"><script type="text/javascript">var settings_js_version = "/s2042.js",locale = "en_US";</script><script type="text/javascript" src="/locales/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/duckduckgo-duckduckgo+sprintf+gettext+locale-simple.20170115.002900.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/d2042.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> = new DDG.Pages.Home();</script><div class="site-wrapper site-wrapper--home js-site-wrapper"><d…'>
  177. 11:20:21 DEBUG mouse mouse:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:151 Clicked non-editable element!
  178. 11:20:21 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:283 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
  179. 11:20:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
  180. 11:20:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:112 No special binding found for o.
  181. 11:20:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:112 Got key: 0x4f / text: 'o'
  182. 11:20:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:112 Definitive match for 'o'.
  183. 11:20:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:112 discarding keystring 'o'.
  184. 11:20:22 DEBUG commands command:run:509 command called: set-cmd-text ['-s', ':open']
  185. 11:20:22 DEBUG commands command:run:524 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.set_cmd_text_command(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, ':open', True, False)
  186. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  187. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  188. 11:20:22 DEBUG modes command:set_cmd_text:87 Setting command text, focusing <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
  189. 11:20:22 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:237 Entering mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd focus)
  190. 11:20:22 DEBUG statusbar text:set_text:55 Setting normal text to '-- COMMAND MODE --'.
  191. 11:20:22 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:236 Setting command_active to True
  192. 11:20:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
  193. 11:20:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget object at 0x7f63900ade58>
  194. 11:20:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
  195. 11:20:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: True, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  196. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' '] around position 5
  197. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '' []
  198. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] []
  199. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  200. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  201. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion instances:_init_url_completion:54 Initializing URL completion.
  202. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Url completion init took 0.003776 seconds.
  203. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern ''
  204. 11:20:22 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:255 new geometry for <qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 518, 944, 533)
  205. 11:20:22 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000278 seconds.
  206. 11:20:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: True
  207. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  208. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  209. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  210. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  211. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 1'] around position 6
  212. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '1' []
  213. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 1 []
  214. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  215. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  216. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '1'
  217. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000139 seconds.
  218. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  219. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  220. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  221. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  222. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  223. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10'] around position 7
  224. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10' []
  225. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10 []
  226. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  227. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  228. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10'
  229. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000246 seconds.
  230. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  231. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  232. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  233. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  234. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  235. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10f'] around position 8
  236. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10f' []
  237. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10f []
  238. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  239. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  240. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10f'
  241. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000196 seconds.
  242. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  243. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  244. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  245. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  246. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fa'] around position 9
  247. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fa' []
  248. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fa []
  249. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  250. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  251. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fa'
  252. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000199 seconds.
  253. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  254. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  255. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  256. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  257. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fas'] around position 10
  258. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fas' []
  259. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fas []
  260. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  261. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  262. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fas'
  263. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000356 seconds.
  264. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  265. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  266. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  267. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  268. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  269. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fast'] around position 11
  270. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fast' []
  271. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fast []
  272. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  273. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  274. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fast'
  275. 11:20:23 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000262 seconds.
  276. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  277. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  278. 11:20:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  279. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  280. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  281. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  282. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  283. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fastf'] around position 12
  284. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fastf' []
  285. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fastf []
  286. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  287. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  288. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fastf'
  289. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000265 seconds.
  290. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  291. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  292. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  293. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  294. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  295. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fastfi'] around position 13
  296. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fastfi' []
  297. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fastfi []
  298. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  299. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  300. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fastfi'
  301. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000208 seconds.
  302. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  303. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  304. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  305. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  306. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  307. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fastfin'] around position 14
  308. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fastfin' []
  309. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fastfin []
  310. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  311. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  312. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fastfin'
  313. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000211 seconds.
  314. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  315. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  316. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  317. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  318. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fastfing'] around position 15
  319. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fastfing' []
  320. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fastfing []
  321. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  322. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  323. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fastfing'
  324. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000222 seconds.
  325. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  326. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  327. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  328. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  329. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fastfinge'] around position 16
  330. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fastfinge' []
  331. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fastfinge []
  332. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  333. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  334. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fastfinge'
  335. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000322 seconds.
  336. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  337. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  338. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  339. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  340. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  341. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  342. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fastfinger'] around position 17
  343. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fastfinger' []
  344. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fastfinger []
  345. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  346. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  347. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fastfinger'
  348. 11:20:24 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.00022 seconds.
  349. 11:20:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  350. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  351. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  352. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  353. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  354. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  355. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fastfingers'] around position 18
  356. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fastfingers' []
  357. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fastfingers []
  358. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  359. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  360. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fastfingers'
  361. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000226 seconds.
  362. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  363. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  364. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  365. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  366. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fastfingers.'] around position 19
  367. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fastfingers.' []
  368. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fastfingers. []
  369. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  370. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  371. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fastfingers.'
  372. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000242 seconds.
  373. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  374. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  375. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  376. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  377. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  378. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  379. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ' 10fastfingers.c'] around position 20
  380. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '10fastfingers.c' []
  381. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] 10fastfingers.c []
  382. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  383. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  384. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern '10fastfingers.c'
  385. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000293 seconds.
  386. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  387. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  388. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  389. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  390. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ''] around position 21
  391. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '' []
  392. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] []
  393. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  394. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  395. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern ''
  396. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.00042 seconds.
  397. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  398. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  399. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: False, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  400. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  401. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  402. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:162 partitioning ['open', ''] around position 22
  403. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:174 partitioned: ['open'] '' []
  404. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:249 Updating completion: ['open'] []
  405. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 Before removing flags: ['open']
  406. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:109 After removing flags: ['open']
  407. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:256 Setting completion model to UrlCompletionModel with pattern ''
  408. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:260 Setting filter pattern took 0.000301 seconds.
  409. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  410. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: False
  411. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:166 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command' warn=True>
  412. 11:20:25 DEBUG commands command:run:509 command called: command-accept
  413. 11:20:25 DEBUG commands command:run:524 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.command_accept(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
  414. 11:20:25 DEBUG save savemanager:mark_dirty:72 Marking command-history as dirty.
  415. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:289 Leaving mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd accept)
  416. 11:20:25 DEBUG statusbar text:set_text:55 Setting normal text to ''.
  417. 11:20:25 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:236 Setting command_active to False
  418. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:222 Scheduling completion update.
  419. 11:20:25 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:219 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
  420. 11:20:25 DEBUG statusbar bar:_hide_cmd_widget:269 Hiding cmd widget
  421. 11:20:25 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
  422. 11:20:25 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.text.Text text=''>
  423. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_mode_left:570 Left status-input mode, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>
  424. 11:20:25 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget object at 0x7f63780d1048>
  425. 11:20:25 DEBUG commands command:run:509 command called: open ['']
  426. 11:20:25 DEBUG commands command:run:524 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.openurl(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False, False, False, False, None)
  427. 11:20:25 DEBUG url urlutils:get_path_if_valid:360 Checking if '' is a path
  428. 11:20:25 DEBUG url urlutils:is_url:245 Checking if '' is a URL (autosearch=naive).
  429. 11:20:25 DEBUG url urlutils:is_url:282 Checking via naive check
  430. 11:20:25 DEBUG url urlutils:is_url:286 url = True
  431. 11:20:25 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:193 URL is a fuzzy address
  432. 11:20:25 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:196 Converting fuzzy term '' to URL ->
  433. 11:20:25 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:507 Changing title for idx 0 to ''
  434. 11:20:25 DEBUG mouse mouse:eventFilter:56 <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webview.WebEngineView object at 0x7f63900ad5e8> got new child <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget object at 0x7f63780d30d8>, installing filter
  435. 11:20:25 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget object at 0x7f63780d3048>
  436. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keypress:191 handled: True, forward-unbound-keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget object at 0x7f63780d3048>)
  437. 11:20:25 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:587 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>: LoadStatus.loading
  438. 11:20:25 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_status_changed('loading') (tab 0)
  439. 11:20:25 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_started() (tab 0)
  440. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:283 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
  441. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:283 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
  442. 11:20:25 DEBUG webview webview:acceptNavigationRequest:303 navigation request: url, type NavigationTypeTyped, is_main_frame True
  443. 11:20:25 DEBUG webview webview:acceptNavigationRequest:303 navigation request: url, type NavigationTypeTyped, is_main_frame True
  444. 11:20:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_eventFilter_keyrelease:211 filter: True
  445. 11:20:26 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:768 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget object at 0x7f63780d60d8>
  446. 11:20:26 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_url_changed(PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl('')) (tab 0)
  447. 11:20:26 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:507 Changing title for idx 0 to ''
  448. 11:20:26 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:507 Changing title for idx 0 to ' - Typing Test, Competitions, Practice & Typing Games'
  449. python3: pushbuf.c:727: nouveau_pushbuf_data: Assertion `kref' failed.
  450. zsh: abort qutebrowser --backend=webengine --debug
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