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Sep 26th, 2016
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  1. Actually rioting is a sociological human reaction & by it's nature it cannot be controlled. It happens when the injustices have been pushed too far and is spontaneous & not logical, so no amount of people who are not in the social class affected whining about it will make a difference or stop it happening. What will stop it happening and this has been known for hundreds if not thousands of years is, addressing the issue being protested and taking steps to resolve it or even register the protest. Even hundreds of years ago kings and landowners avoided rioting whenever they could because they knew where it could lead and many laws and taxes were repealed because of this. It's very easy to sit in judgement when a given issue is unlikely to affect you. Even me, as a middle aged white man in Europe am ground down by the endless videos of unarmed POC being killed by police as any intelligent compassionate person who gives a shit about how the state treats people should be & am shocked and disgusted that nothing is being done about it. Sadly part of the problem and what is contributing to this situation is that seemingly some people care more about property than human life.
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